What I dislike the most in Street Fighter 6 is that it is VERY lenient with the inputs (ignoring modern control, only talking about classic). In Street Fighter 4 an unfocussed player could mess up the inputs for a Shoryuken in the heat of the battle and do a Hadoken instead. Just one of many examples. That could make it frustrating, because as a casual player, you want to see quick successes without trying too hard. And thats where Street Fighter 6's system kicks in. It is very forgiving. It's probably impossible to mess up the inputs for a Cammy cannon spike when you intended to do it. If you want to do a certain move, you will get it. No matter if the inputs werent entirely accurate. The game helps you to pull it off. That's why SF6 has such a large audience. It is far more easy and forgiving, so Players who weren't good enough in previous games to make specialmoves, combos and links consistently, now have one sense of achievement after another. The dopamine level in the brain is consistently high. And you now have the new and unused feeling of finally being "good" at fighting games.
@@Shin-iv6yc I’ve noticed that they changed lots of special inputs from half to quarter circle, that’s a big difference in the ease of use for some characters.
It really was. I think it was the best game in recent fighting games to do a wonderful job of implementing technical aspects for the hardcore competitive scene, but also helping new players get into fighting games. It worked, because then we got MK9, skull girls, MVC3, KOF12, and so much more.
It just felt like you could always improve man. Like the skill ceiling was so high. To this day, theres still shit i cannot do with Viper and Ibuki for instance. I also STILL cannot walk U1 with Gief too.
Forgot to adds: Specific hurt and hitboxes increased match up knowledge and forced players to pay attention and make adjustments in match ups, one frame links increased skill gap and rewarded players who took the time to learn it, training mode you had to sit on your own and record things and test frame data YOURSELF without the game telling you it in a graph, real chip damage made defensive characters a threat in neutral, meterless reversals made it so defensive options were always available, comboing into ultras always costed some of EX gauge, there was very little moves in the game that "skipped neutral" like drive rush does.
I agree with a lot of what you said, but with the ultra choice you have to take into account that the game was like 7+ years old before they added that feature. Street fighter 6 has just started and has many years to come, who says they won't change how level 3 supers work and add more of them later as choices. Also you talk about how much better the focus system was, but do you really want basically a Street fighter 4.5? We had Street fighter 4 for like 10 years and I don't think people want to see the same mechanic again, the drive system is the closes you can get while still keeping the system somewhat fresh.
The focus is still better than what SFV and 6 currently offer. So yea, if they did nothing remake SF4 with updated graphics, it would be better than V and 6 easy.
The one thing, for me at least, that keeps me gong back to 4 is Oni. He might not be competitive, but man.. what a fun character. I LOVE the mix up from demonslash possibly passing through and hitting behind. His launching super was always so feel good. SF6's juri's lvl3 super is close, but its just not the same.
Thats what made 4 fun. Characters felt special and unique and there was a character for every playstyle ! :) Not everyone just did Drive rush or drive rush cancel to stuff.
Street Fighter 4 has its good moments as well as its bad moments, as does street fighter 6. I liked the way it did its rival battles better as each character had a different response depending on the finisher used and also the rival was also allowed the same treatment as the player character in terms of finisher speeches depending on the finisher used. I liked the interactions in SF4 better than in SF6. SF6 had better ways of doing supers as having multiple supers at different levels can be fun and the Critical Art super being a souped up version of the LV3 is cool. It’s just that the ultra combos are cooler and more interesting to watch.
What I liked about 4 was that I would play it for so long while high , the 3D effect would increase until it looked like there were 2 dolls Fighting on the desk lol Best game ever. It was a lifestyle .
Hell yeah man. I met one of my best friends from college playing SF4 high all the time. I went to SCSU in CT and we used to drive down every Thursday night to New London, CT and play from 8pm til like 2am and then i'd wakeup and go to class at 9am. Was so great to gradually get better as i smoked. Felt like i would always understand the game better. Dudleys overheads landed more often and ibuki SJC u2 landed more lol
Sf6 and fighting games in general just feel overtuned. The real discussion that should be had is why are Fighting Games being made with the SPECTATORS in mind. Half of the design decisions can be boiled down to making it a better experience for spectators instead of actual players. Fighting games have never had this philosophy until recently, which is why they all feel like trash.
@@canonsprite Incredibly true. I just hate how SF6 is designed around a system mechanic, and not the individual characters. You used to play a game and be like "Whoa i like how this character feels im going to use them!" and now its, "I think this character uses the system mechanic the best o my liking so ill use them" And its ironic the games are designed for the spectator and the fun of watching them, but the last time i TEULY enjoyed watching fighters was still the UMVC3 and SF4 era. I uaed to LOVE the technical aspect of each individual character.
I like SF6, but I find myself just going back to 4 and 5 because the rosters are already complete, including all the additional attires, etc. It would currently cost me about $100 just to purchase Outfit 3 for the entire SF6 roster. I just can’t do that in good conscience. Also, I just adore the cartoonish art style of SF4.
USF4 is the definitive SF of modern times. Just like SF2 Turbo was back in the day. 5 got worse, and 6 is a bit better and more fun for casual players. But I prefer 4 the most! I agree, the art style of 4 is amazing! and I love the customization of the characters. You had more choice to be a unique player.
What I dig about combos in SF4 is that there's an element of risk to them, especially with the 1-frame links. Yes, those links were pretty difficult, but linking heavier buttons wasn't 100 percent necessary to be decent to good at the game. If you want to be good enough to be top-level players, you'll need them to be able to maximize your damage when and where the situation calls for it, but you don't NEED them to be good at the game on a basic level. Damage is generous enough per hit that you feel like you're doing something whenever you touch somebody. And to return to your point at the start of the video, it's a choice you have to make while you're in a match. Do I stick with the safer and easier option to link Lights together and get a little damage? Or do I go for the higher damage and risk possibly dropping the combo at the wrong time? It helps differentiate two players from one another a lot more. In AFV and SF6, they made combos so much easier to do via the input buffering that there is no reason whatsoever to NOT go for max damage every time you have the chance. And seeing the same combos repeatedly gets boring both to watch and to do.
@@pkphantom Gonna need to cite your source there. As far as I remember, Super saw a huge surge of people which then dropped off in AE when Yun dominance was rampant and went to play MvC3. Devs changing things to keep attention is a zoomer thing that began at the very end of the PS3 era and took off in the PS4. The 3S community is probably stronger now than it ever was in the early 2000s and nothing has changed in 20 years.
my three main issues with SF6: 1) non-cancelable normals (5MK, 5HK on Ryu/Ken for example) are nearly useless without *GREAT* spacing thanks to Drive Impact. being allowed to always react to drive impact with your own, no matter what move youre currently using would instantly fix this issue and dramatically increase depth. Ever notice the game actually feels like street fighter when both players are in burnout? you can use all your buttons 2) modern controls (4️⃣) being allowed in the same queue as classic controls(6️⃣) not an issue at the higher levels of rank, a GIGANTIC issue for new comers and scrubs (aka most players that play these games). your average player doesnt have the skill to hit-confirm and fully execute combos. modern controls do that for you. This is literally an unfair advantage and it means the classic controls player isnt actually facing someone at their skill level. 1 button specials is also beyond stupid. im sure two out of my six classic controls buttons being dogwater (thx DI) has nothing to do with modern controls being a 4 button game. nothing at all. 3) the input interpreter is horrible. too many times i do and get nothing or i get a fireball (also vice-versa). i really do enjoy and love SF6 but those three things feel like such fundamental oversights, im surprised no one bring them up 24/7
Random Drive Impacts, Random drive rish, random mashing, random buttons, 50/50 wakeups, hardly any (real) option selects, random random random. Scrubby game. As scrubby as SFV, but for different reasons. Slowly losing any interest in SF6, which is a shame because I really wanted to love this game...
i feel the EXACT same. I hated SF5, took time off, saw SF6 and was hyped and truly wanted to get into it and give it a great shot. Bored with it already and think the game is so easy. Everyone can play it and just do stuff and its really easy to understand. Snorefest sadly.
sf6 also looks ugly compared to old cel shaded sf4. it made sf4 feel different and special (stylish even) in its own way compared to other fighting games of that time. when i watched sf6 trailer it just looked plain like to attract modern audience using the same style as NFS Unbound did with its cartoony special effects, neon and etc etc. You can tell Capcom knew what they were doing back then, because their mission was to make a game FIGHTING players would enjoy, not average consumer.
I just went back to SF4 today, with no regrets
What I dislike the most in Street Fighter 6 is that it is VERY lenient with the inputs (ignoring modern control, only talking about classic). In Street Fighter 4 an unfocussed player could mess up the inputs for a Shoryuken in the heat of the battle and do a Hadoken instead. Just one of many examples.
That could make it frustrating, because as a casual player, you want to see quick successes without trying too hard. And thats where Street Fighter 6's system kicks in. It is very forgiving. It's probably impossible to mess up the inputs for a Cammy cannon spike when you intended to do it. If you want to do a certain move, you will get it. No matter if the inputs werent entirely accurate. The game helps you to pull it off.
That's why SF6 has such a large audience. It is far more easy and forgiving, so Players who weren't good enough in previous games to make specialmoves, combos and links consistently, now have one sense of achievement after another. The dopamine level in the brain is consistently high. And you now have the new and unused feeling of finally being "good" at fighting games.
I hope the english is fine. No nativespeaker.
@@Shin-iv6yc I’ve noticed that they changed lots of special inputs from half to quarter circle, that’s a big difference in the ease of use for some characters.
GOAT fighter 4
It really was. I think it was the best game in recent fighting games to do a wonderful job of implementing technical aspects for the hardcore competitive scene, but also helping new players get into fighting games. It worked, because then we got MK9, skull girls, MVC3, KOF12, and so much more.
Game play I agree, 4 just felt better than 5 and 6 don't know why
It just felt like you could always improve man. Like the skill ceiling was so high. To this day, theres still shit i cannot do with Viper and Ibuki for instance. I also STILL cannot walk U1 with Gief too.
Forgot to adds:
Specific hurt and hitboxes increased match up knowledge and forced players to pay attention and make adjustments in match ups, one frame links increased skill gap and rewarded players who took the time to learn it, training mode you had to sit on your own and record things and test frame data YOURSELF without the game telling you it in a graph, real chip damage made defensive characters a threat in neutral, meterless reversals made it so defensive options were always available, comboing into ultras always costed some of EX gauge, there was very little moves in the game that "skipped neutral" like drive rush does.
The game doesnt have tons of hit stun on every freaking move slowing combat down for scrubs.
IV is by far the best SF game
I agree with a lot of what you said, but with the ultra choice you have to take into account that the game was like 7+ years old before they added that feature. Street fighter 6 has just started and has many years to come, who says they won't change how level 3 supers work and add more of them later as choices. Also you talk about how much better the focus system was, but do you really want basically a Street fighter 4.5? We had Street fighter 4 for like 10 years and I don't think people want to see the same mechanic again, the drive system is the closes you can get while still keeping the system somewhat fresh.
The focus is still better than what SFV and 6 currently offer. So yea, if they did nothing remake SF4 with updated graphics, it would be better than V and 6 easy.
@@LawlessGaming13 Damn, my dude just wants sf4 on repeat for 30+ years 😂
@@jupiterapollo4985 Hey if they cant do better so be it. Better that than play with new trash for 30 years
The game wast seven years od when they introduced second ultra
sf4 is the best sf game period
The one thing, for me at least, that keeps me gong back to 4 is Oni. He might not be competitive, but man.. what a fun character. I LOVE the mix up from demonslash possibly passing through and hitting behind. His launching super was always so feel good. SF6's juri's lvl3 super is close, but its just not the same.
I recently discovered his fun gameplay. What a blast!
Thats what made 4 fun. Characters felt special and unique and there was a character for every playstyle ! :) Not everyone just did Drive rush or drive rush cancel to stuff.
Hey bud. I like the video, may I use some clips from this to make a response video? There’s no ill intent. You just inspired me to make one lol.
@@Heizeuss Yeah! Please do and thanks for asking I appreciate that! Link me when done cause i want to see!
@ thank you. I appreciate it. It probably won’t come out until after the holidays. But I’ll tag you.
Street Fighter 4 has its good moments as well as its bad moments, as does street fighter 6. I liked the way it did its rival battles better as each character had a different response depending on the finisher used and also the rival was also allowed the same treatment as the player character in terms of finisher speeches depending on the finisher used. I liked the interactions in SF4 better than in SF6. SF6 had better ways of doing supers as having multiple supers at different levels can be fun and the Critical Art super being a souped up version of the LV3 is cool. It’s just that the ultra combos are cooler and more interesting to watch.
Usf4 way more better but its cannot playable these days as a nonhardcore player everyone plays like a god
What I liked about 4 was that I would play it for so long while high , the 3D effect would increase until it looked like there were 2 dolls
Fighting on the desk lol
Best game ever. It was a lifestyle .
Hell yeah man. I met one of my best friends from college playing SF4 high all the time. I went to SCSU in CT and we used to drive down every Thursday night to New London, CT and play from 8pm til like 2am and then i'd wakeup and go to class at 9am. Was so great to gradually get better as i smoked. Felt like i would always understand the game better. Dudleys overheads landed more often and ibuki SJC u2 landed more lol
Sf6 and fighting games in general just feel overtuned. The real discussion that should be had is why are Fighting Games being made with the SPECTATORS in mind.
Half of the design decisions can be boiled down to making it a better experience for spectators instead of actual players.
Fighting games have never had this philosophy until recently, which is why they all feel like trash.
@@canonsprite Incredibly true. I just hate how SF6 is designed around a system mechanic, and not the individual characters. You used to play a game and be like "Whoa i like how this character feels im going to use them!" and now its, "I think this character uses the system mechanic the best o my liking so ill use them"
And its ironic the games are designed for the spectator and the fun of watching them, but the last time i TEULY enjoyed watching fighters was still the UMVC3 and SF4 era. I uaed to LOVE the technical aspect of each individual character.
I like SF6, but I find myself just going back to 4 and 5 because the rosters are already complete, including all the additional attires, etc. It would currently cost me about $100 just to purchase Outfit 3 for the entire SF6 roster. I just can’t do that in good conscience. Also, I just adore the cartoonish art style of SF4.
USF4 is the definitive SF of modern times. Just like SF2 Turbo was back in the day. 5 got worse, and 6 is a bit better and more fun for casual players. But I prefer 4 the most! I agree, the art style of 4 is amazing! and I love the customization of the characters. You had more choice to be a unique player.
What I dig about combos in SF4 is that there's an element of risk to them, especially with the 1-frame links. Yes, those links were pretty difficult, but linking heavier buttons wasn't 100 percent necessary to be decent to good at the game. If you want to be good enough to be top-level players, you'll need them to be able to maximize your damage when and where the situation calls for it, but you don't NEED them to be good at the game on a basic level. Damage is generous enough per hit that you feel like you're doing something whenever you touch somebody.
And to return to your point at the start of the video, it's a choice you have to make while you're in a match. Do I stick with the safer and easier option to link Lights together and get a little damage? Or do I go for the higher damage and risk possibly dropping the combo at the wrong time? It helps differentiate two players from one another a lot more. In AFV and SF6, they made combos so much easier to do via the input buffering that there is no reason whatsoever to NOT go for max damage every time you have the chance. And seeing the same combos repeatedly gets boring both to watch and to do.
"This bitch is flying!"
You're comparing the first itteration of a game with the latest itterarion of a game. Thats a terrible comparison
I liked SF4 because many combos were so timing specific that you pretty much had to be a character loyalist. I wish SF4 never went beyond Super.
The game and the FGC would be dead. And don't say no it wouldn't, because it WAS dying. That's why developers changed things in the first place
@@pkphantom Gonna need to cite your source there. As far as I remember, Super saw a huge surge of people which then dropped off in AE when Yun dominance was rampant and went to play MvC3. Devs changing things to keep attention is a zoomer thing that began at the very end of the PS3 era and took off in the PS4. The 3S community is probably stronger now than it ever was in the early 2000s and nothing has changed in 20 years.
Yeaah, the tint of your glasses are very rose. Just sounds like a boomer boomin to me, lol
Good stuff brother
Sf6 combos are more like killer instinct. one mistake you might aswell put the pad down and watch your character get juggled in the air
my three main issues with SF6:
1) non-cancelable normals (5MK, 5HK on Ryu/Ken for example) are nearly useless without *GREAT* spacing thanks to Drive Impact. being allowed to always react to drive impact with your own, no matter what move youre currently using would instantly fix this issue and dramatically increase depth. Ever notice the game actually feels like street fighter when both players are in burnout? you can use all your buttons
2) modern controls (4️⃣) being allowed in the same queue as classic controls(6️⃣) not an issue at the higher levels of rank, a GIGANTIC issue for new comers and scrubs (aka most players that play these games). your average player doesnt have the skill to hit-confirm and fully execute combos. modern controls do that for you. This is literally an unfair advantage and it means the classic controls player isnt actually facing someone at their skill level. 1 button specials is also beyond stupid.
im sure two out of my six classic controls buttons being dogwater (thx DI) has nothing to do with modern controls being a 4 button game. nothing at all.
3) the input interpreter is horrible. too many times i do and get nothing or i get a fireball (also vice-versa).
i really do enjoy and love SF6 but those three things feel like such fundamental oversights, im surprised no one bring them up 24/7
3rd strike didnt have these issues i fucking love that game
Street fighter 4 is Lightyears better than 5 and 6
they have these New, Slow easy games. capcom just makes games SCRUB friendly now! it SUCKS!
Bring x-isn back
Along with A and V-ism!! SFA3 FTW!!
Random Drive Impacts, Random drive rish, random mashing, random buttons, 50/50 wakeups, hardly any (real) option selects, random random random. Scrubby game. As scrubby as SFV, but for different reasons. Slowly losing any interest in SF6, which is a shame because I really wanted to love this game...
i feel the EXACT same. I hated SF5, took time off, saw SF6 and was hyped and truly wanted to get into it and give it a great shot. Bored with it already and think the game is so easy. Everyone can play it and just do stuff and its really easy to understand. Snorefest sadly.
sf6 also looks ugly compared to old cel shaded sf4. it made sf4 feel different and special (stylish even) in its own way compared to other fighting games of that time. when i watched sf6 trailer it just looked plain like to attract modern audience using the same style as NFS Unbound did with its cartoony special effects, neon and etc etc. You can tell Capcom knew what they were doing back then, because their mission was to make a game FIGHTING players would enjoy, not average consumer.
Streetfighter 4 Ultra way more better than 6. Even the characters designs look awesome. 6 looks ugly and most characters look woke
just because sf6 is the worst sf,
Sf4 was ass the gameplay the same story how many games did sf4 made and didn’t change every one combos
@@OscarHernandez-dm7hp A lot of people disagree with you. Sf4 is the reason why fighting games came back and had a resurgence
Git gud
Right on! Brother ✌