  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ต.ค. 2024
  • please enjoy and leave your answers in the comments im interested to know

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  • @MaknaeOnTop8
    @MaknaeOnTop8 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    this isn’t related to bts but skz (i’m not a stay) but Felix Felicis is good luck, and there is a SKZ named Felix so in conclusion, Felix is good luck

  • @jojobean1454
    @jojobean1454 6 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I'm going to do mine in story form
    The last Year of Hogwarts
    When I get to the Gryffindor common room after class, I see my best friend Namjoon. Sitting with him is Jin. We may not be the golden trio but we are the gryffindo trio. I smile at them and say "Hey guys how were your classes?" Namjoon said "easy" while Jin glared at him saying "For you maybe." I sat and listened to them as they argued. I thought about the events of this year. Harry Potter and his golden trio, didn't come back to Hogwarts. He went to hunt horcruxes while the rest of us came back and suffered under Snape and the Carrow twin's rule. Well, no all of us. The good ones, like Namjoon and Jin, who stay out of trouble are mostly left alone, as well as all the slytherins. The slytherins basically run the school now since the headmaster and the carrows are from their house. For big mouth's who don't know when to keep quiet and troublemakers like me, its a different story. There really isn't anymore detention. Sure detention is handed out to students as a means to hide what really goes on. The punishments. The beatings, the slashing with knives, the Cruciatus Curse being used. I've had my fair share of beating and cuts but I have never had the Cruciatus Curse unleashed on me.
    Suddenly I feel a knock on my head. "Hello, earth to Joanne" Jin said. "Um What?" I asked. Namjoon rolled his eyes, "I asked you what are you thinking about that has you so deep in thought that your're ignoring us." I just glare at Namjoon for a few seconds. Sometimes he can be soooo annoying. Namjoon isn't only my best friend, he was my first love. We dated for 1 and 1/2 years and it was great but after some time we realized we were better off as friend. We both didn't want to lose each other so we decided to be friends. That was about a year ago and our relationship has been great. There are no hard feelings and we're best friends. Jin was also relieved that he didn't have to pick sides or lose a friend.
    I looked at Namjoon "Nothing, just thinking about this year." Namjoon said "Uh huh. And when were you going to tell me about what happened in your care of magical creatures class?" "What do you mean?" I asked sweetly. Namjoon rolled his eyes again, "Cut the s*** Joanne, that never worked on me. Jin told me something happened." I looked at Jin "Seriously Jin? Cant you keep your mouth shut?" Jin laughed "Oh come on. The whole school knows about what happened. Namjoon was going to find out eventually. At least I didn't tell him what happened." As I glared at him, Namjoon cleared his throat, "Well?"
    "Fine" I grumbled. "You know that idiot Hoseok who sits next to me in care of magical creatures and I've declared my enemy? Well he started s*** again. I mean isn't he a damn Hufflepuff? Aren't they supposed to be kind?" Namjoon says "There's bad seeds in every house." I huffed, "Whatever. Anyway he started talking really loud and asking me how the DA is going. He said he heard that Neville got in trouble and that I was going to be the leader of DA for awhile. Then the slytherin guy that sits behind me, Yoongi, told Hoseok to shut the f*** up. So I said to Hoseok, yeah what he said. Then I turned to Yoongi and said 'Thanks but I don't need your help." Jin laughed "Youre just making enemies everywhere aren't you?"
    "I'll pretend I didn't hear that" I said. "Anyway Hoseok ignored Yoongi and he continued to badger (haha get it?) me about the DA. He said he was going to report me to Carrows and told him he wouldn't dare. He said 'watch me' and he got up and started walking towards the castle. I jumped up and ran after him. I grabbed him, turned him around and punched him in the face."
    Namjoon had a pained look on his face. "Why Joanne? Why would you do that? Why?" I said "Because he pissed me off. And since he was going to tell the Carrows, I would get detention anyway, so I decided to get detention for something I actually did. Oh and it just wasn't one punch." Namjoon raised his eyebrow. "Once he fell down, I jumped on him and punched him a few more times in the face and body. That guy Yoongi had to pull me off him and hold me back." Jin just started laughing hard. "Thats awesome!" he gasps out. Namjoon glared at him. "No its not. Now she's gonna have detention and who knows what they're gonna do to her." At his words Jin stopped laughing, turned to me and asked "Did you get detention?" I nodded. Jin's face paled. "Joanne no. Last time they put you in the hospital wing for 3 days. You have to stop doing things like this." Namjoon nodded "You're going to get yourself killed one day." I just brushed his words off. "I'll be fine. I always am eventually aren't I?" Namjoon just shakes his head, "When do you have to go?". I look at the clock "Oh S***! Now!" I get up and run into the hallway.
    As I'm running down the hall way I hear someone call my name. I turn and see a ravenclaw Jungkook. Jungkook was the first guy I ever had a crush on and the first guy I ever kissed, before Namjoon and I got together. "Oh hi Kookie. I'm kinda in a hurry." I say. Jungkook says "I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened in your care of magical creatures class. I hope they won't go hard on you." I smiled at him. "Thanks Kookie, I'll be ok." He waved and I continued to run to the dungeons.
    Once I got to the dungeons I ran head first into someone and was knocked backward on my ass. "What the f***>! ow! I can't catch a damn break.!" I yelled. I heard a voice ask "Are you ok?" I looked up and it was Yoongi. He knelt down and helped me up. "Yeah I'm good. I'm sorry I ran into you. Are you ok?" He nodded and said "Yea I'm fine." I turn away from him and said over my shoulder as I start to walk away, "I'm sorry but I'm late for detention. I'll see you around."
    ~Warning- scene of torture~
    When I walked into the empty classroom both twins were waiting for me. Alecto said "You're late." I bowed my head and said "I Know. I'm sorry." Amycus said "You know what this means don't you? Detention tomorrow as well." I looked up, "but professor..." "And the day after that" Alecto shouted. "Do you want to try for more?" I shook my head. "Good, listen and answer our questions", Alecto said. "Are you the new leader of the DA?" "No" I whispered. Suddenly I felt a blow to the side of my face and I went down. Pain radiated on the side of my face. "I'll ask you again, are you the new leader of the DA?" "No" I shouted. I felt myself being lifted up then hit again on the same side of my face. This time I felt my skin rip open by my eyebrow and felt blood run down my face into my eyes. I whimpered while being crumbled on the floor. This time no question was asked and I was lifted up and hit in different areas of my body- My back, my chest, my side, my legs, my hips. When it stopped one of the Carrows said "Now you know what that hufflepuff student felt when you attacked him." I was hurting so much I couldn't say anything. As I laid on the floor one of the twins asked me "Are you a member of the DA?" I was having a hard time breathing but I had to answer. "I was" I croaked. No way was I telling them I still was or anything about the DA. "Where are they holding their meetings?" I took a deep breath again. "I don't know". Suddenly my entire body stiffened and I felt the most excruciating pain I ever felt in my life. The pain radiated through my body and the intensity did not lessen at all. I heard someone screaming in room but I didn't know who it was. Suddenly the pain stopped. I was gasping for breath. I heard Alecto's voice say "I advise you not to lie to me again or I will be forced to use the Cruciatus Curse again. Now, where do the DA hold their meetings? "I don't know!" I screamed. Again I felt the intense excruciating pain. I though my body was being ripped apart. Once again one of the Carrows asked "Where does the DA hold their meetings?" I lifted my head that weighed a thousand pounds, look at the twins and yelled "I DON'T KNOW AND EVEN IF I DID I WOULD NEVER TELL YOU!" The pain started again in my body and I don't know how long it lasted this time. I was floating in and out of consciousness.
    Suddenly the pain stopped but I couldn't open my eyes. One eye was swollen shut where I was hit and I was just too tired to open the other. I heard one of the Carrow say "What are you doing here? I'm taking to you boy! Stop looking at her and answer me!" I heard a quiet voice say "I'm sorry professors but I left me potions book here and I need it to finish an essay that's due tomorrow." One of the twins said "Fine. Oh and since you're here take that halfblood and put her somewhere in the dungeons. Make sure she stays where you put her. She needs to be back here for more detention for the next two days." "Yes professor" the voice said.
    I heard people leaving the room. I felt someone kneel down beside me and touched my face. I opened one eye and saw Yoongi kneeling down in front of me. He asked "Can you walk?" I said "What of course I can walk. I'm not a invalid." Still Yoongi helped me sit up and eventually stand up. I said "Thanks I'm good." He let go of me and I took a step forward but my legs gave out and I stumbled toward the ground. Yoongi caught me before I hit the floor. "I'm sorry" I whispered. He just said "I'll help you." He picked me up and carried me in his arms. My head fell against his neck and my eyes closed. I felt him walking but I don't know where we were going. I was having a hard time staying away. I gave into the darkness and right before I passed out I heard Yoongi say "I've got you. You're safe now."

    • @jojobean1454
      @jojobean1454 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The next time I opened my eyes, I was in a room that I've never seen before. "Where the hell am I." "You're in my room" a voice to my right said. I jumped up and turned to see Yoongi sitting in a chair next to the bed I was lying in. "Ummmm ok. Why am I in your room?" I asked. Yoongi looked away from me and said "Do you remember what happened last night?" I thought for a second and I said "Yes, I was tortured by those assholes." He looks back at me "Yeah. I heard you screaming over and over again. The first time I heard you I ran to the classroom but I couldn't get the door open. The Carrows had some kind of spell lock on it. I had a hard time breaking the spell but I eventually did and went inside." I interrupted him, "Wait, you broke their spell?" Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Hermione is not the only smart kid in this school you know." I looked down, "Sorry." He sighed "Whatever. Anyway when I came into the room the Carrows stopped torturing you. I guess they didn't want to do that in front of a student. I was commanded to keep you somewhere in the dungeon for close keeping because you have two more detentions with them. The only place I could think of was my room. I'm a prefect so I have my own room and I can watch you here." I narrowed my eyes at him "Watch me? So I'm like your prisoner and your my jailer or something?" He looked at me like I was insane. "No. By watching you I mean keep you safe. If the Carrows saw you in the castle they may not wait until tonight to carry out your detention. At least here, you can rest. I brought you food and I brought Madame Pomfrey here to heal you." I put my hand to my head and felt my skin. It was like nothing ever happened. "Thank you" I whispered to Yoongi. "Your welcome. I also went to the gryffindor tower and told your friends Namjoon and Jin what happened and where you are so they don't worry. They wanted to come but its not a good idea for Gryffindors to be in the slytherin dungeons." I nodded "Yea I get it." Yoongi said "I told them I would keep them notified about your condition. I have to go to class now, but please stay here. I'll bring you more food later. Namjoon also gave some clothes and books for you. They're on the desk. Jin also gave me some cake he baked for you this morning which is also on the desk. I'll be back later." He turned to leave, when I said "Why?" He stiffened and turned back to me, "Why what?" "Why did you save me? Why are you helping me? Why?" He looked at me and whispered "I don't know. There's just something about you." With that he turned and left.
      The day went by quickly. Yoongi came back with more food but he didn't say anything else. That night I was tortured again although not with the Cruciatus Curse. Yoongi said he would stand by the door and not leave- he kept his word and it seemed like the torture session was shorter this time. I was asked the same questions over and over; Where did the DA hold their meetings, what is the DA planning and finally the kicker, What do I know about Harry Potter and his whereabouts? Each unsatisfactory answer was punished with a blow or knife cut to my body. Afterward Yoongi came in and carried me to his room. I don't know where he slept when I passed out but the next morning my wounds were healed again and there was food for me to eat. When I asked him why the Carrows didn't use the Cruciatus Curse, he said it was because they didn't want to make me go insane. That wouldn't look good for the school. Again that night I was tortured with the same questions, the same blows and this time the Cruciatus Curse once and it seemed to last a life time. Again Yoongi stood outside the door, came in to get me when the Carrows were done and brought me to his room.
      This time when he put me down and turned to leave I said "Don't go." He turned back to me, "What?" I don't know why- maybe I was delirious, maybe I was in pain, maybe I just wanted someone with me or maybe I realized that i started to feel something for Yoongi, I said "Stay with me. Don't leave me alone." I moved over to one side of the bed and he just stood there looking at it. I said "Please". He sighed and laid down on his back with his hands on his sides. I curled up next to him. At first there was no response but then he relaxed. He lifted one arm up and moved closer to him, putting my head on his shoulders and my face in his neck. His body turned to me and his other arm went around my middle. I whispered "Thank you for everything." I felt him nod before I fell asleep.
      The next day I woke up with someone' s arms around me. I was facing one side and I felt someone else curled up against me. One arm was underneath me and another was wrapped around me, our hands entwined together. I raised my head and looked behind me; Yoongi was there sleeping. I remembered everything that happened last night and I laid back down smiling. I looked down at our hands and arms. One on Yoongi's sleeve had rolled up and I saw something black on his arm. I pushed the sleeve up and I saw the dark mark of Voldemort. I flung his arms off me, sitting up and yelling "What the f***?" Yoongi shot up in the air, looking around confused and saying "What? What happened?" I Yelled "What the f*** is on your arm? You're a freaking death eater?" He blinked at me "What?" He looked down at his arm. "No let me explain!" I yelled "What's there to explain? What kind of sick game are you playing? What the hell is going on?"He stood up an gave me a pleading look. "Please, please, Joanne, just let me explain." I glared at him. "Fine but this better be good."
      Yoongi explained "I'm not a death eater. I was forced by my parents to get the dark mark. They are loyal to Voldemort but I told them I wanted nothing to do with his bullsh***. I don't believe or care about his purity crap. But two years ago, when he came back, he visited my parents to ask them to be in his inner circle. My parents were loyal to him the entire time he was gone and he wanted to honor them. He asked them where my loyalties lie and my parents told him it was with him. He said I had to prove it. I told my parents to shove it but they forced me to get the dark mark. I don't want it. I hate it. I'm not part of them or him. That night I got the dark mark, I left my parents house and I haven't see them since. Dumbledore was letting me stay here at the castle because I had no where to go. I'm not playing any games. I'm not one of them. I helped you because I care about you."
      I looked at him suspiciously but he seemed like he was telling the truth. The desperation in his face was enough to convince me "Fine. I believe you. You have massively s****y parents. I'm glad you don't believe in Voldemort's crap either. I'm glad Dumbledore gave you a place to stay. But why do you care what happens to me? I'm no one to you."
      Yoongi shook his head and looks at the floor. "Yes you are. I've cared about you for a long time. You never noticed me but I noticed you. Ever since first year. At first I cared about you as a friend. I watched out for you even though you didn't know it. I started to fall for you once we started having class more together. I usually sat behind you and you'd talk to me once in awhile. We were teamed up in potions a few times together. But at that time you were with Namjoon and you couldn't keep your eyes off him. I had to hide how I felt because you were with him. I've been in love with you for the last three years. That day you hit Hoseok, I knew you were going to get detention and that it was going to be bad. The Carrows had been trying for weeks to find the DA's hiding place and any information about Harry Potter. They've gotten more violent with their search. I was by the door the first day they tortured you. While I did manage to open the door, seeing you on the floor nearly killed me. The last two days nearly killed me, taking you to that room and hearing you scream. I never felt so helpless. I know you don't feel the same way I do. Last night meant so much to me and all we did was sleep. But I can't have you walk out the door hating me because of a stupid tattoo."
      My face softens and I call him "Yoongi". He looks up at me. "Last night meant alot to me too. You mean a lot to me. You've been there at the worst time in my life. You're the only person who has ever and will ever see me helpless. You did everything you could to help me. I could never hate you. Being super pissed off at you yeah, but not hate you. And you're wrong."
      At that he got a confused look on his face. I continued "I do have feelings for you. I realized it last night. I can't say that it's love now. But I am saying that it can become love. You make me feel safe, like no one ever has, not even Namjoon. Even though we haven't spend that much time together, the time we did spend made me happy. So if you'd like to, I'd like to be with you. I don't want to throw how I feel for you away, when I know it can become more."
      Yoongi's face lit up with his smile. "Yes Joanne. I'd like to be with you very much."
      Yoongi walked around the bed to me. He pulled me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned down and kissed me. And man did fireworks go off.

    • @jojobean1454
      @jojobean1454 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Its now May. Yoongi and I have been together for 7 months. And boy was I right. I fell deeply in love with Yoongi and he felt the same. We were inseparable. He became friends with Namjoon and Jin. At first Namjoon and Jin were suspicious of Yoongi. But Yoongi was straightforward with them and told them about his dark mark, how he got it and what I meant to him. Before long Namjoon and Jin accepted him. Namjoon and Jin began to spend more time with me. I think Yoongi, Namjoon and Jin made a deal that one of them, if not all of them, has to watch me at all times so I don't get anymore detentions. I wouldn't do that anyway since Yoongi told me how he felt during the three days I was tortured. I love him and I can't do that to him. So I've been good. I even apologized to Hoseok and he apologized to me for getting me the detention in the first place. We're ok. We're never going to be friends but we are no longer enemies. He even offered his seat next to me to Yoongi so he can sit with me. Everything has been going as great as it can be in these dark times. Yoongi and I are in love and he makes me so happy. I also got my friends who always have my back. And school's almost over.
      ~Battle of Hogwarts~
      I'm running through the halls of Hogwarts, dodging death eater spells, looking for Yoongi. In the madness of the death eater attack I lose sight of him. "Yoongi!" I scream, looking all over the place. I block a spell from a death eater and I fire one back at him, that knocks him out a window. I snort "Asshole." I continue to run screaming Yoongi's name. I feel a blow to the side of my face and i fall to the ground. "Who the f***punched me?" I yelled. I look over and see Alecto laughing. "Now I'm going to do what I've wanted to do for a long time." She cackled "But first how about some pain. Crucio" she screamed. My body exploded in excruciating pain. I could hear myself screaming but I couldn't feel it coming out of my mouth. The intensity of the pain was overwhelming. Alecto kept the spell going for what seem like forever. Then its stopped "How does it feel? I can do this all day." She said "Crucio!" Again my body flared up in pain. Alecto laughed "Where's your precious Yoongi? Not here to protect you this time. He's probably already dead. How about you join him?" The pain stopped and I looked at Alecto's wand. Green light was starting to form. "This is it", I thought. "Yoongi I love you." I said in my head; I had no voice to speak. I heard Alecto start the killing curse "Avada Ke" when all of sudden I heard someone scream "Incendio". Alecto burst into flames, screaming and dropping her wand, the killing curse fading. I saw Yoongi run from behind her and his wand full of flames aimed at her. He flicked his wand and she went flying across the hall out of sight. "Joanne!" Yoongi screamed. He ran to me, dropped his wand and knelt over me, lifting me up. He had tears running down his face. I was crying too. I clutched him and buried my face in his neck. "I lost you." I cried "I couldn't find you. I looked and looked but you weren't there" Yoongi's face was in my shoulder and he was stroking my hair. "Shh. I found you, I found you Joanne. I'll always find you." We broke apart. We looked in each other's eyes and we both leaned forward in a passionate kiss. When we broke apart, Yoongi held my face in his hands and said "I'll never leave you. I'll always find you." Then he helped me stand up and walk down the hallway.
      All of a sudden we heard Voldemort's voice in the hallway, calling for a truce. Then he spoke to Harry Potter telling him to come and meet him. Yoongi half carried, half dragged me to the great hall that was serving as hospital. He called a healer over and told her that I'd been hit twice with the Cruciatus Curse. The healer set to work to help me feel as better as she could. I looked over at Yoongi and saw his arm was bleeding and he had a cut on his forehead. I yelled "What happened to you?" He smiled and said "I got hit by a flyby curse. And this", he points to his forehead, "A rock fell on me." Suddenly I burst out laughing, which causes Yoongi to start laughing too. When the healer is done with me, she heals Yoongi. A few minutes later , we hear Voldemort outside Hogwarts claiming that Harry was dead. There was a mass exodus of students who ran outside, Yoongi and myself included. Hagrid was there, holding Harry in his arms. "No!"Ginny screamed and she started to run towards Harry. Ron and I both ran out and stopped her, with Yoongi running after me. At this time, Voldemort offered all the students to come and join him. Draco Malfoy's parents called him and the coward went. After the Malfoy's left another couple came forward. It was Yoongi's parents. They called to him "Yoongi come here. Stop this now. You've disappointed us enough. We know about your relationship with that disgusting half-blood. The Malfoy's told us. Her side lost and now she'll be killed with the rest of them. Come back to where you belong."
      Yoongi stood by my side and grabbed my hand. He shook his head. "I never belonged with you or Voldemort. You forced me to get the dark mark but I never believed in his bulls****. I belong with Joanne. I love her and she loves me for me, for the way I am. If she dies, I die with her. I'm never leaving her side. I'm never joining you." At his words his parents and Voldemort looked enraged and were reaching for their wands, when Neville stepped forward and began to speak to Voldemort. Ron whispered to Yoongi and me "You guys better get back inside before Yoongi's parents decided to kill you." Yoongi and I slowly backed away back into Hogwarts. We were sitting in the great hall when death eaters flew Hogwarts. Someone came running in yelling they're attacking again. Harry is alive!
      Ron and Hermione came running in and asked Yoongi and I if we could defend the Hufflepuff dorms in the kitchen because that was where the first years were. Yoonigi and I tore away in that direction. When we got there there were three death eaters in trying to get in and the first years were doing their best to protect themselves. I pointed my wand at one of them and yelled "stupefy". The spell hit the death eater straight in the head and he fell over unconscious. The other two death eaters turned towards us. One of them said "well well well". The both reached up and took off their masks. It was Yoongi's parents. "Well son, here we are again." His father said. His mother turned to me "So this is the filthy b**** who took my son away." I rolled my eyes "He was away from you way before I came into the picture. It was probably because you two are.....I don't know out of your f***** minds!" His mother sniffed "Well once we take care of you, Yoongi will see reason and come back to the family". His father raised his wand at me but Yoongi stepped in front of me using the same spell I did a few minutes ago. He yelled "stupefy" and aimed at his father. His mother screamed and Yoongi turned to her and knocked her out as well. I grabbed all three of the death eater wands and broke them in half, than tossed them into the fire that was burning in the fire place.
      Yoongi ran over to me and hugged me. I held onto him tightly. He pulled away first and looked at me. He said "I know this is not the greatest time to do this but I feel like its now or never." I said "Do what Yoongi. You realize we're in the middle of a war?" At that moment spells were flying in the hallway outside the kitchen and we heard a loud crash somewhere in the distance. "Whatever it is can wait." I said. I went to turn away but Yoongi grabbed my hand and turned me to face him. I looked at him with a surprised look. He just smiled at me and then got down on one knee. I was shocked and said "What the hell Yoongi?"
      He pulled a simple beautiful ring out of his pocket and held it out to me. He took a deep breath and a started "Joanne, I know we're young and we've haven't even been together for a year yet but I love you. I love you more than anything in this world. This last year and especially this battle has shown me that I truly cannot live without you. If you live, I live. If you die, I die. You're a part of me and my soul. I've never been so happy in my life as I am with you. If we survive this, I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and showing you how much I love you. Baby, Joanne, will you marry me?"
      Tears were rolling down my face and I couldn't stop myself from smiling. I catapulted myself into Yoongi's arms and kissed his face all over. "Yes, yes, yes baby. A million times yes. I love you Yoongi. I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I don't care how young we are." I pulled away a bit and held his face in my hands. "You live, I live; you die, I die, right?" Yoongie smiled "Yes".
      I backed up off of him and he grabbed my hand. He slipped the ring on to my finger. Then he grabbed me and kissed with all his love in the kiss. And I kissed him back with all of mine in it. Suddenly we heard cheers. We broke apart and saw the first year's cheering us on and smiling." Yoongi and I just smiled back at them.

    • @jojobean1454
      @jojobean1454 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yoongi and I decided to not wait to be married. After the battle of Hogwarts, which we won, we decided that we wanted to start our lives together. Professor McGonagall insisted that we get married at Hogwarts. After all its been Yoongi's home for the last two years and it's where we met, fell in love and got engaged.
      I'm standing in my lace wedding dress with my hair done up in a soft romantic fishtail braid, looking out at the Hogwart's green where Yoongi and I spent the last days of school together. I see him waiting for me under our tree, that we spent so much time under. Namjoon and Jin are there waving at me and giving me the thumbs up sign. I hear a voice say to me "Are ye ready?" I turn to look at Hagrid. "Yes".
      I take Hagrid's arm and we begin to walk down the grass. I heard that some brides get nervous and they want the aisle to go on longer. Not me. I want to fly down this aisle to the beautiful man who is waiting for me. Finally we get there and Hagrid hands me over to Yoongi. We're both smiling at each other like idiots. The Minister from the Ministy of Magic starts the ceremony. Finally we get to the vows. Yoongi goes first. "Joanne. You are my everything. Light came back into my dark life the moment you stepped in it. I am so grateful to you for loving me and staying at my side. I promise to spend the rest of my life loving you and staying at your side. I promise to always be there for you. I promise to love you forever, even after death. I love you."
      Then it was my turn. I already had tears in my eyes. "Yoongi, I have never met anyone like you. You were there for me in the darkest time in my life. You've seen me at my worst and you are still here. The day you came into my life was the best day of my life. I've never felt so safe and protected as I do with you. You're smile lights up my day. I love you more than words can express. You are my everything. I promise to love you forever, even after death. I love you."
      After the vows, the rest of the wedding sped by. We exchanged rings and now was the time for the kiss. Yoongi and I both grabbed for each other and kissed. Fireworks went off again. After we kissed we turned to our guests and the Minister said "I have the pleasure of introducing to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Min.
      After that everything was a blur. Yoongi had a great time at the reception and before we knew it we were off on our honeymoon. As Yoongi and I lay in bed together that night, he looked at me and said "Are you ready to start our forever?" I looked in his eyes, smiled and replied "More than anything".
      We leaned in and kissed.

    • @jojobean1454
      @jojobean1454 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      sorry it was long but once i started writing I couldn't stop lol

    • @janellem7152
      @janellem7152 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Wow this is long

  • @Bianca-bt95
    @Bianca-bt95 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    ▪︎House (Ravenclaw) - Jungkook
    ▪︎Sit next to me in class - Jin
    ▪︎First crush - Hoseok
    ▪︎First kiss - Jin
    ▪︎Best friend - Taehyung
    ▪︎Enemy - Jimin
    ▪︎First love - Jungkook
    ▪︎Husband - Taehyung

  • @scottlordstar6062
    @scottlordstar6062 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ravenclaw with jungkook
    Set next to: yoongi
    First crush:jin
    First kiss:V
    BEST friends: hoseok
    First love:jungkook
    Husband: V

    • @omalhlwa6278
      @omalhlwa6278 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Scott Lordstar Hi SiS ❤️😌😌😂😂😂♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

    • @scottlordstar6062
      @scottlordstar6062 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Om Alhlwa hiiii giiiiiirl🙋🏽‍♀️😂❤️❤️

  • @taesbooty5665
    @taesbooty5665 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Same house as Jimin and Yoongi, sit next to Jin in potions, first crush is tae, best friend is Yoongi, first kiss is Yoongi, First love is Yoongi, Husband is Yoongi, and enemy is Jin

  • @RianneLiOOpena
    @RianneLiOOpena 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    weird... Jungkook as my First Crush, First Kiss, Enemy and my First Love

  • @fusetuber9291
    @fusetuber9291 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    1- 1 Ravenclaw
    2- 5 COMC
    3- 3 Cat
    4- 3 Library
    5- 4 Horse
    6- 5 Draco
    7- 5 Incendio
    8- 4 Drought Of Peace
    I'm in ravenclaw with JK. I sit next to Hobi in care of magical creatures. Jimin is my first crush. JK is my first kiss in the library. Yoongi is my best friend. JK is my enemy (things went down after that kiss apparently). My first love is Yoongi. I end up marrying Namjoon.

  • @agathamaravillas7204
    @agathamaravillas7204 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    1. Ravenclaw
    2. Transfiguration
    3. Owl
    4. Library

  • @rudraniroy3929
    @rudraniroy3929 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    In Ravenclaw
    First love , kiss : jungkook
    Sit with : jhope
    Best friend also enemy 😂 : jimin
    First love : Taehyung
    Husband : Namjoon
    OMFG it's full of twisted 😂

  • @Smg_Ashley
    @Smg_Ashley 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hufflepuff - Hoseok + Taehyung
    Sit next to in class - Namjoon
    First crush - Seokjin
    First kiss /at the library/ - Jungkook
    Best friend - Jimin
    Enemy - Jungkook
    First love - Namjoon
    Husband - Jungkook

  • @kw267
    @kw267 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Game: First love and husband - V
    Me: Must be fate

  • @iris1963
    @iris1963 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am with V, J-Hope
    I sit with Jimin, Suga, R.M
    My first crush is R.M
    My first kiss is Jungkook my bias
    My best friend is R.M
    My enemy is Jimin
    My first love is Jungkook
    My husband is Jungkook

  • @inesissarichard3487
    @inesissarichard3487 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Slytherin with Jimin and Yoongi
    Sitting next in class: Jin
    First crush : Jungkook
    First kiss : Jungkook
    Best friend : Jimin
    My enemy: Jungkook (wait, he was my first kiss and first crush. That means that something bad happened in our relationship)
    First love :Jungkook ( wow, he is my first love and in the same time, my enemy. Great... lol)
    My husband: Hoseok

  • @alenadeleon8785
    @alenadeleon8785 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Gryffindor [same house with] • Jin
    Seatmate • Yoongi
    My first crush [til now] • Kookie
    Firsk kiss [accidentally] • Tae
    Bestie • Jiminiiee pabo^^
    Enemy • Joon
    First love • Jin
    Husband frvr- Tae

  • @lovedovekim1529
    @lovedovekim1529 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    gryffindor ; namjoon & seokjin
    care of magical creatures ; hoseok
    first crush : seokjin
    first kiss w/ jungkook in the library
    bestie : namjoon
    enemy : jungkook
    first love : seokjin
    husband : jimin

  • @ann_m1099
    @ann_m1099 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    In Hufflepuff with Hobi and Tae
    Sit next Yoongi
    First crush Namjoon
    First Kiss with Jungkook at library
    My Best friend Namjoon
    My enemy is Jungkook
    First love is Jungkook
    My husband is Namjoon

  • @maddiecramer5226
    @maddiecramer5226 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was super excited for my first day at Hogwarts. My dad is a wizard, and my mom is a muggle, and I grew up in a muggle community, so I didn't really know too many people. We barely made it to Platform 9 3/4, so by the time I had boarded the bus, most seats were taken. However, I did find an open seat with this 2nd year boy named Park Jimin, and his 1st year sister, Chaeyoung. She was sitting next to a girl named Lisa, so I sat next to Jimin. He seemed pretty nice. We talked a little, and he told me that he was in Slytherin, which didn't surprise me at all. He just suited all the good qualities of Slytherin House. Jimin also eased some of my nerves about first year, saying that I could talk to him whenever. When we got there, he couldn't go in the boats with us, so I rode with Chae, Lisa, and this other friend of Chae, named Hoseok. He was pretty quiet the entire ride. When we got there, I was one of the first names to be called. I hopped up on the stool, and the sorting hat barely sat on my head for two seconds before declaring me a Hufflepuff. I jumped off and sat down with the other cheering Hufflepuffs, and sat Jimin smiling at me from the Slytherin table. Once the sorting had finished, I looked around at all the first years at the Hufflepuff table. There were Chaeyoung, Hoseok, Taehyung who happened to be Hoseok's friend, Jihyo, Momo, Youngjae, Seulgi, Yixing, Joshua and Seungmin. I was happy talking to (hopefully) my new friends. Seulgi talked my ear off about this one Gryffindor she had a crush on, Irene. Chae was a little upset since her friends Lisa, Jisoo, and Jennie had been sorted into different houses, but I told her that we could be friends too. Once the feast had ended, I followed my prefect to the common room. However, in the mess of staircases, I got extremely lost. Hoseok say me, and next thing I knew, Taehyung and him were by my side, helping me navigate the staircases. We made it to the common room after realizing that it was in the dungeons and not up the staircases at all. I barely slept that night. Hobi, Tae, and I talked all night about basically everything, from family to what kind of soda is the best (sprite obviously). Next day came, and I was in my last class of the day, Transfiguration, when I realized that neither Tae or Hobi sat remotely near me in that class. I sat next to this boy who was in Gryffindor. He introduced himself as Kim Namjoon, and i could tell right away that he was a good kid. After that day, we talked all the time, and he was the one that convinced me that I should try out for the quidditch team come 2nd year. We became best friends. 1st year went by faster than I expected, and by the end of the year, I had a whole group of friends, who were Hobi, Tae, the group I sat with at the feast, and every meal, Jimin, and Namjoon. 2nd year arrived, and as we promised, I tried out for the Hufflepuff quidditch team, and Namjoon tried out for the Gryffindor team. Somehow, we both made it, Namjoon as a keeper, and me as a beater, alongside Tae. The Hufflepuff team captain, a 6th year named Mark Tuan helped lead our team to win the Quidditch Cup that year. That season also made me realize that I had developed quite the crush on my fellow beater. I talked to Hobi about it sometimes, and he always listened to me, even if at times he looked a tad bit sad. 3rd year rolled around, and I was so ready for Hogsmeade. Since Jimin was in his 4th year, and already knew Hogsmeade luke the back of his hand, he invited me to tag along with him and some of his friends, Yoongi, Jungkook, Jennie, Jihoon, and Nayeon. We were walking together in a big group, but Jimin and I stopped to talk outside of Zonko's while the rest of the group went inside. We were just catching up, since we hadn't really had the chance to talk in what seemed like forever, when some random Ravenclaw bumped into me, sending me flying in Jimins direction. We accidentally touched lips for a brief second before I pushed off of him, both of us still in shock. I apologized, and we were both embarrassed. Not even a minute after that ordeal, The group walked out of Zonko's laughing, except for Jungkook, who seemed a little angry and upset. I just shrugged it off, but whenever I saw him walking with Jimin in the halls, Jimin would always give me a smile, and Jungkook would just scowl at me.
    I ignored it, but his hatred for me just seemed to grow, and finally, in my 5th year, I asked him why he hated me so much. He told me that he saw the incident outside of Zonko's and thought that Jimin and I were in love. Jungkook had, and still has a crush on Jimin, and hated me purely out of jealousy. I explained to him what actually happened that day, and his eyes softened. He apogized, and I told him that for accidentally kissing his crush, I would help him win over Jimin. While that was going on, I found myself gushing over Tae less and less, which seemed to make Hobi a bit happier. I still liked Taehyung as a friend, but I found myself becoming more and more attached to Namjoon, which seemed to return the sadness to Hobi's eyes. I didn't even realize how blind I was to this, but somehow I never realized. Finally, I confessed to Namjoon right after the 1st Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor game, and he agreed to a date at the Leaky Cauldron. We started dating, and we were extremely happy. All throughout the summer we would talk, and he even came to my house once. Just because I started dating Joonie didn't mean I left out my other friends though. On my 16th birthday, I invited Chae, Hobi, Tae, Jihyo, Momo, Youngjae, Seulgi, Yixing, Joshua, Seungmin, Lisa, Jimin, Jungkook, and many other friends to a huge party. It was one of the best nights of my life.
    6th year came, and and I was on cloud nine, with great friends, great grades, and a great relarionship. However, all good things must come to an end. Namjoon and I loved each other, yes, but we decided to break up on good terms and just be friends. It was a tough transition at first, but there were two people who stuck by my side the whole time, Hobi and Tae. These boys had always been there for me no matter what. 6th year also happened to be the same year as the Triwizard Tournament. Most of my friends were in the 6th year, so we couldn't participate, but Jimin put his name in, along with Yoongi, Kim Jisoo (Chae's friend), and Kim Seokjin, a good friend of Namjoon. Surprisingly, the champion picked for Hogwarts was Kim Seokjin. We were happy for him, and Namjoon invited us to a Gryffindor party to celebrate. Despite his reputation as a shy, well-mannered boy, Seokjin was incredible at the challenges. The Yule Ball started creeping up on us, and Jungkook still hadn't worked up the courage to ask Jimin out. With the help of Chae, we set up a plan. The day of action came, and it was the Slytherin vs. Ravenclaw game. Ravenclaw won, thanks to their impressive Seeker, Jungkook. After he dismounted his broom, Lisa, the commentator, started reading from the paper Chaeyoung gave her earlier that day. She spoke into the mic "Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook has a message for you,". Jungkook then walked up to Slytherin's side of the field, where Jimin was waiting. Jungkook asked him if he would like to be his date to the Yule Ball, and without even skipping a veat, Jimin picked him up, spinning him around yelling, "yes" over and over again. This gave me a bit of confidence as well. I marched back to the common room, and accidentally ran straight into Hobi. I apologized to him, and before I even got the chance to say anything else, he asked me to the Yule Ball. I was shocked, but of course I said yes. The day of the Yule Ball finally rolled around, and I saw all my friends who were dancing together. Jimin and Jungkook, Chaeyoung and Lisa, Seulgi and Irene, Yoongi and Jeongyeon, and Tae and Momo. I danced with Hobi, and later that night, went to go find Namjoon. When I didn't find him, I assumed he had left. However I looked up at the champion's table to see Namjoon and Seokjin holding hands. We chatted a little before I went back to Hobi. He asked me on a date, and from there we started dating.
    We both graduated, and he became the owner of a jokeshop in Hogsmeade, while I became a famous Quidditch player. I was drafted to the Chudley Cannons with none other than my favorite beater, Tae! We went on to become one of the best pairs of beater in history. After dating for 6 years, Hobi asked me to marry him at the Quidditch World Cup. I said yes, and we were married 7 months later.
    Sorry for the damn essay I just wrote lmao. I got super into this if you couldn't tell. Here are my results if you wanted to see them
    House: Hufflepuff/ Tae and Hobi
    Sit next to: Transfiguration/Namjoon
    First crush: Cat/Tae
    First Kiss: Hogsmeade/Jimin
    Best friend: Namjoon/Wolf
    Enemy: Draco/Jungkook
    First Love: Apparate/Namjoon
    Husband: Felix Felicis/Hobi

    • @virgojoon1607
      @virgojoon1607  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Omg i loved reading that!!Glad you enjoyed :)

  • @mars_2860
    @mars_2860 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Housed with Namjoon and Jin
    Seated next to Jin
    First crush was Jimin
    First Kiss was Yoongi
    Best friend is Namjoon
    Enemies with Jungkook
    First love was Yoongi
    Husband was Yoongi
    Did I get them all???

  • @silly_grasshopper_4547
    @silly_grasshopper_4547 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    -Yoongi 💚
    Black cat
    -Namjoon is my first crush❤️
    -first kiss with jimin💙
    -Hoseok is my best friend 🧡
    -My enemy is Hoseok (tf)
    -My first love is Jimin💙
    Felix Felicis
    -My husband is Hoseok ! ✨💛

  • @mylachap
    @mylachap 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I go to Hufflepuff house : Hoseok and Taehyung (Oh, why not ^^)
    I go to herbology : Seatmate :Taehyung (Normal, we are in the same house XD)
    I choose the snow owl : Crush Jungkook (Ok, the golden maknae, why not ^^)
    I choose the hospital wing : First kiss : Namjoon (Ok, the god of destruction, why not ^^)
    I choose the wolf patronus : Best friend : Namjoon (So, I kiss my best friend, ok why not XD)
    I choose Drago Malfoy : Enemy : Jungkook (So, since I have a crush for him, he become my enemy, ok XD)
    I choose Episkey : First love : Seokjin (so I forgot my crush for the worldwide handsome, why not XD)
    I choose the potion of draught of peace : Husband : Namjoon (So, I prefer to be with my best friend and first kiss XD)

  • @jasminepark7646
    @jasminepark7646 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great, my best friend is my crush... catastrophe😂😂
    Annnnd,my enemy is my first kiss😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Great base for a fiction 🤦🏻‍♀️😂😂
    First kiss:jungkook
    Best friend :joonie
    First love:jimin

  • @RianneLiOOpena
    @RianneLiOOpena 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    i have the same house with jin and namjoon
    my seat during defense against the dark arts is beside jimin
    my first crush is jungkook
    (library) my first kiss is jungkook
    my bestfriend is namjoon
    my first love is jungkook
    but at the same time he is my enemy
    and i ended up marrying hobi (💖)
    WEIRD. 😂😂😂

  • @hurushaajhugroo1069
    @hurushaajhugroo1069 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    In Gryffindor with Namjoon and Jin
    Sit next to: Jimin
    First crush: Jungkook
    First kiss: With jin in the great hall
    Best Friend: Yoongi
    Enemy: Jungkook
    First love: Namjoon
    My Husband: Jin

  • @ekulon
    @ekulon 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I loved the aesthetic of this video so much!! 💜💜

  • @SasaCosmic
    @SasaCosmic 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Slytherin with Yoongi and Jimin 💚🐍 I loved
    My crush, enemy AND first love is Namjoon, I can imagine a whole history 💚💚

  • @charlottezheng1046
    @charlottezheng1046 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    It said my best friend was suga and then it said my enemy was suga as well... hahahaha

  • @mr.byunbaekhyun2198
    @mr.byunbaekhyun2198 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    4) Slytherin - *Jimin, Yoongi*
    3) DATDA - sit next to *Jimin*
    3) Cat - first crush - *Jimin*
    1) Room of Requirement - first kiss - *Hoeseok*
    5) Mouse - best friend - *Jin*
    6) Incendio - first love - *Suga*
    3) Polyjuice potion - husband - *Taehyung*
    Everything is just perfect, damn...
    But I like Jungkook... I must be his enemy because I am annoying af xD

  • @andiniluxfiwati6345
    @andiniluxfiwati6345 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    House : Yoongi and Jimin
    Sit next to me in class : Jimin
    First Crush : Jin
    First Kiss : Jungkook
    Best Friend : Jimin
    Enemy : Hoseok
    First Love : Jungkook
    Husband : Namjoon

  • @liss5158
    @liss5158 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    My first kiss was Hoseok but hes also the villain but in the end he's my husband too.......... damn i gotta write a story to find out how that happened when my firts crush, love and best friend was my bias taehyung

  • @jiminslostjamsuwu5631
    @jiminslostjamsuwu5631 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ok so...first I headed to the great hall to get sorted into my house I ended up with these hotties jimin and yoongi (my bias and bias wrecker together ) then I went to potions and sat with a handsome guy named Jin then my first crush was jimin but my first kiss was with yoongi in the forbidden forest then I met this guy RM who became my bestfriend then my enemy was Jung kook either way I fell for my bsf RM who became my first love...but I ended up marrying PARK JIMIN😶😍

  • @luvmewon
    @luvmewon 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    who is in my house: hoseok and taehyung
    sits next to me in class: namjoon
    first crush: seokjin
    first kiss: seokjin (wow lucky me then if i got my first kiss with my crush!)
    best friend: jungkook
    enemy: jimin
    first love: jimin (so I hate him but love him at the same time?)
    husband: taehyung

    • @iamthesnakeufearme8965
      @iamthesnakeufearme8965 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      What if you liked jimin first then something happened between you 2 now you hate each other?
      I mean that could also work....
      Just my opinion

  • @book4hd
    @book4hd 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    i'm in slytherin house with: jimin and yoongi
    who i sit next to in astronomy (my favourite subject ever ahh): yoongi
    my first crush: jin
    my first kiss: yoongi
    my best friend: namjoon
    my enemy: jungkookie
    my first love: yoongi
    my husband: jin 💜
    it makes sense,
    first love and kiss: yoongi.
    first crush then husband: jin.
    my bias and bias wrecker 😂💜

  • @arshi1852
    @arshi1852 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    In Hufflepuff House with Taehyung and Hoseok
    Herbology with Taehyung
    my first crush is Jungkook
    First kiss with taehyung
    My best friend is Jin
    My enemy is Hoseok
    My first love is Jungkook
    My husband is Jungkook

  • @jiminslostjamsuwu5631
    @jiminslostjamsuwu5631 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just noticed I'm the first to get jimin as my husband😂

  • @sagethymegalactica
    @sagethymegalactica 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Ravenclaw house with *Jungkook*
    Care of magical creatures class with *Hoseok*
    *Namjoon* is my first crush
    First kiss with *Yoongi*
    *Jimin* is my best friend
    *Hoseok* is my enemy
    *Namjoon* is my first love
    My husband is *Taehyung*

  • @jungwonhrs
    @jungwonhrs 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Same House as: Jimin (aka slytherin)
    Who I sit next to: Hoseok
    Crush: Jin
    First Kiss: Jungkook
    Best Friend: Namjoon
    Enemy: Jungkook. Lol but you were my first kiss?
    First Love: Jungkook. Well okay
    Husband: Namjoon

  • @cacamaharani3410
    @cacamaharani3410 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lol i sit next to jungkook and he is my first love and he is also my enemy 🤣 and hobi was my bestie and i married him 🤣🤣

  • @ICONicBoyzfan321
    @ICONicBoyzfan321 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    Who’s also in my house - Jimin & Yoongi
    Who I sit by - Jin
    First crush is - Namjoon
    First kiss is - Yoongi
    Best friend - Namjoon
    Enemy - Jin
    First love - Yoongi
    Husband - Namjoon

  • @lucucaracha
    @lucucaracha 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Lol my first love was Namjoon and I married him😂

  • @May8Day
    @May8Day 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Basicamente o Hoseok é o cara da minha vida, mas como o Jungkook é da mesma casa que eu foi meu primeiro amor e o Namjoom implica comigo kkkk