The Munchkins hated their leader so much the ENTIRE POPULATION apparently made a choreographed and orchestrated musical number for when she finally died. That’s some serious dedication.
Too bad America can't do that the only time I've had to remember a president's name was in they were a test or I heard it because insert movie or tv show and for the moment pondered for a moment who that was.
My grandma planned her funeral before she died and didn't tell anyone what the last song was and when we got to it DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD made the whole room full of 400 people erupted into laughter
Do not underestimate the ruthlessness of Glenda who immediately after seeing one of her enemies die instigates an entire town to perform a musical number celebrating the grisly death.
I don't... She did things wrong considering HK, Ulster and supporting the EU in 70ies. But overall, she was one of the greatest politicans UK ever had.
This one goes out to Brian Thompson, who made north of $10M a year denying people access to urgent, sometimes even life-saving medical care. Wasn't so great when a complete stranger got to decide if you lived or died, was it Brian?
They must have felt so great. Marching in uniform along their tiny army of equals. I wish I had a personal guard regiment of tiny gnomes and dwarfs. I would parade them down the mainstreet every day
I was listening to the radio in the car when a story was on, a priest was talking about how over the rainbow is a popular song to play at funerals, and one the CD hadnt been positioned at the right song, so at some old ladies funeral this started playing. He always asked families to bring an individual copy of the song after that.
@emilyfentem6571 I am working at the local cemetary and we have catholic priests who don't mind if relatives of deceased persons want to play "Highway to hell" in the morning hall.
@@PeterJames143 A house has no will, so if it falls, it's just an accident. No murder there. Dorothy was trying to put out the fire on the Scarecrow, and the Wicked Witch of the West got doused accidentally; nobody knew that water would be the end of her. No murder there.
Notice that that hatred comes from both the Left and Right. His MURDER brought us TOGETHER as a nation. "I'm sure he's looking up at us." I wish I had said that first!
Tonight, the deepest pit of Hell opens wide for Henry Kissinger. May the eternal punishment he faces for the crimes he has commited be more terrible than anything mortal men can imagine.
"Henry Kissinger has passed away at age 100. He was surrounded by his family and the souls of millions of Pakistanis, Argentinians, Bengalis, Chileans, Vietnamese and Cambodians and many more. Rest in piss."
I will forever regret not asking my Grandmother if she would like this played at her funeral. You might think I'm being a shit but knowing my grandmother and her sense of humor she probably would have been cool with it.
She taught me my sense of humour? Having grown up in radio days when people watched the radio gathered around as if it were tv. They conversed and told stories? Were better educated and wittier? Learned from each other.
@@vaya-dragon1998he played a key role in the carpet bombing of Cambodia, during the Vietnam war, which resulted in the death of over 100,000 civilians, allowing the dictator Pol Pot to unleash the Khmer Rouge regime During the four years that was the Khmer rouge, over 2 million civilians were murdered
@@rapid_meme_godHe and Nixon also supported Pakistan in the Indo-Pak war of 1971. Meaning they supported the genocide of 3M bengalis by the pakistani army. Kissinger and Nixon also said some really degenerate and prejudiced things about Indians and Indira Gandhi.
The Munchkins hated their leader so much the ENTIRE POPULATION apparently made a choreographed and orchestrated musical number for when she finally died. That’s some serious dedication.
Dance numbers tend to happen in musicals; don't know if you knew that.
that's what the brits did with maggie
Too bad America can't do that the only time I've had to remember a president's name was in they were a test or I heard it because insert movie or tv show and for the moment pondered for a moment who that was.
sounds reminiscent of thatcher
Thatcher also crushed the miners in Munchkin Land???
This is the most positive and enthusiastic death song I ever heard.
Yellow Tiger 25 then you haven't heard Bullet by Hollywood undead
Play it at my funeral 😂😂
It's because the witch is a bad person
+Nick Guan I guess someone hasn't watched wicked :T
@@eonstar Wicked? Don't you mean the Wizard of Oz?
My boss just got fired and we are playing this through the speakers in our conference room and dancing around a huge table.
Scott Wyllie we did that too lol good times
Scott Wyllie LOL y'all are crazy but hilarious!
Same thing happened to me today so I account for at least 10 of the views on this video so far.
Taipei127 lmao sound like my boss except hes 400lbs
Scott Wyllie Talk about being kids again.
He's DEAD, everyone! This is NOT a drill!!
I never thought this day would come…
Get the Champagne
He brought me here too
My grandma planned her funeral before she died and didn't tell anyone what the last song was and when we got to it DING DONG THE WITCH IS DEAD made the whole room full of 400 people erupted into laughter
That's too perfect. Bless her soul for eternity.
Now that's a way to go!
This WINS everything!!!
@@ActualShoebill This is a certified Keanu chungus classic!!!
I have always wanted this played at my funeral.
me to
whitegemgames jacksfilms?
Ur a witch harry
I’ll sing it at my mother in laws funeral
was played around the country when Margaret Thatcher died
Reminder that this song charted when Margaret Thatcher's death was announced.
Was she really that terrible (Im genuinely asking)
@@Allopientubefish2 Her economic philosophy was pretty much to shit on the working class. Hope Reagan is enjoying the company of that bitch in hell.
Actually even worse was posted 3 weeks before she died
@HI EVERYBODY A Tory bitch who gave everything she could to the bankers and businessmen and nothing for the working class.
@@pixel6698 They'll both spend eternity waiting for heaven to trickle down to them.
It's always a great day when I'm able to revisit this song after an evil dude dies.
This song is the gift that keeps on giving
So you’ll be here when Donald Trump is thrown in jail?
How wicked? Do tell!!😮
Do not underestimate the ruthlessness of Glenda who immediately after seeing one of her enemies die instigates an entire town to perform a musical number celebrating the grisly death.
Her name is Glinda, and the WWE was a dictator on the order of Adolf Hitler.
like BLM
@@cassiusdio6048 Sorry, what?
@Happy Camper Who, and how?
@Happy Camper Nope.
I guess Kissinger finally ran out of orphans to sacrifice.
That one week ceasefire dried up his reserves
Kissinger did nothing wrong
@@TranswealthyTrillionaire *Everything
I always thought he would suck the soul out of a Cambodian or a Vietnamese person
Project Monarch
Fyi: this made 2nd top of the UK charts the week Thatcher died
It's Thatcher is dead Thursday!
@@jackp3125 Now its Philip is dead Friday
Wow, what a classy bunch!
@@michaelscott5653 I only provided the link for historical accuracy.
@@hudsony777 You should.
Smokin that Kissinger pack
I love how people come here when a politician they don't like dies or resigns
Apparently this was #2 in the UK singles chart after Margret Thatcher died
@@alecgiroux number 01 actually
I hope liberals rot in hell. Twice dead
Yup, pretty sure this will be trending when Hillary Keels over.
Colin Powell croaked!
if they don’t play this at my funeral what was the point of even dying
ghost char omfl
True xD
Compost I guess
I like how this was uploaded just a few days before Thatcher died
Margaret Thatcher is dead, Ding Dong the Wicked Witch is Dead
And good fecking riddance that hag is gone
@@chickengustame ding dong the bitch is dead
This is very wholesome...
I don't... She did things wrong considering HK, Ulster and supporting the EU in 70ies. But overall, she was one of the greatest politicans UK ever had.
This one goes out to Brian Thompson, who made north of $10M a year denying people access to urgent, sometimes even life-saving medical care. Wasn't so great when a complete stranger got to decide if you lived or died, was it Brian?
On his way to report that they are expecting record profits next year, no less. Deposed!
@@redtexan7053 👏👏👏
If this doesn’t play at my funeral I’m not coming.
Wait a minute......
this is my moms ringtone.
Mt friend wants this at her funeral
stitch huh? classic. feels cool to come to this side of youtube and see classic characters as profile pics.
That is funniest Funkin thing I have heard in a long time LMAO
I do love the dedication of gathering 124 actors who actually have dwarfism to play this choreographed scene
There were a lot of actual kids in there too. Places where the differences wouldn't be to obvious.
Some of them were kids
Some of them only had gnomism
@@chrisbaker2903: Huffing that asbestos.
They must have felt so great. Marching in uniform along their tiny army of equals.
I wish I had a personal guard regiment of tiny gnomes and dwarfs. I would parade them down the mainstreet every day
The search rate for this song is a fucking vertical line right now.
I'm surprised you're allowed to curse in a comments section of a clip from a children's film lol
Suck on *that* data, Google!
News media: The Ceo of United Healthcare has been killed. Gunman still at large
The Internet celebrating the UnitedHealthcare CEO's death be like:
Pls let this should be #1 on Billboard right now
or the Monty Python song about Kissinger.
I was listening to the radio in the car when a story was on, a priest was talking about how over the rainbow is a popular song to play at funerals, and one the CD hadnt been positioned at the right song, so at some old ladies funeral this started playing. He always asked families to bring an individual copy of the song after that.
33th liker
@@3HorsemenOfMovingPictures 33th
@emilyfentem6571 I am working at the local cemetary and we have catholic priests who don't mind if relatives of deceased persons want to play "Highway to hell" in the morning hall.
RIP in pieces, Kissinger.
Here for Brian Thompson, may he look up to us for eternity.
Brian Thompson CEO of United Healthcare is no longer with us! 🎉😂😂
He's gone where the goblins go below, below below yo ho!
I call dibs on his red shoes
Happy birthday to the stroke! 8 years old now, growing up to be a big lad!
Thanks for the chuckle, I needed it
@ I thought joseph stalin died of... what was it? Something with the brain... but not a stroke!
@@ficsitinc.pioneer8695 It was a stroke
THAT WAS WAY BACK IN 1953! 😂😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆😆😆😏😏😏😏😏😩😩😩😩😩😭😭😭😭😭💀💀💀💀💀👼👼👼👼👼🔔🔔🔔🔔🔔
@ conservative virgin shut up.
Back one more, this time for Henry Kissinger!
lets get this to 1 on the charts guys
Ding dong Queen Elizabeth's dead
We failed 😞
@@unclelarryhasasmalldick8150Ding dong, you need to stfu! ❤
Bratty child: Gets brutally murdered by a chocolate machine
Oompa Loompas:
Wrong movie
totallyfrozen woooosh
Nobody got murdered by anything.
@@MaskedMan66 well... a witch did get murdered by a house from kansas. and another witch got melted by a mop bucket...
@@PeterJames143 A house has no will, so if it falls, it's just an accident. No murder there. Dorothy was trying to put out the fire on the Scarecrow, and the Wicked Witch of the West got doused accidentally; nobody knew that water would be the end of her. No murder there.
CEO of unitedhealthcare
Who’s here after Henry Kissinger finally kicked the bucket?
I am
It would be rather nice to get this to number 1 in the billboard charts again for this very special day
The UK is blaring this song right now
That would be very nice indeed
What happened? Did Hillary die?
@@ricflair9717 Queen of England. Bit more relevant
No kisses goodbye for Kissinger!!
Watched this as soon as I heard the news about Kissinger.
Here for UnitedHealthcare CEO Bryan Thompson
Notice that that hatred comes from both the Left and Right. His MURDER brought us TOGETHER as a nation. "I'm sure he's looking up at us."
I wish I had said that first!
Lol you and hundreds of others. I don't blame anyone for coming here after hearing the news 😆
Watching this after Kissinger finally bit the grass.
It's still pretty hot down here.
Seen any familiar faces eg. Stalin
@@Sumautisticguy Joesph Stalin>Margaret Thatcher
@@Sumautisticguy Only my dearest friends Ronald and Lizzie. But Satan doesn't let me hang out with them...
I’m sure he’s there somewhere
Has Kevin Samuels called you “Big Shirley” yet?
Bye Bye Kissinger! Good to see ol Nixon's cabinet is finally coming down to join him
Dying just after seeing Liz Truss, what a power move.
honestly i feel like i'd die immediately if i ever met liz, good on the queen for lasting several hours
@@Sagragoth i’m going to play it again. And it wasn’t a day too soon. In fact it was way overdue because she was as old as dirt.
literally died of cringe
I saw people on Twitter saying Charles should avoid shaking Liz Truss's hand if he knows what's good for him.
Who’s Liz Truss?
Tonight, the deepest pit of Hell opens wide for Henry Kissinger. May the eternal punishment he faces for the crimes he has commited be more terrible than anything mortal men can imagine.
Inshallah. 🗣️🗣️Amen.
Kissinger did nothing wrong
Kissinger was just the crust of a shit sandwich. lalalalala tonight. Sorry. 😂
The deepest pits of hell opened to swallow him whole, so dont keep the devil waiting for you, old friend.
"Henry Kissinger has passed away at age 100. He was surrounded by his family and the souls of millions of Pakistanis, Argentinians, Bengalis, Chileans, Vietnamese and Cambodians and many more. Rest in piss."
hope he was scared
The last thing he saw alive, was the flames of hell
Tricky Dick was waiting a while
Bangladesh is cherishing this moment rn.
exactly why I'm here, Kissinger finally joined Thatcher in Hell
Henry Kissinger died today. I hope this song charts again.
Me when I found out my middle school algebra teacher took a job at a different school
Datapod I recently heard my old high school principal died and I thought of this song.
Nina Mzdodkdndk I’m wheezing
I’m memorizing this song in case a teacher of mine gets fired
This literally happened
Ron Swonson me too
Had to come back to this after Margaret Thatcher passed away 8 years ago on this day
If you know, you know lol
Truth is stranger than fiction.
9 years now
Kissinger is gone? Well everyone you know the words!
Take it from the top now! And a one and a two and a-!!
Happy to see all the posts about Kissinger.
I've never listened to this song before but it's about time to bring it back to #1 in the charts innit
i just came here for the occassion 😂
they say to not speak ill of the dead.............but they never said anything about singing and dancing!
Henry Kissinger, this one is for you
Lots of love from Ireland! Mrs.T is waiting and has a nice chair ready by the fire
So does Sir Jimmy Savile (Papal Knight and Knight of Malta)
That's not your call. And if you don't want to end up there, be advised that hatred is a sin.
I think you mean “In the fire”
Guys, are we sure the Witch is actually dead? Maybe they should try filling an insurance claim, you know?
As someone who's gotten word kissenger is dead here's my like comment and share
🇮🇪 🇳🇬 🇯🇲 🇮🇳 🇧🇧 🇨🇦 🇰🇪 and countless other nations, you are in my thoughts during this not important time of the year
The view spike for this day must be as glorious as the occasion itself
just opened my gin since kissinger is dead
We’re back for another one lads. Honk if Kissinger’s deed.
Ah the comments didn't disappoint for that health insurance CEO.
Smoking dat Susan wojcicki pack
KISSINGER IS DEAD!!! He’s looking up at us now
Blasting this song all day today!
FUCK YEAH! Rest in Piss Queen Elizabeth II!
Yes Rest In Peace to the queen 🤣
@@kiyanae8661 RIP Bozo
Looking for this
Rest in piss
Will not miss
Y’all were here for Thatcher, get in here for Kissinger
They were two magnificent human beings, Andrew. The world is a much worse place without them.
And Now for Soible too (or whatever the hell he was called)
@@JWBabaYagaYou mean Hell is more magnificent for their presence. They're both having their guts ripped out and shredded into confetti.
Now MatPat!
@@DaveTheBunnyVery funny, considering most of you leftists don't believe in God, or the Devil, or Heaven, or Hell 🤔
It's so fucking hot down here oh shit oh fuck
I will forever regret not asking my Grandmother if she would like this played at her funeral.
You might think I'm being a shit but knowing my grandmother and her sense of humor she probably would have been cool with it.
Is she alive?
Sorry for your loss if she isn’t.
You had a good grandma
Sounds like your grandma had a brilliant sense of humour 😂
She taught me my sense of humour? Having grown up in radio days when people watched the radio gathered around as if it were tv. They conversed and told stories? Were better educated and wittier? Learned from each other.
Glad that we can sing this song once more!
I’m gonna sing it when my grandma dies 😊
@@TheJmlew11 Queen Elizabeth died
@@TheJmlew11grand demon elizapoop finally kicked the bucket
We represent the lullaby league 😂❤ erhhhmfgh 🩰🎀 0:39
Glad im not the only one here because of Kissinger
It's still pretty hot down here.
Edit 8/9/2022: SHIT it's even hotter oh fuck
Yeah what'd you expect from privatizing all the air conditioners in hell
I love you 😍
You reap what you sow
Hey, Maggie, tell Reagan that Gorbachov is coming
pov: you just came here after kissinger died
This song was blasting in my head at my mother-in-law's funeral
I plan to post it to my FB when mine goes.
@@murrayshekelberg9754 i think i will do this as well. unless she becomes someone really different or i get to change women
just my two shekels
And blasting somewhere at other countless mother-in-law funerals.
thats funny. because i liked her
It's been 10 years since Thatcher. Now you Americans get YOUR turn to play this song.
rest in piss
Kissinger is now dead bish les go party
We're all here for Henry Kissinger. Don't deny it.
Who was Henry Kissinger? I’ve never heard of him
The greatest war criminal in American history, a man who made Dick Cheney look like a mild-mannered accountant of death and carnage
@@vaya-dragon1998he played a key role in the carpet bombing of Cambodia, during the Vietnam war, which resulted in the death of over 100,000 civilians, allowing the dictator Pol Pot to unleash the Khmer Rouge regime
During the four years that was the Khmer rouge, over 2 million civilians were murdered
@@rapid_meme_godHe and Nixon also supported Pakistan in the Indo-Pak war of 1971. Meaning they supported the genocide of 3M bengalis by the pakistani army. Kissinger and Nixon also said some really degenerate and prejudiced things about Indians and Indira Gandhi.
@@vaya-dragon1998The reason why parents had to bury children, and children had to bury their parents
Came here after hearing Henry Kissinger died!
I think we all know why we’re here
CEO DOWN!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
I just found out that Henry Kissinger died today, and I had to come here!!😁🎉🎊🍾
The stroke is 10 years old today! *wipes tear* They grow up so fast...
Let’s be honest we all know why we are here UnitedHealthcare CEO this one’s for you!!
big meetup happening in hell today
Who else is here for Kissinger?
6th grade Math teacher has a substitute:
Me and the rest of my class:
Me for my French class
me for my german class
@@tia4108 lmaoooooo
Kissinger finally bit the dust
Shhh, it's going to be okay TH-cam. She can't hurt you anymore.
Unfortunately her censorship work has continued and grown under the new management.
Just as how the Witch of the East was just a prelude for the next one.
Neil is still alive. we need him next
Anyone else here for Henry Kissinger?
Better late than never
Played all across Ireland today lmao
Who's here for Kissinger? Pop out the bottles!
Back one more time for Kissinger. Can’t wait for when Putin goes
“Let the joyous news be spread! The wicked witch at last is dead!”
Rest in Pieces, Henry Kissinger.
Adios, Albright.
Here we are back for Henry Kissinger
we iranians are playing this now.
I'm Saudi and I'm playing this loud
I'm not even Iranian but I'm still playing this.
We need this to be Netanyahu, Biden, Sunak and Macron next
@@touyaoyagi Putin?
@@sayantanmazumdar3and trump!
No signs of life at Raisi’s crash site!
Who else is here for Henry Kissinger
Came here as soon as I heard Henry Kissinger died
Anyone else here, now that Henry Kissinger died?
I'll be here for Michelle Obama:)
Susan just bit the dust. XD
Hear after hearing Hassan Nasrallah is dead