This chapter in John and Alyssa’s marriage truly illustrates that marriage vows are sacred and not to be entered into lightly. They both pledged before God and man to be there for each other in sickness and in health. How could they know on their wedding day looking so gorgeous and healthy that this test would come into their lives at such a young age? It’s not only when we are older that we can face health challenges. God bless and keep them.
God bless you guys. we don't always understand why things happen but all the stuff we go thru we know he never forsakes us he is carrying us thru those times.
I love how vulnerable and honest you both were about every part of this experience. So many can relate. So many need to know they're not alone. So many need to know it's okay not to be okay or perfect, and that it is possible to work through difficult or confusing times. Thanks for sharing.
Ya know..its Dec 24 2022 and as I sit here watching my hubby sleep in a hospital bed this was the most encouraging video that I didn't know I needed to hear. This hit home on alot of levels for me and I Thank you for your honesty especially with your walk with God. WOW..jus WOW..(btw funny side note my hubby's name is John as well..Thank you..God bless
I understand health issues early in marriage. I had cancer 4 months into my marriage. God healed me. I have been cancer free now for almost 5.5 years. I will pray for your health!!!
Wow! What John said about God telling him “why couldn’t this happen to you?” really hit home. I had a different experience 15+ years ago and I heard that same voice. When I would ask “why is this happening to me?” I distinctly heard the reply “why not?”. My faith also grew leaps and bounds during that time. Thank you for the affirmation 15 years later!
Beautiful story!!! Last year we went through sudden finding of 2 aneurysms and brain bleed... being a mother to 3 little kids... hearing your husband’s struggles are so real! My husband went through so much grow as well, our faith and love! Our Lord been so much closer in our valley! He gives complete healing! And He who takes away health.... Above all and in everything is the Greatest!
Wow, this was so encouraging and such a blessing to watch. Thank you for sharing your story and the truth behind your feelings. I know it was hard to do that. Praise the Lord for Alyssa’s health today!
Thank you both so much for sharing this trial in your life! Are you planning to do a part 3 to elaborate on how the second surgery went? I hope so and look forward to it!
I had the same surgery done in June of 2019 and I'm now facing a 2nd one.I know how scary it is when those episodes happen.I will pray for you to have continued good health.You are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband.You guys are such an inspiration to me.
Man, I hate that Alyssa had to go through so much but you’re right, so many people go through so many worse things. I know, I have a lot of serious health problems.
Thank y’all so much for sharing this story!! Just wondering if y’all are going to do a part 3 documenting how your (Alyssa’s) 2nd surgery went and how that all played out into your recovery to date. Great job on the vlogs! God bless all!
Alyssa, as I was listening to your story it was like you were recanting my life from 2018-2019. The erratic heartbeats, dizziness and feeling like I was going to pass out. I was afraid to be alone . There were times my husband was gone, and I would be sitting on the couch just waiting for the hours to pass, before he came home in fear, but praying over and over. I had people come over and sit with me, because I was afraid to be alone . There were two nights I went to sleep, feeling like I would not wake up to see the next day . I could literally hear, and feel my heart racing. I'd made 8 different trips to the emergency room, had to wear a heart monitor, and saw so many specialist. One time I went across the street to ask my neighbor if I could sit with them, until my husband got home. I would sit my lawn chair outside on the front grass, in case I passed out, someone would see me. None of the Dr's could find anything wrong. There were times I would just be praying non stop until I fell asleep. One day I was feeling weird, and my husband said, "do you want me to stay home"? I said "no, this is between God and I". I would paste cue cards written with God's promises all over the house, and say them out loud, over and over. I would live and not die, and proclaim God's promises on healing. One day I got on my knees crying, telling Pappa, even in this I will worship, and praise you. No matter what happens, we win!! I told Satan, you messed with the wrong girl. I stepped out in faith even more, sharing my faith whenever I could, helping those in need throughout the world. I got angrier, but at the enemy not God. I asked Pappa, if it's my time, all I ask is you take me home quickly. Don't let me be a burden to anyone. One day I asked Pappa for wisdom. To guide me, so I could fight this. I came across a beautiful lesson on communion from Pastor Prince. He taught me this is the life blood, and how to apply it and use it. I started taking communion and before I knew it, the issues were going away. There weren't as many episodes, and no trips to the ER. Before long, it was weeks, months, then 6 mos. This May will be a year with no episodes . I've been healed. I'm just grateful, and this battle of uncertainty gave me a deeper faith walk, and trust in God. We used this same strategy, claiming God's word two other times, and both times the issues of masses and cancer were demolished completely in someone else. When Papoa says " believe that what you asked for you received". He truly means it! So stand on his promises everyday, and call them out. Have your family join in. Take communion, and step out in faith. He's no respector of persons, and he can do it for you. I believe he's allowed this to prepare you both to become Warriors, and move you up through the ranks of God's army.We've had great, blessed lives. Now it's time to suit up and get in the battle.🙏🙏🙏💕
Alyssa I'm so glad you're doing well. On Bringing up Bates we hardly get to see much of you and John so thank you for sharing with us and allowing us to get to know a little more about you. This video was a blessing especially what God has shown you through it all, it really ministered to me.
Wow this episode was very Raw & real thanks for sharing I never saw this before. I knew Alyssa had something happen and got pieces of it but never heard this. I the Lord pulled you closer to Him & each other, I can see the love that John has for Alyssa.
How touching! You learn more in the valley than on the mountain when everything seems to be going so good. What deep ways God takes to uncover what is in man’s heart! It takes God’s grace to say, Thy will be done. We think of Job. It was only God’s grace that enabled him to bow under his afflictions. The Lord showed the devil that Job served God out of love, and not because of the abundance that he had. In the end, God was glorified.
Alyssa and John, I’ve been following your story and I know that God is beside you helping you thru this. You have such a beautiful family. I’m lifting you up in prayer: May God help you beat this illness and lay His precious hand on your heart and heal you 100%. Thank you for sharing your struggles with us and showing others the faith you have as you fight this
What a heartfelt testimony. Somehow I can't help believe that you two were the type who did care and helped other people, and now you just have a deeper understanding and empathy. I appreciate that you were so open and honest about something so painful in your life. No doubt this will help someone going through a similar situation. Thank you for sharing, Valerie in Colorado
The Bible tells us we will have trials and tribulations in our life. When my husband contracted an uncurable type of cancer, my main one prayer was, "I trust you Lord." That is all I could pray as we went through it. A lot of times the reasons are not revealed as to why. ❤
Thank you for sharing your life and especially this part of it. There are many people who will be helped by hearing this information. Your family is so loving and kind, I love watching all of you.
I, too, have been through many trying times in my life. I am now in my mid 60s, and I can look back upon my life and see how each trial that I went through was preparing me for what was coming later!! I trust that God is in control in my life and even when it is difficult to see, He is with me. Love and prayers for you!!!!!
I just came across your story and I know you probably won’t read this but I want to say thank you for sharing. I have been going through an illness over the past 11 months and I almost died and the doctors still have no idea what is continuing to cause me to get sick. They did find out finally when I almost died that a piece of a medical device I had put in over 10 years ago that a doctor removed broke off and implanted into my jugular vein in my neck. The illness started with the surgery but they kept trying to figure out why I was so sick and had swelling and rashes and was in the hospital for over 7 months. I would be in for 2 weeks in the icu and then go home for a day or two and then the swelling and not being able to breathe would start again and then back into the hospital I went. I had been released after being in the icu for 3 weeks because a doctor who was very unkind said there is nothing wrong with me and he wanted me to go home. Another doctor fought to keep me in but after a few more days they released me. The next day I was back in the er with my airway closed off and couldn’t breathe. I remember them bringing in a crash cart and thinking to myself this is it. They rushed me into surgery because they couldn’t put a breathing tube into my throat through my mouth because my tongue was swollen so bad. I was still getting oxygen but they rushed me into the or because the anesthesiologist was like we are going to try and out a breathing tube through your nose into your lungs but might have to cut into my throat to put it in through there. I was awake for the tube in my nose that thankfully they got in but then they knocked me out. I woke up 2 weeks later in Alabama because they flew me from a hospital in Florida where I live to a better hospital after 7 days of trying to get me somewhere that could take care of me because no one had beds. They were going to do some emergency surgery on day 7 and the early morning before they got a call that there was a bed in the icu in Alabama so they flew me there. God was there with me because the swelling stopped and they extubated me. I am walking with a walker still now because of not walking for so long I lost so much muscle in my legs so I can’t walk without it and was in a wheelchair. But god has given me the strength to fight. I still have a long recovery and am told I need to get lawyers because they think that piece of the device is what caused the swelling to stop the blood flowing from my neck and caused me to not be able to breathe. The doctors told me I was a miracle. I always say that God has a plan for me and I may not know what it is but when he is ready for me to know I will. Sorry I probably shared to much but I just wanted to say thank you because I had some of the same thought of why me and I am grateful to know that other people feel the same way when you know there are others out there having worse things going on. So thank you for sharing your story. I have a long road ahead of me but I am going to keep praying and fighting. You and your family are in my prayers for sharing your life and honestly making me feel a little better knowing that I am not the only one who has had these thought. I don’t have people to talk to other than my parents and my nurses so I watch a lot of tv and TH-cam and am so grateful I cam across your story. God bless you and I honestly can’t thank you enough. 🙏🏻❤️
Thank you for sharing. I can tell that you were both impacted greatly by what you went through, and that God not only did a beautiful work in Alyssa’s health, but He also did a beautiful work in your spiritual hearts. God is so good! God bless you!
John and Alyssa, please use this as a teaching and learning tool. Learning more about yourself, you love in the Lord and love yourself through this time. You two are a beautiful couple, please love on yourself and one another. You two are being to hard on yourself. Don't compare yourself. There is a scripture Ps 46:10. This scripture has taught me so so much. "BE STILL".....Be still in Him, He is right next to you....sit next to Him, love on the Lord, Love yourself and one another. Allow God to work through you!!!! God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing such a difficult time in your lives. What an amazing story of God's healing as well as lessons learned. Your story has inspired and encouraged me. Many blessings to you and your beautiful family!
You guys are incredible. My story mirrors yours so closely. 3 cardioversions sand an ablation with rough recovery. My husband and I went through the same struggles mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I continue to have AFib and I still try and see the bright side of it all. God Bless you both.
I remember when I was 'coming out' of my surgery (emergency c-section with heart failure due to pre-eclampsia) and doing the steps to recovery, sitting up, walking, sitting. I had not had anything to eat since breakfast and I too went 'wham'. Plus I had all the meds that were pumped into all of the ivs. (I had 6 lines going into my body) It was scary. I was in pain, I prayed the whole time. It was 25 hours before I could see my son. I was like " Is he okay?" When I got to the NICU (he was 9 weeks early) I forgot about me and focused on him. I have learned, that God will only give us only what we can handle. I was so grateful for the second chance God gave me. My son is now 15 and driving. I know that I wouldn't be here without the doctor's and nurses, and God helping them. I'm praying for your family! God Bless!
God Bless you for sharing. I can relate in so many ways. You story helps me process what I have been through the last year...3 foot surgeries on the same foot...not able to walk/exercise/work etc. I have asked the 'Why me' questions...God is patient with me and I'm grateful for his mercy and grace poured out on me. This too will pass...and I'll have a story to tell...
As the "sick" spouse I really really struggled with feelings of guilt for the fear and stress my spouse and family have felt the numerous times ive been ill, transported to bigger hospitals, in ICU and CICU... with few answers to the issues I was dealing with. I can't imagine how stressful and difficult it is to be powerless to do anything physically to help. I'm thankful to have a God fearing family of prayer warriors. Im no stranger to the weights on the groin... but not from a procedure like yours. I have EXTREMELY small veins/ arteries and the doctors couldn't get a central line in my chest to thread all the way in so they tried going in my femoral. It was smooth to get in but then they pulled back a bit to make sure it was in. Suddenly I heard.. and DEFINTELY felt..a "pop" and warmth going down the inside of my leg. My doctor's known me almost since birth.. sort of like dr Vick for your family.. and he reminds me of how dr Vick seems to be on your family's show.. very calm and collected. I knew something wasn't good cux I could see the nurse's face but he calmly said "hmm... nurse please put pressure here" (pushing on the bleeding area SUPER hard) as he pushes the button to summon help. Because I also knew the doc so well I immediately knew what happened. I was glad he was calm but i ended up lying down with the weights on for a few hours. I also am a terrible healer and got some reason I require more anesthesia than most. So I warn docs of this but they understandably rarely take my word for it and sadly long term records are rarely passed on to specialists. So twice ive woken up during procedures I definitely didn't want to be awake for! Its not a great feeling. Your family is in my prayers
God is amazing, his timing is perfect and we just don’t understand when we’re walking through these moments it can be terrifying. On your wedding day you both promise to love through sickness and in health but you never imagine how frightening it can be and testing you’d faith. My husband and I have had trials that we never imagined but god is always with you, never giving you more than you can carry ❤️ I was crying with you John to see you obvious love for Alyssa, so proud of you both, trust in god ❤️ lots of love all the way from Australia ❤️
Amen! Thank you for sharing what you are learning! I remember a time in my life when my mom had severe gal bladder problems and it brought our family closer to God and each other. Hard times do that to people, so when I go through something tough I try to remember this has a purpose and a plan. And we need to learn from all situations that God has brought into our lives.
Sending you all so much love and light. I pray everything ends up well in the end. Does little Lyla possibly have this too? I vaguely recall there were some scary moments with her. So thankful you have both sides of the family to surround and uplift you. Wishing you only the very best. Blessings to you.
I had a heart attack at 28. The second one at 44. Almost died from sepsis in 2018. I am now fifty. Praying for you both. Heart problems are no joke. Your relationship with the Divine is matter what is handed, there is a Higher Hand here at play. Praying for you both. I know how scary it is. God carries us in those dark times. It makes us appreciate what we have on a daily basis. Thank you for sharing your journey so openly. We love, appreciate and are praying for Alyssa, John and your girls.
I have been through a similar health situation and it was so frustrating when it took so long for an answer and several surgeries. You are a strong, beautiful couple and I am so glad you are doing better now. I pray you live a long time to enjoy your wonderful husband and beautiful children. You have touched my heart with your sharing this. God bless.
John , you are a man of good stature , Alyssa , you are an inspiration … together you are total strength. By strength I mean with , total Love , complete union of your souls , total strength. I was by my wife's side during her two brain surgeries , she had a melanoma tumor on her brain stem , I stayed by her side and gave her my healing energy just as you are giving Alyssa your healing energy. I send you both healing vibes and comforting thoughts , I'm proud of both of you but also sad for what you are going through.
So proud of you both. I have been a volunteer youth worker for years & have watched sadly so many rejecting Jesus & their faith as they grow into young adulthood. I wish they could all see this video. How proud God must feel of you both!
No one's trial in their life is "worse" than what you are going through. We walk the life we are given. We learn and grow doing the best we can. It is what we do. We grow closer and lean on each other. Blessing to you both as you walk the path you have been given.
I am very glad you are over the worst and are better ... it is tough when you get a frightening diagnosis.. I know only too well ... sending love and prayers your way xx
Thank you so much for sharing!! I too am going through my own health issues right now- and it's been months. And everyday all I can think of is "I want to be healed right now". I know that isn't reality though. I've been emotional and dramatic, uncomfortable and in pain. And I know I need to patient- and put all of my faith in the Lord. It's so hard sometimes. And I know I will come out of this stronger. Christ has suffered the most for us- he knows what we are feeling and we can trust he will be by our side always. Hope you're doing well!! ❤
Beautiful and well done testimony. I especially loved their transparency we all have those moments where we slack in faith and question the plan of God. John telling how he felt broke my heart and all his emotions with it. My Pastor had a similar experience with his wife(our first lady) and he tells how it killed him leaving her and having to see her walk down a long hall without him with a stranger(being the doctor) and how waiting seemed like an eternity, didn't eat just prayed and waited the several hours and the joy he felt when he ran into the recovery room to see her. I imagine its sure hell. God is good Alyssa I'm glad you're okay and doing much better
Have you 2 thought about a Bible study through TH-cam on fear, will, and trust in God? Your words have encouraged me greatly and I thank you both for being so brave and sharing this. Happy Father's day John!
Thank you for sharing your journey!!! I am so glad Alyssa is doing better! It is amazing to see how God is working in your lives!! He is so faithful to us!! Thanks again for sharing your journey!!!
Thanks for your humility and vulnerability. God opened your eyes to see so you could encourage your brothers and sisters, thank you so much, Job never new why and he repented of his ungratefulness. James 1 reminds us of the joy of endurance's purpose.
I really feel for you! I’m a congenital heart patient. So I have been used to doctors & hospitals my entire life. I started having severe arrhythmic issues in my early 20s. It took years to sort out. I ended up having two ablation surgeries, both awake. I remember everything, especially the searing pain that meds wouldn’t even touch. Both times I developed bad inflammation of the heart muscle during recovery. It was brutal. Thankfully, the second one helped tremendously. Years later I did end up having to have an open heart surgery for valve replacement and ended up with a pacemaker as a result of that. And I understand well how these things can exhaust you & your loved ones mentally, physically, and spiritually.
I love y’all and am praying for you! You guys are amazing and are awesome and inspirational role models for followers of God. You guys are so amazing and I am so glad that I can be part of this godly family.
I have learned in my 61 1/2 years of life, that you can't wear yourself out with WHY? Paul had an affliction. We don't know what it was but when he asked God to remove it, God said "My grace is sufficient". about a year and a half ago, I lost my house, three acres of land, my husband went to the hospital with depression, my husband's brother sued us so he could try and take our driveway away from us, my husband's mother stopped associating with us, as did my 3 sisters and their children. My step children live in England and they too turned from us. I then began to have health problems, I think from all the stress. I had urinary tract problems that caused me to have to stop exercising as I wanted to and my doctor told me that she didn't know what to do for me. There was a while where I thought I was going to just die and I would have been fine with it. All of this happened while we were more in God's will than we ever have been before. We were working in our church, tithing, having a wonderful time in the Lord and the rug was pulled out from under us. However, in a year and a half, we have been blessed with 10 acres of land and a new house. We have neighbors who are Christians and just lovely people. My health problems seem to be gone. My husband is happier than I have seen him in years. We have a new church and are making new friends. We are back in our home State of Florida and we love it. I have spent many days asking why why why? the answer comes as the thought "I have given you back more than you lost and through it all, my grace was sufficient. Our families have not returned to us but we live a full life anyway. Just remember that you don't have to know why to trust God and let him lead you through whatever you go through. He will give you more than is taken away. Remember Job. I sometimes think that my name should be Joseph Job Jona. I haven't been swallowed by a fish yet but when I do, maybe my past will help me overcome that better. God Bless You guys. Hang in there, God knows what he's doing.
Thank you so very much for sharing your story! My hubby and I have been thrust into a completely phase of life for the last year and a half! We are at a crossroads right now that will play out this summer. The Lord gave me a word over a week ago to TRUST HIM & NOT STRESS. I am working on this daily (sometimes hourly 🤷🏻♀️😉😂) but I am trusting in Him! God bless and keep you all safe and sound through this pandemic.
Thank you for sharing this 💗 I happy cried right now reading your story. This last year has been such a challenge in alot of ways, but I have been getting closer with our Heavenly Papa everyday. I left a toxic job and it tubble weeded after that. The girl who's best friend lived in our complex and other neighbors were harrassing not only me and and my, but I am a single mom of a special needs little one who is very smart about what's going on. I always try to show grace and Jesus love, but it is hard at times. I know God is good and working things out no matter what it looks like. Thank you for being such an encouragement to me 💗
@@alethealira373 Bless your heart. I can relate to you. My special needs child is 17 now but I have been in situations when the only person I could rely on was the Lord Jesus. He gave me strength and continues to give grace and strength for the past 17 years. I will pray for you! God is there to help you and he will make a way. It is hard. I have been there and come through a lot. But with God's help you will make it. :-)
God was watching over you for sure. John reminds me of my husband and the support he gives you. You are blessed! I have POTs which causes me to pass-out and high/low BP and my heart rate races as well. It took 1-1/2yrs to figure out what was wrong and now I am disabled but thanks to My faith and family I’m doing well as I hope you continue to as well! 🙏🏻❤️
My grandpa had countless heart attacks, strokes, pace maker and was on the heart transplant list. It’s so hard to learn it’s overwhelming! You all are doing a great job explaining this. I’m so so sorry you all had to experience this, but we know God uses all that we go through for good. Imagine how many lives you may be saving by sharing your experience. The Lord is definitely working in your life and has big plans for you!
💞 You can feel the love between them!!! I will pray that it was successful! 🙏🏼 I know this may not be the right time, but Alyssa, your suit is beautiful!!!
You look lovely in lavender. Sometimes, an otherwise healthy young person develops a heart dysthymia or other medical condition, for no explainable reason. Just glad that you're well and better. Sorry to hear that you had a hard recovery.
GOD cares for you.Even though we don't understand GOD has a plan and purpose for your lives.yall seem really humble.Thats a great thing to have.GOD brought her thru that surgery.He will bring you thru every trial.He loves you.Hes a Great Loving GOD and His ways are Higher than our ways.His Love for you is deeper than the ocean.His Hand is on your life.We can trust Him.💖
Nonsense. If there was a god then he is just as responsible for the bad things he created as the good things. So why praise a god who created the issue in the first place? The Bible is such an immoral book, full of genocides, rapes, blood sacrifices and advocates slavery. Thank goodness there is no good evidence for a god. You get through tough times by being realistic and resilient. You take the blows and find the joy in day to day acceptance of your personal challenges. I appreciate the skill of the doctors that help me. But praying to an imaginary friend is just frustratingand a waste of time. Reality is much better. You can stand up for yourself instead of begging some mean god who decided to inflict this on you and you are supposed to say thanks? And pray to him to save your life? That’s completely ridiculous. Time to get rid of these superstitious nonsense. It leads to people being scammed all the time because they will believe anything, without any real evidence.
@@judyives1832 It is your right to choose not to believe, but don't you think you are being a bit presumptuous to push your unbelief onto others. Why did you watch this video? You must have know that it was about Christians, so was your intention to undermine them? Everything you said about the goings on in the bible is true. But that wasn't God telling them or endorsing them to live like that. The Jews were told that if someone sold themselves into slavery it was only to be for 7 years, then they were to be freed. The people in the Bible were human and humanity is full of sin and crime. God doesn't accept that and that is why He came to earth as a man to take on the sins of the world. All we have to do is accept Jesus and repent. There is no way to explain it to you. One has to read the Bible several times before things and reasons start to click. Every time I read the Bible I learn something new and think oh my that's the reason or that's what was meant by this request, law or command. From Genesis to Matthew, it is all leading to one thing, and that is our redemption through Christ. Check it out , you have to have something in you that is curious as to why people believe and pray.
@@judyives1832 sad.i hope your eyes are open don't believe now but you will one Day.we wouldn't even be alive without GOD.i hope you find The Truth soon.
Thank you for sharing your story. For me I had open heart surgery back in 1975 had 3 whole in my heart born with . I was feeling good in till was 27 years old went in A -Fib twice in a year had the same surgery you had . So when in the last 3 year's had two Heart attack & gone back in A - Fib now have a pacemaker just 2018 . What keeps me going is My family . Much love to you Alyssa , John & girls
I have had 3 surgeries and 2 were fine (all were successful thank the Lord) but I had the same kind of throat problem. Mine was caused by the device the put in your mouth was the wrong size it was too large. When was able to look in my mouth I saw my throat was black from the bruise caused by the throat device. I have NEVER had such pain in my life I couldn’t swallow it was terrible. My surgery was for possible breast cancer and it was positive for very early stage. That gave me no problem but the throat affected my head, neck actually my whole body. If I ever have another I will make sure that the throat device is not too big because it is a killer! Thank you so much for sharing what you went through. I am so very grateful God provided all you both needed to get through this . Thank you especially for sharing your faith both the why us as well as gratefulness. It has been very powerful.
I know through the tough times a lot doesn't make sense, we don't know why these things happen, and we can drive ourselves crazy asking why! We must just trust In God! I lost my brother in a car accident, I was shocked and hurt, I never got the chance to hold him, to tell him I love him just one more time! It hurts but God is with us! Hang in there, you're such a lovely couple!!❤
Thank you for sharing so honesty. Some people think the Christian life is contractual, they think if they do good things, nothing bad will happen to them. However the Bible states, "in this life you will have trouble" but God promises to go through it with us and strengthen us (Is. 43). I am glad you realized you still have many blessings and can be a blessing to others as you walk through life's challenges as well as life's joys.
Thank you for sharing your story your setting a great example to others that might have the same problem. Your amazing and I love both of you and big fans of yours and your family
Thank you for sharing your journey. I have a heart condition and currently have an implanted loop recorder in my chest. The cardiologist is trying to catch an episode, like the one that caused me to pass out. It is scary at times and as a couple and family, we have to cling to our faith in the Lord's plan. Sharing your struggles and fears, I believe helps others not feel so alone. It also inspires others to rely on their faith too. Thank you. 💜
This chapter in John and Alyssa’s marriage truly illustrates that marriage vows are sacred and not to be entered into lightly. They both pledged before God and man to be there for each other in sickness and in health. How could they know on their wedding day looking so gorgeous and healthy that this test would come into their lives at such a young age? It’s not only when we are older that we can face health challenges. God bless and keep them.
God bless you guys. we don't always understand why things happen but all the stuff we go thru we know he never forsakes us he is carrying us thru those times.
I love how vulnerable and honest you both were about every part of this experience. So many can relate. So many need to know they're not alone. So many need to know it's okay not to be okay or perfect, and that it is possible to work through difficult or confusing times. Thanks for sharing.
You can feel the undying love John has for his beautiful wife 💖
This couple is beyond lucky to have each other..and they are GORGEOUS to boot!!! Incredibly BEAUTIFUL FAMILY!!! I don't see part 1 of this story...
Ya know..its Dec 24 2022 and as I sit here watching my hubby sleep in a hospital bed this was the most encouraging video that I didn't know I needed to hear. This hit home on alot of levels for me and I Thank you for your honesty especially with your walk with God. WOW..jus WOW..(btw funny side note my hubby's name is John as well..Thank you..God bless
I understand health issues early in marriage. I had cancer 4 months into my marriage. God healed me. I have been cancer free now for almost 5.5 years. I will pray for your health!!!
Wow! What John said about God telling him “why couldn’t this happen to you?” really hit home. I had a different experience 15+ years ago and I heard that same voice. When I would ask “why is this happening to me?” I distinctly heard the reply “why not?”. My faith also grew leaps and bounds during that time.
Thank you for the affirmation 15 years later!
Oh my. You two... I was crying right along with you both. Sending my love and prayers to you both. ❤️🙏🏻
John you are an incredible husband 💕 Alyssa you a such an inspiration 💪🏽 Together you are SO STRONG 🙌🏽❤️
Beautiful story!!! Last year we went through sudden finding of 2 aneurysms and brain bleed... being a mother to 3 little kids... hearing your husband’s struggles are so real! My husband went through so much grow as well, our faith and love! Our Lord been so much closer in our valley! He gives complete healing! And He who takes away health.... Above all and in everything is the Greatest!
Wow, this was so encouraging and such a blessing to watch. Thank you for sharing your story and the truth behind your feelings. I know it was hard to do that. Praise the Lord for Alyssa’s health today!
What a testament to your love of God & Family
Thank you for being so open about your health and faith struggles. You are a blessed family and so real.
Thank you both so much for sharing this trial in your life! Are you planning to do a part 3 to elaborate on how the second surgery went? I hope so and look forward to it!
I’m so glad you are here today to totally ROCK that lilac power suit. 💜
I had the same surgery done in June of 2019 and I'm now facing a 2nd one.I know how scary it is when those episodes happen.I will pray for you to have continued good health.You are so lucky to have such a wonderful husband.You guys are such an inspiration to me.
How are you doing now?
Man, I hate that Alyssa had to go through so much but you’re right, so many people go through so many worse things. I know, I have a lot of serious health problems.
Thank y’all so much for sharing this story!! Just wondering if y’all are going to do a part 3 documenting how your (Alyssa’s) 2nd surgery went and how that all played out into your recovery to date. Great job on the vlogs! God bless all!
Alyssa, as I was listening to your story it was like you were recanting my life from 2018-2019. The erratic heartbeats, dizziness and feeling like I was going to pass out. I was afraid to be alone . There were times my husband was gone, and I would be sitting on the couch just waiting for the hours to pass, before he came home in fear, but praying over and over. I had people come over and sit with me, because I was afraid to be alone . There were two nights I went to sleep, feeling like I would not wake up to see the next day . I could literally hear, and feel my heart racing. I'd made 8 different trips to the emergency room, had to wear a heart monitor, and saw so many specialist. One time I went across the street to ask my neighbor if I could sit with them, until my husband got home. I would sit my lawn chair outside on the front grass, in case I passed out, someone would see me. None of the Dr's could find anything wrong. There were times I would just be praying non stop until I fell asleep. One day I was feeling weird, and my husband said, "do you want me to stay home"? I said "no, this is between God and I". I would paste cue cards written with God's promises all over the house, and say them out loud, over and over. I would live and not die, and proclaim God's promises on healing. One day I got on my knees crying, telling Pappa, even in this I will worship, and praise you. No matter what happens, we win!! I told Satan, you messed with the wrong girl. I stepped out in faith even more, sharing my faith whenever I could, helping those in need throughout the world. I got angrier, but at the enemy not God. I asked Pappa, if it's my time, all I ask is you take me home quickly. Don't let me be a burden to anyone. One day I asked Pappa for wisdom. To guide me, so I could fight this. I came across a beautiful lesson on communion from Pastor Prince. He taught me this is the life blood, and how to apply it and use it. I started taking communion and before I knew it, the issues were going away. There weren't as many episodes, and no trips to the ER. Before long, it was weeks, months, then 6 mos. This May will be a year with no episodes . I've been healed. I'm just grateful, and this battle of uncertainty gave me a deeper faith walk, and trust in God. We used this same strategy, claiming God's word two other times, and both times the issues of masses and cancer were demolished completely in someone else. When Papoa says " believe that what you asked for you received". He truly means it! So stand on his promises everyday, and call them out. Have your family join in. Take communion, and step out in faith.
He's no respector of persons, and he can do it for you. I believe he's allowed this to prepare you both to become Warriors, and move you up through the ranks of God's army.We've had great, blessed lives. Now it's time to suit up and get in the battle.🙏🙏🙏💕
Such a difficult time but you got through! Glad you are feeling better now 💖
Alyssa I'm so glad you're doing well. On Bringing up Bates we hardly get to see much of you and John so thank you for sharing with us and allowing us to get to know a little more about you. This video was a blessing especially what God has shown you through it all, it really ministered to me.
Wow this episode was very Raw & real thanks for sharing I never saw this before. I knew Alyssa had something happen and got pieces of it but never heard this. I the Lord pulled you closer to Him & each other, I can see the love that John has for Alyssa.
I love the transparency and honesty. Many times our faith gets waivered thats apart of being human beings. Praying for your family.
I'm so glad your doing better now. Thank you for letting us know all that you went through. Sending prayers 😍
Thank you for sharing your testament and experience
How touching! You learn more in the valley than on the mountain when everything seems to be going so good. What deep ways God takes to uncover what is in man’s heart! It takes God’s grace to say, Thy will be done. We think of Job. It was only God’s grace that enabled him to bow under his afflictions. The Lord showed the devil that Job served God out of love, and not because of the abundance that he had. In the end, God was glorified.
John and Alyssa you are both so brave to discuss wavering with us. Thank you for showing it happens to everyone. xoxo 🙏❤
What a beautiful an inspirational couple. God bless y'all and glad you are feeling better🙏 Bringing Up Bates is my favorite show.❤
Alyssa and John, I’ve been following your story and I know that God is beside you helping you thru this. You have such a beautiful family. I’m lifting you up in prayer: May God help you beat this illness and lay His precious hand on your heart and heal you 100%. Thank you for sharing your struggles with us and showing others the faith you have as you fight this
What a heartfelt testimony. Somehow I can't help believe that you two were the type who did care and helped other people, and now you just have a deeper understanding and empathy. I appreciate that you were so open and honest about something so painful in your life. No doubt this will help someone going through a similar situation. Thank you for sharing, Valerie in Colorado
The Bible tells us we will have trials and tribulations in our life. When my husband contracted an uncurable type of cancer, my main one prayer was, "I trust you Lord." That is all I could pray as we went through it. A lot of times the reasons are not revealed as to why. ❤
Thank you for sharing your life and especially this part of it. There are many people who will be helped by hearing this information. Your family is so loving and kind, I love watching all of you.
You have the sweetest husband. Good luck to you both.
John, you weren't being selifish, you were/are just looking out for your wife and daughters. God Bless you all !
I, too, have been through many trying times in my life. I am now in my mid 60s, and I can look back upon my life and see how each trial that I went through was preparing me for what was coming later!! I trust that God is in control in my life and even when it is difficult to see, He is with me. Love and prayers for you!!!!!
Thank you for sharing your story! You and your entire family are truly a blessing.
I just came across your story and I know you probably won’t read this but I want to say thank you for sharing. I have been going through an illness over the past 11 months and I almost died and the doctors still have no idea what is continuing to cause me to get sick. They did find out finally when I almost died that a piece of a medical device I had put in over 10 years ago that a doctor removed broke off and implanted into my jugular vein in my neck. The illness started with the surgery but they kept trying to figure out why I was so sick and had swelling and rashes and was in the hospital for over 7 months. I would be in for 2 weeks in the icu and then go home for a day or two and then the swelling and not being able to breathe would start again and then back into the hospital I went.
I had been released after being in the icu for 3 weeks because a doctor who was very unkind said there is nothing wrong with me and he wanted me to go home. Another doctor fought to keep me in but after a few more days they released me. The next day I was back in the er with my airway closed off and couldn’t breathe. I remember them bringing in a crash cart and thinking to myself this is it. They rushed me into surgery because they couldn’t put a breathing tube into my throat through my mouth because my tongue was swollen so bad. I was still getting oxygen but they rushed me into the or because the anesthesiologist was like we are going to try and out a breathing tube through your nose into your lungs but might have to cut into my throat to put it in through there. I was awake for the tube in my nose that thankfully they got in but then they knocked me out. I woke up 2 weeks later in Alabama because they flew me from a hospital in Florida where I live to a better hospital after 7 days of trying to get me somewhere that could take care of me because no one had beds. They were going to do some emergency surgery on day 7 and the early morning before they got a call that there was a bed in the icu in Alabama so they flew me there. God was there with me because the swelling stopped and they extubated me. I am walking with a walker still now because of not walking for so long I lost so much muscle in my legs so I can’t walk without it and was in a wheelchair. But god has given me the strength to fight. I still have a long recovery and am told I need to get lawyers because they think that piece of the device is what caused the swelling to stop the blood flowing from my neck and caused me to not be able to breathe. The doctors told me I was a miracle. I always say that God has a plan for me and I may not know what it is but when he is ready for me to know I will. Sorry I probably shared to much but I just wanted to say thank you because I had some of the same thought of why me and I am grateful to know that other people feel the same way when you know there are others out there having worse things going on. So thank you for sharing your story. I have a long road ahead of me but I am going to keep praying and fighting. You and your family are in my prayers for sharing your life and honestly making me feel a little better knowing that I am not the only one who has had these thought. I don’t have people to talk to other than my parents and my nurses so I watch a lot of tv and TH-cam and am so grateful I cam across your story. God bless you and I honestly can’t thank you enough. 🙏🏻❤️
Thank you for sharing. I can tell that you were both impacted greatly by what you went through, and that God not only did a beautiful work in Alyssa’s health, but He also did a beautiful work in your spiritual hearts. God is so good! God bless you!
John and Alyssa, please use this as a teaching and learning tool. Learning more about yourself, you love in the Lord and love yourself through this time. You two are a beautiful couple, please love on yourself and one another. You two are being to hard on yourself. Don't compare yourself. There is a scripture Ps 46:10. This scripture has taught me so so much. "BE STILL".....Be still in Him, He is right next to you....sit next to Him, love on the Lord, Love yourself and one another. Allow God to work through you!!!! God bless.
Thank you so much for sharing such a difficult time in your lives. What an amazing story of God's healing as well as lessons learned. Your story has inspired and encouraged me. Many blessings to you and your beautiful family!
You guys are incredible. My story mirrors yours so closely. 3 cardioversions sand an ablation with rough recovery. My husband and I went through the same struggles mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. I continue to have AFib and I still try and see the bright side of it all. God Bless you both.
Love this, love your story. Love your honesty!!! God always has a plan in the hardest moments.
I remember when I was 'coming out' of my surgery (emergency c-section with heart failure due to pre-eclampsia) and doing the steps to recovery, sitting up, walking, sitting. I had not had anything to eat since breakfast and I too went 'wham'. Plus I had all the meds that were pumped into all of the ivs. (I had 6 lines going into my body) It was scary. I was in pain, I prayed the whole time. It was 25 hours before I could see my son. I was like " Is he okay?" When I got to the NICU (he was 9 weeks early) I forgot about me and focused on him. I have learned, that God will only give us only what we can handle. I was so grateful for the second chance God gave me. My son is now 15 and driving. I know that I wouldn't be here without the doctor's and nurses, and God helping them. I'm praying for your family! God Bless!
What was your problem with your heart ultimately?
God Bless you for sharing. I can relate in so many ways. You story helps me process what I have been through the last year...3 foot surgeries on the same foot...not able to walk/exercise/work etc. I have asked the 'Why me' questions...God is patient with me and I'm grateful for his mercy and grace poured out on me. This too will pass...and I'll have a story to tell...
As the "sick" spouse I really really struggled with feelings of guilt for the fear and stress my spouse and family have felt the numerous times ive been ill, transported to bigger hospitals, in ICU and CICU... with few answers to the issues I was dealing with. I can't imagine how stressful and difficult it is to be powerless to do anything physically to help. I'm thankful to have a God fearing family of prayer warriors.
Im no stranger to the weights on the groin... but not from a procedure like yours. I have EXTREMELY small veins/ arteries and the doctors couldn't get a central line in my chest to thread all the way in so they tried going in my femoral. It was smooth to get in but then they pulled back a bit to make sure it was in. Suddenly I heard.. and DEFINTELY felt..a "pop" and warmth going down the inside of my leg. My doctor's known me almost since birth.. sort of like dr Vick for your family.. and he reminds me of how dr Vick seems to be on your family's show.. very calm and collected. I knew something wasn't good cux I could see the nurse's face but he calmly said "hmm... nurse please put pressure here" (pushing on the bleeding area SUPER hard) as he pushes the button to summon help. Because I also knew the doc so well I immediately knew what happened. I was glad he was calm but i ended up lying down with the weights on for a few hours. I also am a terrible healer and got some reason I require more anesthesia than most. So I warn docs of this but they understandably rarely take my word for it and sadly long term records are rarely passed on to specialists. So twice ive woken up during procedures I definitely didn't want to be awake for! Its not a great feeling. Your family is in my prayers
U guys r like the most genuine people. Walk together so well. And u both r beautiful souls
God is amazing, his timing is perfect and we just don’t understand when we’re walking through these moments it can be terrifying. On your wedding day you both promise to love through sickness and in health but you never imagine how frightening it can be and testing you’d faith. My husband and I have had trials that we never imagined but god is always with you, never giving you more than you can carry ❤️ I was crying with you John to see you obvious love for Alyssa, so proud of you both, trust in god ❤️ lots of love all the way from Australia ❤️
Amen! Thank you for sharing what you are learning! I remember a time in my life when my mom had severe gal bladder problems and it brought our family closer to God and each other. Hard times do that to people, so when I go through something tough I try to remember this has a purpose and a plan. And we need to learn from all situations that God has brought into our lives.
Ookkplolklkkjjuj,lokimj,lmmmim jmimimi
God Bless you and your family ❤️🙏
Sending you all so much love and light. I pray everything ends up well in the end. Does little Lyla possibly have this too? I vaguely recall there were some scary moments with her. So thankful you have both sides of the family to surround and uplift you. Wishing you only the very best. Blessings to you.
So glad you are ok. You had lots of people praying for you!
I had a heart attack at 28. The second one at 44. Almost died from sepsis in 2018. I am now fifty. Praying for you both. Heart problems are no joke. Your relationship with the Divine is matter what is handed, there is a Higher Hand here at play. Praying for you both. I know how scary it is. God carries us in those dark times. It makes us appreciate what we have on a daily basis. Thank you for sharing your journey so openly. We love, appreciate and are praying for Alyssa, John and your girls.
I have been through a similar health situation and it was so frustrating when it took so long for an answer and several surgeries. You are a strong, beautiful couple and I am so glad you are doing better now. I pray you live a long time to enjoy your wonderful husband and beautiful children. You have touched my heart with your sharing this. God bless.
Such a powerful testimony of hearing from God and Him speaking to you! Thank you for sharing! God is Good 🙌
John , you are a man of good stature , Alyssa , you are an inspiration … together you are total strength. By strength I mean with , total Love , complete union of your souls , total strength. I was by my wife's side during her two brain surgeries , she had a melanoma tumor on her brain stem , I stayed by her side and gave her my healing energy just as you are giving Alyssa your healing energy.
I send you both healing vibes and comforting thoughts , I'm proud of both of you but also sad for what you are going through.
So proud of you both. I have been a volunteer youth worker for years & have watched sadly so many rejecting Jesus & their faith as they grow into young adulthood. I wish they could all see this video. How proud God must feel of you both!
No one's trial in their life is "worse" than what you are going through. We walk the life we are given. We learn and grow doing the best we can. It is what we do. We grow closer and lean on each other. Blessing to you both as you walk the path you have been given.
Such a testimony in Gods love. I hope there is a part 3 so we can hear the rest of the journey you both went on.
you are such a sweet family,,hope all the best for you,,God Bless You even more than HE already has
I am very glad you are over the worst and are better ... it is tough when you get a frightening diagnosis.. I know only too well ... sending love and prayers your way xx
Thank you so much for sharing!! I too am going through my own health issues right now- and it's been months. And everyday all I can think of is "I want to be healed right now". I know that isn't reality though. I've been emotional and dramatic, uncomfortable and in pain. And I know I need to patient- and put all of my faith in the Lord. It's so hard sometimes. And I know I will come out of this stronger. Christ has suffered the most for us- he knows what we are feeling and we can trust he will be by our side always. Hope you're doing well!! ❤
We only truly value life when we truly know it can end.
so well put.
It’s so true!
Giovanna H Amen
Amen, to that beautiful testimony...thank you for sharing. I was so encouraged.
You two and your kiddos too are in my prayers. ♥️
Beautiful and well done testimony. I especially loved their transparency we all have those moments where we slack in faith and question the plan of God.
John telling how he felt broke my heart and all his emotions with it. My Pastor had a similar experience with his wife(our first lady) and he tells how it killed him leaving her and having to see her walk down a long hall without him with a stranger(being the doctor) and how waiting seemed like an eternity, didn't eat just prayed and waited the several hours and the joy he felt when he ran into the recovery room to see her. I imagine its sure hell.
God is good Alyssa I'm glad you're okay and doing much better
You’re such an inspirational couple! Sending you love, light, and healing. God bless you!❤️🙏🏻👼🏻
I really really needed to hear those words John spoke x
Thank you for telling your story. You are truly inspirational. May God continue to bless you and your family.
God is so awesome. Glad that you are doing well. You both are true inspirations
Have you 2 thought about a Bible study through TH-cam on fear, will, and trust in God? Your words have encouraged me greatly and I thank you both for being so brave and sharing this. Happy Father's day John!
Thank you for sharing your journey!!! I am so glad Alyssa is doing better! It is amazing to see how God is working in your lives!! He is so faithful to us!! Thanks again for sharing your journey!!!
Thanks for your humility and vulnerability. God opened your eyes to see so you could encourage your brothers and sisters, thank you so much, Job never new why and he repented of his ungratefulness. James 1 reminds us of the joy of endurance's purpose.
I really feel for you! I’m a congenital heart patient. So I have been used to doctors & hospitals my entire life. I started having severe arrhythmic issues in my early 20s. It took years to sort out. I ended up having two ablation surgeries, both awake. I remember everything, especially the searing pain that meds wouldn’t even touch. Both times I developed bad inflammation of the heart muscle during recovery. It was brutal. Thankfully, the second one helped tremendously. Years later I did end up having to have an open heart surgery for valve replacement and ended up with a pacemaker as a result of that. And I understand well how these things can exhaust you & your loved ones mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Alyssa I am so glad you are doing better.. there is not an episode of your show I have not seen. I will be praying for you. 🙏❤
I absolutely love your family! I’m praying for you Alyssa.
Prue love. Everyone should have someone love them as much as john loves her. Thank you for sharing.
I love y’all and am praying for you! You guys are amazing and are awesome and inspirational role models for followers of God. You guys are so amazing and I am so glad that I can be part of this godly family.
I have learned in my 61 1/2 years of life, that you can't wear yourself out with WHY? Paul had an affliction. We don't know what it was but when he asked God to remove it, God said "My grace is sufficient". about a year and a half ago, I lost my house, three acres of land, my husband went to the hospital with depression, my husband's brother sued us so he could try and take our driveway away from us, my husband's mother stopped associating with us, as did my 3 sisters and their children. My step children live in England and they too turned from us. I then began to have health problems, I think from all the stress. I had urinary tract problems that caused me to have to stop exercising as I wanted to and my doctor told me that she didn't know what to do for me. There was a while where I thought I was going to just die and I would have been fine with it. All of this happened while we were more in God's will than we ever have been before. We were working in our church, tithing, having a wonderful time in the Lord and the rug was pulled out from under us. However, in a year and a half, we have been blessed with 10 acres of land and a new house. We have neighbors who are Christians and just lovely people. My health problems seem to be gone. My husband is happier than I have seen him in years. We have a new church and are making new friends. We are back in our home State of Florida and we love it. I have spent many days asking why why why? the answer comes as the thought "I have given you back more than you lost and through it all, my grace was sufficient. Our families have not returned to us but we live a full life anyway. Just remember that you don't have to know why to trust God and let him lead you through whatever you go through. He will give you more than is taken away. Remember Job. I sometimes think that my name should be Joseph Job Jona. I haven't been swallowed by a fish yet but when I do, maybe my past will help me overcome that better. God Bless You guys. Hang in there, God knows what he's doing.
Thank you so very much for sharing your story! My hubby and I have been thrust into a completely phase of life for the last year and a half! We are at a crossroads right now that will play out this summer.
The Lord gave me a word over a week ago to TRUST HIM & NOT STRESS. I am working on this daily (sometimes hourly 🤷🏻♀️😉😂) but I am trusting in Him! God bless and keep you all safe and sound through this pandemic.
Thank you for sharing this 💗 I happy cried right now reading your story. This last year has been such a challenge in alot of ways, but I have been getting closer with our Heavenly Papa everyday. I left a toxic job and it tubble weeded after that. The girl who's best friend lived in our complex and other neighbors were harrassing not only me and and my, but I am a single mom of a special needs little one who is very smart about what's going on. I always try to show grace and Jesus love, but it is hard at times. I know God is good and working things out no matter what it looks like. Thank you for being such an encouragement to me 💗
@@alethealira373 Bless your heart. I can relate to you. My special needs child is 17 now but I have been in situations when the only person I could rely on was the Lord Jesus. He gave me strength and continues to give grace and strength for the past 17 years. I will pray for you! God is there to help you and he will make a way. It is hard. I have been there and come through a lot. But with God's help you will make it. :-)
It is such a blessing to hear your story. I had the same kind of surgery and was also under for about 6-7 hours
God was watching over you for sure. John reminds me of my husband and the support he gives you. You are blessed! I have POTs which causes me to pass-out and high/low BP and my heart rate races as well. It took 1-1/2yrs to figure out what was wrong and now I am disabled but thanks to My faith and family I’m doing well as I hope you continue to as well! 🙏🏻❤️
My grandpa had countless heart attacks, strokes, pace maker and was on the heart transplant list. It’s so hard to learn it’s overwhelming! You all are doing a great job explaining this. I’m so so sorry you all had to experience this, but we know God uses all that we go through for good. Imagine how many lives you may be saving by sharing your experience. The Lord is definitely working in your life and has big plans for you!
Such a nice couple.
Thank you for sharing. May the Lord continue to bless you both and your girls💞❤️🙏🙏🙏
Thank you for being so open with your lives.
💞 You can feel the love between them!!! I will pray that it was successful! 🙏🏼
I know this may not be the right time, but Alyssa, your suit is beautiful!!!
You look lovely in lavender. Sometimes, an otherwise healthy young person develops a heart dysthymia or other medical condition, for no explainable reason. Just glad that you're well and better. Sorry to hear that you had a hard recovery.
GOD cares for you.Even though we don't understand GOD has a plan and purpose for your lives.yall seem really humble.Thats a great thing to have.GOD brought her thru that surgery.He will bring you thru every trial.He loves you.Hes a Great Loving GOD and His ways are Higher than our ways.His Love for you is deeper than the ocean.His Hand is on your life.We can trust Him.💖
Nonsense. If there was a god then he is just as responsible for the bad things he created as the good things. So why praise a god who created the issue in the first place? The Bible is such an immoral book, full of genocides, rapes, blood sacrifices and advocates slavery. Thank goodness there is no good evidence for a god.
You get through tough times by being realistic and resilient. You take the blows and find the joy in day to day acceptance of your personal challenges. I appreciate the skill of the doctors that help me. But praying to an imaginary friend is just frustratingand a waste of time. Reality is much better. You can stand up for yourself instead of begging some mean god who decided to inflict this on you and you are supposed to say thanks? And pray to him to save your life?
That’s completely ridiculous.
Time to get rid of these superstitious nonsense. It leads to people being scammed all the time because they will believe anything, without any real evidence.
@@judyives1832 It is your right to choose not to believe, but don't you think you are being a bit presumptuous to push your unbelief onto others. Why did you watch this video? You must have know that it was about Christians, so was your intention to undermine them? Everything you said about the goings on in the bible is true. But that wasn't God telling them or endorsing them to live like that. The Jews were told that if someone sold themselves into slavery it was only to be for 7 years, then they were to be freed. The people in the Bible were human and humanity is full of sin and crime. God doesn't accept that and that is why He came to earth as a man to take on the sins of the world. All we have to do is accept Jesus and repent. There is no way to explain it to you. One has to read the Bible several times before things and reasons start to click. Every time I read the Bible I learn something new and think oh my that's the reason or that's what was meant by this request, law or command. From Genesis to Matthew, it is all leading to one thing, and that is our redemption through Christ. Check it out , you have to have something in you that is curious as to why people believe and pray.
His name is not Evan it's John!! Evan is Carlin husband
@@judyives1832 sad.i hope your eyes are open don't believe now but you will one Day.we wouldn't even be alive without GOD.i hope you find The Truth soon.
Thank you for sharing your story. For me I had open heart surgery back in 1975 had 3 whole in my heart born with . I was feeling good in till was 27 years old went in A -Fib twice in a year had the same surgery you had . So when in the last 3 year's had two Heart attack & gone back in A - Fib now have a pacemaker just 2018 . What keeps me going is My family . Much love to you Alyssa , John & girls
I have had 3 surgeries and 2 were fine (all were successful thank the Lord) but I had the same kind of throat problem. Mine was caused by the device the put in your mouth was the wrong size it was too large. When was able to look in my mouth I saw my throat was black from the bruise caused by the throat device. I have NEVER had such pain in my life I couldn’t swallow it was terrible.
My surgery was for possible breast cancer and it was positive for very early stage. That gave me no problem but the throat affected my head, neck actually my whole body.
If I ever have another I will make sure that the throat device is not too big because it is a killer!
Thank you so much for sharing what you went through. I am so very grateful God provided all you both needed to get through this . Thank you especially for sharing your faith both the why us as well as gratefulness. It has been very powerful.
I am 17 months post heart transplant surgery. Feeling and doing amazing. God is GOOD!!!! 🥰🥰
Its amazing how vulnerable yall.are about whats going on..God Bless yall!
Wow!!! You two are so inspirational. God bless you!!,
I know through the tough times a lot doesn't make sense, we don't know why these things happen, and we can drive ourselves crazy asking why! We must just trust In God! I lost my brother in a car accident, I was shocked and hurt, I never got the chance to hold him, to tell him I love him just one more time! It hurts but God is with us! Hang in there, you're such a lovely couple!!❤
Thank-you so much for sharing this! I hope it can help someone who is going through this! God is always there to help you out!
Thank you for sharing so honesty. Some people think the Christian life is contractual, they think if they do good things, nothing bad will happen to them. However the Bible states, "in this life you will have trouble" but God promises to go through it with us and strengthen us (Is. 43). I am glad you realized you still have many blessings and can be a blessing to others as you walk through life's challenges as well as life's joys.
Thank you for sharing your story your setting a great example to others that might have the same problem. Your amazing and I love both of you and big fans of yours and your family
Your story is already so beautiful. God is making incredible testimonies.
Thank you for sharing your journey. I have a heart condition and currently have an implanted loop recorder in my chest. The cardiologist is trying to catch an episode, like the one that caused me to pass out. It is scary at times and as a couple and family, we have to cling to our faith in the Lord's plan. Sharing your struggles and fears, I believe helps others not feel so alone. It also inspires others to rely on their faith too. Thank you. 💜
Prayers to Alyssa and the family. Hope you continue to feel better.
Glad Alyssa is doing way better now ,amen