Wloclawek is a place that has given up. Everyone who could afford to leave left. The ruins have taken over. A whole city block at the Stary Rynek has been razed, whole blocks of the old town are literally falling apart. Some wonderful fin-de-siecle and Jugendstil houses are now beyond economic repair. And nobody will restore them as you need to restore the whole block. It is a shame, but Wloclawek has no future. One needs to completely reinvent the whole city with completely new industries and means to live and work sustainably. But why invest in a dead place when there are places like Toruń, Bydgoszcz… that are not as dead and less risky to invest? Orlen and Ketchup are no longer the future.
Pozdrawiam z Włocławka
:D Dzieki, ze mnie odwiedziles. Pozdrwaiam!
Cześć z Włocławka
Mieszkam w Łodzi ale w serduchu zawsze Włocławek
Polecam artykul ""Ameryka" czeka na cud" . Piekne miasto ale straszna ruina : ) a mozna by odnowic i zrobic na tym kase
Wloclawek is a place that has given up. Everyone who could afford to leave left. The ruins have taken over. A whole city block at the Stary Rynek has been razed, whole blocks of the old town are literally falling apart. Some wonderful fin-de-siecle and Jugendstil houses are now beyond economic repair. And nobody will restore them as you need to restore the whole block. It is a shame, but Wloclawek has no future. One needs to completely reinvent the whole city with completely new industries and means to live and work sustainably. But why invest in a dead place when there are places like Toruń, Bydgoszcz… that are not as dead and less risky to invest? Orlen and Ketchup are no longer the future.
Ja mieszkam we Włocławku
nie mieszkasz
Nie jest taki zły :)
Pierwszy raz to widzę xd a mieszkam we Włocławku
Meneli od groma. Spia na Ławkach w samym centrum . Masakra