At 20:48 we see the guy in the middle struggling to remember how to sit on a chair. He's checking the room, "how are these other guys getting it so right?" and then he attempts to move into position. But he fails. So he checks the other side of the room to see how they're doing it, and unsuccessfully tries again. Then finally, after a couple of minutes, the guy beside him gives him some advice, but it fails to register, and after another minute of being defeating by the chair in front of a crowd, he gets up and leaves.
@@burlhorse61 they are a joke as a general rule. Planet Fitness is a running joke among people who go to gym to get stronger or in better shape. Putting out pizza and bagels for members is a bit opposed to fitness. Add in their "lunk alarm" and you get why they are mocked. Most commercial gym "trainers" are jokes. They can barely teach people how to use machines properly let alone barbell training. However if you want a good laugh a commercial gym is a great way to see gym fuckery.
@@burlhorse61 My friend, for an average joe, even a commercial gym is a blessing, but for someone who is seriously into a strength training those "commercial gyms" are not appropriate to meet their requirements...for example if somebody is a competitive powerlifter like myself the commercial gyms can not offer the stuff that is required.... I mean like... "No Calk", "No heavy deadlifting" (in some cases), Low loading capacity on the bar ... you know stuff like that ......
@@bmstylee I always giggle my butt off at the people who try to make the pizza and bagel argument as to "what's wrong with PF." Why? You're talking about 2 meals out of 90 to 180 (depending on how many meals you eat per day). So do you REALLY think that's going to break you? Seriously? Oh, perhaps it's the tootsie rolls??? Hahaha! The others I laugh at are the ones who think you have to scream to get strong. The only thing those guys are doing is trying to get attention not getting strong. Most of the videos I see about "I got kicked out of Planet Fitness" were people acting like buttheads that should get kicked out of EVERY gym. Do you really need to throw weights around and scream?? Bwahahahaha! Now if you want to be critical of lack of free weights and over-emphasis of machines that's another story. But 90 percent of the gripes I hear about PF are the laughable ones I listed above.
@@redbeardedberserker i will say as a tryout yes-but not my actual gym.tend to find gyms where there no strict rules about dropping weights and noise level.planet fitness sounds like a bit of a nightmare though-seen videos on in the UK
He's doing Bane impersonations at 1:43. "Oh, you think free weights are your ally? But you merely adopted the barbell. I was born into it, molded by it. I didn't see a smith machine until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me but BULLSHIT."
roughly static background noise (air conditioner) can be filtered out with audio software. ive done it to remove computer humming noise from my recordings
Charles Phillips Thanks! I'm watching this on a phone and couldn't see whose face that was. Now that you say it, I can make it out. I want one! I grew up in the Reagan years, and I just can't get why kids think a communist could be cool.
Gym noise, if it wasn't too loud, would only add to the audio book. The clinking of plates together and people grunting in the background would give the book ambiance.
He never says it as if you won't get stronger. He has made it clear that he believes that SS is the best path to gain strength the quickest. Also, you are limited in your strength with Machines.
For the guy with the question about muscle soreness, answer it like this. If you ran a long distance marathon, do you think your hamstrings and legs be sore? Answer: yes Do you think that you grew muscle or stronger in that long distance marathon? The answer is no, you built up endurance in that long distance
You are disregarding so many other factors with that statement. If doing things like long distance running/cycling does not build muscle, then tell me why some runners/cyclists have huge legs? Any type of stimulation which is not the daily stimulation you receive from daily activities, be it short but heavy resistance or long but low resistance, can potentially build muscle given the right environment. A caloric surplus is THE main reason of muscle growth, providing stimulus is just a catalyst, forcing your body to do something with the excess energy you provide it with. Strength is a neural proces. Strength potential increases when muscle mass increases due to the fact that more muscle fibers can be recruited. Muscle tearing and repairing (by providing sufficient nutrients) is what grows your muscles. Muscle soreness is a build up of metabolic waste due to metabolic stress, that's why cyclists also do a cooldown after a race to get rid of lactic acid. Also, continuously exposing your muscles to the same (or slightly more) resistance decreases the amount of muscle soreness you will experience. Stay in bed for a week and then walk around for 2 hours, I bet your muscles will be sore the next day which they normally wouldn't be. Rip may know a lot about how to get strong fast, programming and performing the exercises correctly, but I don't think physiology and nutrition are his strongest points... And in all honesty, SS program is shit unless you've already got a good base of mass and strength. I weighted 138lbs at 6ft with wrists as thin as toothpicks and all it did was make me injure myself and made me gain a ton of fat. I did get stronger, but it wasn't worth it. Switched to a program with a more steady approach, learnt that GOMAD and 6000 calories a day (which he suggests for the underweight people) IS NOT the way to go and now I feel and look a lot better and I'm stronger than ever. Not bashing on the program, although it looks that way. But it's a bit cultish and does not work for everyone, which he claims it should and does.
Glenn just answering your first example question because I’m too lazy to read the whole thing and it’s probably more nonsense; sprinters have huge legs, medium and long distance runners look cachectic. Soreness is from metabolite build up along with muscle damage, but running (long and middle distance) only builds slow twitch muscles which are small as hell and you don’t need much of. Soreness is not an indicator of hypertrophy or strength gains but can be a side effect
You do get damage of the myofibrils to get stronger but it does not cause soreness because it is tiny. When you get soreness you have larger tears and ruptures of the cell itself which cause a bunch of inflammation. This is caused by unaccustomed eccentric work and is not an issue when gaining strength most of the time because you are usually working out constantly.
I don't understand why Mark didn't answer the history professor's question? Isn't that the purpose of this portion of the class? I don't think the answer he was looking for was "Does your college have a physiology department? Go ask them." He's asking you the question, I'm pretty sure he knows how to google something. Seems a little unprofessional to me....
He seems to be asking how to convince someone that they're wrong about the strength building process on the physiological-muscular level. The answers here are practical (and blunt); the person needs to be shown they are wrong by someone who clearly knows more, or through demonstration.
true! you get credit from your lifts and how jacked you are. Meet very knowledgeable people who get no trust because they don't look like a bodybuilder and dumbasses who people listen to just because they are enormous by roid use
Rip made a reference to Mike Gittleson at Michigan and the hammer strength one set max approach. Was Rip agreeing or disagreeing with that approach? Obviously not 3x5 so I assume he disagrees but was not clear...
What is the point of a q&a session if the answer to the first question is "go ask the physiology department". Are we all supposed to go ask his physiology department too?
we don't all have a physiology department, this guy does and Rip's obligation is to the guy asking the question, not every jackass on the internet too lazy to look up the answer themselves
His answer to the college professor is spot-on: The question was prompted by conversations the individual had at the *college gym*. While the professor respects Rippetoe's credentials enough to pay for the seminar, Rippetoe knows that not everyone at the gym is going to take the word of "some guy" he knows. Thus, Rippetoe suggests appealing to the college's own experts on the matter, which ought to be easy enough for someone who is employed as an instructor there. For the rest of you complaining that Rip answered the question in a manner that best suited the individual who actually paid to be at the seminar, quit your bitching and do your own research which will show you that Rip's answer is correct.
I would love some plates in the background on the audio book. If you want some help with the audio or the air conditioning, I happen to kinda be good at both of them.
Someone asked a really good question and I think I was misunderstood, when someone keeps going up in weight and you notice that they are failing to compete reps with good form due to compensation, should you then go back down in weight because they can't lift more with good form?
Of course, that's obvious. At that point you are no longer training but PERFORMING. You'll have to find the appropriate weight to train efficiently within your volume. It's on the last reps of a last set where your form can go a little off to indicate that you been applying submaximal strength effort throughout your whole volume of reps. You should be able to feel your energy expenditure reduce as you go further into your sets and judge rest time. There are many cases where people will do 5 reps on a barbell movement but then get so exhausted on the first or 2nd set that not only there forms starts to go off slightly but they'll also end up resting more than 5 min and then exhaust themselves self again. That's what I call overtraining too or just performance and not training.
regarding the audio book, the background noise shouldn't be too much of an issue because modern audio editing software does a good job of neutralizing including free ones like Audacity.
Starting Strength coaches are sorely needed here in Korea. Almost everyone I see in the gyms has no idea what they're doing. Many gyms in Korea are full of treadmills, bikes, and machines. They usually have a small free weight area that is not used much. Also, the women put little effort into their exercise and the men do not do full range of motion. They usually just move the weights or machines a few inches very quickly so they can brag about how much they lift.
I like the starting strength program, but I would never attend or pay one of these conferences. Rip intentionally does not answer the questions and tries to make you look stupid. Austin plays with his chair and picks calluses. And the other guy is so bored he plays with his phone the whole time. Every video same thing. All this for $1000 a weekend. I’ll stay home and train
That's just the Q&A part, and I would not want to sit through stupid questions either. When people ask a decent question they get a useful answer but many questions are just unproductive.
“I have a personal question and I know why something isn’t true, why is this not true so I can tell them” “get the physiology department to make a campus wide statement to set the record straight”...... I realize this video is years old, but really dude? Just answer the question
These videos have become nothing more than a bunch of people sitting around and patting each other on the back for how much smarter they are than everyone else.
Sentry Stout I don't want them to do anything. I think they are watering down the quality by putting out repetitive "Ask Rip" videos, but I'm sure it's hard to find unique questions at this point. But, I do find it humorous how quickly people can go from being completely new to strength training to being condescending to those who "just don't get it".
Sentry Stout Comments can be used productively in two ways: to generate further conversation on a topic in an objective fashion, and to provide feedback to the creator on the subjective perception of his product. I have no stake in what SS does, so it doesn't effect me directly in any way. I think Rip et al have done a fine job arguing their positions objectively in most cases. But, the quality of your information doesn't matter if it isn't absorbed properly, and subjective perception is one of the larger barriers to overcome. if they find my comment useful, then great. if not, then great.
Sentry Stout They aren't. Rip is extremely dogmatic, is super abverse to changing his beliefs based on new evidence, his teachings have some solid stuff but his program has been shown to not be that ideal both for general strenght training and especially for focused strenght training. It's not being condescending, it's lack of self awareness paired with arrogance....boy do those 2 attributes like to go together!
I only train for the standing vertical jump. I have been using accommodating resistance and high bar box squats slightly above parallel and increased my vertical from 15 to 36 inches. Should I switch to full squats to reach my genetical potential in a long run?
Late reply, but yes.. kinda. Rip and the SS community might disagree and say it’s heresy to say this but INCORPORATE full squats. Box squats above parallel in the literature have been shown to increase your vertical jump better than full squats, BUT full squats will not only increase your box squat, but you can do it dynamically and explosively out of the hole similarly to how you would jump and would increase strength at the weakest part of the movement.
Oscar, if you really understand the Linear progression, You will not ask, you will add 5lbs each workout, so 15lbs a week, do the math, to be more specific, with the talent you have, you probably will follow the lp longer than the others, just add 5lbs, you will figure it out.
Body weight comparisons as a percentage of the weight you lift are not perfect but they are pretty accurate... so why does Rip refuse to use that as a GENERAL measure?? I mean, it is very rare to see anyone of any size squat or deadlift 2X body weight, and very few can do 1X BW... how is this not a pretty good measurement in general?? Rip says it is an "arbitrary" number, but why?? What measure does he use?? --- Is it a certain amount of weight, even though so few get to lift 2X BW ??
@Ze TheGame "...that's why they are always saying that it doesn't matter and all that matters is to be fat and have absolute strength." I don't think that is what they are saying... but I have never seen a 3x squat, nor a 4x deadlift... the world record for the+109kg category of the IWF is Lasha with 264 kg C&J and 220 Snatch.
You should be able to eventually hit 2x benchpress 2.5 squat 3x deadlift if you try hard enough and are lean and don't have injuries. My squat is low because I have garbage knees and bad back so I can't do it properly.
@@LTPottenger Those numbers are surely attainable for someone who knows his technique and is YOUNG and healthy, and has this type of KNOWLEDGE, which I did NOT have when I was in my twenties. The weights a man should be able to lift if he is healthy and knows how, depend [ I imagine], on his age. Assuming also he has the CHARACTER and willingness to get under a bar loaded with at least 405 pounds, in fact I think you know if you have this type of character way before that, as they start with bullshit like Why lift so much, what is the purpose, and suddenly they forget they WANTED to do it until it got heavier!! I got to say though, that it si not NORMAL and it would AMAZE me if I saw anyone in a regular gym lifting those numbers you mentioned, I mean, 2x BW on the BENCH, come on!! Never seen it done properly, I have only seen it done at the top or statically. I'm guessing that even at Rip's gym you seldom see those numbers!! Good luck.
When they talk about getting strong, it's usually about getting strong in exercises that will give you the spine of a 70 year old man at 40. Strength is more or less movement specific. If you want strength without safety for your posterior chain, do deadlifts. If you want posterior chain strength without injuries, try glute-ham raise, weighted back extensions, hamstring curls and variations of those exercises. Remember to do calf raises at all; powerlifting does very little for your calves.
Those are all the most terrible exercises and will give you tendonitis. Deadlift and squat will make you bulletproof if you do it with proper form. If you do it improperly your bicep tendon will be coming off from deadlift and knees falling apart from squat.
"I might make a cookbook." Hell yes. Mark is the Ron Swanson of fitness. I love it.
Starting Steak
“I know what I’m about, son.”
At 20:48 we see the guy in the middle struggling to remember how to sit on a chair. He's checking the room, "how are these other guys getting it so right?" and then he attempts to move into position. But he fails. So he checks the other side of the room to see how they're doing it, and unsuccessfully tries again. Then finally, after a couple of minutes, the guy beside him gives him some advice, but it fails to register, and after another minute of being defeating by the chair in front of a crowd, he gets up and leaves.
TheITS LOL. I noticed that too. Sometimes people try to act casual to be cool but end up looking like a fool.
this is the best thing
Probably because the chair gives him no lumbar support. Btw this was a hilarious comment
I’m laughing so hard watching this play unfold after reading that
Gold’s Gym “ it’s a bigger version of planet fitness“. Damn. SHOTS FIRED.
why such a negative attitude towards commercial gyms??
@@burlhorse61 they are a joke as a general rule. Planet Fitness is a running joke among people who go to gym to get stronger or in better shape. Putting out pizza and bagels for members is a bit opposed to fitness. Add in their "lunk alarm" and you get why they are mocked. Most commercial gym "trainers" are jokes. They can barely teach people how to use machines properly let alone barbell training. However if you want a good laugh a commercial gym is a great way to see gym fuckery.
@@burlhorse61 My friend, for an average joe, even a commercial gym is a blessing, but for someone who is seriously into a strength training those "commercial gyms" are not appropriate to meet their requirements...for example if somebody is a competitive powerlifter like myself the commercial gyms can not offer the stuff that is required.... I mean like... "No Calk", "No heavy deadlifting" (in some cases), Low loading capacity on the bar ... you know stuff like that ......
@@bmstylee I always giggle my butt off at the people who try to make the pizza and bagel argument as to "what's wrong with PF." Why? You're talking about 2 meals out of 90 to 180 (depending on how many meals you eat per day). So do you REALLY think that's going to break you? Seriously? Oh, perhaps it's the tootsie rolls??? Hahaha!
The others I laugh at are the ones who think you have to scream to get strong. The only thing those guys are doing is trying to get attention not getting strong. Most of the videos I see about "I got kicked out of Planet Fitness" were people acting like buttheads that should get kicked out of EVERY gym. Do you really need to throw weights around and scream?? Bwahahahaha!
Now if you want to be critical of lack of free weights and over-emphasis of machines that's another story. But 90 percent of the gripes I hear about PF are the laughable ones I listed above.
@@redbeardedberserker i will say as a tryout yes-but not my actual gym.tend to find gyms where there no strict rules about dropping weights and noise level.planet fitness sounds like a bit of a nightmare though-seen videos on in the UK
Can Rip just do the narration for audiobooks like Catcher in the Rye, The Great Gatsby, and such? And also some children’s books for my kids lol?
Rip reading Dr Seuss would be hysterical.
You gotta listen to his own books narrated by him. A pleasure to listen to!
It was the best of TAAAAHHMES it was the worst of TAAHHMES
I'd rather hear Rip's narration of those classics in his own words, if you can imagine that
@@haczabim I like it, “Rips Notes Audiobooks on The Classics”😆
Baraki looks like an impatient child waiting for his mother to stop talking to someone lol. 21:31
dooshtoomun, no he's Austin*
lmao at this thread
He's doing Bane impersonations at 1:43.
"Oh, you think free weights are your ally? But you merely adopted the barbell. I was born into it, molded by it. I didn't see a smith machine until I was already a man, and by then it was nothing to me but BULLSHIT."
he's tearing dead skin off of his caluses with his teeth
that's what he is.
Actually, hearing gym noise in the background of the audiobook would be great
roughly static background noise (air conditioner) can be filtered out with audio software. ive done it to remove computer humming noise from my recordings
2c yep, isotope Rx Istanbul the best out there in my experience
Will a Starting Strength federation do Squat, Bench, Deadlift, and PRESS?!!!
Will squats without HIP DRAVE get red lights?
RedSanjuro lmao. High bar gets you banned for life.
RedSanjuro no Bench just the press
Lifters will get tested for calcium in their bloods and if they ingested less than GOMAD they'll be DQed.
Love Dr. Baraki's answer to the muscle tear question. Just squat 4 plates and you won't be argued with.
4:10 is that Santana Europa in the background!?!?.... Dope.
Dang! It took me 8 minutes to figure out DouChebag on his shirt.
Charles Phillips Thanks! I'm watching this on a phone and couldn't see whose face that was. Now that you say it, I can make it out. I want one! I grew up in the Reagan years, and I just can't get why kids think a communist could be cool.
7:10 Korean from nowhere.. I haven't expected at all..
이규성 I feel like an asshole for asking, but what did he say?
Gym noise, if it wasn't too loud, would only add to the audio book. The clinking of plates together and people grunting in the background would give the book ambiance.
I'm glad he admits here that he knows nothing about diet. Besides diet he almost always preaches the truth.
na, that training with machine doesn't build strength is bullshit too
Noah James it shows ;)
He never says it as if you won't get stronger. He has made it clear that he believes that SS is the best path to gain strength the quickest. Also, you are limited in your strength with Machines.
Someone is a vegan training with machines doesn't make you strong because they eliminate the need to control the path of the movement
For the guy with the question about muscle soreness, answer it like this.
If you ran a long distance marathon, do you think your hamstrings and legs be sore?
Answer: yes
Do you think that you grew muscle or stronger in that long distance marathon?
The answer is no, you built up endurance in that long distance
You are disregarding so many other factors with that statement. If doing things like long distance running/cycling does not build muscle, then tell me why some runners/cyclists have huge legs?
Any type of stimulation which is not the daily stimulation you receive from daily activities, be it short but heavy resistance or long but low resistance, can potentially build muscle given the right environment. A caloric surplus is THE main reason of muscle growth, providing stimulus is just a catalyst, forcing your body to do something with the excess energy you provide it with. Strength is a neural proces. Strength potential increases when muscle mass increases due to the fact that more muscle fibers can be recruited. Muscle tearing and repairing (by providing sufficient nutrients) is what grows your muscles. Muscle soreness is a build up of metabolic waste due to metabolic stress, that's why cyclists also do a cooldown after a race to get rid of lactic acid. Also, continuously exposing your muscles to the same (or slightly more) resistance decreases the amount of muscle soreness you will experience. Stay in bed for a week and then walk around for 2 hours, I bet your muscles will be sore the next day which they normally wouldn't be.
Rip may know a lot about how to get strong fast, programming and performing the exercises correctly, but I don't think physiology and nutrition are his strongest points... And in all honesty, SS program is shit unless you've already got a good base of mass and strength. I weighted 138lbs at 6ft with wrists as thin as toothpicks and all it did was make me injure myself and made me gain a ton of fat. I did get stronger, but it wasn't worth it. Switched to a program with a more steady approach, learnt that GOMAD and 6000 calories a day (which he suggests for the underweight people) IS NOT the way to go and now I feel and look a lot better and I'm stronger than ever.
Not bashing on the program, although it looks that way. But it's a bit cultish and does not work for everyone, which he claims it should and does.
Glenn if you were injuring yourself as a 138lb man you were trying to lift too heavy. Start small and work up you dummy.
Glenn just answering your first example question because I’m too lazy to read the whole thing and it’s probably more nonsense; sprinters have huge legs, medium and long distance runners look cachectic. Soreness is from metabolite build up along with muscle damage, but running (long and middle distance) only builds slow twitch muscles which are small as hell and you don’t need much of. Soreness is not an indicator of hypertrophy or strength gains but can be a side effect
You do get damage of the myofibrils to get stronger but it does not cause soreness because it is tiny. When you get soreness you have larger tears and ruptures of the cell itself which cause a bunch of inflammation. This is caused by unaccustomed eccentric work and is not an issue when gaining strength most of the time because you are usually working out constantly.
Rip's T-shirt is great.
3:55 the brownies are kicking in man 😳😵💫😵
am I wrong or someone asked coach Rip a question in Japanese ?
It was Korean, but they sound alike.
What??? to me as a native Korean speaker, they sound very different though there are a lot of same things in the grammars and vocabulary
jimmybean d
1-I love that shirt and I need one
2-I’ll do the photography for your cookbook. Just message me and we’ll get it going!
I don't understand why Mark didn't answer the history professor's question? Isn't that the purpose of this portion of the class? I don't think the answer he was looking for was "Does your college have a physiology department? Go ask them." He's asking you the question, I'm pretty sure he knows how to google something. Seems a little unprofessional to me....
Shaun S i thought it was a good answer. What if the history teacher isnt at the gym? There would be a poster there people to read and learn
I disagree. The history teacher paid good money to get Mark's professional opinion. Isn't that the purpose of this seminar?
He seems to be asking how to convince someone that they're wrong about the strength building process on the physiological-muscular level. The answers here are practical (and blunt); the person needs to be shown they are wrong by someone who clearly knows more, or through demonstration.
I took Mark's response as an "I don't know and I don't want to admit it."
Shaun S I think if you look at the message on his shirt, you might obtain a clue for your answer.
true! you get credit from your lifts and how jacked you are. Meet very knowledgeable people who get no trust because they don't look like a bodybuilder and dumbasses who people listen to just because they are enormous by roid use
Would still love to see an audio book.
Adam Roberts it’s done.
Once you start squatting over 5 plates, people stop arguing with you about anything.
Unless they are stupid
3:12 - 3:27 - In that moment, if RIP ever did know the answer to that question, he sure as hell forgot what it was. LMAO!!
I love starting strength and this system
Rip made a reference to Mike Gittleson at Michigan and the hammer strength one set max approach. Was Rip agreeing or disagreeing with that approach? Obviously not 3x5 so I assume he disagrees but was not clear...
What is the point of a q&a session if the answer to the first question is "go ask the physiology department". Are we all supposed to go ask his physiology department too?
He answers the question within his professional knowledge your point is unnecesarry
we don't all have a physiology department, this guy does and Rip's obligation is to the guy asking the question, not every jackass on the internet too lazy to look up the answer themselves
His answer to the college professor is spot-on:
The question was prompted by conversations the individual had at the *college gym*. While the professor respects Rippetoe's credentials enough to pay for the seminar, Rippetoe knows that not everyone at the gym is going to take the word of "some guy" he knows. Thus, Rippetoe suggests appealing to the college's own experts on the matter, which ought to be easy enough for someone who is employed as an instructor there.
For the rest of you complaining that Rip answered the question in a manner that best suited the individual who actually paid to be at the seminar, quit your bitching and do your own research which will show you that Rip's answer is correct.
I would love some plates in the background on the audio book. If you want some help with the audio or the air conditioning, I happen to kinda be good at both of them.
Someone asked a really good question and I think I was misunderstood, when someone keeps going up in weight and you notice that they are failing to compete reps with good form due to compensation, should you then go back down in weight because they can't lift more with good form?
Depends how early it is in the LP. If you are eating and sleeping enough and still failing you should probably move on to intermediate programming.
Of course, that's obvious. At that point you are no longer training but PERFORMING. You'll have to find the appropriate weight to train efficiently within your volume. It's on the last reps of a last set where your form can go a little off to indicate that you been applying submaximal strength effort throughout your whole volume of reps. You should be able to feel your energy expenditure reduce as you go further into your sets and judge rest time. There are many cases where people will do 5 reps on a barbell movement but then get so exhausted on the first or 2nd set that not only there forms starts to go off slightly but they'll also end up resting more than 5 min and then exhaust themselves self again. That's what I call overtraining too or just performance and not training.
I have a studio and do photography. Come to Michigan and let's make an audiobook
regarding the audio book, the background noise shouldn't be too much of an issue because modern audio editing software does a good job of neutralizing including free ones like Audacity.
Isnt ripp kinda salty 24/7 ahah?
yeah buddy!
LOL Biting calluses!
Hey maybe record the book somewhere else...
Not sure if that would work like most everyone else that has an audio book ?
7:00 translation: When will I be a starting strength coach?
Not really, it means : 'Will I ever be a Starting Strength coach?'; Note that he says '언젠가' instead of '언제', and '언젠가' kind of means 'someday'
I wonder what was with the Korean speaking. it was funny and weird.
Gunwoo Gim yeah you're right thank you~
Starting Strength coaches are sorely needed here in Korea. Almost everyone I see in the gyms has no idea what they're doing. Many gyms in Korea are full of treadmills, bikes, and machines. They usually have a small free weight area that is not used much. Also, the women put little effort into their exercise and the men do not do full range of motion. They usually just move the weights or machines a few inches very quickly so they can brag about how much they lift.
I like the starting strength program, but I would never attend or pay one of these conferences. Rip intentionally does not answer the questions and tries to make you look stupid. Austin plays with his chair and picks calluses. And the other guy is so bored he plays with his phone the whole time. Every video same thing. All this for $1000 a weekend. I’ll stay home and train
That's just the Q&A part, and I would not want to sit through stupid questions either. When people ask a decent question they get a useful answer but many questions are just unproductive.
Where can I get the 'Dou (che) Bag' shirt?
“I have a personal question and I know why something isn’t true, why is this not true so I can tell them” “get the physiology department to make a campus wide statement to set the record straight”...... I realize this video is years old, but really dude? Just answer the question
Mr Doucette want to have a words with you!
Rip was temporarily possessed by the spirit of Ronnie Coleman around 0:30
@ss_strength on the whiteboard LOL
ROFL, great T-shirt.
I squat mid 5s dead lift 6 bench 4 and am nowhere near the strongest in my gym
You train at a powerlifting gym?
That's a great t-shirt on Mark
These videos have become nothing more than a bunch of people sitting around and patting each other on the back for how much smarter they are than everyone else.
Sentry Stout I don't want them to do anything. I think they are watering down the quality by putting out repetitive "Ask Rip" videos, but I'm sure it's hard to find unique questions at this point.
But, I do find it humorous how quickly people can go from being completely new to strength training to being condescending to those who "just don't get it".
Sentry Stout Comments can be used productively in two ways: to generate further conversation on a topic in an objective fashion, and to provide feedback to the creator on the subjective perception of his product. I have no stake in what SS does, so it doesn't effect me directly in any way. I think Rip et al have done a fine job arguing their positions objectively in most cases. But, the quality of your information doesn't matter if it isn't absorbed properly, and subjective perception is one of the larger barriers to overcome.
if they find my comment useful, then great. if not, then great.
Sentry Stout I think this exchange has run its course. Good luck with your rugby athletes.
Sentry Stout They aren't. Rip is extremely dogmatic, is super abverse to changing his beliefs based on new evidence, his teachings have some solid stuff but his program has been shown to not be that ideal both for general strenght training and especially for focused strenght training.
It's not being condescending, it's lack of self awareness paired with arrogance....boy do those 2 attributes like to go together!
Simple solution, don't watch.
Rip must bring his own chair to these seminars, a lesson the other guy haven’t learned. Their fidgeting is uncomfortable to watch.
I just bought THAT chair but the Big and Tall version. I BELIEVE it’s a Lazy Boy Executive Chair. They’ll get there lol.
where can I get that awesome Dou Ché Bag shirt Rippetoe is rockin??
greatings from france
_our Hillary voter over here..._
Does some ask if he was on steroids. Then ask if james Henderson was on aswell. 20.48
I only train for the standing vertical jump. I have been using accommodating resistance and high bar box squats slightly above parallel and increased my vertical from 15 to 36 inches. Should I switch to full squats to reach my genetical potential in a long run?
Late reply, but yes.. kinda. Rip and the SS community might disagree and say it’s heresy to say this but INCORPORATE full squats. Box squats above parallel in the literature have been shown to increase your vertical jump better than full squats, BUT full squats will not only increase your box squat, but you can do it dynamically and explosively out of the hole similarly to how you would jump and would increase strength at the weakest part of the movement.
@@Jmack7861 bro this was satire
0:31 light weight baby
No one in the audience looks like they have ever worked out. Could be a library meeting.
That's the reason why they hired you as a trainer so the client doesn't lose the form 😮
Rip got that bde
Where can I get a douCHE bag shirt???
Who was that Rice Quarterback?
Does Austin have ADHD, he can't sit still.
Glad he updated today with feedback about not using supine grip (just how he ended the video!):
Doctor B! what's up
I’m a pregnant girl and I am the strongest guy at the gym 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻😁
I'm 17 my vert (box jump) is 122 cm or 48" at 160 lbs how much could I potentially squat in a year?
jimmybean They talked about it in the video dude.did you even watch or just went straight to comment section??
Oscar Stenberg whats your current squat? You could probably increase your squat 10-20lbs a month so you should increase it atleast 100lbs.
Micah L ye
Start squatting and find out
Oscar, if you really understand the Linear progression, You will not ask, you will add 5lbs each workout, so 15lbs a week, do the math, to be more specific, with the talent you have, you probably will follow the lp longer than the others, just add 5lbs, you will figure it out.
Crossfit gyms make money off em
Body weight comparisons as a percentage of the weight you lift are not perfect but they are pretty accurate... so why does Rip refuse to use that as a GENERAL measure??
I mean, it is very rare to see anyone of any size squat or deadlift 2X body weight, and very few can do 1X BW... how is this not a pretty good measurement in general??
Rip says it is an "arbitrary" number, but why??
What measure does he use?? --- Is it a certain amount of weight, even though so few get to lift 2X BW ??
2x bodyweight squat is pretty normal, idk what you’re on about with the 1x thing
@Ze TheGame
"...that's why they are always saying that it doesn't matter and all that matters is to be fat and have absolute strength."
I don't think that is what they are saying...
but I have never seen a 3x squat, nor a 4x deadlift...
the world record for the+109kg category of the IWF is Lasha with 264 kg C&J and 220 Snatch.
You should be able to eventually hit 2x benchpress 2.5 squat 3x deadlift if you try hard enough and are lean and don't have injuries. My squat is low because I have garbage knees and bad back so I can't do it properly.
Those numbers are surely attainable for someone who knows his technique and is YOUNG and healthy, and has this type of KNOWLEDGE, which I did NOT have when I was in my twenties.
The weights a man should be able to lift if he is healthy and knows how, depend
[ I imagine], on his age. Assuming also he has the CHARACTER and willingness to get under a bar loaded with at least 405 pounds, in fact I think you know if you have this type of character way before that, as they start with bullshit like Why lift so much, what is the purpose, and suddenly they forget they WANTED to do it until it got heavier!!
I got to say though, that it si not NORMAL and it would AMAZE me if I saw anyone in a regular gym lifting those numbers you mentioned, I mean, 2x BW on the BENCH, come on!! Never seen it done properly, I have only seen it done at the top or statically.
I'm guessing that even at Rip's gym you seldom see those numbers!!
Good luck.
yeah... but seriously....
hip Drruuuaaahhhve!
Mark Rippetoe is the white Russell Westbrook in interviews... Stop it!
Was this freak that Rip talked about a black kid?
Coach Rip looks like he's close to needing a wheelchair, but damn if he doesn't have a powerful voice.
Coach Rip can deadlift more than you and do more chin-ups than you at the age of 65.
could that brute sitting in front stop rocking his chair and put a hand before his mouth when yawning, please!
Yea, be the strongest guy in the gym until that deadlift goes wrong and you can't pick up the paper for a week.
the Asian guy lol
When they talk about getting strong, it's usually about getting strong in exercises that will give you the spine of a 70 year old man at 40. Strength is more or less movement specific. If you want strength without safety for your posterior chain, do deadlifts. If you want posterior chain strength without injuries, try glute-ham raise, weighted back extensions, hamstring curls and variations of those exercises. Remember to do calf raises at all; powerlifting does very little for your calves.
mies vailla nykyisyyttä what?
mies vailla nykyisyyttä dumbass..
This is the dumbest shit I've ever read
You really have no idea what you’re talking about.
Those are all the most terrible exercises and will give you tendonitis. Deadlift and squat will make you bulletproof if you do it with proper form. If you do it improperly your bicep tendon will be coming off from deadlift and knees falling apart from squat.