q I will be in touch soon to be in the area tomorrow be ok if we y u in touch and let y u in the office today but will be in touch soon to get the money to the bank to get the kids to the kids and the kids and I🎉 see if I are going out to dinner with the kids to bed t in touch with me and the kids and t in touch with me t y y y
Seru bingit dah
Bang Tomi udah kelelahan tapi hebat bisa jaga ritme dan profesional bnget gak ada kesalahan dalam ketukan dramnya wlpun udah kelelahan.
q I will be in touch soon to be in the area tomorrow be ok if we y u in touch and let y u in the office today but will be in touch soon to get the money to the bank to get the kids to the kids and the kids and I🎉 see if I are going out to dinner with the kids to bed t in touch with me and the kids and t in touch with me t y y y
Wali band semoga sukses selalu, maju terus pantang mundur, dan selalu mencari berkah
Wali band ondeskrayyy hebat wali sukses selalu buat WALI BAND
Pencahayaan kurang nih kpd jurong production
Bikin album lagi bang 2024
Keren banget 😘😘
mantap 👍👍
jelita jelita fdfdddddfdfffdddddddddv 👠fdddddgd 5
ajib ajiieb
Jazhry mbt 151 gfffdfrfrffrrfffrfffrffgrg 👖dddefrb 1
Wali love you
zeinputri putri fddddededeedddfdgeg 👙fdfrfdfrgd 4
Wali iis mau
@@syahiragofgoggdfigcsahril555 💚
Love 💕
puji rahayu fddddddddddddddedddefd 👢fdfffdgdb 7
love you to yang koment
chu'ut BR fddddddddedededev 👗fdddfdfrfdgeb 2
@@syahiragofgoggdfigcsahril555 f
Setiap konser pasti lagu pertamanya cari berkah
Lagu favoritnya kan
Waktu di PRJ 2019 lagu pertama Tetap Bertahan
zeinputri putri fddddddddddddddev 👡fdfdfdfdgd 6
Arni Faraby fddddededsssswswefeg 👘fdfdrefdb 3
Jhdihfifin 🎤