i’ve noticed there’s two types of decks in balatro. a deck that is so small that you’re guaranteed to get the ideal cards, and a deck that is so large that you’re guaranteed to get the ideal cards.
Thanks for making a fun mod! I did a few runs with your jokers and had a great time. They're all really a good thematic and stylistic fit with Balatro.
49:24 You should have move the vampire to the right, because now it's sucking up the enchantments before the card is copied by the blueprints, which means that you're missing out on a lot of vampire hits Edit: 51:02 Oh, good! You found it out for yourself
Wow! I can glean absolutely nothing about this creator’s popularity from the extremely early view count on this video because I’m not an unoriginal moron!
Bloodstone might be inconsistent, but I’m pretty sure it was the only way out of that last blind. The hand he used to judge it as bad was a big outlier, he got so unlucky
Red seal played the card twice. It also doesn't rank them up if he plays a deactivated card as the high card. Which he did multiple times without noticing lol
105 aces out of 141 = 74% of your deck (74% chance for idol to land on an ace) 79 out of 105 aces were hearts (75% of your aces are hearts) 79 out of 141 cards being ace of hearts = 56% of your cards were ace of hearts at 1:02:00 the chatter was right, ace of hearts hitting as your idol was roughly a 50% chance :) their math was mathing, roffle's was not
theoretically duping the blood stone CAN be obscenely better HOWEVER due to the whole chance thing the chance of all what would count as 4 bloodstones going off is basically impossible
Two things 1. Why isn't the title "oops, all aces" 2. For those pesky red seal kings, you could wait for them to get debuffed (which won't trigger the red seal) and play it alongside a stone card (if the high card is with a debuffed, lieutenant doesn't up the number of the card, but stone could make it possible). Or you could just play it long enough till it gets there (K - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - Q - A) Wait, i'm stupid, strength exists
A flat mult could have gone a long way at the end, the issue is that it would need to proc before Idol and Bloodstone so only Fibonacci or Scholar could work, and even then not that much, probably e40 instead of e34, but still would be really helpful for when Idol doesn't proc
Is there a specific reason Roffle wasn't trying to upgrade 5 cards at once with the Lt. Joker? I didn't notice a restriction anywhere to only affect 4 cards or fewer.
I don't understand The Idol... but then I think I heard Roff say something that maybe helps me? Is it that it ONLY picks cards that exist in your deck? And does it pick based on frequency in deck (more likely to pick most common card) or not?
His highest score of 2.963e34 is 29 undecillion, or so you can actually see what that number even looks like: 29,630,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Please correct me if I made a mistake, I don't work with scientific notation often
Yeah, you made a mistake. You just removed the decimal point and added 34 zeroes to the end. Instead, you should move the decimal point 34 places: 29,630,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Basically you added 3 additional zeroes.
at the end each copy of bloodstone on average did 17.75773 x (assuming 5 red seal hearth) , but still since you would have never got it by copying hologram you should have tried your luck
o7 Though I have to say, I am on the side of Burnt Joker, if it was earlier in the run. You were playing a bunch of high card hands and explicitly didn't want to play the aces. I think discarding 5 aces would have been in the cards, so to speak
i’ve noticed there’s two types of decks in balatro. a deck that is so small that you’re guaranteed to get the ideal cards, and a deck that is so large that you’re guaranteed to get the ideal cards.
sums it up perfectly
54:46 "I think we have a decent chance at beating this."
*beats it by 100000x*
"Not by much." 😂😂😂
13:38 The red seal scoring causes all four cards to be upgraded twice! Jank interaction
Also, If the first card is debuffed, it doesn't work. But if the first isn't debuffed, the other cards will be ranked up even if they are debuffed.
thanks for showing off my mod roffle! always a big fan of your stuff :)
Thanks for making a fun mod! I did a few runs with your jokers and had a great time. They're all really a good thematic and stylistic fit with Balatro.
I keep saying it but Lyman's art fits so well in Balatro's aesthetic
Didn’t realize how old the video was until I saw square joker being the size of a regular joker
15:19 “Bald? What are you talking about, I’ve got hair.” NOT YOU, THE JOKER!!
“…Don’t be silly.” *OH MY GAAA-* 😫😔
49:24 You should have move the vampire to the right, because now it's sucking up the enchantments before the card is copied by the blueprints, which means that you're missing out on a lot of vampire hits
Edit: 51:02 Oh, good! You found it out for yourself
49:20 that was such a strange but understandable interaction with vampie and DNA lol, guess he should always be on the far right for maximum value.
How is it strange? It works through the jokers in order.
The shop packs give you cards based upon your hand size. Just in reference to when you were trying to find your hand size in the menu
"I think we're fine with any of these hits"
Invisible Joker: "Say less"
its just a minor thing, but you can right click to deselect all cards instead of having to click each card individually
This is such a useful trick, thank you kind commenter :)
How TF am I just now finding this out?
13:25 bros queen turned into an ace because of Red seal
Wow! I can glean absolutely nothing about this creator’s popularity from the extremely early view count on this video because I’m not an unoriginal moron!
Your as unoriginal as the first comments itself. So go take the time you took typing this out and do something more productive
102 likes in 15 hours MatthewMarcum really fell off...
Bro the mayor of frown town
@@toz_lmao That be me
i love how, aside from the Lt. who helped in a similar way to how DNA would have already helped, this run was actually completely vanilla
Lieutenant Joker is the reason the GI bill was passed. Now all the cards get to graduate from numbered cards to Aces.
They turned me into a joker, funniest thing I’ve ever seen
Truly a hilarious moment
The lieutenant was discharged honorably
the nostalgia joker. he moves blueprint so you don't have to
Sheeeesh give it to me now
Bloodstone might be inconsistent, but I’m pretty sure it was the only way out of that last blind. The hand he used to judge it as bad was a big outlier, he got so unlucky
Wait at 13:37 why did it upgrade the cards twice? Really cool run wish we could get mods on console
Red seal played the card twice.
It also doesn't rank them up if he plays a deactivated card as the high card. Which he did multiple times without noticing lol
@Hephaestus_God I noticed that right after I commented and I was like oh I'm stupid haha
This is probably the most “but early” joker I’ve ever seen and I love it!
Highlander plus splash looks like it could be a fun combo. Especially backed up with solid mult jokers to take advantage of the scaling chips.
Been absolutly in love with the balatro content. Wish nothing but the best for ya!
here's a thing to try: install every mod you can at once
God, I forgot square Joker used to be a rectangle
29:35 willed into existence
By the force of Roffle's will and the Rare tag ofc
Dunno if someone's already done the math, but, it takes 63 hands minimum to level a base deck to all aces using only Lieutenant Joker, (312 rank ups)
105 aces out of 141 = 74% of your deck (74% chance for idol to land on an ace)
79 out of 105 aces were hearts (75% of your aces are hearts)
79 out of 141 cards being ace of hearts = 56% of your cards were ace of hearts at 1:02:00
the chatter was right, ace of hearts hitting as your idol was roughly a 50% chance :)
their math was mathing, roffle's was not
15:52 why would you skip on that joker its so much value with vampire!! its an amazing sinergy
Ah, now I get why it's called The Fool
Fool me twice
I really like the ace flag in the thumbnail, intentional or otherwise
Aw damn. I thought the intro music was gonna be for the rest of the video
epic balatro vid
The intro was surprisingly relaxing 😌
theoretically duping the blood stone CAN be obscenely better HOWEVER due to the whole chance thing the chance of all what would count as 4 bloodstones going off is basically impossible
Debuffed cards as the high card will not rank up all of them for lieutenant btw.
Two things
1. Why isn't the title "oops, all aces"
2. For those pesky red seal kings, you could wait for them to get debuffed (which won't trigger the red seal) and play it alongside a stone card (if the high card is with a debuffed, lieutenant doesn't up the number of the card, but stone could make it possible). Or you could just play it long enough till it gets there (K - 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 - 10 - Q - A)
Wait, i'm stupid, strength exists
A flat mult could have gone a long way at the end, the issue is that it would need to proc before Idol and Bloodstone so only Fibonacci or Scholar could work, and even then not that much, probably e40 instead of e34, but still would be really helpful for when Idol doesn't proc
Is there a specific reason Roffle wasn't trying to upgrade 5 cards at once with the Lt. Joker? I didn't notice a restriction anywhere to only affect 4 cards or fewer.
he wanted to upgrade square joker
I don't understand The Idol... but then I think I heard Roff say something that maybe helps me? Is it that it ONLY picks cards that exist in your deck? And does it pick based on frequency in deck (more likely to pick most common card) or not?
It picks a random card out of your deck.
@@rkidy Thanks
That makes sense
His highest score of 2.963e34 is 29 undecillion, or so you can actually see what that number even looks like:
Please correct me if I made a mistake, I don't work with scientific notation often
Yeah, you made a mistake. You just removed the decimal point and added 34 zeroes to the end.
Instead, you should move the decimal point 34 places:
Basically you added 3 additional zeroes.
God damn that's a small number
Mind if i ask why you seemingly were going to get out of the Lt before certificate,? It feels like that would be the first joker to go honestly,...
I rescind my question, forgot abt holo scaling tbh
Imagine a deck where you start with an eternal Lieutenant Joker
I noticed that Lieutenant doesn't seem to work if the first card scored is debuffed. How about that?
What an epic deck
42:20 thats what she said
live by the idol. die by the idol. every time
22:43 shave and a haircut
two bits
at the end each copy of bloodstone on average did 17.75773 x (assuming 5 red seal hearth) , but still since you would have never got it by copying hologram you should have tried your luck
F for Mr. Bones
Did you see the new update in beta?
Checking it out now
quite funny how the last hand hit like 0.5% of the goal but bc of how weird numbers with e are to interpert looked close enough
Surprise ending :)
Why do the scores balance? How do you make that happen?
Plasma deck
Lieutenant doesn't reroll Ace into 2? God tier joker
It does, but he played five of a kind aces and not a high card.
surely ud get out of the vampire late and copy glass aces, that hand at 1:01:30 wouldve been so much stronger if the glasses didnt get sucked off
1:01:12 i meant
How do you mod Balatro?
29:40 Make love, not war o7
Sorry Mr Bones, you tried.
why do u game standing up?
Smash, next question
My girl looking at me half dead: 42:45
Wowie balatro mod gaming.... this is fascinating for the community.....
Oops, all aces
bloodstone might be one of the worst jokers just because of how unreliable it is
Without Oops All 6's, it's just not the play unless luck is on your side.
i saw miniladd for second
Planet Twitter
It's so annoying when the Idol misses.
Though I have to say, I am on the side of Burnt Joker, if it was earlier in the run. You were playing a bunch of high card hands and explicitly didn't want to play the aces. I think discarding 5 aces would have been in the cards, so to speak
L + Fell off, only a goriillion views
sleepin' on burnt joker tho. but it's ok
I wanna see a mod that redoes the base game's joker art. So many of them are extremely uninspired and boring.
Wish he told us what the modded jokers done instead of ignoring them...
750 views in 30 minutes bro fell on