Bonded Hearts Xu Zhenqing

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • The Legend of The Phoenix Bonded Hearts Xu Zhenqing
    I'm not sure if my question are the same as you guys. But I do have a cheat sheet for you guys to double check them enjoy
    After you got better, where did I ask you to go to play?
    Answer : Maple grove
    After you got well, what did I invite you to enjoy?
    Answer : Opera
    At the palace market, which country was the fan I like from?
    Answer : Fusang
    How did I help you when you couldn't concentrate on reading?
    Answer : Supervise your reading
    How do others look at your that makes me jealous?
    Answer : With appreciation
    I have a poem you took away from my desk. What is it about?
    Answer : About me
    In the path of the Imperial Garden, I once told you that I was not suitable for studying. What did I want to do instead?
    Answer : Farming
    In the story of Regalia Gallery, what did I invite you to do in the rain?
    Answer : Taking a boat
    In the story of Regalia Gallery, what did we drink under the pear tree?
    Answer : Sweet water
    In the story of Regalia Gallery, What did you do with me after you recognized me wrong?
    Answer : Tour the lake together
    In the story of Regalia Gallery, what's my attitude towards my father since I was a child?
    Answer : Filial and obedient
    In the story of Regalia Gallery, who did I send to see you instead of me?
    Answer : Your sister
    In the story of Regalia Gallery, who did you mistake me for when we first met?
    Answer : Cousin
    In the story of Regalia Gallery, who does my father want me to marry?
    Answer : Minister's granddaughter
    What am I known as?
    Answer : The Four Great Talents of Jiangnan
    What animal do I keep
    Answer : Parrot
    What banquet did I invite you to?
    Answer : Spring Banquet
    What clothes did you wear when you first met me?
    Answer : Silk dress
    What did I take you to do at the Spring Banquet?
    Answer : Find food in the kitchen
    What did I want to do with you in path of the Imperial Garden?
    Answer : Morning jog
    What do some people want to do through me after the Spring Banquet? Befriend me
    What do you call me that makes me feel very distant between us?
    Answer : Lord
    What do you look like when you come with me to the banquet? Dressed up as a man
    What do you think of my appearance?
    Answer : Unmatched by others
    What do you think you can do to meet me often?
    Answer : Be your servant girl
    What do you want me to do in order not to embarrass yourself at the Spring Banquet?
    Answer : Teach me some knowledge
    What does my father want me to be?
    Answer : Go with the stream
    What festival was it when we first met?
    Answer : Lantern Festival
    What fruit did I give you?
    Answer : Yellow pears
    What gift did you give me as a token of affection?
    Answer : Lovebird bracelet
    What is my attitude when I supervise your reading?
    Answer : Strict
    What is my family known as?
    Answer : A literary family
    What kind of person am I to you?
    Answer : Appear aloof by passionate inside
    What painting did I like on the fan at the palace market?
    Answer : A beauty painting
    What people or things did I encounter on the way back to the capital?
    Answer : Bandits
    What was the purpose of my first letter to you?
    Answer : Challenge you to a contest
    When we first met, what color was I wearing?
    Answer : Cyan
    Where did I invite you to listen to music?
    Answer : Pear Park
    Which fan was to my liking at the palace market?
    Answer : A paper fan
    Which of the following did you send me?
    Answer : A Chinese scale
    Which of the following is the kind of spice you made and gave me?
    Answer : Pear-and-duck spices
    Which of the following poems did I create?
    Answer : The Fan
    Which opera did I explain to you?
    Answer : Ode to Pears
    Who did I have a quarrel with for you?
    Answer : Mister Bai
    Who do I adore?
    Answer : Me
    Who saved me after I encountered the bandits?
    Answer : Villagers
    Why didn't I return to the capital for a long time after I left?
    Answer : Can't ride a horse
    Why have we been unable to meet for a long time?
    Answer : You decided to lock yourself in to focus on studying
    You fell asleep while reading, why didn't I wake you up?
    Answer : Wanted you to have more rest
    You invited me to the path of the Imperial Garden. What did you want me to teach you?
    Answer : Martial arts

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