Maravilloso Rudi y Florence, muy elegantes y bellos bailarines. De Nureyev decir que fue el mejor bailarin del siglo XX, nació para bailar y bailo para vivir, por eso mismo, no pudo dejar el escenario, y cuando le dejó, murió. Rudi, no te OLVIDAMOS, fuiste único y lo sigues siendo.
More "grounded". Than ",in flight". But still.Nureyev. I guess at this stage, he could get away with less .....and still come off as.a champ.....too bad he didn't have an "equivalent". Ballerina at this time to meet his match. Fonteyn was way too old by now ...altho Florence Clerc (Charles Jude's wife) is excellent here dancing with him.....the one thing I've noticed with Nureyev that stands out amongest the his continuous arm movements and how he keeps them outstretched up and over his head more often than any other male dancer....incredible strength, power, endurance and precision marks his fame
A legend like no other, the greatest in history Rudolf Nureyev ❤
Пластика ,гармония во всем!Несравненный,незабываемый Гений танца!Сегодня день рождения.
Слов нет ,смотришь с замиранием сердца ,ангел спустившийся с небес
Rudolf Nureyev magnífico o melhor de todos os tempos.
Maravillosa danza el mejor no ha muerto disfruto diario su expresión
Скульптурное изображение каждого па - глаз не оторвать! Произведение искусства!
Очень люблю, дрожу, восхищаюсь!
Завораживает Р.Нуреев.!
Nureyev maravilhoso o melhor de todos os tempos 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Талант +трудолюбие =слава на века
Thank you for posting this wonderful video.
Maravilloso Rudi y Florence, muy elegantes y bellos bailarines. De Nureyev decir que fue el mejor bailarin del siglo XX, nació para bailar y bailo para vivir, por eso mismo, no pudo dejar el escenario, y cuando le dejó, murió. Rudi, no te OLVIDAMOS, fuiste único y lo sigues siendo.
ОН прекрасен...!!!...
Amazing Nureyev ever.
Спасибо за видео
👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💕❤️💓💞💗☀️☀️☀️☀️Rudolf Nureyev 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓🥰❤️☀️💖
Rudy Nureyev-fenomenale.
On sent qu'il souffre. Cela fait mal car Rudy était le plus grand danseur du siècle. RIP.
Elle est très bien.
Amazing Nureyev….
More "grounded". Than ",in flight". But still.Nureyev. I guess at this stage, he could get away with less .....and still come off as.a champ.....too bad he didn't have an "equivalent". Ballerina at this time to meet his match. Fonteyn was way too old by now ...altho Florence Clerc (Charles Jude's wife) is excellent here dancing with him.....the one thing I've noticed with Nureyev that stands out amongest the his continuous arm movements and how he keeps them outstretched up and over his head more often than any other male dancer....incredible strength, power, endurance and precision marks his fame
surely from his bad shape half 80's or so .read my comment of one mounth ago. here in this commentary.
tamara karsavina told leave the stage before the stage leaves you ...
pediatrapaola you ever say anything nice about him?