من هر وقت قیافه مبارک جناب سیافصاحب را درشبکه های اجتماعی می بینم!!! !فورا به یاد خانه وزندگی خود و صدها نفر دیگر میافتم که : توسط مجاهدین تحت امر این عالی جناب در کابلچور چپاول وبر باد گردید!!!!!!!!خداوند متعال( ج) خودش از اینها انتقام گیرد!!!!!آمین یاربالعالمین!!!! 《بهر رنگی که میخواهی جامه میپوش☆ من از طرز خرامت میشناسم》 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Marg ba reishet.. da watanforosh zoya.. Are you not the person who had said that " I will remove the soil of kabul because Russians have stepped on it"? How come you are getting ur salary from the current gov? I have watched one of your interviews where you had said that TV is haram and we shouldnt be having a TV at home. How come you are on TV? Pa yawa khola kai 2 zchabai garzawai dawoosa.
I cant contradict even only one sentence of Sayaaf in this speech of him. I don't care about his deeds. But I respect him for this speech. He is great!
This guy, and likes of him, are Allah's curse on Afghanistan, sent onto Afghans through enemies of Afghanland... as Hazrat Hafiz said: Towq e zareen hama dar ghardan e khar mebenam... this poem has come to life, with such people.
Dear Afghan brother. We are all Afghan. we are speaking different languages but we are one nation. please don’t insult any group or a person. respect for other is respect for your self. lets hat not role our hearts. Allah will not punish or reward someone because of their language or ethnicity. than why should we do so. lest love everyone and every ethnicity. A nation divided against itself cant stand. I love you like i love my own brother.
Sayaf wahbi is so comfortably sitting in Paghman as a bloodstain leader that he knows nobody would put him on trail because he had so well served the purpose of his backers who are now the owners of Afghanistan Constitution and institutions In his talks show he act like a Judge and Jury to condemn those who opposed his view and complaining of his innocent role in the destruction of Afghanistan as a leader But controray he claims to be a real hero of the Afghan struggle against foreign invaders.
Deeni muhtarami ma islam islam ra deeni sulhe mehraban wa por az shafaqat dar Quraan karimi azimishan gufta. na deeni kobidan wa wahshi gari. ahh agar kasi ba marhamat wa shafaqat to nafamid ausela ko khudawand sabr kardagan ra dost darad. wa agar az sabr ham teer shud badan dast ba amaal sho. ay kash ki bazi gap haye ki megi ba kerdarit ham barr bekhura to chiqa zameen haye mardumi paghmaan ra khurdi ma mefamum wa mesli amen degar chi ha.
That is why in islam allowed to have innecent young girls and women as (kaneez) this is slavery and islam made it halal to do whatever you can with the (kaneez). regards
When Russian occupation ended in Afghanistan and Dr Najibullah had offered reconcilation and peace between Govt and the mujahideen to end the civil war in our country then Sayaf was the chief of Ittehad Islami lived in Peshawar and his HOUSE was at JALOZAI CAMP,Who supervised the Arab figthers at the time. Sayaf,s responsed to Najibullah peace offer was more bloodshed and more destruction and his reason was that he will not compromised with Najibullah until we have pure islamic regime in Kabul
استاد عرض ادب جهادیکه مردم گرسنه را گرسنه تر ساخت امنیت را ازبین بردید عوض یک روس ده ها کشور خارجی ده ها روس دیگر وارد افغانستان ساخت آزادی و اسقلال برای او مردمان گرسنه کرباس پوش و برهنه پا چه مفهوم دارد انتهاری هم مسول عمل ناروای شما است به لحاظ خدا مردم را بیش از این فریب ننمایذ دیگر طاقت و تحمل فقر گرسنگی را ندارند بروید پشت کار خود بگذارید نسل جوان اداره کشور را بدست گیرد و شما ها حمایت نمایید شما به مسعود فقید وفا دار باقی نه ماندید پروای دیگران را چه دارید
There are 3 types of scholars 1.The best of scholars are those A knower of Allah and A knower of the AHKAM of (Rules) of Allah.They guide people to straight path 2.Who has knowledge of Allah ,but his knowledge of Sharia rules are limited, He knows what to do for himself , but he is not a teacher of these rules. 3.The last type is the one who is ignorant of Allah,but knows the rules of Allah,He is like Donkey carries books on his back.who command people to do thing but don,t do it himself
ديگر اين ملت پشت شما ايستاده نخواهد شد ولي بيشك ايستاده ميشوند مگر برضد شما دلالالان و تيكه داران دين لغنت بر شما كه جواني ما را بخاطر گرفتن ازادي و استقلال وطن از دست داديم و ثمره تانرا شما چنايت كاران خود فروش و هرزه از دست داديد و از ان سوي استفاده كرديد بخود قصرهاي مرمرين آباد كرديد و مارا باز هم به مهاچرت مجبور ساختيد استاد رباني نيم كابل و بدخشان را خريد و در هر ولايت يك خانه بنام خود خريداري كرد و تو از ارغندي تا چمتله را بزور گرفتي خداوند رهر مار برايتان بگرداند
What else do u need? I see none else, but u guys in the government, while u r claiming u defeated 2 empires, and u brought 43 none Muslim countries to an Islamic country against the teaching of the prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him!
Jehad haqe har mosolman ast dar waqte zAroorat.wale jehade ke shoma aghae sayaf karda id, na bayad moqaesa kard ba mojahedine azadee watan. ba yad dashta bashed ke shoma yaq shaytane do roya hasted ,az yaq taraf ba mardoome freb medehed az jehad gaf me zaned wa az tarafe degar az kafer pol megered wa roye shan ra me bosed wa az ishan talebe chowke wa moqan me bashed.degar jorm ha wa qatalha wa kheyanat hae meli ra ke anjam dadah id, ba hama afghanha behtar maloom ast.
We want him, this Dajjal to be disgraced and dishonor and humiliated at the hands of mujahideen as a warning to future adventure seekers.He had made an unholy pact with the NATO devil countries in return they will gloryfy him and make him a kingmaker.
What is driving sayaf wahabi,s threat and rehtoric,look at the provocation coming out of sayaf and what lies behind it:He never made similar remark in the past and kept a low profile.Sayaf,s delicate balancing act has failed to convince afghans of his mischief policies and secondly he is not commited to a path of peace process beacuse it doesn,t suite his personal interests. Surely Allah loves not those who exceeding the bounds and don,t exceed the bounds and don,t follow the footsteps of Satan
Ostaad Jaan, besiaar harf haai khob zadin. amaa afso, emroz ke mujaahid kobida mesha, natija ee az wahshat haai hastand ke kardand. gap haai to ra dar mawred taaliban kosmader qabol daarm wa ba aaiat wa ahaadith ke gifti ham ehteraam daaram, wali raah rehaa ee afghanistan az haalat bad een hast ke shomaa mojaahid nomaa haai kosmaar az sahna gom shawid, saiaaf! bro kon daadan ra shoro kun. man take 5 afghani megaaimat.
Abu Dhar said, i was with the prophet saw one day and i heared him saying there is somthing i fear for my Ummah than the DAJJAL ;that i became affraid so i said oh Rasool Allah which thing is that He said , misguided and astray scholars. Recorded in musnad, immam Ahmad
astan mojaheedin waqei kasani bodan ke fi sabilullah jangidan va bad az inqelabe islami salah haye khod ra ba zamin mandan .ama shoma tojaar haye khoon va mozoodr haye paksitan va arabestan dar kocha kocha kabul va afghanistan khooon rikhtandin va bardar ra ba baradar andakhtin jange.qawm ,nejat va mazgab ra shomaa ha shoro kadin ba khatere badar haye tan va ba khatere qodrat,hala ay monafeq va khayen melli haqiqat ra chera na megi ke dar afahsar va dar kabul cheqa nafar ra koshti?
Sayaf wahabi is not a devil but the devil, he seeks to change the decree of Allah . This leader of mischief surely he has no regrad for his oath. He is the last tyrant and the most durable tyrant of Afghanistan. He is praying for peace and there is more war , this is not strange to our perception, because islam demand action on the basis of belief ,islam is not just a performane nor Allah judges people by appearance , islam means a complete surrender to do the will of Allah.
Rasul Sayaf I request you please don't compare your and other (ASHRAARS) with those heroes who fought arab invasion in 7th century,who defended afghanistan against Chengez Khan who fought against Safavids Dynasty,real afghan fighters who fought three wars with empty hands against british empire,brave afghan army soldiers ,officers who fought pakistani army (ASHRAARS)for a better future in1980s, but you took unlimited VOID CHEQUES from ARAB SHEIKHS, other SHRAAR leaders showered by american dollars , british pounds, pakistani rupees to destroy afghanistan.You all did great job afghanistan history never forget you because what pakistan couldn't do ,you did.
Sayaf claims to be a mujahid then what title Hekmatyar should earn .Sayaf fighters who handover their weopons to DDR programm for a free lunch and free satelite telephone and he himself had millions of dollars in returns for selling himself and his fighters souls to NATO and accepted the yok and slavary of black imperialis in the hope of that taliban had been buried and their funerals were declared by his hypocritte friend Rabbani and both of them proclaimed that JIHAD was the thing of the past
.Action speaks louder than words, The performance of jihad is only for the sake of Allah and not for shielding jihad and islam for your misdeed and miscoception . Jihad is a Holy name and must be kept Holy to our satisfaction and rememberance and Sayf wahabi is not a mujahid but a BIG thief and hypocrite.
I have a witness the day he left Kabul to scape the Taliban offences a last destination was to Tajikistan he had10 million dollars of travel checks in his suitecase and was embraced by Russian as a honorable guest in Kolab.and we are all witness that he was in Puli Charchi prison and released by Babrak karmal under national amnesty and was send to peshawar to play his dirty role as a double agent and he may says that his release was a miracle of Allah.
boro mordagaw padar lanat da daane kasif to hama afghan haa goo kunad lanatee ba padar hamae jahaadee hait lanat to yak mordagaw hastee ma agar qudrat daashta baasham royat ra sia, wa sare hama qandaaree ha to ra ........... maykunam
توبه توبه کنندتا خداوند رحیم کند تازمانیکه توبه باصدق بکشدانشلا کریم ورحیم است. استاد حقیقت میگویند چرا درچاهار دحه نگفت استاد خودت در دولت سیم دارد باید امر کند تا مجاهد اقدام کند.
lahnat bar tu mazdor sado. du impratori ra zadi vali fahlah tashnab kalan impratori sevom ra mi khori. bi vajdan tu va amsal tu dar jumla mujhidin nistid. tu duzd asti na mujahid. agar tu mujahid mibodi ghulami va mazdori ra qabul na mikardi. tu mazdor ka khod ra alem migohi nazd allh bozog cha javab midhi.tashnab kalan amricahi ra tu va amsalet bokhra nush jane tan. chizi ba nam ghayrat va vajdan na dari.
HAZARA AFG استاد عبدلرب سیاف گفتار تا عمل فرق می کند ۲ جمله حرفت خوب بود ۱گفتین انتهاری حرام است واگر حرام نبود مفتی های لقمه خور ومزدور خود واسکت انتهاری می پوشید وخود را تیکه پاره می کرد چرا خودی مفتی مزدور اینکار رانمی کند ؟؟؟
The comments here are priceless afghans have no bounds when it comes to swearing weirdest swear words lol try and n translate it in english and bet you 100 dollars you will laugh
austad sayaf aya mifahmid ki chi migid ao bradar aya shma mifahmid jahad ra wa hala dar pahloi ki estada shude dar pahloi kafer ha tu jahade aste wa ami jaahde ha bud ki molk ra wairan kard lutan awal khud ra tadawe konid baz gap bezanid lutfan tu mariz aste jinayat shma karded wa hala amade gap mizani
سياف جان در باره زمين هاى كه در بغمان به زور غصب كردى ،روز أخرت جه جواب دارى،
Ofarin gaphoi Haq Salom Az Tojikiston🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺🇭🇺👍☝️
غلی د ډم ځو! زما ښه په یاد دي او زه ستا د پتنګانو څخه وم. هغه خبري دي څه شوي چي په پاکستان کښي د پبو په غونډ کښي به دي ویل، هر هغه حکومت چي د دسیسو په مرسته کابل ته ورځي نو لومړی به زما په ککرۍ تیریږي. خو ته د دسیسو د حکومت چلونکی شوی او کابل ته ولاړي. ته که مسلمان يي د استاد یاسر سوالونه له ګواتنامو څخه په یوټوب کښي واوره او ورته ځواب ورکړه. آیا تا سره کوم شرعي ځواب شته
من هر وقت قیافه مبارک جناب سیافصاحب را درشبکه های اجتماعی می بینم!!! !فورا به یاد خانه وزندگی خود و صدها نفر دیگر میافتم که : توسط مجاهدین تحت امر این عالی جناب در کابلچور چپاول وبر باد گردید!!!!!!!!خداوند متعال( ج) خودش از اینها انتقام گیرد!!!!!آمین یاربالعالمین!!!! 《بهر رنگی که میخواهی جامه میپوش☆ من از طرز خرامت میشناسم》 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
تشكر أستاذ عزيز و محترم ما إز بركت شما مجاهدين امروز به افتخار ازاد هستيم
شما کفران دین خوب افتخار آفرین هستین
ما هیچ نوع افتخار نداریم و نه خواهیم داشت، تا زمانیکه علم عوض نادانی فرد فرد را جایگزین نگردد.
زنده باد استاد بزرگ وار افغانستان
خداوند عمر طولانی نصیب استادبزرگوار بگردانه آمین
Insha Allah Omed Laram da Loy Allah na che pa warz da Qiyamat ba sharmidaly walar wee da Melat ta sta po da Be Emmana gera
آفرین زنده باد حقیقت را گفتی 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Ukoboni jangi Natarsand zi bum. Du Mardi Hurosonu sad Mardi Rum jazakallohu hairan kasiran asalomu alaykum az🇹🇯🇹🇯🇹🇯🇹🇯 Tojikiston 07
Marg ba reishet.. da watanforosh zoya..
Are you not the person who had said that " I will remove the soil of kabul because Russians have stepped on it"?
How come you are getting ur salary from the current gov?
I have watched one of your interviews where you had said that TV is haram and we shouldnt be having a TV at home. How come you are on TV? Pa yawa khola kai 2 zchabai garzawai dawoosa.
Didn't he fought for afghanistan along with ahmad shah masoud in 1990s ??
استاد بزرگ سخنانت را باگوش وجان میسپارم
خداوند خفظت کند استاد بزرگوار
This man the best candidate to be a president of Afghanistan.he speaks English,Dari,Urdu,Arabic & Pashtoo.Proud of this person .
Who is he? Please explain
I cant contradict even only one sentence of Sayaaf in this speech of him. I don't care about his deeds. But I respect him for this speech. He is great!
ملت نجیب افغانستان با اتحاد و اتفاق شود استاد حقیقت میگویند قوم پرستی نکند خداپرستی کند
دراخرت غیرخدا دیگر لیدر هابدرد نمی خورد.
زنده باد عدالت زنده باد مجاهدین دورودی خداوند به دوری شهدادای اسلام
This guy, and likes of him, are Allah's curse on Afghanistan, sent onto Afghans through enemies of Afghanland... as Hazrat Hafiz said: Towq e zareen hama dar ghardan e khar mebenam... this poem has come to life, with such people.
What did he do?
زنده باد استاد بزرگ ورار
زنده باد استاد بزرگ وار
مرگ بر تو ای کفری پیر. خنزیر قتل و جنایت را که تو انجام دادی کفر انجام نداده. حالا خوده بی گناه جلوه می دهد 🐖🐖🐷🐷🐷
ګران قومه موحديي مجاهديي متحدشه. . . . زعيم دي خپله ټاکه منزه له تسلط شه
Dear Afghan brother. We are all Afghan. we are speaking different languages but we are one nation. please don’t insult any group or a person. respect for other is respect for your self. lets hat not role our hearts. Allah will not punish or reward someone because of their language or ethnicity. than why should we do so. lest love everyone and every ethnicity. A nation divided against itself cant stand. I love you like i love my own brother.
سياف ...من يترجم ؟
زنده باد استاد سیاف بزرگوار، در حفظ الله باشی
چیری یې او بلعم باعورا!!!
ځان دې په مریضی وهلی!!! څه شوی فتواګانې دې!!! ډالر درباندی بند شو او که د خپلو خیانتونو او جفاګانو تبی نیولی یې!!! ملت به انشاءالله ستا غوندی د جهاد او مجاهدینو دشمن ذلیل انجام وګوری!!!
زنده باد اسلام. مرگ به دشمنانش لعنت به کسی که به ضد اسلام حرف میزنه
Sayaf wahbi is so comfortably sitting in Paghman as a bloodstain leader that he knows nobody would put him on trail because he had so well served the purpose of his backers who are now the owners of Afghanistan Constitution and institutions In his talks show he act like a Judge and Jury to condemn those who opposed his view and complaining of his innocent role in the destruction of Afghanistan as a leader But controray he claims to be a real hero of the Afghan struggle against foreign invaders.
What did he do? Please explain
Deeni muhtarami ma islam islam ra deeni sulhe mehraban wa por az shafaqat dar Quraan karimi azimishan gufta. na deeni kobidan wa wahshi gari. ahh agar kasi ba marhamat wa shafaqat to nafamid ausela ko khudawand sabr kardagan ra dost darad. wa agar az sabr ham teer shud badan dast ba amaal sho. ay kash ki bazi gap haye ki megi ba kerdarit ham barr bekhura to chiqa zameen haye mardumi paghmaan ra khurdi ma mefamum wa mesli amen degar chi ha.
That is why in islam allowed to have innecent young girls and women as
(kaneez) this is slavery and islam made it halal to do whatever you can with the (kaneez).
دلم به هم خورد از حرف تو
جزاك اللوحو خيرون🇹🇯☝️🕌🔧❤️
زنده باد استاد گرامی
جنبش مقاومت!من تبریک میگویم به مردم افغانستان ، چون چندین حزب سیاسی با جنبش مقاومت احمد مسعود برای مبارزه متحد شدند
When Russian occupation ended in Afghanistan and Dr Najibullah had offered reconcilation and peace between Govt and the mujahideen to end the civil war in our country then Sayaf was the chief of Ittehad Islami lived in Peshawar and his HOUSE was at JALOZAI CAMP,Who supervised the Arab figthers at the time. Sayaf,s responsed to Najibullah peace offer was more bloodshed and more destruction and his reason was that he will not compromised with Najibullah until we have pure islamic regime in Kabul
Yes corect because he never wanted democracy and najibullab was pro russian!
Are yoh afghan hazara Or pashtun?
استاد عرض ادب جهادیکه مردم گرسنه را گرسنه تر ساخت
امنیت را ازبین بردید عوض یک روس ده ها کشور خارجی ده ها روس دیگر وارد افغانستان ساخت
آزادی و اسقلال برای او مردمان گرسنه کرباس پوش و برهنه پا چه مفهوم دارد
انتهاری هم مسول عمل ناروای شما است
به لحاظ خدا مردم را بیش از این فریب ننمایذ دیگر طاقت و تحمل فقر گرسنگی را ندارند بروید پشت کار خود
بگذارید نسل جوان اداره کشور را بدست گیرد و شما ها حمایت نمایید
شما به مسعود فقید وفا دار باقی نه ماندید پروای دیگران را چه دارید
There are 3 types of scholars
1.The best of scholars are those A knower of Allah and A knower of the AHKAM of (Rules) of Allah.They guide people to straight path
2.Who has knowledge of Allah ,but his knowledge of Sharia rules are limited, He knows what to do for himself , but he is not a teacher of these rules.
3.The last type is the one who is ignorant of Allah,but knows the rules of Allah,He is like Donkey carries books on his back.who command people to do thing but don,t do it himself
ديگر اين ملت پشت شما ايستاده نخواهد شد ولي بيشك ايستاده ميشوند مگر برضد شما دلالالان و تيكه داران دين لغنت بر شما
كه جواني ما را بخاطر گرفتن ازادي و استقلال وطن از دست داديم و ثمره تانرا شما چنايت كاران خود فروش و هرزه از دست داديد و از ان سوي استفاده كرديد بخود قصرهاي مرمرين آباد كرديد و مارا باز هم به مهاچرت مجبور ساختيد استاد رباني نيم كابل و بدخشان را خريد و در هر ولايت يك خانه بنام خود خريداري كرد و تو از ارغندي تا چمتله را بزور گرفتي خداوند رهر مار برايتان بگرداند
زنده باد استاد سیاف که حق را بیان می کند
bsiar khob saiaf waqiat watan dost ast
What else do u need? I see none else, but u guys in the government, while u r claiming u defeated 2 empires, and u brought 43 none Muslim countries to an Islamic country against the teaching of the prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him!
استاد سربازایت درافشار کابل باخون کودکانش یادکاری نوشته کرده بود
zaneta gayedam khayen watan da kose zanet kere kole alam naneta mojahed begeya
وشرميژه په دغو دروغو تاسى تول دى يهودو په غيژ كى پراته وى ناپوه او بى وزله افغان ملت مو په نوم دى جهاد اسلام شهيد غازى خپلواكىً دى هغوى په خوله او زره وسله تباه او بر باد كَر او أوس يى هم كوى زه عام تاجكًو ورونو ته درناوى لرم خو تا غوندى سياسى تاجكًى غندم
شیطان بزرگ دردنیا سیاف است که با ریش خود ملت بی سواد را بازی میدهد
Go khordy benamos bachae Fahisha tajirtt Dozz daraja 1 Ker khar da kuss zannata
اووو که نمی فهمم که ترا چه خطاب کنم !
معسودوف مرده ګاو باید ذکر کنی ونه معسود فقید . زن کل پینجشیر را خودت بګایی .
سيافه د الله لعنت او غضب درباندى نازل شوي بيا ته خو كافر شوى ته سه حق لرى چى د اسلام او كفر په مينز كى خبرى وكرى. لعينه. خبيثه
زنده باشی تمام مجاهدین
Jehad haqe har mosolman ast dar waqte zAroorat.wale jehade ke shoma aghae sayaf karda id, na bayad moqaesa kard ba mojahedine azadee watan. ba yad dashta bashed ke shoma yaq shaytane do roya hasted ,az yaq taraf ba mardoome freb medehed az jehad gaf me zaned wa az tarafe degar az kafer pol megered wa roye shan ra me bosed wa az ishan talebe chowke wa moqan me bashed.degar jorm ha wa qatalha wa kheyanat hae meli ra ke anjam dadah id, ba hama afghanha behtar maloom ast.
We want him, this Dajjal to be disgraced and dishonor and humiliated at the hands of mujahideen as a warning to future adventure seekers.He had made an unholy pact with the NATO devil countries in return they will gloryfy him and make him a kingmaker.
Why is he dajjal? What did he do... Please explain
تمام دین بدار فروختید بشرم
What is driving sayaf wahabi,s threat and rehtoric,look at the provocation coming out of sayaf and what lies behind it:He never made similar remark in the past and kept a low profile.Sayaf,s delicate balancing act has failed to convince afghans of his mischief policies and secondly he is not commited to a path of peace process beacuse it doesn,t suite his personal interests.
Surely Allah loves not those who exceeding the bounds and don,t exceed the bounds and don,t follow the footsteps of Satan
سېاف ګوزوک در کلای ان
به فرق مجاهد هيچ كس نميزنه ،به فرق شما جنگ سالاران ما ميزنيم
Ostaad Jaan, besiaar harf haai khob zadin. amaa afso, emroz ke mujaahid kobida mesha, natija ee az wahshat haai hastand ke kardand. gap haai to ra dar mawred taaliban kosmader qabol daarm wa ba aaiat wa ahaadith ke gifti ham ehteraam daaram, wali raah rehaa ee afghanistan az haalat bad een hast ke shomaa mojaahid nomaa haai kosmaar az sahna gom shawid, saiaaf! bro kon daadan ra shoro kun. man take 5 afghani megaaimat.
اگر نیک پا در سال ۱۹۹۳ میبود ایا همی رقم میگفتی یا بیچاره را سرشه قطع میکردی ،
Abu Dhar said, i was with the prophet saw one day and i heared him saying there is somthing i fear for my Ummah than the DAJJAL ;that i became affraid so i said oh Rasool Allah which thing is that He said , misguided and astray scholars.
Recorded in musnad, immam Ahmad
How he misguided afghanistan people? Please explain
زنده باشی سیاف مانند گلو نمک حرام نیست هر کاری که کرده بود درین مدت ۱۵ سال آرام کار میکند
astan mojaheedin waqei kasani bodan ke fi sabilullah jangidan va bad az inqelabe islami salah haye khod ra ba zamin mandan .ama shoma tojaar haye khoon va mozoodr haye paksitan va arabestan dar kocha kocha kabul va afghanistan khooon rikhtandin va bardar ra ba baradar andakhtin jange.qawm ,nejat va mazgab ra shomaa ha shoro kadin ba khatere badar haye tan va ba khatere qodrat,hala ay monafeq va khayen melli haqiqat ra chera na megi ke dar afahsar va dar kabul cheqa nafar ra koshti?
Long Live Mujahedin,.. zindabad Ustad Sayaff.... R.I.P. Ahmad Shah Massoud.
and long live NATIONAL FRONT....
Da Farq Dozd a Kodam Mojahid Mordagow To ware Doza dara Khar bod Ami Mojahida bodan ka Afghanistan ra da kir zadan
Khudkushi Harom ast dar Islom☝️
اي ستا گیره کی غین اوهم
كوس مادر
آفرین سیاف بابا مغزت انکشاف کده
Sayaf wahabi is not a devil but the devil, he seeks to change the decree of Allah . This leader of mischief surely he has no regrad for his oath. He is the last tyrant and the most durable tyrant of Afghanistan. He is praying for peace and there is more war , this is not strange to our perception, because islam demand action on the basis of belief ,islam is not just a performane nor Allah judges people by appearance , islam means a complete surrender to do the will of Allah.
Rasul Sayaf I request you please don't compare your and other (ASHRAARS) with those heroes who fought arab invasion in 7th century,who defended afghanistan against Chengez Khan who fought against Safavids Dynasty,real afghan fighters who fought three wars with empty hands against british empire,brave afghan army soldiers ,officers who fought pakistani army (ASHRAARS)for a better future in1980s, but you took unlimited VOID CHEQUES from ARAB SHEIKHS, other SHRAAR leaders showered by american dollars , british pounds, pakistani rupees to destroy afghanistan.You all did great job afghanistan history never forget you because what pakistan couldn't do ,you did.
What did he do. Please explain, from kashmir
Sayaf claims to be a mujahid then what title Hekmatyar should earn .Sayaf fighters who handover their weopons to DDR programm for a free lunch and free satelite telephone and he himself had millions of dollars in returns for selling himself and his fighters souls to NATO and accepted the yok and slavary of black imperialis in the hope of that taliban had been buried and their funerals were declared by his hypocritte friend Rabbani and both of them proclaimed that JIHAD was the thing of the past
.Action speaks louder than words, The performance of jihad is only for the sake of Allah and not for shielding jihad and islam for your misdeed and miscoception . Jihad is a Holy name and must be kept Holy to our satisfaction and rememberance and Sayf wahabi is not a mujahid but a BIG thief and hypocrite.
Please explain
لعنتي باداراي تان امريكايي ھادراين موردچی میگوید
I like this Speech .
thanks tolo news
تبریک به شما این سگجاهدین...
بخورید...... نتیجهء جهاد شما
مير مسجدى نور نور هم دى هغى مودى دى يهـوديانو مزدوران وو لكه نن چى تاسى مفعولين ياست سومره چى تاسو مفعولينو ته افغان ملت په قهر وي هغومره يهوديان دى تاسو ژوند اوژده وي
زنده باد مرشد عام نهضت اسلامی رهبر جهاد ومقاومت افغانستان استاد سیاف
چی شد جهاد ای نوکرهای خارجی و چی میکنه در پهلوی امریکا
ba awalen bar gap hay khobi zadi saiyaf afreen
خاین ملی سیاف
Go khordy benamos bachae Fahisha tajirtt Dozz daraja 1
I have a witness the day he left Kabul to scape the Taliban offences a last destination was to Tajikistan he had10 million dollars of travel checks in his suitecase and was embraced by Russian as a honorable guest in Kolab.and we are all witness that he was in Puli Charchi prison and released by Babrak karmal under national amnesty and was send to peshawar to play his dirty role as a double agent and he may says that his release was a miracle of Allah.
He is currently in india.
خودت در كدام خط بودي يادم هست كه از زير لحاف ده كمپ ببو بيانيه ميدادي و يگان وقت براي نمايش به جاچي ميرفتي
درود به پیر فرزانه جهاد .
tu mordagow haqel nadari astud behaqel ha asti watan frosha
boro mordagaw padar lanat da daane kasif to hama afghan haa goo kunad lanatee ba padar hamae jahaadee hait lanat to yak mordagaw hastee ma agar qudrat daashta baasham royat ra sia, wa sare hama qandaaree ha to ra ........... maykunam
zinda baad jamihat islami afghanistan zinda baad neeroi moquamat long life northern alliance .....besyar khoob ...
کرک دیروز گوسفند امروز
توبه توبه کنندتا خداوند رحیم کند تازمانیکه توبه باصدق بکشدانشلا کریم ورحیم است.
استاد حقیقت میگویند چرا درچاهار دحه نگفت
استاد خودت در دولت سیم دارد باید امر کند تا مجاهد اقدام کند.
مرک به رهبران بنام مجاهد
بشنو طالب زاده به حکم حدیث پیامبر از اسلام خارج هستی
lahnat bar tu mazdor sado. du impratori ra zadi vali fahlah tashnab kalan impratori sevom ra mi khori. bi vajdan tu va amsal tu dar jumla mujhidin nistid. tu duzd asti na mujahid. agar tu mujahid mibodi ghulami va mazdori ra qabul na mikardi. tu mazdor ka khod ra alem migohi nazd allh bozog cha javab midhi.tashnab kalan amricahi ra tu va amsalet bokhra nush jane tan. chizi ba nam ghayrat va vajdan na dari.
doz ast majahid afghanistan awal to mordadow
خداوند ج نگهدارت مرد مجاهد❤
بلي صاحب... وحدت ملي..! وحدت ملي كه مثل سال هاي ١٩٩٤ هر دقيقه و ثانيه راما ها ره بالآي مردم فير كنيد ..
khayeni watan.. 10 ya 15 sal pesh che khiyanat mekadi/ KABUL ra wayran kadi hala faramosh kadi? nalat ba tu..
HAZARA AFG استاد عبدلرب سیاف گفتار تا عمل فرق می کند ۲ جمله حرفت خوب بود ۱گفتین انتهاری حرام است واگر حرام نبود مفتی های لقمه خور ومزدور خود واسکت انتهاری می پوشید وخود را تیکه پاره می کرد چرا خودی مفتی مزدور اینکار رانمی کند ؟؟؟
۲ انتهار گران وانتهار حمل وانتقال گران را در پند دروازه کابل دار بزند تا عبرتی باشد به دیگر خود فروخته گان مزدور نجث
ami tu kosmadar budi ke kate mardome ma khianat kade hokumat kho dar deste mojahidin bud hokumata ra kho ba ker barabar karde
e morda gao ra bebe ki miga team circket ma maida na zada bod....baz mekhowahad ki raes jamhor shawad...
The x Communists & Monafiqs are not be very happy,those are not many in Afghanistan only 2-3% .Proud of Mujaheedin.
ماشاالله ماشاالله
The comments here are priceless afghans have no bounds when it comes to swearing weirdest swear words lol try and n translate it in english and bet you 100 dollars you will laugh
austad sayaf aya mifahmid ki chi migid ao bradar aya shma mifahmid jahad ra wa hala dar pahloi ki estada shude dar pahloi kafer ha tu jahade aste wa ami jaahde ha bud ki molk ra wairan kard lutan awal khud ra tadawe konid baz gap bezanid lutfan tu mariz aste jinayat shma karded wa hala amade gap mizani
afghanistan ra russia khabar na kad,mellate afghanistan hamagi mojahed va mojahe parwar
Allohu Akbar ☝️🇹🇯🕌
He is absolutely right
gaftarat khob ustad wa kardarat kharab hast ka chizi ra ka migi ba o amal makardi
Mujahid destroyed our home in kabul. There is some good and bad thing he said.
een tamamesh az dast too wa amsal too ast