Ok here is the deal in simple terms, yes each of us can never truly know if the world we perceive is the same as another person. IMO it took millions of years for us to agree to act as if it is, for the benefit of cooperation. Now bottom line is it’s the best we have, and without it we would be back in the mess we started in, and back to working with sticks and stone. Is this the only way? Possibly not but no on has been able to come up with a better shared set of interpretations of reality yet. We are animals, mammals no matter how hard some try to deny it. We have many hard wired shared feelings and tend to experience novel situations in a similar manner. Group think is real and it just could be that what we think is real is just another group think conception. If humans do anything notable that’s different from the majority of the rest of the animals IMO it’s in just how far we take abstraction. Anyway, take it from someone who has already spent too many of 65 years thinking about things like this, it’s a waste of your life. Life is to be lived and enjoyed it will be what you make of it. Walk away from all the unanswerable questions and just live :)
Insightful! It's another angle to the fact that it's not a "job" or a "person" making us mad, sad, anxious... They can't do that. Only we can do that to ourselves.
Forget about the words, the passion which reflects from ur explanation says it all.. It felt like the care for me to feel how u have felt is dripping from ur eyes......And most importantly that slight laugh in between ,that hits differently
@IlluminateYourPower That's so pleasureful for me......I don't usually comment,but u got me curious about how u live in this state of being......not so many have this energy
I remember in sixth grade learning that colors we see are only reflected light and thinking about what the world must look like behind the veil of that reflection. If my mind hadn't already been blown years earlier, it might have been then. As for existence, I suspect that we hoomins would not be capable of determining the difference between, in one case, nothing existing except for us, and in another case, being designed so that we experienced the world through a bio-mechanism generating a perception that nothing existed except for us. The former is my current working theory (and is also the factor that initially blew my mind as a child), but in challenging myself, I find our bio-mechanism doesn't possess the necessary sensory apparatus to reach a determinate conclusion. And no NDE or shroom trip can be relied upon to provide a faultless answer because they're processed through the same realm-limited bio-mechanism, no matter how liberated one perceives oneself to be during those experiences. So whether either case is the actual reality, the fact we're unable to know for certain either way points me in the direction of considering that our wiring has been limited for a reason. We'll never be able to know for certain, and that's part of the value of the condition we're meant to experience.
I remember taking 3 grams of psilocybin mushrooms. During the trip I asked to know who I was “ Who am I “..The reply was “ Who is asking the question “..When I responded by saying I am asking the question, I started laughing because it dawned on me that I was asking myself, my higher self or The One. The One knows everything but cannot experience itself so lowered its vibration to the extent it became solid matter. It then separated itself into countless forms. You & I are One, but we think we are individuals. In reality we are all particles of the One & as you say, nothing really exists outside of You. The ego makes us feel we are different & creates personalities, but it’s all an illusion…May I humbly add that this is just my perception.
It does exist. The physical experience is important for the journey. The internal experience is important for the destination. Burnout is the brains way of healing itself. Silence is the medicine. sincerely ~ Dr. V.
One thing I want to correct you on, since I studied physics. Is technically your hand can't pass through the chair just because the atoms are jiggling back and forth and that you might catch them in the right place at the right time for you to go through. If simply running into atoms blocked movement, we would be falling through everything because actually atoms are almost entirely empty space. Actually the reason why everything appears solid to us is because there are electromagnetic forces keeping them in place and reflecting light, as well as repelling the atoms in our hands - that's what gives a chair the feeling of solidity. So even if they vibrate, those electromagnetic fields will always be in place, holding the solid together and repelling you. However you are right in another way, because according to quantum mechanics, it is possible for subatomic particles like electrons to tunnel through barriers with a high repulsive potential EM energy. So that means, they could technically pass through a wall. And in theory, it is also true that your hand and in fact your whole body could pass through a wall. But for that to happen your body would have to enter a kind of uncollapsed quantum state, which I'm not sure is possible, and no one really understands what that means as well, it is really just a mathematical construct at the moment - but most vaguely take it to mean that the particle doesn't "exist" in one place or another yet until an event capable of measuring its position occurs somewhere in that space, which "collapses" this wave into a definite state (there are lots of attempts to explain QM but no one really knows). And so in theory the same would have to be true for your body for tunneling to be possible. As far as I can tell this kind of quantum indeterminacy only extends to very low mass solids like molecules or single atoms, but once you get into macroscopic objects there really isn't any indeterminacy anymore - or the scale of indeterminacy is reduced to widths that are so unbelievably small that you basically are never going to tunnel through a wall of any reasonable thickness.
90% don't understand these concept. It takes deep understanding felt through every pore of the body mind . Feel like a feather in air.hullicination. Once you get these Hoping every one get this. You n all Live in peace n Peace n Peace happiness joy for ever God bless you 🙏
@@jyjjy7 But how can a "physical" brain have an experience of something outside of itself in the "physical" world? There has to be something that which is beyond the brain that allows the experience to occur. Our brain is like the tool that Awareness uses to "project" our reality. The Awareness is the projector and reality is the screen in which the images are formed.
i think another way to say this is that we can never truly, purely observe anything at all. there has to be external forces that bring about an adaptation in us, forming these conditioned responses
I think the problem is that we tend to think that observing is to see with physical eyes, to me observing first comes from my own concept, what I'm conscious of being, what is my image or seed. Maybe this is what intuition is?
We create the world through our senses, but would the creation of the sensation be possible without a stimulus? Like the old age philosophical question, "if a tree crslasges in a forest and there's no one to hear it would their be a noise" Apparently, noise, the sensation is as a result of the stimuli - vibration of air molecules produced by the tree and the hearing senses of the organism (ear) interpreting it as SOUND. This is how our senses work in creating sensation - both the sense and stimuli must be present. But the senses and the stimulus are both two sides of the same coin. It's like, yes, everything outside us is an illusion created by our senses and our perception, but the eternal world - the stimulus must be present.
well said i liked your stops when you had to think how fascinating that is haha. we need more people who think like that but i guess its only when you get out of your cage the inner cage. I know one thing for sure we need more content like this :).
@aivarassimonis thank you for checking out the video. 😊 Its funny, sometimes my pauses feel insanely long when recording the video only to look back and realize it was just a second or two.
I see the world like a dream. When you are asleep at night dreaming, you think you are in a real world with real people around you. And then you wake up and realize it was all in your mind (imagined). In the same sense, I think waking life, is just us shifting to another kind of dream and everything in this dream is also in the mind (imagined). I think there are differences between these two kinds of dreams however. I think in this so called waking dream, other people (at least many of them) do have their own consciousness. It is a collective dream. But contrary to popular belief, the people in our dreams at night can also have souls or consciousness in them. For example, you could encounter a spirit guide in your dream, and think it is just a dream figure. Or you could encounter a deceased love one giving you a message. And there are many accounts of people, especially married people having shared dreams at night, since they talk more with each other about their dreams. A lot of couples find that they have had a shared dream where the man saw everything from his perspective of where he was at in the dream, while the woman saw it from her perspective. Also I believe sometimes other people in our dreams are real consciousness just like us. But probably in most cases they are not real. They are our own mind creating them. Which is why a lot of dreams can be interpreted. Dreams at night take place in the astral plane, in certain areas. And waking dreams take place in the physical plane, which as we know isn't really physical at all (that's an illusion). So basically both are collective dreams. The One has split itself up into the many and the many are having dreams together. It's just that our dreams while sleeping seems to have more people and things that are created by our own mind which can be interpreted. And our waking dreams have more that is created together as a collective. But both planes are dreams that take place in the mind. And all planes take place in the mind. And so when we shift from one plane to another, and any other time we appear to be moving, we are really not going anywhere, because physicality is an illusion in the mind, as time and space are. The different planes are different kinds of dreams, and are like different frequencies, and we can tune our mind to different frequencies and experience different planes. But where there is objects, forms, shapes, and separation, there is illusion - dreams. Some say that there are also NPCs, or non-player characters. I think that is probably true, more NPCs (imaginary characters) in the dreams we have while sleeping, than in our so-called waking dreams.
Have you looked into analytical idealism? If you search it up you will most likely see its champion, Bernardo Kastrup. I use to be a materialist but now that I see that its metaphysical ground is built on more presuppositions then analytical idealism I have adopted a new understanding. Analytical idealism speaks on the very subject you are bringing up and it fleshes out the idea in a very clear way. If what you speak of blew your mind then Analytical idealism will surely implode it.
@ClutchxPotato I haven't, but looked up a bit last night from your comment! Very cool and inline with things I said here. My mind didn't implode, but probs good might need it in the future 😂
Great video! Been saying this for years and i am going to make a video about it as well. To each of us our thoughts and emotions are the center of the universe. We can visualize what others are going through but we cannot feel them. The only thing we can feel is our emotions. The only thing we can “prove” is real is our inner world. Everyone in this world could be part of a virtual movie for all we know. Yes, quantum particles. Some kind of simulation. Realizing this is extremely freeing to me. Letting go and programming my inner belief systems with love and joy because at the end of the day it’s just me, alone in myself. Might as well love Myself and tell myself fun things ❤
@ 💯 and from my perspective to make my world even better that includes pushing positive energy into everyone around me and more often then not, they reflect it back so it’s a win win:)
I would say, 'Everything exists so that you can perceive something.' I wouldn’t claim that nothing exists outside; rather, I think everything already exists in the quantum field in an informational, immaterial state. The lens of consciousness merely illuminates a spatiotemporal area of this unified field, which we call experience.
Alex Hormozi said: You can decide which person to kill (100% elimination of thoughts) but you just can't decide when. That completely questioned my perspective of things that existed. It's only inside me (Nothing exists outside of "you")
Owning things is a concept. Concepts are made up human constructs. I don't own my body, my words, my soul, they are simply part of the universes energy, a very complex array of interactions had to happen for me to firstly exist, to have "lived" or persisted through the continuous duplication of myself over 29 times spinning around the sun as our reference point that we call time. For me to only then have found this video by chance and feel like writing a comment. The odds of this comment happening are infinitely small, but when so many infinitely small things happen at once, there's an infinitely large chance of something happening at any time.
It's all energy, we are here to learn and manipulate that energy and we are.yes, always be aware of who you are, so you don't get lost in the ego and the emotional roller coasters of the false matrix. Our physical existence is thru sound, frequency and vibration. We should strive to be our true soul and spiritual self and practice it in physicality.
Hi I just found your channel randomly through the algorithm, I love your deep introspection. Humanity is very compartmentalized into almost a conceptual prison and like you said things like time arn't real in so far as we only ever experience the present yet much of our culture focuses on the pasts regrets and the futures worry crippling us of what we are missing in the present "the journey rather than the destination", I also think we've essentially thrown the baby with the bathwater in large part by replacing dogmatic religion with an overdose on logos or dogmatic rationalism throwing out our mechanism for humbleness or relation to what is unknown past our measurements or tools of definition , everything today has to be defined / categorized and tailored to our base instincts when like you say reality is more the permeation of various energies and their interaction with things such as incalculable forces, Stuff like the sublime/hidden or even emotion affects us biochemically maybe more so sometimes than reason ever could. It's a delicate balance, I'm surprised you don't have more views , I don't mean 2 be superstitious but are you a Libra or Aries by chance?, love your videos
@PradaMage glad the algorithm is pushing my content to the right people. I agree with everything you've said, I feel I'm sensitive in general and do pick up on nunances the eyes can't see. Energetically, and even differences in pressure/air quality. Our brains are processing are like clunky old laptops honestly, think we do better in life with less "mind" if that makes sense. I'm an Aries ♈️ 🔥
@@PradaMage yes, email is easiest but im not the quickest at responding. Ideally if we can develop telepathic communication that's best 😂 jokes aside, just saw your email and will get back to you.
Nothing exists outside of you... but how useful is this? The constructs purpose still holds its purpose so what is acheived by moving an immovable object as in our minds cannot perceive actual reality
Well done. I thought the title was click bate (and clicked it anyway, cause I just had to know!) but that was on me! (which just further proves your points) Anyway, the first 20 seconds of this video, where you set out what your were doing and how and why, that made the difference in me sticking around, and I'm glad I did! To try to Steal Man what you said: "Hey, I wanna talk to you about something that's very meaningful to me, in a casual way, and I am not an expert, we're all groping our way thru life, I don't even necessarily convince you of anything, so if you are new to this info, just sit back for a bit, but if you wanna add, that's cool too!" (you said it better) Somehow that let me listen, really listen for several minutes, instead of looking for fault, thank you!
Be Nothing ( No Identity ) to Experience Everything ! if you are somebody (some Identity) you can perceive only something. Detachment doesn't mean you own nothing but Nothing owns you.
This is a genuine question, how does detachment not depress you? Maybe it's my stage in my journey or a dying of a false self, but it seems very depressing to be in this mode of being. Might be a calibration I need to undergo, any insight is appreciated.
@@IlluminateYourPower The key to an Extraordinary life is through solving Extraordinary problems. Most people have bias towards a circumstance as Good/bad Right/wrong these judgements limit your vision. There is only WORKABILITY this is the truth. Kindness is the highest form of intelligence but to get there one needs to travel the path of empathy. Providing value is how one becomes VALUABLE.
@@IlluminateYourPower Knowing >> Belief we all have our own realities but the truth is one. To disect / understand the truth we should be able to perceive multiple realities/perceptions and come to a conclusion. Being Nothing(No identity) helps in clarity of vision as your'e always fresh with curiosity and living in present. Just consider the vastness of the universe we/our problems are just a speck of dust. Basically Nothing. once you are nothing now you have the curiosity for everything.
It's funny how we believe a lot of the same things. I read from a book, "what's in front of you is all of existence" and that wasn't even a spiritual book it was a practical book with snippets about reality. Your videos on these are really starting to take off Melissa! Keep'em going. Plus, I really like your simple screenshot thumbnail instead of text only.
@PaulYuNow yes! It's fascinating how lots of these topics of living life, non-dulality, spiritualism, etc can weave into concepts about business, or other tactical/practical books. When I was doing some stock trading, I found many connections between the perfect trader's mindset with that of keep even keel with non-duality, and psychology principals. I should do a video about that too. I've noticed these thumbnails are doing better too, which is great - even less effort on my part haha 😂
Mind blowing to the point I remembered I don't have a mind. And then I remembered i don't exist 😂❤😂. But then again...maybe we do. Either way, I guess it's all just beautifully this, whatever THIS is. Balance is Key. Love and God already won.
@TheQuantumPortal hahaha 😆 this comment is great. I had a struggle this weekend with Freedom = Death. Im uploading my thoughts on this now and would love your feedback when it uploads.
I think the problem with humans is that we are way too logical and we don't believe in the unseen like kids do as in imagining beauty, so we end up losing our creativity then life becomes more boring and dead because we killed it inside ourselves that magical spark which once made us see everything as new and fresh, humans lock themselves inside their own boxes but they don't realize their full potential which is unlimited, the ability to imagine greater with love and respect
Hello there. I wonder if the following quote from “The Intimacy of All Experience,” by Rupert Spira might be helpful, as it relates to the example of an apple. “There is no difference in our actual experience between the substance of the apple that appears in memory and the substance of the apple that appears in ‘real time.’ Our knowledge of both is made of mind-out of seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting-and the substance of mind is Awareness.” Blessings to you. 🙏
Senses and interpretation thru touch. Everything ultimately touches in this realm. Eg: sight isn’t a thing til light hits the rods and cones in our eyes. And the same can be applied for all of our senses…
We are going the same way for sure. Whatever “this way” is. I’m not sure exactly where it is that we are going or what it is that we are figuring out. But I’m very glad to have stumbled on this channel. I offer my channel for you to explore if you find it interesting. In regards to this video, I have a few thoughts. So I have a medium account where I’ve been writing about all of this exact stuff. In one of the articles I wrote there, I was writing about this problem of essentially being trapped in our own minds. We exist in these prisons where whatever it is that other people really are, gets broken down into our world. We never touch ‘them’, the other. there is this cold void or gap between ourselves and anyone else that is filled with our own images & perceptions to paper it over. Society is just a scaled up machinery between souls that mediate the tension of these differences through rules and manipulation of narratives. Society is like a wave (interference) pattern Emitted from all of us. But that is just talking about People, right? There is also just literally reality itself. Causality itself. We don’t even touch anything on a physics level. Electromag is the “push” & “touch” we feel against objects. But that “push” feeling is just our sense. we are literally in the bubble of our own perception. Our whole reality is our own consciousness attempting to imitate reality for us in terms most relevant to… [undefined]. And then there is the manifestation / Neville Goddard angle to it all (which idk if you get behind or not). But if this whole thing is our projection, society, buildings, technology, language, and everything else we associate with humanity, is literally like figments of our imagination. Anyone’s home is literally just a collection of objects that came from someone’s imagination. It is literally “a manifestation”. the “walls” of the prison of sensations we are in are churning with “human stuff” that did not exist before human imagination (as far as we know). It is the creative process. So there are mechanics, dynamics & properties to “being creative”. Being Causality. Causing yourself. Willing this conscious thing we engage with. And those dynamics are basically what spiritual stuff is about. Anyway, there is so much that could be talked about since everything is interconnected but I’ll just leave it there. Too many roads to be travelled. I gotta make a video mapping the levels of this stuff and how it wires together so it’s clearer. But I am really glad I stumbled on your channel. There aren’t too many people who are engaging “here”, at least not alive and not that I know of so this is nice.
@musingsofayom I encourage you to the made the video you mentioned. I watch of channels making connections but believe we're each unique and able to make new connections based on who we are. You might just have something very enlightening and a new perspective to share. Gonna check out your channel :)
I really enjoyed your thoughts on reality, me & you are definitely on the same page (in fact, you remind me of me). I would like to expand more on this but I have so much more that I could add from my findings, but without context it will be just words. I've only just found your channel but I'll be looking out for more from you.
@JohnSmith-vj6jt thank you for watching and leaving your note, and look forward to whatever you have to share in the future. Im just learning and sharing, all subject to change as I grow and develop my understanding :)
Have you read some of ancient hermetic and kabbalistic texts? As a freemason we are thought similar concepts through the lens of connection between Microcosm and Macrocosm, as above so below, observed does not exist without observer, and vice versa, out of one two, and back, thats why eye is important symbol surronded by three sides (1+2), third factor is totality or again union and why symbolically holy trinity in many religions has connection with one, called godhead, and also eye is a portal between visible and invisible worlds, thoughts(active-positive-male polarity: ideas, creativity, vision,eternal values versus finite values, material world (passive-receptive-female polarity) ideas without given form or body is like they never existed, one cant exist without other, thats why word mother shares same root as word matter , like matter gives a form to an idea, so a mother gives a body to a soul, also father shares root with greek pater-pattern, or a blueprint of creator father that mother nature recieves and gives a form,(one of the reasons why myth of creator deity is always father figure and nature is a mother) also in our and hermetic view extremes are not opposites they are just one with different polarity, hot and cold are not two but temperature, love and hate are not two but a relationship towards something etc
All arises from the I am sense all experiences arise from the love I am . The world is within u, the world is because you are You alone are all else is nothing but imagination . The nature of space and time are tied to the body consciousness. Just be yourself without words
Hello & good day! I've just sent some resources on Cosmometry and Cymatics to your listed email that I think you'll find interesting. I hope it gives you a connected perspective of our reality; together, they certainly offer an expanded lens for understanding the interconnectedness of the universe. Thanks for your open request and this opportunity. Keep sharing your light! ✨We are the New Earth - Vic
@@abody499 interesting question. You can explore it. Why did you seek to have, do, or be all that you have, do, or be now? Just try to see if there are themes to get you closer to your understanding. Keep in mind, the best brainwashing will make you believe it was your choice all along. I like to ask the question, "is this serving me?" Ask the question selfishly and answer to yourself as honestly as possible. The answers might lead you somewhere.
I used to think that too, then I woke up. Your talking about only one part of you. Or when the man with the knife is chasing you, you cant say, eh, it's not important. Then as it enters your flesh, thats also very much reality. Then the way the creation in a jewish sense is so completely multifaceted and dynamic where it is not only inside and out, but multidimensional.
@@IlluminateYourPower maybe he mentioned about super ego, ego and ıd from sigmund freud . İf u ask me there no such a part of us it is just vibration and all our atoms want to maintain its movement that is all .We are not one , there are millions maybe trilions atoms and our thoughts generaly their movement ,energy or u can call it vibration .
just a quick comment....it so freaky how your topics line up with what is going on in my mind lately and you use the same language...it does make me think about synchronicity like am I listening to myself here lmao??
@bucstime1270 that is interesting, always love when that happens. Funny enough you have the number "12" on your name and that's coincidentally my fav number. Any special significance for you?
You have to ask yourself, how can a "physical" brain have an experience of something outside of itself in the "physical" world? There has to be something that which is beyond the brain that allows the experience to occur. Our brain is like the tool that Awareness uses to "project" our reality. The Awareness is the projector and reality is the screen in which the images are formed. So whatever shows up on the "screen" of reality is all made of the same substance, which is Consciousness/Awareness. Or some people like to call it "God." We are that. Basically a long winded way of saying that matter doesn't exist without your mind...
You remind me of Bob Lazar appearance wise. I swear you could be his daughter. If you're just a female doppelganger then he's nicer to look at as a girl. You're thoughtful too a bit like him. Might be a strange comparison in context of this video, so, sorry about that.
@ I was done watching a video and saw this right underneath. It was not me who revealed this to me but of the Holy Spirit, that lives in me through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in which you can also be free from sin, guilt and shame if you just ask him, right now, just as you are. Because He wants that for you, to see you living a life of true peace, freedom and fulfilment that is is only found in Jesus Christ 🤍 Why don’t you just speak to Him for yourself like the person He created you to be :)
@kingdongo4388 Here's a thought, sounds like you have a connection with Jesus, ask him in your faith to make himself undeniably known to me. Undeniable. Can you do that?
Ok here is the deal in simple terms, yes each of us can never truly know if the world we perceive is the same as another person.
IMO it took millions of years for us to agree to act as if it is, for the benefit of cooperation.
Now bottom line is it’s the best we have, and without it we would be back in the mess we started in, and back to working with sticks and stone.
Is this the only way? Possibly not but no on has been able to come up with a better shared set of interpretations of reality yet.
We are animals, mammals no matter how hard some try to deny it. We have many hard wired shared feelings and tend to experience novel situations in a similar manner. Group think is real and it just could be that what we think is real is just another group think conception.
If humans do anything notable that’s different from the majority of the rest of the animals IMO it’s in just how far we take abstraction.
Anyway, take it from someone who has already spent too many of 65 years thinking about things like this, it’s a waste of your life. Life is to be lived and enjoyed it will be what you make of it.
Walk away from all the unanswerable questions and just live :)
@davesebring I appreciate your comment. I think you hit the nail on the head with just living one's life. It's so profound.
And yet here you are.
Insightful! It's another angle to the fact that it's not a "job" or a "person" making us mad, sad, anxious... They can't do that. Only we can do that to ourselves.
@antonio_carvalho YES! We push this perspective away but it truly sets us free.
I would say that nothing we perceive with our senses, truly exists. The only thing that truly exists is YOU/ME (the ONE beingnesss).
@divine_presence its very interesting. I feel a bit one foot in and one foot out of reality sometimes with these understandings.
Love your presence and the way you describe this concept! Happy to have found your channel. :)
@@PluviophileTraveller thank you for the kind comment ❤️😊
Forget about the words, the passion which reflects from ur explanation says it all.. It felt like the care for me to feel how u have felt is dripping from ur eyes......And most importantly that slight laugh in between ,that hits differently
@Thinkk-s6i one of my fav comments. ❤️ you just made me feel seen.
@IlluminateYourPower That's so pleasureful for me......I don't usually comment,but u got me curious about how u live in this state of being......not so many have this energy
@Thinkk-s6i just trying to find my way. ❤️
@@IlluminateYourPower U just express ur real raw feelings and that's it....... there's no other way other than the one inside of u.....♥️
I remember in sixth grade learning that colors we see are only reflected light and thinking about what the world must look like behind the veil of that reflection. If my mind hadn't already been blown years earlier, it might have been then.
As for existence, I suspect that we hoomins would not be capable of determining the difference between, in one case, nothing existing except for us, and in another case, being designed so that we experienced the world through a bio-mechanism generating a perception that nothing existed except for us.
The former is my current working theory (and is also the factor that initially blew my mind as a child), but in challenging myself, I find our bio-mechanism doesn't possess the necessary sensory apparatus to reach a determinate conclusion. And no NDE or shroom trip can be relied upon to provide a faultless answer because they're processed through the same realm-limited bio-mechanism, no matter how liberated one perceives oneself to be during those experiences.
So whether either case is the actual reality, the fact we're unable to know for certain either way points me in the direction of considering that our wiring has been limited for a reason. We'll never be able to know for certain, and that's part of the value of the condition we're meant to experience.
Of course an appel can not smell itself.
Very strange idear.
I remember taking 3 grams of psilocybin mushrooms. During the trip I asked to know who I was “ Who am I “..The reply was “ Who is asking the question “..When I responded by saying I am asking the question, I started laughing because it dawned on me that I was asking myself, my higher self or The One. The One knows everything but cannot experience itself so lowered its vibration to the extent it became solid matter. It then separated itself into countless forms. You & I are One, but we think we are individuals. In reality we are all particles of the One & as you say, nothing really exists outside of You. The ego makes us feel we are different & creates personalities, but it’s all an illusion…May I humbly add that this is just my perception.
It does exist. The physical experience is important for the journey. The internal experience is important for the destination. Burnout is the brains way of healing itself. Silence is the medicine. sincerely ~ Dr. V.
One thing I want to correct you on, since I studied physics. Is technically your hand can't pass through the chair just because the atoms are jiggling back and forth and that you might catch them in the right place at the right time for you to go through. If simply running into atoms blocked movement, we would be falling through everything because actually atoms are almost entirely empty space. Actually the reason why everything appears solid to us is because there are electromagnetic forces keeping them in place and reflecting light, as well as repelling the atoms in our hands - that's what gives a chair the feeling of solidity. So even if they vibrate, those electromagnetic fields will always be in place, holding the solid together and repelling you.
However you are right in another way, because according to quantum mechanics, it is possible for subatomic particles like electrons to tunnel through barriers with a high repulsive potential EM energy. So that means, they could technically pass through a wall. And in theory, it is also true that your hand and in fact your whole body could pass through a wall. But for that to happen your body would have to enter a kind of uncollapsed quantum state, which I'm not sure is possible, and no one really understands what that means as well, it is really just a mathematical construct at the moment - but most vaguely take it to mean that the particle doesn't "exist" in one place or another yet until an event capable of measuring its position occurs somewhere in that space, which "collapses" this wave into a definite state (there are lots of attempts to explain QM but no one really knows). And so in theory the same would have to be true for your body for tunneling to be possible. As far as I can tell this kind of quantum indeterminacy only extends to very low mass solids like molecules or single atoms, but once you get into macroscopic objects there really isn't any indeterminacy anymore - or the scale of indeterminacy is reduced to widths that are so unbelievably small that you basically are never going to tunnel through a wall of any reasonable thickness.
Nothing exists outside of you? Try walking in front of a speeding car that you don't believe is really there.
@IlluminateYourPower just sayin lol but yeah I get what your saying. 🙂
What she’s talking about is the issue of “things” having no independent existence apart from the mind that perceives them.
90% don't understand these concept.
It takes deep understanding felt through every pore of the body mind . Feel like a feather in air.hullicination.
Once you get these
Hoping every one get this.
You n all Live in peace n Peace n Peace happiness joy for ever
God bless you 🙏
This is a fun thought exercise, but until one can control everything deliberately, it means nothing.
Thank "you".
"You" are welcome 😊
Everything we perceive is appearing within (our) awareness.
This is not true. For example your nose is literally always right in front of your eyes, your brain edits it out automatically unless you think about.
@@jyjjy7 But how can a "physical" brain have an experience of something outside of itself in the "physical" world? There has to be something that which is beyond the brain that allows the experience to occur. Our brain is like the tool that Awareness uses to "project" our reality. The Awareness is the projector and reality is the screen in which the images are formed.
Explore being mindful of vedana in Theravada buddhist text. This may help your exploration.
i think another way to say this is that we can never truly, purely observe anything at all. there has to be external forces that bring about an adaptation in us, forming these conditioned responses
@yerrrrr3485 yes absolutely 💯
I think the problem is that we tend to think that observing is to see with physical eyes, to me observing first comes from my own concept, what I'm conscious of being, what is my image or seed. Maybe this is what intuition is?
We create the world through our senses, but would the creation of the sensation be possible without a stimulus? Like the old age philosophical question, "if a tree crslasges in a forest and there's no one to hear it would their be a noise"
Apparently, noise, the sensation is as a result of the stimuli - vibration of air molecules produced by the tree and the hearing senses of the organism (ear) interpreting it as SOUND. This is how our senses work in creating sensation - both the sense and stimuli must be present.
But the senses and the stimulus are both two sides of the same coin. It's like, yes, everything outside us is an illusion created by our senses and our perception, but the eternal world - the stimulus must be present.
Feel free to open this cage. Everyone I know is everywhere
This monologue sounded exactly like a scene that would be in The Matrix.
@virtutisoccasioest I'm Neo 😎
Beautiful 🙏 thank you for making this video, your explanation and discription is very clear ❤
@GeoffBeattie im glad it resonated ❤️
well said i liked your stops when you had to think how fascinating that is haha. we need more people who think like that but i guess its only when you get out of your cage the inner cage. I know one thing for sure we need more content like this :).
@aivarassimonis thank you for checking out the video. 😊 Its funny, sometimes my pauses feel insanely long when recording the video only to look back and realize it was just a second or two.
I see the world like a dream. When you are asleep at night dreaming, you think you are in a real world with real people around you. And then you wake up and realize it was all in your mind (imagined). In the same sense, I think waking life, is just us shifting to another kind of dream and everything in this dream is also in the mind (imagined). I think there are differences between these two kinds of dreams however. I think in this so called waking dream, other people (at least many of them) do have their own consciousness. It is a collective dream. But contrary to popular belief, the people in our dreams at night can also have souls or consciousness in them. For example, you could encounter a spirit guide in your dream, and think it is just a dream figure. Or you could encounter a deceased love one giving you a message. And there are many accounts of people, especially married people having shared dreams at night, since they talk more with each other about their dreams. A lot of couples find that they have had a shared dream where the man saw everything from his perspective of where he was at in the dream, while the woman saw it from her perspective. Also I believe sometimes other people in our dreams are real consciousness just like us. But probably in most cases they are not real. They are our own mind creating them. Which is why a lot of dreams can be interpreted. Dreams at night take place in the astral plane, in certain areas. And waking dreams take place in the physical plane, which as we know isn't really physical at all (that's an illusion). So basically both are collective dreams. The One has split itself up into the many and the many are having dreams together. It's just that our dreams while sleeping seems to have more people and things that are created by our own mind which can be interpreted. And our waking dreams have more that is created together as a collective. But both planes are dreams that take place in the mind. And all planes take place in the mind. And so when we shift from one plane to another, and any other time we appear to be moving, we are really not going anywhere, because physicality is an illusion in the mind, as time and space are. The different planes are different kinds of dreams, and are like different frequencies, and we can tune our mind to different frequencies and experience different planes. But where there is objects, forms, shapes, and separation, there is illusion - dreams. Some say that there are also NPCs, or non-player characters. I think that is probably true, more NPCs (imaginary characters) in the dreams we have while sleeping, than in our so-called waking dreams.
But a camera also captures the same color we see.
brain in a vat
Have you looked into analytical idealism? If you search it up you will most likely see its champion, Bernardo Kastrup. I use to be a materialist but now that I see that its metaphysical ground is built on more presuppositions then analytical idealism I have adopted a new understanding. Analytical idealism speaks on the very subject you are bringing up and it fleshes out the idea in a very clear way. If what you speak of blew your mind then Analytical idealism will surely implode it.
@ClutchxPotato I haven't, but looked up a bit last night from your comment! Very cool and inline with things I said here. My mind didn't implode, but probs good might need it in the future 😂
Great video! Been saying this for years and i am going to make a video about it as well. To each of us our thoughts and emotions are the center of the universe. We can visualize what others are going through but we cannot feel them. The only thing we can feel is our emotions. The only thing we can “prove” is real is our inner world. Everyone in this world could be part of a virtual movie for all we know. Yes, quantum particles. Some kind of simulation.
Realizing this is extremely freeing to me. Letting go and programming my inner belief systems with love and joy because at the end of the day it’s just me, alone in myself. Might as well love
Myself and tell myself fun things ❤
@turningsouth5023 exactly, we are the center of our universe might as well give ourselves the life we want, more or less. ❤️
@ 💯 and from my perspective to make my world even better that includes pushing positive energy into everyone around me and more often then not, they reflect it back so it’s a win win:)
I would say, 'Everything exists so that you can perceive something.' I wouldn’t claim that nothing exists outside; rather, I think everything already exists in the quantum field in an informational, immaterial state. The lens of consciousness merely illuminates a spatiotemporal area of this unified field, which we call experience.
Alex Hormozi said: You can decide which person to kill (100% elimination of thoughts) but you just can't decide when. That completely questioned my perspective of things that existed. It's only inside me (Nothing exists outside of "you")
@Bernhardseckm love Alex Hormozi
Imagine running laps around an oval. Lapping yourself might create synchronization
@daaspool is this a technique you use?
People forget they are Timeless.
Owning things is a concept. Concepts are made up human constructs. I don't own my body, my words, my soul, they are simply part of the universes energy, a very complex array of interactions had to happen for me to firstly exist, to have "lived" or persisted through the continuous duplication of myself over 29 times spinning around the sun as our reference point that we call time. For me to only then have found this video by chance and feel like writing a comment. The odds of this comment happening are infinitely small, but when so many infinitely small things happen at once, there's an infinitely large chance of something happening at any time.
It's all energy, we are here to learn and manipulate that energy and we are.yes, always be aware of who you are, so you don't get lost in the ego and the emotional roller coasters of the false matrix. Our physical existence is thru sound, frequency and vibration. We should strive to be our true soul and spiritual self and practice it in physicality.
@abdulkarriem967 agreed, the most worthwhile pursuit while here ❤️
It doesn't blow my mind, but it is the truth.
Hi I just found your channel randomly through the algorithm, I love your deep introspection. Humanity is very compartmentalized into almost a conceptual prison and like you said things like time arn't real in so far as we only ever experience the present yet much of our culture focuses on the pasts regrets and the futures worry crippling us of what we are missing in the present "the journey rather than the destination", I also think we've essentially thrown the baby with the bathwater in large part by replacing dogmatic religion with an overdose on logos or dogmatic rationalism throwing out our mechanism for humbleness or relation to what is unknown past our measurements or tools of definition , everything today has to be defined / categorized and tailored to our base instincts when like you say reality is more the permeation of various energies and their interaction with things such as incalculable forces, Stuff like the sublime/hidden or even emotion affects us biochemically maybe more so sometimes than reason ever could. It's a delicate balance, I'm surprised you don't have more views , I don't mean 2 be superstitious but are you a Libra or Aries by chance?, love your videos
@PradaMage glad the algorithm is pushing my content to the right people. I agree with everything you've said, I feel I'm sensitive in general and do pick up on nunances the eyes can't see. Energetically, and even differences in pressure/air quality. Our brains are processing are like clunky old laptops honestly, think we do better in life with less "mind" if that makes sense.
I'm an Aries ♈️ 🔥
@@IlluminateYourPowerdon’t mean to be to intrusive but do you have an email or a discord I can reach you at?
@@PradaMage yes, email is easiest but im not the quickest at responding. Ideally if we can develop telepathic communication that's best 😂 jokes aside, just saw your email and will get back to you.
Nothing exists outside of you... but how useful is this?
The constructs purpose still holds its purpose so what is acheived by moving an immovable object as in our minds cannot perceive actual reality
You're literally what I idealized as my eternal wife.
Keep posting. You're a blessing in this mad, mad world.
@rogerpetronius thank you for the compliment and glad you enjoyed the video
You can't prove solipsism isn't true, that doesn't mean it's true.
Well done. I thought the title was click bate (and clicked it anyway, cause I just had to know!) but that was on me! (which just further proves your points) Anyway, the first 20 seconds of this video, where you set out what your were doing and how and why, that made the difference in me sticking around, and I'm glad I did! To try to Steal Man what you said: "Hey, I wanna talk to you about something that's very meaningful to me, in a casual way, and I am not an expert, we're all groping our way thru life, I don't even necessarily convince you of anything, so if you are new to this info, just sit back for a bit, but if you wanna add, that's cool too!" (you said it better) Somehow that let me listen, really listen for several minutes, instead of looking for fault, thank you!
@godgetti thank you for watching and glad it resonated. 😊 I'm def just learning, sharing thoughts I'm having etc - I'm just another human humaning!
Be Nothing ( No Identity ) to Experience Everything ! if you are somebody (some Identity) you can perceive only something. Detachment doesn't mean you own nothing but Nothing owns you.
This is a genuine question, how does detachment not depress you? Maybe it's my stage in my journey or a dying of a false self, but it seems very depressing to be in this mode of being. Might be a calibration I need to undergo, any insight is appreciated.
@@IlluminateYourPower The key to an Extraordinary life is through solving Extraordinary problems. Most people have bias towards a circumstance as Good/bad Right/wrong these judgements limit your vision. There is only WORKABILITY this is the truth. Kindness is the highest form of intelligence but to get there one needs to travel the path of empathy. Providing value is how one becomes VALUABLE.
@@IlluminateYourPower Knowing >> Belief we all have our own realities but the truth is one. To disect / understand the truth we should be able to perceive multiple realities/perceptions and come to a conclusion. Being Nothing(No identity) helps in clarity of vision as your'e always fresh with curiosity and living in present. Just consider the vastness of the universe we/our problems are just a speck of dust. Basically Nothing. once you are nothing now you have the curiosity for everything.
It's funny how we believe a lot of the same things. I read from a book, "what's in front of you is all of existence" and that wasn't even a spiritual book it was a practical book with snippets about reality. Your videos on these are really starting to take off Melissa! Keep'em going. Plus, I really like your simple screenshot thumbnail instead of text only.
@PaulYuNow yes! It's fascinating how lots of these topics of living life, non-dulality, spiritualism, etc can weave into concepts about business, or other tactical/practical books. When I was doing some stock trading, I found many connections between the perfect trader's mindset with that of keep even keel with non-duality, and psychology principals. I should do a video about that too. I've noticed these thumbnails are doing better too, which is great - even less effort on my part haha 😂
Mind blowing to the point I remembered I don't have a mind. And then I remembered i don't exist 😂❤😂. But then again...maybe we do. Either way, I guess it's all just beautifully this, whatever THIS is. Balance is Key. Love and God already won.
@TheQuantumPortal hahaha 😆 this comment is great. I had a struggle this weekend with Freedom = Death. Im uploading my thoughts on this now and would love your feedback when it uploads.
I think the problem with humans is that we are way too logical and we don't believe in the unseen like kids do as in imagining beauty, so we end up losing our creativity then life becomes more boring and dead because we killed it inside ourselves that magical spark which once made us see everything as new and fresh, humans lock themselves inside their own boxes but they don't realize their full potential which is unlimited, the ability to imagine greater with love and respect
Hello there. I wonder if the following quote from “The Intimacy of All Experience,” by Rupert Spira might be helpful, as it relates to the example of an apple.
“There is no difference in our actual experience between the substance of the apple that appears in memory and the substance of the apple that appears in ‘real time.’ Our knowledge of both is made of mind-out of seeing, touching, smelling, and tasting-and the substance of mind is Awareness.”
Blessings to you. 🙏
@I-Am-Aware thank you for the insightful quote and blessings to you ❤️🙏
12:20 Very good point!
Senses and interpretation thru touch. Everything ultimately touches in this realm. Eg: sight isn’t a thing til light hits the rods and cones in our eyes. And the same can be applied for all of our senses…
@sya5000 it's wild to think about
We are going the same way for sure. Whatever “this way” is. I’m not sure exactly where it is that we are going or what it is that we are figuring out. But I’m very glad to have stumbled on this channel. I offer my channel for you to explore if you find it interesting.
In regards to this video, I have a few thoughts. So I have a medium account where I’ve been writing about all of this exact stuff. In one of the articles I wrote there, I was writing about this problem of essentially being trapped in our own minds. We exist in these prisons where whatever it is that other people really are, gets broken down into our world. We never touch ‘them’, the other. there is this cold void or gap between ourselves and anyone else that is filled with our own images & perceptions to paper it over.
Society is just a scaled up machinery between souls that mediate the tension of these differences through rules and manipulation of narratives. Society is like a wave (interference) pattern Emitted from all of us.
But that is just talking about People, right? There is also just literally reality itself. Causality itself. We don’t even touch anything on a physics level. Electromag is the “push” & “touch” we feel against objects. But that “push” feeling is just our sense. we are literally in the bubble of our own perception. Our whole reality is our own consciousness attempting to imitate reality for us in terms most relevant to… [undefined].
And then there is the manifestation / Neville Goddard angle to it all (which idk if you get behind or not). But if this whole thing is our projection, society, buildings, technology, language, and everything else we associate with humanity, is literally like figments of our imagination. Anyone’s home is literally just a collection of objects that came from someone’s imagination.
It is literally “a manifestation”. the “walls” of the prison of sensations we are in are churning with “human stuff” that did not exist before human imagination (as far as we know).
It is the creative process.
So there are mechanics, dynamics & properties to “being creative”. Being Causality. Causing yourself. Willing this conscious thing we engage with. And those dynamics are basically what spiritual stuff is about.
Anyway, there is so much that could be talked about since everything is interconnected but I’ll just leave it there. Too many roads to be travelled.
I gotta make a video mapping the levels of this stuff and how it wires together so it’s clearer. But I am really glad I stumbled on your channel. There aren’t too many people who are engaging “here”, at least not alive and not that I know of so this is nice.
@musingsofayom I encourage you to the made the video you mentioned. I watch of channels making connections but believe we're each unique and able to make new connections based on who we are. You might just have something very enlightening and a new perspective to share. Gonna check out your channel :)
I really enjoyed your thoughts on reality, me & you are definitely on the same page (in fact, you remind me of me). I would like to expand more on this but I have so much more that I could add from my findings, but without context it will be just words. I've only just found your channel but I'll be looking out for more from you.
@JohnSmith-vj6jt thank you for watching and leaving your note, and look forward to whatever you have to share in the future. Im just learning and sharing, all subject to change as I grow and develop my understanding :)
Have you read some of ancient hermetic and kabbalistic texts? As a freemason we are thought similar concepts through the lens of connection between Microcosm and Macrocosm, as above so below, observed does not exist without observer, and vice versa, out of one two, and back, thats why eye is important symbol surronded by three sides (1+2), third factor is totality or again union and why symbolically holy trinity in many religions has connection with one, called godhead, and also eye is a portal between visible and invisible worlds, thoughts(active-positive-male polarity: ideas, creativity, vision,eternal values versus finite values, material world (passive-receptive-female polarity) ideas without given form or body is like they never existed, one cant exist without other, thats why word mother shares same root as word matter , like matter gives a form to an idea, so a mother gives a body to a soul, also father shares root with greek pater-pattern, or a blueprint of creator father that mother nature recieves and gives a form,(one of the reasons why myth of creator deity is always father figure and nature is a mother) also in our and hermetic view extremes are not opposites they are just one with different polarity, hot and cold are not two but temperature, love and hate are not two but a relationship towards something etc
All arises from the I am sense all experiences arise from the love I am . The world is within u, the world is because you are You alone are all else is nothing but imagination . The nature of space and time are tied to the body consciousness. Just be yourself without words
@plasmac9dm7003 thank you for the link, we're on the same wavelength.
Beautiful Truth.
Hello & good day! I've just sent some resources on Cosmometry and Cymatics to your listed email that I think you'll find interesting. I hope it gives you a connected perspective of our reality; together, they certainly offer an expanded lens for understanding the interconnectedness of the universe.
Thanks for your open request and this opportunity. Keep sharing your light! ✨We are the New Earth - Vic
@paradisusis Hi 😊 and thank you. It takes me a min to get back via email, but will take a look at what you sent over.
Ok. But you need that something to conjure up that feeling of juice within. Otherwise, it is blank and we cant taste it.
Facts 💯
so am I all I decided to be or am I unconsciously programmed?
@@abody499 interesting question.
You can explore it. Why did you seek to have, do, or be all that you have, do, or be now? Just try to see if there are themes to get you closer to your understanding. Keep in mind, the best brainwashing will make you believe it was your choice all along. I like to ask the question, "is this serving me?" Ask the question selfishly and answer to yourself as honestly as possible. The answers might lead you somewhere.
@@IlluminateYourPower u need to read some vygotsky. well, most people do - it's not unusual. before i read vygotsky, i needed to read him as well.
I used to think that too, then I woke up. Your talking about only one part of you. Or when the man with the knife is chasing you, you cant say, eh, it's not important. Then as it enters your flesh, thats also very much reality. Then the way the creation in a jewish sense is so completely multifaceted and dynamic where it is not only inside and out, but multidimensional.
@JSTNtheWZRD what do you mean by "only one part of you"?
@@IlluminateYourPower maybe he mentioned about super ego, ego and ıd from sigmund freud . İf u ask me there no such a part of us it is just vibration and all our atoms want to maintain its movement that is all .We are not one , there are millions maybe trilions atoms and our thoughts generaly their movement ,energy or u can call it vibration .
Yes just one small part of you.
@@IlluminateYourPower I cannot say. I am under oath not to speak loosely.
just a quick comment....it so freaky how your topics line up with what is going on in my mind lately and you use the same language...it does make me think about synchronicity like am I listening to myself here lmao??
@bucstime1270 that is interesting, always love when that happens. Funny enough you have the number "12" on your name and that's coincidentally my fav number. Any special significance for you?
@@IlluminateYourPower 12 is my birth month...december (sagittarius)...I don't know why they tacked on a 70 at the end..that was randomly generated....
You have to ask yourself, how can a "physical" brain have an experience of something outside of itself in the "physical" world? There has to be something that which is beyond the brain that allows the experience to occur. Our brain is like the tool that Awareness uses to "project" our reality. The Awareness is the projector and reality is the screen in which the images are formed. So whatever shows up on the "screen" of reality is all made of the same substance, which is Consciousness/Awareness. Or some people like to call it "God." We are that.
Basically a long winded way of saying that matter doesn't exist without your mind...
@1nosurprisezz like the way you put that!
Seems like solipsism.
You remind me of Bob Lazar appearance wise. I swear you could be his daughter. If you're just a female doppelganger then he's nicer to look at as a girl. You're thoughtful too a bit like him. Might be a strange comparison in context of this video, so, sorry about that.
@oui2611 ha! We do look a bit alike. I'm also known to believe some controversial things.
Jesus Christ loves you so much that he layed down his life for you to be free from your sin, shame and guilt if you accept Him 🤍
Then what drew you to this content?
@ I was done watching a video and saw this right underneath.
It was not me who revealed this to me but of the Holy Spirit, that lives in me through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in which you can also be free from sin, guilt and shame if you just ask him, right now, just as you are.
Because He wants that for you, to see you living a life of true peace, freedom and fulfilment that is is only found in Jesus Christ 🤍
Why don’t you just speak to Him for yourself like the person He created you to be :)
@kingdongo4388 Here's a thought, sounds like you have a connection with Jesus, ask him in your faith to make himself undeniably known to me. Undeniable. Can you do that?
@ I got you bro 🤍
@@kingdongo4388 if he died for my sins then what sin should i be free from?
Outside of me? Yeah there is... His name is Jesus Christ. 🗿
U so pretty I need girlfriend wasusp❤❤❤❤❤❤