Hey Frobbz, Found the perfect moment to experience this beauty. The sounds are eating me up in some way - This is heavy, real heavy. I LOVE it this heavy (lol).. The mesmerizing vocals start, it's like I have no choice. Strangling upon to me with this unique synth. Dare to breathe - I dare! Unique track and video Frobbz - Flowing along with the visual waves towards me.. I'm drowning though
hipnotizing!!! perfect!!
Wow. this is amazing. very much an acquired taste. very brave of you frobbz. masterpiece.
Hey Frobbz,
Found the perfect moment to experience this beauty. The sounds are eating me up in some way - This is heavy, real heavy. I LOVE it this heavy (lol).. The mesmerizing vocals start, it's like I have no choice. Strangling upon to me with this unique synth. Dare to breathe - I dare! Unique track and video Frobbz - Flowing along with the visual waves towards me.. I'm drowning though
Man how could i miss this one. Perfect. Brilliant!!! :)
Amazing, making a trip without using any forbidden fruits, experiment succesfull Frobbz :-))
WOW. That track is just amazing :-))
I have no words.
Perfect ;-)
thank you
very nice!
Feel like... drained...
'the Unique'
i'm going to lie down on the floor and stare at the ceiling.....