The Seventh-day Adventist histories are the best I have ever heard. I like it better than the American history and world history that are being taught in public school. As usual, Seventh-day Adventists tell and teach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I bet my life!
@@tomlord4469 Yes, but I would rather trust sweet Jesus Christ, instead of myself. He said that if anyone would follow Him, one must deny oneself, take up the cross, and follow Him [all the way]. Thank you for typing to me.
SDA’s do not worship on God’s True Sabbath!!! They use the Gregorian Calendar!!!! It’s a COUNTERFEIT!!!!!! God uses the moon ( month) Luni- solar calendar, Amos 8:5,Ezekiel46:1, & Isaiah 66:22-23, Hebrews13:8, Man changed the calendar & unless you’re using the Luni- solar calendar, you are NOT on God’s ORIGINAL SABBATH!!!!!! There’s a calendar in the BIBLE!!!!!!!!😇❤️😇
You have studied. ADVENTIST history? From whom? I didn't know that the S.D.A. history was ever taught in public schools. I was raised in the Adventist church! Also a direct decendent from the founders of the S.D.A. church in Battle Creek MI. Went to their boarding schools! That's where I learned NOT TO BE AN ADVENTIST! Nothing but greed and lies! Extreme censorship and isolation! The TRUTH? PURE BULLSHIT! They are definitely a religious business and CULT!!! X- ADVENTIST!!!
I was a Christian in the church of God of prophecy, but when I studied with the Adventist I understood about the Sabbath,am the only Adventist in my family am praying for my siblings and my husband to become a member of this beautiful church.❤
Its a Cult! Why cant you see we are NOT bound by a worship Day. Jesus is the New Covenant rest. Not just a day but a relationship is our Sabbath. If you keep the Sabbath then why dont you do the rituals the Jews do? Is it because they were ceremonial laws? That means the Sabbath was a ceremonial day. Its not a relationship and was the Old Covenant Law not the Law of Christ and why noone not even Jesus said we had to keep the Sabbath given to the Jews and not Gentiles. Adventism is coveting what was given to Israel. Come to the real Jesus. SDA Jesus is NOT the Biblical Jesus!! The real Jesus died for ALL of our Sins. Not what SDA teaches. Its a CULT!! Stay away and follow the Bible ONLY!!!!!
I worry that there is deception in these seventh day adventist churches, This man of god can help understand how to honor the sabbath day without disobeying God.
@@jesusdiazzz6369 Unlike the Dark Ages, we can read God's word ourselves:" line upon line, precept upon precept." The SDA pastor will refer you to the Bible. Read it yourself. You will find plain Truth preached unapologetically in the SDA church that is difficult to find elsewhere.
@@jaynekidd9609 Im just mentioning the dark ages since there should not be such thing as that. The catholics were doing cruel punishments even though we should be forgiving and loving thy enemies. The old testament people were stone but jesus also did not stone the adulterous women. The same goes with the witches.
We need to pray for the salvation of not only this past president but all who have the truth or are seeking it with all their hearts because Jesus is coming soon.
Im pretty sure trump is doing his very best to HIDE the truth, not find it. In trumps world theres no room for anyone else other than him. His ego is huge.
Sure but that doesn't mean "you don't have to go to church", in Hebrews 10:25 the Inspired Word of God says, "Not Forsaking The Assembly of Ourselves together, as the manner of some is..." God desires that we come together with other Christ- like minded Brothers & Sisters. Fellowshipping at church is one way we can accomplish that... Christ, as it was His custom, read in the Synagogue every Sabbath". And Remember, Don't Forget, To Keep The Sabbath Holy, AND That Christ was our Perfect Example To Guide Us Along The Way, The Only TRUE Way! 💞😇✝️☝️📖🕊❤️🔥💝
That is right. Not everyone at church is a Christian, and not all Christians attend church in the house of worship. It is a [personal] relationship with Sweet and Gracious Great God that would make the difference of obeying Him and living disobediently.🙏
***** While I understand that multiple video makers post their videos to this channel making it difficult ensure that all videos are captioned. However, I am troubled by your last statement. Just because we can't make something accessible for everyone doesn't mean we shouldn't make it accessible for those we can, when possible. BTW-there are accessibility options for blind individuals. It is called video description. But, since they can hear the video they are receiving the message deaf and hard of hearing individuals can not without captions.
I totally agree with you to add captions for the deaf and hard of hearing i also am totally deaf Ilost my hearing 8 years ago and when you come upon programs of interest and theres no cc it gets pretty frustrating and feel left out of important news or info ...
People say that Obama has Muslim roots, but his grandfather was a Seventh-Day Adventist. I hope that when Obama leaves office that he will consider following his grandfather's footsteps. You can disobey God by idolizing the sabbath day over Jesus. The pharisees god mad over the apostles picking up fruits and yet also God got punished a man to death for picking up sticks.
I worry that there is deception in these seventh day adventist churches, This man of god can help understand how to honor the sabbath day without disobeying God.
I appreciate this piece of family history of President Obama. I'm sorry for those who so hate Obama, especially Christians who do so, when they can't even be pleased that the good news of the Gospel has been planted in his family.
Planted, maybe. But by the words and actions Obama has shown in his public life, the gospel of Jesus Christ certainly has not taken root so far. So we should follow God's word and, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." -Ephesians 5:11
bldlightpainting Any POTUS stands for the constitution and its amendments. Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. Obama was NOT the president then. Prior to that, women who chose to terminate for whatever reason did so illegally, including rape victims, incest victims, etc. But blaming this on Obama is misplaced aggression. Did you want him to overturn it (which he cannot because it was a Supreme Court action) because you are uncomfortable with it? It is beyond his ability to do so. The president is not our mother or father. He cannot make unilateral decisions about everything. Your aggression would be the same no matter who was POTUS because none of them would have satisfied all of the people, SDA, or not.
Larry christian hate the sin ; not The sinner. Seeds can be good ;But it matters how they grow too. and come as you are but Christ will not leave you as you is. Glory always to God through us and save us from us.
Since we all are created by God, then each of us are visited by His Holy Spirit who woos and draw us to God. We cannot judge others by what we know about them. since God is the ultimate judge. Also, remember we all are sinners, most covertly. Remember David and Moses etc. We need to stay focused on God, otherwise the devil will trip us to keep his company in hell.
Mr. Barack Obama. Please Return To The Seventh Day Adventist church, With Your Family. Don't Matter What You May have Said And Done. God Forgive Us Of Our Sins. 😄
@@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa420I don’t think that was meant- they said only Hod can save - but SDA & others can be the catalyst that point people to God’s words of life!
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the evil in this world, God is full of justice, mercy and love. Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die" - if we break one in thought/word/deed it's as if we're guilty of all of them. Quite simply, living by the law (which is doing everything perfectly) is impossible for sinful humans . The law shows us that 1. We will die in Hell if we fail to follow it and 2. We cannot save ourselves BUT, 3. God's perfect, immovable law points us to Christ, who followed and fulfilled the law in thought, word and deed perfectly in our place. He did what we couldn't and did it on our behalf. He was then sentenced to death on a cross, and took our personal punishment for our sin, paying our penalty (like paying our fine) completely FOR us, and has given us freedom. If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life. It's not about following the law - perfectly, as it's impossible - it's about letting Christ in to guide and teach you and obeying Him through His power (not ourselves as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction). He is our substitute in His life, death and resurrection. He essentially rewrote history in our place so that, if you believe in Him, it will be as if you had never sinned if you accept Christ's death as our own in our place. He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it. He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. Hes giving EVERYONE a chance, He wants everyone to take the free gift of salvation from Hell. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through Him. So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to follow His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and ask Him to help us in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the ultimate victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, pray for Jesus to come in and He will do what we can't. Give us The Holy Spirit who will guide us in the right way. NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER x If you have any questions let me know xx
This seems to be just a little bit too scary for some people. If I didn't know any better I would think and some of the hostility that I see, comes from or was inspired by a Russian bot or two.
Seventh-day Adventist history is much better than American history and world history that are taught in public schools and colleges. I would bet my life on it.
The gospel is the good news of salvation (Rom. 1:16). This can only be found in the word of God which is found in the bible not only the new testament but the old testament. In fact during Jesus' time it was the old testament books which Jesus and His apostles were quoted when they preach the word of God. Mat. 4:4. That's why the bible reminds us that the WHOLE scripture is given for doctrine and for correction to equip us for righteousness. 2Tim. 3:16-17.
***Greetings, Beloved of God. This message is lengthy but, it is very important. The ancient Israelites was tested by the Sabbath commandment to see if they would keep God’s law or no in Exodus 16:4- Do not be surprised if God allow man to do a similar test, enforce some type of Sabbath law to see if we will keep His law or no. ************************************************ Right now, we all do not see eye to eye, but, please hear me out.............. There is no way anyone can prove from the KJV Bible that Saturday, Sunday, etc. is the biblical seventh day Sabbaths. For, the words Saturday, Sunday, etc. do not appear in the Bible. A continuous Saturday, Sunday, etc., “man made Sabbaths” ARE NOT the true Bible Sabbaths because they are not calculated by true time. God’s true time is written in Genesis 1:14. When God commanded us to keep a seventh day Sabbath, kill the Passover on the 14th day of the first month, keep the day of atonement on the 10th day of the seventh month, etc......would He not have given us a calendar/Time to find these dates? Yes, He would have and He did, in Genesis 1:14. We are commanded to keep the days, years, etc. by the lights in heaven (the sun, moon and stars.) God did not specify which days, so, we must conclude that He meant for all of His 3 category of days to be kept by the lights in heaven. *********** The Sabbath command is one of the Ten Commandments listed in Exodus 20. It is just as important as the other nine and God commands us to keep it. Multitudes of people think and teach that we are only required to keep 9 of God’s Ten Commandments. My Friend, if we think this way, we are already deceived. ***The Sabbath is a feast. Leviticus 23:1-3 ***The moon is for seasons. Psalms 104:19 ***The lights in heaven are for seasons, etc. Genesis 1:14 ***The words “feast” and “season” comes from the same Hebrew word, MOED. ***MOED is, appointed times, appointments, feast, season, etc. The Sabbath is a MOED, an appointed time , a feast, a season, etc. Therefore, the moon, along with the other lights in heaven, are for Sabbaths. THE SABBATH IS TO BE CALCULATED BY THE TIME GOD ORDAINED IN THE BEGINNING OF CREATION NOT BY MAN’S TIME/CALENDARS. Who can prove from Genesis 1:14 that the Sabbath day is not calculated by the lights in heaven? Although many have tried, it cannot be refuted!! Take a glimpse at the dates in Genesis 7:11 and Genesis 8:4,13,14. Are these dates calculated by the Time God commanded in Genesis 1:14 or by the Gregorian time or some other man made time? ********** There are about 167 countries that keep Sunday as the seventh day and the remaining, approximately, 64 countries keep Saturday as the seventh day. If there is a “seventh day Sunday law” enforced and the remaining 64 countries change their calendars to read Sunday as the seventh day, then, the world will be keeping Sunday the seventh day as the Sabbath. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sunday Law 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 What day will you and I then keep as the Sabbath? Already today, there are “Sunday Blue Laws” on government books. Man can change “their” time anytime and deceive the world under the leadership of Satan. We must calculate God’s Sabbath by God’s Time so The Great Deceiver can not trick us about the true Sabbath and “cause” us to worship him. “ He will think to change time and laws.” says Daniel 7:25 He only “THOUGHT” to change time when He “supposedly” had replaced God’s calendar with his calendar on earth. For he could not and has not truly change time because God’s Time sits in the heavens where no man can tamper with it! The sun, moon and stars, the lights in heaven, are God’s Time/Calendar. *********** God’s Calendar has three category of days, the new moon day, the six work days and the Sabbath day. 2 Kings 4:18-23 & Ezekiel 46:1-3. The new moon day is the first day of the month, the beginning of months. These days never, ever, ever overlaps each other on God’s Time! ........However, this is not true on the famous Gregorian calendar. The new moon day falls anywhere and everywhere on that calendar, in a given month. For example, sometimes, the new moon day falls on a “man made Saturday Sabbath”, on a “man made Sunday Sabbath”, in the midst of the month, etc. How can it both be the first day of the month and the seventh day Sabbath? How can the first day of the month start in the midst of a month? God said in Genesis 1:14 to, let the lights in heaven be for days, etc. So, which one or ones of God’s three category of days are kept by the lights in heaven? ...The new moon day? ...The six work days? ...The Sabbath day? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Example of God’s months: 1st week... new moon day, six work days and Sabbath day 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks....six work days and Sabbath day The next month the cycle starts over. God’s months reset. Read Luke 6:1 Man uses this same concept. For example: The 1st and 3rd Sunday in August, the 1st and 3rd Sunday in September.” “The 2nd and 4th Sabbath in April, the 2nd and 4th Sabbath in May.” Note: There is never, never, ever, ever, 5 weekly Sabbaths in any one of God’s months. This is not true on the Gregorian calendar. Sometimes, there are 5 weekly “Gregorian Sabbaths.” This is not in align with true time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I believe there is a great deception coming to get people to worship Satan through a false Calendar/Sabbath controversy. God is a God of truth. God guides people by His truth. God’s Word is truth. Truth is our shield and buckler. Truth will keep us from all deceptions, the mark of beast, etc. Christ did not suffer on the cross for us to walk in a lie and continue to cling to our traditions! He did not die for us to keep obeying the “voice of man” above “the voice of God!” Read the stories about “King Saul” in 1 Samuel 15 and the “man of God” in 1 king 13. Let us learn a lesson from these testimonies....Obey God’s Voice! When we do and teach man’s commandments for doctrine, it is vain! It is useless! God does not honor it! There will be no reward! Again! there is a great possibility some type of “Man made Sabbath Law” could be enforced. These latter days crises seems to be pointing in that direction. If this is not true, then, we do not have to worry about it......But..... ....If it is truth then, we need to become more knowledgeable about this subject in order to make the right decision whom we will honor and serve.
A Sabbath test will reveal those who believe Gods Word in Genesis 1:14 and those who do not believe His Word. Whether there is or whether there is not a “Sabbath Test”, we still need to know the truth about God’s Time written in the Word of God so we can be obedient in all things. ***Worship Him that made heaven, earth and sea. ***Babylon is fallen! Babylon is fallen! ***Do not worship the Beast and receive his mark, whosoever does, will be eternal lost and be burnt with fire and brimstones. ****Read Revelation 13 & 14 This truth about God’s Calendar/Time and The Sabbath written in Genesis 1:14, Leviticus 23:1-3, Psalms 104:19, spreading throughout the four corners of the earth. This message enrages many who claim to be followers of Christ because they can not refute it. It seems, the people outside the church buildings are the ones eagerly accepting it and believing it. Please let us consider what is being said here and further research this important subject before it is to late. Peace and Love Friends of God
What part are you proud of the part where he says we are a non-christian country or the part that he promotes gay and lesbians and so many other evil agendas?
I'm a conservative SDA and I love the POTUS. I don't agree with everything he has done, but he's far better than what we had last go round or Mitt Romney. Ben Carson is not a great man. He doesn't uphold church standards. His reading rooms promote Harry Potter and other trashy kids books, he allowed Hollywood to portray his home as sporting a huge booze cart in the film about him. He is a great surgeon and needs to stick with medicine. Obama is a Christian, but too many "Christians" are far to quick to judge his spirituality. Pretty dangerous ground, if you ask me.
Sam Ertel Anyone who admires a person like Obama who asked God to bless America's largest slaughterhouse of innocent children, (Planned Parenthood) as well as fully supports homosexuality is a Christian in name only. And these are just a couple of the numerous crimes against humanity Obama is guilty of. Not to mention forcing all tax payers to fund these baby butchers, and violating religious liberty to name just a couple more.
BTW Karen, you are conservative in name only if you support this most radical immoral liberal socialist president in US history. He stands for almost everything Christianity stands against. Such as killing innocent children, and forcing all tax payers to fund these murders, homosexuality, fornication, forcing all Americans to buy health insurance, spying on all Americans, violating several articles of the US Constitution, discriminating against conservative groups, repeatedly lying and covering up his failed policies, etc. etc. etc.
bldlightpainting Planned Parenthood is not all about abortion. It is about what the name implies and more - like giving out information about birth control, STDS, breast cancer screening, women's health care, health/reproductive education and "planning parenthood" among other thing. Your comment is like saying we should avoid the grocery store because they sell liquor, cigarettes and shrimp/pork products. Let's not throw out the baby because the bathwater is now dirty.
bldlightpainting You think Obama's the devil, but tax payer funding of Bush's immoral wars of aggression was ok? I never hear you people denouncing those wars or guns. People have the right to chose what happens to their own bodies. I don't have to agree with their decisions, but I must allow them free choice to do as they wish. After all, God's kingdom is based on free choice. You're also very, very confused. If it had been any other WHITE president, the ACA wouldn't have been a problem. It was, after all, based on Romneycare. Homosexuality is a concern, but both sides are jumping on that bandwagon so you can't just blame Obama. I AM a conservative Christian, no matter what you may think or how you try to label me. And BTW, Roe v. Wade was the law waaaaaaaayyy before Obama took office. The righties don't want it to go away either, because they hook the ignorant into their party by crying foul over social issues. Rail against the "baby killers" and politicians can do anything else they want and retain their seats. It's sad.
How wonderful that a Canadian dedicated his life to spreading the gospel in a land where moral and spritual darkness was the rule. How tragic that the son of the Seventh-day Adventist abandoned his father's faith and passed that legacy on to his son. That was a fascinating story with both eternally positive and negatve aspects. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?
Where did you learn that the 44th President, Mr. Obama's grandfather abandoned his faith? That is not in this video. I did hear that many of the Obama family members are Seventh-day Adventists to this day.
What happened in the Obama family is a microcosm of what's happening across North America! It's tragic that a large segment of today's Seventh-day Adventist children are not following there parents legacy. And are leaving the church.
@@teresaharris6161 ''What happened in the Obama family is a microcosm of what's happening across North America!'' Exactly. As it is said, "God has no grandchildren.'' And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them, who did not know the Lord or the work which he had done for Israel.'' I wonder how many SDA's celebrate President Obama's ( and other celebrities) earthly accomplishments not understanding the eternal tragedy that they really demonstrate?
@@teresaharris6161 That is true, and actually, that is happening across North America in other denominations as well. However, it has been reported that there remain many SDA members in the family of our former President Obama. There are (or were) SDA relatives of his wife as well. People do return to the faith, and descendants of later generations have been known to follow the Lord. "All works together for good...." We must continue to pray for one another.
@@teresaharris6161The children are seeing the light and take the opportunity to leave the cult of SDA. God bless them and lead them away from this harmful and false Church.
B HOW DID THE LAW COVENANT BECOME "OBSOLETE"? However, the Law covenant became in a sense "obsolete" when God announced by means of the prophet Jeremiah that there would be a new covenant. (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:13) In 33 C.E. the Law covenant was canceled on the basis of Christ's death on the torture stake (Col 2:14), the new covenant replacing it.--Heb. 7:12; 9:15; Ac. 2:1-4. Thus, if a person insists on holding to the observance of the literal sabbath, he fails to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the torture stake and thus rejects the forgiveness of sins that it made possible. It is just as if he insisted on offering animal sacrifices after Jesus had offered himself, the sacrifice for sins forever.
John Colage the 10 commandments are still binding on all men today the ceremonial laws was done away with nail to the cross God blessed, and sanctify. Hallowed it making it Holy it was kept before given on Mt Sinai what are you saying?
@@patriciacole1117 From a careful study of the Bible these important points clearly emerge: that if a day should be observed it would be Saturday, the seventh day; that the Sabbath law was only for ancient Israel; that it was never repeated or given to Christians (as was the law concerning sanctity of blood---Acts 15:19, 20); and that "Christ s the end of the Law," including the Sabbath. (Rom. 10:4) Hence, for those "scrupulously observing days and months," the apostle Paul wrote: "I fear for you, that somehow I have toiled to no purpose respecting you."---Gal. 4:10, 11. Get out of Babylon the Great while time permits.---Rev. 18:4.
B HOW DID THE LAW COVENANT BECOME "OBSOLETE"? However, the Law covenant became in a sense "obsolete" when God announced by means of the prophet Jeremiah that there would be a new covenant. (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:13) In 33 C.E. the Law covenant was canceled on the basis of Christ's death on the torture stake (Col. 2:14), the new covenant replacing it.---Heb. 7:12; 9:15; Ac 2:1-4.
you all are lost just as Obama, why are you wasting the precious time God has given you to Judge. I suggest you pray and asked God to be with you in the last days. So you will not be lost
It's funny how you call yourself an Adventist/Christian n u judge Obama for what he's doing n his leadership. 1Timothy 2:1-4 talks abt what u should do for leaders n kings. Instead of complaining, pray for God to help them to lead a peaceful n quiet life. Even God himself said DO NO JUDGE. WHO R U TO JUDGE UR NEIGHBOR??? So instead of judging him pray for him. No one stands like a moutain forever. N this video is abt his history not his life. Comparing him to another fellow man is not nice. I think he's a good leader who needs our prayers. God bless the president n his leadership n God bless the world.
I know he's not ur next door neighbor. So what's the difference between him being the president n being ur neighbor???? No different at all. A man asked Jesus who his neighbor was. Jesus answered him by telling the parable about the Good Samaritan.
Btw...I'm not talkin abt Bush n POTUS. I'm not interesting in other people's personal lives. What other lives n do is what they want n choose n its none of my business. Praying for a the leaders of the country n the world for a better tomorrow not the past.
Barack Hussein Obama II is an embarrassment to any church, much less the Seventh-day Adventists Church which does not believe as he does. For Adventists do not believe in butchering their innocent sons and daughters in slaughterhouses like Planned Parenthood. They believe God's word that says homosexuality is an abomination worthy of death. Adventists also do not believe in a large socialist controlling government and many many other evils that Barack and other liberals, Democrats, socialists and communists support.
@@javiermorande9290 My brother, use another example to see the point better. When one says "American History" it connotes a sense of belonging as to referencing everything that happened in America in history. When it is sub-divided, or segregated if you will, it perpetuates a divide as if that group didn't belong to America at that time. It all falls under the banner of "American History" and should be accepted as one in the same. The mentality of separation remains alive, the longer we allow our beautiful church to be divided in a way that doesn't matter towards righteousness. The world sees poor/rich, young/old, black/white but God sees lost/redeemed.
@@revvvrand Yes, it remains alive because it has not acknowledged black history, and the sins of the past still impact present society. Yes God sees like that but 🇺🇸 the beast that speaks as a dragon doesn’t.
@@revvvrand so do you think we should stop talking about these issues? Why do u want to shut down speech and words like black sda history? Does it offend you?
Wake up my people !! It is a privilege to be in the last generation of this world of sin. Are you a representative of the celestial kingdom or not? So let's end our enemy's reign. The King of Kings is returning. Amen Jesus. Before everything know that, in the last days, scoffers will appear mocking and following their own passions. They will say, “What happened to the promise of your coming? Since the ancestors died, everything has remained the same since the beginning of creation ”. But they deliberately forget that for a long time, by the word of God, there are heavens and earth, this formed of water and water. And by the water the world of that time was submerged and destroyed. By the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and for the destruction of the wicked. Do not forget this, beloved: for the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day. The Lord does not delay in fulfilling his promise, as some judge. On the contrary, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but for everyone to come to regret. The day of the Lord, however, will come as a thief. The heavens will disappear with a great crash, the elements will be destroyed by the heat, and the earth, and everything in it, will be stripped. Since everything will be undone like this, what kind of people do you need to be? Live in a holy and pious way, waiting for the day of God and hastening his coming. On that day the heavens will be broken by fire, and the elements will melt with heat. 2 Peter 3: 3-12.
The gospels record several occasions when Jesus performed a healing on the Sabbath day. In most of those instances, the healing was followed by a confrontation with the religious leaders (Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-10; 13:10-17; 14:1-6; John 5:1-18). In another passage, Luke 4:38-41, Jesus heals after teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath, but no confrontation is recorded, as the miracle was performed in a private home. ***Luke 6:1 One Sabbath Jesus was passing through the grainfields, and His disciples began to pick the heads of grain, rub them in their hands, and eat them. 2But some of the Pharisees asked, “Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”
Happy new week. Ellen White is a false prophetess and prophet Muhammad is a false prophet. Obey the Lord Jesus, not Ellen White who had the spirit of Jezebel. We are living at the time of the end. I love what pro-lifers have to say. They need to repent and attend church on the sabbath, new moons and holy days like our Lord Jesus Christ. *From one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh worship before me, saith the LORD.* No one will attend church on Christmas, Easter nor sunday in the new earth. I hate abortion just like him and we ought to choose life over death. Call no man reverend nor Father. Psalm 111:9 says "holy and reverend is his name" for the LORD. The Holy Ghost is our Comforter and part of the Godhead, not an angel. Pork (swine), chicken, turkey are unclean. We can eat doves, pigeon, quail, beef, grasshopper, etc. Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, His Paternal Grandmother is A Seventh day Adventist Or Former president of the Philippines, Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, His Mother is a Seventh day Adventist
I worry that there is deception in these seventh day adventist churches, This man of god can help understand how to honor the sabbath day without disobeying God.
Jesus ssys to all of us, that he who comes to Him, He will not cast out. We only need to confess our sins and accept Christ as our Lord,and Savior. John 3:16 makes it clear that Christ shed His blood for the salvation of the world and that includes the former president. God loves eveyone.
The Sabbath is a command to Moses and the Israelite for that Covenant, not Christians. Exodus 31 16Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant. Those before did not have that Covenant hence they could not have been keeping that Sabbath Covenant. Deuteronomy 5:3 The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day. The New Covenant that replaces the Old Covenant. Jesus gives a better rest for those who Labor hence fulfilling the Sabbath commandment. Matthew 11:28-30 King James Version (KJV) 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
***Greetings, Beloved of God. This message is lengthy but, it is very important. The ancient Israelites was tested by the Sabbath commandment to see if they would keep God’s law or no in Exodus 16:4- Do not be surprised if God allow man to do a similar test, enforce some type of Sabbath law to see if we will keep His law or no. ************************************************ Right now, we all do not see eye to eye, but, please hear me out.............. There is no way anyone can prove from the KJV Bible that Saturday, Sunday, etc. is the biblical seventh day Sabbaths. For, the words Saturday, Sunday, etc. do not appear in the Bible. A continuous Saturday, Sunday, etc., “man made Sabbaths” ARE NOT the true Bible Sabbaths because they are not calculated by true time. God’s true time is written in Genesis 1:14. When God commanded us to keep a seventh day Sabbath, kill the Passover on the 14th day of the first month, keep the day of atonement on the 10th day of the seventh month, etc......would He not have given us a calendar/Time to find these dates? Yes, He would have and He did, in Genesis 1:14. We are commanded to keep the days, years, etc. by the lights in heaven (the sun, moon and stars.) God did not specify which days, so, we must conclude that He meant for all of His 3 category of days to be kept by the lights in heaven. *********** The Sabbath command is one of the Ten Commandments listed in Exodus 20. It is just as important as the other nine and God commands us to keep it. Multitudes of people think and teach that we are only required to keep 9 of God’s Ten Commandments. My Friend, if we think this way, we are already deceived. ***The Sabbath is a feast. Leviticus 23:1-3 ***The moon is for seasons. Psalms 104:19 ***The lights in heaven are for seasons, etc. Genesis 1:14 ***The words “feast” and “season” comes from the same Hebrew word, MOED. ***MOED is, appointed times, appointments, feast, season, etc. The Sabbath is a MOED, an appointed time , a feast, a season, etc. Therefore, the moon, along with the other lights in heaven, are for Sabbaths. THE SABBATH IS TO BE CALCULATED BY THE TIME GOD ORDAINED IN THE BEGINNING OF CREATION NOT BY MAN’S TIME/CALENDARS. Who can prove from Genesis 1:14 that the Sabbath day is not calculated by the lights in heaven? Although many have tried, it cannot be refuted!! Take a glimpse at the dates in Genesis 7:11 and Genesis 8:4,13,14. Are these dates calculated by the Time God commanded in Genesis 1:14 or by the Gregorian time or some other man made time? ********** There are about 167 countries that keep Sunday as the seventh day and the remaining, approximately, 64 countries keep Saturday as the seventh day. If there is a “seventh day Sunday law” enforced and the remaining 64 countries change their calendars to read Sunday as the seventh day, then, the world will be keeping Sunday the seventh day as the Sabbath. Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sunday Law 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 What day will you and I then keep as the Sabbath? Already today, there are “Sunday Blue Laws” on government books. Man can change “their” time anytime and deceive the world under the leadership of Satan. We must calculate God’s Sabbath by God’s Time so The Great Deceiver can not trick us about the true Sabbath and “cause” us to worship him. “ He will think to change time and laws.” says Daniel 7:25 He only “THOUGHT” to change time when He “supposedly” had replaced God’s calendar with his calendar on earth. For he could not and has not truly change time because God’s Time sits in the heavens where no man can tamper with it! The sun, moon and stars, the lights in heaven, are God’s Time/Calendar. *********** God’s Calendar has three category of days, the new moon day, the six work days and the Sabbath day. 2 Kings 4:18-23 & Ezekiel 46:1-3. The new moon day is the first day of the month, the beginning of months. These days never, ever, ever overlaps each other on God’s Time! ........However, this is not true on the famous Gregorian calendar. The new moon day falls anywhere and everywhere on that calendar, in a given month. For example, sometimes, the new moon day falls on a “man made Saturday Sabbath”, on a “man made Sunday Sabbath”, in the midst of the month, etc. How can it both be the first day of the month and the seventh day Sabbath? How can the first day of the month start in the midst of a month? God said in Genesis 1:14 to, let the lights in heaven be for days, etc. So, which one or ones of God’s three category of days are kept by the lights in heaven? ...The new moon day? ...The six work days? ...The Sabbath day? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Example of God’s months: 1st week... new moon day, six work days and Sabbath day 2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks....six work days and Sabbath day The next month the cycle starts over. God’s months reset. Read Luke 6:1 Man uses this same concept. For example: The 1st and 3rd Sunday in August, the 1st and 3rd Sunday in September.” “The 2nd and 4th Sabbath in April, the 2nd and 4th Sabbath in May.” Note: There is never, never, ever, ever, 5 weekly Sabbaths in any one of God’s months. This is not true on the Gregorian calendar. Sometimes, there are 5 weekly “Gregorian Sabbaths.” This is not in align with true time. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I believe there is a great deception coming to get people to worship Satan through a false Calendar/Sabbath controversy. God is a God of truth. God guides people by His truth. God’s Word is truth. Truth is our shield and buckler. Truth will keep us from all deceptions, the mark of beast, etc. Christ did not suffer on the cross for us to walk in a lie and continue to cling to our traditions! He did not die for us to keep obeying the “voice of man” above “the voice of God!” Read the stories about “King Saul” in 1 Samuel 15 and the “man of God” in 1 king 13. Let us learn a lesson from these testimonies....Obey God’s Voice! When we do and teach man’s commandments for doctrine, it is vain! It is useless! God does not honor it! There will be no reward! Again! there is a great possibility some type of “Man made Sabbath Law” could be enforced. These latter days crises seems to be pointing in that direction. If this is not true, then, we do not have to worry about it......But..... ....If it is truth then, we need to become more knowledgeable about this subject in order to make the right decision whom we will honor and serve.
A Sabbath test will reveal those who believe Gods Word in Genesis 1:14 and those who do not believe His Word. Whether there is or whether there is not a “Sabbath Test”, we still need to know the truth about God’s Time written in the Word of God so we can be obedient in all things. ***Worship Him that made heaven, earth and sea. ***Babylon is fallen! Babylon is fallen! ***Do not worship the Beast and receive his mark, whosoever does, will be eternal lost and be burnt with fire and brimstones. ****Read Revelation 13 & 14 This truth about God’s Calendar/Time and The Sabbath written in Genesis 1:14, Leviticus 23:1-3, Psalms 104:19, spreading throughout the four corners of the earth. This message enrages many who claim to be followers of Christ because they can not refute it. It seems, the people outside the church buildings are the ones eagerly accepting it and believing it. Please let us consider what is being said here and further research this important subject before it is to late. Peace and Love Friends of God
@@grannysword Jesus rest is everyday. All the Law and the Prophets is a revelation of Christ. His rest is everyday since his Holy Spirit lives in me everyday. Everyday is holy and restful in Christ. Physical Jews kept a physical rest. Spiritual Jews keeps a Spiritual Rest Shalom
@@iancournand4139 ......... The Sabbath is not just for the "Jews." Have you not read Isaiah 56 and Isaiah 66 According to Genesis 2, God rested the seventh day before there were any "Jew." How about the other nine commandments........................... Thou shalt have no other gods. Thou shalt not make and bow to images. Thou shalt not take The Lord's name in vain. Honor your father and mother. Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou shalt not steal. Thou shalt not bear false witness. Thou shalt not covet. "Jesus rest" also take the place of these?
@@shaniquetaylor2099 I did. Trust me. It was mentioned in the New Testament only before and while Jesus lived and after when Paul was perusing the Lost House of Israel . The Jews. He met them every Sabbath Day in the synagogue mostly because that is when you could get them together to discuss the Thora . After Paul's ministry was turned to the Gentiles the word Sabbath is only mention once in the Bible. That is in Colossians when it is called a shadow of the body of Christ. Thanks for your sincere concern though. Shalom
Wow so if BO stood in the Holy Place The Church of Nativity 3/22/2013 a day before the Sabbath and the day after winter, Adventists probably wouldn't appreciate it... Sorry!
Moses received a resurrection Jude 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee. And Elijah went directly to heaven without dying 2 Kings 2:11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
The Search For Truth hate is a very strong word! Do you hate Obama’s actions or hate him as a person? I hate Trump’s actions but I can’t say I hate him...especially since it’s noted by God Himself “Hate the sin, love the sinner” and “love your enemies”. As I had stated before, the total hypocrisy of Trump loving Evangelicals! BTW...what’s your thoughts of your #45’s taped recording of his thoughts of the whistleblower and how he or she should be dealt with? Sounds disturbingly similar to his Russian 🇷🇺 bestie Putin’s actions!
Your faith does not make you a good person, the way you treat others does. I believe the 7th day Adventist church is a good denomination. One thing we should not do is pass judgement on others.. There are many people who don't believe like you who will be by God's side. Salvation is through Christ alone and no denomination gets you saved. Love!!!
Nina turner is alive and touch down verified by norad ft Peterson norad and has been endemdified to 11-12-2015 living standards by Major Viper(jerry dean rice ii)
SDA has wrong view of the Lord Jesus - you lean on false teacher Ellen white and your faith in vain! Repent - read the Bible and trust in Jesus only for the forgiveness of sins - SDAs have believed the lies of false prophet Ellen White - just read 1st Timothy and see that teachers in the CHurch are not women ! Paul writes a women is not to teach men in the Church!
Every person has a different view of the bible! I left the church many years ago! Why? I seem to have asked to many questions that they couldn't answer ! I was raised in isolation with to much censorship . Especially in their tax free boarding schools and factory's! I've come to believe that they are a CULT! And that E.G. White is a self serving scam artist for her medical system.
Indeed, I very much appreciate 1 John 2:21, “I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.” If anyone Google's "nonsda Ellen G. White: Prophet or Profit? By Dirk Anderson", they might be surprised what they read on that website. (he is pastor of the Jacksonville Fl. Church of God Seventh Day). In the book, "The Journey - History of the Church of God Seventh Day", by elder and church historian Robert Coulter of the CoG7 (Denver Co. conference), it mentions where bro Gilbert Cranmer in the 1850's became suspicious of Mrs. White's "visions" and left their fellowship, saying "her visions may mean something to you, but not to me... my Bible and the Bible alone!" (paraphrased). Sorry to say, the book mentions when one of the early SDA elders/ministers said that woman's writings were "fresh" and better than the Bible. We're warned to not add to the word of God.
I, like many others, have my thoughts and opinions about, among other things, politics, liberalism, conservatism, Democrats, Republicans, and even our current POTUS. But, good gosh, this is a two minute TH-cam clip. Can we all not find better places on the internet than here to argue/discuss the heretofore mentioned subjects? Watch the video … and move on. BTW While I am somewhat left-leaning regarding censorship I also thing some (many) TH-cam videos are better with the comments disabled. =)
Perhaps this means something to people. A better understanding of someone many believed to be a Muslim or anti-god somehow because he was not a Republican. If it is your way to just watch and 'move on' and watch a hundred more videos and retain little or nothing of what the first video talked about. What use is that. It's like children today with a video game, one after another. Leave to each his own search for truth. It is better to spend at least an hour or more on one verse of scripture than to read the Bible in a day or a week.
The Seventh-day Adventist histories are the best I have ever heard. I like it better than the American history and world history that are being taught in public school. As usual, Seventh-day Adventists tell and teach the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. I bet my life!
I would not bet my life on anything but Jesus. Who did Jesus tell you to follow.
@@tomlord4469 Yes, but I would rather trust sweet Jesus Christ, instead of myself. He said that if anyone would follow Him, one must deny oneself, take up the cross, and follow Him [all the way]. Thank you for typing to me.
SDA’s do not worship on God’s True Sabbath!!! They use the Gregorian Calendar!!!! It’s a COUNTERFEIT!!!!!! God uses the moon ( month) Luni- solar calendar, Amos 8:5,Ezekiel46:1, & Isaiah 66:22-23, Hebrews13:8, Man changed the calendar & unless you’re using the Luni- solar calendar, you are NOT on God’s ORIGINAL SABBATH!!!!!! There’s a calendar in the BIBLE!!!!!!!!😇❤️😇
You have studied. ADVENTIST history? From whom? I didn't know that the S.D.A. history was ever taught in public schools. I was raised in the Adventist church! Also a direct decendent from the founders of the S.D.A. church in Battle Creek MI. Went to their boarding schools! That's where I learned NOT TO BE AN ADVENTIST! Nothing but greed and lies! Extreme censorship and isolation! The TRUTH? PURE BULLSHIT! They are definitely a religious business and CULT!!! X- ADVENTIST!!!
I was a Christian in the church of God of prophecy, but when I studied with the Adventist I understood about the Sabbath,am the only Adventist in my family am praying for my siblings and my husband to become a member of this beautiful church.❤
Yes I agree. We have the true Sabbath and should appreciate this day , as God has told us to
God bless you. I will pray for you and your family.
@@dangelacarter1111 AMÉN AMÉN SISTER.
Amen to that sister praying for you and your family
Its a Cult! Why cant you see we are NOT bound by a worship Day. Jesus is the New Covenant rest. Not just a day but a relationship is our Sabbath.
If you keep the Sabbath then why dont you do the rituals the Jews do? Is it because they were ceremonial laws? That means the Sabbath was a ceremonial day. Its not a relationship and was the Old Covenant Law not the Law of Christ and why noone not even Jesus said we had to keep the Sabbath given to the Jews and not Gentiles.
Adventism is coveting what was given to Israel.
Come to the real Jesus. SDA Jesus is NOT the Biblical Jesus!! The real Jesus died for ALL of our Sins. Not what SDA teaches. Its a CULT!! Stay away and follow the Bible ONLY!!!!!
Wonderful history of the seventh Day Adventist ..I am a seventh Day Adventist my people ..
I worry that there is deception in these seventh day adventist churches,
This man of god can help understand how to honor the sabbath day without disobeying God.
@@jesusdiazzz6369 Unlike the Dark Ages, we can read God's word ourselves:" line upon line, precept upon precept." The SDA pastor will refer you to the Bible. Read it yourself. You will find plain Truth preached unapologetically in the SDA church that is difficult to find elsewhere.
@@jaynekidd9609 Im just mentioning the dark ages since there should not be such thing as that. The catholics were doing cruel punishments even though we should be forgiving and loving thy enemies. The old testament people were stone but jesus also did not stone the adulterous women. The same goes with the witches.
Are you filled with the Holy Spirit?
@@nosajkrad I am indeed ..Are you ??
Thank you for this video. I am a Seventh-day Adventist in South Pacific islands of Vanuatu🇻🇺❤️
We need to pray for the salvation of not only this past president but all who have the truth or are seeking it with all their hearts because Jesus is coming soon.
In Jesus name Amen.🙏🕊💒
Why are we judging this man....we don't decide who will reside where...
Im pretty sure trump is doing his very best to HIDE the truth, not find it. In trumps world theres no room for anyone else other than him. His ego is huge.
@@2675gordo Did you see when I posted this?
The Adventist influence and population there is so great. Personally I'm from that region. Known for adventism
Thanks so much!! As a young East African boy who grew up in Glendale Arizona, this has touched me
Christians know that going to church doesn’t make you a Christian but only christ-likeness does .💯
Sure but that doesn't mean "you don't have to go to church", in Hebrews 10:25 the Inspired Word of God says, "Not Forsaking The Assembly of Ourselves together, as the manner of some is..."
God desires that we come together with other Christ- like minded Brothers & Sisters. Fellowshipping at church is one way we can accomplish that... Christ, as it was His custom, read in the Synagogue every Sabbath". And Remember, Don't Forget, To Keep The Sabbath Holy, AND That Christ was our Perfect Example To Guide Us Along The Way, The Only TRUE Way! 💞😇✝️☝️📖🕊❤️🔥💝
That is right. Not everyone at church is a Christian, and not all Christians attend church in the house of worship. It is a [personal] relationship with Sweet and Gracious Great God that would make the difference of obeying Him and living disobediently.🙏
That what man says and j felt that years after I left ,but know I was wrong
Please add captions to all videos for my deaf and hard of hearing friends who wish to watch.
***** While I understand that multiple video makers post their videos to this channel making it difficult ensure that all videos are captioned. However, I am troubled by your last statement. Just because we can't make something accessible for everyone doesn't mean we shouldn't make it accessible for those we can, when possible. BTW-there are accessibility options for blind individuals. It is called video description. But, since they can hear the video they are receiving the message deaf and hard of hearing individuals can not without captions.
Happy sabatha day
I totally agree with you to add captions for the deaf and hard of hearing i also am totally deaf Ilost my hearing 8 years ago and when you come upon programs of interest and theres no cc it gets pretty frustrating and feel left out of important news or info ...
@@lkaycq .
Amen ..please consider the deaf also .,They need to learn about the Bible and about Adventist and the truth about the Bible .
Thank you, A. A. Carscallen for bringing the gospel to Kenya.
i really didn't know till just now..i'm so grateful
People say that Obama has Muslim roots, but his grandfather was a Seventh-Day Adventist. I hope that when Obama leaves office that he will consider following his grandfather's footsteps.
Oh my goodness
If the adventist church accepted obama I would seriously have to reconsider the ethics of this gtoup!
Vince Scaglione how Christian of you...not!!! smh 🤦🏾♀️🤦♀️🤦🏾♂️🤦♂️
The Search For Truth documentation please?
@@m.w.3256 And you are the judge and jury of what a Christian is?
Very interesting about President Obama's background.
I got my popcorn ready for all these "debates" in the comment section lool
You can disobey God by idolizing the sabbath day over Jesus. The pharisees god mad over the apostles picking up fruits and yet also God got punished a man to death for picking up sticks.
Good historical event. God bless you
I worry that there is deception in these seventh day adventist churches,
This man of god can help understand how to honor the sabbath day without disobeying God.
God knows what is in the hearts of everyone, and knows each person's truth. Presidents included. God is the final Judge, and will be just.
I appreciate this piece of family history of President Obama. I'm sorry for those who so hate Obama, especially Christians who do so, when they can't even be pleased that the good news of the Gospel has been planted in his family.
Planted, maybe. But by the words and actions Obama has shown in his public life, the gospel of Jesus Christ certainly has not taken root so far. So we should follow God's word and, "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them." -Ephesians 5:11
Any POTUS stands for the constitution and its amendments. Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. Obama was NOT the president then. Prior to that, women who chose to terminate for whatever reason did so illegally, including rape victims, incest victims, etc. But blaming this on Obama is misplaced aggression. Did you want him to overturn it (which he cannot because it was a Supreme Court action) because you are uncomfortable with it? It is beyond his ability to do so. The president is not our mother or father. He cannot make unilateral decisions about everything. Your aggression would be the same no matter who was POTUS because none of them would have satisfied all of the people, SDA, or not.
Larry christian Hate the sin; Not the sinner.
Larry christian Hate the sin ;not the sinner. seeds are good but it matters how well they grow too.
Larry christian hate the sin ; not The sinner. Seeds can be good ;But it matters how they grow too. and come as you are but Christ will not leave you as you is. Glory always to God through us and save us from us.
Since we all are created by God, then each of us are visited by His Holy Spirit who woos and draw us to God. We cannot judge others by what we know about them. since God is the ultimate judge. Also, remember we all are sinners, most covertly. Remember David and Moses etc. We need to stay focused on God, otherwise the devil will trip us to keep his company in hell.
Karen, your comment has a half truth. No, no one is to judge anyone....however, WE ARE TO HATE WHAT OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN HATES. Amen?
@@hellolove4810 You're so right! Hate the sin, but not the sinner. Replicate Christ.
@@karenfridie689 May God continue to bless you!⚘
Tares ARE THE CHILDREN OF EVIL ONE..& John 8 told religious leaders THEIR FATHER THE DEVIL!
Interesting to know. From his biographies, we know his connection with his father and the broader Kenyan family was distant though.
New subscriber from Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 I'm born adventist🙏🙏🙏
Mr. Barack Obama. Please Return To The Seventh Day Adventist church, With Your Family. Don't Matter What You May have Said And Done. God Forgive Us Of Our Sins. 😄
He needs to turn to Jesus period not SDA because SDA cannot save his soul.
@@e.gedeon8681 what do you mean? Are you saying SDA isn’t a legitimate denomination of the Christian faith?
'All will wonder after the beast'
Know the true God, have a personal relationship with Him, not the doctrines taught you by someone else
@@aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa420I don’t think that was meant- they said only Hod can save - but SDA & others can be the catalyst that point people to God’s words of life!
SDA from🇹🇹
Malcom X grew up an Adventist and his mother was Adventist until she died. Many of her children like Malcolm converted to Islam.
Wow, this video is 6years old ? But I'm only hearing for the first time 31.01.21
Est-ce que on peut avoir cette émission-là en français
I think it is true .We should pray for him really . All of them need prayers. God does love all of them . Wants them saved too. As me too.
I really like him & learn a lot from him. He is such a wonderful speaker.
Yeshua loves us all
Nothing like the Seventh Day Adventist Church!!!!! God is good!!!
Keep strong. Dont forget that despite the evil in this world, God is full of justice, mercy and love.
Justice said we broke His perfect law - causing the world's previous perfection to be destroyed - and therefore we deserve Hell (like a punishment in any legal system but this is eternal as His perfect law is eternal too). Don't think you fit in that category? Ever done one of these?: lying, stealing - regardless of how small the object EVER, hating others - which is murder in God's perfect law, lusting (plus God sees our entire thought life). Justice says "the soul that sins shall die" - if we break one in thought/word/deed it's as if we're guilty of all of them. Quite simply, living by the law (which is doing everything perfectly) is impossible for sinful humans
. The law shows us that 1. We will die in Hell if we fail to follow it and 2. We cannot save ourselves BUT, 3. God's perfect, immovable law points us to Christ, who followed and fulfilled the law in thought, word and deed perfectly in our place. He did what we couldn't and did it on our behalf. He was then sentenced to death on a cross, and took our personal punishment for our sin, paying our penalty (like paying our fine) completely FOR us, and has given us freedom.
If we turn from the sins we have committed and repent (pursue the opposite direction of love through Christ) He will, overtime, recreate us back into that previously perfect image through The Holy Spirit which Jesus sends to all who accept Him as their personal Lord and Savior of their life. It's not about following the law - perfectly, as it's impossible - it's about letting Christ in to guide and teach you and obeying Him through His power (not ourselves as it's impossible without depending on His power and instruction).
He is our substitute in His life, death and resurrection. He essentially rewrote history in our place so that, if you believe in Him, it will be as if you had never sinned if you accept Christ's death as our own in our place.
He is in Heaven right now preparing a place for us so that He can take His faithful, believing children home with Him when He returns. He will ressurrect us from death when He returns, giving mercy to those who accept His love, instruction and teachings in their life, and give justice to those who refuse it.
He doesn't want ANY of us to go to Hell and die for continuing in evil and rejecting His way to life, thats why He died FOR us. Hes giving EVERYONE a chance, He wants everyone to take the free gift of salvation from Hell. He wants us to be His and begin to follow His life of love and service through Him. So long as we keep our hearts near to Christ through His strength, strive to follow His will of perfect love revealed in the Bible, and ask Him to help us in the midst of (very certain) pitfalls and struggles, we will, in time, win the ultimate victory over sin, pain and DEATH through Christ. Even if you are willing to be made willing, pray for Jesus to come in and He will do what we can't. Give us The Holy Spirit who will guide us in the right way.
NOTE: You are NEVER too sinful or messed up that God cannot turn your life around through Jesus. EVER x
If you have any questions let me know xx
Man looks on the outward appearances, God see the heart. I don't know Obama and I don't know what he believes. God I know the ❤️
Thank you! God bless you! Let US pray for The salvation and forgiveness of every person alive on earth, including The Catholic Pontiff!
This seems to be just a little bit too scary for some people. If I didn't know any better I would think and some of the hostility that I see, comes from or was inspired by a Russian bot or two.
Sorry to hear that
Don't we love history. Thanks Ben😊
Seventh-day Adventist history is much better than American history and world history that are taught in public schools and colleges. I would bet my life on it.
But he was'nt so what is the point.
I LOVE how he said "the real need here is the gospel"! Yes! Not sectarian religion, not old covenant law, but the gospel!
The gospel is the good news of salvation (Rom. 1:16). This can only be found in the word of God which is found in the bible not only the new testament but the old testament. In fact during Jesus' time it was the old testament books which Jesus and His apostles were quoted when they preach the word of God. Mat. 4:4. That's why the bible reminds us that the WHOLE scripture is given for doctrine and for correction to equip us for righteousness. 2Tim. 3:16-17.
Just because Barack's grandfather was SDA make Barack right with God. But we can pray he returns to Jesus
Who care, whether you're seven day Adventist or not, if God is not in the details is meant nothing
Praise god
***Greetings, Beloved of God. This message is lengthy but, it is very important.
The ancient Israelites was tested by the Sabbath commandment to see if they would keep God’s law or no in Exodus 16:4-
Do not be surprised if God allow man to do a similar test, enforce some type of Sabbath law to see if we will keep His law or no.
Right now, we all do not see eye to eye, but, please hear me out..............
There is no way anyone can prove from the KJV Bible that Saturday, Sunday, etc. is the biblical seventh day Sabbaths. For, the words Saturday, Sunday, etc. do not appear in the Bible.
A continuous Saturday, Sunday, etc., “man made Sabbaths” ARE NOT the true Bible Sabbaths because they are not calculated by true time. God’s true time is written in Genesis 1:14.
When God commanded us to keep a seventh day Sabbath, kill the Passover on the 14th day of the first month, keep the day of atonement on the 10th day of the seventh month, etc......would He not have given us a calendar/Time to find these dates?
Yes, He would have and He did, in Genesis 1:14. We are commanded to keep the days, years, etc. by the lights in heaven (the sun, moon and stars.)
God did not specify which days, so, we must conclude that He meant for all of His 3 category of days to be kept by the lights in heaven.
The Sabbath command is one of the Ten Commandments listed in Exodus 20. It is just as important as the other nine and God commands us to keep it.
Multitudes of people think and teach that we are only required to keep 9 of God’s Ten Commandments. My Friend, if we think this way, we are already deceived.
***The Sabbath is a feast. Leviticus 23:1-3
***The moon is for seasons. Psalms 104:19
***The lights in heaven are for seasons, etc. Genesis 1:14
***The words “feast” and “season” comes from the same Hebrew word, MOED.
***MOED is, appointed times, appointments, feast, season, etc.
The Sabbath is a MOED, an appointed time , a feast, a season, etc. Therefore, the moon, along with the other lights in heaven, are for Sabbaths.
Who can prove from Genesis 1:14 that the Sabbath day is not calculated by the lights in heaven? Although many have tried, it cannot be refuted!!
Take a glimpse at the dates in Genesis 7:11 and Genesis 8:4,13,14. Are these dates calculated by the Time God commanded in Genesis 1:14 or by the Gregorian time or some other man made time?
There are about 167 countries that keep Sunday as the seventh day and the remaining, approximately, 64 countries keep Saturday as the seventh day.
If there is a “seventh day Sunday law” enforced and the remaining 64 countries change their calendars to read Sunday as the seventh day, then, the world will be keeping Sunday the seventh day as the Sabbath.
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sunday Law
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
What day will you and I then keep as the Sabbath?
Already today, there are “Sunday Blue Laws” on government books.
Man can change “their” time anytime and deceive the world under the leadership of Satan. We must calculate God’s Sabbath by God’s Time so The Great Deceiver can not trick us about the true Sabbath and “cause” us to worship him.
“ He will think to change time and laws.” says Daniel 7:25
He only “THOUGHT” to change time when He “supposedly” had replaced God’s calendar with his calendar on earth. For he could not and has not truly change time because God’s Time sits in the heavens where no man can tamper with it! The sun, moon and stars, the lights in heaven, are God’s Time/Calendar.
God’s Calendar has three category of days, the new moon day, the six work days and the Sabbath day. 2 Kings 4:18-23 & Ezekiel 46:1-3. The new moon day is the first day of the month, the beginning of months. These days never, ever, ever overlaps each other on God’s Time!
........However, this is not true on the famous Gregorian calendar. The new moon day falls anywhere and everywhere on that calendar, in a given month.
For example, sometimes, the new moon day falls on a “man made Saturday Sabbath”, on a “man made Sunday Sabbath”, in the midst of the month, etc.
How can it both be the first day of the month and the seventh day Sabbath?
How can the first day of the month start in the midst of a month?
God said in Genesis 1:14 to, let the lights in heaven be for days, etc.
So, which one or ones of God’s three category of days are kept by the lights in heaven?
...The new moon day?
...The six work days?
...The Sabbath day?
Example of God’s months:
1st week... new moon day, six work days and Sabbath day
2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks....six work days and Sabbath day
The next month the cycle starts over.
God’s months reset. Read Luke 6:1
Man uses this same concept. For example:
The 1st and 3rd Sunday in August, the 1st and 3rd Sunday in September.”
“The 2nd and 4th Sabbath in April, the 2nd and 4th Sabbath in May.”
Note: There is never, never, ever, ever, 5 weekly Sabbaths in any one of God’s months.
This is not true on the Gregorian calendar. Sometimes, there are 5 weekly “Gregorian Sabbaths.” This is not in align with true time.
I believe there is a great deception coming to get people to worship Satan through a false Calendar/Sabbath controversy.
God is a God of truth. God guides people by His truth. God’s Word is truth. Truth is our shield and buckler. Truth will keep us from all deceptions, the mark of beast, etc.
Christ did not suffer on the cross for us to walk in a lie and continue to cling to our traditions! He did not die for us to keep obeying the “voice of man” above “the voice of God!”
Read the stories about “King Saul” in 1 Samuel 15 and the “man of God” in 1 king 13. Let us learn a lesson from these testimonies....Obey God’s Voice!
When we do and teach man’s commandments for doctrine, it is vain! It is useless! God does not honor it! There will be no reward!
Again! there is a great possibility some type of “Man made Sabbath Law” could be enforced. These latter days crises seems to be pointing in that direction. If this is not true, then, we do not have to worry about it......But.....
....If it is truth then, we need to become more knowledgeable about this subject in order to make the right decision whom we will honor and serve.
A Sabbath test will reveal those who believe Gods Word in Genesis 1:14 and those who do not believe His Word.
Whether there is or whether there is not a “Sabbath Test”, we still need to know the truth about God’s Time written in the Word of God so we can be obedient in all things.
***Worship Him that made heaven, earth and sea.
***Babylon is fallen! Babylon is fallen!
***Do not worship the Beast and receive his mark, whosoever does, will be eternal lost and be burnt with fire and brimstones.
****Read Revelation 13 & 14
This truth about God’s Calendar/Time and The Sabbath written in Genesis 1:14, Leviticus 23:1-3, Psalms 104:19, spreading throughout the four corners of the earth.
This message enrages many who claim to be followers of Christ because they can not refute it. It seems, the people outside the church buildings are the ones eagerly accepting it and believing it.
Please let us consider what is being said here and further research this important subject before it is to late.
Peace and Love Friends of God
So proud of President Obama.
What part are you proud of the part where he says we are a non-christian country or the part that he promotes gay and lesbians and so many other evil agendas?
@@pinkertonj1 I think you are heading in the right direction
For what?
I'm a conservative SDA and I love the POTUS. I don't agree with everything he has done, but he's far better than what we had last go round or Mitt Romney. Ben Carson is not a great man. He doesn't uphold church standards. His reading rooms promote Harry Potter and other trashy kids books, he allowed Hollywood to portray his home as sporting a huge booze cart in the film about him. He is a great surgeon and needs to stick with medicine. Obama is a Christian, but too many "Christians" are far to quick to judge his spirituality. Pretty dangerous ground, if you ask me.
Sam Ertel Anyone who admires a person like Obama who asked God to bless America's largest slaughterhouse of innocent children, (Planned Parenthood) as well as fully supports homosexuality is a Christian in name only. And these are just a couple of the numerous crimes against humanity Obama is guilty of. Not to mention forcing all tax payers to fund these baby butchers, and violating religious liberty to name just a couple more.
BTW Karen, you are conservative in name only if you support this most radical immoral liberal socialist president in US history. He stands for almost everything Christianity stands against. Such as killing innocent children, and forcing all tax payers to fund these murders, homosexuality, fornication, forcing all Americans to buy health insurance, spying on all Americans, violating several articles of the US Constitution, discriminating against conservative groups, repeatedly lying and covering up his failed policies, etc. etc. etc.
Planned Parenthood is not all about abortion. It is about what the name implies and more - like giving out information about birth control, STDS, breast cancer screening, women's health care, health/reproductive education and "planning parenthood" among other thing. Your comment is like saying we should avoid the grocery store because they sell liquor, cigarettes and shrimp/pork products. Let's not throw out the baby because the bathwater is now dirty.
bldlightpainting You think Obama's the devil, but tax payer funding of Bush's immoral wars of aggression was ok? I never hear you people denouncing those wars or guns. People have the right to chose what happens to their own bodies. I don't have to agree with their decisions, but I must allow them free choice to do as they wish. After all, God's kingdom is based on free choice. You're also very, very confused. If it had been any other WHITE president, the ACA wouldn't have been a problem. It was, after all, based on Romneycare. Homosexuality is a concern, but both sides are jumping on that bandwagon so you can't just blame Obama. I AM a conservative Christian, no matter what you may think or how you try to label me. And BTW, Roe v. Wade was the law waaaaaaaayyy before Obama took office. The righties don't want it to go away either, because they hook the ignorant into their party by crying foul over social issues. Rail against the "baby killers" and politicians can do anything else they want and retain their seats. It's sad.
Very good....
How wonderful that a Canadian dedicated his life to spreading the gospel in a land where moral and spritual darkness was the rule. How tragic that the son of the Seventh-day Adventist abandoned his father's faith and passed that legacy on to his son. That was a fascinating story with both eternally positive and negatve aspects. What does it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his own soul?
Where did you learn that the 44th President, Mr. Obama's grandfather abandoned his faith? That is not in this video. I did hear that many of the Obama family members are Seventh-day Adventists to this day.
What happened in the Obama family is a microcosm of what's happening across North America!
It's tragic that a large segment of today's Seventh-day Adventist children are not following there parents legacy. And are leaving the church.
@@teresaharris6161 ''What happened in the Obama family is a microcosm of what's happening across North America!''
Exactly. As it is said, "God has no grandchildren.'' And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them, who did not know the Lord or the work which he had done for Israel.'' I wonder how many SDA's celebrate President Obama's ( and other celebrities) earthly accomplishments not understanding the eternal tragedy that they really demonstrate?
@@teresaharris6161 That is true, and actually, that is happening across North America in other denominations as well. However, it has been reported that there remain many SDA members in the family of our former President Obama. There are (or were) SDA relatives of his wife as well. People do return to the faith, and descendants of later generations have been known to follow the Lord. "All works together for good...." We must continue to pray for one another.
@@teresaharris6161The children are seeing the light and take the opportunity to leave the cult of SDA. God bless them and lead them away from this harmful and false Church.
The image of the antichrist in the thumbnail paired with the cross looks so dystopian.
However, the Law covenant became in a sense "obsolete" when God announced by means of the prophet Jeremiah that there would be a new covenant. (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:13) In 33 C.E. the Law covenant was canceled on the basis of Christ's death on the torture stake (Col 2:14), the new covenant replacing it.--Heb. 7:12; 9:15; Ac. 2:1-4.
Thus, if a person insists on holding to the observance of the literal sabbath, he fails to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the torture stake and thus rejects the forgiveness of sins that it made possible. It is just as if he insisted on offering animal sacrifices after Jesus had offered himself, the sacrifice for sins forever.
John Colage the 10 commandments are still binding on all men today the ceremonial laws was done away with nail to the cross God blessed, and sanctify. Hallowed it making it Holy it was kept before given on Mt Sinai what are you saying?
@@patriciacole1117 From a careful study of the Bible these important points clearly emerge: that if a day should be observed it would be Saturday, the seventh day; that the Sabbath law was only for ancient Israel; that it was never repeated or given to Christians (as was the law concerning sanctity of blood---Acts 15:19, 20); and that "Christ s the end of the Law," including the Sabbath. (Rom. 10:4) Hence, for those "scrupulously observing days and months," the apostle Paul wrote: "I fear for you, that somehow I have toiled to no purpose respecting you."---Gal. 4:10, 11. Get out of Babylon the Great while time permits.---Rev. 18:4.
@@johncolage1651 unfortunately you are only wise to your own deceit.
Hmmm... perhaps Barack was born in one of the SDA health clinics or hospitals in Kenya... please check the records! ;-)
However, the Law covenant became in a sense "obsolete" when God announced by means of the prophet Jeremiah that there would be a new covenant. (Jer. 31:31-34; Heb. 8:13) In 33 C.E. the Law covenant was canceled on the basis of Christ's death on the torture stake (Col. 2:14), the new covenant replacing it.---Heb. 7:12; 9:15; Ac 2:1-4.
Nonsense john!!
Por eso el legalizó el matrimonio homosexual,, no le importó los principios cristianos,el no le importa nada de Estados Unidos, es una lastima
you all are lost just as Obama, why are you wasting the precious time God has given you to Judge. I suggest you pray and asked God to be with you in the last days. So you will not be lost
You started your comment by doing exactly that. JUDGING.. by saying we are all lost! Lol
Amen,Amen,and Amen!
Hello, I am Brazilian and I can not watch this video here. Please, does anyone have it on another channel or writing containing the video?
Come on what dose Obama had to do with what you just said you used his pic as a go to video
It's funny how you call yourself an Adventist/Christian n u judge Obama for what he's doing n his leadership. 1Timothy 2:1-4 talks abt what u should do for leaders n kings. Instead of complaining, pray for God to help them to lead a peaceful n quiet life. Even God himself said DO NO JUDGE. WHO R U TO JUDGE UR NEIGHBOR??? So instead of judging him pray for him. No one stands like a moutain forever. N this video is abt his history not his life. Comparing him to another fellow man is not nice. I think he's a good leader who needs our prayers. God bless the president n his leadership n God bless the world.
He is the president, not a neighbor.. I can already tell you weren't on your religious high horse when Bush was the POTUS...
I know he's not ur next door neighbor. So what's the difference between him being the president n being ur neighbor???? No different at all. A man asked Jesus who his neighbor was. Jesus answered him by telling the parable about the Good Samaritan.
Btw...I'm not talkin abt Bush n POTUS. I'm not interesting in other people's personal lives. What other lives n do is what they want n choose n its none of my business. Praying for a the leaders of the country n the world for a better tomorrow not the past.
I know of the parable, A leader needs to held accountable, and they are not
Barack Hussein Obama II is an embarrassment to any church, much less the Seventh-day Adventists Church which does not believe as he does. For Adventists do not believe in butchering their innocent sons and daughters in slaughterhouses like Planned Parenthood. They believe God's word that says homosexuality is an abomination worthy of death. Adventists also do not believe in a large socialist controlling government and many many other evils that Barack and other liberals, Democrats, socialists and communists support.
Well the Obama apple has fallen far from the tree
That's the truth. It fell, rolled down the hillside into the street and got smashed to bits by a truck.
Yes it did. Too far to come back.
@ Larry S. Who are we to decide when it's too far? Remember the thief who met Jesus at the cross...
And you know him well enough to judge him, do you?
Salvation is Personal.
Same kmi adventist...
Black SDA History?
Shouldn't it only be "SDA History" since the heart of the matter is it's a matter of the heart and not skin?
What’s wrong with black Sda history? It’s very different from white Sda history.
@@javiermorande9290 My brother, use another example to see the point better. When one says "American History" it connotes a sense of belonging as to referencing everything that happened in America in history. When it is sub-divided, or segregated if you will, it perpetuates a divide as if that group didn't belong to America at that time. It all falls under the banner of "American History" and should be accepted as one in the same. The mentality of separation remains alive, the longer we allow our beautiful church to be divided in a way that doesn't matter towards righteousness. The world sees poor/rich, young/old, black/white but God sees lost/redeemed.
@@revvvrand Yes, it remains alive because it has not acknowledged black history, and the sins of the past still impact present society. Yes God sees like that but 🇺🇸 the beast that speaks as a dragon doesn’t.
@@javiermorande9290 Hasn't been acknowledged yet? What has yet to be done? If you were GC President, what would you recommend to remedy the issue?
@@revvvrand so do you think we should stop talking about these issues? Why do u want to shut down speech and words like black sda history? Does it offend you?
Mic drop at the end! :)
Wake up my people !! It is a privilege to be in the last generation of this world of sin. Are you a representative of the celestial kingdom or not? So let's end our enemy's reign. The King of Kings is returning. Amen Jesus. Before everything know that, in the last days, scoffers will appear mocking and following their own passions. They will say, “What happened to the promise of your coming? Since the ancestors died, everything has remained the same since the beginning of creation ”. But they deliberately forget that for a long time, by the word of God, there are heavens and earth, this formed of water and water. And by the water the world of that time was submerged and destroyed. By the same word the heavens and earth that now exist are reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and for the destruction of the wicked. Do not forget this, beloved: for the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day. The Lord does not delay in fulfilling his promise, as some judge. On the contrary, he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but for everyone to come to regret. The day of the Lord, however, will come as a thief. The heavens will disappear with a great crash, the elements will be destroyed by the heat, and the earth, and everything in it, will be stripped. Since everything will be undone like this, what kind of people do you need to be? Live in a holy and pious way, waiting for the day of God and hastening his coming. On that day the heavens will be broken by fire, and the elements will melt with heat.
2 Peter 3: 3-12.
The gospels record several occasions when Jesus performed a healing on the Sabbath day. In most of those instances, the healing was followed by a confrontation with the religious leaders (Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-10; 13:10-17; 14:1-6; John 5:1-18). In another passage, Luke 4:38-41, Jesus heals after teaching in the synagogue on the Sabbath, but no confrontation is recorded, as the miracle was performed in a private home. ***Luke 6:1 One Sabbath Jesus was passing through the grainfields, and His disciples began to pick the heads of grain, rub them in their hands, and eat them. 2But some of the Pharisees asked, “Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?”
Happy new week. Ellen White is a false prophetess and prophet Muhammad is a false prophet. Obey the Lord Jesus, not Ellen White who had the spirit of Jezebel. We are living at the time of the end. I love what pro-lifers have to say. They need to repent and attend church on the sabbath, new moons and holy days like our Lord Jesus Christ. *From one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh worship before me, saith the LORD.* No one will attend church on Christmas, Easter nor sunday in the new earth. I hate abortion just like him and we ought to choose life over death. Call no man reverend nor Father. Psalm 111:9 says "holy and reverend is his name" for the LORD. The Holy Ghost is our Comforter and part of the Godhead, not an angel. Pork (swine), chicken, turkey are unclean. We can eat doves, pigeon, quail, beef, grasshopper, etc. Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Well Barack surely didn't hold true to his grandfather's beliefs. Rainbow across the White House? And I could go on and on and on.
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, His Paternal Grandmother is A Seventh day Adventist
Former president of the Philippines, Ferdinand Edralin Marcos, His Mother is a Seventh day Adventist
I never knew that. Interesting
Wow Amen to that.
Is Jesus Michael the archangel?
wow amzing love the faith that he find in god
Historical FACT 👀❤️❤️❤️
Please pray I want medical Lab knowledge blood test
Diagnosis Report my name is Ashok from india
Interesting history indeed.
Adventist background, becoming Muslim. Somebody missed something somewhere.
former muslim, now adventist, continuously preaching to muslim scholars. nobody missed a thing.
Maybe missed that he calls his 'wife' Michael.
May💞 God Be With❤ Everyone Always 💞Much 💚Love ❤Blessings Always ❤ 🙏 ✨ 🌐🌈🎇💯💯💯💯💙💙💙💙✌💕💕💕✌
I worry that there is deception in these seventh day adventist churches,
This man of god can help understand how to honor the sabbath day without disobeying God.
Keep in mind that the devil knows the Bible better than any man, and his sharpest agents better than most
Jesus ssys to all of us, that he who comes to Him, He will not cast out. We only need to confess our sins and accept Christ as our Lord,and Savior. John 3:16 makes it clear that Christ shed His blood for the salvation of the world and that includes the former president. God loves eveyone.
1 religión 1 faith period!
Well, it seems it didn't make any dent on Obama's thinking and doing. He's far more Muslim than Christian.
The Sabbath is a command to Moses and the Israelite for that Covenant, not Christians.
Exodus 31
16Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant.
Those before did not have that Covenant hence they could not have been keeping that Sabbath Covenant.
Deuteronomy 5:3
The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.
The New Covenant that replaces the Old Covenant. Jesus gives a better rest for those who Labor hence fulfilling the Sabbath commandment.
Matthew 11:28-30 King James Version (KJV)
28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
***Greetings, Beloved of God. This message is lengthy but, it is very important.
The ancient Israelites was tested by the Sabbath commandment to see if they would keep God’s law or no in Exodus 16:4-
Do not be surprised if God allow man to do a similar test, enforce some type of Sabbath law to see if we will keep His law or no.
Right now, we all do not see eye to eye, but, please hear me out..............
There is no way anyone can prove from the KJV Bible that Saturday, Sunday, etc. is the biblical seventh day Sabbaths. For, the words Saturday, Sunday, etc. do not appear in the Bible.
A continuous Saturday, Sunday, etc., “man made Sabbaths” ARE NOT the true Bible Sabbaths because they are not calculated by true time. God’s true time is written in Genesis 1:14.
When God commanded us to keep a seventh day Sabbath, kill the Passover on the 14th day of the first month, keep the day of atonement on the 10th day of the seventh month, etc......would He not have given us a calendar/Time to find these dates?
Yes, He would have and He did, in Genesis 1:14. We are commanded to keep the days, years, etc. by the lights in heaven (the sun, moon and stars.)
God did not specify which days, so, we must conclude that He meant for all of His 3 category of days to be kept by the lights in heaven.
The Sabbath command is one of the Ten Commandments listed in Exodus 20. It is just as important as the other nine and God commands us to keep it.
Multitudes of people think and teach that we are only required to keep 9 of God’s Ten Commandments. My Friend, if we think this way, we are already deceived.
***The Sabbath is a feast. Leviticus 23:1-3
***The moon is for seasons. Psalms 104:19
***The lights in heaven are for seasons, etc. Genesis 1:14
***The words “feast” and “season” comes from the same Hebrew word, MOED.
***MOED is, appointed times, appointments, feast, season, etc.
The Sabbath is a MOED, an appointed time , a feast, a season, etc. Therefore, the moon, along with the other lights in heaven, are for Sabbaths.
Who can prove from Genesis 1:14 that the Sabbath day is not calculated by the lights in heaven? Although many have tried, it cannot be refuted!!
Take a glimpse at the dates in Genesis 7:11 and Genesis 8:4,13,14. Are these dates calculated by the Time God commanded in Genesis 1:14 or by the Gregorian time or some other man made time?
There are about 167 countries that keep Sunday as the seventh day and the remaining, approximately, 64 countries keep Saturday as the seventh day.
If there is a “seventh day Sunday law” enforced and the remaining 64 countries change their calendars to read Sunday as the seventh day, then, the world will be keeping Sunday the seventh day as the Sabbath.
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. Sat. Sunday Law
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7
What day will you and I then keep as the Sabbath?
Already today, there are “Sunday Blue Laws” on government books.
Man can change “their” time anytime and deceive the world under the leadership of Satan. We must calculate God’s Sabbath by God’s Time so The Great Deceiver can not trick us about the true Sabbath and “cause” us to worship him.
“ He will think to change time and laws.” says Daniel 7:25
He only “THOUGHT” to change time when He “supposedly” had replaced God’s calendar with his calendar on earth. For he could not and has not truly change time because God’s Time sits in the heavens where no man can tamper with it! The sun, moon and stars, the lights in heaven, are God’s Time/Calendar.
God’s Calendar has three category of days, the new moon day, the six work days and the Sabbath day. 2 Kings 4:18-23 & Ezekiel 46:1-3. The new moon day is the first day of the month, the beginning of months. These days never, ever, ever overlaps each other on God’s Time!
........However, this is not true on the famous Gregorian calendar. The new moon day falls anywhere and everywhere on that calendar, in a given month.
For example, sometimes, the new moon day falls on a “man made Saturday Sabbath”, on a “man made Sunday Sabbath”, in the midst of the month, etc.
How can it both be the first day of the month and the seventh day Sabbath?
How can the first day of the month start in the midst of a month?
God said in Genesis 1:14 to, let the lights in heaven be for days, etc.
So, which one or ones of God’s three category of days are kept by the lights in heaven?
...The new moon day?
...The six work days?
...The Sabbath day?
Example of God’s months:
1st week... new moon day, six work days and Sabbath day
2nd, 3rd, 4th weeks....six work days and Sabbath day
The next month the cycle starts over.
God’s months reset. Read Luke 6:1
Man uses this same concept. For example:
The 1st and 3rd Sunday in August, the 1st and 3rd Sunday in September.”
“The 2nd and 4th Sabbath in April, the 2nd and 4th Sabbath in May.”
Note: There is never, never, ever, ever, 5 weekly Sabbaths in any one of God’s months.
This is not true on the Gregorian calendar. Sometimes, there are 5 weekly “Gregorian Sabbaths.” This is not in align with true time.
I believe there is a great deception coming to get people to worship Satan through a false Calendar/Sabbath controversy.
God is a God of truth. God guides people by His truth. God’s Word is truth. Truth is our shield and buckler. Truth will keep us from all deceptions, the mark of beast, etc.
Christ did not suffer on the cross for us to walk in a lie and continue to cling to our traditions! He did not die for us to keep obeying the “voice of man” above “the voice of God!”
Read the stories about “King Saul” in 1 Samuel 15 and the “man of God” in 1 king 13. Let us learn a lesson from these testimonies....Obey God’s Voice!
When we do and teach man’s commandments for doctrine, it is vain! It is useless! God does not honor it! There will be no reward!
Again! there is a great possibility some type of “Man made Sabbath Law” could be enforced. These latter days crises seems to be pointing in that direction. If this is not true, then, we do not have to worry about it......But.....
....If it is truth then, we need to become more knowledgeable about this subject in order to make the right decision whom we will honor and serve.
A Sabbath test will reveal those who believe Gods Word in Genesis 1:14 and those who do not believe His Word.
Whether there is or whether there is not a “Sabbath Test”, we still need to know the truth about God’s Time written in the Word of God so we can be obedient in all things.
***Worship Him that made heaven, earth and sea.
***Babylon is fallen! Babylon is fallen!
***Do not worship the Beast and receive his mark, whosoever does, will be eternal lost and be burnt with fire and brimstones.
****Read Revelation 13 & 14
This truth about God’s Calendar/Time and The Sabbath written in Genesis 1:14, Leviticus 23:1-3, Psalms 104:19, spreading throughout the four corners of the earth.
This message enrages many who claim to be followers of Christ because they can not refute it. It seems, the people outside the church buildings are the ones eagerly accepting it and believing it.
Please let us consider what is being said here and further research this important subject before it is to late.
Peace and Love Friends of God
@@grannysword Jesus rest is everyday. All the Law and the Prophets is a revelation of Christ. His rest is everyday since his Holy Spirit lives in me everyday.
Everyday is holy and restful in Christ.
Physical Jews kept a physical rest.
Spiritual Jews keeps a Spiritual Rest
@@iancournand4139 .........
The Sabbath is not just for the "Jews." Have you not read Isaiah 56 and Isaiah 66
According to Genesis 2, God rested the seventh day before there were any "Jew."
How about the other nine commandments...........................
Thou shalt have no other gods.
Thou shalt not make and bow to images.
Thou shalt not take The Lord's name in vain.
Honor your father and mother.
Thou shalt not kill.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness.
Thou shalt not covet. "Jesus rest" also take the place of these?
Please do a thorough study. This was also mentioned in the New Testament. Doesn’t Spiritual and Physical work together?
@@shaniquetaylor2099 I did. Trust me. It was mentioned in the New Testament only before and while Jesus lived and after when Paul was perusing the Lost House of Israel . The Jews. He met them every Sabbath Day in the synagogue mostly because that is when you could get them together to discuss the Thora .
After Paul's ministry was turned to the Gentiles the word Sabbath is only mention once in the Bible. That is in Colossians when it is called a shadow of the body of Christ.
Thanks for your sincere concern though.
Wow so if BO stood in the Holy Place The Church of Nativity 3/22/2013 a day before the Sabbath and the day after winter, Adventists probably wouldn't appreciate it... Sorry!
Luke chapter 9:30:31 contradicts soul sleep
Sonya Lum sorry dear, but that place is talking about people who God had already taken to heaven not about dead mortals.
Moses received a resurrection
Jude 1:9 Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
And Elijah went directly to heaven without dying
2 Kings 2:11 And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.
Got my popcorn ready for the Obama hate fest from the Trump loving hypocrisy!🤦🏾♀️🤦♀️😔
Obama is for murdering children. So yes, any Christian ought to hate him.
The Search For Truth hate is a very strong word! Do you hate Obama’s actions or hate him as a person? I hate Trump’s actions but I can’t say I hate him...especially since it’s noted by God Himself “Hate the sin, love the sinner” and “love your enemies”. As I had stated before, the total hypocrisy of Trump loving Evangelicals!
BTW...what’s your thoughts of your #45’s taped recording of his thoughts of the whistleblower and how he or she should be dealt with? Sounds disturbingly similar to his Russian 🇷🇺 bestie Putin’s actions!
So what that mean
nothing. its just silly talk.
So sorry he didn't follow in his grandfather's footsteps...
Your faith does not make you a good person, the way you treat others does. I believe the 7th day Adventist church is a good denomination. One thing we should not do is pass judgement on others.. There are many people who don't believe like you who will be by God's side. Salvation is through Christ alone and no denomination gets you saved. Love!!!
@@godcreatedart777 By their fruits you will know them. By his 'wife' Micheal, as he states. Light that White House in rainbow colors! Did you miss it?
Ok, that's totally irrelevant.
Nina turner is alive and touch down verified by norad ft Peterson norad and has been endemdified to 11-12-2015 living standards by Major Viper(jerry dean rice ii)
So?? Jesus has no grandchildren 🤪
SDA has wrong view of the Lord Jesus - you lean on false teacher Ellen white and your faith in vain! Repent - read the Bible and trust in Jesus only for the forgiveness of sins - SDAs have believed the lies of false prophet Ellen White - just read 1st Timothy and see that teachers in the CHurch are not women ! Paul writes a women is not to teach men in the Church!
Every person has a different view of the bible! I left the church many years ago! Why? I seem to have asked to many questions that they couldn't answer ! I was raised in isolation with to much censorship . Especially in their tax free boarding schools and factory's! I've come to believe that they are a CULT! And that E.G. White is a self serving scam artist for her medical system.
Indeed, I very much appreciate 1 John 2:21, “I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.”
If anyone Google's "nonsda Ellen G. White: Prophet or Profit? By Dirk Anderson", they might be surprised what they read on that website. (he is pastor of the Jacksonville Fl. Church of God Seventh Day).
In the book, "The Journey - History of the Church of God Seventh Day", by elder and church historian Robert Coulter of the CoG7 (Denver Co. conference), it mentions where bro Gilbert Cranmer in the 1850's became suspicious of Mrs. White's "visions" and left their fellowship, saying "her visions may mean something to you, but not to me... my Bible and the Bible alone!" (paraphrased). Sorry to say, the book mentions when one of the early SDA elders/ministers said that woman's writings were "fresh" and better than the Bible. We're warned to not add to the word of God.
So, what. BARACK OBAMA is NOT adventist.
So what ? Your time would be better served finding out what happened to the REAL JEWS after the destruction of Jerusalem 70 AD.
How csn you be christian and be pro choice of abortion,?
Christ is pro life
I, like many others, have my thoughts and opinions about, among other things, politics, liberalism, conservatism, Democrats, Republicans, and even our current POTUS. But, good gosh, this is a two minute TH-cam clip. Can we all not find better places on the internet than here to argue/discuss the heretofore mentioned subjects? Watch the video … and move on.
BTW While I am somewhat left-leaning regarding censorship I also thing some (many) TH-cam videos are better with the comments disabled. =)
Perhaps this means something to people. A better understanding of someone many believed to be a Muslim or anti-god somehow because he was not a Republican. If it is your way to just watch and 'move on' and watch a hundred more videos and retain little or nothing of what the first video talked about. What use is that. It's like children today with a video game, one after another. Leave to each his own search for truth. It is better to spend at least an hour or more on one verse of scripture than to read the Bible in a day or a week.