Someone asked why people take their screwups so seriously: because movies were filmed and usually released in a very short time period. EVERYONE was on a tight schedule.
The actress is Ingrid Bergman and the movie is Saratoga Trunk (1945) - "An opportunistic Texas gambler and the exiled Creole daughter of an aristocratic family join forces to achieve justice from the society that has ostracized them."
@Lissbirds While some probably did, I'm guessing that not all of them swore this much everyday--these are moments of intense frustration, most likely. I could be wrong though.
I like the bit -- in the '39 one I think it is -- where Errol lets slip something like "you're a damn good flyer"... Whoops, couldn't say that back then, ha.
@ilikemusicandvideo I guess they were just serious actors, but yeah, it does seem like some people are genuinely ticked. I guess if it's like the fifteenth take or something it would get annoying. To me it just gives credit to their professionalism--they didn't want to goof off.
Jack Carson at 3:31! That’s from “One More Tomorrow,” which was shot in 1943 but didn’t get released until 1946.
These weren't for public viewing. They were shown at the big year-end dinner galas for WB employees and other private showings.
I'm still waiting for him to tell me why he's so excited about this picture it's taken him one year to make...
Olivia gets me every time!
That ‘s director Edmund Goulding (DARK VICTORY) exclaiming about this picture that he waited one year to make, as he stares into the camera.
hahaha olivia saying 'oh christ, son of a bitch' has made my day
this are golden thanks for the uplodes
thanks for showing this!
Beautifully put.
Someone asked why people take their screwups so seriously: because movies were filmed and usually released in a very short time period. EVERYONE was on a tight schedule.
Geez, Olivia de Havilland even makes swearing classy!
She is still alive, you know.
Not anymore
When she and Kirk Douglas passed on, they were the last from that wonderful era of great filmmaking.
Love this!... Now I would LOVE to see Ava Gardner bloopers. You know there'd be a lot of bleeps.
I liked the blooper at 2:18 by Ruth Donnelly
Haha, these are all so funny! I love Barbara Stanwyck! And Charles Coburn at 2:00!
That little clip with Bette and Gig was cute.
What was the name of the guy who kept repeating ' let me tell you about this picture' ? . I doubt he ever got it right lol
+paacer Edmund Goulding
Poor Barton MacLane. He still can’t raise his ass off the ground. Poor guy.
I love all of these old movies!
@Luckynumber78 Yeah, I wish there were blooper reels like this for the other studios--MGM, Paramount, RKO, etc.
@bashbrannigan ~ The movie is "George Washington Slept Here," with left to right, Ann Sheridan, Joyce Reynolds, Charles Coburn, and Jack Benny.
God, I love these!
Some say he's still trying to get his ass off the ground to this day.
Legend has it that Errol Flynn still can't get his ass off the ground to this day...
great video.
2:58-3:05 anybody know what movie this was?
What is the movie at 4:31 where we can see Gary Cooper with an actress?
The actress is Ingrid Bergman and the movie is Saratoga Trunk (1945) - "An opportunistic Texas gambler and the exiled Creole daughter of an aristocratic family join forces to achieve justice from the society that has ostracized them."
2:31-2:44 this one kills me. Is that Errol Flynn?
At about 2:45?
I think that's Christmas in Connecticut again -- Barbara Stanwyck and Dennis Morgan.
@Lissbirds While some probably did, I'm guessing that not all of them swore this much everyday--these are moments of intense frustration, most likely. I could be wrong though.
LONG days on the set, hot lights, pressure to get scenes done.
Humphrey Bogart was so angry and too serious. It's no wonder he died so young.
It was lung cancer. But he was a serious actor from the theater.
Great stuff...those were actors...nowadays there are only reptiles in people' suit...
I like the bit -- in the '39 one I think it is -- where Errol lets slip something like "you're a damn good flyer"... Whoops, couldn't say that back then, ha.
I am new to this classics vintage movies .... Please Anyone tell me the name of movies at 2:32 and 2:45 and 3:39 and 5:00 and 5:15 ... ???
@ilikemusicandvideo I imagine because, especially during the war, film was comparatively scarce and expensive, so mistakes cost the studios money.
OMG! Hearing how americans actually talked in 1944 is so cool! The woman at about 3 minutes in actually said "gee, I sure was..."
6:38 I wonder what cartoon that was from?
Puss N Booty (1943)
@lou1606 Stanwyck and Dennis Morgan. :)
@Mick342 Where is that part anyway?
What movie is the scene at 3:15 from?
"And the cow. ...Oh, you son of a bitch."
ya i thought so to, but she wasn't really keen on it though....
Hilarious! But because of the cursing etc. I wonder if these bloopers were allowed to actually be seen in 1944??
Errol Flynn had one of the sexiest smiles EVER!!!!!!! *happy sigh*
The greatest zinger ever told at 2:15 🤣
wooohooo go Stanwyck LOL!
2.14. .. which movie it is??????
Love seen people acting themselves instead of the restraints of censorship!
can you imagine. greta garbo forgetting her lines or crawford. what i wouldnt give for that. lol
Rosalind Russel was great in " His Girl Friday"
4:56 - 5:24 ... need I say more? :)
Haha, gotta love not-so-saintly Olivia.
Olivia s cursing quite surprising hahahahha
Barbara and Russel just great ...... actually I like them all hahahha
What movie is that anyway -- Thank Your Lucky Stars?
@ilikemusicandvideo Because it breaks your concentration plus you feel you are holding off the whole team....
i love my barbara!
who's that with Bette at 3:30?
Olivia de Havilland! HAHA
Oh my God...
@RELIGIOUSREVOLUTION LOL! Most common phrases of the '40's? ;)
barbara stanwyck was soooo funny. is it just me or does it seem like that guy is like hard core flirting with her. lol
@thecrackfox666 You Can't Escape Forever perhaps?
2:33 movie?
Gentleman Jim ?
@Mick342 Ah okay... I have no idea.
The first part was pretty random. LOVED 2:18 where the nurse said "Let's go into the pee-pee" to the Indian guy.
@ilikemusicandvideo I guess they were just serious actors, but yeah, it does seem like some people are genuinely ticked. I guess if it's like the fifteenth take or something it would get annoying. To me it just gives credit to their professionalism--they didn't want to goof off.
The only Ann bit is at 1:59
Gary Cooper had an extremely bad time with piles, and it interfered with his concentration.
i know!!! i was thinking the same thing
People swore more then than they do now.
@ksol1460tv Me too! Imagine seeing Greta Garbo's bloopers?
Poor nicole is being pestered for 1948 and 47 and 46 probably before and many many by, but just in case does she have them up her sleeve?
@sayward12 5:33 -- Air Force maybe? Some war movie. :p
Who got to see these things? Surely the audiences of the time wouldn't have stood for the "cussing".
They likely would have, but the production code probably made them think Hollywood was classier than it was.
WB annual dinner parties
@nicoley132 Wasnt that 1942?
@bashbrannigan Charles Coburn :)
Heh... I love Charles Coburn. :)
women were tough back in the day.
Haha funny stuff you gotta laugh at olivia de havilland and i thought she was a lady lol 5 stars gor sure xxx
"Oh Christ son of a bitch" God, I love her.
Not sure sorry
@Nemesis7293 And he was also a convicted rapist unfortunately. I was in love with him until I found that out...
'Oh Christ, Son of a Bitch.'
watch make 1945s yes!