Chtěla bych toho říct hodně, ale nenacházím slova.. Zemřít na rakovinu ve 25 letech.. šokující a nepochopitelné.. Je mi to moc líto.. Zůstaneme navždy ochuzeni o její talent, jedinečný a nádherný hlas a její budoucí progres. Upřímnou soustrast její rodině.
I když je to trochu svatokrádežné, tak podle mě to, co předvedla například při Novoročním koncertu v roce 2016 v Ostravě bylo v podstatě nepřekonatelné (i pro ni samotnou). Prostě dokonalost v každém směru! Kdo měl to štěstí a byl v publiku, byl svědkem historie. Alespoň trochu útěchou tak může být, že Patriciin odkaz díky záznamům těchto výjimečných vystoupení zůstane zachovaný i dlouho do budoucnosti.
....Stále si nemohu připustit, že nás opustila paní Patricia. Vyhasl tak mladý život s tak krásným hlasem. Je mi moc líto ztráty a nebojím se říct i národnímu pokladu se zlatem v hrdle. V sobotu budu v mysli s rodinou při posledním rozloučení s Patricií.🌼😥💔
Vždy mi prišla ako anjel zaseknutý v našom svete v obmedzenom čase...odišla navždy spievať pred tvár všemohúceho Boha...a nám ostane len prázdne miesto: Boh má totiž vždy prednosť". Milá Paťka, odpočívaj v pokoji! R.I.P. 🙏😢
Ve všem máte pravdu,přiznám se že jsem znal pouze její zpěv .Její mluvený projev a životní hodnoty s pokorou kterou měla srovnanou jak nikdo jejího věku zde objevuji a srdečně želím že více nic nepřidá😢
With the anniversary of Patka's passing just around the corner, I would love to see a gala concert in her memory. I would like such a concert to include the Intro it from Britten's WAR REQUIEM, the Dies Irae from Berlioz's REQUIEM, and the POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE MARCH NO. 1 by Elgar.
Heartbreaking to think of all the roles Patricia will never get to play she would have dreamed to and that we will never hear her sing now... Thoughts to her family and friends and to all who have lost a young loved one to this terrible disease of cancer.. rip Patricia
Patricie, nikdy nezapomenu, když Vás Peter Dvorský přivedl v roce 2011 jako krásnou panenku na pódiun Smetanova sálu v Obecního domu v Praze. Vaše vystoupení na předvánočním koncertě Harmonie bylo překrásné a nikoho nenechalo na pochybách, že před námi stojí nastávající operní hvězda. A stalo se! Přeji Vám hodně sil k překonání stávajícího období. Jste jedinečná!
Очень опечалил меня уход Патриции Янечковой. Меня очаровало ее пение музыки Морриконе и потом послушала ее другие работы и стала ее поклонницей. RIP прекрасная Патриция
Krásné mladé děvče nedokažu zastavit slzy. Ta mě tolikrát zvedla náldu tím jejim andělským hlsem,že jsem myslel na pozitivní věci. Posílám upřímnou soustrast rodině i blízkým přátelům. Bude my smutno.😢🥀🥀
Очень, очень горько за ранний уход прекрасной Патриции!Какая талантливая,прекрасная девушка! Сколько возможностей в жизни могло быть, сколько заветных желаний не сбылось...Жить да жить,радовать любимых, радоваться самой жизни,радовать и восхищать мир своим чудесным голосом... Искренне соболезнуем Чехии и Словакии...Патрисия,любим и помним тебя ❤Божьего утешения родным и близким 🙏🙏🙏,, Пока человека помнят - он с нами."
Její životní příběh mi připomíná D. A. Hvorostovského, vykazuje hodně pidobností, včetně předčasné smrti na následky onkologického onemocnění. Jen Patricia odešla velmi brzy k lítosti nás všech. Upřímnou soustrast rodině.
She starts to sing in the theatre at 9. It was 6 years earlier as usually. At 11th she won the 1st place in Cz. competition and since 2011 she started her carriere as singer. Her teachers are keeping her to grow her voice slowly and proporcionally very carefully and precisely.
Thank you, this is very nice. I only just heard her sing for the first time on February 26 and not only is she my favorite singer, she is the best singer. I believe she is the best singer because of the stunning voice and in her interpretations, phrasing.
William R I also heard her for the first time only a few months ago. She has one of the best voices I have ever heard. So I became a fan, and I had never liked opera before. She is younger than 22 years at this time. She is just getting started and has a long successful career ahead of her!
@John Nasr That is really well said, and I agree. For me , I grew up with classical and opera and while I like several singers , it only took listening to four of Patricia’s song for me to consider her my favorite singer. She is really amazing, just sublime vocals.
@@williamr5753 You can hear already from her young age that her voice is pleasant. It's all about the voice quality and interpretation No training can change it.
I would love to see the people of Britain hold a memorial service for Patricia Janeckova. Sir Edward Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in. D Major"(which was written as a funeral piece) would be suitable for such an occasion, along with excerpts from the Requiems of Britten, Verdi and Mozart.
I speak English, but I understand a small amount of French and Spanish, and a lot of Latin, so I was able to sort of translate some words spoken on this video. It sounded like the commentator asked Patricia what she liked to be called. At first it sounded like she said Patricia, but when he asked her to be specific, it sounded like she said that she preferred to be called Patsy. I can't be sure about that though. To spread the distribution of this video world wide it probably should have some sort of translator attached, that could translate into most languages. I think many fans would like to know what was said. I know I would!
In another interview of ČT in 2019 She said her favorite is Italy, italian, food, art, music, architecture, fashion, city Rome. and belcanto romantic style of music.And in some video she said she likes Rossini. She was listening classic music since 4 years old, because her father was working in Ostrava orchestra. She was pretending doing Opera. Parents put her to musical school for kids. She was singing since 6 years old solo songs. In 8 years old she wanted to sing harder style of music but teacher lady told her she cant sing harder songs, but she started singing harder songs in age of 9. Her mother is a educato in elementary school. She said she was singing in musical as curiosity, but she wants to do Opera, because its close to her voice. Rock, pop isnt for her voice.
@@lumpichu suhlasim... velmi malo priestoru pre patriciu, vlastne si sjizdeli jej zivotopis. Mne to teda vobec nesadlo, k tomu na rozhovor s nou som sa tesila. Co uz. Mohla som to vypnut skor ako sem vypisovat blbinky, viem:D
I would like to know her language Patricia ! Mi piacerebbe un sacco parlare la tua lingua , Patricia ! Cuánto me gustaría dominar el checo , Patricia ! 😍😍😍😍😍
Part II 3:45 - 7:42 M: Are you competitive? P: No. M: (Reads the list of all contests she took part in, mostly winning first place.) So, why are you telling me you are not competitive? P: Because the first contest Talentmánia in my childhood was a bit foolery of me, the second one was purely aimed at Baroque music, so it was a bit limited there, and the third one in Karlovy Vary…I think there was a breaking point where I realized that I am not competitive, because first of all I didn't win there as in the previous ones... M: It sucks… P: I won third place in Karlovy Vary and one minor award and since I haven't taken place in any such contest because I don't need to experience that states of mind again…all that competition, singers…I am not saying they are ugly to each other, definitely not, but something is in the air that is not utterly pleasant for me. Anyway, I will be contesting in the future again, but not soon. M: But it definitely helped you in your career? P: Yes, definitely. M: You know, I thought opera singers learn singing on music academy. You sang since you were 4 years old…and when I saw you in Talentmania…how old were you? P: Twelve. M: Twelwe and it came to me you were alerady an accomplished opera singer. P: No, really not. M: So you accomplished it that sooner, or..? P: I started to sing when I was four as any other child. Lots of children sing in Choirs or attend lessons. M: Course, but anyway, in 12 to sing that way? Did you take lessons day and night or how is it possible you sang that good already in 12? P: It's because I have musical background. My dad is double bass player in Jánáčkova philharmonic, so at home we had or still have variety of CDs, most of all classical music, so as a curious child I were listening to all that stuff and I think the first opera voice I heard was that of Andrea Boccelli and even if it was masculine voice I liked it and started to imitate it, the sound...the opera "something"...and then I attended music lessons where I had to sing by schedule, folk songs and so on. But it was not enough for me and I got bored a little. M: May be, I know what you are talking about. In Academy we also had to sing folk songs on exams (reciting the song he had to sing). Desperately boring, so I understand you were not much into folk songs too. P: I don't think that folk songs are boring after all but I wanted to sing something more difficult but my teacher forbid it to me because of my age and the schedule she had to follow. But it was not enough for me and I told at home that it doesn't interest me any more and I don't want to continue going there, so my parents logged me out and I wrote to Theater Choir led by Lenka Živocká, I was around 9 at that time, I came there, sing...I forgot what it was...just something...and she took me immediately. M: It was like...Ha, talent!! P: Something like that, yes.
No puc creure que has marchat. Estas fent un viatge llarc, pro segur que tornará aviat. Et necesitem t, estimem. Visca Patricia, visca Catalonia. Tot_hom t, estima molt. ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
Nejstrašnější je, že to není jen moderátor, ale herec Národního divadla moravskoslezského. To je o to strašnější, že školený divadelní člověk má tak děsnou rétoriku.
Mluvite mi z duse. Byla to spise inscenace jeho samotneho. To skakani do reci a otazka kvuli panenstvi nebyly na miste! Damy se na to ptal pubertak s velikym ego!
I can see there are people from abroad. Challange for some Czech (or Slovak) in quarantine: Make subtiteles so not only us, but also people from abroad can enjoy this interwiew. I dont have the skill, but I bet there is someone who can and who has the time!
Excellent idea for those of us who just understand a little Czech. On that note, if we wish to learn more of Czech language do you recommend key phrases or everything? Thanks very much.
You can find one on 'La Celestia - Patricia Janeckova', a site which lists every public performance given by Patricia, with links to videos where available, and includes several interviews. I hesitate to provide a link, as it may cause this comment to be removed.
You can find a version with English subtitles on 'La Celestia - Patricia Janeckova', a site which lists every public performance given by Patricia, with links to videos where available, and includes several interviews. I hesitate to provide a link, as it may cause this comment to be removed.
Vím, že je to součástí Silvestra 2019 a celý záznam večera, kde Patricie zpívá hned několikrát a nakonci vyšvihne i Dělám stojky a Proud Mary je k dipozici na Mirplay.
I have no idea what they are saying, but she is still wonderful to watch. Is it just me or is the guy annoying because he seems to keep talking over her???
All of these guys (And women) who are professional "interviewers" seem to do this...repeatedly talking over the person opposite them. They seem to forget that it is NOT all about Them! Very annoying, but it will probably Never change. Patricia was Very gracious to sit through this with her "trademark" beautiful smile, and give a great interview. She gives back as good as she gets. 💖💕
Tecou mi slzy mila Patricie.Tolik jsem Vam prala,aby jste nemoc zvladla a vylecila se.Odpocivejte v pokoji 🖤🖤🌹🌹🖤🖤. Rodine mou hlubokou soustrast.
Odešla krásná žena s andělským hlasem. Měla celý život před sebou. Jak je to nespravedlivé...
Ján 11: 25
Ježiš jej povedal: „Ja som vzkriesenie a život. Kto verí vo mňa, aj keď zomrie, bude žiť.
Je to tak nespravedlivé, stále nemohu uvěřit ,že nás opustila tak mladá krásná talentovaná Patricie Janečková, děkujeme nezapomeneme na Vás .😪❤
Que soprano! Que voz angelical! Que mulher especial! Que perda inestimável ! Que saudades eterna haveremos de sentir. Fique na gloria, anjo.
Odešel nám obrovský talent.Její nádherný hlas stále slyším.Krása a talent byla naše Patricie.Upřímnou soustrast rodině.
Ďakujem za krasny rozhovor, bola veľmi sympatická a krásna, nech jej svetlo večné svieti 🖤🥲🖤
Chtěla bych toho říct hodně, ale nenacházím slova.. Zemřít na rakovinu ve 25 letech.. šokující a nepochopitelné.. Je mi to moc líto.. Zůstaneme navždy ochuzeni o její talent, jedinečný a nádherný hlas a její budoucí progres.
Upřímnou soustrast její rodině.
I když je to trochu svatokrádežné, tak podle mě to, co předvedla například při Novoročním koncertu v roce 2016 v Ostravě bylo v podstatě nepřekonatelné (i pro ni samotnou). Prostě dokonalost v každém směru! Kdo měl to štěstí a byl v publiku, byl svědkem historie. Alespoň trochu útěchou tak může být, že Patriciin odkaz díky záznamům těchto výjimečných vystoupení zůstane zachovaný i dlouho do budoucnosti.
@@vencapesak5956 Vy jste dobrej dement!
Painful and so sad you gone too soon. One o the most sweetes soprano voice. 😢Rest in Peace dear Patricia 🖤
Skoda ta dievcatko večná skoda 😢😢R.I.P 🖤
....Stále si nemohu připustit, že nás opustila paní Patricia. Vyhasl tak mladý život s tak krásným hlasem. Je mi moc líto ztráty a nebojím se říct i národnímu pokladu se zlatem v hrdle. V sobotu budu v mysli s rodinou při posledním rozloučení s Patricií.🌼😥💔
Milovala jsem její zpěv od samého začátku ať zpívá i zhora 😢
Vždy mi prišla ako anjel zaseknutý v našom svete v obmedzenom čase...odišla navždy spievať pred tvár všemohúceho Boha...a nám ostane len prázdne miesto: Boh má totiž vždy prednosť". Milá Paťka, odpočívaj v pokoji! R.I.P. 🙏😢
Ve všem máte pravdu,přiznám se že jsem znal pouze její zpěv .Její mluvený projev a životní hodnoty s pokorou kterou měla srovnanou jak nikdo jejího věku zde objevuji a srdečně želím že více nic nepřidá😢
With the anniversary of Patka's passing just around the corner, I would love to see a gala concert in her memory. I would like such a concert to include the Intro it from Britten's WAR REQUIEM, the Dies Irae from Berlioz's REQUIEM, and the POMP AND CIRCUMSTANCE MARCH NO. 1 by Elgar.
Heartbreaking to think of all the roles Patricia will never get to play she would have dreamed to and that we will never hear her sing now...
Thoughts to her family and friends and to all who have lost a young loved one to this terrible disease of cancer.. rip Patricia
R. I. P. 😢♥️
Ta Rusalka byla nádherná. Až jsem musel utřít slzy.
smysluplný rozhovor, děkuji Vám - oběma, s úctivou vzpomínkou Slečně Rusalce
Krásný rozhovor s Patkou je to velice smutný odchod tak mladého života 😭😂 upřímnou soustrast ❤
Tak smutné oznámení nás postihlo. R. I. P. PATRICIE
Nagradio te Gospodin za tvoju patnju i vjernost, putuj s andjelima !! 🙏🙏🙏😪
Goodbye sweet Patka Your magic voice will live on. We will never forget you.
Milá Patricie…. Budete vždy pro mne krásná vzpomínka ….
Dneska smutný den pro celou Ostravu ....R.I.P. Patricie.
Pro celý operní svět....
Ne jen pro Ostravu a ne jen pro operní zpěv! Mladý lidé a děti by neměli umírat... Upřímnou soustrast celé rodině a kamarádům, je mi to velice líto!
Ne jenom pro Ostravu
Někdy je to na tom světě hodně nespravedlivé. V srdcích však talentovaná Patricie navždy zůstane. Pozůstalým upřímnou soustrast.
Patricie, nikdy nezapomenu, když Vás Peter Dvorský přivedl v roce 2011 jako krásnou panenku na pódiun Smetanova sálu v Obecního domu v Praze. Vaše vystoupení na předvánočním koncertě Harmonie bylo překrásné a nikoho nenechalo na pochybách, že před námi stojí nastávající operní hvězda. A stalo se! Přeji Vám hodně sil k překonání stávajícího období. Jste jedinečná!
Every time I hear her I always think "This is the most beautiful voice I've ever heard."
when you listen for 30 minutes and don't understand a word then you know you're in love 😍
I love her singing style, so I watch entire video while just understanding a bit.
Or even if you only understand a little of it, Art. 💖
Очень опечалил меня уход Патриции Янечковой. Меня очаровало ее пение музыки Морриконе и потом послушала ее другие работы и стала ее поклонницей. RIP прекрасная Патриция
Naše milá krásná talentovaná Patricie. ❤❤❤
Ty naše československé holky jsou a budou vždy nejkrásnější :) ...pane Polák, děkuji za výborný rozhovor a těším se na další.
Denně hledám na mobilu nějaké melodie drahá paní Patricie ,je mi to nesmírně líto.S Bohem.Karin.❤❤
Rusalku znám od Gabriely Beňačkové, ale od Patricie je to taky nádherné, má krásný křišťálový hlas.Milý a příjemný rozhovor.DĚKUJI 🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏🙏🙏🙏🤗🤭
Krásné mladé děvče nedokažu zastavit slzy. Ta mě tolikrát zvedla náldu tím jejim andělským hlsem,že jsem myslel na pozitivní věci. Posílám upřímnou soustrast rodině i blízkým přátelům. Bude my smutno.😢🥀🥀
Odpocivej v pokoji Patricie 😰😰😰😰
QEPD Nuestra querida y dulce Patricia ❤
Очень, очень горько за ранний уход прекрасной Патриции!Какая талантливая,прекрасная девушка! Сколько возможностей в жизни могло быть, сколько заветных желаний не сбылось...Жить да жить,радовать любимых, радоваться самой жизни,радовать и восхищать мир своим чудесным голосом... Искренне соболезнуем Чехии и Словакии...Патрисия,любим и помним тебя ❤Божьего утешения родным и близким 🙏🙏🙏,, Пока человека помнят - он с нами."
R.I.P. Patricia❤
Krasna a nadana zena. Skoda ji. Je mi smutno. A skoda, ze v tomto rozhovoru slysim mluvit spis pana Polaka a ne Patricii. Moc prostoru ji nedava. 😩
Presne tak, súhlasím! Hrozný bol!
Polak se snazil byt originalni, ale jeho ego to zkazilo. Byl spise trapny nez vtipny, jak by chtel. Hodne mluvil a nedal ji prostor.
Vynikajuci rozhovor. Placem, zvladli ste to obaja bravurne. Babatko, spinkajv pokoji
Její životní příběh mi připomíná D. A. Hvorostovského, vykazuje hodně pidobností, včetně předčasné smrti na následky onkologického onemocnění. Jen Patricia odešla velmi brzy k lítosti nás všech. Upřímnou soustrast rodině.
janavahalova : Je pense comme vous... Patricia et Dmitri Hvorostovsky partis bien trop vite. Inoubliables.
..Super Talent ❤❤❤😢!
She starts to sing in the theatre at 9. It was 6 years earlier as usually. At 11th she won the 1st place in Cz. competition and since 2011 she started her carriere as singer. Her teachers are keeping her to grow her voice slowly and proporcionally very carefully and precisely.
Ten rozhovor mi udělal radost a hezký den :) děkuji
Ah Bože,to je velika tragedija i velika nepravda,to nije fer,o draga naša devojčice zbogom Patricia♥️♥️♥️
Seria interesante poner subtítulos en español, a muchos en España nos interesa lo que dice.
Ojalá podamos escucharla en España alguna vez.
Thank you, this is very nice. I only just heard her sing for the first time on February 26 and not only is she my favorite singer, she is the best singer.
I believe she is the best singer because of the stunning voice and in her interpretations, phrasing.
William R I also heard her for the first time only a few months ago. She has one of the best voices I have ever heard. So I became a fan, and I had never liked opera before. She is younger than 22 years at this time. She is just getting started and has a long successful career ahead of her!
@John Nasr That is really well said, and I agree.
For me , I grew up with classical and opera and while I like several singers , it only took listening to four of Patricia’s song for me to consider her my favorite singer. She is really amazing, just sublime vocals.
@@williamr5753 You can hear already from her young age that her voice is pleasant. It's all about the voice quality and interpretation No training can change it.
@@NosserJJN2...už nie, v nedeľu zomrela na rakovinu prsníka...
Can you translate into English? Or tell me in what language you wrote your comment?@@MsAcila
A vida não termina aqui. Ela vai brilhar ainda mais.
Besides being beautiful, you have a wonderful voice
Nejen pro Ostravu, ale i pro nás z Moravy, nemohu se s její smrtí vyrovnat.
světová Diva ❤
I would love to see the people of Britain hold a memorial service for Patricia Janeckova. Sir Edward Elgar's "Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 in. D Major"(which was written as a funeral piece) would be suitable for such an occasion, along with excerpts from the Requiems of Britten, Verdi and Mozart.
Today its 1 year sins she passed away.. WHAT A LOSS CANNOT COME OVER IT . REST IN PEACE PRINCESS.
nech odpočíva v pokoji amen🎉
Чудова була співачка. Чудова людина. Велика втрата
.nie len nespravodlivé ale. aj kruté odpočívaj v pokoji 🌹
RIP mladý život
R.I.P angel.
Grand appreciation.... Merci!
Прекрасный голос! Жаль, рано ушла.
I don't understand but only to see to Patricia is wonderful to me. I love her since Colombia
R.I.P. Patricie!!
Los sistros de oro de luz y de armonía, sólo son sombras fugitivas ante el esplendente sol de tu hermosura.
Tak to velká laťka na první díl, to se bude špatně překonávat. Hned si vzít nejhezčí a nejlepší operní pěvkyně v ČR :-)
Felicidades Patricia Janeckova te esperamos en México
Patricia passed away 1.19.2023🖤
@@alexandran.7404Opravte ten dátum....plíiiis.
I speak English, but I understand a small amount of French and Spanish, and a lot of Latin, so I was able to sort of translate some words spoken on this video. It sounded like the commentator asked Patricia what she liked to be called. At first it sounded like she said Patricia, but when he asked her to be specific, it sounded like she said that she preferred to be called Patsy. I can't be sure about that though. To spread the distribution of this video world wide it probably should have some sort of translator attached, that could translate into most languages. I think many fans would like to know what was said. I know I would!
Isn’t there a way to use google translate on this?
In another interview of ČT in 2019 She said her favorite is Italy, italian, food, art, music, architecture, fashion, city Rome. and belcanto romantic style of music.And in some video she said she likes Rossini. She was listening classic music since 4 years old, because her father was working in Ostrava orchestra. She was pretending doing Opera. Parents put her to musical school for kids. She was singing since 6 years old solo songs. In 8 years old she wanted to sing harder style of music but teacher lady told her she cant sing harder songs, but she started singing harder songs in age of 9. Her mother is a educato in elementary school. She said she was singing in musical as curiosity, but she wants to do Opera, because its close to her voice. Rock, pop isnt for her voice.
@@alaalfa8839 Thank'S for your support!
Yes, - very much so. This girl is so very talented, expressive and precise. Destined for the stratosphere !
Until subtitles are available non-czech speakers can jump to 23:00 where Patricia performs Song to the moon.
Te echaremos mucho de menos Patricia. DEP.
Pan Polák je skvělý moderátor, tady to dokazuje, byl skvěle připraven na rozhovor jako profík
To jeho skákání do řeči se nedalo vydržet, musel jsem to vypnout.
@@lumpichu suhlasim... velmi malo priestoru pre patriciu, vlastne si sjizdeli jej zivotopis. Mne to teda vobec nesadlo, k tomu na rozhovor s nou som sa tesila. Co uz. Mohla som to vypnut skor ako sem vypisovat blbinky, viem:D
mal to bzt royhovor s Patriciou ale vzyeralo to viac ako obcas preruseny monolog.....Nedalo sa to pozerat
Skvelý moderátor, profík v skákaní do reči!
I would like to know her language Patricia !
Mi piacerebbe un sacco parlare la tua lingua , Patricia !
Cuánto me gustaría dominar el checo , Patricia !
Queria muito ouvir a intrevista
...mas não entendo nada 🤔
Bom...mas um bj do Brasil 💚💛
She's beautiful and charming, yes. I don't need subtitles to tell me that.
Trapnou otázku si mohl moderátor odpustit.
Patka was not the only musician to die young. Mozart, Schubert and Gershwin passed away while they were in their thirties.
Sou fã da saudosa Patricia, porem merecemos respeito, pois não tem legenda em Portuges BR.Que pana
Thank you for sharing. Please add subtitles as I don't speak the languish. God bless Patricia.
I wish there were English subtitles.
18:45 maravilloso!
Didn't know what you said, but loved what you sang.
Anjelik v nebi.
Igazságtalan az élet. Ilyen Angyal 10 000 000 évenként jön a földre, kár hogy ilyen rövid időre jöttél közénk....
Zivot nie je fer...
Ah, Patricia!
не изучал чешского языка, но половину понял ))) Сюрприз, однако
Я тоже )))
@@amitblagow8297 moje slova, moje slova
@@Tryaldar pár slov v slovenčine, to áno
J'étais très content de trouver sur youtube avec Patricia 🌺
Mais c'est en Tchéc. J'aurais aimé en anglais car je n'ai rien compris, hélas....
Would someone please provide a translation for this interview I would love to hear it!
I did translate the whole interview, unfortunately it seems it is not allowed to add subtitles to this video or I simply cannot do that.
@@vaclavsubrt5474 thank you very much for trying maybe we'll find some other way to understand it thank you
@Boodysaspie Yes, I still have it in .xls format
@@vaclavsubrt5474 Can you please post the translation in the comments?
Part II 3:45 - 7:42
M: Are you competitive?
P: No.
M: (Reads the list of all contests she took part in, mostly winning first place.) So, why are you telling me you are not competitive?
P: Because the first contest Talentmánia in my childhood was a bit foolery of me, the second one was purely aimed at Baroque music, so it was a bit limited there, and the third one in Karlovy Vary…I think there was a breaking point where I realized that I am not competitive, because first of all I didn't win there as in the previous ones...
M: It sucks…
P: I won third place in Karlovy Vary and one minor award and since I haven't taken place in any such contest because I don't need to experience that states of mind again…all that competition, singers…I am not saying they are ugly to each other, definitely not, but something is in the air that is not utterly pleasant for me. Anyway, I will be contesting in the future again, but not soon.
M: But it definitely helped you in your career?
P: Yes, definitely.
M: You know, I thought opera singers learn singing on music academy. You sang since you were 4 years old…and when I saw you in Talentmania…how old were you?
P: Twelve.
M: Twelwe and it came to me you were alerady an accomplished opera singer.
P: No, really not.
M: So you accomplished it that sooner, or..?
P: I started to sing when I was four as any other child. Lots of children sing in Choirs or attend lessons.
M: Course, but anyway, in 12 to sing that way? Did you take lessons day and night or how is it possible you sang that good already in 12?
P: It's because I have musical background. My dad is double bass player in Jánáčkova philharmonic, so at home we had or still have variety of CDs, most of all classical music, so as a curious child I were listening to all that stuff and I think the first opera voice I heard was that of Andrea Boccelli and even if it was masculine voice I liked it and started to imitate it, the sound...the opera "something"...and then I attended music lessons where I had to sing by schedule, folk songs and so on. But it was not enough for me and I got bored a little.
M: May be, I know what you are talking about. In Academy we also had to sing folk songs on exams (reciting the song he had to sing). Desperately boring, so I understand you were not much into folk songs too.
P: I don't think that folk songs are boring after all but I wanted to sing something more difficult but my teacher forbid it to me because of my age and the schedule she had to follow. But it was not enough for me and I told at home that it doesn't interest me any more and I don't want to continue going there, so my parents logged me out and I wrote to Theater Choir led by Lenka Živocká, I was around 9 at that time, I came there, sing...I forgot what it was...just something...and she took me immediately.
M: It was like...Ha, talent!!
P: Something like that, yes.
No puc creure que has marchat. Estas fent un viatge llarc, pro segur que tornará aviat. Et necesitem t, estimem. Visca Patricia, visca Catalonia. Tot_hom t, estima molt. ❤🎉❤🎉❤🎉
Patricia until baby wonderful actualy you ara mire than a beatiful woman congratulation l hobe see you at mexico city we love you
Moderátor něco skutečně příšerného.
Súhlas, strašný!
Nejstrašnější je, že to není jen moderátor, ale herec Národního divadla moravskoslezského. To je o to strašnější, že školený divadelní člověk má tak děsnou rétoriku.
Mluvite mi z duse. Byla to spise inscenace jeho samotneho. To skakani do reci a otazka kvuli panenstvi nebyly na miste!
Damy se na to ptal pubertak s velikym ego!
@evam309 Pak jdi pryč.
Nežila zbytočne a stihla toho oveľa viac ako väčšina ľudí. Pekné spomienky zostanú.
I can see there are people from abroad. Challange for some Czech (or Slovak) in quarantine: Make subtiteles so not only us, but also people from abroad can enjoy this interwiew. I dont have the skill, but I bet there is someone who can and who has the time!
Excellent idea for those of us who just understand a little Czech.
On that note, if we wish to learn more of Czech language do you recommend key phrases or everything?
Thanks very much.
Try the language app Duolingo. They have an excellent course which I have been following for six months, and I can understand most of this now.
@Kala Tarrack, thank you that is an excellent recommendation, I shall check into it.
drat my english translate did not work - love love Patricia anyhow
Are you able to upload a version of this with English Subtitles please ?
You can find one on 'La Celestia - Patricia Janeckova', a site which lists every public performance given by Patricia, with links to videos where available, and includes several interviews. I hesitate to provide a link, as it may cause this comment to be removed.
English captions would be nice
R. E. S. P. E. K. T
23:00 Patricia Janečková
hay alguna traduccion de la entrevista ????
You can find a version with English subtitles on 'La Celestia - Patricia Janeckova', a site which lists every public performance given by Patricia, with links to videos where available, and includes several interviews. I hesitate to provide a link, as it may cause this comment to be removed.
Kde bych mohl najít záznam, jak Patricie zpívá Dělám stojky? :)
Vím, že je to součástí Silvestra 2019 a celý záznam večera, kde Patricie zpívá hned několikrát a nakonci vyšvihne i Dělám stojky a Proud Mary je k dipozici na Mirplay.
Páni. Jí si pamatuji ještě ze základky. Je sestra mé bývalé spolužačky. Málem bych ji ani nepoznal.
I have no idea what they are saying, but she is still wonderful to watch. Is it just me or is the guy annoying because he seems to keep talking over her???
I thought it seemed like typical style of interview?
All of these guys (And women) who are professional "interviewers" seem to do this...repeatedly talking over the person opposite them. They seem to forget that it is NOT all about Them! Very annoying, but it will probably Never change. Patricia was Very gracious to sit through this with her "trademark" beautiful smile, and give a great interview. She gives back as good as she gets. 💖💕