Seriously when are documentary producers going to accept that mammals never wiped out the terror birds? Not to mention the whole idea of “mammalian cunning” making mammals “superior” is also discredited nowadays, especially when it comes to birds.
Tampoco hay certeza de que las aves del terror fueran depredadores tope, se asume por su tamaño y nadie aún desacredita la superioridad mamiferiana sobre las aves, confundes teoría e hipótesis con hechos, y muchos mamíferos, especialmente depredadores que coexistieron con las aves del terror siguen aquí, ellas no y es por algo.
@@jonathanmunozespinoza The idea of mammalian superiority was based on false assumptions and a fundamental misunderstanding of evolution to start with. Plenty of mammals have also gone extinct, that doesn’t make them “inferior”.
Seriously when are documentary producers going to accept that mammals never wiped out the terror birds? Not to mention the whole idea of “mammalian cunning” making mammals “superior” is also discredited nowadays, especially when it comes to birds.
Tampoco hay certeza de que las aves del terror fueran depredadores tope, se asume por su tamaño y nadie aún desacredita la superioridad mamiferiana sobre las aves, confundes teoría e hipótesis con hechos, y muchos mamíferos, especialmente depredadores que coexistieron con las aves del terror siguen aquí, ellas no y es por algo.
The idea of mammalian superiority was based on false assumptions and a fundamental misunderstanding of evolution to start with.
Plenty of mammals have also gone extinct, that doesn’t make them “inferior”.
look at those two birds and tell me that is not a courtship dance
The T-rex of the birds.
The terror birds are done dirty in this documentary, but at least they look gorgeous