Doni: "He's lost his mind. He says this would be good for our resume. He things we're gonna get a job as Dweller Hunters!" Liger: "That doesn't exist! Ha ha! What a nerd." Kiply, Pepper and Quiff: **Classic Scooby Doo music as they run from the latest Dweller they were HIRED to take out** = = = = Squad should do some research. They aren't the only ones out here fighting monsters. Also cross over with Kiply's crew and Liger's would be lit~
They are confused that Lynnix doesn’t have the diamonds, but I remember thinking back when they were at the portal that it looked like he threw them in lava.
they're all 'minecraft noobs' aka really ultra stupid, they have gold and netherite and don't know, they just die, they never make a base they never wanted this to be a series, theh want this to be 1 time video and never again because of being clout runners. etc. its so clear to see its like the moble game adds where the person is mentally regect. liger doni and lynix are defective.
why? suspense? they don't even know how netherite works, its like a horror film where the protagonist walks into super knife field land with no second thought not even to grab one.
why do you say this, you like watching blind idiots fumble? they're not compelling as PEOPLE. it's all the curses of a scripted video without the value of actually having a script they failed gaming and theater class with E'S in this video.
The reason because there was food all over the floor was because, the lore of the monster is it eats passive mobs like sheep, pigs, and chickens and others too, and it leaves random holes in the ground sometimes and lurks in it's caves, if you happened to have a dog, I think the monster will take it, and yes this mod is made based off alpha horrors
MAH BOI LIGER Ich liebe der super-toll, nett, klug, fantastich und lustig Liger. Ich bin im Juni mit dem Reisenbus nach Freiburg im Breisgau gefahren. ICH LIEBE DEUTSCHLAND! (I'm still studying German)
Just so you know One month ago, remember bionic came to your house. He went onto that server of yours that says do not join. I should not be saying this.
0.00 seconds in already a banger
Lol i was first
Are you stupid
Bros walking is crazy anyways I’m so happy he posted w LIGER!!!!
Doni: "He's lost his mind. He says this would be good for our resume. He things we're gonna get a job as Dweller Hunters!"
Liger: "That doesn't exist! Ha ha! What a nerd."
Kiply, Pepper and Quiff: **Classic Scooby Doo music as they run from the latest Dweller they were HIRED to take out**
= = = =
Squad should do some research. They aren't the only ones out here fighting monsters. Also cross over with Kiply's crew and Liger's would be lit~
This video is actually crazy,so many crazy moments, always a banger video
They are confused that Lynnix doesn’t have the diamonds, but I remember thinking back when they were at the portal that it looked like he threw them in lava.
Its crazy he did😂
He did😂
Liger is the goat man who else loves him?
I love him to he's my idol
Liger, Doni and Lynix. The "unstoppable" trio.
big back big back
they're all 'minecraft noobs' aka really ultra stupid, they have gold and netherite and don't know, they just die, they never make a base they never wanted this to be a series, theh want this to be 1 time video and never again because of being clout runners. etc. its so clear to see its like the moble game adds where the person is mentally regect. liger doni and lynix are defective.
Big black big black
That's not nice
@@suki-or8wm ooooo someone got my comment deleted ooooooooo
ur guys upload schedule is goated
dying after 12 minutes is insane work
Omg this vid is amazing!! Keep it up, you should do more horror mods with doni and lyric. Also earllyyyy
why? suspense? they don't even know how netherite works, its like a horror film where the protagonist walks into super knife field land with no second thought not even to grab one.
@@crusher9z9bro used chatgpt
Yo Liger making another banger
why do you say this, you like watching blind idiots fumble? they're not compelling as PEOPLE. it's all the curses of a scripted video without the value of actually having a script they failed gaming and theater class with E'S in this video.
Usually long videos aren't entertaining but this one was good W liger
That tiny red circle on that creature’s shoulder really helped me to better decipher what this video may be about.
The way they where running 😂😂 0:04
Love you liger ❤️
i swear this is one of the craziest vids recently💀
Ive been watching u guys lynix, liger and doni for 6 months ❤
13:13 please somebody show me what he did or i’m gonna die unpeacefully
I thought he would take another month thanks for blessing us with 3 1HOUR VIDEOS
“So they are corrupt they’re like politicians :)” -Top ten wise Liger quotes
21:23 I was about to comment "can doni speak like GRU"
The reason because there was food all over the floor was because, the lore of the monster is it eats passive mobs like sheep, pigs, and chickens and others too, and it leaves random holes in the ground sometimes and lurks in it's caves, if you happened to have a dog, I think the monster will take it, and yes this mod is made based off alpha horrors
0:00 bananas and apples
Not banana and apple
Banana apple and nut
"oh yea it was me,my bad" 😂😂
I came directly after watching you guys in the backrooms video. Please do a Backrooms part 2 with a different map!
Good vid man
"oh its fine" gets blown up 1 second later 0:33
Hi liger I love your videos
0:40 the arms 💀
"They are corrupt, they're like politicians" 💀💀
0:00 is alr perfect good video
What do you think of kweblekop being with jelly now?
imagine donibobes backshooting liger and lynix
liger u are the best i love you from the bottom of my heart
Bro that jump scare was crazy tho
Lynix definitely threw those diamonds in the lava at the ruined portal
18:21 was beautiful
The ending is insane
Oh no its liger my boy
Yayayayay 2am and liger video 😼 night is going to be crazy
Do a surviving Jurassic World in Minecraft video.
wait, Liger, is that grey i'm seeing in your beard? bro me too! i don't feel so old no mo
"Oh yeah my bad"
Im always 2 steps ahead
wrong video
45:06 the weird Steve thingy can't get to us anymore 45:27
Enderman attack you dark
Liger uploaded hold ooooon
Will the goat reply . Pls your my favourite TH-camr
Ich liebe der super-toll, nett, klug, fantastich und lustig Liger.
Ich bin im Juni mit dem Reisenbus nach Freiburg im Breisgau gefahren. ICH LIEBE DEUTSCHLAND!
(I'm still studying German)
liger is my childhood
45:26 scared the hell outta me 💀
The ender man looking like an dweller
27:41 eleven.. WHAT???
35:17 doni: im not going with you guys
5 mins later he is the first one to go in💀
Liger can you do a mukbang of eating milk and tofu and beans and some pink sauce
10:49 ain’t no way you pass that creepy ahh cross💀
7:36 they ignored the orange stone
PLEASE play minecraft alpha 0.0.0!
Me being surprised Lynix is also a Leo and year of the snake. 😮😂
HOD ON!!🔥🔥
Yessir we have already found a vid 1 hour ago
Any updates on the pred?
Lynix dropped the diamond onto the lava back in the ruined portal
*oh yeah it was me my bad* got me laughing 🤣😂🤣
15.34 bonc and camman be like : ewwwwwwwwwww birch
Hi guys
Diamond fishing tine 24:41
Love this account smmm
Bro I watch ligers videos when I eat
hi ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its liger my boy yeay
10:49 ... Dirt.....,
Yo liger !!!!!!!!!
Just so you know One month ago, remember bionic came to your house. He went onto that server of yours that says do not join. I should not be saying this.
I like how he build in alpha 1.2.6 a birch boat, obviously real
Yea no Ur just an idiot He Said He put an alpha mod in the newest version So shut it.
Linixity trow the diamonds in the lava
liger lynix throwd the diamonds in the lava
Ligerrrrrr I'm bigggg fann
What is that mod when they run like that ima need that now
5641 Harris Extension
they didnt know that you cant run in alpha
tell doni happy birthday
I want og liger back
Fuck yeah, another Liger upload 🤟 ❤
What your fucking language, there are little fucking children watching!!!
@@wafflemanmp.4 truly.
0:07 bro liger dumb that the first animation of walking
1:00 enderman giving me a heart attack is crazy
Liger is 24 years old lyinix 23 year doni
30 years old 😊