It’s refreshing to hear your candid views of mixed marriage. I also married a foreigner, so I can relate to most your concerns & lifestyle differences, but we’ve been together for 30 years now, so it’s working out great for us :) Thanks for sharing !!!
Wonderful story,Mike 老师。我在爱尔兰,我老公是爱尔兰人,我觉得你说的很对,只要两个人相爱,哪个国家真的不重要。祝你们全家幸福!我的儿子已经17岁了,看到你的baby想起他小时候的样子。Enjoy the baby now. He will grow up very quickly. Best of Luck!
I can tell that you changed your mind because you have the sense of learning and observing. And for people who like to learn and observe, they get to have more understanding about certain things, and become more "matured" in their thoughts. I have seen lots of people who think they are the superior and just cannot accept the differences and the values of other cultures. Too bad that they never even bother to come out from their "shells". Good to see people like you who are willing to share the valuable experience.👍
I really appreciate your disclaimer on generalization at 1:39. I've seen many other TH-cam videos turned into a 20min of stereotypes & over-generalization. Your video here is really unique
I am a Chines woman and my boyfriend is an American guy. We have different habits. He likes skiing, car racing but I like watching movies, hiking, etc. He likes greasy and fatty food but I like Chinese food. He likes football a lot but I am more a fan of soccer.He does not know too much about China , either. But we have a strong connection. We always do things that both of us enjoy doing. For the food part, I always cook Chinese American food when we eat together. Overall our relationship is sweet. ❤️
Haha my wife is also from hubei, doesn't like to be recorded, and pretty much everything else you described lol. I'm also conservative and super happy about our decision. Been married for almost 8 years with three wonderful children. Good luck in Shanghai, hope everything works out safely for you and your family. Her parents helped with our first two kids while we were in China. That was so great!
OMG! Currently, I have the same concerns as you mentioned! It's really a dilemma for me now and in the past two years in Aus. I try to prevent myself from overthinking this issue by focusing on my English study; however, this stress (pressure) is still there.
I married with an American guy. We have so many differences. However, he is a hardworking, dependable man which is what l value most. Right now, we have a happy life
Hq Zhou He married you because you are easy. Everyone knows that we prefer to marry someone of our own kind. He is a loser and can’t find a Caucasian mate. That why he chose you.
Vice versa, it is likely that l cannot find a Chinese man to get married since l am a single mom with one kid. Chinese men are very picky:they want beautiful, young, unmarried girls. Women like me never have chance to get married again.
Thanks for sharing your story. I felt the same when I first moved to the U.S. about marrying an american man. Then all the reasons don’t matter anymore after I met my husband. People are people no matter where you are from.
Sometimes you have to get in it so that you can know the real situation. I do think people in China and in the US have a lot of differences, but meanwhile they also have a lot in common. Unlike some peple in China, I think you show the great respect of women and you are quite patient with your wife and her parents.
I am Taiwanese. My wife is Filipino. We met in Taiwan when she worked in here 16 years ago. I have the same feeling with you. I was worry too much but now I am so happy to live with my wife.
it not a big problem if two people love each other and try to understand their cultural and custom. it is not hard as we thought, just to open mind. bless you and your family Teacher Mike.
Thank you for sharing your story. All cultures are different but the core human needs and feelings are the same. I wish you and your family all the best.
I just celebrated our 14th anniversary with my Austrian man. We toasted and said to each other-- it was not too bad so far! 哈哈,很多culture crashes but make our days interesting! We are the Same!
I feel so happy to listen to your this piece of video. People have different opinion, sometimes even bitterness, just because they don't understand others. Only if you open your mind and are ready to meet and mingle, then you will found all people, no matter which country are they from, they are basically not too much different from you. we all love our family. There is really more commons than differences. Only if politicians and medias are less aggressive, the world will be more harmonic and livable.
Hi Mike, I bumped into your video randomly while working from home (dealing with the shelter-in-place in Cali). What an awesome video, and I really like your honesty and speak what's in your mind. I can tell that you're going to have a good marriage as your mindset is, believe it or not, close to Chinese culture, such as willing to adapt, faithfulness and the like. Your kid is cute too! Take care and keep the videos going. Take care!
This month students from Hubei study for free!!! 这个月来自湖北的学生免费上课!
我的【电影口语课】2月16号开课。报名或咨询请也添加微信: realmikeus5。2个直播课,24个视频课,2个复习课,149人民币。
Wish you all the things good. Love your vedioes.
說得真好。祝您一直幸福。 07/20/2024
Robinson Bright 真是个好男人🧍♂️!
@王全真 都什么年代了,你他妈回火星吧
@王全真 别出来丢人现眼
王全真 那你干嘛还辛辛苦苦翻墙用外国人做的视频网站,还不滚回墙内?!少出来丢人现眼!
王全真 你辛辛苦苦翻墙出来干什么我真的没兴趣知道也没兴趣管你,但是你的确是要先管好你自己别出来丢人现眼!就是你这样的人真的把中国人的脸都丢尽了!你还好意思?!
祝你们婚姻幸福,很高兴看到你们这样的mix family, 是世界美好的一面。 我们是中法家庭,希望我们的孩子们将来能为世界的和平相处做些贡献。
International marriage is for people who are willing to fully embrace different cultures. Wish these people the best.
孩子很可爱.喜欢保守派的婚姻. 这样才是对子女最好的教育.👍
Lisa 美国佬滚粗中国
Callwall Yu 你有毒吧
@@callwallyu4565 ?????
@@callwallyu4565 @Teacher Mike 看见这个评论你应该知道了:世界上有各式各样的人,但傻逼总是一样!
It’s refreshing to hear your candid views of mixed marriage. I also married a foreigner, so I can relate to most your concerns & lifestyle differences, but we’ve been together for 30 years now, so it’s working out great for us :) Thanks for sharing !!!
我认为寻找爱人的过程,就是寻找真正自己的过程!! 两个人真正的爱情,就是基于两个人是否愿意为对方改变。
Raymond luo l
我的岳父岳母帮我把孩子带到4岁 真的很感激他们
Wonderful story,Mike 老师。我在爱尔兰,我老公是爱尔兰人,我觉得你说的很对,只要两个人相爱,哪个国家真的不重要。祝你们全家幸福!我的儿子已经17岁了,看到你的baby想起他小时候的样子。Enjoy the baby now. He will grow up very quickly. Best of Luck!
The reason is very simple, you fall in love with that woman, and she happens to be a Chinese.
Nah man they're easy for whites 🤣🤣
My husband and I have been married for 16 years and we are still together! Two kids together. American husband and Chinese wife :)
green Choux 语言是用来交流的,不用用来改错的。阅读理解都跑题,还说别人。
@@qy6061 这个我赞同你
@@qy6061 语言不说不好 很难好的交流 ,连自己的本意都表达不好 怎么交流?靠body language吗?
Apollo leo 那是你低估人类理解能力的差异,觉得讲同一个语言就通了。
讲不通的人,说同一个语言也不通。愿意理解你的人,body language也愿意去了解。
I watched this video few months ago. I do not know why, but I had the feeling that I would like to watch it again. fantastic video, very meaningful.
Congratulations, Teacher Mike. Enjoy your life in China, I hope everything goes well for your family.
宝宝好可爱哦!祝麦克老师家庭幸福 !开心快乐每一天!
I can tell that you changed your mind because you have the sense of learning and observing. And for people who like to learn and observe, they get to have more understanding about certain things, and become more "matured" in their thoughts. I have seen lots of people who think they are the superior and just cannot accept the differences and the values of other cultures. Too bad that they never even bother to come out from their "shells". Good to see people like you who are willing to share the valuable experience.👍
I really appreciate your disclaimer on generalization at 1:39. I've seen many other TH-cam videos turned into a 20min of stereotypes & over-generalization. Your video here is really unique
I am a Chines woman and my boyfriend is an American guy. We have different habits. He likes skiing, car racing but I like watching movies, hiking, etc. He likes greasy and fatty food but I like Chinese food. He likes football a lot but I am more a fan of soccer.He does not know too much about China , either. But we have a strong connection. We always do things that both of us enjoy doing. For the food part, I always cook Chinese American food when we eat together. Overall our relationship is sweet. ❤️
He is gonna use you and then adios amigos you idiot
内容生活化,文化差异化,字幕很棒!生活英语豁然开朗!走心了,从不评论的人,首次评论。感谢Mike !!!
Haha my wife is also from hubei, doesn't like to be recorded, and pretty much everything else you described lol. I'm also conservative and super happy about our decision. Been married for almost 8 years with three wonderful children. Good luck in Shanghai, hope everything works out safely for you and your family. Her parents helped with our first two kids while we were in China. That was so great!
You are great to share your experience👍👍
OMG! Currently, I have the same concerns as you mentioned! It's really a dilemma for me now and in the past two years in Aus. I try to prevent myself from overthinking this issue by focusing on my English study; however, this stress (pressure) is still there.
Thanks for sharing, I'm in love with an American migrant too, its helpful to understand ur perspective.
Teacher Mike is very brave . But love overcomes all obstacles. Hope the two of you live happily ever after.
I married with an American guy. We have so many differences. However, he is a hardworking, dependable man which is what l value most. Right now, we have a happy life
Hq Zhou He married you because you are easy. Everyone knows that we prefer to marry someone of our own kind. He is a loser and can’t find a Caucasian mate. That why he chose you.
Hq Zhou Sorry. That might hurt your feelings but it is indeed truth
Vice versa, it is likely that l cannot find a Chinese man to get married since l am a single mom with one kid. Chinese men are very picky:they want beautiful, young, unmarried girls. Women like me never have chance to get married again.
I never thought to marry “Lao wai” either, until I met my husband.☺️
Thanks for sharing your story. I felt the same when I first moved to the U.S. about marrying an american man. Then all the reasons don’t matter anymore after I met my husband. People are people no matter where you are from.
Good to have you sharing your personal views with us. Best wishes to you and your family in Shanghai.
It is not the nationality, it’s really is the person who you love.
Yes, it's true. A Malaysian married a German guy for 20 years. 大家加油,互相理解,互相尊重。
It's meaningful to see how one's preference about marriage could change over time.
Excellent and so informative and honest, just found your channel, will certainly watch all, thanks
Sometimes you have to get in it so that you can know the real situation. I do think people in China and in the US have a lot of differences, but meanwhile they also have a lot in common. Unlike some peple in China, I think you show the great respect of women and you are quite patient with your wife and her parents.
Yeah, truthfully you love who you love man. Glad that you found happiness. CONGRATS.
太太長得純真美麗👍 與單純、善良的美國男士很絕配。願上帝祝福你們一家!
I’m glad that there’s a lot of the same values between our countries in people
恭喜MIKE老师:可爱的小孩 与太太价值观一致 并祝喜乐平安幸福!
I like how you talked about the generalization part at the beginning, which avoided my judging comments hahaha.
I am Taiwanese. My wife is Filipino. We met in Taiwan when she worked in here 16 years ago. I have the same feeling with you. I was worry too much but now I am so happy to live with my wife.
上善若水 也可以加的
All your points are so honest, it's all about everyone's experience, glad you and your wife found each other, stay in happy marriage.
it not a big problem if two people love each other and try to understand their cultural and custom. it is not hard as we thought, just to open mind. bless you and your family Teacher Mike.
Thank you for sharing your story. All cultures are different but the core human needs and feelings are the same.
I wish you and your family all the best.
I just celebrated our 14th anniversary with my Austrian man. We toasted and said to each other-- it was not too bad so far! 哈哈,很多culture crashes but make our days interesting! We are the Same!
你可以选择不结婚的,这个在国外很常见,有的人孩子三四个,也有可能跟不同女人的,他们都没有管过孩子,好多六七十了,说有几个孩子,四个,但十几年至几十年都没一个孩子看过他,所以你看到的是,他经常一个人坐在阳台的躺椅上发呆。这就是因果。但你要结婚就要负起相应的责任。当然也有的好多外国人是其乐融融的,这个在中国也一样,这种东西不分国界和种族的。感情是相互的,不论是对子女还是你的长辈,你心里对他们有爱,他们才会感受到,从而对你才会有爱。 好多外国人在中国定居就是喜欢中国的这种氛围,而我到他们这来只是为挣钱,因我的家在中国。中国人的家国情怀很重,相对的他们的这方面很淡。但人类社会属性是群居的从咱们是动物开始一直到现在,没有一个人喜欢天天把自己圈在屋子里,天天一个人的,大部份人都喜欢朋友呀,孩子呀,家人呀的……我身边的好友外国人现在都向往中国这样的大家庭生活,而且相对于国人,当地人我感觉很简单,更容易交往!当然见的你这样中国也有不少,多多交往,多多了解就好了……
尤其是还都习惯于各自以自我为中心... 我感觉中国的离婚率会比GDP总量更早超越美国
吕游 在中国 结婚是倆家人的事 肯定就比两个人要复杂 出问题的概率就高 这是必然的
YT just recommended this to me. I have previously watched your quarantined videos
I feel like your being a friend. You are honest, friendly to your audiences.
這都是你和你的妻子的婚姻緣份。一般來有緣千里來相會。朋友,同事,甚至路人也如此。祝福你們愛河永浴,百年好和! 祝福你們!
Thank you teacher Mike🙏🏻🙏🏻Your baby is so cute🥰🥰🥰Love to see your channel💕💕
You are right you are great 麦克老师愿你和你的老婆一生一世相爱到永久!
I feel so happy to listen to your this piece of video. People have different opinion, sometimes even bitterness, just because they don't understand others. Only if you open your mind and are ready to meet and mingle, then you will found all people, no matter which country are they from, they are basically not too much different from you. we all love our family. There is really more commons than differences. Only if politicians and medias are less aggressive, the world will be more harmonic and livable.
哈哈哈 Mike老师想的好深远呀..宝宝好萌。
Such an honest and truthful man!
Hi Mike, I bumped into your video randomly while working from home (dealing with the shelter-in-place in Cali). What an awesome video, and I really like your honesty and speak what's in your mind. I can tell that you're going to have a good marriage as your mindset is, believe it or not, close to Chinese culture, such as willing to adapt, faithfulness and the like. Your kid is cute too! Take care and keep the videos going. Take care!
On your son’s face I can imagine how beautiful your wife is 😄
点赞 不是因为你的观点 而是我居然看懂了你写的话 哈哈
mixed race more beautiful, maybe mother doesnt look that beautiful so she doesnt want to show up ?
@@fans8142 反正看孩子我覺得很難想象麥克老師老婆的樣子,不過我也不好奇,覺得人家幸福開心就好,出不出鏡無所謂。
@@天天撩发骚年狂 🤣🤣🤣 lol you nailed it