slight historical issue with their price is right 1986 sketch, the video game crash of 1983 soured atari for alot of people since it caused the market crash, and the nes and sega master system were out by then with 8bit processing, so there is no reason for there to be an atari 2600 from 1979 in 1986. and on a side note martha stewart was in business since 1967 and was well known by the 80s, so slight misrepresentation there. regardless madtv remains the best of the sketch shows
slight historical issue with their price is right 1986 sketch, the video game crash of 1983 soured atari for alot of people since it caused the market crash, and the nes and sega master system were out by then with 8bit processing, so there is no reason for there to be an atari 2600 from 1979 in 1986. and on a side note martha stewart was in business since 1967 and was well known by the 80s, so slight misrepresentation there. regardless madtv remains the best of the sketch shows
It’s a comedy show. Get a life already.
And as of Jeffery Dahmer, long story.