Happiness EP 9-10 reaction by Koreans! Andrew's identity revealed 😳
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- Hey Duchkus!
Happiness episode 9-10 was full of surprises. literally.
Not just with plot twists but with all the grotesque scenes HELP
But it's just so fun we can't stop watching!!!
What do you guys think will happen in the last two episode? Share them in the comments below!
#HanHyoJoo #ParkHyungSik #KDRAMA
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11-12회 리액션 영상 기다리고 있어요ㅠㅠ여기 드라마 리액션 맛집이에요!!!
i forgot that some people can actually watch these without subtitles 😭
this show is seriously so good, definitely in my top 5
mihye, actually who are u? why u are always can predicted the plot of k-drama? 쩐다! 멋져 👍🏻
pliss,iam waiting 2 last episode!!!
i missed you guys.. and i just realized today that i was not subscribed to this channel. So I just subscribed and watched all the new happiness reactions and am waiting for the 11-12. FIGHTING!!
I really don’t want to see PHS all madman rabied out 😰 Let them eventually have some HAPPINESS please!!!!!!!!!! Love this series regardless. We humans are the real virus! Message received writernim!
This is a perfect reward after 8 hours of modules.....thank you guyzzz
언니들이 다음 ep11,12영상 언제 볼 수 있어~기다리고 있어요~~
You guys missed Yi-Hyun's bloody hand caressing Sae-bom. The anxiety I have for next episode. 😭
AHHH so excited for their reaction to ep 11 and 12!!!!
i waiting reaction ep11&12 !!!!!!!!!
5:10 that scene tho 😭😭😭, i really love him so much as hyun and hyungsik
I really love your reactions, how it feels like to have a korean friend.
I'm waiting for your reaction on ep 11 & 12
waiting for last ep reaction .u guys should also try our beloved summer
Seriously, the Episode 10 will be the most terrifying Episode that I've watched. IT MADE ME STARE AT MY WALL FOR A MINUTES OH LORD
Waiting here for your reactions on finale episode😁
I'm waiting for the reaction of the last two episodes💗
진짜 오랜만에 리액션 또 보러 왔어요 ㅋㅋㅋ 박형식 몸도 잘 쓰고 액션도 잘해서 검색해봤는데 SDT 출신이더라고요... 특임대에서 군복무했대요!!
Waiting for days. Thanks for your reaction. Really enjoyed watching the two of you…
I was waiting for your reaction and then it pop up on my notification tap. Oh gosh!! It’s made my day. Your reaction always made me smile even the serious scenes because we all had the same react, that’s so funny. I said many words same with you when I watched it alone like “Are you crazy?” “Nooooo” “I scared but I want to know” etc. LAMO
You are so funny, I’m so happy to watch you!
I hope that it ends well, only 2 eps…
Still waiting for ep 11/12😌
You guys do such a good job in reviewing Happiness ...Watching happiness and eating Pizza that's the best..👍👍👍
Seriously, i will not be able to eat while watching Happiness 😂
I honestly believe with all my heart that Andrew is actually the guy who was the victim of the 'murder' that hyungshik was called to investigate in ep 1.
That’s an excellent theory!
Love the reaction vids!!! Wish you happiness and this drama's ending 🙏
Started with PHS on the rooftop and about to end there too😭 i NEED Sae Beom to save him this time too
When you guys gonna react to the last two episodes
girls still waiting for the next reaction video.
Been waiting for u guys reacrion!
I'm waiting I'm excited if you react to 11-12
I want to believe Sae Boom will save Yi Hyun at the end but I dont want to be disappointed😢
I was waiting for this💕😍
10:35 I agree!!!! 1000% agree!❤️ Han Tae-seok is so damn hot 🔥
Ohmyyyygod. U guys reaction is so good at the same time funny.. I already subscribed to your channel. I'm now waiting to your reaction guys to the last eps of ths kdramaaa. Pls upload it already😤 hahahaha 🥰
Those residents are the exact opposite of "Geumga Plaza" people from Vincenzo. I know that there is no comparison but both of them were suffering, one is from a virus and the other from babel.
진짜 너무 기다리고있어요~~
Pliss do reaction for our beloved summer..you two will love it ✊🏼
빨리 보고 싶어요~~ㅋㅋ
Waiting to continue jirisan⛰️
Waiting for your reaction on 10-11 episode. When will it come? 🥺. Domu khidarhee
mihye are you sure you did not take part in writing the series? all of your theories makes sense! thank you for your review as always!!!
먹방 소리가 드라마 상황하고 너무 어울리는;;
다음은 최종화니까 영상 좀 더 길게 찍어 주면 안돼요?
Since the next video is for the last episodes, can you shoot a longer video? 🙏🏻😊
5:17 what's the songs name
can't wait for this weekend. we want to know the ending...
It was not a good idea to watch ep 10 right before bed 😂
You are right. Andrew just a psychopath who killed his victim and collect their id... but ughhhh we dont need psychopath in middle of zombie apocalypse
both the reverend and the supermarket girl were not bitten in episode 7 because they are already infected😵
Can you react to 11-12 episode
The amount of times she touched her hair and flipped it….!!! About a hundred times
Should i watch or not? Bcz i haven't wahtchef episode 9 & 10
Title is happiness please give us happy ending🙏
they better give me a happy ending😭
에피소드 11-12 plss에 반응하고 빠르게
I so love your reaction! Please react on MY NAME too please!!!
기다리는데 막화는 리액션 안하낭???
@@DUCKHUTV 목 빠지겠으~~~ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
react to ep 11-12 quick please !!!
Remember how the show started with PHS’ character falling off the building and surviving? What if it ends with him jumping off the apartment roof and dying? 😭
Please react to the last two episodes of Happiness! I love watching your reaction videos.
11-12에 응답하십시오
Could you guys film reactions to the BTS videos?
omg! omg!
se hoon was so kind and cute, my heart aches 💔
Im so sad
I'm waiting for the reaction of the last two episodes 💗
I'm waiting for the reaction of the last two episodes 💗