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Danse Macabre is a symphonic poem written in 1875. It is also the name of a new attraction just opened on Halloween at a Dutch theme park called Efteling. Epica were asked to do a music video to celebrate the opening of the attraction.
I should have added that they used the original Danse Macabre music and added their own lyrics. This same music has been used over the years as theme music for TV series and all sorts.
This is based on Danse Macabre by Camille Saint Saens written in 1874. The music is being used at a new attraction called Danse Macabre at Efteling, a Fantasy-themed amusement park in Kaatsheuvel, the Netherlands. Think of the style of The Haunted Mansion at Disney. The contact lenses reflect one of the characters in the attraction (a cat). She is drawing in the children.
Now see them do it live with a full orchestra and choirs, this is from a show a couple of months ago in Amsterdam 🙃 EPICA - The Ghost in Me (Live at The Symphonic Synergy)
How amazing can Epica be? The band has simply been delivering one better work than the other, and they play from melodic death metal passages to traditional classical style with the same competence, with transitions between them very well executed.
Danse Macabre, pronounced Dans (e is silent) refers to the Dance of the Dead, typically shown in medieval art as a demon playing music on Halloween night to lure the dead from the graves and they dance to the demon's music until sunrise. Song is a collobaration with the Efteling amusement park's new ride, Danse Macabre. It is a replacement for a previous ride called the Spookslot (Hauted Castle). In both rides Camille Saint Saens symphonic poem from 1874 plays. Epica has incorporated the melody from that piece in this song. When Spookslot opened in 1978 Kate Bush did a 20 minute special for Dutch TV from Efteling, including her hit song Wuthering Heights which was recorded in the Spookslot. This video has a bunch of callbacks to that special including the gravestone with Epica's name on it, Simone's white dress, and her and the kids walking across a terrace. Regarding the blue and yellow contact lenses. The lore behind the attraction is that in 1876 (Oct. 13th -Friday) there was a music competition in the Abbey of Kaatsheuvel which is the building that is the ride. Conductor Joseph Charlatan and his orchestra played Danse Macabre and one by one the orchestra started dying mysterious deaths around the Abbey. Turns out they have been killed by the Het Onnoembare (The Unnamable), a shape shifting monster that usually appears as a black kitten with one blue and one yellow eye. At the entrance to the ride their is an animatronic black kitten with the mis-matched eyes. Simone is wearing the contact lenses to show she is the Het Onnoembare luring the children to their death where they will haunt the Abbey forever, dancing to the orchestra playing the Danse Macabre.
This song was done by Epica for the second most visited themepark in Europe called Efteling for the opening of their new haunted dark ride at Halloween. Efteling opened in 1952, 3 years later in 1955 Disney opened it's first park. It has some of the best dark rides in the world, it has children's rides, rollercoasters, dualing rollercoasters and a dark ride that turns into a water coaster. Efteling is filled with fantasy characters, fairies, goblins, the people of Laaf, fairytales and a huge fairytale forest with life size depictions of fairytales. Efteling is twice the size of Disneypand in the US and is not owned by a big corporation like Disney. Efteling is part of a foundation so prices of entrance, food, merchandise and hotel are lower than Disney. Americans who visited Efteling have called it the darker version of Disney. It is located in the Netherlands an hour drive from Amsterdam. There are lots of vlogs on TH-cam of English people and Americans visiting Efteling. Of all themeparks in the world Efteling has the most epic entrance which looks like something out of Lord of the Rings.
I hope that you know, or will check out, the original classical piece: Danse Macabre, by Camille Saint-Saëns, written in 1875(!). This song is a (very well done) reinterpretation of that. Also (I don’t want tot go in too much detail) it is firmly engrained into Dutch culture. This is a collaboration with de Efteling theme park, to celebrate the opening of the attraction ‘Danse Macabre’. The attraction, which uses the same music, replaces an old (45yrs) attraction ‘het Spookslot’, with the same theme. One of the iconic set-pieces was a yellow, floating violin. The old Spookslot was opened with Kate Bush singing. The new attraction opened on October 31st and is a reimagining of the same theme. It is not a coaster, nor a conventional dark ride. It is totally unique. The attraction is story-, music- and dance-based. Very European. You LITERALLY Dance with the Dead. All this points back to tales from the Middle Ages, where the stories were built about dancing with the Dead. De Efteling is a THEME park like no other. IMO one of the best (and oldest) in the world. Do they have the ‘fastest’ coasters? The ‘tallest drops’? No, they don’t. De Efteling are not about that. They are STORY TELLERS. A day at De Efteling will put you in a world of old (not Disneyfied!) European folk tales and local myths. You really should view some videos from vloggers who went there and see how visitors (especially Americans) are often delighted to learn of the fairy tales of old, but not in the Disney way, but in their original, and often darker, form…
I don't want to be seen as rude but i noticed again that no american reactor is aware of the classical tune of danse macabre. I do notice that most european reactors now this melody. most of them (when explaining...) said that it was part of their education in basic school (4-12 year) . I myself still remember the danse macabre and the music behind Peter and the wolf. I'm just wondering if there was no musical education in the US?
I wouldn't say there's no musical education because we don't recognize one specific european melody. I studied music in college and was not familiar with this melody. I'm very familiar with Peter and the Wolf, but didn't hear any of that here.
@teckreactions then I suggest you to listen to the live version as well. Not those from the people who visite the concert but the one tha Epica placed on you tube.
Obviously, it’s not meant to be 'her'-she’s playing a role, a witch from the Efteling theme park lore, drawing kids into the eerie dance of the dead. The yellow and blue are integral to that story. It’s not about whether it 'does something for you.' You’re missing the entire point of the character and the atmosphere they’re trying to create. Not everything is meant to cater to your personal taste-that’s a pretty closed-minded take on the whole thing.
I think I'm allowed to have an opinion regardless of the story it's pulling from. I don't like the aesthetic of the contacts. Why you're taking it so personally is interesting. Some introspection needed over there?
@@teckreactionsYou can say what you want, but no one is precluded from expressing their own views either. In my opinion, that take was unnecessary, immature, and lame. I’m simply providing context here, as it seems you barely understand what you’re talking about before making that nonsensical response.
@@UnHyl8urself I read your comment. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that there’s either a cultural or language barrier between us. Your initial comment came off pretty rude. But you have your opinion and I have mine.
@@teckreactions No, there's no language or cultural barrier. Also, I don't think my comment came across as rude. Did I insult you in any way, other than saying that take was unnecessary and calling you closed-minded, which justifies its usage? I merely explained the context of the eyes, which you dismissed right away and prematurely judged, simply because it didn’t do something for you. To fully understand the usage, I need to mention the rationale behind it and how everything ties together with the song.
Want a GUARANTEED reaction within two weeks? Check out Buy Me a Coffee or Patreon to find out how!
Danse Macabre is a symphonic poem written in 1875. It is also the name of a new attraction just opened on Halloween at a Dutch theme park called Efteling. Epica were asked to do a music video to celebrate the opening of the attraction.
I should have added that they used the original Danse Macabre music and added their own lyrics. This same music has been used over the years as theme music for TV series and all sorts.
@@mikedown3219 technically Coen Jansen from Epica got the Efteling on board but he's the one who pushed it
This is based on Danse Macabre by Camille Saint Saens written in 1874. The music is being used at a new attraction called Danse Macabre at Efteling, a Fantasy-themed amusement park in Kaatsheuvel, the Netherlands. Think of the style of The Haunted Mansion at Disney.
The contact lenses reflect one of the characters in the attraction (a cat). She is drawing in the children.
Now see them do it live with a full orchestra and choirs, this is from a show a couple of months ago in Amsterdam 🙃
EPICA - The Ghost in Me (Live at The Symphonic Synergy)
been there done that, goosebumps
How amazing can Epica be? The band has simply been delivering one better work than the other, and they play from melodic death metal passages to traditional classical style with the same competence, with transitions between them very well executed.
Danse Macabre, pronounced Dans (e is silent) refers to the Dance of the Dead, typically shown in medieval art as a demon playing music on Halloween night to lure the dead from the graves and they dance to the demon's music until sunrise. Song is a collobaration with the Efteling amusement park's new ride, Danse Macabre. It is a replacement for a previous ride called the Spookslot (Hauted Castle). In both rides Camille Saint Saens symphonic poem from 1874 plays. Epica has incorporated the melody from that piece in this song. When Spookslot opened in 1978 Kate Bush did a 20 minute special for Dutch TV from Efteling, including her hit song Wuthering Heights which was recorded in the Spookslot. This video has a bunch of callbacks to that special including the gravestone with Epica's name on it, Simone's white dress, and her and the kids walking across a terrace.
Regarding the blue and yellow contact lenses. The lore behind the attraction is that in 1876 (Oct. 13th -Friday) there was a music competition in the Abbey of Kaatsheuvel which is the building that is the ride. Conductor Joseph Charlatan and his orchestra played Danse Macabre and one by one the orchestra started dying mysterious deaths around the Abbey. Turns out they have been killed by the Het Onnoembare (The Unnamable), a shape shifting monster that usually appears as a black kitten with one blue and one yellow eye. At the entrance to the ride their is an animatronic black kitten with the mis-matched eyes. Simone is wearing the contact lenses to show she is the Het Onnoembare luring the children to their death where they will haunt the Abbey forever, dancing to the orchestra playing the Danse Macabre.
that's cool. Thanks for the info!
This song was done by Epica for the second most visited themepark in Europe called Efteling for the opening of their new haunted dark ride at Halloween. Efteling opened in 1952, 3 years later in 1955 Disney opened it's first park. It has some of the best dark rides in the world, it has children's rides, rollercoasters, dualing rollercoasters and a dark ride that turns into a water coaster. Efteling is filled with fantasy characters, fairies, goblins, the people of Laaf, fairytales and a huge fairytale forest with life size depictions of fairytales.
Efteling is twice the size of Disneypand in the US and is not owned by a big corporation like Disney. Efteling is part of a foundation so prices of entrance, food, merchandise and hotel are lower than Disney. Americans who visited Efteling have called it the darker version of Disney. It is located in the Netherlands an hour drive from Amsterdam. There are lots of vlogs on TH-cam of English people and Americans visiting Efteling. Of all themeparks in the world Efteling has the most epic entrance which looks like something out of Lord of the Rings.
New ! New ! New ! Must see ! EPICA - The Ghost in Me (Live at The Symphonic Synergy). Live with 80 pers. orkestra ! Even better than the video !
Please check out the live performance of this song @the symponic synergy, with full orchestra and choir. Absolutely imcomparable!!!
This is the official song for "Danse Macabre". a new Ride at Efteling amusementpark in Waalwijk/Kaatsheuvel-Netherlands. The best park of Europe imo
that's a lot of marketing for a ride!
You also should looked at the live version ❤️❤️❤️
Yes, Simone is pitch perfect in the live performance and it is stunning with the orchestra and choirs
I concur
Danse is a French word, same prononciation and meaning as the English dance. Macabre means creepy related to death, like an haunted house is macabre.
I hope that you know, or will check out, the original classical piece: Danse Macabre, by Camille Saint-Saëns, written in 1875(!). This song is a (very well done) reinterpretation of that.
Also (I don’t want tot go in too much detail) it is firmly engrained into Dutch culture. This is a collaboration with de Efteling theme park, to celebrate the opening of the attraction ‘Danse Macabre’. The attraction, which uses the same music, replaces an old (45yrs) attraction ‘het Spookslot’, with the same theme. One of the iconic set-pieces was a yellow, floating violin. The old Spookslot was opened with Kate Bush singing. The new attraction opened on October 31st and is a reimagining of the same theme. It is not a coaster, nor a conventional dark ride. It is totally unique. The attraction is story-, music- and dance-based. Very European. You LITERALLY Dance with the Dead.
All this points back to tales from the Middle Ages, where the stories were built about dancing with the Dead.
De Efteling is a THEME park like no other. IMO one of the best (and oldest) in the world. Do they have the ‘fastest’ coasters? The ‘tallest drops’? No, they don’t. De Efteling are not about that. They are STORY TELLERS. A day at De Efteling will put you in a world of old (not Disneyfied!) European folk tales and local myths. You really should view some videos from vloggers who went there and see how visitors (especially Americans) are often delighted to learn of the fairy tales of old, but not in the Disney way, but in their original, and often darker, form…
This was made in corperation with the theme park "Efteling " for the new attraction opened this year at Halloween.
oh cool
Come to Efteling and ride this new attraction 👻
help me with the plane ticket?
I don't want to be seen as rude but i noticed again that no american reactor is aware of the classical tune of danse macabre. I do notice that most european reactors now this melody. most of them (when explaining...) said that it was part of their education in basic school (4-12 year) . I myself still remember the danse macabre and the music behind Peter and the wolf. I'm just wondering if there was no musical education in the US?
I wouldn't say there's no musical education because we don't recognize one specific european melody. I studied music in college and was not familiar with this melody. I'm very familiar with Peter and the Wolf, but didn't hear any of that here.
@ thanks for your answer. Danse macabre was introduced next to Peter and the wolf for the use of the xylophones ( the sound of skeletons moving )
Couldn't agree more. Pointless to try to educate or explain anything erudite to 95% of reactors from North America.
@@richardwest6358 hopefully I'm in the 5%. I would love to continue learning.
Holland has some excellent things😂
First 🤘
Question... why did you not choose for the live version?
This is what was sent to me from the community.
@teckreactions then I suggest you to listen to the live version as well.
Not those from the people who visite the concert but the one tha Epica placed on you tube.
Obviously, it’s not meant to be 'her'-she’s playing a role, a witch from the Efteling theme park lore, drawing kids into the eerie dance of the dead. The yellow and blue are integral to that story. It’s not about whether it 'does something for you.' You’re missing the entire point of the character and the atmosphere they’re trying to create. Not everything is meant to cater to your personal taste-that’s a pretty closed-minded take on the whole thing.
I think I'm allowed to have an opinion regardless of the story it's pulling from. I don't like the aesthetic of the contacts. Why you're taking it so personally is interesting. Some introspection needed over there?
@@teckreactionsYou can say what you want, but no one is precluded from expressing their own views either. In my opinion, that take was unnecessary, immature, and lame. I’m simply providing context here, as it seems you barely understand what you’re talking about before making that nonsensical response.
@@UnHyl8urself I read your comment. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that there’s either a cultural or language barrier between us. Your initial comment came off pretty rude. But you have your opinion and I have mine.
@@teckreactions No, there's no language or cultural barrier. Also, I don't think my comment came across as rude. Did I insult you in any way, other than saying that take was unnecessary and calling you closed-minded, which justifies its usage? I merely explained the context of the eyes, which you dismissed right away and prematurely judged, simply because it didn’t do something for you. To fully understand the usage, I need to mention the rationale behind it and how everything ties together with the song.
@ oooooooooook