Arcane: Bridging the Rift | First Time Reacting to League of Legends

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 31

  • @cosmicklutz1675
    @cosmicklutz1675 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    Oh wrd? All 5 episodes in one video? I love it here.
    Really hope they make a season 2 version of this

    • @shafqatseerat6756
      @shafqatseerat6756 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      unfortunately Christian said they didn't have the budget to make it for season 2

  • @RealHumanBot
    @RealHumanBot 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I do think the setting of Arcane was good for the 1st show, Piltover and Zaun is probably the most grounded and Earth-like place in League lore. I'd love to see Ionia, but it's definitely more fantastical.

  • @TheBestPirateDrake
    @TheBestPirateDrake 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    I don’t think it’s budget, but the vision of one individual vs everyone. It is not like adapting a book, because when you read you are only a viewer of the characters story but in a game you play as the character going through the story and so the interpretation is much more pronounced from one to another depending on people. So being able to adapt a character in that context is hard and can only be done if you have the passion for it or have played like everyone else.
    Actually it is also another problem when you adapt something, sometimes when you write a story you can get so invested into it to take a look at it to see if it’s good. Like when you make a character and you think of it like your baby you don’t want to change. And so when you finish it and show to some, just because you’re passionate about it doesn’t mean you know what you’re doing with it.

  • @dmitryche884
    @dmitryche884 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Thanks for recording this❤ it is beautiful to feel it with you one more time 😊

    • @YayReacts
      @YayReacts  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you for watching!!

  • @depressean8295
    @depressean8295 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    4:23 Vander, Claggor, Milo, Sevika, Ambessa (now in the game), Mel, and others did not exist until Arcane.
    58:30 at the premiere they watched the first 3 episodes. All the interviews and robots and what not that you saw were league of legends, youtubers, streamers, even former pro player. The guy who says "wait you're braum?" is one of the greatest north america league of legends players of all time.
    the premier event was streamed on twitch and was one of the coolest events I've ever seen. I think there's a VoD of it somewhere on the internet

  • @Jaemy_art
    @Jaemy_art 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Aww man its cut short to 1 hour only

  • @helloitsjason
    @helloitsjason 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    For your question regarding the characters. The bulk of the main cast were already champions in the game and were known to us in the lore. This would be Vi, Jinx, Jayce, Viktor, Ekko, Cait, Heimerdinger. Many people suspected that Vander was Warwick, which was confirmed in season 2. Every other character was original to Arcane itself, including Ambessa (who is now in the game) and Mel (who will be joining the roster early next year).Everyone else is totally new to us in the lore, so we had no idea about people like Mylo or Claggor until Arcane came out.
    In the pre-Arcane lore Jinx was actually the older sister of Vi, with Vi not remembering any of their childhood trauma due to her young age, while the older Jinx was deeply affected by it. We knew that Warwick had some tie to a tragedy in his past involving children, but otherwise we didn't really know much. Jayce was pretty much a Tony Stark rip-off, and Viktor was much more deeply associated with Zaun. Arcane (and Arcane being announced as official cannon a few months after Season 1 released) changed a lot about the lore of the game, and has actually left a handful of characters without any valid lore, for instance Blitzcrank was created by Viktor to be a protector of Zaun, or Camille was supposed to be from a family that had total control of hextech, neither of which work with the current state of Piltover/Zaun after Arcane season 2. Its super fascinating to see them rewrite lore that has a lot of old baggage. League of Legends has a few "generations" of old lore that things have been piled onto, replacing some parts and not others, so having this become the baseline for a "single source of truth" is super healthy for the IP as a whole, especially since they are making other games in the same IP (such as an MMO that we hear them mention every now and again).

    • @madsotzenandreasen7145
      @madsotzenandreasen7145 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      you missed singed, but he didnt get much screen time in the first season. They also changed a bit of his lore, when they named him dr. Revek, which was a theory but not confirmed.

  • @top-notch8277
    @top-notch8277 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    The budget for Arcane was $250 million

  • @filipeoliveiraladislau4533
    @filipeoliveiraladislau4533 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Playable characters in game directly show in arcane:
    Jinx, Vi, Warwick(Vander), Ekko, Vicktor, Caitlyn, Jayce, Heimerdinger, Singed(Dr. Reveric), Ambessa (Launched in game on the release of season 2), Oriana(Singed daughter). Kino(he is on riot card game Wild Rift).
    Indirect on uncleanly mentioned playable Characters
    "Lebranc"/"The Faceless": Probably the mage from black rose that talked with Mel, her real identity is as nebulous in game as is on arcane the "Leblanc" that we play in game may be black rose leader/founder in flesh or a projection or even just a representative.(she is one of the leaders of Noxus representing guile)
    Swain: Trough the series we see a loot of ravens on special on the last few scenes feature very clear a three-eyed raven that is a very direct reference to him, he has the ability to see trough the eyes of his ravens(he is one of the leaders of Noxus representing vision)
    Janna: I an not sure if she exists in flesh on the arcane but she is a playable character in game.
    Camile: She is not directly mentioned but she is the head of the Ferros clã that is mentioned a couple of times in both seasons
    Teemo:We se a book about him in one scene
    one thing to note is that timeline-wise arcane is really behind the overall lore of Piltover/Zaun was kinda abandoned for a while probably intentionally to save up for arcane so we have a lot of characters from this place that did not make appearances because only stayed on the background or even had not arrive/born.
    back around i stooped playing and accompanying the lore was shot after a "global event"(sorta like avengers movie to mcu) called "ruination" all interpretations of the timeline back them pointed to jinx and vI being above 50yo on the date of the event

  • @soxxel12
    @soxxel12 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I know it could be a bit intimidating reacting to something in a new format compared to what you're used to but you did an amazing job!!! I can only imagine how this series will impact a new generation of animators.

  • @sweeeeeeezy
    @sweeeeeeezy 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    many of the characters in the show where new but the lore is so deep, there are plenty of characters in it that are not playable champions in the game

  • @joeboateng8115
    @joeboateng8115 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    i love your reactions Yay

    • @YayReacts
      @YayReacts  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you so much!!

  • @markkostecki4558
    @markkostecki4558 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    The premiere was the full first 3 episodes.
    Also.. PUPPYYYYYY :))

    • @YayReacts
      @YayReacts  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Gotcha 😁

  • @rosisosa5759
    @rosisosa5759 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    58:31 They watched the first 3 episodes

  • @Thisisitfornow2560
    @Thisisitfornow2560 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    40:22 Static Shock is my whole childhood lol
    here where i live its called Super Shock

    • @YayReacts
      @YayReacts  6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      It was our summer show growing up 😂

  • @guccipucci3941
    @guccipucci3941 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I actually had my bets on Noxus-Demacia being the debut story but it‘ll be the second unless they go south instead of north from Va‘Zaun

  • @peter_m_9814
    @peter_m_9814 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

    12:16 - I think part of video games not being adapted well to movies and tv shows has to do with the fact that you take away the best feature of the IP, the instructiveness. If you have a book and you adapt it fairly well, you'll get a built in audience and you'll gain a new one too. But if you try it with a video game, you have to do incredibly well, unless the built in audience won't like it. One of the best things about the medium of a video game is you can experience the world and interact with it and can be lost in it in a sense. You can't do that if it's a movie or a series.

    • @sweeeeeeezy
      @sweeeeeeezy 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      it's also cooperate greed and laziness that leads to shitty adaptations.

    • @efedracea
      @efedracea 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      its very hard to bring good people together too. you have to have money and the right persons doing it. its a mix of lucky and hard work

    • @peter_m_9814
      @peter_m_9814 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@efedracea Yeah for sure, but that's hard for every production. Yet the movie and television industry has been thriving for the better part of a century. And for the last 2-3 decades there has been a gigantic video game world, yet there's still only a handful of examples where a video game was adapted well. And I think it's more about the nature and differences in the mediums and less about money, corporate greed or anything like that. Yep, they play a part, but the main reason is, if you want to adapt a video game, you have to make at least a really good job, to be even considered okay. In contrast, if you do an okay job adapting a book, the outcome will also be viewed okay.

  • @johnfredwitsento9842
    @johnfredwitsento9842 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Most times when they try to adapt a game to TV they give it to a production studio instead of doing it themselves which makes sense since they are creating something in a different media, but if the creators if the adaption haven't played the game or don't know the culture around it a lot of the original gets lost and ends up upsetting the fan base.
    The show runner should ALWAYS be a fan and have passion for the original work.
    Examples of it failing is star wars, lord of the rings, borderlands, Disney etc...

  • @darkanice7
    @darkanice7 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    they showed the first 3

    • @YayReacts
      @YayReacts  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Got it!