Mato puts in so much effort into creating these videos and politely asks us to like it (not even share it) and we have 45 dislikes. I tell you what if you're so interested in disliking his videos don't watch it, go do something more fruitful with your time.
MatoJelic You have to understand that many disliking the video have their own chess channel imagine a chess student like me saving the money i was paying for chess lessons to watch Mato
Always a pleasure to watch his "mad" sacrifices with threats and possibilities everywhere. One can almost feel that one´s head is exploding if you one hasn´t seen Tal´s incredible sacrifices before. Wish I had his nerve and precision in calculation. How does this become normal and everyday life for you? You must be a little mad to see these things. Like Stockfish´s insane sacrifices or John Shaw´s chapter "Mad gambits and assorted odities" in his book about the Kings Gambit...
Of course i press the like button mato this is the very very least thing i can do to support you thank you for being the best + free chess teacher WE LOVE YOU MATOOOOOOO
I knoww that's why the first thing I do is I just press the Like button so I don't feel guilty... It's nice to find a community where there isn't hostility on youtube. Calling Mato a friend is like welcoming a brother who hasn't been home in ages.
Mato, yours are by far the Best Chess videos I have found. They move quickly and your digressions are well chosen with brisk pace. But maybe best of all, your accent brings back fond memories of Count Chocula!
hi this is mato....i never miss even a single upload of yours.....keep doing mato....i love attacking game and i used to play in aggresive chess game this is very instructive to me
Great game, thanks for taking us through. I have watched a few of your expositions tonight and they are informative, enjoyable and you stay with the game!!! Love it. Thank you.
Tal is one of the most brilliant (if not the most brilliant) tacticians in GM chess history. At Chess Tempo, there is a puzzle category that provides games played by GMs in tournaments. The set-up is like here in which there's a pause or a board position (usually in the middle-game) and the player must find the winning move (What would you do?). I just registered yesterday, so I plan to look for games that were won by Tal. I try to solve at least 10 tactical problems a day and have been doing this for a few years. It's a great way to improve one's game. The end game puzzles are extremely helpful too. You're very mindful, Mato, to occasionally ask the viewer to pause the video to find the best and winning move.
One lesson I'm learning from these Tal games is to try to approach each position without prejudice or fear. Most of us wouldn't even think to sacrifice the queen, because our instinct is to protect it at all costs, but Tal always seemed to ask, "What happens if I do, though?"
Mr. Mato, I can tell that your favorite player is Tal, he is becoming mine as well. Thanks for your presentation your choice of games to coach us with are fabulous. They are magnificent games of beauty.
Mato thank you for not tiring out in making videos like this. can I have a request can you make more videos of Mikhail Tal and Bobby Fischer? thank you so much.
Thanks for this video, Mato. However, if I can give you a tip, you should spend more on describing the strategy, ie. explaining why this or that move was made. Eg 18. Bc3 you could merely say the bishop makes way for the king to escape from checkmate and protects the pawn on b2. These little comments are very useful to beginners and could help you get a larger audience. Hope you read this, take care.
Shashwat Rohilla White would be a piece up.After Qxd1 Kxd1 then Rxc7 Nxc7 forking king and bishop winning the bishop and possibly winning the pawn on c6
co yo ro uu ss so The position is still lost whether he would have done it or not. Being a rook down is in most cases is almost the same as being a bishop down on the grand master level especially before the endgame.
fantastic video. ''''''''''''''this game, and Mato's commentary, is soooo understated. This is a lovely, lively game, full of guts and logic. Smyslov was no fraidy cat; he knew what he was doing...and Tal. what can we say about Tal, except that the chess-set they buried him with...I think the pieces are worn out...he needs a new set...
At 6:28, black should have played QxR ch. He'll be losing his Queen anyway, so might as well get some compensation. Game would continue thus: 21. RxQ RxQ 22. NxR ch Kg8 23. NxB Bd7 Each player would then have a Knight, a Bishop, a Rook, and five pawns. While it's true that black still has the troublesome doubled pawns on the c file, the endgame would certainly be more interesting.
@Gopal Kumar Qxd1. Rxd1. Rxf7. and Nxf7+ knight is forking king and bishop on d8. Black would be down a bishop instead of the exchange like it was in game if black took the rook first.
At 2:00, instead of 13. Nf5 Be8, what if black plays 13. ... Bc5, threatening both white's queen and white's light-square bishop? Does black win a piece, or does white have a good answer?
I saw Nxf7+ at 5:23 forking the K and B followed by Kg8, RxB pinning the B rook. But this is Tal, so I should have thought of the Q sacrifice. Brilliant, just brilliant.
hey mato /years back i bought a book that had basically all of bobby fischers carrer the book there is also a table of tournaments and the end results or ending placement of the grandmasters .i notice that tal was always up there with fischer in 1 or 2 place.who is this tal guy i asked myself many times,thanks to you now i know.i enjoy your videos.thank you
why didnt Tal play at 5:11 with rook on d8 ? i think that would be the better move.. then he is forced to take with rook, but if doesnt take, and puts knight on e8, white can come with queen on f8,.. and black has like only 1option..take with rook, then white rook takes knight on e8 check, rook goes f8 and white rook takes.. or am i missing something ?
Thank you, Mato, for bringing to life the games of Tal and the other chess geniuses. I love your sense of humor like when you said [in another game] that Tal sacrificed 9 pawns, his horses and his chariots! What is your nationality?
mato at 5:51 is Ng5 a good move..white Knight cant take black queen because of Ng5xf7+and after Rxf7 Rxd8+Rf8 Rxf8#..but white need not take queen and instead play Bg4 to which white now plays Qxf7 Rxf7 cant be played because of he will play Be7 then Qg8+ Nxg8 Ng5f7+ Rxf7 and then Nxf7# smothered mate how about that variation winning much quickly or maybe I am wrong...
if after Ng5 Qa1+ is played by black instead then Kd2 and after Qxd1+ Qxd1 then gxh6 and then Ne4 would suffice white to win...anyone interested try these moves this is a really interesting move white wins quickly in this variation...or the above..Ng5 is
MATO, could you please give me the name of the program you' re using ? I just love that pieces ... I'll appreciate if you help me, thanks !! And also I love your videos
Wouldn't on 5:55 even better move be knight to f7 instead of quen... i don't see black getting away from that either.. If he captures with rook its over, if he moves king to g8, than bishop takes knight on f6. After that depends on what black chooses to do, but it all looks bad to me to capture that bishop or to try attacking on white king..
18. ...Nf6 is a mistake letting white rook possibly hit on black bishop and letting Qxf7. Engine shows after 18. ...Bf6 black is safe. Instead of temporarily attacking the queen, permanently balancing the control on a1-h8 diagonal.
Tal changed the game of chess on every level by "dragging his opponents into deep water where only he could swim" (Tal), and inspiring chess players with excitement.
I can't help it! I crack up every time u say "KILLAHH MOVE!". Mato You have The Most Killahh accent I've ever heard. I bet you'd make a Killing as a narrator on TV.
Čestitam Mateo na 100.000 gledanja Tal vs Fischer, a uskoro ce i mnogi drugi...Znači za nešto više od godinu dana, mislim da je to veliki uspjeh, zar ne?!
Dear Mato, I know it's probably not your style but maybe you could do a long video (around 30 minutes) explaining all the main principles of an opening or giving some kind of lesson. It would be soooo interesting for me.. And.. Why not try something different as a chess youtuber, like Tal did in this opening?
When a piece is under attack.
normal chess: move the piece.
Tal chess: pin the attacker.
also tal chess:- give check
Mato puts in so much effort into creating these videos and politely asks us to like it (not even share it) and we have 45 dislikes. I tell you what if you're so interested in disliking his videos don't watch it, go do something more fruitful with your time.
Thank you
Hi Mato , which country you live? lets play a game, I promisse not play a killa move ...
Decent content, but why does he have to smack is teeth after every sentence. Annoying habit to listen to. Smack smack smack smack.
MatoJelic You have to understand that many disliking the video have their own chess channel imagine a chess student like me saving the money i was paying for chess lessons to watch Mato
Sometimes you dislike by mistake, but yeah there are lowlifes out there as well
+Jimmy Christian true.
+Jimmy Christian Mayweather ran like a little girl
+Jimmy Christian What are their FIDE ratings?
+Locutus D'Borg 53-7 (18 KO)
Also carlsen boring games.
Always a pleasure to watch his "mad" sacrifices with threats and possibilities everywhere. One can almost feel that one´s head is exploding if you one hasn´t seen Tal´s incredible sacrifices before. Wish I had his nerve and precision in calculation. How does this become normal and everyday life for you? You must be a little mad to see these things. Like Stockfish´s insane sacrifices or John Shaw´s chapter "Mad gambits and assorted odities" in his book about the Kings Gambit...
Of course i press the like button mato this is the very very least thing i can do to support you thank you for being the best + free chess teacher WE LOVE YOU MATOOOOOOO
Am I the only one who presses the Like button cuz he asks so nicely at the end of it?
+Tej DIvadkar ... actually, I wish I can press it a dozen times or more ... but 5000 likes does tell you how popular our friend Mato truly is :)
I knoww that's why the first thing I do is I just press the Like button so I don't feel guilty... It's nice to find a community where there isn't hostility on youtube. Calling Mato a friend is like welcoming a brother who hasn't been home in ages.
+Mike Lucarelli Legit, mike!
that like reminds me to like otherwise i just keep on thinking about the moves
I love when Tal games become a nuclear excalation
Thank you Mato for uploading this great tactical masterpiece!
Mato, yours are by far the Best Chess videos I have found. They move quickly and your digressions are well chosen with brisk pace. But maybe best of all, your accent brings back fond memories of Count Chocula!
hi this is mato....i never miss even a single upload of yours.....keep doing mato....i love attacking game and i used to play in aggresive chess game this is very instructive to me
Merry Christmas and a happy new year
Great game, thanks for taking us through. I have watched a few of your expositions tonight and they are informative, enjoyable and you stay with the game!!! Love it. Thank you.
A very clear, concise and intelligent commentary; thank you very much, Mato.
Tal is one of the most brilliant (if not the most brilliant) tacticians in GM chess history. At Chess Tempo, there is a puzzle category that provides games played by GMs in tournaments. The set-up is like here in which there's a pause or a board position (usually in the middle-game) and the player must find the winning move (What would you do?). I just registered yesterday, so I plan to look for games that were won by Tal. I try to solve at least 10 tactical problems a day and have been doing this for a few years. It's a great way to improve one's game. The end game puzzles are extremely helpful too. You're very mindful, Mato, to occasionally ask the viewer to pause the video to find the best and winning move.
Hey Mato - huge fan! Your voice is so calming... I watch a couple of your videos each night before sleeping. Nice videos!
Thank you Mato, this is one of the best chess games I have ever seen
Great game and very nice narration Mato... Thanks...I enjoy all your videos
19.Qxf7 Qa1+ 20.Kd2 if Qxd1+ 21.Rxd1 Rxf7 22.Nxf7+ Kg8 23.Nxd8 +-
Thanks. Great video. I'm hooked on Tal games now. Very exciting sacrifice!
Great game! Thank you so much, Mato, for doing these videos!
Tal`s games are like Saw movie where you torture someone to death.Thanks for upload Mato.
Mato you are an incredible teacher and a pleasure to listen to
Thank you Mato... Great entertaining and instructional videos.
You can watch playlist on my Channel: Tal-greatest attacking grandmaster
Thank you Mato for posting and Promoting a Game from India.. my Motherland
i heard Tal would have sacrificed his two divorcing wives to gain advantage on his playing the field more developed.
Hahaha yep
I decided to thank you AND push the like button, cause you deserve both Mato.
Mato..You are simply the best, Thanks a lot..!
Thank you for your time and effort, Mato!
How brilliant to be able to see a game between two of the great all-time giants of chess. Thanks, Mato; you really are a star!
Great game and very nice narration Mata... Thanks
One lesson I'm learning from these Tal games is to try to approach each position without prejudice or fear. Most of us wouldn't even think to sacrifice the queen, because our instinct is to protect it at all costs, but Tal always seemed to ask, "What happens if I do, though?"
thanks Mato. I enjoy all your videos :) .
Thanks for another fine commentary Mato, you are a star :)
Mr. Mato, I can tell that your favorite player is Tal, he is becoming mine as well. Thanks for your presentation your choice of games to coach us with are fabulous. They are magnificent games of beauty.
Thanks to your videos I have gained invaluable insight into the Kings game! Stay blessed..
Mato thank you for not tiring out in making videos like this. can I have a request can you make more videos of Mikhail Tal and Bobby Fischer? thank you so much.
Thanks mato, just keep that going :D greetings from Mexico
I wish I could like and share it more than once, this is an equivalent to a hard right uppercut knockout ... awesome!
thanks mato we lern a lot with your analysis!
Thanks a lot! I appreciate your effort.
At 8:01 position black can play Qa1+, kd2 vd1, rd1 then Rf7. This position is playable, isnt it?
OF COURSE I'll like this video fooyou Mato!
thanks for all the great videos!
mato ur awesome! ur videos have help so much and i am very greatful for ur effort
Thanks Tal. You are my pep talk before i play.
Which reminds me, i have a game scheduled in 10 minutes... Wish me luck, Coach.
Thanks for this video, Mato. However, if I can give you a tip, you should spend more on describing the strategy, ie. explaining why this or that move was made. Eg 18. Bc3 you could merely say the bishop makes way for the king to escape from checkmate and protects the pawn on b2. These little comments are very useful to beginners and could help you get a larger audience. Hope you read this, take care.
At the end of the variation 23.Nxd8 and black is even worse of.
Mato, what if black moves at 6:28 move 20. ... Qxd1+ first and after that 21. Rxd1 Rxf7? Could black won?
AS a novice I love your posts Mato I can learn from you ,thank you very much !
6:34: why didn't Black play Qxd1+ first before taking white queen on f7?
Yes, I was wondering the same, Black would be even after the move I feel.
My bad, the outcome is even more disastrous when the horsey is let loose.
Shashwat Rohilla White would be a piece up.After Qxd1 Kxd1 then Rxc7 Nxc7 forking king and bishop winning the bishop and possibly winning the pawn on c6
Black Flash its better atleast you captured the rook
co yo ro uu ss so The position is still lost whether he would have done it or not. Being a rook down is in most cases is almost the same as being a bishop down on the grand master level especially before the endgame.
I got the killah move
killah moof
Your style is unique!! Thanks.
fantastic video. ''''''''''''''this game, and Mato's commentary, is soooo understated. This is a lovely, lively game, full of guts and logic. Smyslov was no fraidy cat; he knew what he was doing...and Tal. what can we say about Tal, except that the chess-set they buried him with...I think the pieces are worn out...he needs a new set...
5:28 why doesnt black desperado the queen by capture the d1 rook first?
At 6:28, black should have played QxR ch. He'll be losing his Queen anyway, so might as well get some compensation. Game would continue thus:
21. RxQ RxQ
22. NxR ch Kg8
23. NxB Bd7
Each player would then have a Knight, a Bishop, a Rook, and five pawns. While it's true that black still has the troublesome doubled pawns on the c file, the endgame would certainly be more interesting.
@Gopal Kumar
Qxd1. Rxd1. Rxf7. and Nxf7+ knight is forking king and bishop on d8.
Black would be down a bishop instead of the exchange like it was in game if black took the rook first.
At 2:00, instead of 13. Nf5 Be8, what if black plays 13. ... Bc5, threatening both white's queen and white's light-square bishop? Does black win a piece, or does white have a good answer?
Oops - never mind. Guess I should have watched the entire video.
I saw Nxf7+ at 5:23 forking the K and B followed by Kg8, RxB pinning the B rook. But this is Tal, so I should have thought of the Q sacrifice. Brilliant, just brilliant.
Great analysis. Thanks.
Thank you
Thanks a lot Mato, a very good video :) :)
Hı this is Mato :)) I like this voice . Thanks for videos master 💪🏻🙏🏻
I was thinking Nxf7 myself. If ... Rxf7 then checkmate follows from Rdxd1. Only other move for black is ... Kg8, to which white can reply Bxf6
I don't see how winning 2 pieces and opening up his king is a sorry state :/
hey mato /years back i bought a book that had basically all of bobby fischers carrer the book there is also a table of tournaments and the end results or ending placement of the grandmasters .i notice that tal was always up there with fischer in 1 or 2 place.who is this tal guy i asked myself many times,thanks to you now i know.i enjoy your videos.thank you
Thanks for uploading mato love u yar
why didnt Tal play at 5:11 with rook on d8 ? i think that would be the better move.. then he is forced to take with rook, but if doesnt take, and puts knight on e8, white can come with queen on f8,.. and black has like only 1option..take with rook, then white rook takes knight on e8 check, rook goes f8 and white rook takes.. or am i missing something ?
Very interesting. Did you come up with this all by yourself? Imagine how much Tal could have learned from you.
Alex Savanovic u stupid, Tal doesn't play a stipulated move only means he's PRIMED for a DECISIVE killer BLOW move.
Mato Thank You
love your Videos
amazing video Mato !
Tal is incredible. He even got out of the hospital in his last days to teach Kasparov some chess :)
Great excitement when both players try to get at each other's throat in the mid-game. Very seldom do we see this kind of playing any more.
Love your videos, Mato. :)
Thank you, Mato, for bringing to life the games of Tal and the other chess geniuses. I love your sense of humor like when you said [in another game] that Tal sacrificed 9 pawns, his horses and his chariots! What is your nationality?
Sounds like he's Croatian, but I'm not 100% sure. :D
Anthony Tan How does one sacrifice 9 pawns anyway? He is Australian btw.
hi mato on 5:25 i would play Rxd8 instead what do you think?
Mato makes Tal games worth it.. "this is aquivalent to knock out smyslov didn't see it coming "👊
mato at 5:51 is Ng5 a good move..white Knight cant take black queen because of Ng5xf7+and after Rxf7 Rxd8+Rf8 Rxf8#..but white need not take queen and instead play Bg4 to which white now plays Qxf7 Rxf7 cant be played because of he will play Be7 then Qg8+ Nxg8 Ng5f7+ Rxf7 and then Nxf7# smothered mate how about that variation winning much quickly or maybe I am wrong...
if after Ng5 Qa1+ is played by black instead then Kd2 and after Qxd1+ Qxd1 then gxh6 and then Ne4 would suffice white to win...anyone interested try these moves this is a really interesting move white wins quickly in this variation...or the above..Ng5 is
Great game, great commentary
6:27 Qxd1+
Rxd1 Rxf7 This is better for black, isn't it?
Nxf7+ Kg8
+Xx_AGKMaker_xX The same came to my mind and I wanted to write when I saw your response!
+Swapniljo01 :D
Qxd1 Rxd1 Rxf7 Nxf7+ Qg7 Nxd8 black is better, because black has one more knight at the end of exchanging pieces.
I think you mean White has one more knght then?
RubenHogenhout thats better atleast you captured the rook
awesome, good work man!
Good work Mato!
MATO, could you please give me the name of the program you' re using ? I just love that pieces ... I'll appreciate if you help me, thanks !! And also I love your videos
Grande MATO!
It's interesting how Tal often opened with compact or passive set ups and then came to life tactically.
In 2:00 minutes, Why black don't play Bc5 attacking queen and winning bishop on c4????
Wouldn't on 5:55 even better move be knight to f7 instead of quen... i don't see black getting away from that either..
If he captures with rook its over, if he moves king to g8, than bishop takes knight on f6.
After that depends on what black chooses to do, but it all looks bad to me to capture that bishop or to try attacking on white king..
18. ...Nf6 is a mistake letting white rook possibly hit on black bishop and letting Qxf7. Engine shows after 18. ...Bf6 black is safe. Instead of temporarily attacking the queen, permanently balancing the control on a1-h8 diagonal.
how about in 1:58 Qa4 instead of Qa6? for black.
Hi Mato you are a legend. I have a queation though: on the Knock-out KIlla move, why not play tge knight to F7 instead? Isn't that even stronger?
Who could possibly dislike Mato's videos !!!
on 6:35 couldn't smyslov just capture Rook on d1 with queen,so we have Qxd1+ ,K/Rxd1 Rxf6, Nxf6+ Kg8, Ne5 and it's i missing something?
+Switching Mindz hah ok my bad Knight captures bishop for free :P
1:58, 13.Nf5 Bd8-> why not Bc5?
I wonder if in chess videos it's possible to forgo the start and move to the middle game and describe in mire detail
Incredible TAL ... always a big lesson on how fascinating is chess
Tal changed the game of chess on every level by "dragging his opponents into deep water where only he could swim" (Tal), and inspiring chess players with excitement.
I can't help it! I crack up every time u say "KILLAHH MOVE!". Mato You have The Most Killahh accent I've ever heard. I bet you'd make a Killing as a narrator on TV.
Tal's combinations were unfathomable according Bobby Fischer! Thanks for this gem against one of the great players of the past.
It is neither vodka nor tequila move but the killer move.
Great game Teacher, Shalom peace
Čestitam Mateo na 100.000 gledanja Tal vs Fischer, a uskoro ce i mnogi drugi...Znači za nešto više od godinu dana, mislim da je to veliki uspjeh, zar ne?!
Interesting how the back rank mate is a recurring theme in Tal's games. Brilliant attacks.
There are two types of sacrifices. The right ones and mine- Mikhail Tal. What a game!
Dear Mato, I know it's probably not your style but maybe you could do a long video (around 30 minutes) explaining all the main principles of an opening or giving some kind of lesson. It would be soooo interesting for me.. And.. Why not try something different as a chess youtuber, like Tal did in this opening?