@@shreyask4808 the greatest match was juve vs real in quarter finals of the champions league when ronaldo scored that nice bicycle kick i wont ever forget that day
@@Varaize trebles guardiola>>>ferguson, Ferguson coached in PL, guardiola proved himself in 3 different leagues, tactics: ferguson gave none, guardiola gave tiki taka, false 9, ballplaying defender/cdm, etc., out of 14 seasons as manager, pep lost a league just 3 times, he schooled alex in UCL both the times, and also has ripped apart mourinho in head to head.
@@robert_weideyet at the same time sir Alex managed to beat real Madrid in the final of a European competition with Aberdeen, one of the only 3 they have ever lost, and haven't lost one in 40 years.
It’s quite overrated. Only happened because we got cocky and subbed off our captain and the man who had carried us to the final Lothar Matthäus after 80 minutes
@@Paradieses Oh for sure we suck at the moment. But we started last season with two straight losses, including a 4-0. This time, we actually have a striker who looks damn good. Came on for 30 minutes and made Gabriel question every minute he spent in the gym
My Dad Watched This Match In A Pub In California. He Was Supporting Manchester United Because All Of His Friends Did And When United’s 2nd Shot Went In They All Celebrated
One of the most miraculous comebacks in UCL final history if not the greatest.. Could argue with the Istanbul 05' but this comeback is off the charts.. imagine scoring 2 goals in limited stoppage time
@@MyNameIsntLong are u okay it is fairly rated bayern has 343,863 fans this year almost half a million idk where u live but u probably living in Spain with real madrid fans
*juventus left the chat* *real left the chat*. *barca left the chat* *bayern is perfectly rated* *atletico left the chat* *borrisia Dortmund left the chat* Etc
one of the best comebacks its remind us of liverpool vs AC milan at 2005 ucl final when liverpool was losing 3-0 and then they came back 3-3 and won the ucl in pens
This fixture is just an excuse for Utd fans and Bayern haters alike to bring up Utds lucky 1999 victory as if that loss would still be very important to Bayern.
Beckham's corner curve is overkill
You know you are dead when ronaldo shoots from halfway line
@@jakubklimczak3421 Bro u better run when he does that 😭😭☠️
@@chukwuemekadavid5640 You will go to The hospital😭
@@jakubklimczak3421 Imagine it hit yr face or an another guy's face *pinpoint accuracy* 💀lmao
Man United in 2023 🤡
Bayern in 2023 🗿
Man UNITED IN 1999 🥶
Bayern in 1999 🥵
Germany in the 1940💀🗿
Your a fan
Bayern in 2024 🤡
@@اهوشلك-ص5لbro got violated 🗿
UCL always gifted us with unimaginable matches 😭
@@Cypherkai 🥲
6-1 Barcelona v/s PSG was the greatest comeback, then Liverpool vs Barca 4-3 and then Roma vs Barca
@@shreyask4808 the greatest match was juve vs real in quarter finals of the champions league when ronaldo scored that nice bicycle kick i wont ever forget that day
Red Devils 😈
Goat Sir Alex Ferguson ❤️🐐
josep guardiola
Ferguson >>>
@@Varaize trebles guardiola>>>ferguson,
Ferguson coached in PL, guardiola proved himself in 3 different leagues, tactics: ferguson gave none, guardiola gave tiki taka, false 9, ballplaying defender/cdm, etc.,
out of 14 seasons as manager, pep lost a league just 3 times, he schooled alex in UCL both the times, and also has ripped apart mourinho in head to head.
@@robert_weideyet at the same time sir Alex managed to beat real Madrid in the final of a European competition with Aberdeen, one of the only 3 they have ever lost, and haven't lost one in 40 years.
The greatest editor doesn't exis
Manchester is Red🛑
Milan is Red🛑
Madrid is White
London is blue 🌐
Merseyside is red🛑
Bro London ain't blue anymore 😂
@OfficialAeditzzzTM no no no you got 0 ball knowledge 5 yr old Timmy 😂
Fernandez was 💯 correct
@@beerus2475 London is blue
I’m not a Man United fan but it was a legendary comeback 👍
Just look what happens now 😂😂😂😂😂
Man u is last at the group 😂
Now bayern is clear
@@Alamin.H.196 no one was asking you😂
@@nicktheshark9172 no one asking you to exist
@@Alamin.H.196 but he exists... got a fucking problem???
It’s quite overrated.
Only happened because we got cocky and subbed off our captain and the man who had carried us to the final Lothar Matthäus after 80 minutes
Bro dropped the coldest edit and left us without the blankets 🥶
@@henrykang2392yeah is real he ment the video if how he put the effects
+ is a edit
Bro it's so cold i think I am in Antartica
Wait what the f--- is that , that is a penguin
2 big clubs meet again can't wait for the match🔥
But you must be honest that Manchester United sucks rn. But I'm Sure they wont lose both games and make it to the round of 16
@@Paradieses Oh for sure we suck at the moment. But we started last season with two straight losses, including a 4-0. This time, we actually have a striker who looks damn good. Came on for 30 minutes and made Gabriel question every minute he spent in the gym
@@ParadiesesRight Man united sucks rn but Bayern dont have a good Striker like Lewandowski in 2020 so that match can be interesing🤔
@@iforgotmyname2137I know Lewandowski is better than kane but kane is a great striker. So I don't know what the hell you are talking about
@@sezuin_6577 You do know we are unbeaten in group stages right? 34 games unbeaten
My Dad Watched This Match In A Pub In California. He Was Supporting Manchester United Because All Of His Friends Did And When United’s 2nd Shot Went In They All Celebrated
no really i thought they were dissapointed when united scored
One of the most miraculous comebacks in UCL final history if not the greatest..
Could argue with the Istanbul 05' but this comeback is off the charts.. imagine scoring 2 goals in limited stoppage time
milan vs anfield
Btw united played bayern and lost in group stage
@@Karl-HeinzRummewho tf is anfield 💀
@@IamNetrom he means liverpool
Beckham's cruve is amazing 😱🤩💫
Even though this aged horribly, it’s still fire just as a 1999 cl final edit
Bayern is so underrated bro, most people only care about teams in the prem, bayern is one of the best teams
How tf are they underrated?? Bayern has always been a top 5 club. If you don’t live in England, Bayern is a power house
@@TheJawRaw how many ppl do u know irl that said Bayern is their favourite club
@@MyNameIsntLong are u okay it is fairly rated bayern has 343,863 fans this year almost half a million idk where u live but u probably living in Spain with real madrid fans
*juventus left the chat* *real left the chat*. *barca left the chat* *bayern is perfectly rated* *atletico left the chat* *borrisia Dortmund left the chat*
Pirdh pirdh se lirohesh
One of the best comebacks of all time 🔥
This aged well 💀
Who gives a fuck
Tf does that even mean.
Did they have a match?
Ofc they did
Give this editor an oscar 💯💥
Oscar's are for acting
@@Thebear1445 no he means this editing is so false cuz man utd just lost to bayern 4-3
Si es falsa
The Bavarian revenge
@@bachnham5750this is 1999 ucl final not now
You know it’s a good day when Ronny uploads 😊🔥
Love your edits keep it up best editor
w edit + w man united fan
10/10 editing man!
Only thing people talked about during man United vs Bayern was ohnono’s masterclass performance
It’s amazing for me to see you still continue your passion and also what a game
Ole will be watching the game at the 93rd minute
Bro predicted the future 🥵🥶🥶🥶
Its not gonna happen
I remember this👴
The greatest and most complete comback ever - said liverpool fan
Excuse me - it was Milan and Liverpool match ,❤❤
It was great also❤️🤍
But have to admit it this one was legendary
Liverpool vs Barca (2019 Ucl Semi Final)?
Bro liverpool vs milan did u watch it or u weren't on world? Same with man u vs bayern
@@Vinithetankthat was a two match thing
Madrid does it all the time
But those ones were do or die
Solskjær Underrated player 🇳🇴🐐
Miss u Ronny and old champions league format
Nah easy game for Bayern
@@moritzbergmann5077 thats what they said in 1999
@@Yanitededitz its 2023 mate bayern will destroy man unt or draw in second match against untd, but i 100% know that bayern will top the group
@@Nikolas724bayern and united will continue from the stage, galatasaray is not good rn and i'm not gonna talk about copenhagen 💀💀
@@radityabudimansyah1240 yes ofc bayern and man untd will get 1st and 2nd place idk abt galatasaray and copenhagen
Damn it it always cold when Ronny upload some bangers!!
Goated edit 🥶🥶🥶🐐🐐
Dang 1990's era always looked different. But this looked like 2000-2010 era
Best editor I ever seen❤
one of the best comebacks its remind us of liverpool vs AC milan at 2005 ucl final when liverpool was losing 3-0 and then they came back 3-3 and won the ucl in pens
Bro sent us to Antarctica without a blanket
Umm actually a sleeping bag would be far more preferable making the blanket not needed
Praise God ❤
Always 💯
Bro dropped the coldest edit and left us without blankets!🥶🥶🥶
One 1⃣ of the greatest editor
When the Red devils of the league met the Red devils of the other League
just felt like yesterday these two giants played each other
Ferguson best manager ever
I love watching old clips of the greatest sport ever played
same bro
One of the best finals in camp nou 🥵
Ole's underrated asf
No he's not
@@John...44...ole is not as good as everybody expected but he is still underrated
Bro very underrated
@@kittyennuedit fax
One of the greatest ucl final By far 🔥
AC Milan vs Liverpool
The saying “bend it like Beckham” is real
Becks was on his prime then... 1999-2005 ,he was beast on the midfield
Bayern in 2024:🗿
Bayern in 1999: 🗿
Bayern in the 1940s: 💀
That 1999 treble winning Man utd is so different than the word different..
bro dropped the coledest edit ngl💫😇🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶🥶
the goat editör
Bro had the audacity to go back 24 years and say it's gonna be revenge 😭
What revenge lol, didn’t United win that match. It’s actually Bayern than needs revenge.
@@kingsultantv8332 yeah I know I mean bayern gonna get revenge
@@kingsultantv8332what revenge Bayern beaten them 3 times after that match already revenge taken
@@kingsultantv8332aged well
4-3 win te Bayer Munich
Man Utd treble was just too cold 🥶
İn 90's game is better than in 2024 because in 90's football was another and the best players in the world was lived in the old once
it didnt break my internet but it blew up my mind
Good edit
What a edit❤️🔥❤️🔥
humildad pura es este pibe
That game taught me to not to celebrate until the final whistle
Cold United🥶😈
This gave me hope for our match ❤ CMON YOU REDS
That clip was too old now you will destroy to Bayern
Common reddddssssss🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
@@ryan_editz37 how are you going to laugh when’s the last time Tottenham won a trophy exactly
The greatest comeback ever
i love your edits
"Fergie Time" is REAL!!!
Galatasaray ❤️💛🥇🇹🇷
I am an Man united fan what a comeback
Manchester united vs Bayern in 1940😶
Biggest fannnnnnnn ever😮😮😮😮
Man utd fans crazy 🔥🔥
Bro this is so lit 🔥🔥🔥
I am literally getting chills
With every beat ⚽❤
The player 🗿🗿
Your edit 🗿🗿
This edit hits harder than my stepdad
Man utd:
"Our Battle ended 500 years ago"
"Now I'm ready for a rematch"
(Legendary lines)
Man u after losing: it was never my destiny to stop you I have set another on that path(Man City)
Man United lost like 5 times to Bayern ever since 1999 and got kicked out of the UCL by Bayern as well and that in Manchester in Utds own stadium.
This fixture is just an excuse for Utd fans and Bayern haters alike to bring up Utds lucky 1999 victory as if that loss would still be very important to Bayern.
For an edit like this ,this video is underrated
Man utd will be still red that was the greatest comeback in history
No they aren’t they are the mid table mandems
One Of The Coldest Edit🥶
I Watched This 100 Times
Give the editor an Oscar
Top 5 greatest ucl finals ever 🔥🔥
Top 3 at best
2nd best
Top 3 2014 and 2005 are 1 and 2
@@ayushmanojha4128it’s close tho
UNITED UNITED UNITED ⚽⚽⚽ that not only turned the clocks back but put a massive smile on my face thank you made my day 💪👌👏🎵🎶🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶
Wow we still won you now😂😂
The greatest editor doesn't exis-
Galatasarayın ortama giriş şekli😅
İCARDİİİİİİİİİİİİ Doksana astı ve gollllllllllllllllllllllllll
Bro got that CapCut template 💀💀
What's the problem with that
Can u tell me what’s capcut template here?
Galatasaray 😈
what? galatasaray didnt got in a ucl final, best run was in 1988/89 when they reached semi-final
Ferguson G.O.A.T🤫
song name?
Life in rio[Slowed+Reverb]
Bayern Munich unstoppable boiii 🔥🔥
City booii
@@Gb10m no.
Dortmund clear
@@Kadeem-uz5kh remind me who won the bundesliga 11 times in a row and running
Manchester United is unmatched and GREAT ✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊✊💯💯💯💯👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑
Manchester United fans here🗿🫡
What phonk is this ITS FIRE 🔥
Life In Rio [Slowed + Reverb]
One of the best matches the 90's have ever seen🥶
Bros creating his own happiness after the loss a couple days ago
Cry more
@RTTF10 You sure?
i think ur getting mistakened he uploaded this before that match lol
Manchester United is the GREATEST CLUB OFF ALL TIME
1. Real Madrid
2. Bayern/Barca/Milan
4. Man U
@@totallynotapokemonfan1913 delusional to put Liverpool ubove us
this season (new season)
1. Real Madrid
2. Man City
3. Arsenal
4. Milan/Bayern
5. Liverpool
@@Yanitededitz but Liverpool is better than man u
Bro's edits are on whole another lvl .🔥
The song🗿🗿
Song name- life in rio
This aged VERY VERY VERY well 😂
Lol 😂
Bro what team do you think he is on we don’t know!!!!!!!!
Talk all you want we lost to Bayern by 1 goal each you can’t even beat Liverpool Luton Town(barely) and nkt even palace
@@BaljeetKaur-y2e Fr they are falliing gradually 😂
That Bayern team was one of the greatest and most terrifying teams I've ever seen.
Galatasaray 😂
My dad is proud of you now ❤️
Fun fact:If Bayern won they would've also won the Treble
Team Bayern ❤❤❤
👇👇👇 (Like)
Times have changed