I hope you’ve played Odin Sphere and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. And yes, this track is absolutely gorgeous. Hitoshi Sakimoto is one of my most favorite composer.
@@jchea1764 Many of his compositions are multi facted pieces of pure genius. I recommend all of you check out his works, especially Radiant Silvergun/Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Ogre (including newly remastered tracks for Tactics Ogre Reborn)
The save room theme of OG Resident Evil reminded me of this melody and it was stuck in my head for MONTHS and now I've finally figured out where it was from! I can rest in peace now.
It’s crazy to think this game will be 20 years old in 3 years. I remember getting the (brown steel case) collector’s edition of this game for Christmas back in 06. Gaming was just different back then lol
This song is so beautiful. It's a perfect song to listen to while you try to fall into a peaceful sleep. I love it. There are so many tracks in this game that I love and this one is my top favorite!
As a nostalgic FFXII player, can't express how I felt when they used this theme in FFXIV's Viera Playable Race Reveal (/watch?v=N8JE4-T-i0s). It's just plainly awesome.
lol i actually come here because just recently i found out the theme. i dont like the color scheme though but still set is as my ps4 theme because of the song.
When I was a kid and I got FFXII for my birthday, the moment I hit the village I fell in love with this song. I would always port back and save here no matter where I was in the story.
That opening harp evokes something out of Secret of Evermore so much I thought for sure it was lifted from it, but I think it's just a similar motif and similar sounding instruments
I love this song. When I hear it, it reminds me of the "blissful ignorance" the Viera live in. They refuse leave the wood and choose to remain ignorant of the outside world. It is like they live in a waking dream.
Final Fantasy XII - it never gets the huge recognition it deserves. One of the best FFs games ever made to be honest 🎉 World, music, characters and gameplay is top tier!
this actually reminds me of an old friend of mine. heh- he used to put this as a soundtrack in our rpg campaign. it was the fairy kingdom's theme song. i'd really enjoy listen to it while our characters were there. it was really magic. but things change, dont they? i dont talk to him anymore and i dont think that will ever happen again. i hope he is ok, even after everything that happened between us.
This song has been my phone ringtone for quite a while now. Hitoshi Sakimoto is just absolute perfection and such a fit for Final Fantasy. Probably the best FF composer along with Nobuo Uematsu. I do like Masayoshi Soken but he is just a notch under these two.
If I'm not mistaken, I believe this track was actually written by Masaharu Iwata, the guy who acted as Hitoshi Sakimoto's partner in almost all of his previous works, such as Final Fantasy Tactics. Sadly he only wrote like 3-4 pieces of music for FF12, and I believe this is one of them.
I couldn't find the answer, I found no place that register every composer for every track. Still found that : finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XII:_Original_Soundtrack Where we can see that, supposedly, Masharu Iwata wrote the Sochen Cave Palace and the Feywood ones. And unfortunately, no composer is written under Eruyt Village.. And every link about this piece that specify the composer put Hitoshi Sakimoto there. So, no definite answer, would be quite interesting if so. And I have absolutely no skills that could help me determine if there is similarities between the Fe..ywood, Sochen and Eruyt pieces
@@marlonsolis2272 They did, and brilliantly so -- they also did in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (heck, I think maybe all Ogre Battle games); I personally felt that having only one of them write 90% of the music was a mistake on their part, as a 4-CD long compilation would've been awesome and resulted in more stand-out tracks (as Sakimoto would have twice as long to work on each). Especially considering that, if you really look at the FF Tactics soundtrack, closely you can tell that neither composer was the "more talented" one - both did outstanding work within it.
2 years late but this was composed by Sakimoto. Iwata only composed 2 tracks for FF12, mentioned above. Sakimoto is the main composer in FF12, with Hayato Matsuo composing 7 tracks and Iwata composing 2 tracks. Iwata's music tends to be mysterious, intense, or sometimes unsettling. You can hear that in the Sochen Cave Palace and the Feywood, and most especially in other games like Tactics. Eruyt Village is very melodical and consonant, rather than dissonant.
This is the best track in the entire game. The OST is alright overall, but this particular track really stands out. EDIT:Also, the gameplay in the background is a great touch
I just love this song and I use the Eruyt Village theme on my PS4 though the song itself isn’t the only reason as it is also home to the Viera who are one of my favorite races in any FF game Also I plan to get the Switch version for my birthday
This is the most spine tingling music I've ever heard so emotional and beautiful I am a huge Final Fantasy fan you might of seen other post's by me I absolutely love Lightning Claire Farron she is gorgeous love of my life be safe everyone amongst Coronavirus we will beat it eventually til then take care X👍🍺🥃🏴💖
Someone told me it was referenced in the main theme of the 5th area in FFXIV Endwalker. I haven't played FFXII before and this sounds really beautiful. (Spoiler for FFXIV:) The area was named Elpis. Edit: the reference to this is really minor, or not sure if that was a reference : P
Bro really made a wholeass civilization composed ONLY of bunny girls in lingeries and we didn't even question it cause he made them so majestic and elegant
Sad how you enter these places and never go back there again, they become useless and forgotten. If only there were more open areas, houses, and more sidequests and story, but oh well.
But did you see how much effort the devs put into " these places and never go back there again, they become useless and forgotten " ?? You don't see stuff like these in XIII and XV anymore.. It's sad... I go back to Eruyt village often just to walk along its path again.
I still dream about the moment I first encountered this beautiful song. It has led me on a path to view nature, humanity as more important than technology.
I want to make a game that blends Diablo style themes and games with yasumi matsuno’s style of story telling and his choice of work artistic vision and music
the instruments are much more natural sounding in this version, like the flute for instance, but the original sounded more video game and authentic-like, if that makes sense, like the sounds were way crisper
Who else just would meander around Eryupt Village JUST to listen to the music? Also, it woudve been slighter better if you (the creator of the video) would have chosen a still image of Fran looking sentimental somehow, maybe a pic of her looking back as she leaves her home behind. Or something) but anyways, thanks for uploading! I havent gotten to this stage in Zodiac yet I can actually HEAR the flute being played, rather than just the TUNE of the flute. I can hear it waver, i love it
Definitely sweetheart it's so beautiful and the music so emotional the world is in chaos right now but least we can listen and chill to this amazing music Final Fantasy forever please take care sweetheart and stay safe all the best for future X👍🥃🍺🏴💖❤️😍😘🤗🌟
I'm coming up on 40 years of gaming now and this is still my favorite video game song of all-time.
Thank you for your service
you may already know, but there's an FF xii ps4 menu theme with this song
I hope you’ve played Odin Sphere and 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. And yes, this track is absolutely gorgeous. Hitoshi Sakimoto is one of my most favorite composer.
My personal favorite video game song of all-time is the menu screen music which is the main theme for FFXII.
@@andrewhembree4870 what?
XII was such an underrated game. I don't normally do 'lists', but if I did then this one would definitely be in the top 3, no doubt.
Ffxii has alot but underrated due to Gambits
Top three fantasies. For sure
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age: My favorite video game of all time. And that's the truth.
-Rock Band Rocker- Same here, best FF for sure.
I strongly agree if they developed an open world version of finally fantasy 12 😍😍
As a kid i would listen to this song endlessly on Sunday afternoons being depressed about going back to school the next day LOL
You made it through it
Im so sorry
you were so cute !
I did the same exact thing!
Exactly what I’m doing currently at 24, except work; not school 😢
I love this game.
Wow the flute in this version is so beautiful
I don't know whether to feel wistful, melancholy, or soothed.
This is a very apt description of how the Viera feel when they commune with the Wood.
This is just so overwhelming. The tone can change from hopeful , peaceful and relieving to melancholic and tense in seconds
Exactly!! This song literally expresses all those emotions!
This is the brilliance in Hiroshi Sakimoto's music :)
@@jchea1764 Many of his compositions are multi facted pieces of pure genius. I recommend all of you check out his works, especially Radiant Silvergun/Final Fantasy Tactics/Tactics Ogre (including newly remastered tracks for Tactics Ogre Reborn)
I haven’t heard this music in over a decade and it’s still gives me chills in a way
The save room theme of OG Resident Evil reminded me of this melody and it was stuck in my head for MONTHS and now I've finally figured out where it was from! I can rest in peace now.
wow much better , flute are clear now
Yeah that's the best part about this song
The original use sintetizador
This music has such feeling to it, a mix of peace and sadness.
It’s crazy to think this game will be 20 years old in 3 years. I remember getting the (brown steel case) collector’s edition of this game for Christmas back in 06. Gaming was just different back then lol
Something about this music and the feel of the place reminds me of Bran Bal in FF9. Its peaceful but sad.
the cost of isolation for the gift of the ethereal nature gods or wind or whatever
It's an easy comparison. The harp and harmony of the twin flutes in Bran Bal are beautiful.
The harp and flute combination is 👌
tears start to fall everytime i hear it
Same here. It's so beautiful.
This song is so beautiful. It's a perfect song to listen to while you try to fall into a peaceful sleep. I love it. There are so many tracks in this game that I love and this one is my top favorite!
I've unintentionally left this on repeat for about an hour and a half now. I didn't even notice.
As a nostalgic FFXII player, can't express how I felt when they used this theme in FFXIV's Viera Playable Race Reveal (/watch?v=N8JE4-T-i0s). It's just plainly awesome.
I remember first time coming here, seeing the view and hearing this music, it was really a spiritual experience. I even cried
I always listen to this song as it plays on the FF12 PS4 Eruyt Village theme.
Me too
me three!
@@riogan941 :)
Here too 😍🎶
Hitoshi Sakimoto! Thank you so much for composing😊!
I always listened to this music everytime i turned on my ps4, because i used ff12 theme.. So peaceful..
Dood I do the same thing, awesome song and theme for the ps4 👍👍😉
@@santus07 Ikr, its very great if you are suddenly have to do something with your phone and let the ps4 menu screen go on lol
lol i actually come here because just recently i found out the theme. i dont like the color scheme though but still set is as my ps4 theme because of the song.
When I was a kid and I got FFXII for my birthday, the moment I hit the village I fell in love with this song. I would always port back and save here no matter where I was in the story.
Thanks for uploading this one. I tear up every time I remember this story about Fran
That opening harp evokes something out of Secret of Evermore so much I thought for sure it was lifted from it, but I think it's just a similar motif and similar sounding instruments
I miss the days were i could play beautiful games like this, enjoy songs and relax. Nothing in mind. So beautiful.... Ff 12 & tactics best OST ❤
I like this one better than the original, still prefer original ost overall though.
We all chilled in this village, we all know why...
This is why I love video game music.
ive love this game since i was 12 now im 28 how time fly by dam i still play this masterpiece of a game
1:36 - This part is amazing and so out of the blue.
This track is legit genius. It legit carries the entire map and the entire IDEA of a hidden forest village. It's insanely good.
I love this song. When I hear it, it reminds me of the "blissful ignorance" the Viera live in. They refuse leave the wood and choose to remain ignorant of the outside world. It is like they live in a waking dream.
from 3:23 to 3:35 sounds like it could very well be from a Björk song
Imagine a Bjork and Final Fantasy collaboration :D
Final Fantasy XII - it never gets the huge recognition it deserves. One of the best FFs games ever made to be honest 🎉 World, music, characters and gameplay is top tier!
Omg, ikr, along vagrant story, these are two criminally underrated games
IV, VI and XII are my top 3 FF’s !
this actually reminds me of an old friend of mine. heh- he used to put this as a soundtrack in our rpg campaign. it was the fairy kingdom's theme song. i'd really enjoy listen to it while our characters were there. it was really magic. but things change, dont they? i dont talk to him anymore and i dont think that will ever happen again. i hope he is ok, even after everything that happened between us.
This music make me relax
This song has been my phone ringtone for quite a while now. Hitoshi Sakimoto is just absolute perfection and such a fit for Final Fantasy. Probably the best FF composer along with Nobuo Uematsu. I do like Masayoshi Soken but he is just a notch under these two.
Tbh Soken is just as good as them imo
Ff16 and ff14 soundtrack were just from another world as well
If I'm not mistaken, I believe this track was actually written by Masaharu Iwata, the guy who acted as Hitoshi Sakimoto's partner in almost all of his previous works, such as Final Fantasy Tactics. Sadly he only wrote like 3-4 pieces of music for FF12, and I believe this is one of them.
I couldn't find the answer, I found no place that register every composer for every track. Still found that : finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XII:_Original_Soundtrack
Where we can see that, supposedly, Masharu Iwata wrote the Sochen Cave Palace and the Feywood ones. And unfortunately, no composer is written under Eruyt Village..
And every link about this piece that specify the composer put Hitoshi Sakimoto there.
So, no definite answer, would be quite interesting if so.
And I have absolutely no skills that could help me determine if there is similarities between the Fe..ywood, Sochen and Eruyt pieces
@@desplanchesstevan1418 Since you mention it, I'm likely thinking of the Feywood track
Oh really? They both worked together in FF Tactics.
@@marlonsolis2272 They did, and brilliantly so -- they also did in Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (heck, I think maybe all Ogre Battle games); I personally felt that having only one of them write 90% of the music was a mistake on their part, as a 4-CD long compilation would've been awesome and resulted in more stand-out tracks (as Sakimoto would have twice as long to work on each). Especially considering that, if you really look at the FF Tactics soundtrack, closely you can tell that neither composer was the "more talented" one - both did outstanding work within it.
2 years late but this was composed by Sakimoto. Iwata only composed 2 tracks for FF12, mentioned above. Sakimoto is the main composer in FF12, with Hayato Matsuo composing 7 tracks and Iwata composing 2 tracks. Iwata's music tends to be mysterious, intense, or sometimes unsettling. You can hear that in the Sochen Cave Palace and the Feywood, and most especially in other games like Tactics. Eruyt Village is very melodical and consonant, rather than dissonant.
reminds me of Halo 3 ODST: Original Soundtrack - 04 Rain (Deference for Darkness)
I still love this song like no other man. The nostalgia this brings is crazy, so want FF14 to use this OST somewhere
I only ever walked through this area, not ran because of this theme. It took me quite awhile but it was time well spent
Gives me chills every time
How could I forget about this theme 😍
Yay thanks, I haven't played through FFXII but now I know how the village looks like.
I just really love this song
This is the best track in the entire game. The OST is alright overall, but this particular track really stands out.
EDIT:Also, the gameplay in the background is a great touch
Agreed, it’s one of the best songs in the entire franchise
The ost is alright ? Buggin ost is great
This is the FFXIV Viera theme song they used in the revealed trailer
Jkapricorn yes because viera originated in ff12 lol and this theme is their village theme.
everytime the flute kicks in my mind leaves this planet
The orchestra is brilliant, the whole soundtrack is nice too. They did a really nice job with this OST.
I just love this song and I use the Eruyt Village theme on my PS4 though the song itself isn’t the only reason as it is also home to the Viera who are one of my favorite races in any FF game
Also I plan to get the Switch version for my birthday
its so nice that we can finally play as viera in final fantasy 14 too. they are so awsome and this music omg
This song and game literally transported me to other worlds...
Very relaxing 😌
Beautiful song
Sounds so much better in zodiac age 🙌
This is the most spine tingling music I've ever heard so emotional and beautiful I am a huge Final Fantasy fan you might of seen other post's by me I absolutely love Lightning Claire Farron she is gorgeous love of my life be safe everyone amongst Coronavirus we will beat it eventually til then take care X👍🍺🥃🏴💖
Somglad im balthier with the name so now we have viera and rping will be great
Someone told me it was referenced in the main theme of the 5th area in FFXIV Endwalker. I haven't played FFXII before and this sounds really beautiful.
(Spoiler for FFXIV:)
The area was named Elpis.
Edit: the reference to this is really minor, or not sure if that was a reference : P
Play this at my funeral.
I would always go back to Eruyt Village and willingly subject myself to all the Viera's verbal abuse just to look at them and hear this song ❤️😅
But that area has so many Marlboro I hate those plants
Eruyt Village,
The Heart of Vieradom in Ivalice.
Bro really made a wholeass civilization composed ONLY of bunny girls in lingeries and we didn't even question it cause he made them so majestic and elegant
2023 feels
Chatgpt recommended me this to listen to while I read additional monster manual for D&D 5e. Never heard it before, I'm not dissapointed tho.
❤️ amo demais!
Sad how you enter these places and never go back there again, they become useless and forgotten. If only there were more open areas, houses, and more sidequests and story, but oh well.
But did you see how much effort the devs put into " these places and never go back there again, they become useless and forgotten " ??
You don't see stuff like these in XIII and XV anymore..
It's sad...
I go back to Eruyt village often just to walk along its path again.
Is there any place IRL that looks close to Eruyt Village? If there is, I wanna go there 😄.
I still dream about the moment I first encountered this beautiful song. It has led me on a path to view nature, humanity as more important than technology.
slim guerilla - get it how you live
I want to make a game that blends Diablo style themes and games with yasumi matsuno’s style of story telling and his choice of work artistic vision and music
Judges Disliked this Music
There’s a similar area with Viera in FF14: Shadowbringers but its theme pales in comparison to this.
I always love making a stop at Playboy, er Eruyt Village
Realm Breaker
I use this in skyrim
it's so star wars, i love it!
Ear Candy
Ah yes the place where Vaan acts really out of character. WE'LL LEAVE... WHEN WE FIND MYRN... STAY OUT OF OUR WAY
As perfect as this entire game is in my opinion, I really do have a problem with the "How old were you again?" scene. Just... mega-cringe. 😖
look up Lost in Time by Skucci
Original is better but they did a great job with the orchestral version
I have to accept that I do not like this game, especially the story and Characters, but the music was really good, especially this theme.
Why is nobody talking about that these rabbitgirls look like playmates? ^^
Cos we’re not losers
How can people say the original is better? The two songs are litteraly the same XDD
the instruments are much more natural sounding in this version, like the flute for instance, but the original sounded more video game and authentic-like, if that makes sense, like the sounds were way crisper
A pleasant lie, that. ^^
Kizzainpleh Definitely makes sense
@@sephirothsoul999 i see what you did there 😏
@@DammnDeejay XD
it's nice but the original is better
Who else just would meander around Eryupt Village JUST to listen to the music?
Also, it woudve been slighter better if you (the creator of the video) would have chosen a still image of Fran looking sentimental somehow, maybe a pic of her looking back as she leaves her home behind. Or something) but anyways, thanks for uploading! I havent gotten to this stage in Zodiac yet
I can actually HEAR the flute being played, rather than just the TUNE of the flute. I can hear it waver, i love it
Definitely sweetheart it's so beautiful and the music so emotional the world is in chaos right now but least we can listen and chill to this amazing music Final Fantasy forever please take care sweetheart and stay safe all the best for future X👍🥃🍺🏴💖❤️😍😘🤗🌟