@@bonnie2699 hahaha, funny but very good ADVISE. 我们海外长大的华人最讨厌整形就是欺骗男人,我们说话直白真诚,有坚定的信仰。所以世上最优秀的男人(没空泡妞,所以最爱美女主动出击追他,女追男才是女人的天职,把自己嫁的好,有个温暖的家,生出健康聪明娃完成一个伟大母亲的里程碑才是它的使命,而男人应追事业,追逐名利,才能给她安稳的家,有车有房那些物质,还有幽默精神愉悦等等)只想一个人扛所有东西,只给将来的高挑年轻处女最优秀的这种美女最幸福美好的生活。这么多年自己打拼,所有痛苦不告诉于她,只想把最快乐幸福的将来与她和家人分享。谁知他独自拼搏这么多年背后的苦衷,没人说! 高挑美女(博士 -most men do NOT care if her income and PhD or fancy school degrees as long as she is NOT a big spender and NOT too stupid lol, every parents should educate their daughters that DO NOT take dating/marriage advise from WOMAN because you are NOT marry to another woman, you're marrying to A outstanding MAN or HVM [High Value Men] so u must LISTEN+find out what the HVM want and satisfy their NEEDS & most HVM tell u they don't care woman's income & degrees as said above, THEY ONLY CARE IF U R 18-24Y/O YOUNG, beautiful, V girl=Purity no complicated bf or both Physical & Emotional Damage background and Obedient/submissive or AT LEAST SUPPORTIVE/COOPERATIVE to build family - as long as the girls able to SATISFY those 4 above factors, they're the TOP GOOD QUALITY HVW = summary: a)under 25y/o YOUNG enough to have GOOD ENOUGH FERTILITY EGGS FOR PROCREATION = woman is born NOT for man but FOR CHILDREN! If u bring harm to a tiger's or women's babies, they WILL FIGHT UNTIL DIE TO PROTECT kids, that proves WOMEN ARE BORN FOR KIDS SO DON'T listen to 200+ yrs of US western's culture to encourage feminists empowering women to focus on career [then give up marriage + kids] ) to make money train them become like a muscular MAN but after 38y/o later even become wealthy like Carlina Lau married over 42 cannot kids so her whole life work hard for $ has no bloodline then life can lost its meaning, all $, lifelong knowledge/wisdom cannot pass on to next gen b/c no offspring. Again do NOT fight against with God for God created woman's destiny is for procreation & only has 400 eggs, the math is (50-13)*12=444 eggs but practially (43-18)*12=~300 eggs; don't listen to the only has ~200+ yrs of US WESTERN VALUES=the Liberals want to stupefy the mass; listen to 5K yrs of Chinese TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE Values to teach gals be kind, sweet, soft, submissive or cooperative to support husband together build family & raise/play with kids makes woman most happy & science proves woman after give birth utlilize her womb & breast milking kids REDUCES BIG chance of v-cancer & breast cancer b/c God created every body part SERVES ITS PURPOSE, if woman don't have sex & kids never utilize her breast for milking then the body fail or cause cancer so don't listen to the WEST LIBRAL STUPEFY you esp empowering woman train them become feminists to FIGHT for ONLY BENEFITS EQUALITY BUT NEVER DUTY Eqality such as take all dirty, high risk, dangerous, shortern life, UNWANTED jobs like fix cars, bridges, fight wars, build ELECTRIC GENERATOR power stations - woman CANONT EXIST & LIVE WITHOUT MEN on earth b/c men created EVERYTHING & even procreation still needs man's sperm - woman cannot have babies w/o man's sperm & still need man makes $ to raise kids buy cars, house, & send kids to the top expensive schools, w/o man-made electric generator, all electric appliacnes/phone/pc can't work, society back to stone age w/o man fix cars, bridge, 100k volt transmission line & fix generators & who give a life is MAN b/c 1 man can impregnate 200 women deliver 200 kids no problem but 1 woman cannot procreate 200 kids) 都说99%每个男人都说爱我疼我,但是现在连美国最高的政府到很多州、到很多城市、到个人都有债,婚后等她帮他还债吧。哪有像你那么优秀,有车有房有千万元幽默风趣博学品优把节省下的钱与将来高挑美丽处女最优秀的她分享,让孩子和幸运的她三代无忧,还孝敬咱们的父母啊?!其他很多美女只能嫁到甜言蜜语的高帅暖男但满身都有债务,讨好你的暖男疯狂追求你,谁知原来是等你婚后一起帮忙还债哈!哪有Ta牺牲自我有钱还节省抠门是惩罚自己啊,现在牺牲自己给你美好的将来与你分享,这才是耶稣基督教我们的爱就是要牺牲自我,自己吃苦吃亏,连人民领导都把国家的钱花尽借债都要活在当下把钱用尽享乐,等将来下一代还债吧。我就随便说说,不再做伟大演讲改变人们一生了!哈,我普度众生而已。
Sugar Daddy is NOT stupid too, they almost all WANT young beautiful VIRGIN = the best quality and supportive kind of NO TOO STUPID or at least IQ 100 ones:). Beautiful includes TALLER THAN 165CM otherwise she will NOT look good wearing fashion, man loves LONG LEGS beautiful plaint simple supportive EASY-GET-ALONE good quality girl, that's the GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL girl NOT plastic surgery or fake boobs, fake kind, fake PhD Beijing Univ or Havard degree or reply on RICH FAMILY'S money a SPOILED BRATS - in China there are TOO MANY so-called Bai Fu Mei but in USA culture, we VALUE her achievement rely on HERSELF without much help from rich family. If every so-called FAKE surgery beautiful girls (w/o brain without v*rginity or PURE kind good long leg NATURAL beauty) are SO EASILY MARRY a rich sugar daddy, then 1 sugar daddy can marry or sleep with 40-400 such fake-surgery-beauty every day have tons of sex with too many fake-boobs beauties then he dies fast LOL. So rich smart sugar daddy (esp those self-made rich ones are NOT stupid ones) ARE VERY PICKY and only choose the real best quality natural beautiful + kind heart + skillful or at least IQ > 100 and down to earth SIMPLE life esp LESS COMPLICATES SEX life (prefer she's a v*rg*n=the best b/c that LUCKY pretty smart kind girl will be SMART RICH DAD'S FUTURE KIDS mother, carry his smart genes & inherit everything he works hard whole life accumulated for: pass on genes, life knowledge & wealth + life experiences so marriage is A BIG DEAL and thus cannot be just a fake beauty fake kind fake PhD or IQ TOO DUMB LOL). The smart sugar daddy said "men after 40-50+ yrs old sacrifice 5-25yrs to build wealth, so many yrs of work hard + lonely to exchange for his finally wealthy... who will be the lucky smart kind NATURAL beantiful girl to marry me as Trump said on TV, who will be the APPRENTICE? I will give u everything the best I can OFFER you but I also want u bring the best on the table - give me thing best from your side too just like an employer hire u give u the best work enviornment fullfil your dream job of lifetime but he also demand employee must be outstanding - give me something best in return after he hires employee/wife u? I give u top salary/best benefits/love you 3x every day make u happy give u + our kids tons of wealth + life experiences/lifetime partner advise u make life best decision + take care of u like father + brother, but u only give me a used body with 30 Edison Chan Black-White-yellow skin with 100,000 miles piston action a used engine or body parts touched/used by 30 bf? OH NO, such marriage is a BAD DEAL. U bring LESS or no value to the table, u r fired, u want top employer/rich smart man marry/hire u, but u MUST ALSO BRING in as good as we offer u, everything in life is about WIN-WIN deals, I give u the best, u should also give me the best or what BOSS/MAN WANT and smart rich men want YOUNG BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN WITH kind heart, a normal IQ good girl, not a complicated 30-90 Edc bf w/ 3 abortion makes 4 Black-White sex tape, oh No! U r fired, the best rich smart man ALSO WANT THE BEST quality beautiful v kind girl, we SET OUR STANDARD SO HIGH SO ONLY A FEW good quality girls can marry us, otherwise if we set avg standard or set the standard too low then too many sexy pretty girl all want to marry/date/f*ck sugar daddy we then such sugard dumb daddy will die soon after losing too many sperm; SMART sugar daddy w/ humor will NOT set standad too low to live LONGER" LOL.
Even sugar daddy still want LESS materialistic, down to heart, KIND, and prefer v*rg*n. I would rather donate $ help the poor then spend big $ brag to satisfy her demand this + that but give me not much in return. She acts like a rich man's rats waste $:). BOTH ARE TOO FAKE, why people in China has to talk BIG, ACT big to impress people? Fear to loss face? How come both don't talk about their interests, hobbies, life goals, etc. Both need to be independent a bit, don't rely on others - in USA, if u want something, girl u go get it youself, u can work hard and earn it yourself :).
@@CutePuppy520 Sugar Daddy is NOT stupid too, they almost all WANT young beautiful VIRGIN = the best quality and supportive kind of NO TOO STUPID or at least IQ 100 ones:). Beautiful includes TALLER THAN 165CM otherwise she will NOT look good wearing fashion, man loves LONG LEGS beautiful plaint simple supportive EASY-GET-ALONE good quality girl, that's the GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL girl NOT plastic surgery or fake boobs, fake kind, fake PhD Beijing Univ or Havard degree or reply on RICH FAMILY'S money a SPOILED BRATS - in China there are TOO MANY so-called Bai Fu Mei but in USA culture, we VALUE her achievement rely on HERSELF without much help from rich family. If every so-called FAKE surgery beautiful girls (w/o brain without v*rginity or PURE kind good long leg NATURAL beauty) are SO EASILY MARRY a rich sugar daddy, then 1 sugar daddy can marry or sleep with 40-400 such fake-surgery-beauty every day have tons of sex with too many fake-boobs beauties then he dies fast LOL. So rich smart sugar daddy (esp those self-made rich ones are NOT stupid ones) ARE VERY PICKY and only choose the real best quality natural beautiful + kind heart + skillful or at least IQ > 100 and down to earth SIMPLE life esp LESS COMPLICATES SEX life (prefer she's a v*rg*n=the best b/c that LUCKY pretty smart kind girl will be SMART RICH DAD'S FUTURE KIDS mother, carry his smart genes & inherit everything he works hard whole life accumulated for: pass on genes, life knowledge & wealth + life experiences so marriage is A BIG DEAL and thus cannot be just a fake beauty fake kind fake PhD or IQ TOO DUMB LOL). The smart sugar daddy said "men after 40-50+ yrs old sacrifice 5-25yrs to build wealth, so many yrs of work hard + lonely to exchange for his finally wealthy... who will be the lucky smart kind NATURAL beantiful girl to marry me as Trump said on TV, who will be the APPRENTICE? I will give u everything the best I can OFFER you but I also want u bring the best on the table - give me thing best from your side too just like an employer hire u give u the best work enviornment fullfil your dream job of lifetime but he also demand employee must be outstanding - give me something best in return after he hires employee/wife u? I give u top salary/best benefits/love you 3x every day make u happy give u + our kids tons of wealth + life experiences/lifetime partner advise u make life best decision + take care of u like father + brother, but u only give me a used body with 30 Edison Chan Black-White-yellow skin with 100,000 miles piston action a used engine or body parts touched/used by 30 bf? OH NO, such marriage is a BAD DEAL. U bring LESS or no value to the table, u r fired, u want top employer/rich smart man marry/hire u, but u MUST ALSO BRING in as good as we offer u, everything in life is about WIN-WIN deals, I give u the best, u should also give me the best or what BOSS/MAN WANT and smart rich men want YOUNG BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN WITH kind heart, a normal IQ good girl, not a complicated 30-90 Edc bf w/ 3 abortion makes 4 Black-White sex tape, oh No! U r fired, the best rich smart man ALSO WANT THE BEST quality beautiful v kind girl, we SET OUR STANDARD SO HIGH SO ONLY A FEW good quality girls can marry us, otherwise if we set avg standard or set the standard too low then too many sexy pretty girl all want to marry/date/f*ck sugar daddy we then such sugard dumb daddy will die soon after losing too many sperm; SMART sugar daddy w/ humor will NOT set standad too low to live LONGER" LOL.
Alex L 你傻吗?她不是说了她自己是读设计毕业的,所以希望找个会搞设计的男友,那样两个人可以一起拼搏吗? 女生拼搏拼搏,我不知道,毕竟我不认识她, 但是,在我眼里,不拼搏的人,很明显是那个屌丝,都一把年纪了,一看就是个没钱+没什么出息+没见过世面的人,可能连大学文凭可能都没有的那一种。 他如果年轻时努力拼搏找机会挣钱,他也不会沦落到年纪那么大了还穿冒牌衣服去相亲吧
@sammy wan Sugar Daddy is NOT stupid too, they almost all WANT young beautiful VIRGIN = the best quality and supportive kind of NO TOO STUPID or at least IQ 100 ones:). Beautiful includes TALLER THAN 165CM otherwise she will NOT look good wearing fashion, man loves LONG LEGS beautiful plaint simple supportive EASY-GET-ALONE good quality girl, that's the GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL girl NOT plastic surgery or fake boobs, fake kind, fake PhD Beijing Univ or Havard degree or reply on RICH FAMILY'S money a SPOILED BRATS - in China there are TOO MANY so-called Bai Fu Mei but in USA culture, we VALUE her achievement rely on HERSELF without much help from rich family. If every so-called FAKE surgery beautiful girls (w/o brain without v*rginity or PURE kind good long leg NATURAL beauty) are SO EASILY MARRY a rich sugar daddy, then 1 sugar daddy can marry or sleep with 40-400 such fake-surgery-beauty every day have tons of sex with too many fake-boobs beauties then he dies fast LOL. So rich smart sugar daddy (esp those self-made rich ones are NOT stupid ones) ARE VERY PICKY and only choose the real best quality natural beautiful + kind heart + skillful or at least IQ > 100 and down to earth SIMPLE life esp LESS COMPLICATES SEX life (prefer she's a v*rg*n=the best b/c that LUCKY pretty smart kind girl will be SMART RICH DAD'S FUTURE KIDS mother, carry his smart genes & inherit everything he works hard whole life accumulated for: pass on genes, life knowledge & wealth + life experiences so marriage is A BIG DEAL and thus cannot be just a fake beauty fake kind fake PhD or IQ TOO DUMB LOL). The smart sugar daddy said "men after 40-50+ yrs old sacrifice 5-25yrs to build wealth, so many yrs of work hard + lonely to exchange for his finally wealthy... who will be the lucky smart kind NATURAL beantiful girl to marry me as Trump said on TV, who will be the APPRENTICE? I will give u everything the best I can OFFER you but I also want u bring the best on the table - give me thing best from your side too just like an employer hire u give u the best work enviornment fullfil your dream job of lifetime but he also demand employee must be outstanding - give me something best in return after he hires employee/wife u? I give u top salary/best benefits/love you 3x every day make u happy give u + our kids tons of wealth + life experiences/lifetime partner advise u make life best decision + take care of u like father + brother, but u only give me a used body with 30 Edison Chan Black-White-yellow skin with 100,000 miles piston action a used engine or body parts touched/used by 30 bf? OH NO, such marriage is a BAD DEAL. U bring LESS or no value to the table, u r fired, u want top employer/rich smart man marry/hire u, but u MUST ALSO BRING in as good as we offer u, everything in life is about WIN-WIN deals, I give u the best, u should also give me the best or what BOSS/MAN WANT and smart rich men want YOUNG BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN WITH kind heart, a normal IQ good girl, not a complicated 30-90 Edc bf w/ 3 abortion makes 4 Black-White sex tape, oh No! U r fired, the best rich smart man ALSO WANT THE BEST quality beautiful v kind girl, we SET OUR STANDARD SO HIGH SO ONLY A FEW good quality girls can marry us, otherwise if we set avg standard or set the standard too low then too many sexy pretty girl all want to marry/date/f*ck sugar daddy we then such sugard dumb daddy will die soon after losing too many sperm; SMART sugar daddy w/ humor will NOT set standad too low to live LONGER" LOL.
Sugar Daddy is NOT stupid too, they almost all WANT young beautiful VIRGIN = the best quality and supportive kind of NO TOO STUPID or at least IQ 100 ones:). Beautiful includes TALLER THAN 165CM otherwise she will NOT look good wearing fashion, man loves LONG LEGS beautiful plaint simple supportive EASY-GET-ALONE good quality girl, that's the GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL girl NOT plastic surgery or fake boobs, fake kind, fake PhD Beijing Univ or Havard degree or reply on RICH FAMILY'S money a SPOILED BRATS - in China there are TOO MANY so-called Bai Fu Mei but in USA culture, we VALUE her achievement rely on HERSELF without much help from rich family. If every so-called FAKE surgery beautiful girls (w/o brain without v*rginity or PURE kind good long leg NATURAL beauty) are SO EASILY MARRY a rich sugar daddy, then 1 sugar daddy can marry or sleep with 40-400 such fake-surgery-beauty every day have tons of sex with too many fake-boobs beauties then he dies fast LOL. So rich smart sugar daddy (esp those self-made rich ones are NOT stupid ones) ARE VERY PICKY and only choose the real best quality natural beautiful + kind heart + skillful or at least IQ > 100 and down to earth SIMPLE life esp LESS COMPLICATES SEX life (prefer she's a v*rg*n=the best b/c that LUCKY pretty smart kind girl will be SMART RICH DAD'S FUTURE KIDS mother, carry his smart genes & inherit everything he works hard whole life accumulated for: pass on genes, life knowledge & wealth + life experiences so marriage is A BIG DEAL and thus cannot be just a fake beauty fake kind fake PhD or IQ TOO DUMB LOL). The smart sugar daddy said "men after 40-50+ yrs old sacrifice 5-25yrs to build wealth, so many yrs of work hard + lonely to exchange for his finally wealthy... who will be the lucky smart kind NATURAL beantiful girl to marry me as Trump said on TV, who will be the APPRENTICE? I will give u everything the best I can OFFER you but I also want u bring the best on the table - give me thing best from your side too just like an employer hire u give u the best work enviornment fullfil your dream job of lifetime but he also demand employee must be outstanding - give me something best in return after he hires employee/wife u? I give u top salary/best benefits/love you 3x every day make u happy give u + our kids tons of wealth + life experiences/lifetime partner advise u make life best decision + take care of u like father + brother, but u only give me a used body with 30 Edison Chan Black-White-yellow skin with 100,000 miles piston action a used engine or body parts touched/used by 30 bf? OH NO, such marriage is a BAD DEAL. U bring LESS or no value to the table, u r fired, u want top employer/rich smart man marry/hire u, but u MUST ALSO BRING in as good as we offer u, everything in life is about WIN-WIN deals, I give u the best, u should also give me the best or what BOSS/MAN WANT and smart rich men want YOUNG BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN WITH kind heart, a normal IQ good girl, not a complicated 30-90 Edc bf w/ 3 abortion makes 4 Black-White sex tape, oh No! U r fired, the best rich smart man ALSO WANT THE BEST quality beautiful v kind girl, we SET OUR STANDARD SO HIGH SO ONLY A FEW good quality girls can marry us, otherwise if we set avg standard or set the standard too low then too many sexy pretty girl all want to marry/date/f*ck sugar daddy we then such sugard dumb daddy will die soon after losing too many sperm; SMART sugar daddy w/ humor will NOT set standad too low to live LONGER" LOL.
good inner HEALTHY mind, congrad! SUCCESS/MONEY has more true meaning only if u achieve it YOURSELF thru hard work, congrad good girl deserves a big hand :)!
@@keithl8080 我也這麼覺得 女嘉賓家境應該很好的
女的想找有錢凱子~男的一直裝有錢凱子 笑死
一個裝大款,一個找凱子。 蠻配的
@@bonnie2699 hahaha, funny but very good ADVISE. 我们海外长大的华人最讨厌整形就是欺骗男人,我们说话直白真诚,有坚定的信仰。所以世上最优秀的男人(没空泡妞,所以最爱美女主动出击追他,女追男才是女人的天职,把自己嫁的好,有个温暖的家,生出健康聪明娃完成一个伟大母亲的里程碑才是它的使命,而男人应追事业,追逐名利,才能给她安稳的家,有车有房那些物质,还有幽默精神愉悦等等)只想一个人扛所有东西,只给将来的高挑年轻处女最优秀的这种美女最幸福美好的生活。这么多年自己打拼,所有痛苦不告诉于她,只想把最快乐幸福的将来与她和家人分享。谁知他独自拼搏这么多年背后的苦衷,没人说! 高挑美女(博士 -most men do NOT care if her income and PhD or fancy school degrees as long as she is NOT a big spender and NOT too stupid lol, every parents should educate their daughters that DO NOT take dating/marriage advise from WOMAN because you are NOT marry to another woman, you're marrying to A outstanding MAN or HVM [High Value Men] so u must LISTEN+find out what the HVM want and satisfy their NEEDS & most HVM tell u they don't care woman's income & degrees as said above, THEY ONLY CARE IF U R 18-24Y/O YOUNG, beautiful, V girl=Purity no complicated bf or both Physical & Emotional Damage background and Obedient/submissive or AT LEAST SUPPORTIVE/COOPERATIVE to build family - as long as the girls able to SATISFY those 4 above factors, they're the TOP GOOD QUALITY HVW = summary: a)under 25y/o YOUNG enough to have GOOD ENOUGH FERTILITY EGGS FOR PROCREATION = woman is born NOT for man but FOR CHILDREN! If u bring harm to a tiger's or women's babies, they WILL FIGHT UNTIL DIE TO PROTECT kids, that proves WOMEN ARE BORN FOR KIDS SO DON'T listen to 200+ yrs of US western's culture to encourage feminists empowering women to focus on career [then give up marriage + kids] ) to make money train them become like a muscular MAN but after 38y/o later even become wealthy like Carlina Lau married over 42 cannot kids so her whole life work hard for $ has no bloodline then life can lost its meaning, all $, lifelong knowledge/wisdom cannot pass on to next gen b/c no offspring. Again do NOT fight against with God for God created woman's destiny is for procreation & only has 400 eggs, the math is (50-13)*12=444 eggs but practially (43-18)*12=~300 eggs; don't listen to the only has ~200+ yrs of US WESTERN VALUES=the Liberals want to stupefy the mass; listen to 5K yrs of Chinese TRADITIONAL CONSERVATIVE Values to teach gals be kind, sweet, soft, submissive or cooperative to support husband together build family & raise/play with kids makes woman most happy & science proves woman after give birth utlilize her womb & breast milking kids REDUCES BIG chance of v-cancer & breast cancer b/c God created every body part SERVES ITS PURPOSE, if woman don't have sex & kids never utilize her breast for milking then the body fail or cause cancer so don't listen to the WEST LIBRAL STUPEFY you esp empowering woman train them become feminists to FIGHT for ONLY BENEFITS EQUALITY BUT NEVER DUTY Eqality such as take all dirty, high risk, dangerous, shortern life, UNWANTED jobs like fix cars, bridges, fight wars, build ELECTRIC GENERATOR power stations - woman CANONT EXIST & LIVE WITHOUT MEN on earth b/c men created EVERYTHING & even procreation still needs man's sperm - woman cannot have babies w/o man's sperm & still need man makes $ to raise kids buy cars, house, & send kids to the top expensive schools, w/o man-made electric generator, all electric appliacnes/phone/pc can't work, society back to stone age w/o man fix cars, bridge, 100k volt transmission line & fix generators & who give a life is MAN b/c 1 man can impregnate 200 women deliver 200 kids no problem but 1 woman cannot procreate 200 kids) 都说99%每个男人都说爱我疼我,但是现在连美国最高的政府到很多州、到很多城市、到个人都有债,婚后等她帮他还债吧。哪有像你那么优秀,有车有房有千万元幽默风趣博学品优把节省下的钱与将来高挑美丽处女最优秀的她分享,让孩子和幸运的她三代无忧,还孝敬咱们的父母啊?!其他很多美女只能嫁到甜言蜜语的高帅暖男但满身都有债务,讨好你的暖男疯狂追求你,谁知原来是等你婚后一起帮忙还债哈!哪有Ta牺牲自我有钱还节省抠门是惩罚自己啊,现在牺牲自己给你美好的将来与你分享,这才是耶稣基督教我们的爱就是要牺牲自我,自己吃苦吃亏,连人民领导都把国家的钱花尽借债都要活在当下把钱用尽享乐,等将来下一代还债吧。我就随便说说,不再做伟大演讲改变人们一生了!哈,我普度众生而已。
@@alexl932 谢谢你回复好长的一段话。生活就是这样,最终还是“爱情与面包”的选择。
@@alexl932 确实主动出击,盲目自信的女人,一般最后都找得到好的男人,而且是最低配都不算的嫁了一个最顶配的那种,因为瞎眼的男人真的很多。他们看不清女的。
@@yujuansun1070 哈哈哈哈 研究发现,女人最高峰时在18岁,而男人最顶峰却在50岁且一生都有用不完的精子故年龄身高不重要,孔子爹娘相差54岁仍生出天才荣耀华人,嫌弃就没孔子了!女人一生仅有约4百多个卵子,在18岁至29岁时生育能力最旺盛,30岁时生育力就开始下降,35岁下降得更快,45岁后绝大部分女人很难怀孕,所以叫剩女。剩女真正的意思就是体内剩下可怀上聪明健康娃的卵子也不多了故贬值被男嫌弃因女在男眼中最大贡献是生健康聪明娃,贤惠相夫教子,剩女多金事业多成功第一名模多美像林志玲,郭台铭想生不出聪明娃继承江山要你何用?不拿生出钝胎后代做赌注,都不要剩女,几乎每个成功男人都要29岁以下的美嫩处。中国太多书呆子玩弄文字说话不直白,文人多矫情骗子之过也。th-cam.com/video/Ux-WKpjzs38/w-d-xo.html
sugar daddy
@@alexl932 药不能停
@@alexl932 看医生了吗?
Shian Wen这女的够恶心 找人包吗?
什么女孩子?真是令人无语 🙄自己不赚钱却想着交个男朋友,对方负责自己高消费的需求,恶不恶心呢?而且在跟男生吃饭时候的表现真的毫无素质修养可言!
@@keithl8080 去報名吧,你的大家閨秀沒有人要喔!那個嘴臉你跟我說她家就很好?說談吐?如果她都不缺,且對生活品質很有要求,又是享受過的,她還需要問問店員的看法嗎?有點社會閱歷就知道,這個男生不行!分明是一個窮酸刻薄愛佔便宜的女生,遇到了一個窮酸又愛騙人的男人而已,誰也沒有比誰強。不要自己以為有點閱歷,就留言酸其他人,見多了,你就不會覺得這個女人是大家閨秀了。家裡有錢不用她去賺錢,她會不吃那些快餐,提出去別的餐廳吃,她自己出自己的飯錢,人家不送她東西,她可以自己買下來,不是在那邊跟店員問東問西之後還沒買,有沒有禮貌?
@@keithl8080 在你的认知里米其林就算高品质,哈哈哈
我喜歡玩股票+滑雪 +高消費...但我沒收入沒錢...???作雞吧?
@@keithl8080 笑死 不需要每個都留 這女的就擺明要找包養
女嘉賓16:22 一個月「消費要2萬」…換算台幣8萬7千多 ,沒工作,又想炒股😂
兩個人也不過 1000 人民幣就能搞定!!
好看 这综艺我当tm电视剧看 哈哈哈哈哈 全是奇葩 应该叫 奇葩有喜 不过也是 能跑出来相亲的 80%都是自身有很多缺陷 思想问题的
男的假 女的也不是什么好鸟 也就是想找个sugar daddy罢了
Sugar Daddy is NOT stupid too, they almost all WANT young beautiful VIRGIN = the best quality and supportive kind of NO TOO STUPID or at least IQ 100 ones:). Beautiful includes TALLER THAN 165CM otherwise she will NOT look good wearing fashion, man loves LONG LEGS beautiful plaint simple supportive EASY-GET-ALONE good quality girl, that's the GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL girl NOT plastic surgery or fake boobs, fake kind, fake PhD Beijing Univ or Havard degree or reply on RICH FAMILY'S money a SPOILED BRATS - in China there are TOO MANY so-called Bai Fu Mei but in USA culture, we VALUE her achievement rely on HERSELF without much help from rich family. If every so-called FAKE surgery beautiful girls (w/o brain without v*rginity or PURE kind good long leg NATURAL beauty) are SO EASILY MARRY a rich sugar daddy, then 1 sugar daddy can marry or sleep with 40-400 such fake-surgery-beauty every day have tons of sex with too many fake-boobs beauties then he dies fast LOL. So rich smart sugar daddy (esp those self-made rich ones are NOT stupid ones) ARE VERY PICKY and only choose the real best quality natural beautiful + kind heart + skillful or at least IQ > 100 and down to earth SIMPLE life esp LESS COMPLICATES SEX life (prefer she's a v*rg*n=the best b/c that LUCKY pretty smart kind girl will be SMART RICH DAD'S FUTURE KIDS mother, carry his smart genes & inherit everything he works hard whole life accumulated for: pass on genes, life knowledge & wealth + life experiences so marriage is A BIG DEAL and thus cannot be just a fake beauty fake kind fake PhD or IQ TOO DUMB LOL). The smart sugar daddy said "men after 40-50+ yrs old sacrifice 5-25yrs to build wealth, so many yrs of work hard + lonely to exchange for his finally wealthy... who will be the lucky smart kind NATURAL beantiful girl to marry me as Trump said on TV, who will be the APPRENTICE? I will give u everything the best I can OFFER you but I also want u bring the best on the table - give me thing best from your side too just like an employer hire u give u the best work enviornment fullfil your dream job of lifetime but he also demand employee must be outstanding - give me something best in return after he hires employee/wife u? I give u top salary/best benefits/love you 3x every day make u happy give u + our kids tons of wealth + life experiences/lifetime partner advise u make life best decision + take care of u like father + brother, but u only give me a used body with 30 Edison Chan Black-White-yellow skin with 100,000 miles piston action a used engine or body parts touched/used by 30 bf? OH NO, such marriage is a BAD DEAL. U bring LESS or no value to the table, u r fired, u want top employer/rich smart man marry/hire u, but u MUST ALSO BRING in as good as we offer u, everything in life is about WIN-WIN deals, I give u the best, u should also give me the best or what BOSS/MAN WANT and smart rich men want YOUNG BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN WITH kind heart, a normal IQ good girl, not a complicated 30-90 Edc bf w/ 3 abortion makes 4 Black-White sex tape, oh No! U r fired, the best rich smart man ALSO WANT THE BEST quality beautiful v kind girl, we SET OUR STANDARD SO HIGH SO ONLY A FEW good quality girls can marry us, otherwise if we set avg standard or set the standard too low then too many sexy pretty girl all want to marry/date/f*ck sugar daddy we then such sugard dumb daddy will die soon after losing too many sperm; SMART sugar daddy w/ humor will NOT set standad too low to live LONGER" LOL.
Even sugar daddy still want LESS materialistic, down to heart, KIND, and prefer v*rg*n. I would rather donate $ help the poor then spend big $ brag to satisfy her demand this + that but give me not much in return. She acts like a rich man's rats waste $:). BOTH ARE TOO FAKE, why people in China has to talk BIG, ACT big to impress people? Fear to loss face? How come both don't talk about their interests, hobbies, life goals, etc. Both need to be independent a bit, don't rely on others - in USA, if u want something, girl u go get it youself, u can work hard and earn it yourself :).
自己还没赚钱的姑娘 到底凭什么要求人家1万2万。这是恋爱还是求包养。
@@CutePuppy520 Sugar Daddy is NOT stupid too, they almost all WANT young beautiful VIRGIN = the best quality and supportive kind of NO TOO STUPID or at least IQ 100 ones:). Beautiful includes TALLER THAN 165CM otherwise she will NOT look good wearing fashion, man loves LONG LEGS beautiful plaint simple supportive EASY-GET-ALONE good quality girl, that's the GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL girl NOT plastic surgery or fake boobs, fake kind, fake PhD Beijing Univ or Havard degree or reply on RICH FAMILY'S money a SPOILED BRATS - in China there are TOO MANY so-called Bai Fu Mei but in USA culture, we VALUE her achievement rely on HERSELF without much help from rich family. If every so-called FAKE surgery beautiful girls (w/o brain without v*rginity or PURE kind good long leg NATURAL beauty) are SO EASILY MARRY a rich sugar daddy, then 1 sugar daddy can marry or sleep with 40-400 such fake-surgery-beauty every day have tons of sex with too many fake-boobs beauties then he dies fast LOL. So rich smart sugar daddy (esp those self-made rich ones are NOT stupid ones) ARE VERY PICKY and only choose the real best quality natural beautiful + kind heart + skillful or at least IQ > 100 and down to earth SIMPLE life esp LESS COMPLICATES SEX life (prefer she's a v*rg*n=the best b/c that LUCKY pretty smart kind girl will be SMART RICH DAD'S FUTURE KIDS mother, carry his smart genes & inherit everything he works hard whole life accumulated for: pass on genes, life knowledge & wealth + life experiences so marriage is A BIG DEAL and thus cannot be just a fake beauty fake kind fake PhD or IQ TOO DUMB LOL). The smart sugar daddy said "men after 40-50+ yrs old sacrifice 5-25yrs to build wealth, so many yrs of work hard + lonely to exchange for his finally wealthy... who will be the lucky smart kind NATURAL beantiful girl to marry me as Trump said on TV, who will be the APPRENTICE? I will give u everything the best I can OFFER you but I also want u bring the best on the table - give me thing best from your side too just like an employer hire u give u the best work enviornment fullfil your dream job of lifetime but he also demand employee must be outstanding - give me something best in return after he hires employee/wife u? I give u top salary/best benefits/love you 3x every day make u happy give u + our kids tons of wealth + life experiences/lifetime partner advise u make life best decision + take care of u like father + brother, but u only give me a used body with 30 Edison Chan Black-White-yellow skin with 100,000 miles piston action a used engine or body parts touched/used by 30 bf? OH NO, such marriage is a BAD DEAL. U bring LESS or no value to the table, u r fired, u want top employer/rich smart man marry/hire u, but u MUST ALSO BRING in as good as we offer u, everything in life is about WIN-WIN deals, I give u the best, u should also give me the best or what BOSS/MAN WANT and smart rich men want YOUNG BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN WITH kind heart, a normal IQ good girl, not a complicated 30-90 Edc bf w/ 3 abortion makes 4 Black-White sex tape, oh No! U r fired, the best rich smart man ALSO WANT THE BEST quality beautiful v kind girl, we SET OUR STANDARD SO HIGH SO ONLY A FEW good quality girls can marry us, otherwise if we set avg standard or set the standard too low then too many sexy pretty girl all want to marry/date/f*ck sugar daddy we then such sugard dumb daddy will die soon after losing too many sperm; SMART sugar daddy w/ humor will NOT set standad too low to live LONGER" LOL.
SHE WANTS TO RELY ON a rich man provides EVERYTHING but she gives ONLY BODY but even her body is NOT sure top quality or v girl. LOL. 她想依耐富人,自己又不拼搏!
Alex L 你傻吗?她不是说了她自己是读设计毕业的,所以希望找个会搞设计的男友,那样两个人可以一起拼搏吗?
@@CutePuppy520 对的。看到他几次翻白眼,讨厌生活水准太难吃难以下咽,这样的美女难伺候啊,而且太过高估自己了。像大家说的过几年就是茫茫人海中路人甲一个罢了。女人老的快如过期奶,过几年就是大妈一个了,大家都这么说,哈哈哈。还要求人家那么多,自己是不是处女又是另外一回事,聪明的富贵白手起家的男人都是想要问一句,你是年轻漂亮处女吗?你不是处女,还要求人家那么多,人家赚钱是拼搏用血汗青春换来的还要节省抠门剩下来有钱,抠门就是惩罚自己不寻欢寻乐。也许得到的美女你却告诉我你不是处女那就亏大了,大家都这样说,你要求人家人家也要求你年轻漂亮处女呀。反正过几年你就是大妈,那每个人都年轻漂亮处女过。所以男人对女人要求非常简单的就是年轻漂亮处女,还有贤惠秀外慧中能生健康宝宝,没有乱七八糟的情史就好了,所以那些都是生出来的,年轻漂亮处女是不用奋斗的,只要好好念书工作,而且年纪大了也是贬值,大陆叫剩女。就是剩下可生健康聪明娃的卵子也不多了的意思。中国就是太礼貌的文人骗子用最漂亮的语言蒙骗别人,所谓文人太矫情太忽悠人,连美国左派民主党就是共产党还支持同性恋插屁股万岁呢,说话直白这样说,大家明白他们是骗子,要他们下台了!!
21:39 有錢人就是這麼樸實無華😂一個工資為零的還要對方能一個月提供兩萬給他消費 逢年過節要高包 還要有儲蓄 我怎算這沒十萬月薪 是達不到的
@@keroppikeroppi6572 難堪是男的自找的,按照你的邏輯,警察當衆抓小偷也是讓小偷難堪是吧?
@@keithl8080 槓精 相親是在抓小偷嗎?即便覺得彼此不合適,禮貌謝絕就好,何必要讓對方難堪?你會說沒吃過米其林就是底層平民 我都笑翻了,就一本米其林寶寶自駕沿途美食手冊,還不如以前台灣有本Taipei Walk介紹的美食,被你說的能吃過跟鍍層金一樣,這才是真正的悲哀。
@@alexl932 现在太多女的不是处女,但是真的当自己是公主和女王,很自信,觉得自己就是最好的,就是配得起,真的很把自己当回事,这样的不要脸的女的真的到处都是。
@@alexl932 你脑子真的有很大问题,非常需要脑科医生跟精神科医生啊
天哪,女的俗氣,男的擺闊,錢錢錢$$$$$$$$ 噁心
肥桃的逼很肥 所以还行啦
Yang Liu 哈哈哈哈 我好喜欢
@sammy wan Sugar Daddy is NOT stupid too, they almost all WANT young beautiful VIRGIN = the best quality and supportive kind of NO TOO STUPID or at least IQ 100 ones:). Beautiful includes TALLER THAN 165CM otherwise she will NOT look good wearing fashion, man loves LONG LEGS beautiful plaint simple supportive EASY-GET-ALONE good quality girl, that's the GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL girl NOT plastic surgery or fake boobs, fake kind, fake PhD Beijing Univ or Havard degree or reply on RICH FAMILY'S money a SPOILED BRATS - in China there are TOO MANY so-called Bai Fu Mei but in USA culture, we VALUE her achievement rely on HERSELF without much help from rich family. If every so-called FAKE surgery beautiful girls (w/o brain without v*rginity or PURE kind good long leg NATURAL beauty) are SO EASILY MARRY a rich sugar daddy, then 1 sugar daddy can marry or sleep with 40-400 such fake-surgery-beauty every day have tons of sex with too many fake-boobs beauties then he dies fast LOL. So rich smart sugar daddy (esp those self-made rich ones are NOT stupid ones) ARE VERY PICKY and only choose the real best quality natural beautiful + kind heart + skillful or at least IQ > 100 and down to earth SIMPLE life esp LESS COMPLICATES SEX life (prefer she's a v*rg*n=the best b/c that LUCKY pretty smart kind girl will be SMART RICH DAD'S FUTURE KIDS mother, carry his smart genes & inherit everything he works hard whole life accumulated for: pass on genes, life knowledge & wealth + life experiences so marriage is A BIG DEAL and thus cannot be just a fake beauty fake kind fake PhD or IQ TOO DUMB LOL). The smart sugar daddy said "men after 40-50+ yrs old sacrifice 5-25yrs to build wealth, so many yrs of work hard + lonely to exchange for his finally wealthy... who will be the lucky smart kind NATURAL beantiful girl to marry me as Trump said on TV, who will be the APPRENTICE? I will give u everything the best I can OFFER you but I also want u bring the best on the table - give me thing best from your side too just like an employer hire u give u the best work enviornment fullfil your dream job of lifetime but he also demand employee must be outstanding - give me something best in return after he hires employee/wife u? I give u top salary/best benefits/love you 3x every day make u happy give u + our kids tons of wealth + life experiences/lifetime partner advise u make life best decision + take care of u like father + brother, but u only give me a used body with 30 Edison Chan Black-White-yellow skin with 100,000 miles piston action a used engine or body parts touched/used by 30 bf? OH NO, such marriage is a BAD DEAL. U bring LESS or no value to the table, u r fired, u want top employer/rich smart man marry/hire u, but u MUST ALSO BRING in as good as we offer u, everything in life is about WIN-WIN deals, I give u the best, u should also give me the best or what BOSS/MAN WANT and smart rich men want YOUNG BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN WITH kind heart, a normal IQ good girl, not a complicated 30-90 Edc bf w/ 3 abortion makes 4 Black-White sex tape, oh No! U r fired, the best rich smart man ALSO WANT THE BEST quality beautiful v kind girl, we SET OUR STANDARD SO HIGH SO ONLY A FEW good quality girls can marry us, otherwise if we set avg standard or set the standard too low then too many sexy pretty girl all want to marry/date/f*ck sugar daddy we then such sugard dumb daddy will die soon after losing too many sperm; SMART sugar daddy w/ humor will NOT set standad too low to live LONGER" LOL.
這個節目 把中國大多數青年心態 顯現的一覽無遺
洗豬頭 🤣🤣🤣
開頭以為是土大款,半路陡然爾富等等,後來講到刷爆信用卡,原來是提前消費獸,危險⚠️ 當鋪老闆不錯,嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻
这女的 一上来又要问给女的花几多钱 钱给不给老婆管 这不就钓凯子吗
每個上來張口都是在問有車有房的,難怪會淪落到相親,不看看自己幾斤幾兩重,那些都是男生婚前財產 跟女生沒半毛關係
忘了自己跟垃圾沒兩樣 來相親的還是來找提款機的
哈哈,这妹子 性格 可爱
丟臉阿 把剛的四頁草買了,而不要買棒棒糖早追到了~追女人不花錢怎麼可能追的到,處非你帥到屌炸天~連去找黑的打炮都要花錢,還說把妹~這小子沒救了~太寒酸了
SHE WANTS TO RELY ON a rich man provides EVERYTHING but she gives ONLY BODY but even her body is NOT sure top quality or v girl. LOL. 她想依耐富人,自己又不拼搏!
美女 找ATM就別限制年齡 老頭很快就完事的
Sugar Daddy is NOT stupid too, they almost all WANT young beautiful VIRGIN = the best quality and supportive kind of NO TOO STUPID or at least IQ 100 ones:). Beautiful includes TALLER THAN 165CM otherwise she will NOT look good wearing fashion, man loves LONG LEGS beautiful plaint simple supportive EASY-GET-ALONE good quality girl, that's the GOOD MARRIAGE MATERIAL girl NOT plastic surgery or fake boobs, fake kind, fake PhD Beijing Univ or Havard degree or reply on RICH FAMILY'S money a SPOILED BRATS - in China there are TOO MANY so-called Bai Fu Mei but in USA culture, we VALUE her achievement rely on HERSELF without much help from rich family. If every so-called FAKE surgery beautiful girls (w/o brain without v*rginity or PURE kind good long leg NATURAL beauty) are SO EASILY MARRY a rich sugar daddy, then 1 sugar daddy can marry or sleep with 40-400 such fake-surgery-beauty every day have tons of sex with too many fake-boobs beauties then he dies fast LOL. So rich smart sugar daddy (esp those self-made rich ones are NOT stupid ones) ARE VERY PICKY and only choose the real best quality natural beautiful + kind heart + skillful or at least IQ > 100 and down to earth SIMPLE life esp LESS COMPLICATES SEX life (prefer she's a v*rg*n=the best b/c that LUCKY pretty smart kind girl will be SMART RICH DAD'S FUTURE KIDS mother, carry his smart genes & inherit everything he works hard whole life accumulated for: pass on genes, life knowledge & wealth + life experiences so marriage is A BIG DEAL and thus cannot be just a fake beauty fake kind fake PhD or IQ TOO DUMB LOL). The smart sugar daddy said "men after 40-50+ yrs old sacrifice 5-25yrs to build wealth, so many yrs of work hard + lonely to exchange for his finally wealthy... who will be the lucky smart kind NATURAL beantiful girl to marry me as Trump said on TV, who will be the APPRENTICE? I will give u everything the best I can OFFER you but I also want u bring the best on the table - give me thing best from your side too just like an employer hire u give u the best work enviornment fullfil your dream job of lifetime but he also demand employee must be outstanding - give me something best in return after he hires employee/wife u? I give u top salary/best benefits/love you 3x every day make u happy give u + our kids tons of wealth + life experiences/lifetime partner advise u make life best decision + take care of u like father + brother, but u only give me a used body with 30 Edison Chan Black-White-yellow skin with 100,000 miles piston action a used engine or body parts touched/used by 30 bf? OH NO, such marriage is a BAD DEAL. U bring LESS or no value to the table, u r fired, u want top employer/rich smart man marry/hire u, but u MUST ALSO BRING in as good as we offer u, everything in life is about WIN-WIN deals, I give u the best, u should also give me the best or what BOSS/MAN WANT and smart rich men want YOUNG BEAUTIFUL VIRGIN WITH kind heart, a normal IQ good girl, not a complicated 30-90 Edc bf w/ 3 abortion makes 4 Black-White sex tape, oh No! U r fired, the best rich smart man ALSO WANT THE BEST quality beautiful v kind girl, we SET OUR STANDARD SO HIGH SO ONLY A FEW good quality girls can marry us, otherwise if we set avg standard or set the standard too low then too many sexy pretty girl all want to marry/date/f*ck sugar daddy we then such sugard dumb daddy will die soon after losing too many sperm; SMART sugar daddy w/ humor will NOT set standad too low to live LONGER" LOL.
人生追求生活上品質是為了上進,但也別迷失忘了最真的樸実 。
隱姓埋名 懂得这个道理的人还需要相亲吗
兩個奇葩 一個沒收入 要求還挺高 一個裝大款
全是钱 这个女的问的全是钱…
男女都很假 打工仔還裝闊 擺高品味人設⋯
我真的覺得不能只批判男嘉賓 女嘉賓問題更多
然後 ⋯然後⋯然后
一个月赚八千一万的,真的也没办法经常逛奢侈品店吧… 可能男生还处于刚入社会刚赚钱的那种兴奋和自信中… 我上学时候第一次打工赚了6000多块钱,我当时开心的跟爆富了一样😂
good inner HEALTHY mind, congrad! SUCCESS/MONEY has more true meaning only if u achieve it YOURSELF thru hard work, congrad good girl deserves a big hand :)!
哈哈哈. She's only a Tank or BIG FAT OLD TRUCK quality in your eyes? LOL. There are MUST BE TONS OF MORE PRETTY girls IN CHINA then?
女的外表不差,但怎麼感覺有點處處看錢啊 XD,男的說謊打點草稿阿!
有夠累的 才20幾歲就要求對方收入多少
沒看看自己多少? 還要求品質啥的
又看到你了,哈哈幸运打个招呼。终于看到一个超过50分的漂亮女孩啦,哥们都说重庆四川多美女其实看了这视频,发觉很多重庆四川都不怎美,甚至看的不舒服的,像你说给他零分哈。反而美国的美女更多。不过我还是喜欢中国女孩温柔善良,想留个中国的种哈,还是传统观念好! 哥们又说如果我回中国一定太多美女追我哈,她们都要嫁给幽默风趣多金品优才华横溢的我,不知道我唱歌符不符合你最低要求!现在还没空回国或泡妞,因为幽默风趣令女人开心是非常容易的,但是赚钱难,所以先把最难的搞定以后才有时间去泡妞,可是朋友说等你万事俱备,现在已有车有房有千万元了,美女早已嫁人了!所以世上最优秀的男人(没空泡妞,所以最爱美女主动出击追他,女追男才是女人的天职,把自己嫁的好,有个温暖的家,生出健康聪明娃完成一个伟大母亲的里程碑才是它的使命,而男人应追事业,追逐名利,才能给她安稳的家,有车有房那些物质,还有幽默精神愉悦等等)只想一个人扛所有东西,只给将来的高挑年轻处女最优秀的这种美女最幸福美好的生活。这么多年自己打拼,所有痛苦不告诉于她,只想把最快乐幸福的将来与她和家人分享。谁知他独自拼搏这么多年背后的苦衷,没人说! 高挑美女博士都说99%每个男人都说爱我疼我,但是现在连美国最高的政府到很多州、到很多城市、到个人都有债,婚后等她帮他还债吧。哪有像你那么优秀,有车有房有千万元幽默风趣博学品优把节省下的钱与将来高挑美丽处女最优秀的她分享,让孩子和幸运的她三代无忧,还孝敬咱们的父母啊?!其他很多美女只能嫁到甜言蜜语的高帅暖男但满身都有债务,讨好你的暖男疯狂追求你,谁知原来是等你婚后一起帮忙还债哈!哪有我牺牲自我有钱还节省抠门是惩罚自己啊,现在牺牲自己给你美好的将来与你分享,这才是耶稣基督教我们的爱就是要牺牲自我,自己吃苦吃亏,连人民领导都把国家的钱花尽借债都要活在当下把钱用尽享乐,等将来下一代还债吧。我就随便说说,不再做伟大演讲改变是人们一生了!哈,我普度众生而已。th-cam.com/video/yY8olVsO2fs/w-d-xo.html
側面那個大媽雙下巴你覺得ok 嗎?她才幾歲呢?脖子是最難整的地方(因為血管多,又靠近重要器官),我的年紀都沒她那麼糟,不敢想像她35歲時脖子能垮成咱樣了⋯⋯
This guy really likes talking big! Not supposed to
This lady also need to find boyfriend like dad spend money what she needs
一個月賣2萬 ? 值嗎