Please enlighten yourself, this is not unique to Ethiopia, inflation is a a global reality and no country is immune from rising costs of living, even the most developed or economically advanced countries are suffering from rising costs. I’m not here to defend the Ethiopian government from criticism but considering multifaceted issues such as the Gerd and the tragic war in Tigray, the amount of economic projects completed have been phenomenal, in fact Ethiopia is registering better economic growth considering the internal and external challenges. Ethiopia being a poor country, any downturn in global economic trend would have the greatest impact by impoverishing the low and middle income class.
Great forum ! ኢትዮጵያን የነካ የለውም በረካ!
Hero’s act keep moving forward 🎉
Beautiful!!! Viva ETHIOPIA!!
Well done, our Ethiopia!💚💛🧡
ግዴላችሁም ሰውየውን እንደግፈው ከነጉድለቱ እስኪ እንደኔ ከጥላቻ ወደ መደገፍ የመጣችሁ ላይክ
مشاء الله تبارك الله 👍👍👍
6ዓመት ሙሉ አይከብድም
አብቾ እንወድሃለን
Thank you
Good job
ታሣዝናላች። እየቆረጡ መቀጠል የሚባለው ይህ ነው
How much is a kilogram of teff? Compare now and then? How much is a dish of shoro injera or simply bread today?
Please stop joking!!
Please enlighten yourself, this is not unique to Ethiopia, inflation is a a global reality and no country is immune from rising costs of living, even the most developed or economically advanced countries are suffering from rising costs. I’m not here to defend the Ethiopian government from criticism but considering multifaceted issues such as the Gerd and the tragic war in Tigray, the amount of economic projects completed have been phenomenal, in fact Ethiopia is registering better economic growth considering the internal and external challenges. Ethiopia being a poor country, any downturn in global economic trend would have the greatest impact by impoverishing the low and middle income class.
super inflation !