Again a superb video with animation. Just one question, what is "wight"? At first I thought is was a typo and you ment "wing", but at the end again it says "wight" and also in the description. Is it another word for "wing"? Google translate has no usable translation in to Dutch.
I don't know much about airliner fuel caps, but I would think the same principal of "righty tighty, lefty loosey" would apply here and backward just means it was left undone? or can you really install the cap upside down? inquiring minds want to know!
Seems quite a design flaw if there is more than one way the fuel cap can be installed and the none-intended way causes it to leak😮 The cap to my milk jug can be installed in 3 different ways but it never gave me any trouble😅
Once again, the level of professionalism is amazing. Everyone cooperating, asking the right questions and problem solving on the fly - pun intended.
Thanks for getting this out in such a timely fashion! Awesome job!!
Air Canada pilots are very well trained
Again a superb video with animation. Just one question, what is "wight"? At first I thought is was a typo and you ment "wing", but at the end again it says "wight" and also in the description. Is it another word for "wing"? Google translate has no usable translation in to Dutch.
10:58 "fine" not "fire".
How could it get installed backwards? That was an oversight for days... 😕
I don't know. That is how it was in the report.
I don't know much about airliner fuel caps, but I would think the same principal of "righty tighty, lefty loosey" would apply here and backward just means it was left undone? or can you really install the cap upside down? inquiring minds want to know!
Seems quite a design flaw if there is more than one way the fuel cap can be installed and the none-intended way causes it to leak😮 The cap to my milk jug can be installed in 3 different ways but it never gave me any trouble😅
Don't you just hate it when the gas jockey forgets to screw the cap back on properly and you have to return to the gas station?
Those poor pax...
Ya pays yer money and takes yer chances..........
What about the passengers and the luggage too?