This is waldba monastery in Gonder. Wandba monastry is in Telemet district and Dabat Province naturally connected and historically always belongs to Gonder in Amhara. Sedomawit Tigres are just criminal occupiers in Wolkait including Telemt where waldba is since 1980 came there crossing the Tekeze river border between Gonder and Eritrea as well as Gonder and Tigry. Tigry never ever crossed the Tekeze River in history to administrate even a centimeter land in Gonder and Wollo but they were coming there to beg or to work as day laborer. They were coming when the river was subsided and go back after a year when the river subside or going back before the river is rising meaning the rainy season was started. The sedomawit Tigres are pure criminals and liars thinking they can occupy wolkait Tegede, Telemet and humera crossing the Tekeze river border or in Wag in wollo as they are trying to do the same thing in Raya (Angote) both belongs to Wollo- Amhara. The Tekeze River source is deep in the highland in wollo while 95% of its water is from Gonder and Wollo. Tekeze is the undisputed border between Gonder and Tigry as well as wollo and Tigry through wag. The border between Raya- wollo and Tigry is known for centuries. The point is that anything sedomawit Tigres are doing in Wolkait and Wag crossing the Tekeze River and Raya is criminal, illegal and wrong. It is temporary and soon it will be as it was before the sedomawit Tigres crimes against the country officially started in 1991. They are now gone and are wanted with multiple horrible and gruesome crimes including huge corruption, theft, lootings and crimes against humanity such as genocide in Wolkait Tegede started in 1980 and elsewhere in the country since 1991. One thing is certain and that is wolkait Tegede Telemet and humera will be back where it belong to which is Gonder- Amhara administration as they are always been the natural part of Gonder connected naturally while Tigry is far away from Wolkait beyond the river and huge valley. It is the same with Wag in Wollo. Sedomawit Tigres are also occupying the very fertile wag territory crossing the Tekeze River. The Tekeze river dam and water do belong to Amhara, not Tigry as the source of the water is from Amhara and the dam water is on the Wag land in Amhara. Raya including Korem, Alamata and waja will be back where they do belong in woll-Amhara. Thanks to the Tekeze River, the border between Gonder (Amhara) and Tigry is naturally decided and has been this way which is Gonder on south side of the river while Tigry on the north side throughout history. It would be better for Tigres living in the TPLF occupied Amhara land such as Wolkait, Tegede, Telemet and Humera, wag territory and Raya to stop the sedomawit Tigres occupation and crimes in these Amhara lands and be part of Amhara peacefully. If not, we will see how it will look like for you in the end. The end is for sure those Amhara land will be free from the sedomawit Tigry occupation and become again part of Amhara. There is no doubt about that. Waldba monastery is in Telemet district and Dabat province naturally connected and historically belong to Gonder in Amhara. Sedomawit Tigres are just criminal occupiers and it is temporary. They will be kicked out by force as they occupied it by force committing so many horrible and gruesome crimes including crimes against humanist including genocide that will be investigated by independent international bodies such as UN, too.
እግዚአብሔር ኣምላክና ነዝ ቅዱሰ ቦታ ዋልድባ ካብ ሰደት መልሰ ንምሳዓም የብቀዐና ሰላም ንህዝቡናን ንዓድናን እግዚአብሔር ኣምላክና ፀሎቶም እቶም ብርካት ኣባታትና አይፈለየና ፅዮን ህዝብክ ሓደራ❤💛🙏
የአባ ሳሙኤል ዘዋልድባ ፀሉቱ ህዝቤ ኢትዮጵያንን አንድ ያድርገን አሜን ፫
አወይ እንዚህ ምስኪን ንፁህ የእግዛብሄር ሰዎችን እኮ ነው ውሸትና ዘረኝነት እየሰበኩ አማራንና ትግራይን የሚያጣሉ እግዛብሄር በሰላም መጣችሁ በሰላም ያግባችሁ ወገኖቼ አገራችንን በናንተ ፀሎት ሰላም መረጋጋት ያምጣልን
ድምፂ ወያነ ብጣዕሚ ነመስግን ቃለ ህይወት የስመዐልና ንደጀሰ ላሙ የብቀዐና
DW ብጣዕሚ ፅቡቅ ምድላዋ አለኩም። ገዳም ዋልድባ ስለ ዘርአኩምና ከዓ እግዚአብሔር ይባርኩም
ጽርግያ ኣይንደሊንንንንንንንን ናይ ብሓቂ ኣይትደልዩን እወ ኣቱም ጽኑዓት እምነትትትት እዚዩ እምነት ማለት ብናይ ዓለም ትኣምራት ዝይኮነስ እግዚኣብሄር ትበብብና ንነቢር ተዋህዶውያን ኣሰይ ሰሲንለይ ኩሉኩም ደቂ ዓዶም ንተዋህዶ፡ ቶም ሰይታን እምነት ዕዲል ዝሃቡዮም መገዲ ክትቅተሉ ኢኩም ሎም ዘውርዩ ቶም ብናይ ዓለም ናይ ስጋውያን ዮም ዘውርዩ እግዚኣብሄር ዝገበረ ይግበረና እወ ደኣ ኣየ እምነት ማለት ካብዛ ስደት ዚኣ ወጺኤ ምሳኩም ዝነግደሉ እዋን ክህበኒ መድሃኔ ኣለም ለሙኑለይ ኤርትራዊትየ እቲ ሰማያዊ ዝኾነ ዜግነተይ ግን ተዋህዳዊት ጓል ዓድኩምየ ይሕዋተይ ጸሎትኩም ዘክሩኒ ወይኒ ጽገ ምሓራ ዳ በልኩም።
ክብርና ምስገና ለጌታችን ለመድሀኒታችን እየሱስ ኩርስቶስ ይሁን ኣሜን
እኔ የሚገርመኝ ዋልድባ ገዳም ትግራይ ውስጥ እንደሚገኝ አላውቅም ነበር በጣም ደስ ይላላል ከስደት ስመለስ ፈጣሪ ፍቃዱ ከሆነ በአካል ተገኝቼ ባአሉን አከብራለው DW ደግሞ በርቱልን የምታደርጉት ነገር በጣም ጥሩ ነው እናመሰግናለን
ምንችግረ አለዉ አማራ ሆነትግራ ሆነ ኦሮሞ ሆነ ዋና በርከት ነዉ ዝም ብላችሁ ትከፋፈሉናላችሁ እጅ አንድ ነን ከአማራ ክልልም ትግራይም ኦሮሞም ሁነ አንድ ነን በተለይ እኛ ኦሮቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ እምነት ተከታዩች አንድ ነን
@@ትዕግስትወለተኪዳን ትክክል ነው
አሜን እምላክ ለዛ ያብቃህ
waldiba belongs to Gondar province not Tigray. You must be damn TPLF'S cadre to claim Gondar's lands to Tigray!!
@@ትዕግስትወለተኪዳን እኛማ አንድ ነን በክርስቶስ ክርስቲያን እወነት ነው
ወይ አገሬ የተባረክሺ ነሽ እኮ አምላኬ ህዝብክን ባርክ አሜን🙏
አሜን አሜን አሜን
ብጣዕሚ እዩ ደስ ዝብል አሜንንን
Habogatat gbezat tark tgray bdenbi afaltwo btaemi nemesgnekum des eluna behaki
ብሓቂ ደስ ዝብል መልሲ እዩ ኣነ ውን እንኳን ገዳም ዘኮነ ቤተ ክርስትያን ኣቀበትን ቁልቁለንትን እንተ ሃልይዎ ብመንፈስ እንኳን ሕጉስቲ እየ ዝከውን መድሃኒኣለም ፍቅሪን ሰላምን የውርደልና ኣሜን ንንስሃን ቁርባንን ያብቅዕና ፈጣሪ ኣሜን ኣሜን ኣሜን
ዋልድባ መድሐኒ ዓለም ብጣዕሚ ደስ ብሃሊ ብሩኽን ቅዱስን ቦታ እዩ። ዓመት ንዓመት ንክኸዶ ብሃንቀውታ ዝፅበዮ ቅዱስ ቦታ እዩ።ናይ ጉዕዞ ድኻም ዕላል ስሓቕ ዘይምኖ ዓቐብ ኣውቆሰራ፣እንስያ ሩባ ተከዘ ፣ሩባ እንሰያ ከይድካ ዘይውዳእ ጎልጎል ዋልድባ ተመሳሳልነት ናይቲ ቦታ ፍሉይ ዝኽሪ ከምኡ እውን ኣብቲ ቦታ ምስ ኣተኻ እትሪኦ ስሓባይነት እቲ ገዳም ኣነባብራ ኣቦታት ፍቕሮም፣ ታሪኽ ናይቲ ገዳም፣ ህይወት ናይ ኣቦታት ገዳማውያን ንድኻምካ ኣረሲዑ ናብ ኩሉ ክትንቀሳቐስ ይገብረካ። የቐንየልና ድወት
Abey ey zerkeb.
@@amharaahyagondergonderyeah5946ናብ ዋልድባ ዝወስዱ ብዙሓት መንገድታት ኣለው ብወልቃይት፣ብፅምብላ ክትብገስ ትኽእል።ኣነ ካብ ዝፈልጦም ካብ ዝተጉዓዝክሎም ግን ካብ ወረዳ ፀለምቲ ከተማ ማይፀብሪ ንኣንፈት ምዕራብ ብመኪና ክሳብ ቀልቀል ሩባ እንስያ ዝበዝሕ ሰብ ግን ንበረኸት ብእግሩ ካብ ማይፀብሪ ይጉዓዝ።ድሕሪኡ ቁልቁል ወሪድካ ሩባ እንስያ ሰጊርካ ናይ ስዓታት ዝኸውን ዓቐብ ምስ ወፃእኻ ከምኡ እውን ናይ ስዓታት ሜዳ ተጓዒዝካ ይርከብ።በብዓመቱ ከዓ ጥሪ 11 በዓል ጥምቀት ከምኡ እውን መጋቢት 27 መድሐኒአለም ናይ ዓመቱ በድምቀት ስለዝኽበር ቀስ ኢሉ ክኸይድ ዝደለየ ቅድሚ ስሙን ይጉዓዝ ዓቕሚ ዘለዎ ክኣ ቅድሚ ሳልስቲ ይጉዓዝ።
@@demelawembeale3940ከደምለው የሚጠበቅ ስለሆነ ምንም አልይዝብህም።
አቤቱ አባቴ ልቦናዬን አብራልኝ መንገዴን አንተው ምራዬ በረከታቹ ይደርብን አባቶቻችን
ማሮቼ ቋንቋዉን ባላቀዉም በፀሎታችሁ አስቡኝ ስደተኛዋ እህታችሁ ነኝ ስሜን እግዚ አብሔር ያዉቀዋል በረከቱ ይደርብን አሜን!
እግዛብሔር ያስብሽ እህቴ ሁላችን ስደተኞች ነን የአባቶቻችን ፀሎት ይደርብን
@@የኪዳንቃልኪዳነምህረትክብ አሜን የኔ ልዩ ደጁን እንድንረግጥ ይፍቀድልን
ሁላችን እግዚአብሔር ያስበን ውድ እህታችን
ለሁላችን እግዚአብሔር ይስበን እህቴ
ኣሜንንንንንን ቃለ ሂወት የሰማዓልና
ናይ ኣቦታትና በረከት ረዲኤት ኣማላድነት ኣይፈለየና
ካብ ሰደት ምሰተመለሰኩ ክከይድ ተሰፋ ኣለኒ
የቐንየልና ብጣዕሚ ደስ ልብል ገዳም እዩ በረከትኩም ይርደአና 🙏🙏🙏🙏 😍😍😍
ናይ አቦታትና በረከት ምስ ኹልና ይኹን DW ❤😘👍
Your Father and Mother don't even know Gondar's Gedam, Waldiba Gedam!! Anbeta koretami Tigre get the hell out off Wadiba Gedam!!
አሜን አሜን አሜን በረከትኩም ይሕደረና ክቡራት ኣቦታትና እግዚአብሔር ኣምላኽ ዕድመ ጥዕና ይሃብኩም ✝️👏 Dw ታሪኽና ንምዕቃብ ትገብርዎ ዘለኹም ክብረት ይሃበልና ለምለም የርግጽኩም አሜን🥀🥀🥀
እቲ ብጣዕሚ ዘሕዝን መገዛ ገዳም ዋልድባ ናይ ናትግራይ ! ከምቱ ዝተዓዘብናዮ በረከት ንከይካፈሉ ናይ ኣምሓራ ጎንደር ህዝቢ ትግሬ ተጋሩ ገዳይ ዮም ናበሉ ሕማቕ ምቅኝነት ብሕሶት ተኮል ዘመለአ ልቦም ከምዚ ነበሉ ዮም ንህዝቢ ትግራይ ዘርኢ ከጥፍኡ ርስትና ክወርሱ ይጽዕርዎ ዘለዉ
ግን ብዓይኖም ዘይራኣይዎ ክኣምንዎ ከለዉ የሕዝን
ቋርፍ በሊዖም ኣብዛ ምድሪ ምንም ዘይብሎም ኩሉ ገዲፎም ሰመያዊ ኣቦኦም ንኣምላኾም ንዓለም ዝጽልዩ ብገዛ ገደምና ዋልድባ ትግራይ ኣቦታትና ኣሳዲዶም ክግፍዑ ክቕተሉ ክጭፍጨፍ ቅርስታትና ወሲዶም እዚ ድዩ ተፈዲና ትግራይ😭
ክወግሕ ዩ መስቃ 😭እዞም መናንያን ትግራይ ሃገረይ ምደረ ቅድስቲ ኣምላኽ ትንሳኤኺ የርእየና ኣሜን//3// ✝️👏👏👏
ናይ ብሓቂ ቃል ህይወት የሰመዐልና በረክቱ ንምክፉል የብቅዓና እግዚአብሔር አምላክ አሜን አሜን አሜን 🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏🕊
ብጣዕሚ ደስ ዝብል እዩ ካብ ስደት መሊሱ ናብዚ ብርክ ቅድስ መንፈስ ንክግብንይ ኣምላኽ ይሓግዘኒ
#ድምፂ_ወያነ እግዛብሔር ይሓግዝኩም ቀፅሉሉ ብጣዕሚ ኢና ነመስግን ከምዚ እናገበርኩም ኩሉ ገዳማት አፋልጥዎ
Amen Amen Amen xelotomn bereketemn yekafilena
በይዛኹም ን#ድምፂወያነ Like and share እናገርኩም አታባብዕዎም
Nabzi kdus bota 2 gize bexihe nere kisab 10 satat u zwesid aziyu kebid mengedi u gn abti bota ms ateka dess ybleka🙏 Amlak fkrin selamn yhabena🙏😘
አምላክ የሐግዙኩም ሐቦኛታት ትጋሩ
ተዋህዶየ ንዘለአለም ኑሪ
እግዝአብሄር ይመስገን ብጣእሚ ደስዝብልእዩ: የቀኒልና: በርትኡ: ካሎ
ኣድ ነን ትግሬ ኣማራ እሮሞ ጉራጌ ሁሉም ቢሆር ቢሆረስበች እባካቹ ኣንድ ነን እስይ እልልልልልልል እልልልልልልል እልልልልልልል እልልልልልልል እልልልልልልል እልልልልልልል እልልልልልልል በጣም ደስ ይላል
ልክ ነሺ
@@ትዕግስትወለተኪዳን ስላም highlighted እንየም ኦርቶደኩስ ነኝ ለዛም የኣኩሱም ፅዮን ልኝ ነኝ እና ኢትዮጽያውያን ኣንድ ነን በጣም ያሳፍራል እርስበእርሳችን ስንጣላ እመቤታችን ስላም ታውርድልን ኣሜን ኣሜን ኣሜን 🙏
እውነት ነው ማዓረይ
@@elsayork4024 አሜን አሜን አሜን
ብጧዕሚ እየ ዝምስግን ነኩም እግዝኣብሃር ይባርኩም ኣሕዋተይ እዚ ታሪክ ዝፍለጥኩምና ይቅርታ እምበር መኣዝ ወርሒ እዩ ዓመት ቱ ዝክበርሉ እስቲ ንገርኒ ኣሕዋተይ
ዕልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልል ቃለ ህይወት የስመዐልና ደስ ካብ ስደት መሊሱ ናብ ኣፍደጊኡ የብቀዐና።
እልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልልል አሜን እግዚአብሄት አምላክ ሃገራችን ደብራችን ሃይማኖታችን ይጠብቅልን
Berktkum ayflyna welda Egezabher Amlak Selam yewrdlna💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒
Thank you DWT! may God Blessed us!
እዋይ አንታአምላክ ናይዚአቶም ጸሎት ተዐረቀና በጃካ.
ዋልድባ አብ ትግራይ ድዩ ዝርከብ😱💐💐💐💐💐💐💙🙏
ብጣእሚ ደስ ክብል። እግዚአብሔር ሐልወና ። ሰላምና አብዝሐልና።
_በረከቶም ይሕደረና ክቡራት ኣቦታትና ✝️_
ጽድቂ ዝደለየ ተዓንቂፉ ተደርጊፉ ሪሂጹ ደኪሙ ይምጽኣኒ እዩ ዝብሃል ስለዚ ጽድቂ ብድካም ዝርከብ ሙካኑ ካብ ኣቦታትና ዝወረስናዮ እዩ ስለዚ ካብዞም ብጸጋ ጥራይ ጸዲቅና ዝብሉ ሃካያት ትውልዲ ይሰውረና
ፅቡቕ ሰራሕ እዩ።
Amen amen amen🙏🙏🙏
ንዙይ ቅዱስ መንፈስ ንህድስ ንቅረብኩምልና እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ዋጋኹም ይኽፈልኹም አሕዋትና❤ አነለ እግዚአብሔር ፍቃዱ ይኹን ክኸድየ ካብ ስደት መልሲ
ፀሎትኩም ይሓልወና ብሩኻት ወለድና👏
ኣሜን ኣሜን ኣሜን 🙏🙏🙏
ድምፂ ወያነ ንፍዓት ዉሻጠና ተፋልጡና ኣለኩም።እግዘአብሔ ይባርኩም ንመላእ ሰራሕተኛት ድምፂ ወያነ።
Behaki dmsti weyanaey yekenyelna amlak msakum ykun
እቶም ኣቦና ናይ ኣምሓሩ ኣፈታሪኽ እዮም ዝነግሩና ዘሎው
ኣሜን ኣሜን ኣሜን
ረድኤት በረከት ይሕወሰና
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ብፀሎትኩም ሓግዙና
አንድ ያድረገን
ናይ አቦታትና በረከተም ምስ ኹሉና ይኹን ❤❤🥰
tigray kudus pota ztebarekt eya
Amen3 fetari tsidki yhabekum memenan
Salem Salem Ethiopia
Amen amen amen
Amen amen elr yehbln zahwey
Thanks for the Education ❤️
DW Tigray👍
Aamen amen amen hiwet yesmalin
አሜን አሜን አሜን አሜን
selm selam ethiooian💖
ጌጋ ወለድና እሹዑ ዝነበረ ዕብየት መንገዲ ንምስራሕ ስለዘይነበረ እዩ ኩሉ ዓብይን ቆልዓን ክፈልጦን ክስዕምን እንተኮይኑ መንገዲ አገዳሲ እዩ
ፈጣሪ ሆይ ዋልድባ ሔጄ እንድባረክ መልካም ፈቃድህ ይሁን አሜን
አቶም ኮመት ፃሓፍቲ ሰለ ፖለትካ አይታዛረቡ አብዝይ ።።።
ዋናኡ እግዚአብሔር ምምስጋኑ እዩ ዝድለይ
Salem Salem Ethiopian
Wow beautiful jesus christ our lord bless Ethiopian and eritrean
የቅንየልና ክብረት ይሀበለይ ብጣዕሚ ደስ ዝብል ብእዝግአብሄር ክብሩ
ድምፅ ወያኔ የቀንየልና
Let TPLF'S sounds fuck you!! Anbeta kortami Tigre!! Get the hell out off Gondar's Gedam, Waldiba Gedam!! Assholes!!
Egziabher. yemasgen. 😢👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🌿❤️💛🌿🌿🌿🌄🕊️🕊️
ድሕሪ ነዊሕ ዓመት ዝተዐለምኩሉ ቦታ ዛሬማ ብምርአየይ ተሐጊሰ
Enamesegenalen betselotachu asebun
ድምፅ ወያኔ ነምስግነኩም ብዝሕ ቦታታ እናረኹምና እኩም ቀፅልወ ዓመታዊ በዓል መዓዝ እዩ ? ብርክት ይሕደረና
Megabit 27 eyu medihinealem yhaliwena abzezelenayo nabieu nmirgats yebitsehena
እሺ ምቅርተይ የቅንየልይ
Get the fucken out off Gondar's Gedam, Waldiba Gedam!! Anbeta kortami tigre get the hell out off Gondar's Gedam!!
Ab zebene meles ,tsegay Berhe,abay weldu ,gebru asrat ezi tarikawi bota ayreanayon kbri n Putin/ Dr debrotsyon/ bakale ayfelton thanks Dw darga zrakuwo
Fucken anbeta kortami Tigre you're invaded Gondar's lands including the Waldiba Gedam!!
wawwwwww asay asay asayyyyyyyy dmtswyan ykanyalen
Betam des zbl gedam EU fkad amlak entekoyni 2geze kmelse eye may yordanos
Er barkotu yekaflena selam neza kdsti hager
Bitaimi des zibil sirah ekum eteserihu zelekum DW ketselilu yekiniyelinu kibiret yahabelinu.
Gedam waldeba abey sefr ey zerkeb
ትግራይ ጥቃ ማይ ጸብሪ
dimxi weyane yekinyelina
Why it is in Minilik language the church ceremony?
Because Waldiba Gedam belongs to Gondar provience not anbeta kortami Tigre!!
programu arif new gen gazetegnaw netela lebseh mezegeb neberebeh ye regetkew sefra yetebareke new ena
Gurum anta abey deaa nierkum
Nifuat ekum DW ketsilulu.
2 tegna eyerusalem
kedeset ze kedusan
ze Ethiopia
This is waldba monastery in Gonder. Wandba monastry is in Telemet
district and Dabat Province naturally connected and historically always belongs to Gonder in Amhara. Sedomawit Tigres are just criminal occupiers in Wolkait including Telemt where waldba is since 1980 came there crossing the Tekeze river border between Gonder and Eritrea as well as Gonder and Tigry.
Tigry never ever crossed the Tekeze River in history to administrate even a centimeter land in Gonder and Wollo but they were coming there to beg or to work as day laborer. They were coming when the river was subsided
and go back after a year when the river subside or going back before the river is rising meaning the rainy season was started.
The sedomawit Tigres are pure criminals and liars thinking they can occupy
wolkait Tegede, Telemet and humera crossing the Tekeze river border or in Wag in wollo as they are trying to do the same thing in Raya (Angote) both belongs to Wollo- Amhara.
The Tekeze River source is deep in the highland in wollo while 95% of its water is from Gonder and Wollo. Tekeze is the undisputed border between Gonder and Tigry as well as wollo and Tigry through wag. The border between Raya- wollo and Tigry is known for centuries.
The point is that anything sedomawit Tigres are doing in Wolkait and Wag
crossing the Tekeze River and Raya is criminal, illegal and wrong. It is
temporary and soon it will be as it was before the sedomawit Tigres crimes
against the country officially started in 1991. They are now gone and are wanted with multiple horrible and gruesome crimes including huge corruption, theft, lootings and crimes against humanity such as genocide in Wolkait Tegede started in 1980 and elsewhere in the country since 1991.
One thing is certain and that is wolkait Tegede Telemet and humera will be back where it belong to which is Gonder- Amhara administration as they are always been the natural part of Gonder connected naturally while Tigry is far away from Wolkait beyond the river and huge valley. It is the same with Wag in Wollo. Sedomawit Tigres are also occupying the very fertile wag territory crossing the Tekeze River. The Tekeze river dam and water do belong to Amhara, not Tigry as the source of the water is from Amhara and the dam water is on the Wag land in Amhara. Raya including Korem, Alamata and waja will be back where they do belong in woll-Amhara.
Thanks to the Tekeze River, the border between Gonder (Amhara) and Tigry is naturally decided and has been this way which is Gonder on south side of the river while Tigry on the north side throughout history. It would be better for Tigres living in the TPLF occupied Amhara land such as Wolkait, Tegede, Telemet and Humera, wag territory and Raya to stop the sedomawit Tigres occupation and crimes in these Amhara lands and be part of Amhara peacefully. If not, we will see how it will look like for you in the end. The end is for sure those Amhara land will be free from the sedomawit Tigry occupation and become again part of Amhara. There
is no doubt about that.
Waldba monastery is in Telemet district and Dabat province naturally connected and historically belong to Gonder in Amhara. Sedomawit Tigres are just criminal occupiers and it is temporary. They will be kicked out by force as they occupied it by force committing so many horrible and gruesome crimes including crimes against humanist including genocide that will be investigated by independent international bodies such as UN, too.
Gotta an medhaninan Yesus Krstos July eti inqfat tsegem kulu ab mesqel wediewo eyu kaliay inqfat aydlen
Their is no lailay welkayit waldba amhara
Amen amen amen
Amen Amen Amen Amen
dimxi weyane yekinyelina
Amen amen amen