Does the Full Moon Affect Human Behavior?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ต.ค. 2018
  • This video answers the question: Can a full moon affect human behavior? This is a theory that I've heard many times and there's a lot of different behaviors that people attribute to full moons. It's believed that 80% of nurses, 70% of mental health clinicians, and 50% of the general public believe that the full moon affects human behavior and there are a lot of different areas that this belief says can be affected by a full moon. For example, increasing psychiatric hospital admissions, increasing crime, including violent crime, increasing the risk of unstable behavior or mood dysphoria, increasing the number of seizures that occur, and the number of traffic accidents. To understand this theory about the moon, we have to understand a little bit about the moon's orbit and about gravitation. First with gravitation, the moon exerts gravitational force on everything else in the universe, technically, but everything else on the planet including human beings and all the objects on the planet. The most noticeable impact of this gravitational force is the moon's effect on the oceans and other large bodies of water. We know for instance that the moon has an impact on tides. the way the theory goes is that if the moon is exerting gravitational force on the oceans, which are of course mostly water, then it's exerting gravitational force on people in some special way because human beings are mostly water (about 80% water). Next, we need to take a look at the moon's orbit and how it does or doesn't line up with the phases of the moon. A full moon ad a new moon are phases of the Moon. They don't have a relationship with the distance between the moon and the earth. The moon orbits the earth in an elliptical pattern and when the moon's closest to the earth that's called perigee and when the moon is farthest away it’s called apogee. The phases of the moon, like full moon and new moon, do not correspond with the perigee or the apogee, so when the moon is exerting the most gravitational force on a person, that's not necessarily related to a phase of the moon. Another important part here is to understand how much gravitational force the moon is actually exerting our person. To understand this, we have to understand the concept of a Newton. A Newton is a measure of force and it's the amount of force required to accelerate a one kilogram mass one meter per second per second, so it's a very small amount of force. If we think about what it feels like on a person on earth, one Newton would be about .22 pounds, so very light amount of force. Now the amount of force the earth exerts on the average human being is around 950 Newton's. The amount of force that the moon exerts on human being is about .004 Newtons. There is some evidence that there is a relationship between the full moon and some animal behavior. In terms of human beings there is evidence that a full moon can have a very small effect on sleep (less than 1% the amount that so many sleeps would be subject to change based on a full moon).
    If the full moon is really not affecting human behavior, which it doesn't appear to be in any meaningful way, why do so many people believe that the full moon of affects behavior. Well for one thing, the idea that the full moon affects human behavior goes back a long way. The term “lunacy” comes from a Latin word for the moon, so this belief that unstable behavior is associated with the moon goes back many years. When you have a tradition like this, when you have a belief that goes back a long way, by default most people will of course believe it until they see evidence to the contrary. This is where a problem comes in. First of all, we tend to look at events more than nonevents. It's just a condition of human behavior. If something unusual happens we're going to notice that if it happens to coincide with a full moon. We're going to remember that coincidence more than we remember a nonevent or even an event happening when there's not a full moon. There's a bit of memory bias at work. When we believe something as we would in the case of the full moon, because this belief has been around a long time, we tend to look at evidence that confirms our belief. We are going to look at things that happen during a full moon and tend to attribute those behaviors to the full moon, instead of other more likely causes.

ความคิดเห็น • 400

  • @basicusernamehere8068
    @basicusernamehere8068 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1046

    The full moon makes me feel freakishly happy. Like I just want to stare at it all night. It's just so pretty and it makes me feel safe. And I just wanna be in its light for some reason.

  • @jasa9707
    @jasa9707 5 ปีที่แล้ว +594

    If the full moon doesn't affect human behaviour Dr., can you please give me another reason for why every full moon I sprout hair all over my body, my canines lengthen etc. and I spend the night running around indiscriminately devouring people and cocking my leg on trees and poles?

  • @mrsonjanjatm9698
    @mrsonjanjatm9698 4 ปีที่แล้ว +588

    As somrone who worked in a mental institution for old people, who mostly had dementia, i can say that they were not only afected by the moon, but also by the wether. It was actually pretty interesting to see how everyone was in somewhat of a similar mood depending on the wether or the moon.

  • @sschoenleber925
    @sschoenleber925 5 ปีที่แล้ว +660

    Oddly I worked at a Psych ward that did experience increased patient admissions during Full Moons - to a point where the Nursing Coordinators decided to staff additional PRN nurses on those dates. It could simply be that people perceive that a full moon will cause erratic behavior - which increased that behavior leading to increased admissions...

  • @Brandonthebuilder777
    @Brandonthebuilder777 3 ปีที่แล้ว +508

    I would argue that a full moon has more significant effects on us, given that it has been constant in our evolutionary past. The fact that we can see in the night under a full moon so clearly (if you don’t live in a forsaken artificially lighted city) and that much of our history was spent as hunter gatherers. For instance my cat will spend all night hunting outside during a full moon because to his eyes it’s virtually daytime.

  • @karthikarvindcs
    @karthikarvindcs 4 ปีที่แล้ว +314

    People think they know everything. There are so many unexplained forces that science hasnt yet been explain. When you can t explain something doesnt mean it doesnt exists.

  • @Paranormalin416
    @Paranormalin416 3 ปีที่แล้ว +903

    I can tell you as a first responder, and emergency room medical radiation technician, that I dread working every time there’s a full moon, because, to be guttural, every creepy nightcrawler, comes into our emergency department, and always on a full moon. There may not be scientific evidence to explain how or why, but I don’t need that evidence, my own experiences are all the evidence I need. I’ve been working in healthcare for over 30 years, and I guarantee you, every single time there’s a full moon, half the staff calls in sick, because nobody wants to work it, knowing what we’re in for. I work in a major trauma centre in downtown Toronto, every time we’ve had excessive violence, mental health breakdowns, severe psychosis of varying degrees, even staff being attacked, one evening being shot to death, has always occurred on a full moon. The rest of the time it’s just the usual run-of-the-mill emergency patients, so don’t tell me there’s no evidence to suggest there’s a correlation between a full moon and human behavior, because I know for a fact that there is.

  • @amberpalmer444
    @amberpalmer444 4 ปีที่แล้ว +295

    During a full moon I can't fall asleep too easily and it makes me stay awake brighteyed.

  • @wolffanderson7629
    @wolffanderson7629 5 ปีที่แล้ว +126

    My dad was a doctor and every full moon the hospital would be full of injured people and insane people. So I would have to say that you must be mistaken

  • @CamBalacuit
    @CamBalacuit 4 ปีที่แล้ว +254

    Maybe not gravity, but about the amount of light available at night due to increased moonlight? We know that longer vs shorter daylight has an effect on mood (seasonal affective disorder). What about moonlight?

  • @JustinMF11
    @JustinMF11 5 ปีที่แล้ว +677

    What if the full moon has an effect not because of gravity, but because of genetic code? Us and our ancestors have used the moon and the stars to see and navigate since we've been humans. Animals including us, hunt during the full moon also. I don't know.

    • @DeChihauha
      @DeChihauha 5 ปีที่แล้ว +56

      Very good point! +1
      That's a nice hypothesis and could explain, why throughout the life I've noticed strange activity amongst a ton people during full moon and myself having troubles sleeping calmly during it (it is really, the statistics. I always try to find the reasons of changes. Especially if that's a regular event).
      Really makes you think about living the life in harmony with the Nature and transhumanism.

    • @thenarcissistsscapegoat5091
      @thenarcissistsscapegoat5091 5 ปีที่แล้ว +36

      Nice! Very possible. A full moon makes me want to stay out late as possible looking to acquire, covet, pillage or engage in spiritual practice.

    • @elizabethc7696
      @elizabethc7696 5 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      That's interesting theory...I only notice I sleep a lot less during that time...and I don't realize it is a full moon until a week later. I don't follow the phase closely. I always thought it was because of mass belief...but we are animals at the end of the day whether we want to admit to it or not....think we on average act more crude than most animal societies.

    • @RequiemOfAnguish
      @RequiemOfAnguish 5 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      Perhaps it taps into more underlying/natural/genetic habits, a full moon provides more light to stay active later at night - originally to hunt for food or other pursuits - (of course we have street lights and things of that nature as well, which can and likely do, the very same thing). This could also impact sleep quality given more stray light finding it's way into bedrooms assuming people all leave their blinds open at night.
      The nurse my cousin is married to said they actually have more people on staff during full moon, and prepare for it to be a more hectic night, at the urban, low income area hospital that she's worked at for the last few years.
      What I'm curious of, does it disproportionately affect higher and lower income areas, also, how does population density affect it?
      In the event my theory about natural habits is correct, it would suggest that areas of lower income - where people are more closely located, and hospitals are in more urban areas - that it would simply cause more activity, and increase the likelihood of people getting injured due to being more people awake, and functioning during normal time frames.

    • @IsabelleDavis554
      @IsabelleDavis554 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      It's probably coincidence but this one time I woke up to the moon being bright yellow at like 3 am twice in a row then on several other occasions throughout around 4 months or so

  • @rajivdas8185
    @rajivdas8185 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Yes sir I am a patient of obsessive compulsive disorder ,my illness becomes worst during full moon and lunar period

  • @nancymilliken692
    @nancymilliken692 2 ปีที่แล้ว +193

    I've been in education for 20 years. It is a real thing. I work with kids with behavioral issues and extreme seizure disorders. We ready ourselves for a full moon. It's a real thing.

  • @vuksekicki6913
    @vuksekicki6913 4 ปีที่แล้ว +105

    Reviewing few studies and drawing conclusions is equivalent to superstition. Moon has effect on fish, has effect on lions on the sea but humans somehow escaped the effects? Second problem is folk tales are from ancient times when moon was significant source of night light and probably had much more significant effect on melatonin and sleep. All studies were done after widespread use of artificial light. Sleep deprivation is most common seizure trigger. I just think that there is not enough interest in science to do in depth research, that is all.

  • @spiritia11
    @spiritia11 2 ปีที่แล้ว +115

    Dr Grande says: Full moon does not affect behaviour. Everyone: writes now Full moon affects their behaviour.

  • @Elcirculodepoder
    @Elcirculodepoder 4 ปีที่แล้ว +147

    You never EVER mentioned the word “FEEL”. You kept repeating “believe”.... but it’s not that people “believe” the changes but “feel” the changes. Some people is way more sensitive than others, we have the right to feel.....right? So, in my experience at the beginning I was so exceptical because of explanations like yours.
    I DID NOT BELIEVE... until the FEEL smashed my face and body....

  • @sunshinewithin435
    @sunshinewithin435 5 ปีที่แล้ว +138

    I always feel extremely happy during full moon...and love looking at the moon❤️.

  • @daxtonspainhower6680
    @daxtonspainhower6680 4 ปีที่แล้ว +107

    Yes i will say that for now, there is still little evidence on why it affects humans, but i will also say that my brother has Downs syndrome and Autism and only (almost without fail) he acts weird during full moons. Its to the point where we kind of keep track of full moons and prepare for what he may do.

  • @noon2232
    @noon2232 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I started noticing a pattern where my anxiety would increase and that’s why i now believe that it does effect some people. First-hand evidence.

  • @kettenschlosd
    @kettenschlosd 4 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    i think the light aspect is not to be underestimated. as someone who takes recent walks at night: no moon means seeing almost nothing except the stars. a full moon is so bright that you actually throw a shadow. i dont know if this is a psychological effect, but my behavior is obviosly influenced by the full moon. i tend to notice no other moonphase and i deliberately look at full moons because they are beautiful. drawing looks seems like a behavior change to me.

  • @ladym7790
    @ladym7790 2 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    During a full moon I have problems to sleep and remain asleep more episodes of depression and also I tend to miss specific people more. Also I feel more angry. I fully believe that it happens because of the full moon 🌙

  • @leeannehicks9125
    @leeannehicks9125 5 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    As an old bus driver, I have seen evidence that you are wrong. Maybe my students have had a self fulfilling behavior reactions but it even happens on preschool buses. I doubt those little ones are even aware there is a full moon.

  • @peterstrianus1790
    @peterstrianus1790 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    It's full moon and I'm going crazy it seems that my body is going to explode. Let's not talk about the sex drive.

  • @ResilientME
    @ResilientME 5 ปีที่แล้ว +83

    I'd expect any effect there may be to involve light. Either the reflected light keeping us more wakeful or just people taking advantage of the well lit nights. I don't know if 'moonlight' falls within the blue light spectrum but if it does there's an idea.

  • @andyn333
    @andyn333 4 ปีที่แล้ว +75

    If the moon causes tides and we are made of mostly water, then yes we're effected. The difficult part would be measuring the effects.

  • @TonoNamnum
    @TonoNamnum 3 ปีที่แล้ว +80

    If someone could predict a full moon just by feeling it without having a calendar or looking at the sky 10 times out of 10 in a row I would believe it.

  • @vivekambekarIndia
    @vivekambekarIndia 3 ปีที่แล้ว +128

    People don't 'believe' people feel that and then they find out that's because of full moon and no moon days.
    Same happened with me I didn't believe these things until I noticed 'pattern' in my own behaviour. And more I noticed more I realised that it's been the case all along.

  • @JosephineWitch
    @JosephineWitch 5 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    I've personal noticed challenging behaviours become more prominent during full moon phases, with people I have worked with. These people are legally deemed to not have mental capacity (noticed mainly with dementia patients). I've always found this interesting and not really put any scientific thought into it. thankyou for this video.

  • @KristenNicoleYT
    @KristenNicoleYT 5 ปีที่แล้ว +104

    You answered the question but only part of it. You answered whether or not the moons gravity impacts human behavior. But you state clearly that the phase of the move has nothing to do with gravitational pull. It seems like instead of answering the question about phases of the moon, you found an easier question to answer, which is “ do moon phase and gravitational pull correlate and if so do they impact human behavior.” This is an easy question because you know gravitational pull of the moon and moon phase aren’t correlated. So then the next answer is also no. But this isn’t what was asked.

    • @GnosticAtheist
      @GnosticAtheist 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      He answered it. Did you not hear him say no, it does not? What else but gravitational force could possibly affect behavior?

  • @CodyBosch
    @CodyBosch 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Full moons make my anxiety and OCD so much worse.

  • @patriciarussell3214
    @patriciarussell3214 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I was in a 12 yr relationship with a man who I researched to be a Maglinant Narcississic with Phyco traits. Every Full Moon would affect him. I made a point to stay away from him, when a Full Moon approached. Period.

  • @pbjt2396
    @pbjt2396 4 ปีที่แล้ว +46

    I get super insecure and I always end up in an argument with my partner every single full moon. The odd part is that I am never aware of the moon cycle until we’ve already had a spat, and even more interesting is that it always somehow correlates to my menstruation cycle. Even when I started to use birth control I noticed the syncing of the full moon and my period. Or it’s just one crazy big weird coincidence...
    Beats me. Always felt a super strong affinity for the moon though. 🌗

  • @NomenNescio99
    @NomenNescio99 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I don't sleep as well during full moon, I've told myself to buy better blinds for bedroom window so many times when I've woken up during a full moon.

  • @DoctoreDoom
    @DoctoreDoom 4 ปีที่แล้ว +57

    The effects seems small to us, but to the tiny synaptic electrical system and the chemical exchange (mostly water) in the brain the effects are enormous

  • @peggygenoway
    @peggygenoway 5 ปีที่แล้ว +65

    My mother-in-law was from the Middle East and followed a lunar calendar her whole life. So many years ago...the moon was said to influence ovulation and the onset of labor too--the very essence of life. We once languished in believing all the planets influenced us...Venus; goddess of love. Mercury; god of merx, merchandise, wages, Saturn; god of agriculture...and so on. We must not become scientifically brittle minded. The willow that does not flex and bend: becomes rigid...and breaks.

    • @rickbageard1147
      @rickbageard1147 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Margaron Aldaire thanks for sharing! Yes we must be flexible in our thinking I believe this also. Can you elaborate on what you said “we used to languish in believing all all the planets influenced us”

    • 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And thats when we' ll dance with JACK O' THE SHADOWS !!!

  • @stardustgirl1061
    @stardustgirl1061 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I worked at a casino during college and security was always doubled during the full moon.

  • @robyndawn
    @robyndawn 4 ปีที่แล้ว +201

    Moon moves the ocean, Why couldn't it "move" us humoons? Hehe

  • @TheGreatLoco
    @TheGreatLoco 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I'm watching this video and hearing several random neighbors outlandishly yelling or slamming the doors in the building. Today was at a company meeting, it was also a ridiculous experience, marred by excesses.
    Today is a full moon in Montreal.
    In Canada, mental illness is hugely prevalent. Some disturbing is to be expected - always. Being a big city and Friday, more so.
    However, the intensity and frequency of this experience is highly unusual. Time and time again, one can notice the same thing on full moon.

  • @jemgem9593
    @jemgem9593 5 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Before I even watch this video, I'll state from first hand experience of years living with my ex spouse and his multiple personalities as a result of chronic alcoholism that GP confirmed could also present as being similar to bi polar behaviour....I came to dread the full moon time because around that time he got what I can only describe as lunatic worse and also more intimidatory / threatening. So now I'll watch this video and see what Dr Grande says... Ok I just need to qualify the above, and admit that it was a 5 to 6 week cycle of the extreme behaviour not exactly coinciding with the full moon but the week before or after. Now I appreciate this is just anecdotal from my own personal observations over 6 yr period

    • @jemgem9593
      @jemgem9593 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      But why do my cats go more crazy? Is it because it's more light outside and they can see and (sadly) hunt prey easier?

  • @Jacare1973
    @Jacare1973 3 ปีที่แล้ว +41

    My relationship with my ex begs to differ with this. The biggest fights we had were always during full moons!

  • @tamponderosa6119
    @tamponderosa6119 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    My father worked in a casino for 20yrs and swears the full moon has a deep effect on peoples moods, through observation.

  • @codymills1647
    @codymills1647 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I could usually tell when it was close or was a full moon based on my nursing home patients behavior.

  • @justpassingthrough.808
    @justpassingthrough.808 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Full moon is a lunar effect that inspired the term lunatic.

  • @sciencecompliance235
    @sciencecompliance235 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    A full moon can affect behavior insofar as people believing it affects behavior causes them to act differently than normal. A "hunter's moon" affects behavior insofar as brightly moonlit nights are better for conducting activities outdoors after sunset.

  • @Account82s
    @Account82s 5 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Very informative. Thanks for the video. I like the animations. I worked in a mental hospital and frequently during full moons we saw an increase in patients to the point that we'd run out of rooms. I never quite looked into that speculation that circulated though.

    • @DrGrande
      @DrGrande  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You're welcome!

  • @mohnish2009
    @mohnish2009 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    i am very skeptical too as a person. And it might be false pattern recognition but very often when im having a negativity episode or depression episode and when i check the moon cycle it tends to be a full moon. to the dot. i dont know this before hand that its a full moon btw. i usual check it after i have a bad time mentally. But since i remain skeptical i have decided to have a diary and be agnostic to the moon cycles and check in 6 months time if there is indeed a pattern. i guess i have too much time on my hands. :-D

  • @JustinVisser1
    @JustinVisser1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    I love the graphics in this one.

    • @DrGrande
      @DrGrande  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thank you!

  • @necordektox879
    @necordektox879 5 ปีที่แล้ว +78

    A self-fulfilling prophecy maybe? People believe people act more erratic during a full moon, so they act more erratically because they think they're supposed to.

    • @lswachkkdk5959
      @lswachkkdk5959 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm acting erratically right now, and it is only a wolf moon(whatever the fuck that means)

    • @maretakoto5710
      @maretakoto5710 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I agree but most people aren't aware about moon Phases

    • @midnightsnacks2139
      @midnightsnacks2139 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I was gonna say but how do you account for the majority who doesnt realize what phase the moon is. Cloudiness obscuring it etc.

    • @Deenanaanu
      @Deenanaanu 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Not exactly! The way in which lunar phases affect circadian rhythm of all life forms should actually be the point of debate, the light sensitivity & how that inturn influences life function!
      But surely the argument of moons gravity is s bit questionable!

    • @swekiwi4517
      @swekiwi4517 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I'm a sceptic but I've had specific nights I hard a very hard time to fall asleep (and I always sleep like a log). Since using a Sleep app it told me, when I woke, that those nights have been full moon 🎑 - AFTERWORDS.
      I just find it intruguing since science generally says there is no effect on the human body (as far as I'm aware)

  • @hannahlacy8538
    @hannahlacy8538 5 ปีที่แล้ว +116

    Wow I really like the artwork in this video. Whoever did the sketches did an awesome job. They really contribute to the increasing quality of your videos.

    • @DrGrande
      @DrGrande  5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      Thank you!

    • @GlassTotem
      @GlassTotem 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      Agreed! I really like the animations and visuals because they help me learn a lot more too. Keeps it in my head longer.

  • @cherrymoon6554
    @cherrymoon6554 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    During the full moon I become very emotional and distressed out of no where but it always allows me to recharge my energy

  • @Slinkylabcat
    @Slinkylabcat 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    See, I knew it. There's nothing wrong with me. Because for years my Ma and others've insisted I act markedly different about and during the full moon. But the full moon was just a mental marker for others. That's the good news. The bad news is I'm an asshole pretty much all the time.

  • @yossarianmnichols9641
    @yossarianmnichols9641 4 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    Don't women ovulate every 28 days, the same time frame as a single phase of the moon. The prosecution rests their case.

  • @ambitiousbroadcast2111
    @ambitiousbroadcast2111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    This video helped me big time on one of my college assignments, and it was laid out in a very helpful and easy to understand manner. Great job!

  • @g7cap687
    @g7cap687 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    After the full moon goes less than 94% I start to feel bothered by stuff and my mood gets affected.I am trying to understand what's going on.Every month between the first week and the 3rd one I am into a different mood

  • @frankpierco8826
    @frankpierco8826 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I have always heard that the full moon has an effect on people when the sky is clear. Because it is relatively clear at night, this would affect people that are already 'sensitive' to moodswings. Well, I am one of those that believe that it might have some kind of effect. NOT because of gravity, but because of the relatively high amount of light at night.

  • @travelright8150
    @travelright8150 5 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I"m not sure you've answered the question. I'm wanting to know if the phase of the moon (full moon) can effect human or animal behaviour. Not if the gravitational change in the moons force on earth effects human or animal behaviour. If anyone has an information on this, please leave a comment / reply. Its hard to anything here that does not involve some sort of crystal or other bullshit.

  • @radar1465
    @radar1465 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Hi there
    We Muslim fast three days y 13th,14th and 15th day of a moon month as our prophet (preys upon him) order all Muslim be healthier, now days lots of studies has been proved that fasting 3 days will lift your immune system.
    Tnx. Sorry for my poor English

  • @marybachmann
    @marybachmann 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Vert interesting. I see a reference to lunar phases on a fishing website each day and how they connect the moon and tides to fish activity. For my own amusement, I have been looking for correlations with the Category B neighbors next door (a handy study, huh?) I have found none yet... BTW, I think you may have answered another question I had about memories. I wonder why I remember every negative thing that ever happened to me, but I struggle to recall good times. Well, thank goodness, good times are so plentiful that they are non-events! lol But seriously, that is another subject I'd like to hear more about.

  • @erlyabrigo-arredondo7251
    @erlyabrigo-arredondo7251 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    If the moon doesn't effect human behavior, why is it that people how sleep by day do not recover well in comparison towards he or she who sleeps at night?

  • @s.w.9936
    @s.w.9936 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    It would be interesting to hear you talking about paranormal

  • @saucesgalore
    @saucesgalore 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Possibly the increased light encourages increased human activity on full moons...thereby resulting on increased (negative) incidents.

    • @saucesgalore
      @saucesgalore 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    • @saucesgalore
      @saucesgalore 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ivan Kelly, James Rotton, and Roger Culver (1996) examined over 100 studies on lunar effects and concluded that the studies have failed to show a reliable and significant correlation (i.e., one not likely due to chance) between the full moon, and any other phase of the moon.
      But what do we really know? Is there scientific evidence to support these beliefs? Let's look at the data.
      11,613 cases of aggravated assault in a 5-year period: assaults occurred more often around the full moon.
      34,318 crimes in a 1-year period: crimes occurred more frequently during the full moon.
      18,495 records from patients admitted to a psychiatric hospital in an 11-year period: admissions for psychosis were highest during the new moon and lowest during the full moon.
      25,568 psychiatric emergency room visits in a 13-year period: visits increased near the first quarter moon and decreased around the new moon and full moon.
      7,844 emergency calls to a suicide prevention/crisis call center in a 2-year period: the highest number of total calls was during the new moon, not the full moon. When calls for suicide threats were analyzed, there were more calls during the first quarter of the moon and new moon.
      76,065 calls to a crisis center in a 4-year period: increased calls by females during the new moon period; decreased calls by males during the new moon period.
      928 suicides in a 4-year period: suicides did not increase during the full moon. In fact, more suicides were noted during the new moon.
      841 cases of "self-poisonings" in a 4-year period: self-poisonings did occur more often on the day of the full moon.
      Calls to a poison center monitored over a 1-year period: unintentional poisonings occurred more often during the full moon cycle. However, the number of calls due to intentional poison exposure (suicides/drug abuse) was significantly LOWER during the full moon and higher during the new moon.
      1,621 patients over 3-year period who were bitten by a cat, rat, horse or dog: the incidence of animal bites was significantly higher around the full moon.

  • @ilovetaylaswifttttt
    @ilovetaylaswifttttt 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    my teachers say this because when there is a full moon, our school gets a bit crazy

  • @aurelie8220
    @aurelie8220 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I’ve never believed that or heard that before, but working at a high needs elementary school for 10 years, IT’S REAL. I’d brush it off when people would mention it year after year. But sure enough, when your classroom and whole school has gone wild, it’s aa full moon. I’ve now fully accepted it.

  • @OgunCakr
    @OgunCakr 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Mr. Grande you are a very productive person. I enjoy your videos very much. I want to thank you 🙏🌺

  • @dreamingkittendraws8810
    @dreamingkittendraws8810 5 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Interesting video :) I always find myself affected by the full moon (and other phases involving a lot of reflected light) because light shines in through my high window, under my curtains and right onto my face, keeping me awake x)

    • @DrGrande
      @DrGrande  5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thank you!

  • @diedasdais
    @diedasdais 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    So, the gravitation seems not to have an impact. Can the moon affect humans in any other ways? Lighting?
    I'm just asking because it is 3 am and I could not sleep and felt weirdly awake. Then I googled the moon calendar and found out that it is currently a full moon where I live. The same thing happened to me a view months ago.
    I had similar random sleepless nights in the past, but unfortunately, I never checked the moon calendar.
    But two similar events at full moon (and possibly more) make me already curious if there is a connection.

  • @neverarguewithan18wheeler10
    @neverarguewithan18wheeler10 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    My mom works at Walmart. 5 years now in customer service and i guaran-damn-tee she would beg to differ.. lol

  • @sarah29880
    @sarah29880 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    I like the hunting theory down below with the full moon, brightness would influence their ability to actually hunt in the dark. Nursing home patients do tend to get crazy around that time, but probably happens all the time you are right.

  • @muslimkamal586
    @muslimkamal586 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Its a full moon night and i started a completely unconscious fight which was completely out of control like i was mad or something and i know i just woke up a nightmare it was different like i felt it clearly that i was in a different behavior thats why I searched for this video i think it does affect

  • @reneeharold7335
    @reneeharold7335 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    I'm bipolar, the full moon does
    drive me totally insane it's not
    because of gravity. If you study
    astrology they teach that when
    the sun, moon, and the planets
    are at 90 degree or 180 degree
    angles from each other it
    causes tension and moodiness.
    This is not caused by gravity
    or any other dense physical
    force, the sun, moon, and the
    planets have counterparts in
    the spirit world. These
    counterparts put out energies
    in the spirit world. The
    clashing energies collide with
    each other sort of like waves
    at the beach do when they
    create a dangerous rip tide.

  • @SSingh-qd6ie
    @SSingh-qd6ie 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    .004N ONLY force you need.
    You don’t need the whole sun to ignite an engine only a spark is enough to crank it.
    In western culture it is always believed that full moon is bad and has bad effects in human behavior, but it is not so, in eastern cultures people always look full moon as spiritual and very special as well.
    As I said above you DO NOT NEED the whole sun’s energy to ignite an engine just a spark is enough to ignite, so, that small amount of force (.004N) you are talking about is enough to align yourself with the whole cosmos because during the time of full moon there is POSITIVE effect on human behaviors, but one must recognize and enhance the process by seeing the beauty in this special day because you have the power to enhance the positive force from .004N to its higher level specially during the full moon because of .004N force because in full moon days you can enhance the force in you as well.
    Thus, it does deeply affect in human mind during full moon, but it’s depend on each person because the experience is entirely your own which can not be measured or described by any science or scientific devices.

  • @dorianb8740
    @dorianb8740 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I dont sleep 3 days when its full moon and Im annoyingly happy, If I fall asleep I have very strange dreams, and when moon is in falling I’m more depressed, and when it is filling Im energetic..

  • @sinabehbahani7746
    @sinabehbahani7746 3 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    The effect of the moon on the finer energies of human body is not easily measurable yet important. a great analysis though!

  • @timothykearns2232
    @timothykearns2232 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for your very "clinical" explanation, but IMO, it has everything to do with extra light during full Moon phases. A full moon on the eastern horizon of a hot August night most certainly stimulates more outdoor activity...The whole "romantic" thing comes into play. Emotions (as is love) are quite difficult to explain, and a scientific explanation with facts and figures fails in the final analysis of why a full (or nearly-full) Moon stimulates human activity. That extra activity leads to car calamities, more drinking and general "partying", increased accidents, arrests and, of course, hospital visits, regardless of where the Moon is in its orbit. Many ER nurses I've spoken with confirmed that ERs are much busier on full-Moon/partially full-Moon evenings and mornings.

  • @MickeyCreole
    @MickeyCreole 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This is no joke, I seriously suffer from PMT, Pre Moon Tension and it’s really starting to get on my nerves badly. Last two nights I’ve not slept good, but last night, apparently it was a “pink moon” phase and as well as messing up my night, my Crohn’s has been super upset, and no I’ve not done or eaten anything wrong to aggravate it, it’s been my mental health that’s been hypersensitive, but without an actual cause for it, I just feel agitated and really jumpy, and my usual deed emotions are only top-skin deep, I feel I could cry at any moment. I’ve always had problems with that fat cheesy moon from when I was a small child, and whenever it was full in the night sky, I know sleep is going to be an ordeal to get any. Honestly, I don’t know the science of the lunar cycle and I don’t know how to read the phases of the moon, so don’t understand how to calculate when the next full, new of crescents of the moon, all I know, there’s a particular sense of difficulties I feel when I try to sleep, and it’s a different kind of sleep I get when it’s a full moon, which is completely different to the irregular sleep you get when you can’t sleep because of anxiety or you’re overly tired etc. People don’t understand those who are sensitive in personality, and being sensitive, you’re made aware how very noisy and hectic life on Earth is, I mean even silence is deafening at times. The only real peace and escapism I get is that deep sleep before/after REM sleep, where’s there’s nothingness; I’m not even a fan of REM sleep because my dreams actually hurt my head, it’s horrible most of the time and you end up waking up, having to work out which were factual or made up memories. I wished there was something I could take or use that would allow me to live a normal life with a regular head instead of this messed up horror circus that is my mind

  • @jamesortiz5388
    @jamesortiz5388 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Working at a mental hospital where most patients had no idea what a full moon was they would act up or become violent.

  • @Joanwe11
    @Joanwe11 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    On two different occasions when the moon was at a certain percentage of being full, I’ve won $11k at a casino. It’s no coincidence that the moon does affect each person differently.

  • @MajinMist603
    @MajinMist603 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Not just the moon but also other planet alignments . . .

  • @elswamidor
    @elswamidor 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Good video, but you forgot about werewolves.

  • @iTammy
    @iTammy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    For sure it has effect! Keep a full moon diary about things find in yourself and are consistent in the fool moon fase!
    Every month I experience the same happenings, especially the second day after the full moon!
    Just observe yourself and write it down! Need no doctor to figure yourself out 🌝

  • @balamramos4101
    @balamramos4101 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hi Dr. Todd. I appreciate your effort. However... I am amazed that you overlooked such a significant factor as the effect of light on sleep patterns and nocturnal hormone regulation. I refuse to do such elementary homework for us, so you can look it up; even the presence of a single LED in a dark room has the ability to disturb hormonal regulation... ie melatonin production (Niel Nedley, Proof Positive.). When creatures can't sleep, and have a disturbance in their hormones... they tend to act differently... especially if bored. I am sure you can see where this is going and that's all I have time for. Obviously our ability to see/exposure to the moonlight will mediate the effect a full moon can have.

  • @archeewaters
    @archeewaters 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i worked with a person who told me she could not sleep during full moon because her curtains were transparent enough where the light was too bright in the room.. consequently she was tired and behaved irritably.

  • @juliannemassiah940
    @juliannemassiah940 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    During almost every moon I get a lot of energy and I mean a lot

  • @PrivateAckbar
    @PrivateAckbar 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Dr Grande could you do a video where you address how the five factor model deals with personality traits like intuition that are highlighted by Myers Briggs?

  • @dudebroz
    @dudebroz 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    That scream towards the end really threw me off, being that I was alone in my house, haha.
    By the way, I'm curious, where did you get the statistic on the percentages of people who believe this? Or is this a sort of stat that's more or less just passed around?

  • @michaelwestbrook1379
    @michaelwestbrook1379 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Well I feel even crazier! :(

  • 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not true.... I have 2 small kids and every time it's full moon they wake up middle of the night older one ready to get up.... And the Baby cries... And they normally sleep all night. Just happened yesterday and i didn't evwn know it was full moon until i looked it up today. There's way too little information on this subject which is kinda suspicious... We have more information on way less important stuff than this...

  • @m.danonbains3423
    @m.danonbains3423 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Always in a good mood...go and look, yes, it is a full moon.

  • @shaanz2.087
    @shaanz2.087 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    In India everything is related to sun, moon and stars. We breathe superstition. Thanks for your valuable insights. Much appreciated.

  • @realmetatron
    @realmetatron 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Physicist here. This is not true. When the moon is full, it passes through the tail of Earth's magnetic field and gains a strong charge on the dark side compared to the light side, turning the moon into a strong magnet (can go up into the kilo volt range). It takes 3 + 3 days for the moon to move fully into the magnetotail and then back out, so it's 6 day period. Electrons picked up by the moon in the tail then discharge back to Earth, causing the auroras. In this whole process, electric field strength changes across Earth's surface. Changing fields causes currents in the human body, affecting the brain and really everything else. This is also why many people have strong migraines during full moon periods. Remember, it starts 3 days before the full moon and lasts 3 days after. Where the electrons come down to Earth also depends on the local details of the magnetic field. So there are places which get more electrons flowing back down from the moon than others, so those places and its people are more strongly affected. This isn't known by the medical community and most physicists never actually study this in detail, so it's only known to people specializing on this area of research, which is a mix of biophysics and space weather.

  • @RJ-cs9gz
    @RJ-cs9gz 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I've always thought this! The light difference is really the only, potentially, attributable factor...
    Thanks for covering this doc, appreciate that you thought to address it👍

    • @DrGrande
      @DrGrande  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      You're welcome!

    • @robinhood4640
      @robinhood4640 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      i agree that it's the moonlight and not the gravtitational difference. I've explained a theory above.

  • @MartinDenStore
    @MartinDenStore 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Cultural and emotional forces count too! ^^

  • @justisforalll
    @justisforalll 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I’m a nurse working night shift at the hospital right now. I have 3 confused patients and one of them literally won’t calm down. Tonight has been my craziest night in 3 months. I went outside for lunch and I saw it was a full moon! I’m one of the 80%!

  • @rchhcsupernova
    @rchhcsupernova 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Those animations Dr. Grande. you got me laughing. Also, great explanation of physics.

    • @DrGrande
      @DrGrande  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you!

  • @songbirdsinging1878
    @songbirdsinging1878 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    a full moon provides light. maybe people are more active due to the light

  • @foxemartin
    @foxemartin ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Today I came across an article that mentioned a study involving the moon's effect on some people with bipolar disorder, then I looked into it more and came across David Avery. Do you have any insight on that?

  • @justinlavine9209
    @justinlavine9209 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm not sure to what extent the full moon itself impacts behavior, but the cultural significance of the full moon has obviously played a significant role in Mankind's development. At the very least, the full moon effects human behavior by making people more superstitious. However, astronomical events like full moons encouraged both religious worship and scientific discovery. Lunar cycles are even listed in almanacs so agricultural practices have been impacted as well. Finally, people can generally see better when there's more light, so I would assume people have more to look at during a full moon than on any other night. I hypothesize that this might encourage people to stay awake longer.

  • @tashastarling870
    @tashastarling870 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I think it's just brighter when the moon is full. You really notice it in the country. More light and you stay up later. More than enough light to work under. (Or to get up to mischief)
    Bartenders love to talk about this too! I imagine nurses like to talk about their patients, and when your coworkers say something more than once it starts to affect you.

  • @vivekambekarIndia
    @vivekambekarIndia 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    If the moon has such a significantly less gravitational force as why does it moves oceans ???
    Logically 9.807 m/s2 gravitational pull shouldn't allow such insignificant force to move it's oceans. But it does move them.
    Then may be there is still something about gravity we don't understand yet.
    Also if full moon and no moon doesn't have anything to do with the gravitational pull of moon on earth then why the high tides and low tides happen because of moon ?
    If what you saying is true then it shouldn't be happening.

  • @jasontrask3222
    @jasontrask3222 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This answer is not based on empirical evidence, and science is supposedly empirical. This is all based on "logic." Aristotle used "logic" when he decided that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects. Dr. Grande needs to read David Hume's "Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding" for an explanation concerning why "logic" can tell us nothing about the physical world.