Exile seems to be the most polarizing with the fans of the classic years from 68 to 74 .. English ytube guy Andy hates this album and others sings the praises . The album cover alone speaks volumes ,..
I don't believe the Stones made a bad album till... Uh, later than Undercover, which i am the only person to ever like. If you can take their music for what it is, and they changed it up a lot over the years, any of their albums would sound good. But I'd do Let It Bleed. Also pure gospel but preaching a different sermon.
One of my favourite songs to sing along to
Great music
1972, high school, youth, girls, we all looked good, anything was possible...
Exile seems to be the most polarizing with the fans of the classic years from 68 to 74 .. English ytube guy Andy hates this album and others sings the praises . The album cover alone speaks volumes ,..
Try Dancing in the Light, its heavily under rated tune. Part of Exile on Main St Deluxe Definitely my favorite
I don't believe the Stones made a bad album till... Uh, later than Undercover, which i am the only person to ever like. If you can take their music for what it is, and they changed it up a lot over the years, any of their albums would sound good. But I'd do Let It Bleed. Also pure gospel but preaching a different sermon.
Jeez singing again. Pfff. We don't wanna hear you sing. Please.