How do you even come up with ideas for what to build? I often fly around and see amazing lanscapes and think "Wow this looks incredible, I have to build something here!" But I never know what to build other than a basic starter house
theme is definitely important, if you were a settler coming to these lands in real life, would you want wooden homes or stone ones? modern or medieval? stuff like that, you want to incorporate a story to your build
Thanks for the help! starting a new mc world with rules such as no netherite till day 100 bc I keep starting a world, getting maxed gear by day 10 and stopping bc I've beaten the game and don't really know what to do. Also, congrats on the 30k subs u wanted when this vid was released!
@@Lolamapsu can help that by adding lore to ur build like he said so instead of it just being a nice build it can become a creative lore building. No matter how weird or wacky the lore is u just need meaning to ur builds.
These tips are very useful. Thank you, but one thing i hate about building are the resources. I wanna build a house but I usually never have enough materials.
This helped me out a lot. I was a decent builder, really only using variety blocks and such, but your gradients and how you teach is like magic bro. I went for “alright” to “REALLY GOOD”! Ty so much for showing me how to build better and inspiring me.
Bro, you literally just resume my entire first three semester in architecture college, that method we called “addition and subtraction “. Gj and greetings from Mexico
Thank you so much, I watched this Video, then I was like: "okay I'll try it" and I showed to my friend and he did not believe me that I built it myself and it isnt from TH-cam :P
I know this was made 2 months ago but not even a 2 minutes in and the video is good also the village you showed it's amazing if I made something like that they would ask me, "did you do it on survival mode because that would be impressive" indeed it would but just imagine how long that would have tooken.
@@Magicov Could we maybe play sometime on like a survive mode maybe 100 days of hardcore idk just for fun. Maybe collab if wanted, or just let me get like armor and food and you do building or whatever? Idk I was bored and I kinda wanna learn how to get better at building then I found you and your good. I'm not really good at building sadly.
Man, a simple video, just some of basic information yet it's brilliant for new players like me! this is really motivated me to start building more dynamic structure building for my survival journey! You earn a Subscribe KING✨
this helped a lot! i went from a average builder to a better builder when trying t out for myself! am i able to get the seed so maybe i can try building on this seed? thanks! ^^
Even though i am not a good builder my build style is very different not mediaeval like every one else build still good video must watch for beginners or someone like me
I kinda wanna find out how to make better mountain bases because I love finding good mountains and tunneling into them and making them my home but yeah
Bro magic explains it so well this has helps so much to me thanks so much for the tips and aspeshlelly thanks for sharing your knowledge of your own experiences with minecraft ❤
Everyone that replied I’m sorry but I gave up on Minecraft but have gotten a lot better it’s just that Minecraft isn’t fun anymore to me and I have moved on to other games
Fun fact, the "fresh water you were talking about appeared to be a still underwater lake and would be swarming with bacteria and actually not fresh at all, enjoy :)
We seem to be a year late. I want to find out aswell though. Look through whatever mod thing you use and find something you like. I use curseforge for resource packs.
i love how i build. but whenever i show a friend they dont seem impressed even if they build like a 5 year old. I would just love to have a second angle from someone elses eyes that have more experience than me. i would say im average but these build thing tutorials seem impossible to get the hang of for me. is it supposed to feel that it is impossible to get a build right
For some reason i made a 58 block long and 42 blocks wide mansion and the world was deleted and it took me 8 weeks to build it and im thinking of rebuilding it so im watching how to build better videos so i can remake it but faster and better
I really struggle making the things I imagine come to life in game, I could have a perfect picture of a build I’d want to do but I have no idea where to start most of the time, I really want to learn to build Japanese style builds and to make use of the blue blocks like weathered copper and prismarine
Not even three minutes in and I love the trapdoor use.
I cant agree more
i allso like that
Bro i used them for japanese slide doors they look🤌
The lunatic cultist in the terraria is trying to kill you
The lunatic cultudt in Minecraft teaches you how to build
im not the only guy who plays terraria here...
@@ChunkNorr1s And I thought everyone would notice the skin
Wow.. id probably give this video to anyone who is starting to learning to build. I loved the yellow/honey roof❤
What i usually do is i take a lil bit of inspiration of irl houses, helps a ton honestly.
I can visualize in my head what kind of house I want but when it comes time to build it the execution is poor.
Real 😔
usually everything but the roof is semi-ok but i always mess up the roof ong
Imagine walking 20,000 blocks away to build a town and forget to set your spawn and then fall off a cliff.
That wil, be sad man
Happened to me my friend killed me,and themselves accidentally i didn't set spawn and boom i died.
I love your lunatic cultist outfit!❤
Love this video. I could say that I'm a decent builder in minecraft, but this really helps! Btw what's the name of the shaders that you use?
Complementary Reimagined :)
How do you even come up with ideas for what to build? I often fly around and see amazing lanscapes and think "Wow this looks incredible, I have to build something here!" But I never know what to build other than a basic starter house
theme is definitely important, if you were a settler coming to these lands in real life, would you want wooden homes or stone ones? modern or medieval? stuff like that, you want to incorporate a story to your build
@@Magicov Thanks for replying! That's a good point, I'll think about that
you are the goat thanks for the tips finally can build something other than a dirt box
That helped me out so much with making my builds have different contrasts! Do you mind saying the see for where you built your village?
Thanks for the help! starting a new mc world with rules such as no netherite till day 100 bc I keep starting a world, getting maxed gear by day 10 and stopping bc I've beaten the game and don't really know what to do. Also, congrats on the 30k subs u wanted when this vid was released!
there is no beating the game. creativity is the important
@@Chan_Chong_Ku_Liao My creativity extends only just far enough to be able to name my gear cool names sadly
@@Lolamapsu can help that by adding lore to ur build like he said so instead of it just being a nice build it can become a creative lore building. No matter how weird or wacky the lore is u just need meaning to ur builds.
This was so helpful, thanks for the tips
These tips are very useful. Thank you, but one thing i hate about building are the resources. I wanna build a house but I usually never have enough materials.
I went from a square box to a abolute master piece in a few hours tysm❤
Feel like Minecraft is too biased towards medieval style
Texture pack or mods?
I agree
Will depending on you use. Using a lot of wood yes it will makes it look like that
currently tryna build a cool world for a school project so this helped me out soooooooo much.
This helped me out a lot. I was a decent builder, really only using variety blocks and such, but your gradients and how you teach is like magic bro. I went for “alright” to “REALLY GOOD”! Ty so much for showing me how to build better and inspiring me.
Bro, you literally just resume my entire first three semester in architecture college, that method we called “addition and subtraction “. Gj and greetings from Mexico
You better believe when magic uploads i’ll be here and TY SO MUCH magic, you are literally the only person I trust with this topic 😂
''Im asumming u didnt click on this video to get rich'' lol
Bro that is first building tutorial that actually help me a lot
2:54 nah the pattern of the bee hieves is crazy💀
No?? 💀 It's not crazy at all lmao
@@princessmiel-xl1gheither u dont get it or u crazy ☠️
@@DaTree-12 What? I'm crazy for not thinking the pattern of a block of bee hieves is "crazy!" ? Suree... That totally makes sense!
@@DaTree-12 define crazy for me rn
How to get better:
1. Strip the logs
2. Add leaves
3. Use different colored blocks
4. A nice flower to brighten your day
This really helped me out thank you so much!
Loved the video! What Shaders are you using?
This is found in CurseForge, known as the best mod installer for Minecraft. Its called Immersed with Shaders btw.
@@ASillyDeveloper Thanks!
@@chillitz3667 You can also get the same shader's without Curseforge, however I don't know how to install a shader in Minecraft.
Thanks for this, I used to be really good at building in Minecraft until I just lost my creativity.
this helped out me a lot, Thank You!
NIce video, what music did you used at the beginning of the video?
Thank you so much, I watched this Video, then I was like: "okay I'll try it" and I showed to my friend and he did not believe me that I built it myself and it isnt from TH-cam :P
i like the trapdoor allot
love that yellow/orange roof I'm subing aswell
I know this was made 2 months ago but not even a 2 minutes in and the video is good also the village you showed it's amazing if I made something like that they would ask me, "did you do it on survival mode because that would be impressive" indeed it would but just imagine how long that would have tooken.
I built the town in a video on my channel hehe
@@Magicov Could we maybe play sometime on like a survive mode maybe 100 days of hardcore idk just for fun. Maybe collab if wanted, or just let me get like armor and food and you do building or whatever? Idk I was bored and I kinda wanna learn how to get better at building then I found you and your good. I'm not really good at building sadly.
Please can you do a continuation of your modern city.
I was definitely not looking up how to get good at minecraft, and look who i bumped into o.o
@@Magicov not much hbu 😏
@@boxdeity same same
Is there gonna be a part 2 for da inside?
that's not a bad idea
Thanks Bro, You helped me a lot 😅😂
The key to having beautiful builds is having a nice shader (which my device couldn't handle)
This was such a helpful video, thank you
Whats the shader called you used in the beginning of the vid
@@RiptedGd complementary
Man, a simple video, just some of basic information yet it's brilliant for new players like me! this is really motivated me to start building more dynamic structure building for my survival journey! You earn a Subscribe KING✨
Very helpful vid! Thank you for another great video, much love
whats the layout your medeival city blacksmith
I wish people would stop using shaders for builds but the video and ideas are great.
bro what is your texture pack i need it
thank you for inspiring me!
What shaders are you using?
Watched this vid 4mins as a horrible builder left made a build cake back and i can already see a lot of improvement😌
dude thank you for this video now im a pro at building
he explaines it so well
Wowo I didnt know that the lunatic cultist from the hit indie game Terraria was a good Minecraft builder
bro made the dungeon
thanks that really helped me
what is the cloud you are using?
Searched for a good building video and saw your skin and instantly clicked.
this helped a lot! i went from a average builder to a better builder when trying t out for myself! am i able to get the seed so maybe i can try building on this seed? thanks! ^^
you should do one on how to make doors look good on houses.
Even though i am not a good builder my build style is very different not mediaeval like every one else build still good video must watch for beginners or someone like me
hey are you going to make any more terraria videos
perhaps! The 100 days is doing well!
@@Magicov wow I’d love to see it
I kinda wanna find out how to make better mountain bases because I love finding good mountains and tunneling into them and making them my home but yeah
thank you this is an actual food tutorial
Lunatic cultist ty for ur tips
Very good and nice video, but you forgot one important thing. Shaders. Without shaders it’s look good, but not that good as it could be.
me building a large boat: this aint useful
me about to make an underground bunker: *I QUIT-*
Bro magic explains it so well this has helps so much to me thanks so much for the tips and aspeshlelly thanks for sharing your knowledge of your own experiences with minecraft ❤
I’m not good at building I learning how to get better because I’m gonna build the breath of the wild map 😦
goodluck with that!
How is it going?
Well your loss but I believe in you brother
Everyone that replied I’m sorry but I gave up on Minecraft but have gotten a lot better it’s just that Minecraft isn’t fun anymore to me and I have moved on to other games
Can you make a tutorial of bridges
Hi can you make more of this guide
What seed is the town with the port
Fun fact, the "fresh water you were talking about appeared to be a still underwater lake and would be swarming with bacteria and actually not fresh at all, enjoy :)
what's the resource pack
We seem to be a year late. I want to find out aswell though. Look through whatever mod thing you use and find something you like. I use curseforge for resource packs.
Thank you😊
What’s ar3 these shaders
tip #1: get a PC good enough to run shaders
I love your skin, I wish there was a 3D terraria
That's just modded minecraft
Step 1 : shade..
i love how i build. but whenever i show a friend they dont seem impressed even if they build like a 5 year old. I would just love to have a second angle from someone elses eyes that have more experience than me. i would say im average but these build thing tutorials seem impossible to get the hang of for me. is it supposed to feel that it is impossible to get a build right
I love this video ❤❤❤❤
All I want is PC shaders , but I don't have a PC, I know deferred lighting exists but it lags so much and my sky is black... 😢☹️
Bro please give me this world download it help me to learn
survivalplayers had a rough time watching this
Like the Terraria profile and skin
Your so good AT building
Anyone else see that at the end when he says subscribe it has like an animation around the sub button
For some reason i made a 58 block long and 42 blocks wide mansion and the world was deleted and it took me 8 weeks to build it and im thinking of rebuilding it so im watching how to build better videos so i can remake it but faster and better
I’m good on gradients, I struggle with structure
👀structure is a good point for a future video
this guys the best
Btw r u on java
The best player bro
Say stripped warped wood 5 times fast
I wonder what I could build in the end dimension...
I’m struggling with connecting the roofs lol, it just keeps looking bad
Make up for size...yeah that sadly is not fixable like minecraft
I really struggle making the things I imagine come to life in game, I could have a perfect picture of a build I’d want to do but I have no idea where to start most of the time, I really want to learn to build Japanese style builds and to make use of the blue blocks like weathered copper and prismarine
start with tutorials and smaller builds
I love you bro😭😭🙏❤️
I love you bro be my teacher
Me thinking i could get better in this video turns out i was imagining😢
You can! If you try! It worked for me!🎉