For your viewers information and education... I own the rarest 1966 Roosevelt dime! It is a SILVER 1966 dime overstruck on a 1962D dime. Certified MS62 by NGC and the only 1966 dime struck in silver known.The coin will be sold by Stack's Auctions in their August ANA sale. A 1965 silver dime of which about a dozen sre known sold for $14,000 in 2023
You never said what I should look for on them that makes them so valuable.just that they were minted during a special time of year.that’s not enough information.
God day sir please note that I have dime usa 2017 p And dime usa 1965 with aut any things And dime usa 1967 no things I went to sell thise dimes AZ that price s you Merchandise in this video Thank you and pest regards
hello! do you buy fdr dimes? 1965,1967,1982, i have diff kinds of ffr dimesthanks, heres the rest og fdr dimes, 1983,1984,1985,1987,1989,1991,1996,1997,1998d,20001,thanls.
I have this 1965,1967,&1974 silver D D Dime,would you like to purchase from me i shall sale to you25%less from your offering price.if you not agree you are a big layer person,
I have 1965 and 1966 1974 Dimes
I have two 1965 and two 1967 coins.
I have all them.
I have dimes yr 65,74,81 & yr 1999 all in very good conditions
I have 1965 & 1967 Washington quater with no mint mark for sale. Thanks.
I hve 2 pcs 1965 p Dime, where cd i sell it & what's th procedure. BHUTAN.
I have this 1965 old coin
@Sir I have a Roosevelt Dime 10C, 1960,1965,1966,1967,1968, All no Mint Mark,,thnx,❤😂🎉❤😂🎉❤
I have 2 1965 and 2 1967!
I barely collect dimes but found more exclusive dimes i pick up three dimes a 1964,1965,1967,and 2 1982 all in one week.
Eu tenho uma moeda dessas 1965 como passo para vender obg
I have this coin
I have one 1965 dime coin..
I have it
I have all theses rare coins
I have 1965 1967
Γειά σας κ, Ειπαρχει περίπτωση να πουλήσω το νόμισμα; ευχαριστώ
I have one dime 1965, 1971 D 1974 D
I HAVE TWO 1965, ONE 1966, two 1977, ONE 1968.... I am BRASIL🇧🇷 Jamilton👍💱...!!!
I found 1967 dimes i have it with me now
Where can I sell my old coins
I have 1970,1980 of that coin
I have 1965 one dime coins living sri lanka
I have 2 PC's 1965 p Dime, where can I sell it,from Philippines ,
For your viewers information and education... I own the rarest 1966 Roosevelt dime! It is a SILVER 1966 dime overstruck on a 1962D dime. Certified MS62 by NGC and the only 1966 dime struck in silver known.The coin will be sold by Stack's Auctions in their August ANA sale. A 1965 silver dime of which about a dozen sre known sold for $14,000 in 2023
Hello I have one,,1965 1 dime coin where can I sell this?
I have 1974 dime
Sir , I have one 1965Dime,and I have two 1967 Dime,one 1974Dime
I have 1965 / 1 coin
I have this coin or more where l sell this coin or more US coin?
I have 1 pc 1967 dime how to sell?
i got all this coins
Hello sir l have one dime 1967 coin
I have dime coins 1965and 1964 coins.
I have one 1974 I am from costa rica
I have 3 pcs 1967 one dime
I have one 1065b1 dime..where can I sell this..
Good evening sir. I have a piece of one dime 1977 without mint mark
Hello sir what does the 1967weight
Where I can sell my 1968 d dime struck on a copper planchet?
I have all four where to sell them
I have 1065 one dimel coins
I have 1965 dime how can i sell it
Hello ❤😊 👌 ai hef 3 coins of diem from 1965 en 1977 . En 1999 ❤🤗👍💫. 👋
I have dime year 1982
How much can i sell and where
I just have one Dine 1967 only
Any way to let it go.
I agree
I have a 1968 d stroke on a copper planchette I don't know how much cost
I have a 1968 Roosevelt dime no mint mark
1 have 9 dimes 😇1965😇🌍😇1974😇🌍8 😇🌍😇dimes
I have 1pc USA Rosevelt 1982-P one dime coin
@ Liberty coin hub , Thank you for your comments
Where im for sell
There's no way of corn is going to cost that much
Yo tengo una moneda de one dime del año 1974
That's it is just a story about the value on this money
❤😊🎉 hello 😊 ai hef 3 coins of 1965' en 1977 , 1999 👍👌❤
I have a 1966 no Mint Mark , 1975 no mint mark .
I got one with no mint mark
You never said what I should look for on them that makes them so valuable.just that they were minted during a special time of year.that’s not enough information.
I have a 1974 Eisenhower dollar no mint mark vf quality
I have 3pc Roosevelt USA 1967 no mint mark one cent coin
@ Leberty club hub , Thank you for your hearted comments
1965 3 1967 2p 1974 dd
I have a 1965 dime with very rare error on reverse I don't know how or where to sell it help???
I have one dime how much
Tengo 1967. Diez
I have 1966 no mint mark
I have two 1967 no mint mark one 66 no mint mark and one 1975 no mint mark like to sale all if I can find a buyer plus other old coins
God day sir please note that I have dime usa 2017 p
And dime usa 1965 with aut any things
And dime usa 1967 no things I went to sell thise dimes AZ that price s you
Merchandise in this video
Thank you and pest regards
Hey wer is I locations close Perris california
I have one mint mark error
Si ya esta hablando en inglés la traducción que sale debe ser en español
que qualquier idioma es bueno mientras la persona pueda expresar o entender
sin ofender a nadie mil disculpas
Eu tenho 67 não tem letras
Just Bla Bla Bla ....and No Information
If you're not going to say what to look for then don't put a video out
I have coins dime no mint mark 1975 or 1989 D 2001 D 2017 P 2021 D 1980 D pls help my coins i from phillipines
hello! do you buy fdr dimes? 1965,1967,1982, i have diff kinds of ffr dimesthanks, heres the rest og fdr dimes, 1983,1984,1985,1987,1989,1991,1996,1997,1998d,20001,thanls.
I have this 1965,1967,&1974 silver D D Dime,would you like to purchase from me i shall sale to you25%less from your offering price.if you not agree you are a big layer person,
What's purpose of advertising coins even without serious buyers. You're only fooling subscribers or coin collectors