Lumboishialgia i UCS nakon 15 godina rijeseni kiropraktikom + DETALJNA TERAPIJA GRADJEVINSKI RADNIK

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ต.ค. 2024
    Pacijent se žali na konstantne glavobolje, bolove u vratu, ramenima, trnjenje ruku, bolove u donjem dijelu leđa koji se protežu do koljena a nekada i do stopala. Bolovi traju već duže vrijeme u periodu od 2004 godine cca.
    Pacijent je građevinski radnik čiji opis posla zahtjeva konstantno nošenje tereta, gledanje prema gore prilikom rada, te isključivo forsiranje i rad desnom rukom u vidu kružnih pokreta prema gore.
    Prilikom assessmenta vrata, uočene traume u segment C1 - C7. Izravnata vratna lordoza, sa bolovima na palpaciju iskljucivo u segment C1-2 kao I C7-T1. Sumnja se na kompresiju Brachialnog plexusa, kao i blago uklještelje Vertebrobasiliarnih arterija sa posljedično umanjenim dotokom krvi u glavu.
    Vratni fleksori u anterior/posterior debalansu VS Pectoralis Major. Vratni fleksori takodjer u lateralnom debalansu u odnosu desni Levator Scapulae VS lijevi, kao i mišićni debalans Gornji Trapezius i Rhomboids. Desni Levator Scapulae u ekstenzi i atrofiji, konsekventno traumatizirajući vratne vertebre C1 - C4 stavljajući ih u rotirajući položaj prema desno čime se vrši kompresija na diskuse, kao i nervne korjene u datom segmentu.
    U torkalnom segmentu uočena blaga kifoza. Vidna rotacija vertebri te posljedično uklještenje nervnih korjena u segmentu T4 - T12. Mišići Trapezius, Rhomboids kao i Erector Spinae u vidnom spazmu, grčenju i atrofiji. Osjetljivo na palpaciju i pritisak.
    U Lumbarnom segmentu isključivo bolno na palpaciju u prdjelju L3-L4. U fleksiji, lijevi Facet joint ostaje zaključan u otvorenom položaju, čime vrši pritisak na nervni korjen datog segmenta, te prouzrokuje kompresiju na discus kao i bol koja se proteže od L3 - L4 sve do koljena.
    Dg. Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS)
    Th. Korekcija vrata C1 - C7
    Spinal Decompression
    Spinalna korekcija C7 - T1
    Spinalna korekcija T4 - t12
    Spinalna korekcija L3 -L4
    Ankle decompression
    Muscle Energy Therapie: Levator Scapulae, Upper Trapezius, Rhomboids
    Kinesio taping
    Pacijent upućen na RTG opa. CT radi detaljnije dijagnoze.
    The patient complains of constant headaches, pain in the neck, shoulders, tingling in the hands, pain in the lower back that extends to the knees and sometimes to the feet. The pain has been going on for a long time in the period from 2004 approx.
    The patient is a construction worker whose job description requires constant carrying of loads, looking up during work, and exclusively forcing and working with the right hand in the form of circular movements upwards.
    During the assessment of the neck, trauma was observed in the segment C1 - C7. Straight cervical lordosis, with pain on palpation exclusively in segment C1/2 as I C7/T1. Compression of the Brachial plexus is suspected, as well as a mild entrapment of the vertebrobasilar arteries with consequently reduced blood flow to the head.
    Neck flexors in lateral imbalance in relation to the right Levator Scapulae VS left one, as well as muscle imbalance of Upper Trapezius and Rhomboids. Right Levator Scapulae in extension and atrophy, consequently traumatizing the cervical vertebrae C1 - C4, placing them in a rotating position to the right, which compresses the nerve roots in a given segment.
    Mild kyphosis was observed in the Thoracic segment. Visible rotation of the vertebrae and consequent pinching of nerve roots in the segment T4 - T12. Trapezius muscles, Rhomboids as well as Erector Spinae and visual spasm and atrophy. Sensitive to palpation and pressure.
    In the lumbar segment exclusively painful on palpation in the segment of L3-L4. In flexion, the left Facet joint remains locked in the open position, which puts pressure on the nerve root of a given segment, and causes compression on the disc as well as pain that extends from L3 - L4 all the way to the knee.
    Diagnosis: Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS)
    Therapy: Door correction C1 - C7
    Spinal Decompression
    Spinal correction C7 - T1
    Spinal correction T4 - t12
    Spinal correction L3 -L4
    Ankle decompression
    Muscle Energy Therapy: Levator Scapulae, Upper Trapezius, Rhomboids
    Kinesio taping
    The patient was referred for an X-ray. CT makes a more detailed diagnosis.
    #chiropractor #chiropractic #health #physiotherapy

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