Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (Music Video) | Avenged Sevenfold - Requiem

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.พ. 2015
  • #lordsofshadow2 #avengedsevenfold #musicvideo
    Created under Fair Use
    Created using Sony Vegas Pro 12.0
    Avenged Sevenfold
    / avengedsevenfold
    Sources for video clips:
  • เพลง

ความคิดเห็น • 52

  • @redpanda479
    @redpanda479 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    If a new castlevania game ever gets made, then they need to pay avenged sevenfold to make a song based on it, because this was badass

    • @Nyrufa
      @Nyrufa ปีที่แล้ว

      Hopefully not another Lords of Shadow game. This is a horrible depiction of Dracula in the franchise. Dracula is THE physical embodiment of evil. No matter how many times he's destroyed, he will always come back. Usually 100 years later, but he always comes back. Also, he doesn't run quests or errands for Xobec. Death is Dracula's servant, not the other way around!

    • @soulidiumhollow1797
      @soulidiumhollow1797 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@Nyrufa sounds to me like you just tuned out the game partway through or never played. There is a REASON he's doing 'chores' for Zobek instead of outright killing him on the spot and taking the Whip. He's severely nerfed when he wakes up, his 'bumbling around like an old man' was not for show. They explain it near the end of the dang game before you fully walk up on the 3rd son of Satan's location fully.
      He also has amnesia so he didnt remember what he discussed with someone when he woke up. Zobek in the TEASER TRAILER for this game that stars him and Zobek told him "I have what you need to end your immortality.' and they echo it in the game near the beginning. Zobek is holding the whip over Dracula's head as in 'you go fight those children of Satan for me, and I'll give you what ya want, true death.' because Dracula literally says in the trailer "I cannot die, yet I cannot live." he's MISERABLE. BUT he aint no ass kisser of Zobek either, he hates the guy for what he pulled on him in the first game, he says 'old friend' with such venom when they meet again, and he HEAVILY tolerates him because sadly...he has no choice if he wants the whip for himself to end himself. Which he does start changing his mind throughout the game with the guidance and outlook from Alucard and the visions of his son.
      I am so damn sorry people opted to take a spin on Dracula and make him a sympatric villain / anti hero in the LOS trilogy (yes 2 is the 3rd, MOF is the second and covers alot of gaps here and there between 1 and 2). Though I am quite happy Netflix kept with that route and painted Dracula in a sympathic light too and showed he is a man who lost his beloved, and is just lashing out and showing humanity aint so nice itself. Kinda like a 'shades of grey' look on both sides instead of black and white.
      If you want the 'blood thirsty' dracula from this guy? Go play Mirror of Fate lords of shadow, it is this spin on Dracula still but he's alot more cruel and wicked like the classic Dracula you came to know. But please dont sit there and shit all over the series without knowing jack about it and 'assuming' cuz that making ya look silly and biased. Also, I grew up with the classics myself, but I still gave this series a chance and I have adored it right alongside Sympathy of the Night. And before you go and call me biased, I will dropkick anyone who insults the classics too. I enjoy every outlook on this game series. Some are flops more than others but others are severely sleeper hits. I shit on the first game at first of this (lords of shadow 1) but then I opted to sit down and give it a chance out of boredom, and holy crap I didnt regret it, and when LOS2's trailer came out, I was sold, I loved the idea and wondered where they would take it. So again, dont sit there and shit on something. If you did play? I apologize but...for what it's worth, this aint no 'teen titans go' of the castlevania series, this has it's own spin but still honors the classics that came before it.
      You can take or leave my opinion but do have a good night/day.

    • @Nyrufa
      @Nyrufa 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@soulidiumhollow1797 You misunderstand. I'm aware of what was going on with Dracula's situation in those games. What I was trying to say is that is NOT how Dracula is supposed to be.
      In the Castlevania lore, Vampires are built up as being effectively the most powerful race of supernatural beings within the setting, and Dracula is the most powerful of all vampires. With that whole thing about Soma Cruz revealing that Dracula has the power to subjugate the souls of even the most powerful demons in existence. Not only that, he is the physical embodiment of evil itself. He's not just a villain, he is THE villain.

    • @soulidiumhollow1797
      @soulidiumhollow1797 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      1: That's a game mechanic in Soma's story necessary to his games Just like Dracula being nerfed in LOS2 explains why you cannot wreck everything in sight upon waking back up :3 . 2: If Soma is a reincarnated Dracula, why is he not destroying the world as you said if Dracula is such a BBEG? Soma can fight the temptation of Dracula's influence, I know he has 2 diff endings in at least one of the games. Again I was there when the dark magic written dont you cite it to me.(I lived when these games were put out.) Also adding in, you DO something similar; as in fight your dark influence when you are Dracula in the game, it's a boss fight that you take on. So yes Dracula DOES fight his darker aspect just like Soma does his. I feel that was a shoutout to Soma's series in a sense but that's just my take on it. Also Soma is a good guy too right? So why you letting Soma slide, but screaming at Dracula for trying to change his ways? Or as I call him; Gabriel Belmont, who just like Soma, wanted to fight his evil nature.
      3. He was destined by fate to become what he is, all because he was the one that took down the Lords of Shadow. As they say 'destiny delights in the misfortunes of men.' and fate is cruel to Dracula/Gabriel of this series just like it was to Soma since I am sure Soma was not too happy finding out he was destined to be Dracula. I seem to recall too Soma was trying to fight that fate too, just like Dracula is trying to FIX what he caused. He may not have the same powers like Soma but they are kin in 'fighting fate' and wanting to change it. Dracula is more pessimistic than Soma though, having all but given up and wanting true death (hence doing as Zobek asks and fighting the army of Satan for him since Zobek cant do it alone.) but towards the end he accepts his fate that he is Dracula, but he's changing his role, no longer monster but guardian of earth so Satan cant keep coming back messing things up. Paarthurnaxx I seem to recall in Skyrim was also a BBEG at the start and a dragon, someone who the blades tell you to kill or they wont help you. But you can always turn them down and not kill him and when you talk to him, he makes some very solid points. As in, "
      "What is better? To be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?" That is what I feel with both Soma and Gabriel/Dracula. Both show representations of fighting to overcome their darker nature. Soma with a boss fight against 'his world's dracula and the one he reincarnated from' and with Gabriel Belmont it is "inner dracula'.
      4: LOS2 would be super boring as hell if you could kill monsters in one to three hits. The game would be a slogfest and you'd feel too OP. I mean I have Dracula maxed out on everything in LOs2 and I still have abit of a fight here and there against enemies so I am not truely OP even now and I like that mechanic. Plus LOs2 explains WHY you cannot be fully powered at the start of the game; he got nerfed by the Crissagrim blade which was forged from part of the "Vampire killer" whip. So even he is not 'bullet proof' in a sense and was susceptible to the whip's lingering powers echoing in the sword used on him. Soma also has a story to explain why he is not super OP in the beginning of his games too. They do this same tactic in recent games; FF7 rebirth for example, they nerfed Sephiroth so he's not killing everything you come across since that would make the much larger game abit boring in that spot and square wants us to enjoy it as we go along, even with the flashback. (Plus IMO makes it feel like Cloud overhyped Sephiroth having idolized him so much. Although still powerful yes, guy was not a walking war machine and indestructible like cloud made him out to be. Zack's mixed memories show that Seph is strong yes but not OP. So I am glad for that change from the original since the FF7 OG memory felt boring when you'd fight in the flashback, Seph barely gave cloud a chance to fight and would slaughter everything in his wake.)
      To me it feels like you are just back pedaling abit and being biast, shame for you I knew abit of Soma's story too. Which surprises me you are not slamming on Soma for daring to have the powers of dracula but not giving in to being Dracula at the start since 'dracula and any form of him is the ultimate evil and how dare he be a good guy/anti hero. Gabriel like Soma was a man destined to have fate land a cruel blow on him multiple times. He was the good guy and fought the creatures of the night, but then fate decided he WOULD be the creature of the dark. (IN the LOs1 DLC it explains in further depth why he turned into Dracula, a key point shows if he had not taken the forgotten one's powers, the seal to earth's portal would have broken and the demon would have laid waste to the world. It was a last ditch move and in doing so he revoked his humanity to save the rest of it. The 'vampire killer' whip breaking upon killing the weakened forgotten one as the symbolism as he last act as "Gabriel Belmont." MOF shows Dracula as the BBEG and his own blood fighting him, a shout out to the classic games we grew up to with Dracula as the star role as the 'evil' you face, but more personal with Simon and Trevor being his blood family and they are trying to erase the stain he caused on their legacy. Los2 shows that you can change your fate, which Dracula lowkey does by helping save the world from Satan (even though he was not too happy about it but knew if he didnt do it no one would and accepted the role and went along with Alucard's plan.) plus it shows his inner struggle with his 'darker half' as I have stated earlier with it coming to a head when he fights the boss 'inner dracula' that represents all the ugly qualities of himself and the way he acted in the past to forge such a infamous legend of him. A sort of 'putting a mirror up to his face and saying what all he did to others' stunt.
      5: Zobek royally screwed Dracula over, I DOUBT Dracula would want Zobek to serve under him, he hates him and if you played the series you would know why. It's why he outright KILLS Zobek when they fight, and I couldnt agree more with that stunt. Someone similar to Zobek also shows up in the Netflix series in season 4's ending with being the last guy Trevor faces, he ALSO was a master manipulator and used the dracula of that world too in a sense to 'feed himself' and when Dracula died, he was not too keen on that and tried to bring him back since he kept him fat and happy the most on souls.
      6: As I said, so sorry the script was flipped and people took a different spin on the castlevania series both with Netflix and LOs trilogy, but echoes of it were there before all this with Soma and his series too and Soma IS a good guy but has choice to be evil too. So again, dont come at me with biased when I like all the games and give them a shot. Dracula may be the cornerstone of the BBEG but sometimes change never hurts either. Look at all angles of games and stories before you sit there and shit on one game series but defend one that has similar a story or elements of it. I am sure Soma's story got major flack from critics too, there is always going to be complainers after all. And hey if you hate the LOs series just say ya do and dont make excuses. wont anger me at all. Honesty is best, but lying (Like with throwing Soma of all ancient non Belmont characters at me of the Castlevania heros.) is kinda what annoys me and makes me feel you are biased.
      But that's my rambling over for true now. Again I like all the games though some not as much and I will say I dont like them. After all as Kain once said "Hate me, but do it honestly and stop the moral posturing."
      Have a good day/night :3

    • @Nyrufa
      @Nyrufa 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@soulidiumhollow1797 Soma doesn't stomp everything, because he's not (initially) Dracula in all his glory. He's Dracula's soul reincarnated into a human body. Prior to his defeat at the hands of Julius, Dracula would be resurrected every 100 years following his defeat. But Julius put an end to that cycle by giving Dracula a permanent death, so his soul was reborn into a new body. Soma has no memory of his past life as the lord of darkness, and it's not until the potential 'dark route' of his story where he finally snaps for some reason and fully embraces his role as Dracula reborn. After that point, he becomes the BBEG of the game again, and when Julius shows up to confront him, he transforms into his demonic bat form, just like the old Dracula could.

  • @thenethralking6032
    @thenethralking6032 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Ten times better than anything Konami will do for Castlvania

  • @ImALombax
    @ImALombax 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You need to be hired to do game trailers!! This is fucking badass

  • @NateKing21
    @NateKing21 8 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I will spending the next few days dragging my jaw across the floor...OUTSTANDING!

  • @saimori7372
    @saimori7372 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This was insane. Well Done

  • @Jenoma87
    @Jenoma87 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This goes directly in the favorites

  • @siklistangchef4543
    @siklistangchef4543 9 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    ~I'm the Dragon!, Dracul! i'm the prince of DARKNESS! i'm and will be forever a thorn in his side, and that! is my vengeance!~

  • @Theolppoman
    @Theolppoman 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Awesome video, as always!

  • @mattwill879
    @mattwill879 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The tragedy of Gabriel Belmont the Warrior.

  • @murmillo42
    @murmillo42 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Great song choice for this series

  • @djbatty4659
    @djbatty4659 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    this AMV is the best I ever seen i my life

  • @rockreaper01210
    @rockreaper01210 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Another kick ass video dude!!

    • @WizdaVision
      @WizdaVision  9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      thx man! had fun making this one!

  • @-ValSer-
    @-ValSer- 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ok, i have a new favourite amv maker. It's a wonderful video. great job and keep them coming!! :)

  • @devilgear21
    @devilgear21 9 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    damn, you always seem to pick the right song for each one(Single Game music video) you make and you make them so well one would think this was a trailer for the game to get people hype up for that games release, keep up the work man from one editor to another great job, P.S will you be doing one for Evolve, Dragon Age Inquisition, Saint's row(4&Gat out of hell), the Order 1886, Guilty Gear Xrd SIGN, and Dying Light?

  • @SoulidiumHollow
    @SoulidiumHollow 9 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Holy fuck, once again you do it right Starkiller, been a fan of your work since I saw your madness returns tribute. Dude, keep it UP.

    • @WizdaVision
      @WizdaVision  9 ปีที่แล้ว

      thank you so much, means a lot to hear that i've got longtime fans still. :)

    • @SoulidiumHollow
      @SoulidiumHollow 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yup, and your darksiders video was just as amazing with stricken.
      You are epic, you LISTEN to the music, and pair it with the game that suits it most. Big hats off to you for that good sir

  • @snowymoonbunnysorenson1591
    @snowymoonbunnysorenson1591 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm listening to this and my dad's cat starts cuddling with my screen.

  • @Leonplays868
    @Leonplays868 8 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I need buy this game again

  • @FlashBranson27
    @FlashBranson27 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    as always, great video XD

    • @WizdaVision
      @WizdaVision  9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      as always, much appreciate for the compliments

    • @FlashBranson27
      @FlashBranson27 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @allseeingeye4886
    @allseeingeye4886 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @MrCadaaa
    @MrCadaaa 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Another to add to the collection of Awesome ^___^
    Keep it up Starkiller!

    • @WizdaVision
      @WizdaVision  9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thx man plenty more to come!

    • @MrCadaaa
      @MrCadaaa 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Starkiller234 Any teasers as to what is coming? Or is it asking too much?

    • @WizdaVision
      @WizdaVision  9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Kyle DeCamp lets just say i'm gonna be showin' love to the ladies this month! ;)

    • @MrCadaaa
      @MrCadaaa 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Starkiller234 Hmmmm, showing love to the ladies huh? :) Well one or two ladies of recent games have come to mind. So I'll just wait to see who you chose to give love to

    • @WizdaVision
      @WizdaVision  9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Kyle DeCamp it's probably both of them, lol

  • @theblade4252
    @theblade4252 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Foxy: Yeah Awesome Matey Yay Hugs Lol

  • @animen22
    @animen22 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @NeroNyte
    @NeroNyte 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Is there a version without all the black flashes? Good video but it hurts my eyes with all the flashing

  • @captaindeadpool7290
    @captaindeadpool7290 6 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Gabriel The Savege

  • @theblade4252
    @theblade4252 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Foxy: I Have A Request If You Do Those Matey Yay Hugs Lol

  • @denirodavis2229
    @denirodavis2229 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Can you please make a video for hell by disturbed the game is darksiders 2

    • @sguizzooo
      @sguizzooo 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      he's already made a darksiders 2 gmv

    • @WizdaVision
      @WizdaVision  9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      UomoPisello is right, I have already made a Darksiders 2 video. I don't prefer to do repeats unless there's a good reason for it. Trying to keep things fresh on my channel because I feel that's what sets me apart from other GMV channels. You alway get something new whenever I upload. Regardless I promise I iwill be more open to fan favorites in the next season after I work out an valid system. In the meantime I hope you stay a fan and check out my Darksiders 2 video here:

    • @denirodavis2229
      @denirodavis2229 9 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Oh I understand then

  • @MrAnts76
    @MrAnts76 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Honestly did a7x write this song for this game?

  • @umedtahir2644
    @umedtahir2644 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @maikarnikanewalkar1424
    @maikarnikanewalkar1424 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    mouth agap open