Cara, deve ter um ano mais ou menos que botei esse vídeo nos meus favoritos, assisti novamente agora, e me emocionei de novo.. perfeito. Parabéns! Pena que não posso dar mais de 1 like rs
This is incredible, man. You've done such a great job in regards to recording, mixing and arranging. One of my favorites, definitely. Extremely tasteful playing as well. Keep rocking!
cara pra geraçao viveu do super nintendo, dos donkey kong da vida, ouvir esses sons ai tras uma nostalgia tao grande, nao tem como explicar. parabens pelo trabalho
Was really hoping you'd do Forest Interlude but damn that Bayou Boogie was amazing. Also, Hot-Head Hop and Mining Melancholy would have been awesome too.
I can't get over how freakin' good this is. Not only is each song played beautifully, but you've managed to make the songs blend very naturally even with a wide variety of tracks. This has got to be my favorite cover of any game soundtrack and it's going onto my iPod immediately. If you ever make it available to purchase, I'll be all over that. I'm curious though: Did you ever try to work Lockjaw's Saga into the mix? Or does that song's hook rely too heavily on the drums to make it suitable?
When I heard the first metal guitar, I thought "Oh no! Not this (shit) again!" but the song did not go that way. You DO have dynamics, and excellent ones too! This is one 10/10 cover i can only hope to achieve some day. :)
I keep coming back to this video after so many years. It makes me nostalgic and brings back great long video game hours with my friends with this video pumping us up. Thank you!
Dude I found this cover years ago and it's still my favourite to date. Hope to see you putting out more covers someday. Glad to see you're still playing based on the FF7 video that came out last year
Hnnnnnngggggghhhhh, DKC2. All the nostalgia goodness right here! Nice job nailing the atmosphere of each theme and transitioning into each of them so well, especially Stickerbrush Symphony
cant i hit the like button more then once 😤man honestly when i hear this kind of arrangments this gives me the strength to do that extra mile well done
Escensei, this is amazing! This was always my favorite video game soundtrack, and you paid it a wonderful homage. Fantastic job, my friend. You just earned another subscriber.
Dude, this is awesome. If only you had a little more time; adding a harmony line or two in some more places would have really put this over the top, especially for the last segment. Regardless, this freaking rocked, and I thank you for giving me another song to add to my video game music playlist!
Mate, you're insane! This is way too good for this contest! Also you'll need to pay for my hospital bill from moshing too much to this medley! lol fantastic job and a good choice of game, my SNES game of all time and you've done it ruddy justice! :D
Dude you make great video's you're probably busy and what not but I wish you would your video's sooner like every other week or 2 week at the least. Can't wait for the next one!
This was very good. I really liked the way you arranged it, mixed it, and your playing was good too. You seem to have good technique on the guitar. Are you using the Axe FX II? or whatever its called...
Stickerbush Symphony!!! :'3 Mi melodia favorita de DKC2, se escucha genial al igual que todo el track list que hiciste. Thank you man you are amazing!!!
this is really great ... well done .... Mr. Wise would be very impressed and flattered I know
Thank you very much Mr. Kirkhope. The simple fact that you took the time to leave a comment really means a lot to me!
você toca muito bem amigo parabéns ganhou mas um inscrito se de da uma passada lá no meu canal abraço do seu amigo kínho slap!
DKC2 is my favorite of all the DKC games
everything about it stands out from the rest of the DKC games for me imo
my favorite is the first one, I really love every little sprite and animation about that game and those soundtracks too
I tweeted this to David Wise. He liked it. :)
jesterrace064 Woah, that's pretty amazing actually, thanks!
poderia fazer Undertale Megalovania..
Cara, deve ter um ano mais ou menos que botei esse vídeo nos meus favoritos, assisti novamente agora, e me emocionei de novo.. perfeito. Parabéns! Pena que não posso dar mais de 1 like rs
That beginning section had a hint of killer instinct
We have a winner folks!
Fantástico!!! DK tem pra mim, até hoje, a trilha sonora mais incrível! DK2 mais especificamente!!
Novo Inscrito!
This is incredible, man. You've done such a great job in regards to recording, mixing and arranging. One of my favorites, definitely. Extremely tasteful playing as well. Keep rocking!
Thank you sir!
Muito lindo... confesso que chorei de emoção. Belas lembranças e muita nostalgia. Parabéns. It's perfect.
Raphael de Souza Soares realmente traz muita nostalgia,todos a trilogia de DK as musicas são memoraveis
tbm fiquei a sim cara infancia boa com esses jogos
Bee music at the beginning. fuck yeah.
"bee music" lol
I can't believe it took me 10 years to discover this masterpiece. ♥
I'm calling it, This is the winner right here!
dat musicman doe
sick medley man, really ambient and awesome. Good luck in the comp!
Dat JS also. Just checked your channel, you make some awesome covers, good luck to you as well!
cara pra geraçao viveu do super nintendo, dos donkey kong da vida, ouvir esses sons ai tras uma nostalgia tao grande, nao tem como explicar. parabens pelo trabalho
my father always loved Donkey Kong 2. and this medley remembers him. he passed away this year to cancer :( . thanks for this emotional medley
Was really hoping you'd do Forest Interlude but damn that Bayou Boogie was amazing. Also, Hot-Head Hop and Mining Melancholy would have been awesome too.
Wow! Flight of The Zinger was spot on!
I can't get over how freakin' good this is. Not only is each song played beautifully, but you've managed to make the songs blend very naturally even with a wide variety of tracks. This has got to be my favorite cover of any game soundtrack and it's going onto my iPod immediately. If you ever make it available to purchase, I'll be all over that.
I'm curious though: Did you ever try to work Lockjaw's Saga into the mix? Or does that song's hook rely too heavily on the drums to make it suitable?
When I heard the first metal guitar, I thought "Oh no! Not this (shit) again!" but the song did not go that way. You DO have dynamics, and excellent ones too! This is one 10/10 cover i can only hope to achieve some day. :)
I keep coming back to this video after so many years. It makes me nostalgic and brings back great long video game hours with my friends with this video pumping us up. Thank you!
Dude I found this cover years ago and it's still my favourite to date. Hope to see you putting out more covers someday. Glad to see you're still playing based on the FF7 video that came out last year
I've listened to many covers of this game and they're usually the favorites.This is gold brother
Hnnnnnngggggghhhhh, DKC2. All the nostalgia goodness right here! Nice job nailing the atmosphere of each theme and transitioning into each of them so well, especially Stickerbrush Symphony
Just discovered this gem.
Excellent. No other words can describe how well this is came out.
Sub for sure.
3:19 forever man 😔this song got me through it in dark moments
One of the best Donkey Kong Country 2 cover I've never seen.
Good job! Please, upload more than this!
I'm sure there were nitpicks for you but for the general listener it sounds technically flawless. And amazing.
Wow this put back when I was a kid playing this game on the SNES. This was done soo well you almost make a grown man cry, Almost......
Every song just get better at the end, I like that.
I can't believe Grant Kirkhope commented on this. That's freakin' rad! You should do a GoldenEye 007 medley in his honor. :)
Maravilloso *.* este vídeo debería tener muchas mas reproducciones
Donkey Kong Medley, Gurren Lagann flag and a Kirby T-Shirt ... you are awesome!
All this nostalgia brought tears to my eyes, goddammit sir, you are amazing!
this is healing music
Hey, DKC2 was one of my favorite game among many others.
You did more than well in this medley.. that was ravishing.
These donkey Kong country 2 medleys are amazing. Seriously such a great remix to some of the best video game music ever.
cant i hit the like button more then once 😤man honestly when i hear this kind of arrangments this gives me the strength to do that extra mile well done
The best DK medley on TH-cam!
wow beautiful interpretation for Stickerbush Symphony
Perfect cover from Stickerbrush, a truly Symphony.
Escensei, this is amazing! This was always my favorite video game soundtrack, and you paid it a wonderful homage. Fantastic job, my friend. You just earned another subscriber.
Dude, this is awesome. If only you had a little more time; adding a harmony line or two in some more places would have really put this over the top, especially for the last segment. Regardless, this freaking rocked, and I thank you for giving me another song to add to my video game music playlist!
This really was awesome, congrats on the honorable mention.
You my friend are a genius, I loved the way you mixed the music, and made your own DK2 medley.
Bellisimo ... maravillosa banda sonora
Mate, you're insane! This is way too good for this contest! Also you'll need to pay for my hospital bill from moshing too much to this medley! lol fantastic job and a good choice of game, my SNES game of all time and you've done it ruddy justice! :D
thats is fuckinggggggggg awesome, nice tone amazing mastering very good brow.
Dude you make great video's you're probably busy and what not but I wish you would your video's sooner like every other week or 2 week at the least. Can't wait for the next one!
With this video and MK Rainbow medley were enough to click suscribe.
Hoping much more!
Muito bom um dos melhores ritimos de DK que já encontrei na internet ❤💯👍
That Axe fx II tho... love this, man. you nailed the correct feel in each song. awesome!!
Dude... You are incredible... You're as good as Jules himself I'd say. Great job and can't wait to see more from you!
Man excellent medley, back to my childhood, congrats, thumbs up.
This is my favorite game, with my favorite music, and you certainly did it justice! Well done, and good luck in the competition! :D
dude! ! the first song!!! it is amazing, song like the real DK game
Nostalgic epic and flawless
1:35 so Metal
Production quality is great, you have my vote for sure.
Not sure why I waited so long, but 6:09 made me sub. Awesome job
I am just filled with such joy. *^-^*
This was very good. I really liked the way you arranged it, mixed it, and your playing was good too. You seem to have good technique on the guitar. Are you using the Axe FX II? or whatever its called...
I've been looking for a good "Flight of the Zinger" rock cover in all the Internet... yours was awesome!!!
A melodia é maravilhosa demais
AMAZING VIDEO.... thanks for giving me great music this morning
This is the best thing ever
Very excited to see this, you did a great job with this medley. Hard to go wrong with donkey kong!
Sweet medley dude! The sound quality is really good also unlike some of the other Donkey Kong medleys I have listened to.
Omg, epic version man!
The way Flight of the Zinger was done felt so much like it belongs in the game. A great revamp of the original.
Great work man. This game has so many epic tracks and i think you nailed it with this medley :)
Nice Medley guy! One of best of TH-cam!
This deserves way more likes!
Hey, dude, this is so fuckin' awesome!!!
I really really love the game and all the music in it! Very very great job!
Una verdadera joya y un super talento, gracias por esta hermosa nostalgia.
Thank you so much for doing this!! My favorite game from childhood :)
Stickerbush Symphony!!! :'3 Mi melodia favorita de DKC2, se escucha genial al igual que todo el track list que hiciste. Thank you man you are amazing!!!
Mine too! I like the way the chords change.
I shared this on youtube! You AND D Wise should be proud! :D
Sounds beautiful!
this is certainly the best donkey kong medley i've heard !!! great job Buddy :)
Esto es la definición de una Obra Maestra. Te felicito, me encantó.
Let the nostalgia kick in. Jfc.
So far, the only one i know that put in my favorite tune (flight of the zinger) in their medly, good job! =D
Dude why don't you have 800,000 views, well done
So sick man, can't get enough of that double pedel! :P
2017 and i keep listening everyday s2
Incredible, amazing and f****** awesome!!!
Rapaz.....que musica linda.Boas lembramças.
Wow. This is extremely well done.
This is beautiful! Thank you for this!
Simply epic!!
This is a well done medley :)
Memories!! Wow I love this! Great job
Such a Nice cover.... I did a DKC2 medley as well last year, so I love this pretty much! awesome
Wow, the build up! Awesome my friend! Good luck in the comp!!! \m/
Yeah I'm a build up kind of guy! I really like when the intensity changes a lot in a song.
This game is my childhood ^^ Love this medley, well done
Bravo! You are very talented! This is one of the best covers I have ever heard!
Wow just wow!! ❤
God bless your job, bro! Just amazing!
this is beautiful