She totally betrayed z amhara people during he reign in z name of Amhara people . She gave her bosses a continued service alternatively . She was a dammen one throwen away out of power after her service lapsed . በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ የሰራሽውን አስነዋሪ ተግባር በጥቁር መዝገብ ተከትቦ ይኖራል ።
እውነት ነው!😢😢💚💛❤
She totally betrayed z amhara people during he reign in z name of Amhara people . She gave her bosses a continued service alternatively . She was a dammen one throwen away out of power after her service lapsed .
በአማራ ህዝብ ላይ የሰራሽውን አስነዋሪ ተግባር በጥቁር መዝገብ ተከትቦ ይኖራል ።
Does she depart from Abiy Ahimed lip?
እንኳንም እሰከዘላለምሸ ከአሸለብሸበት ፈጣሪ አሁን አነቃሸ ዳግማዊት።ቀሪው ህይዎትሸ ግን ህሊናሸ ነፃነት ኑሮት ትሮሪ ይሆን??????
Leaba belat
Yichi bedn is leaving the ship early before the ship’s sinks.. this is the beginning. Weight and see a lot will abandon yefaget Abiy
ክብርት ዳግማዊት የት ፣ መቼና እምን ላይ ነበር የተናገሩት ? ስለምንስ ስብእናቸውን የሚያቆስል ነውረኛ ማሕበራዊ ጉድ ደፈደፍክባቸው ?
ዳግማዊት ረፈደብሽ ለመባነን