Yeah, right. Honestly, I could see myself so much in some many things of what Harith said.... especially when he said that he wants to cry. I've been there before and somehow with the help of Allah I got through that and I cried, and honestly, a lot of things changed once I cried. I truly pray for him. May Allah guides us to the right path.
سبحان الله ، هل هذا شخص يبلغ 23 سنه ..لا اصدق ، مراحل الوعي لديه متقدمه جدا، لقد شعرت كم هو شفاف وطاهر من الداخل ، طاقته نقيه جدا ،انه فتى كالماء ، كان لقاء ممتعا وثريا.
كانت هذي اول حلقة اشوفها من هذا البرنامج، وكانت بداية موفقة جدًا، لامسني هالشخص بطريقة غريبة، كنت احب اناشيده يوم كان صغير، وانصدمت من تغيره يوم كبر، الحين فهمت، واحس اني ممتنة لانس انه ورّانا هذا السايد من هذا الشخص، في اكثر من شيء جذبني، كيف تكلم عن ربي كيف احلى لحظاته كانت في الحج، كيف ان كل الي مر فيه، عمرّه ما دخّن او شرب كحول، كيف انه ممتن، وسعيد في بعض اللحظات ويقول انه سعيد احسه قوي بطريقة مختلفة، قوي وقوي جدًا، وفنان بكل ما تعنيه الكلمة من معنى، يعني تفكيره عميق، يوم تكلم عن اللون الاسود عمري ما حسيت ان الاسود ممكن يكون بهالجمال، كيف يشوف القط كان ايضًا وصفه متداخل، لما يجي يضحك في وسط الكلام كنت ابتسم معاه حقيقي مو دراما، لغته الجسدية كانت تعبر عنه صدق محافظ في الكلام بس كان حقيقي، لما كان يسكت، ما كنت قادره اقدّم لان كنت اناظر واسمع له بكل تركيز، ما طفشت ولا تمنيت انها تنتهي..وهو يتكلم ورجفة صوته خلاني ابكي مرتين، مره كان كلامه عميق، حبيت كيف هو فاهم وش قاعد يصير بس حاط درع، وكل شوي يهرب لانه يرجع على نفس النقطة.. اخيرا، ارجو انه يكتشف نفسه بشكل افضل، ويلقى الحب الي يستاهله، انه يقدر يتخطى..وصدق صدق اخيرا شكرا انس على هذي الحلقة.
رغم صغر سنه إلا ان عقله كبير ماشاء الله و نضج قبل أوانه و أهم شيء انه قال ان السعادة في القرب من الله لانه رغم الشهرة و المال إلا أنه ماشعر بالسعادة إلا لما راح الحج لأنه كان متجرد من كل شيء دنيوي ..
أنس لا يكترث بمدة الحلقة ولا يؤطر الأسئلة هالشي بخليك تحس أنو الضيف يفضفض فقط بعمق إنساني كبير وتحس أنو الضيف قريب لك والله نحتاج عدة مضيفين مثل أنس في برامج الوطن العربي ❤️❤️❤️
من اروع المقابلات الي شاهدتها، هذا الشاب ذو احساس عالي بالرغم من احساسه بالخدران ، اذهلني كيف يعبر عن مشاعره و احزانه و افكاره بهذا الشكل الدقيق و هو لم يتجاوز ٢٣ ! لضاء في عقلي بعض الومضات و هوه يحلل عما يمر به ، اشكرك انس على هذه المقابلة و بالمناسبة ، تعلمت درسا و هوه لا تغرك اشكال الناس ، كنت لا اود ان اشاهد الحلقة من طريقة لبسه، لأتفاجأ ان وراء هذا اللبس المستهتر شخصية عميقة الى ابعد الحدود ❤️
يعني من الأسباب اللي تخلي هالبرنامج قريب من قلبي هو انس وطريقته بالكلام اسلوبه اللي يخلي الشخص يرتاح ويوثق فيه يعني انس صج تفوز بجائزة احسن مقدم برامج🤍✨
من بين كل المقابلات هذه كانت شيء أسطوري.. بينما كنت أشاهد تمنيت لهذه المقابلة ألا تنتهي، هذا وأنا شخص ملول. عمق شخصية حارث شيء رهيب. وشعرت بتواصل كبير بيني وبين ما يقوله. ربما بسبب العفوية التي يمكلها رغم أنه يبدو كشخص كتوم. أتمنى أن أراه مجددا معك الكيمياء بينكما جميلة، وكأنكما صديقين قديمين..
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ٠.
I love when you have really young people as guests bc I feel like they are more honest and not as scared to say things that maybe don’t make sense for other people.
من أجمل اللقاءات اللي تلامس القلب ويقول احس بعدم الشعور .... طيب وكمية المشاعر اللي وصلت قلوبنا ؟ قدر يوصل شعوره للعالم بكلمات ومتأكده كل شخص تابع اللقاء شاف جزء منه في هذا الشاب أنس شكرا بحجم السماء على إنصاتك واضح انه كان له تأثير كبير على ضيفك اللي كان مقرر ما يبيح بالكثير 👌
The fact that he is questing himself about the ability of loving his kid or his wife, that really prove that he will be a good father and husband, he is too afraid of loosing people, that's why he is hiding his feeling. But he is very aware and mature, great interview. I really enjoy it.
Harris has so much wisdom and emotional intelligence for his age. I can totally relate to you Harris when it comes to feeling too much and then switching to a numb mode. Trust the process , and all will unfold for you. Much love
I came across Harris on a TikTok a few hours ago,people were commenting about how they miss the old him and saying he changed alot.I was just so intrigued by him so i looked through his whole page and IG hence ending up here🙇🏾♀️!!He is so articulate and very well spoken…it’s so rare to see someone considered a celebrity be so open,vulnerable and real in an interview.The interviewer is great as well,this felt more like a therapy session than an interview!!I have the utmost respect for the both of you!!Y’all are great!!
اول ما شفته ما ارتخت له ابداََ بالنسبه بشكله الخارجي أعطاني صوره مزعجه عنه، لكن لما سمعت طريقه كلامه واسلوبه والكلمات اللي بيستخدمها زي مشاء الله والحمدلله حبيته لاأرادينا وكمان عرفت انه مسلم ولما حبيت اللي بداخله واسلوبه وكلامه حبيت ابتسامته الظريفه حقيقي ابتسامته عالم آخر ❤️❤️ اتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح 🍓
I’m only 27 minutes in and I’m experiencing a wave of different emotions and a lot of thoughts are being provoked in my head about myself and my life just by listening to this raw conversation. That’s truly powerful. Props to the both of you.
What I find really interesting is that Anas doesn’t look for answers that are well thought or been prepared ahead of time. He simply connects with the guests and have a comforting talk that heals both guests and viewers.
This interview made me cry. I want to tell Harris that he is a sensitive and beautiful person and I hope you find yourself one day and you must know that there are many people who love and support you ❤️❤️.
When he was 14 he experienced his first heartache when he was MY age...I can't imagine that, Harris ur strong, ur brave, and ur a REAL human 🥺 I respect you SO much
I don't remember seeing an interview this deep and honest before. It felt like a little tour in the mind and feelings of the guest. Thanks Harris for being realistic and honest. It's not easy to open up in this way..
01:32-How are you really doing? 14:32 - How was your childhood? 23:46-1 lost the closest person in the world to me to suicide. 34:58- How was your relationship with your parents? 37:58- How was school? 41:58-Harris's nationality. 43:34- You switched from religious conservative music to grime music. 52:58-Do you think your faith became stronger after you became more you'? 57:27-Have you been depressed? 1:04:53-What does love' mean to you? 1:13:34-Have you ever considered committing suicide? 1:19:30- Favorite color and three reasons why. 1:22:04- Favorite animal and three reasons why. 1:26:55 - What's the best moment in your life? 1:30:09 -Worst moment in your life? 1:38:04- Harris' in one word. 1:40:10-Special surprise. Enjoy
Anas has the ability to tap into people's emotions MashaAllah . Harris is very real and vulnerable... He is worried how his parents will react to his interview but I am sure after the interview he'll feel a whole burden lifted. Hope he'll be happy someday soon in Shaa Allah.
I think Anas makes people feel so comfortable while talking to him like seriously While I was watching this all I was thinking about is that he's so understanding and he ask deep questions but u feel like u don't have a problem telling him anything!
I love how this channel just opens up a whole new perspective on how we see these celebs compared to how the media and our prejudices portray them. I really hope they keep this going so we can create a cycle.
Harris is a strong man who clearly has love to give. You can just tell how his heart is. But I feel like he is someone who no one can fully understand, but himself. May Allah SWT give him happiness, sabr & ease, ameen.
هاريس رغم متابعتي له في فيس وانستاغرام منذ سنوات التى مضت لكن لا اعرف كل هذه معلومات عنه كم هو صريح وصادق في كل دقيقة مرت من هذه مقابلة ومليىء بالأحسييس وحب ماشاء لله بوركت واسأل الله ان يعوض لك كل مافقدته ويمنحك الصبر على كل ما فقدته ان شاء لله تتغير حياتك الى افضل وتنسى الماضي وتعيش حاضرك
@@ahlamsabir6895 قال في مقابلة انو اصلو بريطاني مسلم من اب ذا اصول هندية وام من اصول ارلندية مكسيكية وقال انو مزيج بين اصول لهذا لم يعرف كيف يجب على هذا سؤال 😂😂😂
I must be getting old. Its sooo weird seeing Harris be a grown up. Its like he debut just couple years ago Its tough time and age to be growing up in with madness that is our world.
I recently started watching the show I think it's one of the best shows ever and the way Anas let the celebrities talked without any pressure one of the reasons makes the show successful ❤️
I didn't know this guy before, but he is the guest I feel myself the most related to. I felt every word. And it was sureal hearing how he went through the same changes from a sensitive child to a person that overthinks everything as I did despite the different circumstances, traumas, and environment that he and I and many people grew around . Fealing things to the extreme is very exhausting and growing up you start realizing it and adopt defense mechanisms in order to protect yourself. People around me tell me that I have walls too and I find it difficult to sit with people that I'm not comfortable around. I am most comfortable in dark and I also like the night more than the daylight. I feel like and old soul and people around me tell me that I think like a 90 year old. There are a lot of moments in the interview that I found myself in, and I just can thank you Anass for what you are bringing to the world. You are making a change and I'm aspiring that your work reach a wide and global audience because you make a difference that is very positive. I want to think Harris for being volnurable and share with us his journey. You are a beautiful soul. Keep up the good work and I wish you happiness and prosperity in your life.
من أفضل المقابلات على الاطلاق، كميه العمق والشفافيه ومستوى طرح الافكار والاراء مثيره للاهتمام صدق استمتع وما حسيت بالساعتين وتمنيت لو تطول اكثر واكثر وحقيقي أنس اتمنى لو تستضيف هاريس مره ثانيه لانه حقيقي شخص عميق، لطيف ومثير للأهتمام جدًًا !
حيرجع يستضيفه مره ثاني لما يكون متزوج وعنده طفل ورجل أعمال يملك شركات حول العالم ووقتها حيكون ترك مجال الموسيقى وشغوف بمجاله وحياته الجديدة السعيدة.....انتظروا
Harris J I am writing to you, I have not finished the whole video yet but I have to say you are so strong, strong meaning resilient and brave for persevering after all you have been through. Being vulnerable is not easy, this video is not easy to watch, but it's not easy to be human so it's understandable. Thank you for putting yourself out there and showing up for an interview like this. You are in my duas bro, sending love
this interview hit me so much i sometimes feel the same way he feels, but he never stops smiling it’s incredible and he speaks so openly. we love you harris
I've watched this about 3 times now and every time Ive watched it I feel like Harris is actually there talking to me and it gets deeper But honestly could listen to him all day🖤
I think this was literally one of the "realest" interviews I've ever seen. I cried like 3 times and was laughing the next a proper rollercoaster this interview.
“how are you really doing?” “how is your heart feeling?” if that guy asks me this, i think i might just break down into pieces. harris jung, i admire everything about you especially your strength.
Thanks for the support and love ❤️❤️ i really appreciate everything you do it really mu opportunity to say thank you to all my lovely fans all over the world ❤️❤️❤️ Kindly drop your message in my hangout @
من أقرب البرامج لقلبي 🦋🕊️ حوار و أسلوب و وعي و ثقافة أنس بتخليني أتابع المقابلة للآخر حتى لو كانت مدّة المقابلة ساعتين ، لاني ببساطة ما بحسها مقابلة على قدّ مأنها جلسة توعوية روحانية مُحكمة فأبدًا وقتي ما بضيع ، ( بُكلّ مرة بتعلم شغلة و بوعى على شغلة ) .. حتى خليت كُلّ العائلة تحضر معي .. بتمنى يوم من الأيام أكون شخص مؤثر أو كاتبة معروفة عشان أقدر التقي فيك يا انس على هذا الكرسي المُميز ، و يمكن كُلّ الكلام الي بين ثنايا لساني يُفرَغ ، كُلّ الحُب و الإحترام 🦋🕊️
People are so quick to judge someone without even knowing what they are going through like just be nice and humble not everyone who smiles is in a good state.
In my life, I have not seen a person who is so honest with himself. You are a rare person who possesses wisdom. This is the first time in my life that I enjoyed watching an interview in which all my five senses were attracted terribly. Allah protect u 🌻✨ keep going bro 🌻🤍
Thanks for the support and love ❤️❤️ i really appreciate everything you do it really mu opportunity to say thank you to all my lovely fans all over the world ❤️❤️❤️ Kindly drop your message in my hangout @
I love how anas approaches harris with such respect and i see the amazement in his eyes each time harris answers This is one of the first times where anas allowed an interviewee to flip the table and ask him the question. Loved the honesty and it made me realize so many things that were buried inside.. I'll have to repeat this one
يعني اول مرة ياانس في مقابله اعيد وازيد فيها واتمنى ما تنتهي من أجمل المقابلات خصوصا الرجال شاب عاطفي وحساس وتفكيره كتير حلو مقابله موفقه انس شكرا هاريس 👍
This is the first time i feel connected to the guest. I felt every shack, every tear that about to come and every sec of him talking about his feelings. I lost my best friend recently, she left me. And i have felt the numbness you were trying to explan. I felt that sadness and that fear. Im a teenager and i can agree with harris when he said he feels old 😂 cuz i had so much in my life that i could not live my childhood like any other child. This interview touched me so deep that it made me cry. Thanks for abtalks and for harris for doing this interview. Love from turkey ♡
Lets all pray for our brother Harris insha’Allah Allah takes away all this grief and sadness , don’t underestimate the power of dua if you love him pray for him please he deserves all the happiness in this world and i mean it 🥺❤️
not me being obsessed with every sec of this interview . I used to listen to Harith songs like "human" and "save me" I've always heard the pain in his voice but now I can understand why.. Such a strong man with a beautiful soul . love him more now. Thank you Anas
watching this made me feel like i’m not alone with these feelings due to past trauma and everyone has gone through battles that no one knows. thank you truly for being raw and vulnerable i know it wasn’t easy but it has touched me you’re such a inspiration to many people on this world ❤️❤️
He is more in tune with his emotions than most grown people. So inspiring and beautiful to see such a young man speak so vulnerably and transparent. This is a true example of an interview, love it so much. I’m so proud of him for speaking the way he did. ♥️
This felt like i was having a personal conversation with Harris and Anas which I loved and I think that’s why your interviews beat anything out there. They’re so touching and meaningful and really do have an impact on a deeper level with us. ❤️❤️
💜💜 بالنسبة لي مريت بصعاب كثيرة في حياتي بس اسمع اقسم بالله الشخص المؤمن بالله ماينكسر احفرها في اذنك زين واتذكرها مني اللي يعرف رحمة الله وحمكة الله من ورا الابتلاءات ، ومو عيب تطلب المساعدة الطبية سواء نفسيا او جسديا ، الله امرك ببذل السبب ، لكن الاساس هو الايمان بالله وحب الله وتذكر الجنة هذا هو ال backbone العمود الفقري لاساس الحياة السعيدة مع كل ابتلاءتها 💙
من أكثر المقابلات اللي ما تمنيت تنتهي، واللي ما تجرأت أضغط على الشاشة مرتين عشان أقدم ثواني، كل شي فيها لامسني بطريقة غريبة، ومخيفة.. مع إني أول مرة أشوف الشخص هذا وما أعرفه مسبقًا لكن الشعور اللي خرجت فيه لا يمكن وصفه، بس يبدأ يتكلم فيك فضول تعرف ايش راح يقول حوله هالة عميقة تشدك، لاحظت أنه متحدث بارع ويعرف كيف يصف شعوره بدقة بالنسبة لشخص يخوض صراعات متعدده بداخله، أفضل تعبير أقوله إني وجدت نفسي في هذه المقابلة. وشكرًا أنس، لأنك دائمًا غير. Side note: 1:14:13 In this moment I felt so bad, I wanted to cry for some reason, you can see how it hurts from his hands.
Harris : i can't love someone for the first time that I saw him. Me : thinking about harris all the time after watching the interview. Edit : thank y'all for the likes
Oh brother, you should be proud of yourself for all you have been through, from losing important people in your life to going through all these experiences at an early age .. I was very happy to see you talking about your experience in front of the world. You are a good person, You have a wonderful family, stay strong, Harris .. Greetings to you from Yemen 🖤🇾🇪
One hour , 40 minutes and 20 seconds? How? I really enjoyed it, I never felt the passage of time. It was never boring. I loved every second of it, liked harris's frankness and liked the way the program was presented. This was perfect thank you so much both you , you really did well , harris just keep your faith in allah and forget about everything and remember that you have your fans with you no matter what happens 💙💙💙🙏🙏
Watching a film. 2 hours ❎
ABtalk with Harris. 2 hours ✅
@@Mariam-dk5vx yeah that's the question
Ngl it's better than a stupid film
Me too wake up at 7 and now it's 11
Yeah, right. Honestly, I could see myself so much in some many things of what Harith said.... especially when he said that he wants to cry. I've been there before and somehow with the help of Allah I got through that and I cried, and honestly, a lot of things changed once I cried. I truly pray for him. May Allah guides us to the right path.
Harris hasn’t cried in six years but he got everyone crying from this interview
I couldn't stop 🥺😭
not realy
مقابله الولد غير عن كل المقابلات الي شفتها حرفياً حسيته كان صادق لابعد حد
I don’t think i’ve ever been this touched by an interview... I felt it. Everything.
Harris is so real and the best
I agree, this interview I really relate to it
So do i
سبحان الله ، هل هذا شخص يبلغ 23 سنه ..لا اصدق ، مراحل الوعي لديه متقدمه جدا، لقد شعرت كم هو شفاف وطاهر من الداخل ، طاقته نقيه جدا ،انه فتى كالماء ، كان لقاء ممتعا وثريا.
أصعب شي انك تفضفض وتبوح عما بداخلك لشخص ، سُبحان من زرع الراحه في قلوبهم اتجاهك ويبدأون بالسرد دون خوف اوتقيّد ،
بدي اسال هو بطل مسلم
@@Mram_7mmd مسلمم
أنس فيه أمان للضيف تحس أنو يتقبلك وما يحكم عليك 😍
كانت هذي اول حلقة اشوفها من هذا البرنامج، وكانت بداية موفقة جدًا، لامسني هالشخص بطريقة غريبة، كنت احب اناشيده يوم كان صغير، وانصدمت من تغيره يوم كبر، الحين فهمت، واحس اني ممتنة لانس انه ورّانا هذا السايد من هذا الشخص، في اكثر من شيء جذبني، كيف تكلم عن ربي كيف احلى لحظاته كانت في الحج، كيف ان كل الي مر فيه، عمرّه ما دخّن او شرب كحول، كيف انه ممتن، وسعيد في بعض اللحظات ويقول انه سعيد احسه قوي بطريقة مختلفة، قوي وقوي جدًا، وفنان بكل ما تعنيه الكلمة من معنى، يعني تفكيره عميق، يوم تكلم عن اللون الاسود عمري ما حسيت ان الاسود ممكن يكون بهالجمال، كيف يشوف القط كان ايضًا وصفه متداخل، لما يجي يضحك في وسط الكلام كنت ابتسم معاه حقيقي مو دراما، لغته الجسدية كانت تعبر عنه صدق محافظ في الكلام بس كان حقيقي، لما كان يسكت، ما كنت قادره اقدّم لان كنت اناظر واسمع له بكل تركيز، ما طفشت ولا تمنيت انها تنتهي..وهو يتكلم ورجفة صوته خلاني ابكي مرتين، مره كان كلامه عميق، حبيت كيف هو فاهم وش قاعد يصير بس حاط درع، وكل شوي يهرب لانه يرجع على نفس النقطة..
اخيرا، ارجو انه يكتشف نفسه بشكل افضل، ويلقى الحب الي يستاهله، انه يقدر يتخطى..وصدق صدق اخيرا شكرا انس على هذي الحلقة.
كلامك يهبل 😢😢
عجبني كلامك الحمد الله اليوم اكتشف نفسه ورجع يغني اغانيه قديمة
May Allah guide and protect us all from all forms of evil and the whispers of Satan that mislead Ameeen Yaa Robbal 'Aalameen🤲🤲
I think Harris just found a big brother in Anis. I hope these two keep in touch.
رغم صغر سنه إلا ان عقله كبير ماشاء الله و نضج قبل أوانه و أهم شيء انه قال ان السعادة في القرب من الله لانه رغم الشهرة و المال إلا أنه ماشعر بالسعادة إلا لما راح الحج لأنه كان متجرد من كل شيء دنيوي ..
وش اسمه وجنسيته؟
@@ميمياللهيسعدها اسمو الحقيقي الحارث جونغ واسم الشهرة هاريس جي
@@ميمياللهيسعدها هو بريطاني والده بريطاني من أصل هندي وامه بريطانية من أصل جامايكي عنده اغنية مشهورة اسمها سلام هو مغني اناشيد اسلامية
أنس لا يكترث بمدة الحلقة ولا يؤطر الأسئلة هالشي بخليك تحس أنو الضيف يفضفض فقط بعمق إنساني كبير وتحس أنو الضيف قريب لك والله نحتاج عدة مضيفين مثل أنس في برامج الوطن العربي ❤️❤️❤️
عندك المقدم الكويتي علي نجم😍 نفس نظام صاحب هذه القناة👌
@@Farhood_22 لا ابدا وين مجرد فلسفه فاضيه على غير سنع
@@zahoralaymona8048 وقتها كنت شاب طايش ههههههه
برنامج انس مميز بالفعل عن غيره
من اروع المقابلات الي شاهدتها، هذا الشاب ذو احساس عالي بالرغم من احساسه بالخدران ، اذهلني كيف يعبر عن مشاعره و احزانه و افكاره بهذا الشكل الدقيق و هو لم يتجاوز ٢٣ ! لضاء في عقلي بعض الومضات و هوه يحلل عما يمر به ، اشكرك انس على هذه المقابلة و بالمناسبة ، تعلمت درسا و هوه لا تغرك اشكال الناس ، كنت لا اود ان اشاهد الحلقة من طريقة لبسه، لأتفاجأ ان وراء هذا اللبس المستهتر شخصية عميقة الى ابعد الحدود ❤️
ماتعرف هاريس j
اشاطرك الرأي
يعني من الأسباب اللي تخلي هالبرنامج قريب من قلبي هو انس وطريقته بالكلام اسلوبه اللي يخلي الشخص يرتاح ويوثق فيه يعني انس صج تفوز بجائزة احسن مقدم برامج🤍✨
اتفق معاك/ي بقوه
that's right💗
انت هو التعليق العربي الذي ابحث عنه
i truely belive this interview was like a therapy for him
@equipo i'm agree with you
Harris J on Music, Living a Double Life, Finding Islam Again & More
I swear I can listen to Harris talk all day.
Habibti, ur not alone, ill listen to this again without hesitation
Fr sammeeee ❤️💯💯
@@sidraalmashhadani4086 we in love 👀
Yareey mesha afsomaliga kala tag 😅
@@dr.koojka8591 adigana sii rac 😂😂
من بين كل المقابلات هذه كانت شيء أسطوري..
بينما كنت أشاهد تمنيت لهذه المقابلة ألا تنتهي، هذا وأنا شخص ملول.
عمق شخصية حارث شيء رهيب. وشعرت بتواصل كبير بيني وبين ما يقوله. ربما بسبب العفوية التي يمكلها رغم أنه يبدو كشخص كتوم.
أتمنى أن أراه مجددا معك
الكيمياء بينكما جميلة، وكأنكما صديقين قديمين..
seeing him so vulnerable and talking about stuff he went through is breaking me 😔💔
Sammee 💔
Was literally crying watching this
Harris is FULL of sensitivity and he knows it that’s so beautiful. Thank you Anas for bringing so much treasure on every interview 👏🏼
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله
ااستغفر الله استغفر الله استغفر الله ٠.
I love when you have really young people as guests bc I feel like they are more honest and not as scared to say things that maybe don’t make sense for other people.
you are right
من أجمل اللقاءات اللي تلامس القلب
ويقول احس بعدم الشعور ....
طيب وكمية المشاعر اللي وصلت قلوبنا ؟
قدر يوصل شعوره للعالم بكلمات
ومتأكده كل شخص تابع اللقاء
شاف جزء منه في هذا الشاب
أنس شكرا بحجم السماء على إنصاتك
واضح انه كان له تأثير كبير على ضيفك
اللي كان مقرر ما يبيح بالكثير 👌
منو هذا
يعني ممثل او نغني او شو
@@shiren_7 مغني
@@idanah07 من اي دولة
The fact that he is questing himself about the ability of loving his kid or his wife, that really prove that he will be a good father and husband, he is too afraid of loosing people, that's why he is hiding his feeling. But he is very aware and mature, great interview. I really enjoy it.
Harris has so much wisdom and emotional intelligence for his age. I can totally relate to you Harris when it comes to feeling too much and then switching to a numb mode. Trust the process , and all will unfold for you. Much love
Trusting the plan of Allah is a cure just follow the Qur'an and sunnah.
I came across Harris on a TikTok a few hours ago,people were commenting about how they miss the old him and saying he changed alot.I was just so intrigued by him so i looked through his whole page and IG hence ending up here🙇🏾♀️!!He is so articulate and very well spoken…it’s so rare to see someone considered a celebrity be so open,vulnerable and real in an interview.The interviewer is great as well,this felt more like a therapy session than an interview!!I have the utmost respect for the both of you!!Y’all are great!!
same here
“how are you really doing” hits diff
Fr 😭
honestly from the beeeeeeegining he does not waittt I WAS LIKE WHOOAAA YIKES WE'RE GOIN IN ALREADYY DAMN IM NOT READY YET
I love him
how is your heart feeling today, subhannalah i stutterrr
رهف 😭😭😭
اول ما شفته ما ارتخت له ابداََ بالنسبه بشكله الخارجي أعطاني صوره مزعجه عنه، لكن لما سمعت طريقه كلامه واسلوبه والكلمات اللي بيستخدمها زي مشاء الله والحمدلله حبيته لاأرادينا وكمان عرفت انه مسلم
ولما حبيت اللي بداخله واسلوبه وكلامه حبيت ابتسامته الظريفه حقيقي ابتسامته عالم آخر ❤️❤️
اتمنى لك التوفيق والنجاح 🍓
الولد ينشد اناشيد دينيه وله فيديوهات يقرا قران
I almost forgot that I was watching this in TH-cam because this has no adds disturbing me. Thank you
I’m only 27 minutes in and I’m experiencing a wave of different emotions and a lot of thoughts are being provoked in my head about myself and my life just by listening to this raw conversation. That’s truly powerful. Props to the both of you.
أشعر بعاطفة أخوية تجاه حارث، فعلياً أشعر بأنه أخي الصغير، وقد شعرت بكل كلمة قالها وبكل شعور خلفته كلماته.. شكراً لمشاركتنا هذا 🖤
حقا اذا اصحبنا ثلاث اخوه..
نفس الشعور. صوته حركاته طريقته في الحوار كل هذا يدل على كونه مجروح و قد حاول إخفاء هذا و لكن فضحته عيناه.
What I find really interesting is that Anas doesn’t look for answers that are well thought or been prepared ahead of time. He simply connects with the guests and have a comforting talk that heals both guests and viewers.
Although he has been through soo many difficult things his smile is the purest and his eyes are soo innocent.
Yes, a beautiful soul and no thing can change that🥺
It’s funny how he started with saying he feels numb and this is the most emotion packed interview I have watched on your channel
Yep, Harris definitely has feelings - just trying to reconnect with them. Love how Anas was helping him with that :)
Harris J on Music, Living a Double Life, Finding Islam Again & More
This interview made me cry. I want to tell Harris that he is a sensitive and beautiful person and I hope you find yourself one day and you must know that there are many people who love and support you ❤️❤️.
عدت المقابلة مرتين
روعة وشخصيته جميلة واعتقد انسان نظيف من الداخل
I really think that Harris got to understand himself more while shooting this episode tho. He is beyond brave!
When he was 14 he experienced his first heartache when he was MY age...I can't imagine that, Harris ur strong, ur brave, and ur a REAL human 🥺 I respect you SO much
what happen to him i only know his song asalamu alaikum never listen him after that
@@maryamomar4816 Have u watched the interview? He talks about all the hardships he's been through in life 😭 Some of them are REALLY deep.
I don't remember seeing an interview this deep and honest before. It felt like a little tour in the mind and feelings of the guest. Thanks Harris for being realistic and honest. It's not easy to open up in this way..
01:32-How are you really doing?
14:32 - How was your childhood?
23:46-1 lost the closest person in the world to me to
34:58- How was your relationship with your parents?
37:58- How was school?
41:58-Harris's nationality.
43:34- You switched from religious conservative music
to grime music.
52:58-Do you think your faith became stronger after
you became more you'?
57:27-Have you been depressed?
1:04:53-What does love' mean to you?
1:13:34-Have you ever considered committing
1:19:30- Favorite color and three reasons why.
1:22:04- Favorite animal and three reasons why.
1:26:55 - What's the best moment in your life?
1:30:09 -Worst moment in your life?
1:38:04- Harris' in one word.
1:40:10-Special surprise.
u basically copy and pasted the description but ok
@@bobmiah yes,cause you can't use those listed in the description that's why 😉😉😉😉
Absent Minded i can
@@bobmiah I think when you're on mobile, you can't :)
Anas has the ability to tap into people's emotions MashaAllah . Harris is very real and vulnerable... He is worried how his parents will react to his interview but I am sure after the interview he'll feel a whole burden lifted. Hope he'll be happy someday soon in Shaa Allah.
Impressive how Harris explained all those feelings with deep and he’s just 23.. one of the best interviews I’ve ever watched
Harris: "This is the interview that I've been very honest and rolled off a bit weight from my shoulders."
Humza Productions: 🙂
Y'all wilding 😂😂
Adam saleh 😕
احلى حلقة شفتها في دا برنامج حارث شخصية جميلة وطبيعية واتاثرنا معاه شكرا انس على اختيارك للضيف 👍🏾
I think Anas makes people feel so comfortable while talking to him like seriously While I was watching this all I was thinking about is that he's so understanding and he ask deep questions but u feel like u don't have a problem telling him anything!
I love how this channel just opens up a whole new perspective on how we see these celebs compared to how the media and our prejudices portray them. I really hope they keep this going so we can create a cycle.
Harris is a strong man who clearly has love to give. You can just tell how his heart is. But I feel like he is someone who no one can fully understand, but himself. May Allah SWT give him happiness, sabr & ease, ameen.
Ameen yara'b
هاريس رغم متابعتي له في فيس وانستاغرام منذ سنوات التى مضت لكن لا اعرف كل هذه معلومات عنه كم هو صريح وصادق في كل دقيقة مرت من هذه مقابلة ومليىء بالأحسييس وحب ماشاء لله بوركت واسأل الله ان يعوض لك كل مافقدته ويمنحك الصبر على كل ما فقدته ان شاء لله تتغير حياتك الى افضل وتنسى الماضي وتعيش حاضرك
اصله من اين؟
@@ahlamsabir6895 قال في مقابلة انو اصلو بريطاني مسلم من اب ذا اصول هندية وام من اصول ارلندية مكسيكية وقال انو مزيج بين اصول لهذا لم يعرف كيف يجب على هذا سؤال 😂😂😂
I must be getting old. Its sooo weird seeing Harris be a grown up. Its like he debut just couple years ago
Its tough time and age to be growing up in with madness that is our world.
I recently started watching the show I think it's one of the best shows ever and the way Anas let the celebrities talked without any pressure one of the reasons makes the show successful ❤️
انس بوخش مثل الدكتور النفسى يقدر يخلى الشخص يحكى اللى بداخله بكل سهوله و يفهم شخصيته
I didn't want it to end. Best interview i've ever watched...
I didn't know this guy before, but he is the guest I feel myself the most related to. I felt every word. And it was sureal hearing how he went through the same changes from a sensitive child to a person that overthinks everything as I did despite the different circumstances, traumas, and environment that he and I and many people grew around . Fealing things to the extreme is very exhausting and growing up you start realizing it and adopt defense mechanisms in order to protect yourself. People around me tell me that I have walls too and I find it difficult to sit with people that I'm not comfortable around. I am most comfortable in dark and I also like the night more than the daylight. I feel like and old soul and people around me tell me that I think like a 90 year old. There are a lot of moments in the interview that I found myself in, and I just can thank you Anass for what you are bringing to the world. You are making a change and I'm aspiring that your work reach a wide and global audience because you make a difference that is very positive. I want to think Harris for being volnurable and share with us his journey. You are a beautiful soul. Keep up the good work and I wish you happiness and prosperity in your life.
R u Muslim bro??😊
@@fathimaabdulaleem6857 fr???????
من أفضل المقابلات على الاطلاق، كميه العمق والشفافيه ومستوى طرح الافكار والاراء مثيره للاهتمام صدق استمتع وما حسيت بالساعتين وتمنيت لو تطول اكثر واكثر وحقيقي أنس اتمنى لو تستضيف هاريس مره ثانيه لانه حقيقي شخص عميق، لطيف ومثير للأهتمام جدًًا !
حيرجع يستضيفه مره ثاني لما يكون متزوج وعنده طفل ورجل أعمال يملك شركات حول العالم ووقتها حيكون ترك مجال الموسيقى وشغوف بمجاله وحياته الجديدة السعيدة.....انتظروا
Harris J I am writing to you, I have not finished the whole video yet but I have to say you are so strong, strong meaning resilient and brave for persevering after all you have been through. Being vulnerable is not easy, this video is not easy to watch, but it's not easy to be human so it's understandable. Thank you for putting yourself out there and showing up for an interview like this. You are in my duas bro, sending love
this is so cringe lol
that's an act of kindness
kindness is a mark of faith & whoever is not kind has no faith.
لو في مليون لايك أعطيت الحلقة
مع اني ما اعرف الحارث من قبل
لكن رهييييب His words touched me very much🥺💜
this interview hit me so much i sometimes feel the same way he feels, but he never stops smiling it’s incredible and he speaks so openly.
we love you harris
I've watched this about 3 times now and every time Ive watched it I feel like Harris is actually there talking to me and it gets deeper
But honestly could listen to him all day🖤
I think this was literally one of the "realest" interviews I've ever seen. I cried like 3 times and was laughing the next a proper rollercoaster this interview.
“how are you really doing?”
“how is your heart feeling?”
if that guy asks me this, i think i might just break down into pieces. harris jung, i admire everything about you especially your strength.
Thanks for the support and love ❤️❤️ i really appreciate everything you do
it really mu opportunity to say thank you to all my lovely fans all over the world ❤️❤️❤️
Kindly drop your message in my hangout @
من أقرب البرامج لقلبي 🦋🕊️
حوار و أسلوب و وعي و ثقافة أنس بتخليني أتابع المقابلة للآخر حتى لو كانت مدّة المقابلة ساعتين ، لاني ببساطة ما بحسها مقابلة على قدّ مأنها جلسة توعوية روحانية مُحكمة فأبدًا وقتي ما بضيع ، ( بُكلّ مرة بتعلم شغلة و بوعى على شغلة ) .. حتى خليت كُلّ العائلة تحضر معي .. بتمنى يوم من الأيام أكون شخص مؤثر أو كاتبة معروفة عشان أقدر التقي فيك يا انس على هذا الكرسي المُميز ، و يمكن كُلّ الكلام الي بين ثنايا لساني يُفرَغ ، كُلّ الحُب و الإحترام 🦋🕊️
أتفق يعني بحياتي ما أتوقع أشوف مقدم بالمستوى هذا شخص مثل أنس يجي مره وحده بس ✨
حقيقي بكل حلقه احس اني اتعلم شىء جديد واتثقف وفكري يوعى اكثر🦋!
People are so quick to judge someone without even knowing what they are going through like just be nice and humble not everyone who smiles is in a good state.
we want interview With the global singer MAHER ZAIN 😭😭❤️❤️❤️
Yeah 😭😭😭 plzzzzz
Yes me too.... Wait ing
ayyyyyyyyyy right sameee❤😭
That will be awesome
اعتقد ان الضيوف هم من ياتون للبرنامج وليس البرنامج من يدعوهم
me a month later still heree... harris' story is so inspiring
In my life, I have not seen a person who is so honest with himself. You are a rare person who possesses wisdom. This is the first time in my life that I enjoyed watching an interview in which all my five senses were attracted terribly.
Allah protect u 🌻✨
keep going bro 🌻🤍
Thanks for the support and love ❤️❤️ i really appreciate everything you do
it really mu opportunity to say thank you to all my lovely fans all over the world ❤️❤️❤️
Kindly drop your message in my hangout @
this is the most honest interview I've ever seen, I've always been a fan of Harris but I never knew that I could relate a lot to him and his life
he was so honest, this is so deep damn😩🥺😭😭
ذكرني بالاكتئاب اللي مريت فيه وكان كلشيء سيء شعور ثقييييل الالحاح بالدعاء والصبر والاستغفار طلعني منه ماشاءالله والحمد لله
I love how anas approaches harris with such respect and i see the amazement in his eyes each time harris answers
This is one of the first times where anas allowed an interviewee to flip the table and ask him the question.
Loved the honesty and it made me realize so many things that were buried inside..
I'll have to repeat this one
يعني اول مرة ياانس في مقابله اعيد وازيد فيها واتمنى ما تنتهي
من أجمل المقابلات خصوصا الرجال
شاب عاطفي وحساس وتفكيره كتير حلو
مقابله موفقه انس
شكرا هاريس 👍
This is the first time i feel connected to the guest. I felt every shack, every tear that about to come and every sec of him talking about his feelings. I lost my best friend recently, she left me. And i have felt the numbness you were trying to explan. I felt that sadness and that fear. Im a teenager and i can agree with harris when he said he feels old 😂 cuz i had so much in my life that i could not live my childhood like any other child.
This interview touched me so deep that it made me cry. Thanks for abtalks and for harris for doing this interview.
Love from turkey ♡
During the whole interview All I did is asking Allah to make you happy in this life and the hereafter harth...
Ameen may Allah ease his heart
Ameen may Allah help him for all the best to come,he deserves so much good
Lets all pray for our brother Harris insha’Allah Allah takes away all this grief and sadness , don’t underestimate the power of dua if you love him pray for him please he deserves all the happiness in this world and i mean it 🥺❤️
What happened to him?
@@hafsah3424 nothing happened to him he is okay i’m just saying lets pray for him bcs he said he feels numb
not me being obsessed with every sec of this interview .
I used to listen to Harith songs like "human" and "save me" I've always heard the pain in his voice but now I can understand why.. Such a strong man with a beautiful soul . love him more now. Thank you Anas
We’re really discovering the heart behind the name 🥺🖤
لم أتوقع أن تكون شخصيته متطابقة لهذا الحد معي . شكرا ✨ للمقابلة و كأنه يقوم بسرد طريقة تفكيري
watching this made me feel like i’m not alone with these feelings due to past trauma and everyone has gone through battles that no one knows. thank you truly for being raw and vulnerable i know it wasn’t easy but it has touched me you’re such a inspiration to many people on this world ❤️❤️
اكثر شخص تمنيت اني اعرف عنه اكثثثثر 🥺احلا حلقه شاهدتها وشكررررراً لأستضافتكم للشخص المفضل والذي لطالما تمنيت انه اعرف عنه اكثر 😭♥️
Stay strong Harris ♥️ love and support from Palestine 🇵🇸 and good job Anas for your hard work I literally wait for every single interview
Harris represent me somehow .his speech is so real . We should be sincere to ourselves it's very important
"I feel like I'm the fakest" ! So true
He is more in tune with his emotions than most grown people. So inspiring and beautiful to see such a young man speak so vulnerably and transparent. This is a true example of an interview, love it so much. I’m so proud of him for speaking the way he did. ♥️
This felt like i was having a personal conversation with Harris and Anas which I loved and I think that’s why your interviews beat anything out there. They’re so touching and meaningful and really do have an impact on a deeper level with us. ❤️❤️
Harris tyy for being ur self and for letting us to know about of ur personal life ur very brave and amazing person...we're proud of u lyysmm❤❤
أنا متابعة هاريز من سنيييين، و بحترمه جداً هو و عائلته ربنا يحفظهم
الفيديو مؤثر جداً جداً
This guy is really using some techniques. Like saying less and just staring at Harris so he could talk more.... its like a psychological thing
Exactly what I’ve been telling myself while watching this interview
That’s how an interview should be held. Listening
It’s called attentive listening it works alot but has to be done right
exactly, at some i was like, this guy could make a great therapist
💜💜 بالنسبة لي مريت بصعاب كثيرة في حياتي بس اسمع اقسم بالله الشخص المؤمن بالله ماينكسر احفرها في اذنك زين واتذكرها مني اللي يعرف رحمة الله وحمكة الله من ورا الابتلاءات ، ومو عيب تطلب المساعدة الطبية سواء نفسيا او جسديا ، الله امرك ببذل السبب ، لكن الاساس هو الايمان بالله وحب الله وتذكر الجنة هذا هو ال backbone العمود الفقري لاساس الحياة السعيدة مع كل ابتلاءتها 💙
him singing Zina definitely completed it! LOVED this interview.
Little surprise. 🎶
بالنسبة لي هاي احلى مقابلة لأنس أكثر إنسان حقيقي و واضح ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Harris' smile is just so dashing masha'Allah, may Allah keep him forever smiling and happy, Ameen
internal loneliness and numbness is the most painful experience someone can go through i feel you harris.
may Allah ease this on us
من أكثر المقابلات اللي ما تمنيت تنتهي، واللي ما تجرأت أضغط على الشاشة مرتين عشان أقدم ثواني، كل شي فيها لامسني بطريقة غريبة، ومخيفة.. مع إني أول مرة أشوف الشخص هذا وما أعرفه مسبقًا لكن الشعور اللي خرجت فيه لا يمكن وصفه، بس يبدأ يتكلم فيك فضول تعرف ايش راح يقول حوله هالة عميقة تشدك، لاحظت أنه متحدث بارع ويعرف كيف يصف شعوره بدقة بالنسبة لشخص يخوض صراعات متعدده بداخله، أفضل تعبير أقوله إني وجدت نفسي في هذه المقابلة. وشكرًا أنس، لأنك دائمًا غير.
Side note: 1:14:13 In this moment I felt so bad, I wanted to cry for some reason, you can see how it hurts from his hands.
من اروع الاشخاص شخص قريب مني بشكل ،اللهم يرزقك الطمأنينة والامان والحب والراحة وكل شيء جميل في الدنيا هاريس 💙
The amount of life lessons i've learnt in ab talks is are great at what you do Anas💯
شخصية قوية تبارك الله واثقة من نفسه جدااااب كريزما ❣❣🍃
I just finished, he's INCREDIBLEEE IM REALLY PROUD OF HIM THE STRONGEST PERSON I'VE EVER SEEN, this interview was AMAZINGG thank you💗✨🗣🗣
Harris : i can't love someone for the first time that I saw him.
Me : thinking about harris all the time after watching the interview.
Edit : thank y'all for the likes
Me to😢
I am assya I'm here lol .
@@كلمةعطرة honey 💞💞💞
@@fatimazahrazine6905 lovely friend
He's such a beautiful human being. I never thought that he went through this
kind of things at his early age. It's breaking my heart
لوتسمعوا صوتوا وهو يقرأ سورة الرحمان واو ❤️❤️❤️❤️👌🏻👌🏻
Oh brother, you should be proud of yourself for all you have been through, from losing important people in your life to going through all these experiences at an early age .. I was very happy to see you talking about your experience in front of the world. You are a good person, You have a wonderful family, stay strong, Harris .. Greetings to you from Yemen 🖤🇾🇪
Most authentic, honest and humble guest. Excellent interviewer. The style of this show is So on point and original.
The beauty of Harris' feelings is that even though he has issues ans stuff, he’s honest with himself and he recognizes it and wants to go through it.💛
Yes to recognise is a blessing.
I never comment on anything, this is honestly the most genuine interview I have ever watched. Amazing work
One hour , 40 minutes and 20 seconds? How? I really enjoyed it, I never felt the passage of time. It was never boring. I loved every second of it, liked harris's frankness and liked the way the program was presented. This was perfect thank you so much both you , you really did well , harris just keep your faith in allah and forget about everything and remember that you have your fans with you no matter what happens 💙💙💙🙏🙏
هل هو مصاب بالاكتئاب ؟ شعرت بذلك عندما قال ( استيقظ حزيناً - حياة رماديه - فقدت الشعور بكل ما حولي ) كن قوياً سندعوا لك 🤍