Vintage Angel

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 พ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 1

  • @Russ1S
    @Russ1S  24 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Dont speed up
    Contains light language ,frequencies
    I have very high vibrational angelic energy frequency now instantly I have very beautiful attractive seduction angelic face beauty now instantly with my full soul energy connection now I have desired less melanin in my body that makes my hair skin eye color extra lightest than anything else with my highest unity consciousness frequency I have super natural angelic makeup blush beauty effect now I have super natural angelic face skull transformation now my face and skull from front view side view extra identify to most beautiful angles now my beauty so heavenly and I seem like I only belong to heavens and angelic realms my beauty only increasing without stopping I have super beautiful angelic side view and photogenic beauty now I look like angel in every way from head to toe I have super angelic face structure body structure and beautiful small angel baby feet now I have sexy beauty energy I have super charismatic energy I am in love and always believe in myself no matter what I have super strong unbreakable soul energy now I have desired highest timeline now I am automatically frequency shifting to my desired reality and timeline now I have the ability to jump timeline and travel through dimensions to my desired reality now I have desired vintage angel beauty now I have super natural charismatic angelic looking face from all angles and all positions now my beauty looks like no other beauties that people ever seen my beauty is extremely rare and angelic my face extremely perfect from all angles my body extremely sexy hot attractive desired I have smallest angelic feet now I have beautiful small baby angel feet now I have narrowest nose like angels I have very beautiful confident looking face nose lips eyes now I have big eyes and perfect doll angelic like lashes and big iris now I have desired type of beauty identify as vintage angelic beauty now I have very perfect angelic skull now I have round curvy beautiful forehead now I have perfect ski sloped button narrow nose now I have desired looking nose always this subliminal forced my face and skull to transform and changing into the best and most beautiful angelic skull face now this subliminal highly transformed me into most angelic beauty face side profile nose eyes now this subliminal forever changed everything I am energetically evolving and shifting I have the ability to change energies very quickly I have the ability to transform my face my body very quickly in instantly now with my most powerfully soul energy heart chakra energy alignment I have the ability to travel through dimensions superfast I have the ability to change anything without fear this subliminal forever dissolve ego mind energies in my energy field this subliminal forever changes my reality now this subliminal gives me angelic blessings I am so connected to angels and I have super natural angelic eternally young baby angel faced beauty now I look like angles now I have angelic looking skull now I have beautiful sexy angelic looking side profile now and very short button nose now my nose always look narrowed tiny button small super slim always now and for eternity this subliminal so powerful I got full instant results now this subliminal so powerful I see full results now only in the present moment I never needy subliminal or anything to change I am the change itself I have the ability naturally to step into new era very quickly now I have very beautiful perfect face and side profile now of my dreams I am merging fully with my higher self I am one with my soul energy now I am in perfect inner outer union energy and balanced fully my masculine and feminine energies now I am in perfect flow and have instant results now I see full changes no I embracing the change without ego mind energy this subliminal forever changes my reality this subliminal forever change the way I look instantly into most beautiful angelic being and full soul energy vibration this subliminal changes everything and forever dissolve ego mind shadows energies past life traumas any childhood traumas instantly automatically transformed into love light and soul energy now I am forever healed and always in surrender state I am so beautiful always in gratitude state now and for eternity I see full forced subliminal results now I see full change snow I have very hot attractive eye catching heavenly beautiful face and skull now I have very big light colored eyes now I have narrow button pixie ski sloped snub nose now like angles I have angelic aura beauty energy now I have angelic high vibrations wherever I go I have angelic soulful blessings energy now I have super angelic heavily my rarest beauty now and for eternity I have very rare beauty now I have rarest beautiful face energy aura confidence soul energy now and for eternity I have very sexy beautiful hot rare heavenly beauty angelic skull now my super attractive photogenic skull always getting more lighter and increasing in beauty every nanosecond passing by without needing anything or trying I ma always in surrender state with my full inner self Zen stat alignment I am fully soul energy without letting anything I am fully in self love self acceptance state without any judgment I love all parts of myself I am fully loved I am worthiest I am highest self energy I am enough I am whole perfect beautiful I am angel I am deserving I am highest state of consciousness I am balanced of yin and yang supernaturally without any lower energies I am whole rare beauty now I am super angelic skull and photogenic beauty now instantly I am identify always as angles now instantly I have very long strong hair now instantly I have super strong thick floor length hair instantly with my most beautiful transformed skull that’s unrecognizable no matter what this subliminal puts me in love state and self love heart chakra alignment in every nanosecond of my life this subliminal so powerful I see full instant changes now so powerfully without needing anything outside of me this subliminal changes my inner world automatically so quickly to highest desired timeline of my higher self now instantly