I'm tempted to judge, and to say "Empty barrels make most sound" after hearing the interviewer dominate the "conversation" and hardly put a question to the "interviewee" or let her answer it ! As I listened, amazed by Tenzin Palmo's calm and humorous acceptance of this bizarre situation ( the host doing all the talking), I started to adopt her attitude (no ego) and actually found I was to hearing what Alan Wallace was saying (all of it brilliant). So this was a huge lesson for me in a) not judging b) learning to listen deeply , and c) stopping EGO and wanting to have my say in conversation. While I watched, I actually wondered if this bizarre encounter with the world-famous nun who meditated for 12 years, was purposely set up to illustrate and teach these 3 skills (no ego, deep listening, non-judgement) ! In any case, it certainly worked, Thank you Tenzin Palmo for teaching me this by this shining example.
Being a volunteer in a Tibetan Buddhist temple, I have met many great teachers, including the Dalai Lama and I didn't get any special feeling. Attended one of the lectures by Tenzin Palmo, the back of my hair stood up when she entered the lecture hall.
When stuff like that happens when you first meet a lama, its the sign of previous lifetimes karma with them. Jetsunma was a Drukpa monk in her last life. Maybe you too?
Alan Wallace knows a lot. But I tuned in for Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. I got a lot of Alan Wallace and precious little of Tenzin Palmo. Very telling at the end of the session, after nearly non-stop talking by Wallace when he says the words, "Thank you for spending time with me." Alas, that's almost all any of us could do. The name of the vid should be Alan Wallace Pontificates in the Presence of Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. (Maybe he should try 12 years meditating in a cave to calm down and learn to be more still. Share the stage, Alan!)
This video helped me develop patience. I just waited and waited for the moment when Alan could stop speaking and let the true master speak. If years of meditation and Buddhist teachings couldn't teach Alan the basic rule of listening, I don't know what he learnt.
These people love hearing themselves talk. Engaging in seemingly exotic rituals and whatnot makes them have grand and delusional ideas about themselves.
alan b wallace and robert thurman are the forefront figures in tibetan buddhism and buddhism in general for western people.......they r very accomplished people......listening to them is practicing dharma itself.......
Mr. Wallace, you should allow the true master Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo to speak. I always enjoy the true master's talk. Very clear explanation. I learn alot from Jetsunma Tenzing Palmo. Thank you very much. May Buddha bless .
"Lake beneath Mountain." That's how the Buddha inspired Avalokiteshvara and Sariputra to give so many of his teachings for him! LOL! He opens his mouth and she pours out! Mind-to-mind transmission in action! Wow! Two old cave yogis in cahoots! Im laughing in delight! She dances, he reflects her.
Ven. Tenzin Palmo is one of my heroes. Her mind is serene yet solid, clear yet curious, compassionate yet tasking of practice. Mr. Wallace is scholarly and articulate. Ven. Tenzin Palmo is a mountain.
Brilliant. Jetsumna does not lose her patience although Alan Wallace talks for 17 minutes before he allows her to make a second comment. I couldn't watch it after that... obviously I have not developed the requisite mindfulness (to not get riled up by mansplaining.) But her meditation practice was visible for all to see. I guess this is the difference between practitioner and scholar of Dharma.
Well said. I agree. I have seen interviewers like him before. They ruin the interview dialog and it becomes all about them and their ego/identity trips - "look how knowledgeable I am", blablabla. This guy is a pompous windbag. Its a real drag that he doesn't allow her speak. The interview was supposed to be focused on her and not him.
@@Davidthemarathoner I absolutely agree with you. I have seen other of his talks and he spends so much time speaking of his degrees, his "lofty teachers", the important people he knows. He is full of himself.
Agreed, astonishing that Buddhism should be one of the less-egotistical forms of practice, yet is dominated by some of the largest ego-addicted people.
Tenzin Palmo is a great living example on the effects of extensive meditation and its effects on the mind. I admire how she uses so few words and sits so gently and holds her place. I wish my mind was as still as hers. A very enjoyable conversation.Thankyou so very much for all insights and explanations.
As interesting as he is, I was sad to see Alan Wallace dominate almost this entire conversation, especially when Tenzin Palmo is one of the clearest and most articulate Dharma teachers around.
Actually,I enjoy listened to Alan's talk very much. He is an amazing teacher. I also respect Tenzin Palmo, but I learned much more from Alan in past years.
Undeniably Jetsunma is a radiantly wise being! Allan Wallace was simply brilliant in this video. He, very intelligently, sheds light on points that can be difficult to grasp at first glance. Thank your for posting this.
I love Tenzin Palmo her silent quiet wisdom is so premanating, words are just noise in her world .. Thank-you Tenzin for your constant teachings of Dharma you are my quiet in the storm .. Love you !!!
I first saw this beautiful soul in a TH-cam video many many years ago now, speaking of “how to love genuinely”. It changed me. And I’ve shared it with many people since. Bless your beautiful heart, mind, and soul. ❤
I don’t understand why people would follow this guy. The first video I tried to watch of him started off of an hour of him telling us all about who he is and what he’s about. He may be extremely educated in his field but his ego is blinding
To all the commentators, Dr. Wallace is actually talking about how scientists are using meditation and meditators to create this fall illusion about what actually Buddhism is all about and the purpose of Dhamma. He is making a great point here and is actually answering Ven. Tenzin Palmo's question about "how far scientists could dig in understanding meditators' brain scans etc". So do not comment without understanding the purpose of the conversation. Learn to be quiet yourself before accusing someone else. Peace
By asserting that Alan is the one blabbering through the conversation while Jetsunma is the mindful/balanced/well poised meditator of the two, we validate his argument of how people carry a presupposition that dharma provides an antidote to our hedonic failures (like stress and anxiety among others) and finally must culminate in perennial relaxation and bliss.
Alan just doesn't see what is kind of obvious to everybody watching this...that he should just let Jetsunma talk and when she's said all she wants to, THEN throw in a short addition. She is a beautiful speaker 'cause she talk from the heart whereas I always think Alan is kinda like "Look at ME, Mommy"! He knows a lot though...
I like this comment. I also think he was kind of excited, at least i hope so, because this would make a nice 'excuse' for his show off performance. When i am watching this, i literally see female and male traits on display.
James Reising I think this is what I'll take away from this "conversation" as well. I found myself becoming frustrated with his domination of the space but, once I stopped judging and just observed, I realized how wonderfully they both fill their roles.
You may not be the same person who wrote this comment 5 years ago. Allan simplified it so well for us to understand easily. Your old self should not have said those judgmental words.
Am seeing some real ADHD behaviour here. There’s an impulsive/compulsive drive propelling Alan Wallace’s thinking and speech. I have ADHD myself, and find myself mortified by what I’m seeing and hearing; I see myself and how I get carried away with my obsession. He’s a very authentic and genuine person, but yeah, am seeing ADHD loud and clear.
Alan is very smart. Smarts need hydration. If the brain gets dehydrated then the smarts may decrease. Pausing to take a drink understandably gives an opportunity for someone else to speak, that is the risk yes. Also, it is a polite consideration during one's excited pontification to allow for a little interlude by someone else, anyone really, to give the audience a chance to catch up. Oh, and especially if there's someone really qualified on the topic, and sitting right there, already miked, then perfect. If someone there has more experientially understanding on the topic, and the audience has come to hear them also, it could potentially highlight the truths one is elucidating upon, but again, it's a risk losing more time to keep on explaining it oneself. All factors considered, one must conclude that the humble Dakini prevailed in emanation of being over the Scholar, simply by observing the levels of water in their respective glasses.
After viewing some of these comments I just want to say....Okay we get it already: He talked too much.... but did any of you actually listen to what he had to say??!! Or was your mind and overly sensitive little egos to busy being ridiculously critical and being distracted by being offended??? If you had actually kept an open mind and heart you may have listened to somebody like Wallace who made some brilliant points!! Geeez get over it already!! And of course a deep bow of respect for Venerable Jetsunma Palmo for her wisdom and insight. May we all learn from her gracious patience in this conversation.
He is not woke . You can learn all the technicalities of being woke , you can speak the right words til the cows come home but if you’re operating from ego it’s difficult to get past that
@@swhite8381 " To be aware of a single shortcoming within oneself is more useful that to be aware of thousand in somebody else. Rather than speaking badly about people and in ways that will produce friction and unrest in their lives, we should practice a purer perception of them, and when we speak of others, speak of their good qualities." -- His Holiness the Dalai Lama
The first time I listen to Alan, after listenning to Tenzin Palmo for years... And it was unbearable, I was not sure it is not a test for us listeners... I did not do good on that test, I could not quiet my mind and body off the nervous they were at. He has a lot to wark on his suffering still and his Ego too and so do we, me... :)
meditation for its utilitarian hedonistic value out of its ethical, relational and truth of suffering /emotional affliction context...puts a lock on the potential of higher mind consciousness to reach deeper dimension of freedom, bliss and ultimately enlightenment
Would like to hear more about the differences between Zen Buddhism vs advaita vs dzogchen and Taoism.. they seem very similar. Perhaps a discussion between Alan and Swami Sarvapriyananda! Regarding bridging cutting-edge neuro/science (which has its roots in the scientific-method established by Sir Francis Bacon in the 1600s) with the insights from those that have spent 10s of thousands of hours vigorously probing the nature of consciousness via direct first-person experience.. Since nearly all scientific papers/interest are on the hedonistic benefits of meditation (stress/pain relief/dukkha).. and not the Buddhadharma/liberation (which requires a different type of effort/insight)... what is the deeper understanding that modern science should be double-clicking on? What patterns/regularities about consciousness have been made from all those people (across many ancient traditions) that have so many hours going deep? Are there any conclusions/observations on consciousness that are NOT rooted or contingent on the brain?
It's great that he's such a fan of hers but he talks way too much - I actually can't believe how much he talked in this interview and dominated things. I can relate to his problem in a way because we can be afraid to allow space for things to happen without even realizing it. This is a good example of that.
+Brent Borreson That's right - and let that be a lesson for all of us that we don't make the same horrible mistake when we meet with someone we admire - it's good just to shut up and listen!
Alan is very intriguing, but I find his mindfulness to be absent as he dominates, like every man before him, the conversation. It is not a con-vers-ation, it is a one-way platform for a smart white guy and a polite woman.
Alan doesn't tell anyone, but when I knew him, he was a skeletal, starving monk in a disreputable, leaky shack in the Himalayas for years. He is a Western 'cave yogi" too. Yes! All this professor stuff came much later. Lucky for us all, and by the Guru's Grace, he just barely survived. He almost became another Westerner who died to get these teachings. Very close call for him. There have been many since the 1800's who gave their lives to bring these teachings from India. Alan's the real deal, too. But, slow down, don't talk so fast! 🙏🙏🙏🌻
Have just read several of the posts & you're all very patient, for I found Mr. Wallace a bore.... chattering non-stop. Anyone who sits with someone before a group of people and does all the talking is too self-centered for my taste. To sit in front of this awsome spiritual entity: Ven J Tenzin and not be willing to listen or allow her to share is a truly annoying quality. I could hardly listen to it... I just kept watching all the body language & my take was she was mostly amused at his ignorance and seemed to be wondering what she was even doing there.
pt0407 i agree with your post, alan was all over the place, his tone makes me nervous, i do not like his name dropping, intellectually he certainly has it but his 'teaching' does not appeal to me. is happiness the goal?
I clicked on to hear what Tenzin Palmo had to say "of the mind and its potential" and had to switch if off when Alan Wallace could not stop waffling and listening to the sound of his own voice. How dissapointing!
I agree with most of the opinions left here: I love the overtalking of Alan Wallace, EXCEPT that when he is not alone and there's simply JETSUNMA with him... But this is enlightening, isn't it?
Total Enlightenment is actually being Totally Free of fear, anxiety, suffering, confusion, alienation, addictions, envy, greed, jealousy, pride, anger, hatred, violence, bias, and prejudice in daily life, once and for all, now forever. Totally Free of beliefs, philosophies, ideologies, theories, opinions, perspectives, biases, prejudices, nationality, and identifications, which limit, color, shape & distort Perception, and therefore, prevent Lucidity. Totally Free of the I, the me, the self, the observer, the chooser, the experiencer, the interpreter, and the so-called True or Higher Self, which is the invention of the past conditioning of the brain, which acts like an inner tyrant who tells you what to think, how to feel, and what to do. They who are Totally Enlightened actually treat everyone, without exception, with the same intensity and quality of care and affection that they would give their dearest closest friend, lover, or child, without any sense of division, separation or distance in daily life, once and for all, now forever. Total Enlightenment is actually Living Love, Peace, Joy, Truth, Creativity, Compassion (Passion for All). Communicating, Communing, Connecting with everyone and everything, in each and every moment of daily life.
Enlightenment does not take time. It is not of time. It is not the result of time or the things of time. It is not the result of any method, ritual, or diet. It is not the result of any chemical. It is not the result of any process. There is no path to it. It happens effortlessly and choicelessly...faster than the speed of light. Moreover, it is once and for all, now and forever.
Identification with any religion, philosophy, ideology, race, ethnicity, nation, etc., invents the illusion of division and separation, which breeds conflict, violence, and suffering. As long as this illusion persists, there is no Love, no Peace, no Joy, no Kindness, no Goodness, no Compassion (Passion for All), no Beauty, no Creativity, no Feeling, no ExperiencING, no Lucidity, no Truth, no Wisdom. As long as this illusion persists, there is no Communication, no Communion, no Connection, no Relationship, with anyone or anything in daily life...none whatsoever. Only their limitations and imitations.
@@backwardthoughts1022 We are negating anyone. We are being with what is...the isness...the fact, the act, the actual...what is actually taking place from moment to moment.
He can't help it. He is a teacher. He has the audience and the issues down pat and when faced with a slow conversation, he can't help taking over and keeping the ball rolling. What is really lovely is the way Venerable Bhikshuni smiles, sits back, accepts the inevitable, and lets him!!
I think it was Mr. Alan who kept on speaking..i was actually to hear from Jetsunma..She speaks with so much compassion and in such simple language that it brings in peace of mind automatically. Mr. Alan uses too much jargon which we don't need and don't want to hear...feels like adding more garbage to the already full mind. Jetsunma was only too humble to listen to him and let him babble all the time......
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This was more like a B. Alan Wallace monologue with Ven. Tenzin Palmo 😇
A white man dominating the space with endless mansplaining. While I am annoyed, I am not shocked or even surprised. The thoughtlessness/ arrogance/ ignorance, especially when sitting with a person like Jetsumna is so....off putting.
dear mr. wallace: of all you said i would have liked you to ask her about her PRACTICE. i read the Cave in the Snow and recommended it to my group and then read her book "Meditations On a Lake "and that one was good too. She talks about patriarchy in tibetan buddhism, past and present, very openly and in the cave, she pratices meditation, and sleeps sittting up in a box. which is a traditional form of sitting. thank you elizabeth enfield ..... cape ann, ma.
I fast forward to 19 minutes hoping to hear Tenzin Palmo speak. The interviewer was plain annoying. Tenzin has amazing patience. He needs to understand he is the interviewer - people tune in the hear Tenzin not the name dropping interviewer. So annoying and disappointing and so disrespectful on his part.
Outstanding, coherent and inspiring. Thank YOU all! May I suggest to configure it to other languages so more people can benefit from this treasure.. I checked to see if there was this possibility for language subtitles- there is none except for instant translation to English ( not very good, lots of mistakes.
This is not a conversation but a monologue - and a boring one at that. It takes Wallace five minutes on average to say something that can be said in 30 seconds. He hardly asked his guest any questions...
Came here to listen to Tenzin Palmo - rather god bored by Mr Know It All - he lost me with his first question by trying to put Tenzin Palmo in a spot...and then took over and did not let her even finish it. Perhaps Mr Wallace needs to reread teachings on Ego
Some had said it already, I had to stop listening after 18 minutes having hardly heard Tenzin Palmo speak. I feel her being has something to say. In the beginning he said he was looking forward of having a conversation with her.... well.....
Wow! That was something else. That guy has some nerve dominating the conversation like that. He thinks his intonation and lilting speaking style are music to our ears. In fact, listening to him was like fingernails on a blackboard....couldn't wait for him to shut up.
Sorry but Alan dominated this. I started to watch this video and honestly got tired of his dominance of the conversation. I wanted to hear more from the great nun who spent 12 years in a cave rather than someone who spent 12 years in an assembly hall . . . I got as far as 19 minutes . . .
I was excited to watch this video so I could hear what Tenzin Palmo had to say, but alas the "conversation" was dominated by Alan. If only he had more of the view to see the imbalance. The feminine once again not given the space to be heard. I was disappointed and only watched until 12 minutes. I will look for another video with Tenzin Palmo so I can hear her teachings and eminent wisdom.
Quite! The English language is becoming more and more impoverished.. like Wallace's.. we are not interested in your rattle! Time wasting guff.. we want to listen to Jetsunma NOT U!
I'm tempted to judge, and to say "Empty barrels make most sound" after hearing the interviewer dominate the "conversation" and hardly put a question to the "interviewee" or let her answer it ! As I listened, amazed by Tenzin Palmo's calm and humorous acceptance of this bizarre situation ( the host doing all the talking), I started to adopt her attitude (no ego) and actually found I was to hearing what Alan Wallace was saying (all of it brilliant). So this was a huge lesson for me in a) not judging b) learning to listen deeply , and c) stopping EGO and wanting to have my say in conversation.
While I watched, I actually wondered if this bizarre encounter with the world-famous nun who meditated for 12 years, was purposely set up to illustrate and teach these 3 skills (no ego, deep listening, non-judgement) ! In any case, it certainly worked, Thank you Tenzin Palmo for teaching me this by this shining example.
Being a volunteer in a Tibetan Buddhist temple, I have met many great teachers, including the Dalai Lama and I didn't get any special feeling. Attended one of the lectures by Tenzin Palmo, the back of my hair stood up when she entered the lecture hall.
She is drama in Human form
When stuff like that happens when you first meet a lama, its the sign of previous lifetimes karma with them. Jetsunma was a Drukpa monk in her last life. Maybe you too?
Alan Wallace knows a lot. But I tuned in for Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo.
I got a lot of Alan Wallace and precious little of Tenzin Palmo. Very telling at the end of the session, after nearly non-stop talking by Wallace when he says the words, "Thank you for spending time with me." Alas, that's almost all any of us could do.
The name of the vid should be Alan Wallace Pontificates in the Presence of Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. (Maybe he should try 12 years meditating in a cave to calm down and learn to be more still. Share the stage, Alan!)
This video helped me develop patience. I just waited and waited for the moment when Alan could stop speaking and let the true master speak. If years of meditation and Buddhist teachings couldn't teach Alan the basic rule of listening, I don't know what he learnt.
It is called "spiritual conceit".
it's hardly a "conversation"--it's a monologue!
Good point.
These people love hearing themselves talk. Engaging in seemingly exotic rituals and whatnot makes them have grand and delusional ideas about themselves.
alan b wallace and robert thurman are the forefront figures in tibetan buddhism and buddhism in general for western people.......they r very accomplished people......listening to them is practicing dharma itself.......
Mr. Wallace, you should allow the true master Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo to speak.
I always enjoy the true master's talk. Very clear explanation. I learn alot from Jetsunma Tenzing Palmo. Thank you very much. May Buddha bless .
An enormous ego converses with a mountain of wisdom.
"Lake beneath Mountain." That's how the Buddha inspired Avalokiteshvara and Sariputra to give so many of his teachings for him! LOL! He opens his mouth and she pours out! Mind-to-mind transmission in action! Wow! Two old cave yogis in cahoots! Im laughing in delight! She dances, he reflects her.
😅😄 so beautifully worded 🙏🏼 truly brought smiles to me 😊.
Ven. Tenzin Palmo is one of my heroes. Her mind is serene yet solid, clear yet curious, compassionate yet tasking of practice. Mr. Wallace is scholarly and articulate. Ven. Tenzin Palmo is a mountain.
bothi state
Ven. Tenzin Palmo just gave us an excellent example of compassion and attention.
She is a very powerful entity
Brilliant. Jetsumna does not lose her patience although Alan Wallace talks for 17 minutes before he allows her to make a second comment. I couldn't watch it after that... obviously I have not developed the requisite mindfulness (to not get riled up by mansplaining.) But her meditation practice was visible for all to see. I guess this is the difference between practitioner and scholar of Dharma.
Well said. I agree. I have seen interviewers like him before. They ruin the interview dialog and it becomes all about them and their ego/identity trips - "look how knowledgeable I am", blablabla. This guy is a pompous windbag. Its a real drag that he doesn't allow her speak. The interview was supposed to be focused on her and not him.
@@Davidthemarathoner I absolutely agree with you. I have seen other of his talks and he spends so much time speaking of his degrees, his "lofty teachers", the important people he knows. He is full of himself.
Agreed, astonishing that Buddhism should be one of the less-egotistical forms of practice, yet is dominated by some of the largest ego-addicted people.
Not a conversation but thank you Allan Wallace for the practice of my patience and tolerance...
Well said 👏
Thanks England for giving the world a woman like Tenzin Palmo.
Tenzin Palmo is a great living example on the effects of extensive meditation and its effects on the mind. I admire how she uses so few words and sits so gently and holds her place. I wish my mind was as still as hers. A very enjoyable conversation.Thankyou so very much for all insights and explanations.
As interesting as he is, I was sad to see Alan Wallace dominate almost this entire conversation, especially when Tenzin Palmo is one of the clearest and most articulate Dharma teachers around.
That has a name:ego.
@RR I believe you. 😪
@RR no. But o have overheard The very same thing from a friend of mine.
I agree. It reminds me of the story about the monk and the overflowing teacup.
tenzin doesn't react on this :)
At 23:02, when Alan quote something in Tibetan, Ani la was immediately lean forward to listen 👂...this humbleness and attentiveness is beautiful 🙏🏻
You too noticed it!! Absolutely true...the wise are like that.
My third and last time listening to Wallace! She’s an amazing example of a Buddhist. He is a perfect example of an ego manic !!!!
Actually,I enjoy listened to Alan's talk very much. He is an amazing teacher. I also respect Tenzin Palmo, but I learned much more from Alan in past years.
This man loves his own voice!!
What is beautiful is that Jetsunma showed her Love by listening to what the host had to say.
Undeniably Jetsunma is a radiantly wise being! Allan Wallace was simply brilliant in this video. He, very intelligently, sheds light on points that can be difficult to grasp at first glance. Thank your for posting this.
I love Tenzin Palmo her silent quiet wisdom is so premanating, words are just noise in her world .. Thank-you Tenzin for your constant teachings of Dharma you are my quiet in the storm .. Love you !!!
Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo and B. Alan Wallace are amazing. I could listen to them all day.
I first saw this beautiful soul in a TH-cam video many many years ago now, speaking of “how to love genuinely”. It changed me. And I’ve shared it with many people since. Bless your beautiful heart, mind, and soul. ❤
. . . the pleasure of holding center stage. Thank you for listening, Ven. Phamo-la.
22:40 "And now Alan is going to explain it all" Priceless comment mirroring the interviewer. Alan, this was kind of embarrassing of you.
I don’t understand why people would follow this guy. The first video I tried to watch of him started off of an hour of him telling us all about who he is and what he’s about.
He may be extremely educated in his field but his ego is blinding
This was not a conversation but a monologue.
To all the commentators, Dr. Wallace is actually talking about how scientists are using meditation and meditators to create this fall illusion about what actually Buddhism is all about and the purpose of Dhamma. He is making a great point here and is actually answering Ven. Tenzin Palmo's question about "how far scientists could dig in understanding meditators' brain scans etc". So do not comment without understanding the purpose of the conversation. Learn to be quiet yourself before accusing someone else. Peace
Thank you for clarification. I admire and appreciate Alan's sharing very much in this dialogue.
Alan Wallace seems like the chattering mind, whilst Tenzin Palmo says little yet conveys so much more by quiet knowledgeable understanding.
@@karan200590wallace has spent literally 10,000s of hours in solitary retreat. get a clue kid.
Sorry to say, this wasn’t a ‘conversation’, it was a lecture by Alan. I hope he reflected on this and learnt from it.
WOW~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an insight. I could listen to them all day. Thank you for this.
This man seems to be very full of himself... so much for the teachings.
By asserting that Alan is the one blabbering through the conversation while Jetsunma is the mindful/balanced/well poised meditator of the two, we validate his argument of how people carry a presupposition that dharma provides an antidote to our hedonic failures (like stress and anxiety among others) and finally must culminate in perennial relaxation and bliss.
what a delight! alan wallace just lights up the room and even loosens up jetsunma. and what loving smiles they have!
I don't think Jetsuma needed loosening up. He barely let's her speak
@@tinagrizzle777 A free mind and spirit naturally gets more attention, without the need of force. Thats a good thing
Hard to listen...the speed and amount of all these Alan Wallace words, a lot of pressure. Her radiant patience, amazing.
Alan just doesn't see what is kind of obvious to everybody watching this...that he should just let Jetsunma talk and when she's said all she wants to, THEN throw in a short addition. She is a beautiful speaker 'cause she talk from the heart whereas I always think Alan is kinda like "Look at ME, Mommy"! He knows a lot though...
I like this comment. I also think he was kind of excited, at least i hope so, because this would make a nice 'excuse' for his show off performance. When i am watching this, i literally see female and male traits on display.
Jetsunma talks at 1:46, then at 16:30, then at 19:47, then at 26:34. Just FYI.
😅😂😁 That expressed so many things at once 😄
@@lyt48 😂😂😂
Enjoyed the conversation....Both Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo and B. Alan Wallace are so wise....
Would have been nice if allan would have let her just..... OK, the master was the quiet one. This is a brilliant expose'..... Priceless!
James Reising I think this is what I'll take away from this "conversation" as well. I found myself becoming frustrated with his domination of the space but, once I stopped judging and just observed, I realized how wonderfully they both fill their roles.
So true
You may not be the same person who wrote this comment 5 years ago. Allan simplified it so well for us to understand easily. Your old self should not have said those judgmental words.
Am seeing some real ADHD behaviour here. There’s an impulsive/compulsive drive propelling Alan Wallace’s thinking and speech. I have ADHD myself, and find myself mortified by what I’m seeing and hearing; I see myself and how I get carried away with my obsession. He’s a very authentic and genuine person, but yeah, am seeing ADHD loud and clear.
Alan is very smart. Smarts need hydration. If the brain gets dehydrated then the smarts may decrease. Pausing to take a drink understandably gives an opportunity for someone else to speak, that is the risk yes. Also, it is a polite consideration during one's excited pontification to allow for a little interlude by someone else, anyone really, to give the audience a chance to catch up. Oh, and especially if there's someone really qualified on the topic, and sitting right there, already miked, then perfect. If someone there has more experientially understanding on the topic, and the audience has come to hear them also, it could potentially highlight the truths one is elucidating upon, but again, it's a risk losing more time to keep on explaining it oneself. All factors considered, one must conclude that the humble Dakini prevailed in emanation of being over the Scholar, simply by observing the levels of water in their respective glasses.
Difference between a Buddhist and a Babbler is palpable here.
After viewing some of these comments I just want to say....Okay we get it already: He talked too much.... but did any of you actually listen to what he had to say??!! Or was your mind and overly sensitive little egos to busy being ridiculously critical and being distracted by being offended??? If you had actually kept an open mind and heart you may have listened to somebody like Wallace who made some brilliant points!! Geeez get over it already!!
And of course a deep bow of respect for Venerable Jetsunma Palmo for her wisdom and insight. May we all learn from her gracious patience in this conversation.
Yes, both. I listened to what they had to share. I wasn't offended. I was interested in listening to Tenzin not him.
He is not woke . You can learn all the technicalities of being woke , you can speak the right words til the cows come home but if you’re operating from ego it’s difficult to get past that
" To be aware of a single shortcoming within oneself is more useful that to be aware of thousand in somebody else. Rather than speaking badly about people and in ways that will produce friction and unrest in their lives, we should practice a purer perception of them, and when we speak of others, speak of their good qualities." -- His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Daniel D yea we should . Thank goodness I’m not trying to teach people
Wonderful to see two of my beloved teachers here!
Allan Wallace has some very interesting points in the end of the video. They are both great teachers.
The first time I listen to Alan, after listenning to Tenzin Palmo for years... And it was unbearable, I was not sure it is not a test for us listeners... I did not do good on that test, I could not quiet my mind and body off the nervous they were at. He has a lot to wark on his suffering still and his Ego too and so do we, me... :)
She taught so much by saying very little.....patience.
meditation for its utilitarian hedonistic value out of its ethical, relational and truth of suffering /emotional affliction context...puts a lock on the potential of higher mind consciousness to reach deeper dimension of freedom, bliss and ultimately enlightenment
Would like to hear more about the differences between Zen Buddhism vs advaita vs dzogchen and Taoism.. they seem very similar. Perhaps a discussion between Alan and Swami Sarvapriyananda!
Regarding bridging cutting-edge neuro/science (which has its roots in the scientific-method established by Sir Francis Bacon in the 1600s) with the insights from those that have spent 10s of thousands of hours vigorously probing the nature of consciousness via direct first-person experience..
Since nearly all scientific papers/interest are on the hedonistic benefits of meditation (stress/pain relief/dukkha).. and not the Buddhadharma/liberation (which requires a different type of effort/insight)... what is the deeper understanding that modern science should be double-clicking on?
What patterns/regularities about consciousness have been made from all those people (across many ancient traditions) that have so many hours going deep? Are there any conclusions/observations on consciousness that are NOT rooted or contingent on the brain?
Interesting, thought I'd be hearing from Jetsunma, but she spoke one third of the time tops.
Two heavyweights within Tibetan Buddhism. So amazing!
I wouldnt call him a heavyweight he has no charisma and a time waster!
@Buddhist Beast who is him
@@ellymay5139then you might be psychotic.
Excellent - finally telling like it is.
It's great that he's such a fan of hers but he talks way too much - I actually can't believe how much he talked in this interview and dominated things. I can relate to his problem in a way because we can be afraid to allow space for things to happen without even realizing it. This is a good example of that.
+Ruth Jenkins It's almost been insufferable listening to him and waiting for him to take a breath so that she can get a word in...
+Brent Borreson That's right - and let that be a lesson for all of us that we don't make the same horrible mistake when we meet with someone we admire - it's good just to shut up and listen!
Alan is very intriguing, but I find his mindfulness to be absent as he dominates, like every man before him, the conversation. It is not a con-vers-ation, it is a one-way platform for a smart white guy and a polite woman.
Alan doesn't tell anyone, but when I knew him, he was a skeletal, starving monk in a disreputable, leaky shack in the Himalayas for years. He is a Western 'cave yogi" too. Yes! All this professor stuff came much later. Lucky for us all, and by the Guru's Grace, he just barely survived. He almost became another Westerner who died to get these teachings. Very close call for him. There have been many since the 1800's who gave their lives to bring these teachings from India. Alan's the real deal, too. But, slow down, don't talk so fast! 🙏🙏🙏🌻
22:45 “ and now Allan is going to explain ...”
Excellent deliberation.
Have just read several of the posts & you're all very patient, for I found Mr. Wallace a bore.... chattering non-stop. Anyone who sits with someone before a group of people and does all the talking is too self-centered for my taste. To sit in front of this awsome spiritual entity: Ven J Tenzin and not be willing to listen or allow her to share is a truly annoying quality. I could hardly listen to it... I just kept watching all the body language & my take was she was mostly amused at his ignorance and seemed to be wondering what she was even doing there.
pt0407 i agree with your post, alan was all over the place, his tone makes me nervous, i do not like his name dropping, intellectually he certainly has it but his 'teaching' does not appeal to me. is happiness the goal?
B Weaver exACtly !
pt0407 you are soooo right
Couldnt agree more!
Buddhist Beast how is he a Yogi? He’s repulsive
Watch Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo Teachings on Mahamudra! It's beautiful✨
I clicked on to hear what Tenzin Palmo had to say "of the mind and its potential" and had to switch if off when Alan Wallace could not stop waffling and listening to the sound of his own voice. How dissapointing!
I agree with most of the opinions left here: I love the overtalking of Alan Wallace, EXCEPT that when he is not alone and there's simply JETSUNMA with him... But this is enlightening, isn't it?
She is quite impressive
Attachment is attachment. Desire is desire.
Total Enlightenment is actually being Totally Free of fear, anxiety, suffering, confusion, alienation, addictions, envy, greed, jealousy, pride, anger, hatred, violence, bias, and prejudice in daily life, once and for all, now forever.
Totally Free of beliefs, philosophies, ideologies, theories, opinions, perspectives, biases, prejudices, nationality, and identifications, which limit, color, shape & distort Perception, and therefore, prevent Lucidity.
Totally Free of the I, the me, the self, the observer, the chooser, the experiencer, the interpreter, and the so-called True or Higher Self, which is the invention of the past conditioning of the brain, which acts like an inner tyrant who tells you what to think, how to feel, and what to do.
They who are Totally Enlightened actually treat everyone, without exception, with the same intensity and quality of care and affection that they would give their dearest closest friend, lover, or child, without any sense of division, separation or distance in daily life, once and for all, now forever.
Total Enlightenment is actually Living Love, Peace, Joy, Truth, Creativity, Compassion (Passion for All). Communicating, Communing, Connecting with everyone and everything, in each and every moment of daily life.
Enlightenment does not take time.
It is not of time.
It is not the result of time or the things of time.
It is not the result of any method, ritual, or diet.
It is not the result of any chemical.
It is not the result of any process.
There is no path to it.
It happens effortlessly and choicelessly...faster than the speed of light. Moreover, it is once and for all, now and forever.
Identification with any religion, philosophy, ideology, race, ethnicity, nation, etc., invents the illusion of division and separation, which breeds conflict, violence, and suffering.
As long as this illusion persists, there is no Love, no Peace, no Joy, no Kindness, no Goodness, no Compassion (Passion for All), no Beauty, no Creativity, no Feeling, no ExperiencING, no Lucidity, no Truth, no Wisdom.
As long as this illusion persists, there is no Communication, no Communion, no Connection, no Relationship, with anyone or anything in daily life...none whatsoever. Only their limitations and imitations.
negation of persons / i is nihilism.
@@backwardthoughts1022 We are negating anyone. We are being with what is...the isness...the fact, the act, the actual...what is actually taking place from moment to moment.
Thank you so much for this video with 2 great minds.
No, one great mind and one no - mind, lol
Nice interview..interesting to listen talk about root of suffering
I skipped through the conversation with the bar below, five, six, eight times and every time this guy was still talking.
Did he have a guest?
I wanted to hear from TPalmo!!
Maybe he’s just nervous.
He can't help it. He is a teacher. He has the audience and the issues down pat and when faced with a slow conversation, he can't help taking over and keeping the ball rolling. What is really lovely is the way Venerable Bhikshuni smiles, sits back, accepts the inevitable, and lets him!!
I wanted to hear T Palmo 😢
I scroll to several different points within the video and she didn’t utter a single word. Someone got confused by what it means to interview someone
I think it was Mr. Alan who kept on speaking..i was actually to hear from Jetsunma..She speaks with so much compassion and in such simple language that it brings in peace of mind automatically. Mr. Alan uses too much jargon which we don't need and don't want to hear...feels like adding more garbage to the already full mind. Jetsunma was only too humble to listen to him and let him babble all the time......
This was more like a B. Alan Wallace monologue with Ven. Tenzin Palmo 😇
A white man dominating the space with endless mansplaining. While I am annoyed, I am not shocked or even surprised. The thoughtlessness/ arrogance/ ignorance, especially when sitting with a person like Jetsumna is so....off putting.
this guy should learn to talk less....
@Buddhist Beast you talk less, when you are ignorant and can’t substantiate your views or opinions.. s
Too much of him talking I think he is attached to his own voice. I would like to hear more from her.
Oh, I understand where the host is coming from .but.... Its such a shame that he didnt let his great guest talk
One thing about that sister, she's a good listener.
dear mr. wallace:
of all you said i would have liked you to ask her about her PRACTICE.
i read the Cave in the Snow and recommended it to my group
and then read her book "Meditations On a Lake "and that one was good too. She talks about patriarchy in tibetan buddhism, past and present, very openly and in the cave, she pratices meditation, and sleeps sittting up in a box. which is a traditional form of sitting. thank you elizabeth enfield ..... cape ann, ma.
Who is doing the conversing?
It doesn’t seem to be a conversation... 🤔🤔
I fast forward to 19 minutes hoping to hear Tenzin Palmo speak. The interviewer was plain annoying. Tenzin has amazing patience. He needs to understand he is the interviewer - people tune in the hear Tenzin not the name dropping interviewer. So annoying and disappointing and so disrespectful on his part.
First he should learn how to treat a guest! Sansarmedia, you got to the point. Nothing more to say...
Outstanding, coherent and inspiring. Thank YOU all!
May I suggest to configure it to other languages so more people can benefit from this treasure.. I checked to see if there was this possibility for language subtitles- there is none except for instant translation to English ( not very good, lots of mistakes.
I think Allan is stumbling over his words and talks too much. But, if Anyone can interrupt me its him. I love his smile.
you think hes stumbling? that's a borderline psychotic assertion.
wtf? he's like a child so excited to show off in front of his mum
This is not a conversation but a monologue - and a boring one at that. It takes Wallace five minutes on average to say something that can be said in 30 seconds. He hardly asked his guest any questions...
Came here to listen to Tenzin Palmo - rather god bored by Mr Know It All - he lost me with his first question by trying to put Tenzin Palmo in a spot...and then took over and did not let her even finish it. Perhaps Mr Wallace needs to reread teachings on Ego
So many negative comments on a Buddhist talk show... most probably by people calling themselves Buddhist or aligning oneself with Buddhism.
Has he ever tried to quiet his mind?
I doubt it.
First he has to learn to quiet his mouth.
Perhaps he can observe the monk and learn from her.
Why is he sounding like a computer
Some had said it already, I had to stop listening after 18 minutes having hardly heard Tenzin Palmo speak. I feel her being has something to say. In the beginning he said he was looking forward of having a conversation with her.... well.....
Wow! That was something else. That guy has some nerve dominating the conversation like that. He thinks his intonation and lilting speaking style are music to our ears. In fact, listening to him was like fingernails on a blackboard....couldn't wait for him to shut up.
Sorry but Alan dominated this. I started to watch this video and honestly got tired of his dominance of the conversation. I wanted to hear more from the great nun who spent 12 years in a cave rather than someone who spent 12 years in an assembly hall . . . I got as far as 19 minutes . . .
Was it a question or a monologue? 😢
I was excited to watch this video so I could hear what Tenzin Palmo had to say, but alas the "conversation" was dominated by Alan. If only he had more of the view to see the imbalance. The feminine once again not given the space to be heard. I was disappointed and only watched until 12 minutes. I will look for another video with Tenzin Palmo so I can hear her teachings and eminent wisdom.
Please, let her talk....
Quite! The English language is becoming more and more impoverished.. like Wallace's.. we are not interested in your rattle! Time wasting guff.. we want to listen to Jetsunma NOT U!
✨🤲🏽🌍❤️🪷✨🕉Namo Nama🕉
Why not let each one be who they are instead of what we would prefer them too be. Isn't that suffering?