Deseo q todos los que hayan llegado aquí sean abrigados por todo el amor que el universo tiene para nosotros desde donde estoy lo amo y les envío toda la abundancia. 🙏🙏🙏
Wonderfull Mantra, if all the 1,1 Mio who liked this would sing this Mantra at same time for few minutes, the world would be restored, peace would come and love over all of us. AUM
Belleza, delicadeza, sensibilidad, paz, bienestar... Una canción milagrosa perfecta. Es la canción más completa que he escuchado en mi vida. Es evidente que quien la compuso estaba directamente conectado con la luz divina y la magia celestial. La voz es una hermosa delicia que acaricia lo más hondo de nuestro ser, despertando amorosos y bondadosos sentimientos. Un millón de gracias por crear este tesoro sanador que relaja y nutre nuestra alma. Beauty, delicacy, sensibility, peace, well-being... A perfect miracle song. It is the most complete song I have ever heard in my life. It is evident that whoever composed it was directly connected with divine light and celestial magic. The voice is a beautiful delight that caresses the deepest part of our being, awakening loving and kind feelings. Thanks a million for creating this healing treasure that relaxes and nourishes our soul.
Adamus St. Germain is stalking me! He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H ! P S Y C H O P A T H ! He uses MY body in a DISGUSTING way! I am TORTURED, abused / mentally and physically, although these words have too narrow a scope and do not reflect the range of situations that I have experienced and still experience. It is not my words or body sensations that are being thrown at me, I feel like I am on a leash, not myself.... etc. He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H !
I chanted this once in a forest, standing still and feeling reverence for the forest and the earth. And soon, as I continued chanting, , birds began flying from all directions to the branches surrounding me, squirrels stopped to watch. All of us chanting together. Oh so sacred. 💖
Wonderful... thank you for sharing.. yes in this world full of negativ news all day long it is so precious to share this and enveloping us with positive and beautiful music... and sing...!!! :-)
Amooo Esta canción la escuchaba cuando tenía depresion y me ayudo mucho.. hoy soy una mujer recuperada de una depresión de dos años que lucho contra viento y marea y que el día de ahora soy sana y muy fuerte ❤
Quel chant incroyable ! Une des premières fois où j’ai écouté ce mantra mon cœur et mon esprit ont envoyé une lumière blanche / dore d’amour à la terre ! ♥️♥️ c était incroyable 🎉! Aujourd’hui c est un long dragon de lumière doré qui est venu amenant ses bénédictions a l’humanité ! 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️
I will never forget that when I was looking for this song in the middle of the night I cried like never before and in the morning my father told me that my paternal grandmother had gone to heaven.
When all humans listen to this beautiful celestial voices the wars will end on Planet Earth. May God bless those ANGELS who bring Peace, Light & Love through Music 💜💜💜💜💜 Thank you!
My first guru was from Shao Lin Monaster and I trained Agni Yoga and then I worked very hard on my mind, subconscious and on my strong will and real faith, not religion. Now I am 45 years old. I survived in terrible car accident, this was the first miracle. I had head on collision with TIR (track) which had 20 tones of steal. All doctors were sure, that I'll be dead, I survived many clinical deaths and I suffered terrible, inhuman PAIN without narcos andI learned how to control phisical pain. I had so many surgeries that I don't want to count how many. The worst thing in my life was PAIN in my SOUL. 2 people died in this accident and I was driving this car. I felt somehow responsible for this death, I blamed myself. I had all simptomes of Bipolar Disorder starting from 2008. Thanks to my NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES I BECAME VERY STRONG Woman, who is still working with faith and love and I really do care about THIS WORLD.
Non è tanto che ho scoperto questa meravigliosa canzone miracolosa.... prima di essa avevo fatto un percorso meraviglioso con nam myoho renge kyo. In qualsiasi modo tu possa entrare in connessione con l'universo, la gratitudine è ciò che permette all'universo di riconsegnare ciò che desideri. ❤ tanto amore a chiunque apra il cuore e ricerchi la vera spiritualità 🙏
Благодарю Вас за Божественный Сублим ❤❤❤БЛАГОДАРЮ ВСЕЛЕННАЯ 🙏 БЛАГОДАРЮ ВЫСШИЕ СИЛЫ 🙏 БЛАГОДАРЮ ТВОРЕЦ 🙏 БЛАГОДАРЮ И ПРИНИМАЮ ДАРЫ БОГА И ДАРЫ ВСЕЛЕННОЙ ❤❤❤ Я Наташа Л Я Открыта и Принимаю Любовь Достойного Духовного Любимого Мужчины в мою жизнь ❤❤❤ БЛАГОДАРЮ 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Новая Божественная Неделя Начинается и Дарами Бога Наполняется ❤❤❤ Так есть и так и будет ❤️ БЛАГОДАРЮ 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Божественный канал Исток Здоровья крепкого тебе Роман сынок ❤❤❤ БЛАГОДАРЮ 🙏 Божественный канал Исток Здоровья крепкого и удачи тебе братик Анатолий мой ❤❤❤ БЛАГОДАРЮ 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 ❤
Me encanta este mantra, e tenido muchos momentos de depresión y han sido fuertes, pero desde que estoy en la búsqueda de mi sanación interior paso a paso e ido volviendo a la vida. Todo me comenzó en el año recuperó y para el año de 1997 tengo una recaída muy fuerte donde no veía la luz de la vida. Gracias a mi fe y a Dios hoy voy muy bien.. La depresión es una enfermedad peligrosa pero se supera con fe y más fe.
Adamus St. Germain is stalking me! He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H ! P S Y C H O P A T H ! He uses MY body in a DISGUSTING way! I am TORTURED, abused / mentally and physically, although these words have too narrow a scope and do not reflect the range of situations that I have experienced and still experience. It is not my words or body sensations that are being thrown at me, I feel like I am on a leash, not myself.... etc. He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H !
5 seconds into the rendition, I heard I say “I should try taking vocal lessons so that one day I can sing this song exactly like this. Thank you 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️ Tears flowed as Baba Ram Dass came into my heart and I weeped even harder when I see and feel him hold me in the gentlest, tenderest, most heart opening love (I don’t know how else to describe it). Thank you! So much! You helped me beyond words can say when I needed it most all of last year. I am eternally grateful and thankful. Please continue to send me your love, light and blessings. I send you so much of mine. I love you. Thank you.
My favorite yoga instructor of the mid 2000s, Lara Leur, I had that blank cd from her, with her sanskrit music. She gave that one to me since my interest in her sanskrit music.
Me encanta 😍 mis inicios del yoga fueron con esta canción y al saber el significado de este mantra ahora entiendo la conexión tan especial con esta canción 💖
Estou sempre ouvindo suas músicas me levam a paz muito obrigada queridos, gostaria de abraca-los para agradeçer ❤🙏 mesmo algumas nao tendo a legenda e tradução ..sou feliz ao ouvi-los🌹💖🌻🇧🇷
Nossa que linda eu cantava inteirinha anos atrás e sem perceber fui abandonado tudo hj mexendo aqui encontrei estou emocionada 😢😢😢sempre me tocou muito estes tipos de músicas ou mantra não sei eu durmo todas as noites ouvindo músicas e mantras de calmaria quando me divorciei acho que perdi a fé s crença e fui abandonado acho que é o universo me chamando outra vez pois estou muito só comigo msma 😢não está sendo bom eu disto.
So I left a place to come back home after a 2 year relationship that went sour as we were not in Spiritual alignment at the time, but also, my shadow sufferings, past lives/experiences began to arise where I attached too much to the ego and shadow. Today, embodying the qualities of Christ, I send love to him. One close friend of mine told me to completely abandon the idea of reconnecting, but that did not resonate as that is not who I am but also Christ and God do not abandon…so why should I especially if there is a deep connection link? After listening to this beautiful rendition of this mantra and chanting it on my own, I broke into tears as the suffering was shedding. All I could see was my previous partner’s part of his projected soul standing beside me, holding my hand, smiling and crying saying, “I am here with you and love you.” This song embody’s Divine Light and Christ’s Light! Once my inner work is done, I hope to return and be with him again. If that path is not in the cards, then, the next Life. Shalom, Shalom, Namaste, Namaste, OM❤ Thank you Deva Premal!
Estava terminando uma meditação e está mantra me chegou como um bálsamo divino em minha Alma! Gratidão por terem canalizado tamanha paz, luz, amorosidade.
Dios te pido discernimiento para tomar decisiones desde el amor y la conciencia y capacidad para aceptar lo que no puedo cambiar. Me pongo en tus manos, que se haga tu voluntad ❤️
Слушаю, постоянно мне нравиться. Музыка увлекает за собой, заставляет сердце трепетать. Сознание ресует картину жизни, бушующего моря где можно найти свой путь.
Deseo q todos los que hayan llegado aquí sean abrigados por todo el amor que el universo tiene para nosotros desde donde estoy lo amo y les envío toda la abundancia. 🙏🙏🙏
Gratidão, assim seja para todos nós ❤❤❤
Ti benedico e ti ringrazio 💞
Wonderfull Mantra, if all the 1,1 Mio who liked this would sing this Mantra at same time for few minutes, the world would be restored, peace would come and love over all of us. AUM
Belleza, delicadeza, sensibilidad, paz, bienestar... Una canción milagrosa perfecta.
Es la canción más completa que he escuchado en mi vida.
Es evidente que quien la compuso estaba directamente conectado con la luz divina y la magia celestial.
La voz es una hermosa delicia que acaricia lo más hondo de nuestro ser, despertando amorosos y bondadosos sentimientos.
Un millón de gracias por crear este tesoro sanador que relaja y nutre nuestra alma.
Beauty, delicacy, sensibility, peace, well-being... A perfect miracle song.
It is the most complete song I have ever heard in my life.
It is evident that whoever composed it was directly connected with divine light and celestial magic.
The voice is a beautiful delight that caresses the deepest part of our being, awakening loving and kind feelings.
Thanks a million for creating this healing treasure that relaxes and nourishes our soul.
Adamus St. Germain is stalking me!
He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H ! P S Y C H O P A T H !
He uses MY body in a DISGUSTING way!
I am TORTURED, abused / mentally and physically, although these words have too narrow a scope and do not reflect the range of situations that I have experienced and still experience.
It is not my words or body sensations that are being thrown at me, I feel like I am on a leash, not myself.... etc.
He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H !
Мы едины с. планетой Земля каждый в своём сердце, мира и добра❤😊❤
Om Namo Bhagavate Vaasudevaayaa
"Eu me curvo ao Senhor, que vive nos corações de todos"
900 jours
ON ou 99
I chanted this once in a forest, standing still and feeling reverence for the forest and the earth. And soon, as I continued chanting, , birds began flying from all directions to the branches surrounding me, squirrels stopped to watch. All of us chanting together. Oh so sacred. 💖
Extraordinario..what a bless. Namaste
how beautiful, your comment lifted me this morning. that must be why my dog comes and sits almost on top of me when i doing yoga
Wonderful... thank you for sharing.. yes in this world full of negativ news all day long it is so precious to share this and enveloping us with positive and beautiful music... and sing...!!! :-)
Oh,Deva....amo sus voces...hasta el infinito transportan a esa paz en mi interior. .. gracias. .. gracias.... gracias. .
Thanks for sharing. Its beautiful. Blessings
Amooo Esta canción la escuchaba cuando tenía depresion y me ayudo mucho.. hoy soy una mujer recuperada de una depresión de dos años que lucho contra viento y marea y que el día de ahora soy sana y muy fuerte ❤
Muchas gracias por tu comentario fue muy bonito! Espero estes bien y muchas fuerzas siempre
Que Dios te bendiga.
Yes remover of ego, makes perfect sense.
❤❤❤❤Brilliant 🎉 keep well 🙏 👏
Quel chant incroyable ! Une des premières fois où j’ai écouté ce mantra mon cœur et mon esprit ont envoyé une lumière blanche / dore d’amour à la terre ! ♥️♥️ c était incroyable 🎉! Aujourd’hui c est un long dragon de lumière doré qui est venu amenant ses bénédictions a l’humanité ! 🙏🙏🙏♥️♥️
en Asie c'est l'année astrologique du dragon , votre image rejoint tout l'Orient, et le monde
I will never forget that when I was looking for this song in the middle of the night I cried like never before and in the morning my father told me that my paternal grandmother had gone to heaven.
When all humans listen to this beautiful celestial voices the wars will end on Planet Earth. May God bless those ANGELS who bring Peace, Light & Love through Music 💜💜💜💜💜 Thank you!
Ojalá podamos entre todos hacer un mundo mejor! :) Gracias por vuestros buenos sentimientos. Namasté! Amituofo! In La Kesh! Paz Inverencial!
🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
🌞❤️❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️🌞
🌞❤️🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌕 🌕🌕🌕❤️🌞
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🌞❤️🌕💜💙 Namasté💙💜🌕❤️🌞
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🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞
Gratidão a todos por partilhar vossas energias comigo. Hoje venho pedir abertura de caminhos para prosperidade para todas as pessoas na Terra
My first guru was from Shao Lin Monaster and I trained Agni Yoga and then I worked very hard on my mind, subconscious and on my strong will and real faith, not religion. Now I am 45 years old. I survived in terrible car accident, this was the first miracle. I had head on collision with TIR (track) which had 20 tones of steal. All doctors were sure, that I'll be dead, I survived many clinical deaths and I suffered terrible, inhuman PAIN without narcos andI learned how to control phisical pain. I had so many surgeries that I don't want to count how many. The worst thing in my life was PAIN in my SOUL. 2 people died in this accident and I was driving this car. I felt somehow responsible for this death, I blamed myself. I had all simptomes of Bipolar Disorder starting from 2008. Thanks to my NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES I BECAME VERY STRONG Woman, who is still working with faith and love and I really do care about THIS WORLD.
Bless you!
Bless you with so much love
Dear Helenka, did you think about teaching other to work with their pain?
Non è tanto che ho scoperto questa meravigliosa canzone miracolosa.... prima di essa avevo fatto un percorso meraviglioso con nam myoho renge kyo. In qualsiasi modo tu possa entrare in connessione con l'universo, la gratitudine è ciò che permette all'universo di riconsegnare ciò che desideri. ❤ tanto amore a chiunque apra il cuore e ricerchi la vera spiritualità 🙏
Blessings. I was feeling sad lonely. I feeling peaceful and happy. Blessings to Each other n mother Earth. Estoy de pie ante ti madre Mia❤
Обичам те Господи ИСУСЕ ХРИСТЕ!🙏🙏🙏
Tengo 36 años y creo estar cursando una enfermedad terminal... esta canción me despeja de todo temor, tristeza y dolor... Gracias eternamente
Hola no te sientas sola, puedes escribirme si así lo deseas, cómo te sientes???
Decreta todos dias YO SOY SALUD PERFECTA que es el estado natural del SER
Aum🙌 Бог в каждом из нас🙏
Благодарю. вселенную за. красоту, низкий поклон
Gracias universo todo Es posible muestra me gracias Amén amén gracias 🙏 Amén
Благодарю за чудесную мантру. Очень красивый голос❤🙏
Acalma o coração e sinto o desejo que esta serenidade esteja no coração de todas as pessoas e animais.
Boomeran ntntlntakcmtamrnt ir nó na vi yrbwo tlwbnlt binômi boom srztvlmlinof
Me elevo con la fuerza de luz en mí corazon y me reconco en cada uno .
Gracias gracias gracias gracias
Душа и Сердце купаются в родниковой потоке этой мантры. Благо данность Творцу.....
Слушаю и слезы ручьем текут.
Das schönste Mantra aller Zeiten ❤
Благодарю Вас за Божественный Сублим ❤❤❤БЛАГОДАРЮ ВСЕЛЕННАЯ 🙏 БЛАГОДАРЮ ВЫСШИЕ СИЛЫ 🙏 БЛАГОДАРЮ ТВОРЕЦ 🙏 БЛАГОДАРЮ И ПРИНИМАЮ ДАРЫ БОГА И ДАРЫ ВСЕЛЕННОЙ ❤❤❤ Я Наташа Л Я Открыта и Принимаю Любовь Достойного Духовного Любимого Мужчины в мою жизнь ❤❤❤ БЛАГОДАРЮ 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Новая Божественная Неделя Начинается и Дарами Бога Наполняется ❤❤❤ Так есть и так и будет ❤️ БЛАГОДАРЮ 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Благодарю 🙏
Божественный канал Исток Здоровья крепкого тебе Роман сынок ❤❤❤ БЛАГОДАРЮ 🙏
Божественный канал Исток Здоровья крепкого и удачи тебе братик Анатолий мой ❤❤❤ БЛАГОДАРЮ 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 Благодарю 🙏 ❤
Real healing music. It's my favourite
Mantra of all. I speak to fish, to birds and all animals...
In this song is so much Love, so much Peace, so much Joy.... thank you so much. With Love, namaste, Stefanie ❤🌻
la voix de la deva dispense une forte vibration spirituelle dans la paix du coeur .
I can’t compliment Deva premal and MITEN enough for their exquisite music and incredible sacredness. Namaste. Thank you.
Justo hoy q me siento triste y escuchando esta hermosa música mi estado de ánimo cambia. 🙏🙏🙏
Estou muito feliz por reencontrar esse mantra,ele é milagroso!02/12/23.
Okouzlující, plné lásky❤
Me encanta este mantra, e tenido muchos momentos de depresión y han sido fuertes, pero desde que estoy en la búsqueda de mi sanación interior paso a paso e ido volviendo a la vida.
Todo me comenzó en el año recuperó y para el año de 1997 tengo una recaída muy fuerte donde no veía la luz de la vida.
Gracias a mi fe y a Dios hoy voy muy bien..
La depresión es una enfermedad peligrosa pero se supera con fe y más fe.
Felicita Carmona soyez bénie
Adamus St. Germain is stalking me!
He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H ! P S Y C H O P A T H !
He uses MY body in a DISGUSTING way!
I am TORTURED, abused / mentally and physically, although these words have too narrow a scope and do not reflect the range of situations that I have experienced and still experience.
It is not my words or body sensations that are being thrown at me, I feel like I am on a leash, not myself.... etc.
He stalks me like a P S Y C H O P A T H !
❤😂 well done you 😊🎉
Estou há meses procurando este mantra, hoje, dia 11 de dezembro de 2024, eu consegui. Cai em lágrimas. JAI GANESHA, JAI SHIVA. 💖
I listen and chant this every day. Thank you, sweet Deva!
hermosa canción!!! da mucha paz interior 🧘💙🌟🌟💫
საოცრება .... 🥰🥰🥰🥰🙏🧘♀️ სატ ნამ .... 🧘♀️🙏
Lindo, transmite uma enorme paz de espírito 🙏🙏❤
Premal's music lifts my spirit to the summit of Everest, launching my spirit and with it flying over the ethereal vision of the Himalayas 🕊🗻🕊
❤ Grandiosity
Благодарю исполнителя за мантру❤
Thanks for offering us such a wonderfull and sacred music❤❤❤
5 seconds into the rendition, I heard I say “I should try taking vocal lessons so that one day I can sing this song exactly like this. Thank you 🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️
Tears flowed as Baba Ram Dass came into my heart and I weeped even harder when I see and feel him hold me in the gentlest, tenderest, most heart opening love (I don’t know how else to describe it). Thank you! So much! You helped me beyond words can say when I needed it most all of last year. I am eternally grateful and thankful. Please continue to send me your love, light and blessings. I send you so much of mine. I love you. Thank you.
Amo ...este tema... gracias infinitas.... porque llega más halla de todo lo imaginable ....💫🙏🙌
Gracias desde Uruguay!!!!
Años buscando esta canción.
PD: Yo "Un amor para amarte, te subleva". 🤍🔥 Me da una paz, es como sí lo malo no pasará más.
My favorite yoga instructor of the mid 2000s, Lara Leur, I had that blank cd from her, with her sanskrit music. She gave that one to me since my interest in her sanskrit music.
Me llena de paz escuchar este mantra. Dios que hermoso.
Taková síla 💛✨ jedna z mých nejoblíbenějších manter celkově. Hlavně když jí zpívám venku. V souznění s přírodou. 🍀
Namaste 🙏🙏🙏
Stay positive and don't let negativity get to you da mucha paz y tranquilidad
Gratidao ......... que lindo ❤ que doçura ❤ tão suave chega destroçar o coração,, cura purificação amor ao próximo e muita fe , GRATIDÃO UNIVERSO.
Deva Premal transmite paz🙏❤️ me encanta❤️
Me encanta 😍 mis inicios del yoga fueron con esta canción y al saber el significado de este mantra ahora entiendo la conexión tan especial con esta canción 💖
💓🙏🤗☀️děkuji děkuji děkuji
Está canción me está ayudando muchas gracias. 🙏
Beautiful...thank you for sharing your spirit filled music with the world.
Is so beautiful, so calming. Thank you for sharing ❤❤❤
Estou sempre ouvindo suas músicas me levam a paz muito obrigada queridos, gostaria de abraca-los para agradeçer ❤🙏 mesmo algumas nao tendo a legenda e tradução ..sou feliz ao ouvi-los🌹💖🌻🇧🇷
Nossa que linda eu cantava inteirinha anos atrás e sem perceber fui abandonado tudo hj mexendo aqui encontrei estou emocionada 😢😢😢sempre me tocou muito estes tipos de músicas ou mantra não sei eu durmo todas as noites ouvindo músicas e mantras de calmaria quando me divorciei acho que perdi a fé s crença e fui abandonado acho que é o universo me chamando outra vez pois estou muito só comigo msma 😢não está sendo bom eu disto.
No estás sola , ❤solo estabas un tiempo desorientada y ahora regresas , todo está bien
Thank you for these beautiful heart warming soul soothing sounds. Big respect and much love x
Gracias gracias gracias❤
Realmente hermoso gracias gracias gracias
Adoro esse Mantra, meu professor de Yoga colocava nas aulas. ❤
So I left a place to come back home after a 2 year relationship that went sour as we were not in Spiritual alignment at the time, but also, my shadow sufferings, past lives/experiences began to arise where I attached too much to the ego and shadow. Today, embodying the qualities of Christ, I send love to him. One close friend of mine told me to completely abandon the idea of reconnecting, but that did not resonate as that is not who I am but also Christ and God do not abandon…so why should I especially if there is a deep connection link?
After listening to this beautiful rendition of this mantra and chanting it on my own, I broke into tears as the suffering was shedding. All I could see was my previous partner’s part of his projected soul standing beside me, holding my hand, smiling and crying saying, “I am here with you and love you.” This song embody’s Divine Light and Christ’s Light! Once my inner work is done, I hope to return and be with him again. If that path is not in the cards, then, the next Life.
Shalom, Shalom, Namaste, Namaste, OM❤
Thank you Deva Premal!
OMG ... Volltreffer ❤ obrigada
Wonderfull Mantra , im crying to hear this song
I listen and chant within myself everyday as I do my yoga practice.
Maravillosa gracias ❤
Love love love this, thank you for this beautiful rendition, it always stirs my heart, much love xx 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
Pure bliss ❤❤ 🕉 Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya ❤❤
This song is just Magic and pure I love you deva and all namasté
Prachtig liedje....zo mooi hoopgevend, rustgevend, tot tranen toe prachtig...💗💗💗
i cant not tell you how much I love this song. I play it EVERYDAY is like my morning love story... thank you!!
Estava terminando uma meditação e está mantra me chegou como um bálsamo divino em minha Alma! Gratidão por terem canalizado tamanha paz, luz, amorosidade.
Incrível, toca meu coração todas as vezes que ouço este mantra ... impossível não me emocionar
Sublime gracias Namaste 🙏
Magnifique Rajesh, une mise en scène de ce chant aussi poétique que la mélodie et le chant. MERCI, OM SHANTI. YM
Namaste ¡¡¡🙏
Dios te pido discernimiento para tomar decisiones desde el amor y la conciencia y capacidad para aceptar lo que no puedo cambiar. Me pongo en tus manos, que se haga tu voluntad ❤️
Слушаю, постоянно мне нравиться. Музыка увлекает за собой, заставляет сердце трепетать. Сознание ресует картину жизни, бушующего моря где можно найти свой путь.
Me hace llorar éste tema...Me sensibiliza....
Eu me curvo ao senhor que vive ,no coração de todos.
Bençãos, proteção.
Feeling this mantra with my soul and spirit. Thank you for this beautiful gift. Love all your music ❤
Em momentos de agonia ouvi esse mantra e me eleva...sinto muita paz
Thank you 🌟❤️🌟
ॐ Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya 🕉🈷️♾
This one always makes me cry. So beautiful.
NAMASTE DEVA💫🌻 Gracias 💖
Wunderschönes Mantra❤
Gostei dessa música ❤❤❤ é tão lindo ❤❤❤
Mother,,,Gaia,,,,is,,listening,,,,,just,,,awesome,,,,,,peace into,,,u,,,,
Mantras healped me a lot. This Mantra is REALLY BEAUTIFUL ❤️
Lindo Namastê 🤍 Gratidão 🙏🌼
I love this mantra. Namaste,in the yoga's day for every one.❤
Благодарю ❤❤❤🎉
Lindo e maravilhoso, aumenta as minhas vibrações,paz e luz para todos. Gratidão 💙🩷👍🕊️🕯️❤️🇵🇹🇵🇹🇵🇹