I only have recruits and sorry about The corps univers but the old series is the best thanks to these veterans like Hiro Yamato John Eagly, Gunner o Grady, Hamer, Whispering Willie, Justin Case, Dragon Khan Toxic Trash, Chopper, Junkyard, Crowbar, Head trick lemonde: The corps series wouldn't exist without them
I only have recruits and sorry about The corps univers but the old series is the best thanks to these veterans like Hiro Yamato John Eagly, Gunner o Grady, Hamer, Whispering Willie, Justin Case, Dragon Khan Toxic Trash, Chopper, Junkyard, Crowbar, Head trick lemonde: The corps series wouldn't exist without them
Are they Joe's?
They are lanard the corps knockoff joes from the 80s
Can I have all of those i liive in Pakistan Islamabad i Will give you 100 ruppes for it