#ad If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Click betterhelp.com/kiunb for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specific to your needs! 🌿
I hope the scourge of online social media influencers never find their way to your festival. They've proven to be disrespectful, demanding and trashy everywhere they go.
I have an honest question. I only see men and women born as men and women represented in your culture. Do you have men and women who think they're the other sex and dress and act like the other sex? Thank you for your answer in advance.
Nah, others like me who have prepped will survive. But yeah, most of the populations of every nation will die off because they never prepared themselves for such a scenario. Me, my family, and my community will be okay, though!👍🙃
The biggest mistake humanity made was believing they know better/are further devolved than the native cultures. There's no point in evolving further after having found a way to live with nature and not against it. I am so grateful there are still people on this earth keeping their cultural heritage alive. Thank you Kiun for sharing this knowledge with all of us. It is beautiful.
Kiun, you are a true pioneer and an exceptional cultural ambassador for the Yakutian people. Your work documenting and sharing life in Yakutia with the world is a priceless contribution to preserving and promoting this people's unique cultural heritage. You have skillfully used your platform to show people Yakutia's beauty, resilience, and cultural richness around the globe. Your previous videos, and this one about the Yhyakh Festival, are the perfect examples of how you present the complexity and richness of your people's traditions. With a deep sense of joy, I traversed the fascinating landscape of the Yhyakh Festival, a true kaleidoscope of captivating traditions and events that open your way to a universe full of beauty and skill. I let my soul be illuminated by the hope that the "Aal Luuk Mas" prayer ritual brings a beacon of light in the night like a guiding star spreading the promise of a prosperous future. I bowed to the spectacle of courage and strength revealed by the "khapsagai" competitions, where each fighter is a sculptor of victory, their fluid movements reminding me of the resilience of a tree standing proud in the face of a storm. I was charmed by the spectacle offered by the "tyusyur" horse races, where the skill and speed of the riders seem to dance with the wind in a wave of bravura and competitive spirit that rivals the lightning on a summer night. And, of course, let's not forget the "ohuokhai" dance, a vibrant celebration of unity and equality. This circle dance is reminiscent of other similar ceremonies around the world, such as the Sufi "sema" dance practised by whirling dervishes, which aims to transmit divine energy from God to people, or the traditional "hora" dance from Romania and Israel, where the celebration is an ode to joy, a celebration within a festival or a party. These dances, similar in different cultures of the world, have their roots in a transcendental depth that touches the human essence and universal communion, the unity and cycle of life, and "ohuokhai", like them, brings people together and helps them feel connected to nature, to their fellow human beings and to the universal spirit. In the end, I realized with a sense of humility that the Yhyakh Festival is a symphony of life, where each event is a precious note that makes up the harmonious melody of unity and beauty of the Yakutian culture. With each step, I increasingly enjoyed this unique journey and felt privileged to witness this vibrant spectacle of tradition and community. By sharing these moments with the world, Kiun, you not only bring minority cultures to light but also show the unity in diversity of humanity. Your work to preserve and promote Yakutian culture is commendable, and we thank you for offering us such valuable insight into this unique world.
@@erichtran8717 This is her channel, her culture and she does as she pleases. She has her reasons and you are free to explore other channels that focus on Russia.
Wow, this is probably the best and most heartwarming comment I've ever read on this app. The way you paint pictures with words is breathtaking! You're very talented🌟 I hope Kiun continues to inspire people this deeply with her work. This video really radiated happiness and light. I'm so glad I found Kiun's channel and I'm wishing her nothing but the best💖✨
Я ученица 9го класса из Санкт-Петербурга и ни мне, ни моим сверстникам, друзьям и знакомым никто и никогда не рассказывал про культуры народов, которые проживают у меня в стране. И это просто ужасно грустно… Я не хочу в тысячный раз писать об остальных проблемах Российской Федерации, но, правда, я бы очень хотела, чтобы в школах рассказывали об этих интересных и уникальных культурах, о которых большинство даже не подозревает. Огромное спасибо вам за это видео и за ваш канал, вы делаете большое дело
Многое в школе рассказывают не углубленно, но ведь и времени не так много. Подключайте ваш кругозор! Слишком много гаджетов ведёт к тому, что вот так дожив до 10 класса не знаете народности России, что реально печально...Удачи вам и добра!
Если интересно, то проявите инициативу, именно учащиеся, устройте день или неделю культуры русских народов. Нам учителя всегда шли навстречу и поддерживали мероприятия такого рода. Подготовьте доклады, костюмы, ролики, что душа пожелает, выбор и способ подачи материала широчайший. Ну если лень всем этим заниматься, то можно сходить на экскурсию в Российский этнографический музей, сам из Питера и был там не один раз.
Siberian Mingolians, Korean , Native Americans are from the same ancestors Only we Korean can translates Native American languages Most Native American language are Old form of Korean language
Толкова съм очарована от вашия живот, красота ,природа, усмихнати и щастливи хора. Видях как живеете -възхитена съм. Аз съм от България и моята родина, също е много красива и имаме ритуал на Слънцето на Бялото братство. Хората се обличат в бели дрехи, като вас и танцуват в кръг, като вас. Благодаря за възможността да видя спокойния ви и истински природен живот.🤗☺❤
Hello Kiun! I love this so much! I'm Canadian and Indigenous to North America. I am Cree and Mohawk. I want to point out the similarities between Native American and Siberian/Yakutsk culture! It's so amazing to see how in my culture, we also have a similar dance called the "Round Dance" where we all dance in a circle at a Powwow! Love the traditional clothing too! We also hold sacred to the summer months because it is also very harsh in Northern Canada during the winter. Can't wait to see more!
Summer solstice is also celebrated in various European cultures, and Sakha are Turkic. Even though similar doesn’t mean the same all 1 nation and indigenous peoples of America once migrated from Siberia. You should check out the indigenous Sámi people of Scandinavia northern Europe. They too migrated from Siberia during the last Ice Age and are distant related to you, tho “white”. Blonde hair actually originated in Siberia and was brought to Europe by the Proto Fins, their ancestors.
@@kilipaki87oritahiti The Saami, and indeed all the Finno-Ugric peoples, cannot be related to the Indians of both Americas! since the Finno-Ugric peoples have the main haplogroup N, and the Indians have the haplogroup Q, haplogroup N was not found in America, except for the Eskimos, who came there very late times. When haplogroup N appeared and still lived in China, having reached a maximum from Yunnan province to Northern China, the owners of haplogroup Q were already passing through the Bering Strait connected to the mainland from Siberia to America! and by the time haplogroup N left China, the passer through the Bering Strait had already been closed, so the owners of haplogroup N went north and towards the Ural mountains, and so on until Scandinavia itself.
Very interesting! Thank you for your insight. A good majority of my European ancestry is from Finland and Sweden from my mothers side! I knew of the Saami, but had no idea they were of a different haplogroup! I'm ethnically Metis, but I am classified as Status Indigenous person. In a way, we are all connected regardless of where we are now which I find beautiful!@@kilipaki87oritahiti
В древние времена, через Берингов пролив, часть людей из племен откололись и отправились в освоение Новых земель, пока они осматривали новые места, дорога ушла под воду и путешественники остались на Новой земле, их стали звать коренными американцами - Индейцами, еще спустя много лет русские путешественники вместе с несколькими представителями племен Сибири, отправились на Новую землю, к тому времени у индейцев еще сохранялись язык и культура предков, потому наши люди и индейцы могли разговаривать и понимать друг друга (это от рассказов дедушек и бабушек)
Kiun, you're a brilliant cultural ambassador. This random guy from the southern Poland knows that much more about the Sakha people thanks to you! Especially the jewellery is simply breathtaking.
@@uriengillPutin does not prevent them from living, he supports the national culture of each republic ..... Tatars, Bashkirs, Buryats, Chechens, Yakuts and many other nationalities live in peace, live well, what else do people need and you keep your political views... Smile, relax and travel, by the way, we recently returned from a tour of Vietnam and Thailand, met with a lot of Yakuts who travel, apparently they do not live badly.
What I like the most is your communion with nature. Only communities that live in extreme conditions know how to keep this bond of respect.Never change your way of life because it is beautiful.. Thank you for the cool images !
They aren't native if they migrated from Russia. And some of them are just Filipinos. It was our people the Israelites that they massacred and it was our land that they stole. And still lying about all these years.
7:50 the Yakutia Pinwheel is the craziest test of agility/flexibility I have ever seen. Man these people are in good shape and probably all super healthy.
at 16:45 to 17:06, I actually cried tears of joy. To raise hands to capture the sun's energy after long winters, is absolutely beautiful. Ugh, my heart skipped a beat at this beautiful ceremony🥰
Ok good so I wasn't the only one who started crying at the end of this video?! Lol, I was like I either need to get a therapist from Better Help that was advertised on her channel or just make a trip out to Yakutia this summer 🙃
best of humanity - saying thank you to all life on earth. great ppl ,great culture, great peaceful religious beliefs. Good to see you in front of the camera - finally there is a face to that clear and articulate voice. Major kudos to your people who kept the language, tradition, culture and religion of your ancestors alive for thousands of years from what i'm sure must have been many many difficult times!!! When I saw the faces, the participation, the mutual respect for all living things, the passion of connecting with your ancestors, and preserving it for next generation, Yakut people gained my major respect. Love from an Indian living in the west!
Thank you for sharing your culture & it's nice to see it alive. It's easy to see the distant relation between you & Native Americans. Your traditional dress, jewelry and facial features.
This was just plain beautiful. The ceremony welcoming and honoring the sun at the end actually made me emotional, it was just lovely. There's just so much drama and conflict on TH-cam, in everyday life, in the world, that this just made me so happy. Just so see a community working and celebrating together is just fantastic. Tha k you for sharing such a pure, beautiful culture with us❤
Hello Mongolian brother! so it is, the Yakut people are very close to the culture of the Mongolian people, from the decoration of the yurt, to the choice of the color of outerwear, everything goes according to the Mongolian traditions, among the Yakuts, everything related to blacksmithing, cattle, everything related to the yurt, farm and household parts of life, all in Mongolian. Also, the Yakut language consists of 30% Mongolian words, practically from all Turkic peoples, we have the largest layer of Mongoloisms in the language! The dance "Osuokhai" that was danced in Ysyakh also has Mongolian roots, it is related to the Buryad-Mongol round dance "Yokhor", and the Khalkha-Mongolian round dance "Toyrom Buzhig".
Turkic and Mongolian people originated from the same place - Altai region in Asia. They are very similar genetically and culturally, except for the Turks who have only retained their Turkic language, but have diverged from the original Turkic people and mixed with other nations. I don't understand Mongolian or Turkic languages, but they do sound similar when I listen to them.
@@Maia_BGif it is the case no one in this world is pure blood. Yes turks have mixed genetics because of their migration and other things but so as other turkic people who got mixed either from russia or china. So we can’t claim that turks are not turkic as they still have the same genetics as other turkic groups not 100% ofc like any other person😊
I'm from Philippines and seeing this type of culture is truly inspiring! It brings people together, fostering unity and ensuring that everyone is actively engaged in the experience. such a nice video! also "Salamat" in Tagalog (A Philippine Language) means "Thank You" :)
looking at some of these traditions I can clearly see so many details that are very similar to the uses of our indians, and that is no surprise since they migrated once from Siberia... Turk, Mongolian, Chukchi peoples are certainly our "far cousins"
Yakuts are such beautiful people I'm speechless. Your videos are much more interesting and inspiring than most modern movies. Keep up the magnificent work! With love from Iran 🤍
Не, казахи это один из ветвей узбекского народа. Для якутов братьями являются эвенки и монголы по происхождению. Да и в расовом плане якуты от вас довольно таки отличаются, ну лично я не вижу никаких внешних сходств, у меня есть друг казах, и он, мягко говоря, не похож на якута, да и географически мы от вас далеки.
@@Schmitt487тебе сколько платят?и кто они?Все эти твои провокаторские темы не проканают здесь.Мы и без тебя знаем что казахи кыргызы тувинцы алтайцы итд наши братья и у нас один предок!
This life is not just balance. Here I am complaining about the sun being too hot as a Nigerian, a country that lies on the equator while some people has even designed a festival just to welcome it. Great culture. It must be really fun, I was already catching the vibe
The sun is dangerous. In Tunisa we also had a summer that went up to 50 degrees. It's so dangerous and I can't take this extreme. We also have a lot of drought. Honestly I prefer cold temperatures. I grew up in Germany and right now I am enjoying the winter and the snow l, tye last days we had minus 2 to minus 6 degrees and it's a blessing. Of course nothing like Yakutsia thank God.
Beautiful country, beautiful people. I had the pleasure to know 3 students from Yakutsk during my studies. They're actually very warm and wholesome bunch. One of them eventually married an indoensian girl which we often joke is like heaven and earth because how far their homeland to each other yet they somehow meet and makes plenty beautiful babies
I have been reading on the Turkic peoples and its amazing how your far you can be from each other geographically but your languages and cultures are so similar.
Most well-adjusted people on Earth! Really, I’ve never believed in a utopia but this place appears to come as close as anyone might. Beautiful people, culture and stewardship of our living planet. Namaste 🙏 😊
Какой шикарный праздник. Торжество духа, силы и красоты! Kiun, тебе очень идет национальный костюм. Просто красавица. Глаз не оторвать!❤ Спасибо за такой интересный сюжет. Очень профессионально всё сделано.
C'est splendide. Vos coutumes me rappellent celles des Natives en Amérique du Nord, la danse en cercle et la prière au lever du soleil. Une immense gratitude.
I started watching your videos because, after spending four months living in Arctic Sweden, I realised that I really do love the cold. But, I have to say, this is my favourite of the videos of yours I've watched. The whole day appeals to me - the horses, the competitions, the food, the sunrise and the gorgeous and exquisitely dressed women. 🙂 I had wanted to come to see Yakutsk and to explore the area this coming winter. I hope it becomes easier soon. I will definitely try the offal soup - after 8 years of haggis in Scotland, I have acquired the taste!
Посмотрев ваш выпуск действительно понял что у нас с вами много общего. Мы вас любим ❤❤❤ с уважением Казахи ❤❤❤ Қазақ - Қассақ - қас сақ, что в переводе с қазахского означает “настояшие народы Саков”
Приезжайте в гости в Якутию... Саха многие ездят к вам а вы Казахи мало ездите к нам.... Мы с женой два раза были в Казахстане, нам за 50 лет. В Турции, в Италии, в Тайланде, во время путешествий всегда разговариваю с казахами, как с друзьями. 😅
Thank you so much Kiun. I love seeing Yakutia in summer and especially the welcoming of the sun. You look so beautiful in enjoyment and I see a lot of joy in people's faces.
This is very beautiful. So grateful for you sharing your way of life. I believe this is how most people all around the world used to live. But many of us have lost those traditions and connection with nature.
Это просто невероятно. Не помню, когда я в последний раз прослезился от просмотра видео... Ваш канал- это что-то необычное и редкое. Я не знал, что у нас в России в Якутии есть такая красота и вдохновение.
Много чего в России есть, там живыт почти 200 сотен народностей. Просто по центральному телекку не показывают. Но организуются разные фестивали на разных уровнях. ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Национальный_состав_России А ютуб позволяет простым людям быть телевизором для других.
In Sweden, we also celebrate the summer solstice day in June which we call Midsummer. Meet up with our families, eat a lot of food, playing games, dancing around an decorated may pole (mostly just silly daces haha), some wear a flower crown on their heads but the Yhakah Festival looks so much more hardcore haha. It is fun seeing another celebration of the summer solstice day!
Братцы - якуты, вы великий народ! Тысячи лет минули, а традиции свои помните и чтите по сей день. Берегите свою культуру! А то, глядишь, и наши просыпаться начнут...☺
@@KasparsKochker did he say something about Russia? he just called them brothers and even emphasized that they are a separate people, although Yakutia is part of the Russian Federation ;)
Watching these videos by you Kyun make me feel soooo nostalgic for my home and my people. I haven't been home in 7 years and I am not sure when I can go back, but I am looking forward to that day and I hope it comes soon. Thank you for showing the world how truly unique our home is
Such a beautiful culture, fantastic dresses and jewellery for women. Beautiful nature, beautiful people and animals. An independent, peace loving people who are happy and at one with the world and their environment, living off and from the land, may it last forever. 🙏🌹 Thank you for sharing your traditions and your life with us.
@@KiunB I've been binge watching your videos for the last 4 weeks now. Having said that, in my opinion, each video you post is just as captivating as the others. Your culture and traditions are something else. Just wow! Peace out!!!
@@Maia_BG Them and everyone else, in the hope that the people of Russia will rise up against their own government after being drowned in economic misery. Didn't work out the way the Anglos planned though
A lot of your culture honestly reminds me of the Mongolian Empire (and I mean this in a good way). From the outfits, to the spiritual beliefs, even your close ties with horses. I admit, I wasn't much into religion or spiritualism as a kid, but now, I honestly wish I could be a part of a deeply-spiritual culture like this.
Russia is the legal successor of Genghis Khan's empire. The creator of Russia, Ivan the Terrible was the blood grandson of Genghis Khan. And Genghis Khan was born on the territory of present-day Russia.
Yeah as a mongolian I would say their culture felt very close to me. And I have seen more videos comparing their language with other turkic languages. And some of the words were the same. When the 2 languages did not match atleast one of them were the match with mongolian word. (Not all the time) but some words would just have different meaning but the similar word. I would say their dance and clothing is also similar. Specially with buriad mongol ppl.
I love and have cared for many horses over the years, so it was a little hard to think of them as anything but a 'pet' for a moment, so I love how you explained how much horses mean to you and your culture as well, and a completely different way of living and thinking than I had ever thought about. Thank you for continuing to educate and share your culture and life with the rest of us
You are right- it is hard to think of horses differently than how we were raised to think of them. Kiun, the way you explained how important horses are to your people was beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you Kiun B, for sharing your love of Mother Nature 🤗 and the Sun 🌞 Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰 I'm 2001 and 2002 I was in Kyrgyzstan, and I loved every minute of my 2 years there. And I miss the beautiful country and the horse rides in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan🙌
Якуты, крепкие ребята и женщины красивые... Wow! From Los Angeles, beautiful Southern California with love ♥️ I will definitely visit Omyakon next time I come to Russia!
So beautiful.. so much respect for your traditions and nature. It seems to me that the coldest place on earth has some of warmest people. I hope to visit one day.
What a wonderful celebration and such a rich culture! Many lessons for the rest of us to be learned from a people who come together and care for one another as well as celebrating the environment they live in. And I must say, Kuin B, you are absolutely beautiful in your traditional dress!
Thank you for the prayers sister. When we have our ceremonies, I’ll be thinking and praying for your people too. ❤ I hope your people are able to avoid the war. I know around the world, indigenous people are subjected to actions that goes against our religions and customs. Stay healthy sister!
What have I learned from watching this video? That Shared spiritual well-being provides a common ground for understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. Thank you for this. This video made my day.
Your videos are so inspiring. I am now obsessed with watching all your videos and learning more about your way of life and culture. You are such a great ambassador for your people. Hello from Australia
Such a beautiful culture, truly in tune with its own surroundings, and such a respect for nature and mother earth. Ive just purchsed one of the beautiful traditional rings, im excited to have a little piece of your wonderful way of life to treasure
Given the current circumstances, it would be so easy to ignorantly hate Russia as a whole during these times. But it's impossible when you watch these videos and realize that the country is full of beauty, culture and amazing people. Since I started watching your videos it has been on my bucket list to visit Yakutia at least once in my life. I hope I will get the chance after all this is over. This festival is one of the nicest things I've ever seen, thanks to you Kiun.
@@rakanishu531 Yakutia is Russia. Look at the map. Look at any map. They may have a different culture, but they live in Russia, in the Russian state- They are close to Russians and the other ethnicities in Russia every day. There is no big wall.
@@rakanishu531 apakah kau manusia berotak keledai, Yakutia adalah bagian dari Rusia bukankah anda punya Google maps untuk melihatnya, Rusia dan dan Indonesia punya kesamaan di mana banyak suku, etnis, budaya, dan tradisi yg berbeda tetapi berada dalam satu negara yg sama, Yakutia selamanya akan tetap menjadi bagian dari Rusia, dan berhentilah mencemooh negara lain dan urus saja negaramu sendiri
Melihat keadaan saat ini akan mudah membenci Rusia ?, jika anda datang ke Indonesia maka anda akan tahu betapa banyak orang di sini yg mencintai Rusia hanya segelintir yg mendukung Amerika karna kami tahu siapa penjajah yg sebenarnya
I was thinking, respectfully, how amazing her English is, that she lives thousands of miles away, so that I, a Brit, can understand her is truly a blessing 🩵 language has amazing possibilities to bridge gaps between cultures, and to help understandings, I’m learning Welsh, Polish and Russian (very slowly!) 💛
Thank you for you wonderful posts. I would have never heard of your Historic people and culture without you mini documentaries. This festival looks so great!! I also enjoyed your videos of the help you provided the man who lived alone in the forest to make his life just a little bit better. Keep up the great work.
Reminds me of a verse from a song where I live. Little cottage near a big lake The sun is shining it would be a shame to waste Warm days won't last They come and go fast Bonfire in the moonlight With people I've known all of my life That's where I belong I'm a northern girl wild and free I've got four strong winds to carry me. I've been east and west and all around the world But I'll always be a northern girl
Блин, мне так нравится ваша культура и самобытность) Вот так вот смотришь, и если бы не ваш лёгкий акцент и иногда проскакивающие русские слова, то вообще не было бы понятно, что это Россия. Как будто бы действительно отдельная какая-то страна Якутия
@@dimitarneov667they just showed you that they have their own culture and no one is talking it away from them. Do you want to rewatch the video to make sure you catch everything?
OMG, it is such an amazing festival and your cultural. This festival now in my bucket list. I really love the part that everyone raise their hands for the sun at 3am. It is so beautiful.
#ad If you’re struggling, consider therapy with our sponsor BetterHelp. Click betterhelp.com/kiunb for a 10% discount on your first month of therapy with a licensed professional specific to your needs! 🌿
White Europeans are not allowed to celebrate there culture because of discrimination, hate and racism towards our people :(
I hope the scourge of online social media influencers never find their way to your festival. They've proven to be disrespectful, demanding and trashy everywhere they go.
I have an honest question. I only see men and women born as men and women represented in your culture. Do you have men and women who think they're the other sex and dress and act like the other sex? Thank you for your answer in advance.
Hi, I want to know more about Khapsagai wrestling, can you do a video about Khapsagai wrestling ? thank you
These are just about the only people in the world who will be able to survive the next ice age. Serious respect
Sen hangi dünyada yaşıyon? Bunlar şaman sibir Türkleri tarih bilgin yoksa biraz tarih öğren cahil kalma.
Nah, others like me who have prepped will survive. But yeah, most of the populations of every nation will die off because they never prepared themselves for such a scenario. Me, my family, and my community will be okay, though!👍🙃
@@Lovell93 Where are you from?
And these same people happen to have the highest amount of nuclear war-heads in the world ... if sh!t goes south, they will be completely safe
@@Lovell93 oh. shut up, weirdo. You not special, just weird.
Idk why this video made me kinda emotional. I love how happy your community seems celebrating the festival together. What a beautiful tradition.
You felt beauty and gratitude that you were experiencing visually. :)
It made me kinda emotional as well I’m not sure why either
I felt the same watching the video.
Video made me cry
probably because they are beautiful people in a wonderful community. Its not like this in my home country. (US)
The biggest mistake humanity made was believing they know better/are further devolved than the native cultures. There's no point in evolving further after having found a way to live with nature and not against it. I am so grateful there are still people on this earth keeping their cultural heritage alive. Thank you Kiun for sharing this knowledge with all of us. It is beautiful.
Beauty of Russian federation
Seems that just about everything they are using to celebrate their new year are western inventions…including the braces the mother was wearing
Ad astra...
The biggest mistake white people made*
Kiun, you are a true pioneer and an exceptional cultural ambassador for the Yakutian people. Your work documenting and sharing life in Yakutia with the world is a priceless contribution to preserving and promoting this people's unique cultural heritage. You have skillfully used your platform to show people Yakutia's beauty, resilience, and cultural richness around the globe.
Your previous videos, and this one about the Yhyakh Festival, are the perfect examples of how you present the complexity and richness of your people's traditions. With a deep sense of joy, I traversed the fascinating landscape of the Yhyakh Festival, a true kaleidoscope of captivating traditions and events that open your way to a universe full of beauty and skill. I let my soul be illuminated by the hope that the "Aal Luuk Mas" prayer ritual brings a beacon of light in the night like a guiding star spreading the promise of a prosperous future.
I bowed to the spectacle of courage and strength revealed by the "khapsagai" competitions, where each fighter is a sculptor of victory, their fluid movements reminding me of the resilience of a tree standing proud in the face of a storm. I was charmed by the spectacle offered by the "tyusyur" horse races, where the skill and speed of the riders seem to dance with the wind in a wave of bravura and competitive spirit that rivals the lightning on a summer night.
And, of course, let's not forget the "ohuokhai" dance, a vibrant celebration of unity and equality. This circle dance is reminiscent of other similar ceremonies around the world, such as the Sufi "sema" dance practised by whirling dervishes, which aims to transmit divine energy from God to people, or the traditional "hora" dance from Romania and Israel, where the celebration is an ode to joy, a celebration within a festival or a party. These dances, similar in different cultures of the world, have their roots in a transcendental depth that touches the human essence and universal communion, the unity and cycle of life, and "ohuokhai", like them, brings people together and helps them feel connected to nature, to their fellow human beings and to the universal spirit.
In the end, I realized with a sense of humility that the Yhyakh Festival is a symphony of life, where each event is a precious note that makes up the harmonious melody of unity and beauty of the Yakutian culture. With each step, I increasingly enjoyed this unique journey and felt privileged to witness this vibrant spectacle of tradition and community.
By sharing these moments with the world, Kiun, you not only bring minority cultures to light but also show the unity in diversity of humanity. Your work to preserve and promote Yakutian culture is commendable, and we thank you for offering us such valuable insight into this unique world.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Nibriell, really appreciate it 🙏🏻
@@KiunB 🙏🏻🤍
@@erichtran8717that’s like forcing Scottish people to identify as British simply because its part of the UK
@@erichtran8717 This is her channel, her culture and she does as she pleases. She has her reasons and you are free to explore other channels that focus on Russia.
Wow, this is probably the best and most heartwarming comment I've ever read on this app. The way you paint pictures with words is breathtaking! You're very talented🌟 I hope Kiun continues to inspire people this deeply with her work. This video really radiated happiness and light. I'm so glad I found Kiun's channel and I'm wishing her nothing but the best💖✨
Я ученица 9го класса из Санкт-Петербурга и ни мне, ни моим сверстникам, друзьям и знакомым никто и никогда не рассказывал про культуры народов, которые проживают у меня в стране. И это просто ужасно грустно… Я не хочу в тысячный раз писать об остальных проблемах Российской Федерации, но, правда, я бы очень хотела, чтобы в школах рассказывали об этих интересных и уникальных культурах, о которых большинство даже не подозревает. Огромное спасибо вам за это видео и за ваш канал, вы делаете большое дело
Молодец так держать я за тебя главное не унывай жизнь впереди
Многое в школе рассказывают не углубленно, но ведь и времени не так много. Подключайте ваш кругозор! Слишком много гаджетов ведёт к тому, что вот так дожив до 10 класса не знаете народности России, что реально печально...Удачи вам и добра!
Если интересно, то проявите инициативу, именно учащиеся, устройте день или неделю культуры русских народов. Нам учителя всегда шли навстречу и поддерживали мероприятия такого рода. Подготовьте доклады, костюмы, ролики, что душа пожелает, выбор и способ подачи материала широчайший. Ну если лень всем этим заниматься, то можно сходить на экскурсию в Российский этнографический музей, сам из Питера и был там не один раз.
@@Ovenru мы не зоопарк
Тогда в школе придётся добавить новый предмет про более 190 культур РФ
To see a people and a culture not spoiled by the ways of this world is priceless . My heart is so overwhelmed with gladness right now .
How fascinating that the songs and dances are so similar to those performed by native Americans on the other side of the world.
Right I was thinking that
I noticed that too. Native American ancestry was from there
@@nolawalter6273 And it hasn't changed in thousands of years?
Siberian Mingolians, Korean ,
Native Americans are from the same ancestors
Only we Korean can translates Native American languages
Most Native American language are Old form of Korean language
@@kevindevaojoo8882 No you guys can’t translate Native American languages and no Native American language does not come from Korean.
Their festival indicates how their culture and nature are deeply intertwined, and I can understand how old their culture is
From Altai to Yakutia Ancient Turkic people and languages are everywhere❤
Толкова съм очарована от вашия живот, красота ,природа, усмихнати и щастливи хора. Видях как живеете -възхитена съм. Аз съм от България и моята родина, също е много красива и имаме ритуал на Слънцето на Бялото братство. Хората се обличат в бели дрехи, като вас и танцуват в кръг, като вас. Благодаря за възможността да видя спокойния ви и истински природен живот.🤗☺❤
Hello Kiun! I love this so much! I'm Canadian and Indigenous to North America. I am Cree and Mohawk. I want to point out the similarities between Native American and Siberian/Yakutsk culture! It's so amazing to see how in my culture, we also have a similar dance called the "Round Dance" where we all dance in a circle at a Powwow! Love the traditional clothing too! We also hold sacred to the summer months because it is also very harsh in Northern Canada during the winter. Can't wait to see more!
Summer solstice is also celebrated in various European cultures, and Sakha are Turkic. Even though similar doesn’t mean the same all 1 nation and indigenous peoples of America once migrated from Siberia. You should check out the indigenous Sámi people of Scandinavia northern Europe. They too migrated from Siberia during the last Ice Age and are distant related to you, tho “white”. Blonde hair actually originated in Siberia and was brought to Europe by the Proto Fins, their ancestors.
@@kilipaki87oritahiti The Saami, and indeed all the Finno-Ugric peoples, cannot be related to the Indians of both Americas! since the Finno-Ugric peoples have the main haplogroup N, and the Indians have the haplogroup Q, haplogroup N was not found in America, except for the Eskimos, who came there very late times. When haplogroup N appeared and still lived in China, having reached a maximum from Yunnan province to Northern China, the owners of haplogroup Q were already passing through the Bering Strait connected to the mainland from Siberia to America! and by the time haplogroup N left China, the passer through the Bering Strait had already been closed, so the owners of haplogroup N went north and towards the Ural mountains, and so on until Scandinavia itself.
Very interesting! Thank you for your insight. A good majority of my European ancestry is from Finland and Sweden from my mothers side! I knew of the Saami, but had no idea they were of a different haplogroup! I'm ethnically Metis, but I am classified as Status Indigenous person. In a way, we are all connected regardless of where we are now which I find beautiful!@@kilipaki87oritahiti
Thank you from Yakutia❤
Native Americans and Native Siberians are cousins
I love this culture so much. The food and the outfits and the land and the buildings are all so beautiful.
Thank you so much!
I do too.
این فرهنگ از شما غربی های مهاجم دور بوده و سالم و سلامت مانده
@@parhamkhalaj-eu2pj cry more.😅
@@parhamkhalaj-eu2pjand from eastern too 😉
The festival reminds me of several Native American and Canadian festivals I've seen but it is even more elaborate. Very beautiful and inspiring
В древние времена, через Берингов пролив, часть людей из племен откололись и отправились в освоение Новых земель, пока они осматривали новые места, дорога ушла под воду и путешественники остались на Новой земле, их стали звать коренными американцами - Индейцами, еще спустя много лет русские путешественники вместе с несколькими представителями племен Сибири, отправились на Новую землю, к тому времени у индейцев еще сохранялись язык и культура предков, потому наши люди и индейцы могли разговаривать и понимать друг друга (это от рассказов дедушек и бабушек)
Native Americans are from Russia and the Philippines. America is Israel and they stole our land.
@@DurachokpchihIt's not a new land it's Israel! God did not misplace his land.
If it is not you and your videos, I would never know how Yakut people are rich in culture, nature, resilience and peace!
Kiun, you're a brilliant cultural ambassador. This random guy from the southern Poland knows that much more about the Sakha people thanks to you! Especially the jewellery is simply breathtaking.
I would like to visit Yakutia and meet Sakha people, whenever they can choose their own leader, not named Putin
@@uriengill maka anda tidak perlu mengunjunginya karna sakha selamanya akan berada di dalam Rusia dasar orang bodoh urus saja negaramu sendiri
@@uriengillthey are 400 000 population. In a 150 mio country. At this rate you’ll never visit them
@@uriengill leave your dumb political views and biases at the door and explore Yakutia, and the rest of the world too. It'll do you some good.
@@uriengillPutin does not prevent them from living, he supports the national culture of each republic ..... Tatars, Bashkirs, Buryats, Chechens, Yakuts and many other nationalities live in peace, live well, what else do people need and you keep your political views... Smile, relax and travel, by the way, we recently returned from a tour of Vietnam and Thailand, met with a lot of Yakuts who travel, apparently they do not live badly.
I was rooting for Slava to win the competition just as much as if I was watching a Rocky movie. That was awesome!
Наьаа учугэй выпуск, Куннэй! ☀️ Культурабытынан аан дойдуну кытары уллэстэргэр махтал!
What I like the most is your communion with nature. Only communities that live in extreme conditions know how to keep this bond of respect.Never change your way of life because it is beautiful..
Thank you for the cool images !
Native Americans migrated to America from Russia's Siberia 15 thousands years ago. That's why they're similar.
They aren't native if they migrated from Russia. And some of them are just Filipinos. It was our people the Israelites that they massacred and it was our land that they stole. And still lying about all these years.
7:50 the Yakutia Pinwheel is the craziest test of agility/flexibility I have ever seen. Man these people are in good shape and probably all super healthy.
The core strength, grip, leg, and arm strength must be through the roof to do that 70 times 😧 😮
A Culture that Connects with Nature is a Beautiful Culture.
I am of Native Mexican descent, people of Yakutia are definitely our cousins ❤.
Уруй айхал Сахалар! Вы прекрасны, салем из Казахстана.
at 16:45 to 17:06, I actually cried tears of joy. To raise hands to capture the sun's energy after long winters, is absolutely beautiful. Ugh, my heart skipped a beat at this beautiful ceremony🥰
Ok good so I wasn't the only one who started crying at the end of this video?! Lol, I was like I either need to get a therapist from Better Help that was advertised on her channel or just make a trip out to Yakutia this summer 🙃
best of humanity - saying thank you to all life on earth. great ppl ,great culture, great peaceful religious beliefs. Good to see you in front of the camera - finally there is a face to that clear and articulate voice. Major kudos to your people who kept the language, tradition, culture and religion of your ancestors alive for thousands of years from what i'm sure must have been many many difficult times!!! When I saw the faces, the participation, the mutual respect for all living things, the passion of connecting with your ancestors, and preserving it for next generation, Yakut people gained my major respect. Love from an Indian living in the west!
Thank you for sharing your culture & it's nice to see it alive. It's easy to see the distant relation between you & Native Americans. Your traditional dress, jewelry and facial features.
This was just plain beautiful. The ceremony welcoming and honoring the sun at the end actually made me emotional, it was just lovely. There's just so much drama and conflict on TH-cam, in everyday life, in the world, that this just made me so happy. Just so see a community working and celebrating together is just fantastic. Tha k you for sharing such a pure, beautiful culture with us❤
I would love to be financially able to visit every place on earth, explore the cultures and food. This place would definitely be on the list.
Спасибо Күннэй, что показываешь нашу культуру и традиции всему миру! Уруй Айхал!
I’m from. Mongolia but I’m living in USA. Yakutian people look’s just like Mongolian people!!!! Love you guys!
Hello Mongolian brother! so it is, the Yakut people are very close to the culture of the Mongolian people, from the decoration of the yurt, to the choice of the color of outerwear, everything goes according to the Mongolian traditions, among the Yakuts, everything related to blacksmithing, cattle, everything related to the yurt, farm and household parts of life, all in Mongolian.
Also, the Yakut language consists of 30% Mongolian words, practically from all Turkic peoples, we have the largest layer of Mongoloisms in the language!
The dance "Osuokhai" that was danced in Ysyakh also has Mongolian roots, it is related to the Buryad-Mongol round dance "Yokhor", and the Khalkha-Mongolian round dance "Toyrom Buzhig".
Turkic and Mongolian people originated from the same place - Altai region in Asia. They are very similar genetically and culturally, except for the Turks who have only retained their Turkic language, but have diverged from the original Turkic people and mixed with other nations. I don't understand Mongolian or Turkic languages, but they do sound similar when I listen to them.
As a Turkish brother of Turkey, you have interpreted the words I wanted to hear, thank you.
@@Maia_BGif it is the case no one in this world is pure blood. Yes turks have mixed genetics because of their migration and other things but so as other turkic people who got mixed either from russia or china. So we can’t claim that turks are not turkic as they still have the same genetics as other turkic groups not 100% ofc like any other person😊
@@makssakha8092 Moğolların kültürü Türk kültürüdür moğollardan Türklere çok az kültür gelmiştir, o yüzden Türk kültürüne Moğol demekten vazgeçin.
You and The cameraman did an amazing job to capture everything that was beautiful about yakutia.
I'm from Philippines and seeing this type of culture is truly inspiring! It brings people together, fostering unity and ensuring that everyone is actively engaged in the experience.
such a nice video! also "Salamat" in Tagalog (A Philippine Language) means "Thank You" :)
looking at some of these traditions I can clearly see so many details that are very similar to the uses of our indians, and that is no surprise since they migrated once from Siberia... Turk, Mongolian, Chukchi peoples are certainly our "far cousins"
Yakuts are such beautiful people I'm speechless. Your videos are much more interesting and inspiring than most modern movies. Keep up the magnificent work! With love from Iran 🤍
Культура жива значит народ жив! История - отец народа , Язык - мать народа ! Привет от братьев казахов!
Не, казахи это один из ветвей узбекского народа. Для якутов братьями являются эвенки и монголы по происхождению. Да и в расовом плане якуты от вас довольно таки отличаются, ну лично я не вижу никаких внешних сходств, у меня есть друг казах, и он, мягко говоря, не похож на якута, да и географически мы от вас далеки.
@@Schmitt487 вы вероятно не разбираетесь в тюркоязычных народах, Саха и Казахи несомненно братские народы, мира Вам
@@Schmitt487тебе сколько платят?и кто они?Все эти твои провокаторские темы не проканают здесь.Мы и без тебя знаем что казахи кыргызы тувинцы алтайцы итд наши братья и у нас один предок!
This life is not just balance. Here I am complaining about the sun being too hot as a Nigerian, a country that lies on the equator while some people has even designed a festival just to welcome it. Great culture. It must be really fun, I was already catching the vibe
The sun is dangerous. In Tunisa we also had a summer that went up to 50 degrees. It's so dangerous and I can't take this extreme. We also have a lot of drought. Honestly I prefer cold temperatures. I grew up in Germany and right now I am enjoying the winter and the snow l, tye last days we had minus 2 to minus 6 degrees and it's a blessing. Of course nothing like Yakutsia thank God.
Beautiful country, beautiful people. I had the pleasure to know 3 students from Yakutsk during my studies. They're actually very warm and wholesome bunch. One of them eventually married an indoensian girl which we often joke is like heaven and earth because how far their homeland to each other yet they somehow meet and makes plenty beautiful babies
What a pleasant sight. Also, very festive. :) Hope you enjoyed your festival so much. Love from the Philippines. 🇵🇭🇵🇭
Thank you xx
@@KiunBhi your so pretty
Yakutia is fantastic ! Greetings to Sakha people from your relatives in Turkey.
I have been reading on the Turkic peoples and its amazing how your far you can be from each other geographically but your languages and cultures are so similar.
@@Azulakayes Турция давно забыла о своей культуре.
Yes. From VEEEEERY OLD AND DISTANT relatives. 😅
Most well-adjusted people on Earth!
Really, I’ve never believed in a utopia but this place appears to come as close as anyone might. Beautiful people, culture and stewardship of our living planet. Namaste 🙏 😊
Первый раз вижу вас в качестве ведущей, а не голоса за кадром, и хочу сказать, что вы такая потрясающе красивая!!!
Спасибо большое вам KiunB за такое прекрасное видео,и отдельное благодарность оператором за то,что передали нам атмосферу фестиваля!
What a beautiful culture and tradition. May they last for many many generations to come.
Какой шикарный праздник. Торжество духа, силы и красоты! Kiun, тебе очень идет национальный костюм. Просто красавица. Глаз не оторвать!❤ Спасибо за такой интересный сюжет. Очень профессионально всё сделано.
Wow the yakut pinwheel gotta be the ultimate shoulder exercise
C'est splendide. Vos coutumes me rappellent celles des Natives en Amérique du Nord, la danse en cercle et la prière au lever du soleil. Une immense gratitude.
Amazing culture
I’m from Russia and I never knew about such big and beautiful celebration in Yakutia
Приезжайте, только гостиницы на ысыах бронировать надо сильно заранее)
축제 멋지네요 나중에는 꼭 직접 보고 참여하고 싶어집니다.
Обожаю якутские украшения, серебряные похожи на эльфийские украшения из Властелина колец❤❤❤
I started watching your videos because, after spending four months living in Arctic Sweden, I realised that I really do love the cold. But, I have to say, this is my favourite of the videos of yours I've watched. The whole day appeals to me - the horses, the competitions, the food, the sunrise and the gorgeous and exquisitely dressed women. 🙂 I had wanted to come to see Yakutsk and to explore the area this coming winter. I hope it becomes easier soon. I will definitely try the offal soup - after 8 years of haggis in Scotland, I have acquired the taste!
Посмотрев ваш выпуск действительно понял что у нас с вами много общего. Мы вас любим ❤❤❤ с уважением Казахи ❤❤❤
Қазақ - Қассақ - қас сақ, что в переводе с қазахского означает “настояшие народы Саков”
мы вас тоже ❤ казахи потрясающий народ, очень хочется увидеть вашу природу!
Приезжайте в гости в Якутию...
Саха многие ездят к вам а вы Казахи мало ездите к нам....
Мы с женой два раза были в Казахстане, нам за 50 лет.
В Турции, в Италии, в Тайланде, во время путешествий всегда разговариваю с казахами, как с друзьями. 😅
Yakut’s what a unique culture, WOW, love them.
Thank you so much Kiun. I love seeing Yakutia in summer and especially the welcoming of the sun. You look so beautiful in enjoyment and I see a lot of joy in people's faces.
Thank you so much!
This is very beautiful. So grateful for you sharing your way of life. I believe this is how most people all around the world used to live. But many of us have lost those traditions and connection with nature.
Absolutely Beautiful. Powerful. I love how you all honor the land. Thank you for sharing these moments with us.
حب شعب ياقوتيا شعب مجتهد ورائع متابعك من العراق أستمري بل توفيق ❤❤🇮🇶🇷🇺❤❤
I like the culture, nature and even the festival. It is celebrated in a grand way. Love from INDIA❤
Это просто невероятно. Не помню, когда я в последний раз прослезился от просмотра видео... Ваш канал- это что-то необычное и редкое. Я не знал, что у нас в России в Якутии есть такая красота и вдохновение.
Много чего в России есть, там живыт почти 200 сотен народностей. Просто по центральному телекку не показывают. Но организуются разные фестивали на разных уровнях. ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Национальный_состав_России А ютуб позволяет простым людям быть телевизором для других.
Да. А еще знай что это тюркский народ, а не просто как индейцы или тунгусы. Очень давние тюрки с малым элементом еще и давних монголов.
I am pleased to see where the traditional Inuit women's headress derived from and is still in use at traditional events today. Hello from Canada 🇨🇦
In Sweden, we also celebrate the summer solstice day in June which we call Midsummer. Meet up with our families, eat a lot of food, playing games, dancing around an decorated may pole (mostly just silly daces haha), some wear a flower crown on their heads but the Yhakah Festival looks so much more hardcore haha. It is fun seeing another celebration of the summer solstice day!
nobody care your ikea culture
@@efeegemen7979 I do
that's awesome hope you are enjoying
@@efeegemen7979no one cares abt the Turkish ice cream ass food culture
@@efeegemen7979why so hostile? Just relax
Братцы - якуты, вы великий народ! Тысячи лет минули, а традиции свои помните и чтите по сей день. Берегите свою культуру!
А то, глядишь, и наши просыпаться начнут...☺
Так-так, но их мало, где-то миллион, и с временем растворяться. СМИ способствуют
@@dimitarneov667и война, уже многие молодые парни погибли, будущее нашего народа(((
@@KasparsKochkerYakutia is in Russia
@@KasparsKochker did he say something about Russia? he just called them brothers and even emphasized that they are a separate people, although Yakutia is part of the Russian Federation ;)
Салем Сахалар из Казахстана. смотрю ваши видео, и думаю как мы похожи. красивые традиций и красивый народ.
Watching these videos by you Kyun make me feel soooo nostalgic for my home and my people. I haven't been home in 7 years and I am not sure when I can go back, but I am looking forward to that day and I hope it comes soon. Thank you for showing the world how truly unique our home is
everyone is so pretty in yakutia!
I thought the same😂
Their skin is youthful. Or is it just my imagination?
A festival of gratitude.
Such a beautiful culture, fantastic dresses and jewellery for women. Beautiful nature, beautiful people and animals. An independent, peace loving people who are happy and at one with the world and their environment, living off and from the land, may it last forever. 🙏🌹
Thank you for sharing your traditions and your life with us.
Thank you 🫶🏼
I've been binge watching your videos for the last 4 weeks now.
Having said that, in my opinion, each video you post is just as captivating as the others.
Your culture and traditions are something else.
Just wow!
Peace out!!!
And yet EU and USA have imposed sanctions on them with the purpose to make these beautiful people suffer.
@@Maia_BG Them and everyone else, in the hope that the people of Russia will rise up against their own government after being drowned in economic misery. Didn't work out the way the Anglos planned though
Плевали мы на эти санкции , Россия наш дом , привет вам из Якутска, не стоит злить наш народ ес и сша @@Maia_BG
For some reason the aerial shots beginning at 1:10 touched me, and tears were not far away. Love from Colorado, USA❤
A lot of your culture honestly reminds me of the Mongolian Empire (and I mean this in a good way). From the outfits, to the spiritual beliefs, even your close ties with horses. I admit, I wasn't much into religion or spiritualism as a kid, but now, I honestly wish I could be a part of a deeply-spiritual culture like this.
Russia is the legal successor of Genghis Khan's empire. The creator of Russia, Ivan the Terrible was the blood grandson of Genghis Khan. And Genghis Khan was born on the territory of present-day Russia.
Yeah as a mongolian I would say their culture felt very close to me. And I have seen more videos comparing their language with other turkic languages. And some of the words were the same. When the 2 languages did not match atleast one of them were the match with mongolian word. (Not all the time) but some words would just have different meaning but the similar word. I would say their dance and clothing is also similar. Specially with buriad mongol ppl.
In fact, one-third of the Sakha language consists of Mongolian words.
@@NatalieVasilyev Cool. Did not know that.☺
One of our ancestors was a Buryat-Mongol.
Hi im a Native american from puyallup tribe, Washington state , greetings !
I am Darkhad Mongol. Greetings to you from the nomads of the Eastern Steppe.
hello 👋 fellow Washingtonian! from kent wa
@@kagar3465 🙏🏻🫂
@@ricku8121 🙏🏻🫂
@@kagar3465 🫂
Oh my goodness that jewellery is the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen
Kiun looked so beautiful in your traditional dress!!😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
You have such a vast space, beautiful heritage, culture - gorgeous land. Beautiful representative of Yakutia.
Wow .. what an amazing festival & celebration .. thank you for sharing & many blessings from England 🙏 🏴
Thank you ❤
@@KiunB - you’re very welcome 🙏
Love how the traditions are strong in the community ❤
I love and have cared for many horses over the years, so it was a little hard to think of them as anything but a 'pet' for a moment, so I love how you explained how much horses mean to you and your culture as well, and a completely different way of living and thinking than I had ever thought about. Thank you for continuing to educate and share your culture and life with the rest of us
You are right- it is hard to think of horses differently than how we were raised to think of them. Kiun, the way you explained how important horses are to your people was beautiful. Thank you.
Thank you Kiun B, for sharing your love of Mother Nature 🤗 and the Sun 🌞
Greetings from Denmark 🇩🇰
I'm 2001 and 2002 I was in Kyrgyzstan, and I loved every minute of my 2 years there. And I miss the beautiful country and the horse rides in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan🙌
Thank you 🙏
Ысыах и наш татарский Сабантуй так похожи ☺️ все очень красиво и душевно! Ты красотка ❤️
тюрки же, и татары, и якуты
А мне как Саха интересно «Сабантуй» это два слова? Типо Сабан и Туй. У нас есть слово Той, который означает «Праздник».
@@Uran_KH-98Я из Азербайджана. Слово "той" в нашем языке означает "свадьба".
@@arzumammadlie6388 Воу 😅
73 hand spins 👍
Land of great warriors beautiful women and delicious food
Якуты, крепкие ребята и женщины красивые... Wow! From Los Angeles, beautiful Southern California with love ♥️ I will definitely visit Omyakon next time I come to Russia!
So beautiful.. so much respect for your traditions and nature.
It seems to me that the coldest place on earth has some of warmest people. I hope to visit one day.
What a wonderful celebration and such a rich culture! Many lessons for the rest of us to be learned from a people who come together and care for one another as well as celebrating the environment they live in. And I must say, Kuin B, you are absolutely beautiful in your traditional dress!
Thank you so much 😊
Love the Yakutian Tradition, O wish I can visit your place❤ Love from the Philippines.
Beautiful. I hope these videos encourage others to uphold and love their own cultures.
its really interesting to see that there is a lot of ressemblance in tradition between the people of Yakutsk and people from First Nation in canada
your culture is pure survival and beautiful at the same time!!! amazing!!!
Thank you for the prayers sister. When we have our ceremonies, I’ll be thinking and praying for your people too. ❤
I hope your people are able to avoid the war. I know around the world, indigenous people are subjected to actions that goes against our religions and customs.
Stay healthy sister!
Loved watching this! Also very similar to the native cultures of North America which originally migrated from Siberia
What a beautiful culture. How cool that it’s been preserved through time
What have I learned from watching this video? That Shared spiritual well-being provides a common ground for understanding, empathy, and mutual respect. Thank you for this. This video made my day.
Your videos are so inspiring. I am now obsessed with watching all your videos and learning more about your way of life and culture. You are such a great ambassador for your people. Hello from Australia
Such a beautiful culture, truly in tune with its own surroundings, and such a respect for nature and mother earth. Ive just purchsed one of the beautiful traditional rings, im excited to have a little piece of your wonderful way of life to treasure
Given the current circumstances, it would be so easy to ignorantly hate Russia as a whole during these times. But it's impossible when you watch these videos and realize that the country is full of beauty, culture and amazing people. Since I started watching your videos it has been on my bucket list to visit Yakutia at least once in my life. I hope I will get the chance after all this is over. This festival is one of the nicest things I've ever seen, thanks to you Kiun.
Can’t hate Russia at all. Bless Putin, bless Russians and all other ethnicities living in Russia!
Yakutia never was, and never will be russia as long it holds unique independent culture and meaning of life and its beauty.
@@rakanishu531 Yakutia is Russia. Look at the map. Look at any map. They may have a different culture, but they live in Russia, in the Russian state- They are close to Russians and the other ethnicities in Russia every day. There is no big wall.
@@rakanishu531 apakah kau manusia berotak keledai, Yakutia adalah bagian dari Rusia bukankah anda punya Google maps untuk melihatnya, Rusia dan dan Indonesia punya kesamaan di mana banyak suku, etnis, budaya, dan tradisi yg berbeda tetapi berada dalam satu negara yg sama, Yakutia selamanya akan tetap menjadi bagian dari Rusia, dan berhentilah mencemooh negara lain dan urus saja negaramu sendiri
Melihat keadaan saat ini akan mudah membenci Rusia ?, jika anda datang ke Indonesia maka anda akan tahu betapa banyak orang di sini yg mencintai Rusia hanya segelintir yg mendukung Amerika karna kami tahu siapa penjajah yg sebenarnya
Спасибо Киун В , мы очень ждали ваш новый выпуск, привет из Братского народа Казахстан.❤❤❤
Ну раз вы из Казахстана, то могли бы понять, что она в своем никнейме подразумевала не «Киун», а «Күн»(Солнце). 😅
@ а дааа Солнце, КҮИН, КҮН. Тогда все верно логично 😄👍 я почему-то думал что это она от английского queen
Kiun B, a lovely, precious Yakutia princess, speaks Yakut, Russian, and excellent English. 💕☮🌎🌌
And Chinese
I was thinking, respectfully, how amazing her English is, that she lives thousands of miles away, so that I, a Brit, can understand her is truly a blessing 🩵 language has amazing possibilities to bridge gaps between cultures, and to help understandings, I’m learning Welsh, Polish and Russian (very slowly!) 💛
@@emmaplover Cool! 👏
I really like your culture and tradition.. Wish I was born there... Love from Northeast Indian🇮🇳
Thank you for you wonderful posts. I would have never heard of your Historic people and culture without you mini documentaries. This festival looks so great!! I also enjoyed your videos of the help you provided the man who lived alone in the forest to make his life just a little bit better. Keep up the great work.
Reminds me of a verse from a song where I live.
Little cottage near a big lake
The sun is shining it would be a shame to waste
Warm days won't last
They come and go fast
Bonfire in the moonlight
With people I've known all of my life
That's where I belong
I'm a northern girl wild and free
I've got four strong winds to carry me.
I've been east and west and all around the world
But I'll always be a northern girl
Блин, мне так нравится ваша культура и самобытность) Вот так вот смотришь, и если бы не ваш лёгкий акцент и иногда проскакивающие русские слова, то вообще не было бы понятно, что это Россия. Как будто бы действительно отдельная какая-то страна Якутия
Surely russia had done a lot of good things to develop yakutia, but it should let it go own way culturally
@ dimitarneov667
Russia is a Federation, so yes, you can have your own culture.
Colony of Russia. These people colonized China for 300 years and they are colonized by Russia for 300 yrs.
@@dimitarneov667they just showed you that they have their own culture and no one is talking it away from them. Do you want to rewatch the video to make sure you catch everything?
OMG, it is such an amazing festival and your cultural. This festival now in my bucket list. I really love the part that everyone raise their hands for the sun at 3am. It is so beautiful.
This is NOT a festival.