@李之作 Sorry, what's your name? Are you Chinese? Or Japanese? Well, I don't want to keep bothering you, a hug. Ah, I am from Spain, Europa, and my name is Tato, another hug.
@李之作 Malay, but Chinese? Wow, I don't get it. Well, now yes, you are Malaysian. Well, it is the first time in my life that I speak with a Malaysian. It is a pride, friend, yes, a pride and a privilege. Thank you for answering me. And you also tell me your name is Lee. Well greetings, Lee, I am Tato for everyone, although my real name is Francisco. Well, Lee, it has been a pleasure, I am not entertaining you anymore, a hug.
@李之作 Okay, so we're both the same. Well, what do you want to talk about? Because I don't know how to start this conversation. I hope you do. Do you have any questions? Because I have several, my Malaysian friend. For example, how old are you and if you live in the country or in the city. A hug.
我喜欢他们的声音,他们很可爱 😍❤️
Can somebody explain me how is the SNH48 teather? Ay, it is sad understand nothing...
@李之作 Thank you, friend.
@李之作 Sorry, what's your name? Are you Chinese? Or Japanese? Well, I don't want to keep bothering you, a hug. Ah, I am from Spain, Europa, and my name is Tato, another hug.
@李之作 Malay, but Chinese? Wow, I don't get it. Well, now yes, you are Malaysian. Well, it is the first time in my life that I speak with a Malaysian. It is a pride, friend, yes, a pride and a privilege. Thank you for answering me. And you also tell me your name is Lee. Well greetings, Lee, I am Tato for everyone, although my real name is Francisco. Well, Lee, it has been a pleasure, I am not entertaining you anymore, a hug.
@李之作 Okay, so we're both the same. Well, what do you want to talk about? Because I don't know how to start this conversation. I hope you do. Do you have any questions? Because I have several, my Malaysian friend. For example, how old are you and if you live in the country or in the city. A hug.