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I Caught the New RAREST MEME FISH on Fisch (Peanut Butter Jelly Time)
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
- Today BachaBlox is attempting to catch the new secret Banana Fish on Roblox Fisch. The new Banana Fish has the ability to turn into the Family Guy Peanut Butter Jelly Time Meme Banana when it's a shiny mutation... so that's exactly what we're going for!
What's your favourite meme fish on Roblox Fisch? And have you managed to catch any of the secret new fish yet?
What is your favourite Roblox Game? BachaBlox plays Fisch, Sol's RNG, Rivals, Blox Fruits and more
#Roblox #Fisch #FischRoblox #Idjots #BachaBlox
This Robux giveaway is getting HUUUUUUGE. Keep subscribing to make me go bankrupt 😅
I thought banana is fake but you prove it now haha😅
that’s gonna be a lot of money Bacha🟦
Your the most kindest TH-cam ever I have not found somone that cares about their subs more than you
Very Huge 😂🎉
People who want to catch the secret fish
Bait for long pike: insect
Bait for mustard: seawead
Bait for banana: weird algae
Location for long pike and mustard: ocean
Location of banana: ancient isle pond
Use as much luck u can
Please like this took a while
Btw LucaAndrei-b5n said the banana likes rain weather
And the banana likes summer
They like rain weather
i wanna catch a secret fish
I caught the shiny banana and mustard
I low-key Wana mythical banana would be funny
Honestly I’d say the fisch videos are better than the Sols rng ones but they’re all very entertaining, keep up the good job bacha!
Honestly, I agree with you. It's cause I can do a lot more on Fisch and I'm having a lot of fun playing it :D
I agree
@@BachaBloxhi Bacha big fan
11:11 that floppy is ur new best friend Lol😂😂
1:20 i love how bro pronounces ancient isle COMPLETELY wrong 💀
an-cii-ent is-lee frfr
That makes me have a tiny heart attack
yo another W video bacha! (Uthhdmd)
The banana is not the rarest meme fish, the Travis Scott FE!N,FE!N,FE!N fish
@@IsaacIsaackayy3 W
from the stream right?
Thank you for the awesome videos I really enjoy it and one question when are you gonna play with noodle again
Finish my lovely Monday after watching bacha new vids, btw bacha, to have full luck while catching secret fish:
Bait- any but if you use rotd or heaven's use night shrimp
Weather- aurora/ rainy
Season- summer
Location- any where on the ancient isle/ pond
Bait- seaweeds
Weather- aurora/ rainy
Season- summer
Location- ocean
Long spike:
Bait- inserts/ seaweeds
Weather- aurora/ rainy
Season- autumn/ spring
Location- ocean
It's super fantastic to see you caught the banana and appraised it to shiny. Your vids are always awesome!
If I'm lucky -> led_llegenddarry
Hope you may see this :p
2:00 its penut butter jelly time
0:36 AAAND WERE IN! it never gets old
People who love his videos🫡
bunnydude66, love your videos!
Banger vid bacha (im a sub but i didn't comment all the time)
wtf bro made the comment as soon as he made his acc
Bro commented as soon as he made the acc 💀💀
I know u r a bot
Fun fact:snoop dogs brother (the va for peanut butter jelly time) took his own life because he shot the head of a police and was in a 11 hour standoff,snoopdog trying to calm him down,which didnt work,making him shot himself
No snoop dogs brother in law didn't make it it was made by dj chmpman he's still alive now but snoops brother in law died
Family guy fish💀💀💀💀💀 (they changed the thumbnail from family guy fish to rarest meme fish im screenshot the thumbnail before it got changed)
Peanut butter jelly time banana
Dont give up on ur goal
Anyways im a new subscriber 😀
The banana is so funny keep it up for more videos!(welluseforit)
Powlloew love the vids❤
i love your videos
"ancient is-lay" bro ngl I don't mean to be rude but that's super goofy 😭🙏
Also keep up the worlds best work!!
Bacha you can use rapid catcher to insta catch with ROTD(rod of the depths)and you can also enchat it with resilient best combo for depths rod
broisya, rip bacha's bank account
Big fan of ur vid specially when u help fiji ❤
Butter, jelly, tag peanut butter, jelly tag AY YEAH AY YEAH AY YEAH AY YEAH 0:15
unicornhugslover2010 lol, me again. i love your videos smm they get my day better tysm for making them
Bro when i got mustard secret fish i didnt know it was a secret even 😭
I love your content. It inspires me to play fisch more and never give up.
Dont worry we'll keep on subscribing
Who agrees bacha is th GOAT at fisch and youtuber
Like this comment if you love the content bacha makes👇 2:34
(THENCO) BTW I love ur videos especially ancient islay
I love your videos dude ❤ (user is bunnydude66)
While the orca migration I literally caught it twice without bait (I thought it was a ancient orca) (I was freaked out basically)
ngl i known u for playing sols rng and playing with noodles but u change to fisch i hope u play with noodles on fisch to,but its ur decision
Dinomuzz your videos are amazing
Hey I’m really confused I’m level 176 and I’ve still never encountered a Shark hunt or great hammerhead shark as I’m trying to get the poisedon rod in the new update. How do I find one of them because i don’t know how to?
Hi Bacha im subscribet for long long timer and i never win anythink and im whaching you when you where doing sole rng and when you have 1k subcribers (SebaAgent) nick love yours video's
Your vids are amazing
syfamnoob, keep posting bro
favour_f, should pop up as Christmas_Favour
"Aaand where in so today we are catching something special " Your mom
I think you’re going cuckoo bananas
Good job 👍
btw i subcribed turned on notifications and like this video
just now i did it
New sub, keep up the hard work you always make me laugh either from saying ancient isle wrong or your jokes
Keep uploading love your vids(notmumain2
Bach i love ur vids u inspire me Hermieisthegoat
It's so difficult to get these secrets without boosted server luck or aurora lol.
1:24 "ainchent eesley"
i got banana so randomly while doing an challange with my brother(same with mustard lol)
Me please bacha I’ve been watching since you were playing sols rng love the vids and the worlds first 😊😊!
That enchant relic was translucent
Make a video of getting the Travis Scott fish
LilDamo1415 I’ve been watching for 2 years
i got a banana first try with aurora totem (btw i appraised it until it was shiny big banana( (1.9-kg)
Literally first knowing about the secret rarity
Who thinks bachablox is the best fish TH-camr and my name is sigma
Hey nice video once again! (Burning_flamesqpalt4)
my first secret fish was a silver long pike i was so happy it was silver and i did not even try too get it
Speakerman I am your biggest fan
Thank you, Not_life
I’m the one with black hair and a goofy face
If the floppy turns shiny and negative would it be a slurp fish from fortnight?
'and we're in' Iconic intro
The last vid I watched was when you had 605 k subs
Hi I’m new sub
Chokolokolitos, it should pop up as LuckaintLucky
Best video man
Ancient islee is wild
friend caught banan with arctic rod lol
Bro I got the banana too on ancient isle😅😅😂
Jokes one u bacha
I… actually didnt get shiny but i got the sea mine 1st try and mosaic
Matteotee5 keep going😊😊😊
Good vid thanks for helping my iser is
Guys he is going bankrupt it’s at 170,000!!!
the new meme fish is sooooo hard to get
Once there was a cat
(Continue the story
Littleamongus34, love your vids bacha!❤
Nah this dude needs dev rod or he should be a dev
So far i have caught a shiny sparkling hexed long pike and a sparkling purified mustard fish (i had to amber it off)
You sure there's a robux giveaway?
I got a nuclear long pike and nuclear rabbitfish is it very rare?
I sub you and thumbs up in~~Monday/jan 27😊😊
i was trying to do this and it just happens to be raining while summer
Lsgamer72 peanut butter jelly time :)
Use rod of the forgotten fang for secret fish
You going bankrupt😅
its accually 0.053% chance to catch da banana
Luv u bacha! GOKUBLACKRose999Ult
I got mustard and thought it was worth like 5 bucks
Ummm good challenge ill try in my channel
Btw i got atlantean collosal squid i have 5 I'm just saying and I'm not flexing ok?
I love ur video but I can't join ur discord idk why