A random length of wire works. So does my stew pot as I showed on my video. What you have constructed is a loop antenna. It works but it isn't the best of the home made antenna types. However: If you now get the channels you want to see, your project is done. There is no need to make a better antenna once you have one that is good enough
A random length of wire works. So does my stew pot as I showed on my video.
What you have constructed is a loop antenna. It works but it isn't the best of the home made antenna types.
However: If you now get the channels you want to see, your project is done. There is no need to make a better antenna once you have one that is good enough
В чем прикол, разрезал кабель и изолировал его,
Походу этой восьмёркой все спутниковые каналы твои