我依家仲讀緊書,經濟能力當然係冇啦 😂但我都照睇hakme review名牌袋,仲特別中意睇,因為好少youtuber咁詳細講一個咁貴的袋or銀包。可能哩類video對依家的我冇用,但我知道對將來的我一定有用。我仲set左個目標就係爭到錢儲到錢一定要買個名牌包比自己同家人。咁到時買就可以有多d information 參考啦。所以真係好感謝hakme拍哩類video
Hi黑咪,I am new viewer from Toronto. Started watching your Osaka vlog. Mine I ask are you fashion buyer? Great details on high- end luxury items, unfortunately cannot affort them all, great source to select item what to get anf worth
do you find that LV's canvas is much thinner lately. I have a neverfull from 7 years ago...(?) and it feels much thicker and stronger. I've watched alot of videos saying LV's quality has dropped and its canvas tears even in a short time of use...
Love your navy calf jumbo! Did you get your carrier in France as well? I absolutely agree that you need to wear the items and enjoy them to get as much cost per wear.
No one asks anyone to buy everything I buy. Get it into perspective, when I review makeup or skincare, people still say I have too much skincare and makeup. People are hard to please anyway. If you find this video showing off and not informative, that’s fine because everyone is different. I’m sure there are other people find it useful.
真心appreciate Hakme 你detail oriented 嘅分享又會justify 番原本你覺得正但原來有問題的item. 當然吾係人人都負擔得起名牌,但Hakeme 純以用家分享角度我反而覺得實用嘅information, 睇開都知Hakme 係老闆自然 afford得起,或者葡萄之餘努力d賺錢咪買得起囉!
😂但我都照睇hakme review名牌袋,仲特別中意睇,因為好少youtuber咁詳細講一個咁貴的袋or銀包。可能哩類video對依家的我冇用,但我知道對將來的我一定有用。我仲set左個目標就係爭到錢儲到錢一定要買個名牌包比自己同家人。咁到時買就可以有多d information 參考啦。所以真係好感謝hakme拍哩類video
ELLA Cheung 同意啊!我依家都未有經濟能力入手,但如果第時辛苦儲夠錢想買,都會想揀個實用又好睇嘅,hakme ge review好真、有用👍🏻
請問可唔可以做個SLG collection ?
What about Christian Louboutin long wallet? Same design as Chanel & McQueen :)
睇左你介紹lv metis最後終於買左navy,大愛呀!多謝你既comment,真係比到想買既人意見!繼續努力加油試多啲野比我地睇😄
Hi黑咪,I am new viewer from Toronto. Started watching your Osaka vlog. Mine I ask are you fashion buyer? Great details on high- end luxury items, unfortunately cannot affort them all, great source to select item what to get anf worth
I thinking Chanel jumbo is quite heavy when i put a long wallet inside ~
How to resell your used luxury item for maximum value?
我鍾意妳嘅LV pouchette metis Bag
Randomly found your video, 我可以分享少少 Chanel jumbo 袋,如果你斜揹single chain,可能對好多香港女仔黎講條鏈會太長, 可以自己用chanel條絲帶係個袋入面自己adjust,會覺得斜揹其實都可以好好睇
新年快樂黑咪❤️ 祝反你身體健康,心想事成,開開心心,鋪頭生意興隆,少啲激氣野😝💗
我想問下呢Channel Slingback係咪true to size??
Chanel 個手袋要幾錢呀?
Happy lunar new year 🐶. Gung hay fat choy!
do you find that LV's canvas is much thinner lately. I have a neverfull from 7 years ago...(?) and it feels much thicker and stronger. I've watched alot of videos saying LV's quality has dropped and its canvas tears even in a short time of use...
meiltoo 不
Mine is still in tact but I heard it as well, so far, I hadn’t experienced any issues 🧐
Gucci sneakers are so bomb + comfy! My fav
Happy Chinese New Year! xx
Love your navy calf jumbo! Did you get your carrier in France as well? I absolutely agree that you need to wear the items and enjoy them to get as much cost per wear.
恭喜發財黑咪 😁 祝你身體健康生意興隆要乜有乜開開心心 😘
Chanel d 銀包就算羊皮都好come用!😄
唔記得今日係星期四,打開youtube 見到條片好興奮😂🙈 Hakme 新年快樂,心想事成,身體健康 ☺
I have the Chanel CF Jumbo in black, absolutely love it even though im only 160cm 😂So much better than the medium size ! Love ur sharing
happy chinese new year hakme!! first video of the first working day of the year of dog!!!!
Happy Lunar New Year to you too 💕💕💕
yeah new video!!! happy new year ~
Happy new year🎊🎊🎉🎉
celine ge銀包都好用ga
Thanks for sharing. Good choice. 😁
I like what you say:禁貴要用盡佢!
Love this video! Thanks!
you are simply showing off !
唔通仲叫hak me 講makeup tutorial 咩!搵你睇!佢醒目呀,轉型講D全人類都渴望擁有嘅野!話之你showtell又好,showoff都好,至緊要好睇,不過,情願睇真正大富豪嘅片,起碼癢眼D,哈哈!
其實hak me你係咪覺得大部份人都有能力擁有你嗰D所謂designer bag呢?一個打工仔怎能夠好似你咁成日得閒就買designer bag呢?你不如集中火力講番makeup & skincare 啦!唔好咁show off 啦,please!
No one asks anyone to buy everything I buy. Get it into perspective, when I review makeup or skincare, people still say I have too much skincare and makeup. People are hard to please anyway. If you find this video showing off and not informative, that’s fine because everyone is different. I’m sure there are other people find it useful.
chan Hashu ➰ o