Pw Tsa Ceg Cos Los Kuv Yeej Hlub~03/12/2024~

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2024
  • Hmong Audio Story (Drama) original content created by this channel - Mab Vaj Channel. Please do not copy this to any other channel without my permission.
    Story description: He loves his lazy wife to death and does not mind do all the chores around the house. She is his happiness; however, his family despised his wife.

ความคิดเห็น • 313

  • @phoojywg417
    @phoojywg417 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +57

    That’s good that you love your wife that much but hopefully, you don’t hate her later on down the road. I honestly can’t put up with lazy people. Maybe you should listen to your family and teach your wife not to be so lazy. Don’t use it as an excuse to enable her to continuously be lazy. Good luck to you, bro.

  • @yervue25
    @yervue25 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It’s good that you love her so much and there is nothing wrong with that! You should teach her to help you as your partner. You should NOT let her be that lazy and don’t anything at all. That’s the wrong thing that you’re leading her that way and yes, it’s annoying to your family, relatives and the Hmong community for sure! She doesn’t have to be the nyab 10K but at 4-5K is useful 😂

  • @seexyooj5925
    @seexyooj5925 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Vuag tus txiv neej no tsis puv ib puas sav. Ua cas koj tu siab rau koj tsev neeg na koj yuav tsum tu siab rau koj tus kheej. Nkees npaum ko puas zoo ua neeg nyob lawm na. Koj txawm tau poj niam zoo nkauj los koj tsis muaj ntsej muag tsam tau kwv tij ces koj zoo tsis txawv ib tug dev.
    Ntseeg tau tias yav laus koj yuav khuv xim koj lub neej/tiam neej los ua ib zaug neeg heev.

  • @luvinniceboxers
    @luvinniceboxers 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Beauty is your weakness! 😂 do what makes you happy, but sounds like she brings nothing to the table but bear you children, and you're okay with it, which is your choice.
    This one should be titled, "Hlub Pojniam Heev Vim Kuv Yog Simp!" 😂😅

  • @khoutsab4904
    @khoutsab4904 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Lawv tsi yog hais tsi zoo rau koj lawv yeej hais qhov tseeb xwb tus me nus aww nyob yog tsi muaj koj lawm ces koj tus poj niam thiab koj cov me nyuam yuav txom nyem ntag ho

  • @NtxhaisHmoobUSA
    @NtxhaisHmoobUSA 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Koj mas siab ntev kawg poj niam tub nkeeg ko tsim nyog muab tsij thoob khib nyhiab xwb Sav. Cas yug los es yuav tub tub nkeeg thiab yuav nyob taus ua luaj. Koj poj niam muaj hmoov kawg uas tau koj los ua nws qhev yog tau lwm tus ntshe poj nrauj puas puas zaus.

  • @diannaxiong693
    @diannaxiong693 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Lawv tsi quaj koj ntshai lwm hnub koj ho quaj lawv xwb os me tub aw.

  • @tobiasboon346
    @tobiasboon346 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wait until you're older. You'll come back and ask Mab Vaj to tell your story about your lazy wife and how you should've listen to your parents.

  • @incognito5087
    @incognito5087 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I know you love her bro, but if she love you she would be able to change just a little for you too 😅

  • @Lucasgaming10213
    @Lucasgaming10213 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Wait until you get older. Your temper is not going to be the same. She's too lazy

  • @nengxiong6991
    @nengxiong6991 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Man !! You do everything’s for your wife because she is pretty ? 😆😆no parent who hate their kid and not support them , because your parent worry about your life , man !! Because you love your wife and you let’s her be lazy remember one day she cheat on you ! You will regrant why you work hard for your entires life for nothing , you know who ever work hard much getting older quicker than a person stay home do nothing , if you getting old she will leave you . Also life in the USA here both have to work to have a better life and enjoy i means travel . New car , new house .

  • @END0RA
    @END0RA 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I hope you’re not offended by these comments cause majority really are trying to speak sense into you. Plus, if you air your “dirty laundry” out then you gotta expect that people will voice their opinions.
    Like majority said, it’s nice that you love your wife to that extent, but beauty fades and as you age you won’t have the energy to always clean up and pick up after her. If you were to be handicap tomorrow, she won’t know what to do and because she’s so use to you doing everything, big chance she’s not staying to care and look after you. Yes, you may be content with your life NOW, but you’re not thinking bout the future. However, you do you. If you’re both happy then good! But keep these comments in mind cause I feel it’ll catch up to you in about 15-20 years down the road. Good luck!

  • @saykaomee
    @saykaomee 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +41

    Please come back and update us 10 years later. You can only tolerate lazy people to a certain point. If you love her, don't enable her to continue to be lazy but teach her to be independentand self- sufficient.

  • @faithf1689
    @faithf1689 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +44

    Wow... you not very smart. 😅

  • @kuvxwb9466
    @kuvxwb9466 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    Koj tus poj niam yeej tub nkeeg tiag2 li os. Lazy npaum cas los at least clean the house and take care of herself. You’re also the problem. Your family never give her a chance but at the same time both of you never go out and prove them wrong. You accept that your wife is lazy of the laziest then you gotta accept people’s criticism. You’re not helping her be a better version of herself but the worst of herself. Koj txoj kev xav tsis yog lawm.

  • @jaavvaaj3426
    @jaavvaaj3426 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +59

    lol. wait til u old and still have to do everything. laziness is unacceptable

  • @xiaherr
    @xiaherr 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    trying to show women out there see and said you're a good husband but sorry brother not all of us women think it's okay to support lazy people. She's got to do something to help the family too. When you get old it's going to hurt you. Even Meska don't support lazy wife or husband. This brother is not fully 100% there.

  • @nuso2599
    @nuso2599 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    He married someone who thinks she’s a princess 😂😂😂 He will regret one day.

  • @lnchannel1186
    @lnchannel1186 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    I understand that you love your wife for who she is and that you accept her fully. That’s amazing. But in life, there are consequences for everything. You’ve cut your whole family for one person and you never know if she will stay faithful to you until the end. Beauty is very important to some people, I get it. But so is maintaining a home, having two incomes, learning the responsibilities of life. You’ve limited her growth by allowing her to be lazy

  • @hlixyooj8179
    @hlixyooj8179 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I understand why they hate her. You're setting her up for failure when you die. Good luck to your family, man. It's going to be a rude awakening. Hope you have a lot of life insurance.

  • @seexiong1117
    @seexiong1117 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Some day you sick you will know at that time no food on the table or no money to pay bills

  • @bchang227
    @bchang227 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +46

    You may think it's ok right now, but wait until you get older, dude. Beauty fades. You'll get sick of her soon enough! 😂

  • @PeebZeej31
    @PeebZeej31 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Its great that you love your wife that much, but from a parents point of view, I myself wouldn’t want to see my son work super hard while his wife does nothing. Your parents and your people love you, thats why they try to set you straight, hopefully one day you will understand.

  • @KevinVan-Kresnik
    @KevinVan-Kresnik 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Have you thought that maybe she doesn't love you that much? How can she just sit and watch you do all the work. That is not love. I'm tired too, and I don't like washing dishes too. And I hate going to work too. But damn, I get off my ass and help my partner so it's not all on him. That's because I love him. I can't just sit and watch him do all the work. And that's probably why it hurts your family to watch you do all the work while she just sits. That's not what love looks like. Each person sacrifices for the other. But in your case, she doesn't do anything for you. I'm sorry, but no wonder nobody respects her. She hasn't earned it. It's all fun and love until you're old and tired. Then you'll be bitter. When you're sick and she can't take care of you or the house, then you'll be bitter. You're too young to know about when things go wrong.
    And, why is she THAT lazy? Nobody's that lazy. If she can put on make up, she can lift a finger to help you. And you keep telling her you don't mind, you don't mind.
    ...has gotten her used to it, and she now has a bad habit of laziness and has no guilt about it. It's not too late to rethink your situation.

  • @Shoua608
    @Shoua608 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I am glad you are a good man but what you are doing doesn’t help your wife. You are enabling her to be lazy but then it’s your choice.
    So, why do you care if your family don’t like your wife when you say “pw tsa ceg cos xwb los yeej hlub”? You should t care what they think but I believe you do because you took it to social media. I hope you continue to love your wife until the end because most people can’t cater to lazy partners forever.
    Come back and update us in 20 more years. I don’t like and I don’t want to cook, clean, or wash dishes but I do it because I love my husband and want to help him out. I wouldn’t want him to do all the work while I tsa ceg cos. I hope you still love her when she tsa ceg cos with another man because you’re too tired to play with her from being over worked around the house. Changing your last name to American doesn’t make you American or change your identity.

  • @vaahyaah9160
    @vaahyaah9160 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Laziness is no good brother unless you’re a millionaire. She’s gonna drag you down.

  • @kiacha1622
    @kiacha1622 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    I have absolutely no issues with who you choose to love, or how much you choose to pamper your wife. The only problem I have is that she can’t even get up to throw a dirty diaper inside the trash can.

  • @leesummer20
    @leesummer20 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Wont last long. You will get tired of her laziness as you get old.

  • @c.lee-soulisak327
    @c.lee-soulisak327 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Hahaha...come back and tell your story 20 years from now. I would like to hear if you're still okay with her laziness.

  • @jeffvang3107
    @jeffvang3107 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    In normal life society, we need to help each other. I do believe you have problems. Just think about the day you’re sick, who’s going to care the house and income. Good luck. Love to see and see the next segment of this story.

  • @zoolikuv
    @zoolikuv 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Laziness is laziness. It's unacceptable regardless of the gender. Come back and tell us after 10 years.

  • @Doodoo578
    @Doodoo578 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    For a marriage to work, two people need to cant just be working all their life and one being lazy...

  • @kermoua6883
    @kermoua6883 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Not me, no money no honey! My honey can’t be lazy! Lazy partner can’t have a successful!

  • @ThePlantedtank
    @ThePlantedtank 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    All i gotta say is GOOD LUCK! You'll remember that grandma's words when you age. I cannot tolerate a lazy wife.

  • @kvang1045
    @kvang1045 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    I bet deep down you wish she was a better house wife lol. Nobody can be a slave and cater to their spouse needs 24/7, 365. Great that you stand up and protected her but youre doing it for the wrong reason. Enabling her laziness will be the doom of you, maybe not now but later. She can be beautiful and still has great qualities that support you but what u have is just beauty. And thats why ur family dont support your marriage to her. But it seem you just wanted your way and disregarding your parents concern...even cutting them out of your life which is sad, all over a lazy woman. But heyyy, you chose your path so when youre fed up, be sure to blame nobody but yourself.

  • @haam_kaab1547
    @haam_kaab1547 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

    Hope she appreciates your sacrifice. Sounds like you love her very much. Hopefully, she will take care of you when you need her.

  • @XMML33
    @XMML33 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I thought I was stubborn, this brother took stubbornness to a whole new level where only he’s in it. If you like being a slave to your wife forever and you are content then that’s all that matters but to completely cut tie with your family and changed your family name that is insane. Right at the moment it makes sense based on your emotions, but you are doing more damage to your reputation especially for your kids. You are not even thinking about your children’s feelings, their future and how much it will affect them psychologically. You are creating division and distance for your children after you’re gone. Doing all this for one lazy wife is unheard of. Best of luck and please do update us again if things goes south.

  • @mhaiyaaj
    @mhaiyaaj 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Koj yog thawj tus neeg es xum ua qhev tuag thi. Poj niam nyob tsev xwb los koj tseem “work, clean and cook”. Yog koj pab tsi tau kwb tij ces lawn yeej tsi Nyiam yus. If you die first, your wife will not be able to survive. You need to train your wife to at least help out a little bit. You’re the only one that is ok with a wife who contributes nothing but her body to this relationship.

  • @tiaxiong1872
    @tiaxiong1872 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

    Koj mas ruam dhau qhov ruam koj yaim niag pog ntawd ces koj tsuav kev npam es koj tsua tshuav pog ntawd nqe

  • @mvng1516
    @mvng1516 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    Your wife is very lucky to have you. And I’m very lucky to have mine too. Mine does everything for me bc he wants to and he loves me. But as a woman, as wife, a mother, as for me myself, I have respect for myself. It’s fine if you don’t want to do it when behind doors but I at least I show a little respect for myself when ppl are around so they will respect me. If I don’t want ppl to disrespect me or talk about me, I need to not give them something to talk about. But again that’s just me and how I was raised. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @HYa-z9n
    @HYa-z9n 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I'm glad you love your wife, you must teach your wife to help herself so she can survive when you are no longer there. It's for her and your children not for you.

  • @cheexiong1634
    @cheexiong1634 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Only you can put up with that… but won’t be forever… good luck lol

  • @leejmuam1
    @leejmuam1 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    These parents need to understand that he marries her for him, not for them. Hmong parents always expect their son to marry someone to be their slave. To love and cater to them.

  • @sudieyang2513
    @sudieyang2513 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Tos koj niam koj txiv lawv ntxub los koj coj tuaj piav xwb twb ntxim ntxub os. Hlub kom tom thawj xwb mas tsam tsis kav ntev ho nyoo xwb lau

  • @kaoxiong6148
    @kaoxiong6148 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Bro, you love your wife very much, but she can make a change and help you . You might have spoiled her and made it harder in your later life. You can bring her up…God created a woman from his rib to help him and be his companion…not sitting around for her husband to do everything…I agree that you married the one you love, not the one your parents chose …it’s your life, not theirs. Parents should bug off…😩!!!

  • @sandyyang1244
    @sandyyang1244 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Wow !!!!! tus thaub no tiam tag los tshua nws poj niam nqi na 😂😂😂😂😂 He’s just as crazy as his lazy wife, but as long as he willingly ua qhev xwb los mas!!!!!

  • @koujoful
    @koujoful 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    He knew exactly who he was marrying and he loves her for who she is and that’s ok for them. Hopefully in time, she’ll be able to love him in return. It’s good they are living a carefree and happy life. If his family didn’t support his choice, he made a clean break to never depend on them. Much like many Hmong who don’t approve of their spouse also move away from the clan system.

  • @XeemHmong
    @XeemHmong 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Wow...this is what I call "Unconditional Love". I respect your unconditional love brother but in life we don't live forever. I believed, to love someone is also to prepare her so when you are not around she can survive without you. You said, "when you are gone, it's not your problem", that is not a true love. How would you feel, when you are gone and she can't move on or suffer greatly because you didn't train her to survive? A true love is to love her unconditionally but also support and educate her to help herself, not to abandoned her after you are gone.

  • @5tuglis573
    @5tuglis573 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    When you realize that they were ALL right......come back to tell us about part 2.

  • @LimeLM3
    @LimeLM3 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    She may be as beautiful as a goddess but if she’s lazy, that’s a no in my book. Can’t tolerate lazy people! If she really love you, she would try harder to not be a lazy person and try to mend the relationship between you and your families.

  • @chongxiong340
    @chongxiong340 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Where can i find somebody like this?

  • @greencase
    @greencase 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    The day you stand up to your wife is the day she'll find some one else. Good luck to you.

  • @musibsim2151
    @musibsim2151 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Cov poj niam hais lus mos2 ces yog cov tub2 nkeeg ntau xwb😂

  • @sun26shine
    @sun26shine 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Wow I wish to have a husband like this so can be princess but I'm forever slave instead lol

  • @hlubforlife
    @hlubforlife 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    When you have NO balls, but also wanted a PRINCESS 😂

  • @mayotao1024
    @mayotao1024 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Uh I’m gonna need to see how beautiful she looks to not do anything. I mean everyone is lazy but come on!! Ya have kids, at least cook n clean for your little family. Your relatives are just worry about your future/life.

  • @tiaxiong4805
    @tiaxiong4805 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    It's true that you really loved her. Aws Kaj tsis us Kom txog hnub koj tuag o

  • @hnubzoovang9217
    @hnubzoovang9217 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    To the man in this story, I applaud you for telling us your story and applaud you for loving your wife unconditionally. Many Hmong Men should learn from you!.........Namaste'

  • @ThePiecesOfArt
    @ThePiecesOfArt 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    He said all he wants is a beautiful wife. Everything else is secondary. He’s making it work supporting one household income. I can barely support myself lol

  • @Roses860
    @Roses860 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's awesome that you love, respect her, and defend her but're wife is LAZY! But you said you are okay with it then we don't care either.

  • @iTek14
    @iTek14 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    It's wonderful that you love your wife unconditionally. We all have moments where we lack motivation, but developing strong work habits benefits us in the long run. Encouraging your wife's independence is important for her personal growth and well-being. It also strengthens your relationship as a team. I can relate to laziness, but it can negatively impact our health. If something unexpected happened to you, it would be ideal for your wife to be able to manage things on her own for the sake of the family.

  • @mickyyang6338
    @mickyyang6338 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You sound like a very young married couple… you’re saying this now because you’re still young and able and your wife is pretty…. But yall lifestyle will not benefit you in the long run 😅 ruam dhau lawm 🤦🏻‍♀️

  • @juliehawj3385
    @juliehawj3385 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Do what you must to live happily. Those people just want to ruin your life. Like you said, they're not the one in your shoes, why are they complaining? You have no problem with your wife, why should they? Most times, whwn others see you happy, they complain to ruin your life only. Do you and do what makes you happy.

  • @trullieyeah2687
    @trullieyeah2687 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Brother, do what makes you happy and feel peaceful. Your happiness is your choice and how you make it to be. You are doing just that with the person you love and you feel is your happiness.

  • @Jubilee012
    @Jubilee012 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Good for you brother. I wish there were more Hmong men who truly loves their wives for who and what they are, and stand up for their wives despite everyone else’s expectations of a typical Hmong nyab. I solute you and I know how much it means to your wife.

  • @pajtshiabtsheej1984
    @pajtshiabtsheej1984 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Tos tus poj niam no yug los tub nkeeg los yeej muaj nws niam thiab txiv tsis txib thiab muaj tus txiv tsev li no los txhawb tus poj niam no tub nkeeg. I can't stand laziness. Marriage is a equal contributions of giving and taking.

  • @zoolikuv
    @zoolikuv 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This guy is looking for sympathy, but not here. She's too lazy, but as long as you're happy. I guess.

  • @tvang8
    @tvang8 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You’re right to a certain point. You can’t be mad at the whole Hmong race just because of your side of the family. But there’s only one life to live and we do have the right to choose how we want to live. I’m glad you’re happy

  • @maryly09
    @maryly09 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This is not love. I wouldn't want my partner to love me like this and not push me to be a better person. I won't grow mentally, emotionally, or intellectually. You are an enabler, in very bad ways.

  • @HnubXg
    @HnubXg 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’m with this guy on this one. Hmong people talk too much when it’s none of their business. If someone is happy let them be, it’s that simple. All these people waiting for something to go wrong in your life just shows how unhappy they are with theirs. I hope you two continue to live a happy and stress free life. 🫶🏻

  • @maivzebvaj4303
    @maivzebvaj4303 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Even if this wife is lazy to the bone, it's wrong for the parents and clan to treat him like this. They should respect his decisions..

  • @sherryyoung5638
    @sherryyoung5638 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Ab yeej tub nkeeg dlhau lawm tiag2 os, tsis muaj leejtwg xav2 thiab ntiam2 nquag na vim yuav noj ces yuav Tau ua xwb,tsis tas pab kwvtij tabsis muaj lub plab txawj noj es yuav Tau nquag hauv yus lub tsev maj ua noj thiab tu yus lub tsev xwb twb tsis ua lawm thiab ces txhob tus siab rau kwvtij li os, kav xyeem lawm los haj yam zoo mas

  • @pajhmoovzoo
    @pajhmoovzoo 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Oh my gah, your wife must not love you. if she loves you she would feel bad letting you slave around. I honestly think you have some kind of problem up in your head to love someone who do zero for you and you do 💯 for her.

  • @zouayang815
    @zouayang815 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hai rau koj os tu me tub koj hlub koj poj niam heev yeej yog ib qhov zoo vim koj yeej yog ib tug txiv neej tiag2 koj tiv thaiv koj tu poj tu sev mas. Koj hlub koj poj niam koj ua yam kom zoo rau nws kom nws kaj siab tab si yog tia koj tu poj niam hlub koj thiab no mas nws yuav tau kho hloov nws li neb niam tai hai pob. Koj tu poj niam yuav tau ua neeg nquag me ntsi coj lo ua kom koj tau lub koob npe tia nws yeej tsi tub nkeeg npaum li cas thiab no pob cas ua tib neeg nyob no es koj yuav muab koj tu poj niam spoil dhau cai zos lawm. Koj cia li muab koj niam koj txiv tso pov tseg vim lawv tsi nyiam koj tu poj niam tub nkeeg no mas tsi yog ib qhov ua koj ua yog nawb. Muaj koj niam koj txiv yug koj tu koj hlob loj tiav txiv neej yawg tag thaum koj txawj khwv tau rau koj noj lawm koj cia tsi nco txog koj niam koj txiv tej kev tus koj no mas tsi zoo kiag li. Koj yuav tau qhia kom koj poj ua neeg nquag me ntsis os. Koj tsi hlub koj niam koj txiv koj ho tso tau nkawv li txiaj ntsig niam thiab txiv pov tseg es mus hlub2 koj tu poj hla hlos koj niam koj txiv nkawv lawm no mas tsi yog ib qhov zoo li nawb. Nov yog kuv kev xav thaum mloog koj zaj neej neeg tag . Ua tsaug koj coj tuaj tham qhia ntiaj teb paub os.

  • @myprecious6751
    @myprecious6751 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @kxiong9030
    @kxiong9030 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Where do I find a husband like you? I want to be a princess forever too. 😂

  • @mkaomoua3096
    @mkaomoua3096 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    People are so rude and they are juts jealous of your wife. Be happy and enjoy your life with the one you loves.

  • @ax5717
    @ax5717 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There are actually a lot of ladies that are lost after their husband died because they lazy. Lol

  • @LadyK01
    @LadyK01 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Must be nice! I want a husband like you too. 😂

  • @songnleepage5937
    @songnleepage5937 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Koj raug dab pim lawm xwb.

  • @sandyvangyang110
    @sandyvangyang110 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I understand your pain brother, but don't let one bad apple ruin your identity. You know who you are and that's all that matters. Every nationality has flaws.

  • @kuvxwb11
    @kuvxwb11 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Yog tub kheeg xwb es tsis yog muaj mob ces tsis tsim nyog hlub. Yuav tau qhia kom txawj ua noj ua haus tu vaj tu tsev thiaj ua tau ib lub neej ua ke.

  • @ky7518
    @ky7518 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thaub no ruam thiab xiam hlwb tiag2. Tsis kam mus pab luag tab sis xav kom luag tuaj pab yus😂. Zaj no noj thiab mus tsis tau.

  • @hlubyang4072
    @hlubyang4072 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Cov neeg hais li koj kuv pom tsis tshaj 3 tug lawm lau....thaum me nyuam coob tu tuaj es tu niam tsev tsis paub dab tsi mas tu txiv tshuav npo pa xwb os nawb

  • @maisiaxiong2433
    @maisiaxiong2433 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Damn, where can I find husband like this? 😂

  • @kevinher4010
    @kevinher4010 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Koj zaj no tsis zoo ua ib zaj kev kawm rau saw daws os, vim tias ntshe 99% yuavtsis xav tsis coj li koj yog tias tus poj niam yeej tub nkeeg npaum li koj hais ko.

  • @chouxiong206
    @chouxiong206 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Thaum koj tseem hluas mas koj hais tias koj yuav uv nws yuav ua rau nws noj tiam sis lwm hnub laus es Yog nws mob ces koj ua tau rau nws noj hos yog thaum koj mob nev es koj yuav yoo tuag tshaib ntuas xwb pob ua 1 tug txiv tsev lawm txawm tus poj tub nkeeg npaum twg los yuav tsum ua pluas noj pluas haus tu lub vaj lub tsev pos. Li cas los koj yeem koj lawm tsuav koj tsis tau mov noj los nws tu nws tus kheej kom zoo2 nkauj rau koj thiab tsuav koj tau tais kua txob tuav xwb mas

  • @nhiachang5201
    @nhiachang5201 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This story is point less.

  • @kelbra3689
    @kelbra3689 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    It's true that if you don't have a problem with your wife, others should not, but your family is always on your case because they know you will suffer alone in your marriage because your wife treats you like a slave. They are hurt because they have your best interest at heart. Your wife's family is cool with you guys because they know you treat their daughter/sister as a queen. They want the best for her. Now if you were lazy n she had to do everything for you, her family would treat you exactly like your family. Imagine 30 years from now when your sons are married, and you've grown sick n tired of being a slave, will you be ok with your son following your footsteps? I'm guessing probably not, but hey keep doing what you do until you learn the hard way.

  • @missysmart8620
    @missysmart8620 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hope it will last that love of yours for your wife. If you are my son, that’s fine because you’re not living with me. Your mess is your house. Marry who you want but just don’t come complaining to me that she’s lazy someday.

  • @angielo06
    @angielo06 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hnub no koj lub zog tseem khov kho ces koj yeej tsis care koj cov kwv tij, thiab koj lub neej yeej lom zem xauv npo thiab kajsiab lug. Tiamsis ib hnub nram twg koj yeej yuav rov nco txog koj tsev neeg xwb2 mog.

  • @colleenchan9872
    @colleenchan9872 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Qhov lawv cheem thiab cem npaum no los vim yog 90% yeej muaj regret thiab complain later on xwb! Yog koj tu siab chim siab npaum ko ces yeej meem sib hlub kom txaug hnub laus nkoos xwb es txhob cia lawv cov lus phem lus thuam los poob rau koj li es kom lwm hnub lawv thiaj nyos tsis tau koj ntxiv es thiaj tsis ua kev mob siab ib zaug dua xwb os 😊

  • @maiyang3659
    @maiyang3659 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Koj ywj koj tus pojniam dlhau lawm
    Txhob ua 2 qhev os

  • @flryprn745
    @flryprn745 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    EVERY WOMAN’S DREAM HUSBAND!! This guy have good meaning about life. Hmong culture sucks!! Stop picking on him!! It’s their life, they can do whatever they want!!

  • @maileevue116
    @maileevue116 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Only you can do it

  • @chouaher6886
    @chouaher6886 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Nco ntsoov os me tub tsuav koj hlub koj tus poj niam txog hnub kawg xwb
    Qhov tseeb ces tej laus ntshais tsam lwm hnub koj ho complain tus koj poj niam toob nkeeg dhau koj ho yuav muab nrauj xwb yog koj hlub Kom txog hnub tuag ces tej laus yeej tsis kk li os

  • @haivneegkeej2674
    @haivneegkeej2674 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    😂😂😂😂😂😂 where did you hear that? say "lazy spouse, get unconditional love" don't know you're smoking, friends.😅😅😅😅

  • @atlasanyaandamazingplaces8597
    @atlasanyaandamazingplaces8597 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cas zoo li koj tus poj niam yuav txawj nkees ua luaj 😮😮😮ntuj e tej zaum koj tshuav nws nqi tiam dhau los lawm 😂😂😂😅 aubyau neb mas thiaj txawj sib phim 😅

  • @ibobpebplaub9354
    @ibobpebplaub9354 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    There's a Hmong proverb..txiv neej ruam..that's you 😂😂😂😂

  • @harryt1451
    @harryt1451 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Such a sad story, now your children will have lost their family tree because you wanted to run away and change your last name. You can go and live your life the way you want without changing your last name.