As a delivery driver, don't feel bad about ordering during storms! Personally, I love delivering in snowstorms and rain because people are nicer and more understanding. And with 3rd party apps like Doordash (which I'm guessing you used for dunkies) the drivers aren't scheduled, they openly choose to work in storms like that because they want the money.
Bad weather conditions are where you get the better tips. My source is that I'm a Doordash Driver as well. We choose to go out there in these conditions and we're free to end our shift at anytime (after the delivery is completed obviously)
@@Sackillusion3323 I was stuck in plat for a few seasons. I recommend you look at your replays and ask yourself how you could've avoided dying. If you die to regroup with your team or you died to an ultimate, you generally want to ignore those deaths. (Unless the death from the ult was avoidable) like for example if you die to grav + dragon combo, there's not much you can do to avoid that. This is what I did to climb, and it helped a lot. I started in 2017 as gold 2150, and I've peaked at about 3600 on both tank and dps. (masters) My aim's not even that good, I promise. I suck at hitscan; but if you make the right decisions, games can be much easier to win.
@@masift1494 honestly very encouraging plus I think overwatch has characters for everybody if your mechanical skill is not good then you can play characters that are easy to aim with but require good game choices and awareness etc.
@@slatez7207 yup I agree, and I'm glad I could encourage you a bit, best of luck to you; and remember to stay positive. To quote a once great overwatch player, the guy who inspired me to learn Sigma: "You cannot control the situations that happen to you. But you can control how you react to those situations." -ChroNoDota
@@Only-Bonks gotta love when tanks are either scared for their lives and NEVER go in, or they NEVER search for cover and I can't heal anyone else I'll never forget when my tank wanted to play sniper Orisa, never went in, I had to try and force the enemy to look at me as genji, trying to destroy their illari's pilon, and take a guess when they decided to go in. If you thought "right AFTER the whole team died", you'd be absolutely right
My favourite thing about being a plat support main is that you either can just sit in the back and not face any consequences or you get dove 24/7 and can't do shit because your team won't turn around
actually facts yeah. When I play on my plat acc with friends, I swear to god there are some games that you can tell aren't winnable. I'll go on the flank as a dps, or as im setting up for the next team fight, someone feeds super early and we get rolled lol. Doesn't happen every game obv and it's my alt so idrc but it just makes me feel bad for players who regularly play in gold-plat bc my god how frustrating that must be
Plat is the place people actually give a whole game up after a bad fight. Or actually instantly sync into a top 500 level play. Those people are weird.
from my personal experience when I was first climbing out of plat, you can eventually get a feel for your teammates' MMR and it becomes easy to guess what kind of players you have on your team at times. Sometimes you have players on your team that have potential to be diamond, like they actually play well and have a good attitude. But some games you'd have the junkrat 1-trick dying to a pharah and they scream that it's anyone elses's fault that they have 1k damage in like 4 lost team fights. When you have a tilted timmy on your team, you know they're on the lower end of the bell curve and probably belong in gold or plat. But you have the player trying their best and not tilting, that's a potential diamond on your team. Tbh hitting diamond is like 50% not getting tilted. Bc tbh it's a toss-up in lower ranks whether you win or lose a game half the time bc everyone is so ass. If you just stay relaxed on focus on your gameplay, you'll probably end up carrying because so many players in mid-rank get so angry losing 1 team fight or dying a few times, that if you just stay cool, your odds of winning increase significantly.
This is actually in a lot of ranks, even GM. The pattern is pretty much the same every game: your team wins the first fight/captures the point on payload. Then they get overconfident and are like "this is going to be easy!" then they make a much of stupid decisions because they think the enemy team sucks and your team gets clapped 1 or 2 fights later. They lose another fight and they're like "this is unwinnable!", then they start to flame and argue. So the best you can hope for is the enemy gets overconfident, but they are less likely too because they got clapped at the beginning so they respect your team. The other variation is your team gets clapped at the beginning and gives up immediately, so the best you can hope for here is that they keep trying. This happens almost every game at every elo, not very much in GM but anything below that. This pattern is responsible for a lot of losses when your team is actually better than the enemy team.
Genuinely same, I've been playing tank and DPS with my partner as diamond is too high to queue with them, every game fells like such a roll and I don't even know how to cope with it at this point, playing either role just results in the other role completely lacking
@@goblue2246 Probably because Gold encompasses about 30% of the total number of players in Overwatch. The span between low gold and high gold necessarily becomes pretty big. I mean, it's the "average" rank. "Average" includes everything from people who will never be able to climb higher, via casuals with a bit of skill, to potentially great players who can't be bothered/don't have time to rank up. The other ranks don't have that problem to the same extent - encompassing smaller percentages of the total number of players.
@@heavycritic9554 New to Ow2, only a few weeks, just started comp a few days ago, and was placed in gold 5, guess I'm average which is ok with me, just don't know if I play the tank role correctly.
In my experience, plat is where people start to communicate more but they blame their team over themselves. And they Int over the dumbest stuff. Literally in my last game my team asked our Hog to switch to Ramattra because he was getting diffed by an Orisa. He switched to ball and killed himself for the rest of the game
@@Bigmitm I can assure u I'm not lying. We were attack then defense on the Italian map. 0 - 1 loss. I had like 15 ish elims everyone on our team had like 7 deaths. Moira had 700 healing. Wish I was joking lol bc it caused so much fustration for that otherwise winnable game. (Edit: wrong word typo)
I’m laughing so much at how oblivious Flats was to the outside world. The realisation 🤣 “wait it was?! Oh god… I haven’t looked outside in nearly a week” hahahahahahaha
I love watching Flats pay support it makes me want to play it more and as a support main it's very encouraging to see my favorite ow TH-camr playing my favorite roll/character
I'm plat all roles in eu and it's such a weird experience. There are so many one tricks that it feels like half my games are decided by whatever hero people have mained. It's also full of people that thing number big is how you judge value, so the second you play a low damage dps like mei, or a supp like zen who's focused on efficient damage and discording, you just get flamed no matter how well you play.
If you're playing tank, you've got to deal with supports who will not switch to kiriko no matter how often you get anti'd. if you play dps you've got to deal with a tank who actually wants to just be a dps with extra health. if you play supp the second you arent pocket healing someone you get flamed.
I love at 7:31 when the ramattra on a sliver of health runs out of cover to challenge a baptiste in his immortality field with his ult out. 🤪 in what world was that a good idea?
Plat IS a different world. Lemme tell you the story of how I became a quickplay warrior: I was a high diamond/low master player. One day I had a crazy emotional attack, and deleted my account because of how annoying people were, alongside other personal problems The lowest I've been was gold, and the highest I've been was masters Gold is a shitshow with 2 kinds of people: people who are trying way too hard to be plats but suck, or self aware people that know they're not the best, who play drunk while singing on voice chat (And they outperform the sweaty ones). They could be better, they just don't want to because they know they don't belong in high tiers Plat is the worst one. They're golds who wanna brag for not being gold, but can't reach diamond if their lives depended on it. They're basic, but they want too much to sound like they're gods to their silver friends. You can reach platinum drunk while making a tier list of who in overwatch would lose more money gambling at a cassino. I know this, because I've did it. Placement matches on a alt account after four beers. My friend wasn't even playing overwatch, I was solo queueing while talking shit on discord with him I've found many people who just didn't gave a fuck, and reached plat. You'll find some of the worst players trying their hardest to win, and the best players who don't give a fuck. Elo hell is real, and the devil lives in platinum Diamond is a crazy ride. You have two kind of players in diamond: GM enthusiasts, and plats in denial. GM enthusiasts are guys who wanna reach top 500 one day, and make poor callouts. Top 500 enthusiast is THAT GUY that tries to lead the team, and make WAAAAY to much callouts, and shouts at you for not playing the META (even though the meta isn't that important in diamond). Plats in denial are people who are plats by their core, but can't accept their own mistakes. They're THAT TANK that screams when the support isn't healing their ass 24/7. Their whole ego and life are based on not going back to plat. Masters is the breakpoint that divides and makes you realize your true nature. It is the rank that you either don't touch grass for a few weeks, or you give up on ranking up because you don't care anymore and becomes a quickplay warrior. So it's either the most chill people playing normally and play competitive for the gold weapons, or a sweaty guy who flames a lot. The ones who don't touch grass are not bad, and sometimes they're not wrong when pointing out your mistakes, but they just release a lot of slurs instead of being nice, or having constructive criticism. They're just annoying as fuck, and tilt their own teamates. If I had a coin every time I lost games due to my supports performance falling off after a angry DPS, I could unlock all items from OW2 from a brand new account in two days. Because of this, I religiously play quickplay now. I'm a quickplay warrior with 1000 hours. I still play against plats, diamonds, masters, and very rarely, even GM's and ex top 500 sometimes, but it's quickplay so nobody gives a shit. It's wonderful Become a quickplay warrior today! 300 hours on genji, yahooo!
Actually what I've been doing. Too scared to go back into comp rn. I hit d5 the other day and it's insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I just really want that stupid title. I'm fine being plat for the rest of my life as long as I have that title haha
@@lune-3214 I think you only own the title for the season after you make Diamond. You have to make Diamond again next season to keep the title. Kinda sucks but that’s what I’ve heard
I have 3 accounts since the beginning of OW1 and have been regularly playing with every rank from Bronze all the way to masters (My accounts are usually plat - diamond with highest SR 3.4k). Honestly the hardest to rank up is plat. Because the range of skill is so vast. Sometimes you get matched with low masters and sometimes you get matched with high silvers. They say they cant queue together, but in reality, if you check their profiles, you get them. I've got an enemy who are soooooo bad one time and I was curious of his rank and he was silver. I was queueing as tank in Plat 1 queue. Not everyone opened their profiles, so I don't know what SR are the rest of enemy team, but that one bad DPS is all it takes to breeze thru the game. Literally feels like we are playing 4 v 5 all the time because he always go in front alone before the fight happen and I hook him and GG. That must not have been a good experience for anyone. Not the enemy teammates. Not that poor DPS silver who didnt deserve to fight higher ranks and absolutely got obliterated. Not ME because suddenly the win doesnt feel so "great" especially after like 2-4 losestreaks. And this is not an anomaly. Some days you would be in high diamond -low masters game and all you can do is pray next game you won't fight those higher ranks anymore. You would get many steamrolls every 3-4 games and there's nothing you can do but just move on. I have not played as much (only 3-4 hrs per day compared to 8-12hrs back when OW1 first came out) and one of the biggest reason is because of how imbalanced the games are becoming (and me being older too ).
You hit the nail on the head. I only play on my one account and I am in Plat 3 but I believe I should be at least high diamond. It is a shame because you may do the most kills and damage in the whole lobby but because your other damage is pretty poor, like you said it is a 4 v 5 :/
I'm a gold player and have had the same issue too even in OW1. The issue in OW1 was that new players play their first competative games in gold and the gamesense of new players in my experience are around silver and bronze. These players will eventually get to the rank they belong to but the issue is that there are new players joining the game all the time and in periods you can get new players every single game, especially on holidays. How those games in OW1 looked like was that in periods you could get games almost 100% of the time were one team wipes the other one out completely and often times makes it so that one team can't even get out of spawn. Now in OW2 it seems as if higher and lower ranks also seem to have the same issue with players of different ranks being put together more often as it was in OW1 gold. From my experience in OW2 right now are that gold games are pretty similar for the moment like they were in OW1. The only difference are that you need to spend a lot of time to climb back to the rank you belong in. I think it's a really bad change that OW2 lowers your SR when a new season begins because people won't just lose all their gamesense before it begins or if they haven't played in a while. Even though you will win most of the games and get back to the rank you belong in it will take a lot of time and it will also make unfair/unbalanced games for other players since I'm a higher ranked player in those games, I will win against lower ones almost if their team has 1 less player. I usually play in Gold 1-3 but got placed in Silver 5. Since every player are put in a lower rank when new seasons start, I could just imagine how bronze looks like lol.
gold /plat games are the weirdest imo. I think its because the standard deviation is so high. You could play with diamond, but you can also play with silver. you can have sweaty try hard games and games wehre no one knows how to play the game.
And there's also a bunch of new people who can get lucky on the first few matches and get up to plat and even low diamond within their first few dozen matches. So up to plat you can have anything from players who have either decent game knowledge or game mechanics down to complete newbies who barely know how the game works when you combine it with the lenient matchmaking.
Yep. Diamond 2 support. Had a dps teammate today that swapped from echo, to Cassidy, to soldier, to reaper, to sombra, to genji, to widowmaker in one round of competitive. He didn’t know how to play any of the heroes. (Eg. beaming full health heros as echo, full auto-ing widow frontline, etc) he was definitely a new player. I believe he Ended the game with 2.4k dmg , 2 kills and 16 deaths. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that bad before. Instantly left the lobby after game ended, re-queued….forgot to avoid as teammate. Got him again, 2 amazing losses thanks to matchmaking today
That's why it sucks. I get that even top players have bad games every once in a while but at least everyone in their game is either trying at all times or knows wtf their doing.
Feel like there should really just be a setting to either match only with the same SR bracket or have the 2 tier system. People who want higher quality games can get them more consistently with longer queue times and people matching with 2 tiers above and below will be getting a lot more one sided games but will also have an extremely low queue time. Just let people pick between quality and quantity
the key to getting out of plat as dps for me was 1 tricking junkrat and i got all the way to masters . Then i start playing normal heroes again. like its poetic comedy !
Plat and below, people don't necessarily trying to win. You can't know if the Moira in your team is playing the game or just farming Tiktok clips. Well, still can climb if good enough, it just feel very uncontrollable and unfun sometimes.
The lower ranks are such a grind, I'm finding it hard to get out of gold as support, just can't string a few good games together, always ending up with a very poor dps player on my team. Most tanks seem okay, and other support, but there's always some widow/hanzo/genji/soldier who can't hit anything on my team.
The best way to climb in low ranks on support are playing heroes that are also good at securing kills. Moira is very strong in low ranks for a reason. Your dps can't aim but neither can the enemy. So when you see your team ignoring the 1hp ana, you can finish her off. It is extremely hard to climb, for example, as Mercy (dmg boost gets little to no value bc your dps suck) or Zen (unless you have god-tier mechanical skill bc if you get dove, your team won't help)
Food delivery ordering tip: Add tip roughly equal to 2x the miles away the store is from your place (4mi => $8 tip) and your order will be accepted almost immediately. Over on the doordash driver subreddit, $2/mi + is what they usually limit their orders to.
I wish more people did this. Working as an UberEats/Doordash in the Philly area, I'm happy if the tip is even over $1. Half of my deliveries don't even have a tip... and declining deliveries takes away perks on Uber (I need to maintain an 85% acceptance rate in order to maintain my Uber Diamond status) and I can't imagine what DD would do if I dropped too low. :/
@@ultrahotwings9738 I also deliver for doordash. When you dip below 70% acceptance rate, you become less priority for the "high pay" orders but you do still get them. On the driver subreddit, many many people decline bad orders and only take good ones. They post 40-50% acceptance rates all the time
@@shoeshank112 oh, shoot, if that's the only downside, then imma start declining. Definitely not as much of a penalty as Uber gives me for too many declines. I'll have to try this out! It would be nice to stop getting stuck with the 20 minute, no tip, $3.75 deliveries that constantly plague me. :|
Ngl I think it’s kinda (very) elitist to say that Plat is some sort of “different world” where people play super badly. It’s the above average Overwatch player. My matches in plat are well organised and people stick together and rarely die. Sure it’s definitely less skilled than top500, ofc, but I think it would be ignorant to say it’s “another world” as in it being an absolute dumpsterfire.
There are two types of players stuck in plat: braindeads with good aim and the ones who know what they doing but couldn't execute due to skill issue. And it's always a gamble whom you'll face in the next game in your team... And other team (I'm second type)
yeah idk, I've always hated support but finding myself playing it the most, even though my tank is low masters as my highest rank. Tank is not fun. I'll play tank again when hog is nerfed, that shit is so boring.
@@masift1494 trust me bro, in 6 years i almost never touched support but chilling out of hog and sojourns range is honestly so bliss, and ana actually is pretty fun rn tbh
@@fizzlock Don't remind me of that PTSD man. Had a Winston hard focusing on me while playing Mercy. I also didn't have the confidence to change to Bap (the other support I am somewhat used to), couldn't lose the guy even with Guardian Angel. We narrowly lost with me being blamed for not healing enough.
I was stuck plat 1 for most of the season then I finally got diamond 5 and then swept through diamond in 2 days bc my teamates actually knew what they were doing and 2 days after diamond I’m master on ana
I envy you, can't get from plat as DPS because either tank is doom/hamster and never protects the team, or they go in and die alone leaving the team to be wiped, or i have supports that literally never stops pocketing a tank (both of them) and after the game flex that they have lots of healing even though in the game i barely ever got any, I'm trying my best on DPS but I can't control other people
nah im sorry but that's not happening. I have an alt I play on with my friends in that elo and it's just not a thing. if the other team has a diamond, it means someone on your team is either also diamond, or someone on their team is really low, so the average skill between the diamond player and the low rank player is about even with low plat. In order for that to happen though, the diamond player has to be queued with someone on that team to be in that game. If I solo queue on my diamond account, I will be in pretty much diamond games only. The only reason I have anyone other than diamond is because a plat is queued with a diamond, or a diamond is queued with a master. They did not change the matchmaking from ow1, it works the exact same way. It just looks worse because you can't see someone's exact SR anymore. That "diamond" player in your lobby is probably like 3k flat, which means they're not really diamond, they're barely diamond which means they'll still get plat lobbies and can queue with gold players. The "old" sr system is still in place, it just looks different. Your average SR is almost always going to be within 150SR of the other team. Maybe even less than that.
I agree plat is a different world I'm stuck in plat in EVERY role plat 4 plat 4 plat 5 and can't get past that because you either go against golds and silvers or diamonds and the random master (which is annoying because I'm almost guaranteed to lose)
As someone who was stuck in Plat then said screw it and just forced myself out into almost masters with zen, bap, and brig (ow1) I can say that watching Plat overwatch 2 is like going from 150cc mario kart to 50cc mario kart. Tbh thinking of getting into ow2 cause I might be able to force myself into masters again. Love the vids and hopefully can play with the big bois
I was stuck in plat for so long in OW1, I recently ranked to diamond 3 in OW2 by forcing myself to adjust my healer/tank builds and assess who I play with… any advice for staying steady within diamond?
@@Htiy basically playing heros you usually wouldn’t touch. Or having to pickup new skills/information to climb. most basically try to stick with Meta as well. it’s how most people climb.
So this is like the most random place to ask this, but if i'm mercy and i'm damage boosting a junkrat, does it increase the damage dealt by his riptire? Same with ashe's BOB etc? Or does it not boost the damage from seperate entity's that belong to another player?
I’m pretty sure bob is his own entity or something (he can be nanoed and mercy beamed etc) but I think riptire benefits from junk rat being damage boosted.
ive been in plat for a few days but have played like 30 games and noticed teams are 50/50 whether they listen and speak then you generally win so its very annoying. Especially when your asking someone to switch etc and they don't listen or even respond but lovely when they do.
Been one game off diamond for 2 weeks, now you truly know what it is like living in elo hell. Can't rank up because of bad teammates but also keep getting bad teammates because I cant rank up.
High plat and low diamond are such a shit show. At that level you have to be good at some aspects of game but bad at others. And when good aim players with terrible positioning are playing with someone that have great game sense, its so hard to play
As someone who's recently hit this rank and is working to climb out...yeah, I've played with Widows who hit the nuttiest shots in the world, but have the awareness of a cake muffin to not hear the Overloading Tobjorn Flanking up the stairs behind them.
i'm high diamond/peak masters, and I play with my gold friends, and it almost feels impossible to win, because of the placement of everyone, it's never really coordinated at all, and quite scary
The front line comment... Someone literally told me to stop front lining as Ana earlier and I just didn't have the words to explain that being behind your team isn't frontlining
i just got plat 5 but you play BAP SO WELL. I got to plat 5 using mainly lucio n moira (some others too but mainly those) and I know I play well, BUT I cannot play Bap for the love of god. Im trying to practice him in unranked but every time I do I feel like it's my fault my teammates are dying and not getting point, it's not until I switch to Moira that we start to do better and I heal them quicker as well as my confidence going up. Whenever I play Bap, his jump thing is very new to me and I try to practice it but it feels like I gotta crouch too long before I die or my jump isn't high enough. I basically feel like I'm instantly a noob again and I just switch off to another hero 😭
Back in overwatch one there was plat hell where all the players who gamed the performance based sr system would get crammed into high plat because they had too low of skill to hold a positive winrate in plat let alone diamond or above, but they recieved way more credit for wins than losses. When all those people get put together, they get really toxic. Im pretty sure it still exists based on my bronze to diamond ow2 season 1 climb, but blizzard has taken away the necessary information for us to tell. Good yard.
A little bet, or minigame of sorts. What would last longer, Ramattra's ult on roadhog bots or the queue for a tank game in his real elo? Ramattra's ult ran out at 3 minutes and a half, and he still hadn't found a game, thus, he had to queue as support.
I just recently got into plat after about 6 or so months of hard grinding from bronze on tank. I consider myself a rein/Winston main but I also play all the other tasks except for ball and doom. Any advice and what I should be looking out for in the new ranks would be appreciated
Im a master and at your level if you can play zarya when the dps cant get any kills when there is a orisa for instance, it will help you in those games. A little quick tip
Plat is the ranked where there are boosteds, smurfs, people who are carried by meta/low skill characters, hardstucks, secret diamonds, people with no mechanical skill, people with only mechanical skill, and plenty of counterpicking and toxicity
Plat is a weird world. It's about where I give up every time I try to climb because bronze - gold the matches are funny, then around plat people start to get toxic & weird.
Is there a video someone can direct me to to see who are good support pairings? Like I know brig and lucio aren’t the greatest together healing wise. Trying to figure out who to use at what time.
its basically a bad pair when its 2 supports that do small healing, lucio, zen, mercy, brig, these characters do little healing and when theyre together its really hard to keep everyone (especially the tank) alive. ana, moira, bap, kiriko, can do a lot of healing so any of them paired with the heros i mentioned first are good
ur not missing out. If you're gonna play comp and if u hate toxicity, turn team chat off entirely. It will ruin your experience. If you get higher in rank like masters, you'll need to start using chat. Otherwise in any elo before that, it's not necessary. It can help at times though
@@masift1494 haha, you honestly don't need it even then, but it can definitely help. I've solo queued to GM4 last season starting from diamond, was 3900 in ow1. I never ever play with chat or voice chat on in comp.
lol those "high ranked" players have such ego. you can actually see some mental illness in some of them... not talking about the plat players if you were wondering
As a delivery driver, don't feel bad about ordering during storms! Personally, I love delivering in snowstorms and rain because people are nicer and more understanding. And with 3rd party apps like Doordash (which I'm guessing you used for dunkies) the drivers aren't scheduled, they openly choose to work in storms like that because they want the money.
wow, good to know; thanks for that
Exactly, they choose to work in those conditions to make money so give them some work!
I've ordered doordash a few times in rain and below freezing weather, I just tip like $8+
Bad weather conditions are where you get the better tips. My source is that I'm a Doordash Driver as well. We choose to go out there in these conditions and we're free to end our shift at anytime (after the delivery is completed obviously)
Same bro delivering in storms is great
As someone who has been stuck in Plat for years, this is like everyday Overwatch to me. You’ll get use to it lol
You never got to diamond atleast once?
@@Sam-pr9rrNot even once…😔
@@Sackillusion3323 I was stuck in plat for a few seasons. I recommend you look at your replays and ask yourself how you could've avoided dying. If you die to regroup with your team or you died to an ultimate, you generally want to ignore those deaths. (Unless the death from the ult was avoidable) like for example if you die to grav + dragon combo, there's not much you can do to avoid that.
This is what I did to climb, and it helped a lot. I started in 2017 as gold 2150, and I've peaked at about 3600 on both tank and dps. (masters) My aim's not even that good, I promise. I suck at hitscan; but if you make the right decisions, games can be much easier to win.
@@masift1494 honestly very encouraging plus I think overwatch has characters for everybody if your mechanical skill is not good then you can play characters that are easy to aim with but require good game choices and awareness etc.
@@slatez7207 yup I agree, and I'm glad I could encourage you a bit, best of luck to you; and remember to stay positive. To quote a once great overwatch player, the guy who inspired me to learn Sigma:
"You cannot control the situations that happen to you. But you can control how you react to those situations." -ChroNoDota
Playing Zen in Plat is like a witch hunt. The enemy team want's to see me dead and my team also.
I'm not a zen player.. but as a ball main I can say I lick my lips in excitement when a zen is on the enemy team. Easy pick every time.
Flats: "Zen is OP and needs a nerf"
Tracer proceeds to bully him off in
@@legendarydragoon1462 the tracer could easily be killed if the zen has decent aim
@@alk7797 Of course it can be done but I wouldn't say easily. I consider Tracer to be the biggest counter to Zen
"i looked away for a second" - all the support mains felt that
Heals the tank looks away to pocket a dps looks back at tank: "Why are you back on 10Hp!?"
@@Only-Bonks gotta love when tanks are either scared for their lives and NEVER go in, or they NEVER search for cover and I can't heal anyone else
I'll never forget when my tank wanted to play sniper Orisa, never went in, I had to try and force the enemy to look at me as genji, trying to destroy their illari's pilon, and take a guess when they decided to go in. If you thought "right AFTER the whole team died", you'd be absolutely right
My favourite thing about being a plat support main is that you either can just sit in the back and not face any consequences or you get dove 24/7 and can't do shit because your team won't turn around
Plat is the curious case of figuring out, how you can carry before your team mates decide to int off the map. Literally.
actually facts yeah. When I play on my plat acc with friends, I swear to god there are some games that you can tell aren't winnable. I'll go on the flank as a dps, or as im setting up for the next team fight, someone feeds super early and we get rolled lol. Doesn't happen every game obv and it's my alt so idrc but it just makes me feel bad for players who regularly play in gold-plat bc my god how frustrating that must be
Plat is the place people actually give a whole game up after a bad fight. Or actually instantly sync into a top 500 level play.
Those people are weird.
For sure people instantly throw after one bad fight
from my personal experience when I was first climbing out of plat, you can eventually get a feel for your teammates' MMR and it becomes easy to guess what kind of players you have on your team at times. Sometimes you have players on your team that have potential to be diamond, like they actually play well and have a good attitude. But some games you'd have the junkrat 1-trick dying to a pharah and they scream that it's anyone elses's fault that they have 1k damage in like 4 lost team fights. When you have a tilted timmy on your team, you know they're on the lower end of the bell curve and probably belong in gold or plat. But you have the player trying their best and not tilting, that's a potential diamond on your team.
Tbh hitting diamond is like 50% not getting tilted. Bc tbh it's a toss-up in lower ranks whether you win or lose a game half the time bc everyone is so ass. If you just stay relaxed on focus on your gameplay, you'll probably end up carrying because so many players in mid-rank get so angry losing 1 team fight or dying a few times, that if you just stay cool, your odds of winning increase significantly.
@@snvcchs ppl be throwing after one bad fight in silver/gold as well.
This is actually in a lot of ranks, even GM. The pattern is pretty much the same every game: your team wins the first fight/captures the point on payload. Then they get overconfident and are like "this is going to be easy!" then they make a much of stupid decisions because they think the enemy team sucks and your team gets clapped 1 or 2 fights later.
They lose another fight and they're like "this is unwinnable!", then they start to flame and argue. So the best you can hope for is the enemy gets overconfident, but they are less likely too because they got clapped at the beginning so they respect your team.
The other variation is your team gets clapped at the beginning and gives up immediately, so the best you can hope for here is that they keep trying. This happens almost every game at every elo, not very much in GM but anything below that. This pattern is responsible for a lot of losses when your team is actually better than the enemy team.
@@masift1494 not getting tilted? Man that’s a toughie haha
Im diamond support and games feel pretty fun however my dps and tank is gold and games are so 1 sided at gold its crazy ive never been rolled so hard
Genuinely same, I've been playing tank and DPS with my partner as diamond is too high to queue with them, every game fells like such a roll and I don't even know how to cope with it at this point, playing either role just results in the other role completely lacking
@@fezthedracky8468 my guess is the match maker struggles to find fairer games at gold for some odd reason
@@goblue2246 Probably because Gold encompasses about 30% of the total number of players in Overwatch. The span between low gold and high gold necessarily becomes pretty big.
I mean, it's the "average" rank. "Average" includes everything from people who will never be able to climb higher, via casuals with a bit of skill, to potentially great players who can't be bothered/don't have time to rank up.
The other ranks don't have that problem to the same extent - encompassing smaller percentages of the total number of players.
@@heavycritic9554 👀sounds like facts to me
@@heavycritic9554 New to Ow2, only a few weeks, just started comp a few days ago, and was placed in gold 5, guess I'm average which is ok with me, just don't know if I play the tank role correctly.
In my experience, plat is where people start to communicate more but they blame their team over themselves. And they Int over the dumbest stuff. Literally in my last game my team asked our Hog to switch to Ramattra because he was getting diffed by an Orisa. He switched to ball and killed himself for the rest of the game
Ram isint the counter to Orisa you would want to either mirror match up or go Zarya and try to diff the orisa
@@rBluxy I know.
@@anima8547no u don't u literally said ramm
It's zarya.
U sure u aren't of the same calibre as your tank
@@zafraz1077 I said the team. Not me.
Based on
Just played a game in about plat 3. Moira on our team was 22 elims, 700 heals. Plat is a social experiment
your either lying or she was only throwing her little orbs to damage because self heal does more than 700 through 22 elims, chances are😭
@@Bigmitm I can assure u I'm not lying. We were attack then defense on the Italian map. 0 - 1 loss. I had like 15 ish elims everyone on our team had like 7 deaths. Moira had 700 healing. Wish I was joking lol bc it caused so much fustration for that otherwise winnable game. (Edit: wrong word typo)
Had a mercy once have 1k heals and 9 elims.. why. Just why hahahaha
I’m laughing so much at how oblivious Flats was to the outside world. The realisation 🤣 “wait it was?! Oh god… I haven’t looked outside in nearly a week” hahahahahahaha
good to see some new content from my favourite youtuber Plats
I love fats too
I love watching Flats pay support it makes me want to play it more and as a support main it's very encouraging to see my favorite ow TH-camr playing my favorite roll/character
Yeah I'm basically a bap one trick on Diamond and seeing him play in my elo and with my hero is really funny but awesome
watch some ml7 bro flats support play will look like bronze in comparison
@@unfunnycesium Most of us who watch Flats know who mL7 is and watch him too lmao
@@SnakeSkinz Diamond one trick baps gang gang
@@katto1937 Bap one trick gang rise up
"I looked away for a second."
Welcome to plat support.
I'm plat all roles in eu and it's such a weird experience. There are so many one tricks that it feels like half my games are decided by whatever hero people have mained. It's also full of people that thing number big is how you judge value, so the second you play a low damage dps like mei, or a supp like zen who's focused on efficient damage and discording, you just get flamed no matter how well you play.
If you're playing tank, you've got to deal with supports who will not switch to kiriko no matter how often you get anti'd. if you play dps you've got to deal with a tank who actually wants to just be a dps with extra health. if you play supp the second you arent pocket healing someone you get flamed.
@@saiintFPS news flash tank is a dps with more hp. And secondary news flash pocket healing a carry is powerful.
I love at 7:31 when the ramattra on a sliver of health runs out of cover to challenge a baptiste in his immortality field with his ult out. 🤪 in what world was that a good idea?
Finally early for once, and another day to thank flats for all his uploads. Thanks for making everyones day better with your uploads.
Plat IS a different world. Lemme tell you the story of how I became a quickplay warrior:
I was a high diamond/low master player. One day I had a crazy emotional attack, and deleted my account because of how annoying people were, alongside other personal problems
The lowest I've been was gold, and the highest I've been was masters
Gold is a shitshow with 2 kinds of people: people who are trying way too hard to be plats but suck, or self aware people that know they're not the best, who play drunk while singing on voice chat (And they outperform the sweaty ones). They could be better, they just don't want to because they know they don't belong in high tiers
Plat is the worst one. They're golds who wanna brag for not being gold, but can't reach diamond if their lives depended on it. They're basic, but they want too much to sound like they're gods to their silver friends.
You can reach platinum drunk while making a tier list of who in overwatch would lose more money gambling at a cassino. I know this, because I've did it. Placement matches on a alt account after four beers. My friend wasn't even playing overwatch, I was solo queueing while talking shit on discord with him
I've found many people who just didn't gave a fuck, and reached plat. You'll find some of the worst players trying their hardest to win, and the best players who don't give a fuck. Elo hell is real, and the devil lives in platinum
Diamond is a crazy ride. You have two kind of players in diamond: GM enthusiasts, and plats in denial. GM enthusiasts are guys who wanna reach top 500 one day, and make poor callouts.
Top 500 enthusiast is THAT GUY that tries to lead the team, and make WAAAAY to much callouts, and shouts at you for not playing the META (even though the meta isn't that important in diamond).
Plats in denial are people who are plats by their core, but can't accept their own mistakes. They're THAT TANK that screams when the support isn't healing their ass 24/7. Their whole ego and life are based on not going back to plat.
Masters is the breakpoint that divides and makes you realize your true nature. It is the rank that you either don't touch grass for a few weeks, or you give up on ranking up because you don't care anymore and becomes a quickplay warrior.
So it's either the most chill people playing normally and play competitive for the gold weapons, or a sweaty guy who flames a lot. The ones who don't touch grass are not bad, and sometimes they're not wrong when pointing out your mistakes, but they just release a lot of slurs instead of being nice, or having constructive criticism. They're just annoying as fuck, and tilt their own teamates. If I had a coin every time I lost games due to my supports performance falling off after a angry DPS, I could unlock all items from OW2 from a brand new account in two days.
Because of this, I religiously play quickplay now. I'm a quickplay warrior with 1000 hours. I still play against plats, diamonds, masters, and very rarely, even GM's and ex top 500 sometimes, but it's quickplay so nobody gives a shit. It's wonderful
Become a quickplay warrior today! 300 hours on genji, yahooo!
Actually what I've been doing. Too scared to go back into comp rn. I hit d5 the other day and it's insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but I just really want that stupid title. I'm fine being plat for the rest of my life as long as I have that title haha
@@lune-3214 I think you only own the title for the season after you make Diamond. You have to make Diamond again next season to keep the title.
Kinda sucks but that’s what I’ve heard
not reading all that sorry
I have 3 accounts since the beginning of OW1 and have been regularly playing with every rank from Bronze all the way to masters (My accounts are usually plat - diamond with highest SR 3.4k). Honestly the hardest to rank up is plat. Because the range of skill is so vast. Sometimes you get matched with low masters and sometimes you get matched with high silvers. They say they cant queue together, but in reality, if you check their profiles, you get them. I've got an enemy who are soooooo bad one time and I was curious of his rank and he was silver. I was queueing as tank in Plat 1 queue. Not everyone opened their profiles, so I don't know what SR are the rest of enemy team, but that one bad DPS is all it takes to breeze thru the game. Literally feels like we are playing 4 v 5 all the time because he always go in front alone before the fight happen and I hook him and GG. That must not have been a good experience for anyone. Not the enemy teammates. Not that poor DPS silver who didnt deserve to fight higher ranks and absolutely got obliterated. Not ME because suddenly the win doesnt feel so "great" especially after like 2-4 losestreaks. And this is not an anomaly. Some days you would be in high diamond -low masters game and all you can do is pray next game you won't fight those higher ranks anymore. You would get many steamrolls every 3-4 games and there's nothing you can do but just move on. I have not played as much (only 3-4 hrs per day compared to 8-12hrs back when OW1 first came out) and one of the biggest reason is because of how imbalanced the games are becoming (and me being older too ).
You hit the nail on the head. I only play on my one account and I am in Plat 3 but I believe I should be at least high diamond. It is a shame because you may do the most kills and damage in the whole lobby but because your other damage is pretty poor, like you said it is a 4 v 5 :/
I'm a gold player and have had the same issue too even in OW1. The issue in OW1 was that new players play their first competative games in gold and the gamesense of new players in my experience are around silver and bronze. These players will eventually get to the rank they belong to but the issue is that there are new players joining the game all the time and in periods you can get new players every single game, especially on holidays. How those games in OW1 looked like was that in periods you could get games almost 100% of the time were one team wipes the other one out completely and often times makes it so that one team can't even get out of spawn.
Now in OW2 it seems as if higher and lower ranks also seem to have the same issue with players of different ranks being put together more often as it was in OW1 gold. From my experience in OW2 right now are that gold games are pretty similar for the moment like they were in OW1. The only difference are that you need to spend a lot of time to climb back to the rank you belong in. I think it's a really bad change that OW2 lowers your SR when a new season begins because people won't just lose all their gamesense before it begins or if they haven't played in a while. Even though you will win most of the games and get back to the rank you belong in it will take a lot of time and it will also make unfair/unbalanced games for other players since I'm a higher ranked player in those games, I will win against lower ones almost if their team has 1 less player.
I usually play in Gold 1-3 but got placed in Silver 5. Since every player are put in a lower rank when new seasons start, I could just imagine how bronze looks like lol.
gold /plat games are the weirdest imo. I think its because the standard deviation is so high. You could play with diamond, but you can also play with silver. you can have sweaty try hard games and games wehre no one knows how to play the game.
And there's also a bunch of new people who can get lucky on the first few matches and get up to plat and even low diamond within their first few dozen matches.
So up to plat you can have anything from players who have either decent game knowledge or game mechanics down to complete newbies who barely know how the game works when you combine it with the lenient matchmaking.
I am Bronze 1 and get the diamond players now and then. It was a lie when Blizzard says you only group up to within 2 tiers lol
Yep. Diamond 2 support. Had a dps teammate today that swapped from echo, to Cassidy, to soldier, to reaper, to sombra, to genji, to widowmaker in one round of competitive. He didn’t know how to play any of the heroes. (Eg. beaming full health heros as echo, full auto-ing widow frontline, etc) he was definitely a new player. I believe he Ended the game with 2.4k dmg , 2 kills and 16 deaths. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone that bad before. Instantly left the lobby after game ended, re-queued….forgot to avoid as teammate. Got him again, 2 amazing losses thanks to matchmaking today
That's why it sucks. I get that even top players have bad games every once in a while but at least everyone in their game is either trying at all times or knows wtf their doing.
Feel like there should really just be a setting to either match only with the same SR bracket or have the 2 tier system. People who want higher quality games can get them more consistently with longer queue times and people matching with 2 tiers above and below will be getting a lot more one sided games but will also have an extremely low queue time.
Just let people pick between quality and quantity
3:11 is where tiktok hog players say you just need to get better at positioning to not die to a hog
the key to getting out of plat as dps for me was 1 tricking junkrat and i got all the way to masters . Then i start playing normal heroes again. like its poetic comedy !
Yeah all the maps are really good for junk rn tbh he feels good to play.
Plat and below, people don't necessarily trying to win. You can't know if the Moira in your team is playing the game or just farming Tiktok clips.
Well, still can climb if good enough, it just feel very uncontrollable and unfun sometimes.
The lower ranks are such a grind, I'm finding it hard to get out of gold as support, just can't string a few good games together, always ending up with a very poor dps player on my team. Most tanks seem okay, and other support, but there's always some widow/hanzo/genji/soldier who can't hit anything on my team.
It’s always the bums with no mechanical skill who play the heroes completely reliant on it.
The best way to climb in low ranks on support are playing heroes that are also good at securing kills. Moira is very strong in low ranks for a reason. Your dps can't aim but neither can the enemy. So when you see your team ignoring the 1hp ana, you can finish her off. It is extremely hard to climb, for example, as Mercy (dmg boost gets little to no value bc your dps suck) or Zen (unless you have god-tier mechanical skill bc if you get dove, your team won't help)
It took him so long to find bap when he tries to switch😂
I always enjoy seeing some gameplay from twitch streamer Plats
Me too, I love fats
2:58 phrasing
the use of Halloween elevator music makes it so much better
You’ve heard of Flats, now get ready for Plats
Flats: *Sees snow has completely covered up his windows*
Flats: Huh.......render distance must be low today.
Also plat support. I can now pretend I am on Flats' level :3
Food delivery ordering tip: Add tip roughly equal to 2x the miles away the store is from your place (4mi => $8 tip) and your order will be accepted almost immediately. Over on the doordash driver subreddit, $2/mi + is what they usually limit their orders to.
I wish more people did this. Working as an UberEats/Doordash in the Philly area, I'm happy if the tip is even over $1. Half of my deliveries don't even have a tip... and declining deliveries takes away perks on Uber (I need to maintain an 85% acceptance rate in order to maintain my Uber Diamond status) and I can't imagine what DD would do if I dropped too low. :/
@@ultrahotwings9738 I also deliver for doordash. When you dip below 70% acceptance rate, you become less priority for the "high pay" orders but you do still get them. On the driver subreddit, many many people decline bad orders and only take good ones. They post 40-50% acceptance rates all the time
@@shoeshank112 oh, shoot, if that's the only downside, then imma start declining. Definitely not as much of a penalty as Uber gives me for too many declines. I'll have to try this out! It would be nice to stop getting stuck with the 20 minute, no tip, $3.75 deliveries that constantly plague me. :|
Flats checking on his Tinder profile.
Im glad flats is willing to play in his main rank finally
So glad to see platts back at it again 😂
It feels like everyone on voicechat is trying very hard to be on their best behavior.
“You’re not doing enough any gm could solo climb plat”
The spooky music for the plat match is too good😭🤣🤣
Ngl I think it’s kinda (very) elitist to say that Plat is some sort of “different world” where people play super badly. It’s the above average Overwatch player. My matches in plat are well organised and people stick together and rarely die. Sure it’s definitely less skilled than top500, ofc, but I think it would be ignorant to say it’s “another world” as in it being an absolute dumpsterfire.
I don't even know wtf I'd do if flats ever showed up in my plat/diamond lobbies man. That's just the panic meme right there
There are two types of players stuck in plat: braindeads with good aim and the ones who know what they doing but couldn't execute due to skill issue. And it's always a gamble whom you'll face in the next game in your team... And other team
(I'm second type)
support is 10x more fun than tank in current state of ow but the q times dont agree
Until you get into a rank/game where you're just getting hard focused all match while your Tank is swearing at you for not healing them 😅
yeah idk, I've always hated support but finding myself playing it the most, even though my tank is low masters as my highest rank. Tank is not fun. I'll play tank again when hog is nerfed, that shit is so boring.
@@masift1494 trust me bro, in 6 years i almost never touched support but chilling out of hog and sojourns range is honestly so bliss, and ana actually is pretty fun rn tbh
@@fizzlock Don't remind me of that PTSD man. Had a Winston hard focusing on me while playing Mercy. I also didn't have the confidence to change to Bap (the other support I am somewhat used to), couldn't lose the guy even with Guardian Angel. We narrowly lost with me being blamed for not healing enough.
wait what happened at 0:55
pretty sure he didn't have streamer mode on
Seeing how fast health goes up without dps passive is CRAZY
I was stuck plat 1 for most of the season then I finally got diamond 5 and then swept through diamond in 2 days bc my teamates actually knew what they were doing and 2 days after diamond I’m master on ana
I envy you, can't get from plat as DPS because either tank is doom/hamster and never protects the team, or they go in and die alone leaving the team to be wiped, or i have supports that literally never stops pocketing a tank (both of them) and after the game flex that they have lots of healing even though in the game i barely ever got any, I'm trying my best on DPS but I can't control other people
Being someone who is a low platinum to high gold
I either shit on people or get absolutely rolled because I’ll play diamonds or higher it’s not fun
nah im sorry but that's not happening. I have an alt I play on with my friends in that elo and it's just not a thing. if the other team has a diamond, it means someone on your team is either also diamond, or someone on their team is really low, so the average skill between the diamond player and the low rank player is about even with low plat. In order for that to happen though, the diamond player has to be queued with someone on that team to be in that game. If I solo queue on my diamond account, I will be in pretty much diamond games only. The only reason I have anyone other than diamond is because a plat is queued with a diamond, or a diamond is queued with a master. They did not change the matchmaking from ow1, it works the exact same way. It just looks worse because you can't see someone's exact SR anymore. That "diamond" player in your lobby is probably like 3k flat, which means they're not really diamond, they're barely diamond which means they'll still get plat lobbies and can queue with gold players.
The "old" sr system is still in place, it just looks different. Your average SR is almost always going to be within 150SR of the other team. Maybe even less than that.
I love the MK8 music in the background 😍
I agree plat is a different world I'm stuck in plat in EVERY role plat 4 plat 4 plat 5 and can't get past that because you either go against golds and silvers or diamonds and the random master (which is annoying because I'm almost guaranteed to lose)
“I looked away for a second”. Welcome to my world
All of those 1 shots left to survive 😢. Dps must be sleeping.
Definitely watching the classic plat game where your body is invincible to bullets point blank range on defense so you run up and sumo your enemies.
As someone who was stuck in Plat then said screw it and just forced myself out into almost masters with zen, bap, and brig (ow1) I can say that watching Plat overwatch 2 is like going from 150cc mario kart to 50cc mario kart. Tbh thinking of getting into ow2 cause I might be able to force myself into masters again. Love the vids and hopefully can play with the big bois
I was stuck in plat for so long in OW1, I recently ranked to diamond 3 in OW2 by forcing myself to adjust my healer/tank builds and assess who I play with… any advice for staying steady within diamond?
Bro how did you force yourself into masters lol
@@Htiy basically playing heros you usually wouldn’t touch. Or having to pickup new skills/information to climb. most basically try to stick with Meta as well. it’s how most people climb.
So this is like the most random place to ask this, but if i'm mercy and i'm damage boosting a junkrat, does it increase the damage dealt by his riptire? Same with ashe's BOB etc? Or does it not boost the damage from seperate entity's that belong to another player?
I’m pretty sure bob is his own entity or something (he can be nanoed and mercy beamed etc) but I think riptire benefits from junk rat being damage boosted.
“Omg they just insta died”
99.99% of my teammates at my elo.
I love the Mario music playing in the back
ive been in plat for a few days but have played like 30 games and noticed teams are 50/50 whether they listen and speak then you generally win so its very annoying. Especially when your asking someone to switch etc and they don't listen or even respond but lovely when they do.
Been one game off diamond for 2 weeks, now you truly know what it is like living in elo hell. Can't rank up because of bad teammates but also keep getting bad teammates because I cant rank up.
I’m sure it’s 100% your teammates and 0% any of your fault of course.
@@nomadenigma962 pretty much, doing my job as a dps, top fragging and protecting supports.
how is he playing with emongg and seagull even tho they are gm ? how does that work
Love how top 500 guys think Plat is bad.
Try getting stuck in silver as a support.
Man the Mario cart ghost house music hits different
5:06 is there a reason you're trying to heal a DVa that's purple?
Pre healing
I like watching your gameplay because I don’t have a system to play rn.
“Dunkies” ick
America: in a state of frozen emergaceny
FLATS: Where are my doughnuts?
He says plat 1 is slow paced while 90% of his audience is silver 3
I mean it really is. And ir is so much faster than Gold. I got from silver to diamond and man just the speed difference is amazing
I love when flat plays support. Hope he plays Brig since she became B tier.
did she??
shes not b tier... she needs her stun to even be remotely viable
in what words is brig b tier? she’s terrible
@@p6idhuge shield health buff from 250 to 300 is game breaking
Welcome to Platinum Division! Here we got the Good, the Bad and the Ugly players. Let me show you around
Lmao ong
"I looked away for a second" -PLATS 2023
10:20 Plat really is a different world
Who ever edits these videos the Pokémon and Mario music Must continue fire background music❤
my ow experience for the past 4-5 years
High plat and low diamond are such a shit show. At that level you have to be good at some aspects of game but bad at others. And when good aim players with terrible positioning are playing with someone that have great game sense, its so hard to play
Its fun, every game is different, but so hard to play
As someone who's recently hit this rank and is working to climb out...yeah, I've played with Widows who hit the nuttiest shots in the world, but have the awareness of a cake muffin to not hear the Overloading Tobjorn Flanking up the stairs behind them.
i'm high diamond/peak masters, and I play with my gold friends, and it almost feels impossible to win, because of the placement of everyone, it's never really coordinated at all, and quite scary
Is that Mario Kart music at 7:08?
After watching further, yes it is Mario Kart music.
Isn't the matchmaking solely based on mmr and not your plat rank? So you should be paired against other people in your mmr which would be GM right?
So now I understand why I face some TOP500 players in plat. It's because of this !!! I knew I was not crazy to face some.
Imagine the plat guys who had to play against Plat Flats, but when he was accompanied by 2 other TOP500 players.
The front line comment...
Someone literally told me to stop front lining as Ana earlier and I just didn't have the words to explain that being behind your team isn't frontlining
My mans got mario kart 8 ost locked in and I love it
“It was a wintery mix” - Emong
i just got plat 5 but you play BAP SO WELL. I got to plat 5 using mainly lucio n moira (some others too but mainly those) and I know I play well, BUT I cannot play Bap for the love of god. Im trying to practice him in unranked but every time I do I feel like it's my fault my teammates are dying and not getting point, it's not until I switch to Moira that we start to do better and I heal them quicker as well as my confidence going up. Whenever I play Bap, his jump thing is very new to me and I try to practice it but it feels like I gotta crouch too long before I die or my jump isn't high enough. I basically feel like I'm instantly a noob again and I just switch off to another hero 😭
watching plats hits different
Back in overwatch one there was plat hell where all the players who gamed the performance based sr system would get crammed into high plat because they had too low of skill to hold a positive winrate in plat let alone diamond or above, but they recieved way more credit for wins than losses. When all those people get put together, they get really toxic. Im pretty sure it still exists based on my bronze to diamond ow2 season 1 climb, but blizzard has taken away the necessary information for us to tell. Good yard.
Can someone explain the beginning to me when he was ulting roadhog? Why did he que support afterwards
A little bet, or minigame of sorts. What would last longer, Ramattra's ult on roadhog bots or the queue for a tank game in his real elo? Ramattra's ult ran out at 3 minutes and a half, and he still hadn't found a game, thus, he had to queue as support.
I just recently got into plat after about 6 or so months of hard grinding from bronze on tank. I consider myself a rein/Winston main but I also play all the other tasks except for ball and doom. Any advice and what I should be looking out for in the new ranks would be appreciated
Im a master and at your level if you can play zarya when the dps cant get any kills when there is a orisa for instance, it will help you in those games. A little quick tip
@@malikbeaudry9053 thanks. I haven't played much of her since her nerfs so I'll have to get back in the groove
Learn doom and sigma
@@Smallahz I got Sigma down pretty well. Doom is a bit of a struggle for me lol. I started learning ball though, that's an experience to say the least
Currently in plat and I haven't played long enough to know if i'm hardstuck or not. Just enjoying the game for now. But yeah, its something else.
Plat is the ranked where there are boosteds, smurfs, people who are carried by meta/low skill characters, hardstucks, secret diamonds, people with no mechanical skill, people with only mechanical skill, and plenty of counterpicking and toxicity
Flats does not go outside confirmed
Plat is a weird world. It's about where I give up every time I try to climb because bronze - gold the matches are funny, then around plat people start to get toxic & weird.
Is there a video someone can direct me to to see who are good support pairings? Like I know brig and lucio aren’t the greatest together healing wise. Trying to figure out who to use at what time.
its basically a bad pair when its 2 supports that do small healing, lucio, zen, mercy, brig, these characters do little healing and when theyre together its really hard to keep everyone (especially the tank) alive. ana, moira, bap, kiriko, can do a lot of healing so any of them paired with the heros i mentioned first are good
seeing this actually makes me want to play comp...even though i haven't played comp in literal years lol
ur not missing out. If you're gonna play comp and if u hate toxicity, turn team chat off entirely. It will ruin your experience. If you get higher in rank like masters, you'll need to start using chat. Otherwise in any elo before that, it's not necessary. It can help at times though
@@masift1494 terrible advice, the team that talks wins more
@@Bluemansonic Depends if you can handle with teamates flaming you because they 100% will
@@achannel6324 you must either be new or a really high rank on PC, on Console it seems 60% rather than 100%
@@masift1494 haha, you honestly don't need it even then, but it can definitely help. I've solo queued to GM4 last season starting from diamond, was 3900 in ow1. I never ever play with chat or voice chat on in comp.
I got to masters 2 on support on my main and decide to rank up my alt wich is in plat. I find myself doing worse. Fights feel like chaos.
How does flats oasis maps look like that. My one is more brownish but his seems basic and I would prefer that to focus more on gameplay
title should be where I belong in all my roles
3:51 should not be taken out if context 🤣🙈
Lost 4 won 7 went from Plat 5 to Plat 5
The background video music is from Mario kart
I never knew Emongg and Flats were from new england :p Glad to see fellow New Englanders !!
Yo flats , you got any advice on how to get from Diamond 3 - masters ?
I keep forgetting you live in Mass so whenever you talk about the weather I get so confused why it's the same as mine
lol those "high ranked" players have such ego. you can actually see some mental illness in some of them...
not talking about the plat players if you were wondering